Thread #55631
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what is there tonight? demi and urara?
demi urara LWA rewrite 3gatsu spiritpact seiren bang dream
wow that's a lot for a short night
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It most certainly won't all get watched.
what are we weatching first
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Do you have LWA as well as urrarara and demi-chan, rook? and is tilde around?
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Also, is Jan around? chain chronicle too
I need to watch last week's LWA still I'll do that while you guys watch something else
>>55639 Chain chronicle
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I said it before you this week. But we may not have Jan around tonight. Let's watch Spirit Pact while Rook catches up to us. okay let's start!
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I wonder if this show can get any gayer.
Is this the finale?
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Is it? I don't really know.
dream of bang
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Well there is a naked man, but this probably isn't gayer than the last few episodes.
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Oh, he's only half naked.
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Ill join for rewrite and cc but then I'm going back to bed because I'm super sick
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okay we're just finishing this now I guess this was the finale let's go straight into CC and then rewrite so we can get jan back in bed fast okay let's start!
ok ok
aaa i thought you guys like just started im still downloading it i just made it to my PC
>>55665 stop
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oh let's go back to the start he's still downloading
okay ready now>>55670 collaborate and listen
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okay orange okay let's start!
i like this OP reminds me of ONE OK ROCK
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That girl was a cowboy elf.
wow this guy made a boat that can teleport
im sure they're just doing perfectly normal wizard stuff
if you can't kill your best friend with your own two hands you aren't cool enough to hang out with me
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Here comes Mr.Angst to ruin everything.
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
Oh that silver haired knight girl was cute. Too bad she'll not be shown again.
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that's fantasy world me
uh i don't think the plan worked
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Chain Chronicle(…).jpg )
fantasy world me and some girl with a hood
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oh, fantasy world me made it to the end card some guy that looks like ika's husbando is hogging the spotlight though
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okay, let's move on to rewrite>>55709 sasuga okay let's start!
hai hai>>55707 that guy's name is PAN
i didn't mean to close my pooost
I read that Crunchyroll is doing shittier encoding to save money
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nice I'm not surprised.
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she stays being unable to talk-ish until she becomes the next head
oh nooo
did everyone die
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rewrite - 21 [7(…).jpg )
she's the most moe of the former heroines now
jan died goodnight jan
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okay is rook around?
yes hello I am around what's first?
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let's demi! okay let's start!
ok demi ready
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 624x720, [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san C(…).jpg )
I went eeeeeeeeeeh with them at the start it was fun
this is multitasking
>>55722 goodnight squiddles thanks for anime
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 309x662, [HorribleSubs] Minami Kamakura(…).jpg )
Everyone is plotting to kiss him. Succubus-chan better watch out.>>55733 bye jan
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Wow, dropping your head like that is actually really dangerous!
wow no flag set
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>crying in your own boobs wow
if you've got no one to hug you gotta hug yourself I guess
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wait they stuck an endoscope in her mouth and it went to her stomach
well, as far as her throat at least
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They should send her head to space and pump water into her and pump the water out transporting water to space is really expensive, she could solve this issue completely.
but then space people would have to drink barf water
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The reason water in space is valuable is because you need it to make rocket fuel. If we could make fuel in orbit we could do some cool stuff. So they'd mostly be making fuel out of that barf water.
and sometimes drinking it
think of the space people
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okay let's move on to urara okay let's start!
ok last
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Do they have to win to get promoted? Or just do a good job?
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well shit
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oh did it happen to you guys, too?
did what
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I guess not. mine cut off at 17 minutes
thganks for anime
no mine was fine the ending got spooky arigatou anime
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oh, okay thanks for anime!