It's kind of nice how a lot of the game is sort of seamless. Going from cinematic to gameplay without really disjointing the player out of the experience is a nice touch.
Tempo seems bit slow byt remimds me of gow a bit
I feel like the subtitles make 9S much more polite. He calls her "2B-san", but the subs have him referring to her as "ma'am". I mean it's polite to use that suffix, but "ma'am" feels a bit too subservient for it.
It is just localising The "san" aftet all is mr, mrs, misd, sir, mam equilevant afterall in a way
Yeah but there's a difference between calling someone "miss" and calling them "ma'am".
>>52472 Depends, if it is a military organisation and the roboy thing is lower ranked or attacged to aid, mam is the correct term
Oh yeah, definitely. But I feel there would be a better Japanese suffix for that scenario in that case than "-san".
Defs, but that is the localisstion they went with and it is better than miss-whatever or dropping all formalities
Well she commands him to drop it anyway pretty quickly, hah hah hah.
I can symphatise, i didn't like, despite what i thought prioe, being called sir and saluted. Well it was also because i had no official rank, just a high position post
The point of longer days is it feels like you're going in later in the day and leaving earlier. Since the amount of light around at the those times is more than it would be during the winter.
But you do live kind of south-ish so maybe it's just not that drastic a difference for you. The difference between winter and summer is pretty huge here.
Well, the post I read said that you have a one year time limit to start. But after that it's gone. And also that the game doesn't really begin until after that anyway. So who knows.
It's neat how the space bases are all greyscale and colourless. Even though the colours on Earth are pretty desaturated, they feel so much more vibrant.
At least not everyone is having a wonderful spring break I keep getting messages from people traveling out of the country about how happy they are and I'm BITTER
what's up moe it's 10pm and i just finished up work i have to be up at 8 to start it all over again 6:30 rather, because i need to breakfast and shower before i can even work
>>52703 no problem i'm all four of those things so it's just natural
>>52703 i'm sure if you're doing this out of curiosity you already know that the name of that poem is a renaissance painting i assume this poem is his expression of the painting where one finds the art medium capable of expressing themselves, another finds the prose not unlike how youtube channels that make 2-hour mixes put up still imagery that they feel captures the feeling of the music they're listening to
I've done a couple poems when I didn't know how else to express myself I typically find words to be pretty clunky tools though And so much is lost in the transmission I don't feel like we can manifest our emotions into words very well with any permanence. Language is too evolving and subject
Do you think any other medium is better for long lasting expression? The more meaning you pack in, the more symbolism you have to use. And symbolism is obviously subject to change.
>>52713 So you're for the minimization of context? Most art seemingly trends the other way. I feel like there's a sensible middle ground to be found somewhere. I think music can be pretty long lasting as well.
I don't believe in intentional symbolism or packing in meaning. That's arrogant and naive, and something too many authors and artists fall victim to. If you can explain your art in words, use words. Using a painting (or alternatively words, if the converse) to convey something which you can express more simply is just trickery and showmanship. You're trying to play it up like it's deeper than it is. All forms of expression should exist in their most organic form.
I believe that some people find poetry and words to be the best tool to convey their expression, but that's because it's their role as the vessel to convey it in the form that they can I personally find that mode very temporal and it comes with an expiration date, and too subject to change It's very easy for a poem written in the 1700's to not be understood or even have emotion felt by 12 generations later Analysis is put in, the transceiver has to put work and effort and analysis in in order for it to connect to them It's super effective for the time present. I think that still applies now. A well-written address to the nation, tweet, facebook post, advertisement can have a massive impact today. 10 years from now, it won't be understood.
I'm personally fond of the visual arts. It can convey so much emotion at just a glance. Some are subject to their environment, like that you really have to be in a cathedral to appreciate the paintings and stainglass window art but it's all about making the participant of your art feel something Like I said, I've done a couple (literally i think only two) poems, and one was very niche which i wrote for a friend who had died and i read it at her funeral it was explicitly built around that environment and that concept, addressing the present and people who were engaged in the presentness of that occasion it has zero value outside of the grief, respect, and tragedy of the situation
but i feel that i could paint a picture which conveys my grief in a more permanent way, that
i ran out of words for one post you get the idea
did i really spend nine minutes writing that post
>>52712 I wouldn't say I'm for the minimization of context, but I'm aware that context is pretty ancillary It can make for powerful symbolism in the present, but its relevance to future generation wanes I personally don't think it's really possible or meaningful for future generations to try to interpret, for instance, de goya's paintings we can learn artistically from it but i think to assume we can infer anything from it is arrogant as hell we weren't living there, at that time we might see faint symbols of grief or struggle but we dont know what it means we can't
it's not invaluable in the present, but it may not hold the same form you mentioned music people now that listen to classical music may not understand what that meant to people in the time that it originated, or the whole spectrum surrounding a single piece music was a rarity, and nobody's in-tune with the style of life from the 1600's that can make one symphony be such an emotional experience
>>52718 Nope Most of my commentary is coming from my abilty to express myself For instance, my choice of an image with which I accompany a post expressing myself more than the content of the post contained It's all entirely me and what I'm receptive to Yes I gave reasoning as to why I felt verbiage was lacking in comparison, but that's due to me, the transceiver, not the transducer There are some who gain magnificent value in letting the poetry wash over them and build an imagery of a past that they don't know, and let it all sink in But I don't work in that spectrum
Except for the occasion, like I said, when people set out to make artwork with layered meaning from the outset, meaning they're encoding meaning into their artwork instead of artwork being raw expression in those cases, they're being arrogant dickbags who are trying to be preachy I can think of a lot of modern art that does this with their symbolism, injecting the same exact symbolism into every piece though i can't remember names If you're doing any form of art with an objective in mind of some underlying message, I think you're a sham Expression and discovery are the same process if you've discovered, and then want to express, you're being an arrogant piece of shit by encoding it into a novel, poem, or artwork and leaving it for the viewer to decide I'm looking at you, JD Salinger
it's forced symbolism when it doesnt need to be and i really hate that they're more interested in mystifying themselves than expressing themselves which to me shows somebody who doesnt have an emotion worth expressing or sharing
>>52721 I take an opposing stance, but that may be due to naivety. I think encoding can do a lot good in a work. Life is a lot like that, a lot of art seeks to emulate life. Mystery and confusion are equally valid emotions to call upon, imo.
>>52722 To me, encoding meaning into your art is phony art. You're taking something that can be expressed in a simpler form (lowest energy state) and putting it into a higher energy state that needs decoding Which inherently means that it's not expression, but preaching. You feel that you want to tell the world something, and you can do it in a simpler form, but you choose to do it in an enigmatic form because you feel it's more mysterious. It's false and phony. It's a subtle line to cross, because you may have an intended expression in mind -- Say you're really passionate about gender equality, so you paint imagery of female empowerment. I don't think that counts as encoding, because it's a raw expression in itself. You have a theme that you're exploring in your art.
By comparison, let's say you've got ideas and social commentary about the world, and you decide to write a book or paint a painting which deliberately conveys your intended message, rather than an exploration of a theme (see: anything written by Ayn Rand or F. Scott Fitzgerald) These are all non-organic, forced fictions whose outcomes are swayed by the intended message, and not the exploration of theme or concept Anything ayn rand or fitzgerald have written in fiction could have been written as non-fiction with less ambiguity and more meaning For that reason, I view neither of these individuals as artists, but professional authors. Art is an expression Fountainhead and Gatsby were not expressions, but guided fictions with layered symbolism. THings in which they actively worked to symbolize things into a work of fiction. Animal Farm, by comparison, did the same thing but only because of national policy and that they weren't allowed to speak out.
Ayn Rand and Fitzgerald are both examples of individuals who had ideas they wanted to share with the world, but instead of sharing them outright, they encoded it so that the reader/viewer could "experience it for themselves firsthand" Which only works if the a
>>52724 if the art is a native expression. When you set it up with a message to be interpreted from it, it's preachy. There's no way around that Fitzgerald and Rand are both preachy, and as such I see little value in their work
>>52725 * that's not to say there's anything wrong with preaching, but if you're to do that, just preach. don't manipulate yourself and the public by pretending it's an expression
>>52724 Exploration over message, eh. I can't speak about Rand, but to me Gatsby was also /// was a product exploration Just the exploration was done beforehand, and then the book was a guided tour of his own journey. I didn't feel much heavy handedness until the ending, which I did find hyperbolic to the max.
fitzgerald is a complicated creature because he had the heart of exploration, but he always got swayed by preachiness so good premises, but bad details every detail stang with a staleness of "this is how i feel about this but instead of saying it i'm going to give an unrealistic sensationalist example"
I'm finding that more and more often, I'm finding myself feeling a way about something but unable to use any words to express myself I try, but it comes out weird I'm not sure whether my mind has reached a depth that language can no longer communicate, or whether I'm developing serious mental issues that keep me from being able to communicate these are normal ideas for me, but I can't use only myself as a data point And I don't know how to communicate them When bringing possible mental deterioration into account, I don't really know how to gauge my inability to articulate myself Regardless, wheter // whether it's growth or deterioration, it's only going to get more detached from this point a lot of times i just post music that represents how i'm feeling because words don't suffice it seems to go beyond simple phraseology too Like I can say information and i beleve // believe it means something else to me than it does to yall I feel like I'm becoming one of those eccentrics except too eccentric
And how would I know if I'm actually losing my mind? I have no metric to compare it to Everything being internal, how do I know whether I'm holding onto my sanity or not?
I'm the type that always has words for everything, so I don't really understand the experience. I think you were like tihs when we met though, so you're probably not and more or less sane than you were.
>>52747 I'm pretty sure around the time I met you, I was in an accident dirving // driving a motorcycle through a hailstorm so that doesn't speak much i don't know how to put words to my thoughts it's super strange sometimes i feel like i'm in an airport when i'm not what's your favorite information
Yeah, your favorite information What appeals to you Which informational structures complement the foundation of your understanding of the flow of information around you?
Can you put it into words? I can't There's a lot I can't put into words but that's the closest to what my spectrum of cognitive awareness is And so I do things to convey an expression where words lack sometimes not always good things but it's always something that's not words
Information is a transactional process It requires a transducer and a receiver -- the two basic elements of an informational system it's common for people to interpret information as a series of facts, but that's not right it's the flow of causality mass itself is derived from the density of an informational system information isn't a newspiece or a fact information is the quantum of energy you like space stuff so this probably isn't a foreign concept
But I don't know wheter / whether any of this means something or i'm literally losing my mind I don't know whether my brain damage is so severe I'm seeing insight in things that are obvious and insignificant, or whether there's genuine meaning, or whether I'm literally just insane
>>52755 That's where I feel like I'm losing track again I'm miscommunicating something Or I feel I am, but maybe I'm not I'm talking about information as a physical quantum, not an expression or a description In that all informational systems maintain their lowest energy state [sic] Henceforth why chirality affect's a particle's interaction with the electromagnetic field [sic] but I don't know how to use words to explan // explain what I'm saying because it's inherent to me which bothers me because i dont believe in not being able to explain something you understand either my understanding is faulty or my linguistic center of my brain is damaged or my ability to recognize what others are lacking to put pieces together is missing
it sounds petty but it's actually really troublesome i'm just so confused all the time
don't mean to interrupt but could one of you give me a song anything is fine, whatever you're feeling
>>52758 want to wavelength? or do you just want one song also you're not interrupting i'm just being a faggot
planning on being alone for a bit, another time I'll be off in a minute so that's why it feels like interrupting just one is fine, I'll go from there on my own
this is good for now but if you don't mind thow // throw the favorites out next time it's nice knowing I'm listening to something someone really enjoys
>>52762 i really dont think it is i dont have particularly complex ideas i just can't use words to put them very coherently it makes it sound like i'm being an arrogant douche but i'm just trying to explain simple concepts in the only language i can >>52765 sad or happy red or blue 3 or 17
blue 17 both sad and happy if you have something like that
>>52777 I didn't really have trouble understanding myself before hrt i dont know whether that has anything to do with it, whether it's stress because of life situations, or whether i'm literally losing my mind to many scleroses maybe there's no difference
It's okay to be mad at shows when they do stupid stuff. I am mad at shows to the point of dropping them fairly regularly, probably at a rate of like one a season.
This development is definitely the kind of retarded stuff you'd find in Nisekoi.
Wow, Ursula is really strong. Blue tome users seem to be regularly imba.
It kinda shits on Aki too. She's kind of a shallow person if she isn't even confused with being presented with this new guy. Normally a girl would be conflicted between her feelings for the current guy and the old guy if an old flame shows up out of the blue. She doesn't seem conflicted at all.
I know it's just NTR bait though. I bet this suspicious lesbian that just showed up this episode is behind it.
Yeah, it really bothers me. The whole thing is stupid. I didn't think the writer would do this because she's a woman but I guess it's my fault for thinkin gender matters.
Time to get my new Felicia to level 30-40 so I can take on Ursula. No deaths is so hard. I probably won't beat the level 40 map but if I can do the level 30 one, I can just move her from 3* to 4* no problem.
Misery. I did a twenty roll on the Princesses focus and got three male characters out of it. And only one princess. But at least that roll gave me a five-star Lucina.
It's the 4* Virion that hurts the most, though. I hate Virion so much. I have Niles on my alt but I've rolled Virion at least 20 times on my normal account and never any other archers.
I'm kind of hungry again. Despite the fact that I ate myself into a food coma last night.
I had chicken for dinner last night and my morning breakfast bar this morning.
Same. Green Thai curry chicken. It was leftovers though.
Or I guess it was chicken curry.
Mahou Tsukai no Yome's television anime is going to be two-cour.
I wonder if WIT are going to be okay. They've got Shingeki no Kyoujin's second series to animate. Then Mahou Tsukai no Yome, which means two two-cour shows in a row. Then another season of Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress to do. I hope the entire studio doesn't just drop dead.
>>52915 ehh the latter half of the show was pretty dull
The plot was pretty dumb but the setting and character designs get 10/10 both from me.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>52919 It was a shining example of Wasted Potential: The Animated Series
>>52918 Well try out the first OVA then. I'm fairly confident the first one got watched, because I think we watched it with Blue and that in itself is a rare and memorable experience.
>>52921 And who knows, maybe with a new season reset button, that potential might actually turn out good this time. But probably not if they've still got the Valvrave writers on staff.
>Felicia kills someone and says YOU'RE JUST A STAIN
I really need to sleep less. I keep sleeping and missing out on things I want to do, which just gets me frustrated and apathetic to things I need to do, like looking for work, or even things I enjoy doing. But how do you sleep less.
>>52929 Usually ten-plus hours. If I fall asleep at the usual time I sleep nowadays that's about how long I sleep if I want to wake up at a time I'd like to. Like for example, I already slept about six hours earlier, and I'm looking to going back to bed shortly for a few more hours. But I need to cut out some if not all of that sleep I had earlier--it's right in the heart of the evening and night owl time, and you can probably see why sleeping at that time is going to be a problem for me.
>>52938 If someone just gave them a hug we could have prevented this
>>52937 "Unknown, origin, no terrorist ties, mentally unbalanced" You know, the type and motive of a person who goes axing random people >>52942 Nah, a finnish axing is father killing his family and then himself
They are getting kind of long. Not as long as they get before I usually cut them though.
I keep mine short
Memorials while alive are ,ost likely the easiest way of achoeving wealth Not that you usually even need it that much, if you are someone whose memoirs would sell
Huh? HUH? The episode tranisitoned to the next and I didn't even notice
His brother is 85% likely to be the big bad
The body improvement guys are surprisingly good guys
They just want to get nice bodies. As long as people don't mess with that (or one of their own) they're cheerful and accommodating.
Inari is pretty nice in Story of Seasons. (S)he has a rather androgynous way of speaking, but (s)he's not haughty. Plus (s)he's got some cute sprite work.
Oh, Tilde. It's been mentioned once or twice but I don't know if you were around for it. Rika wanted to play Cthulhu tonight in addition to tomorrow to make up for missing last week. Is that okay with you?
I dunno, I kind of like having one of these nights free in case other people want to do things... Not to mention I'm still worried I'll have a hard time being awake during the regular session, let alone an earlier one, because of my sleep frustrations.
Would it be easier if we just set it to "maybe" and if you're available/feel like it later, we can do it, and if not, we skip and only do the regular session, then? That way you don't have to commit to being there and keep your freedom. I don't mind if we don't do an extra session, so feel free to outright decline if you aren't comfortable with it at all.
>they triangulated the flag location using flight patterns these motherfuckers are insane
Never underestimate the autism of 4chan.
>>52988 A maybe is probably best. Ideally I kind of want to drink and shoot the breeze with some people tonight, but I dunno if they'll be available. If it happens though I don't think I'd be fully focused--in a number of ways, during a play session.
Rika also suggested maybe having a longer session at the usual time instead. I think a 5-6 hour session is WAY too much, but if we don't do a session tonight, would an extra hour tomorrow night be acceptable? Or would your sleep frustrations get in the way?
I'm surprised Rika wants to do more sessions, haha. I thought she'd be content with missing them occasionally without making up for them.
She probably read the failed thread and saw how HEARTBROKEN you were.
>>52995 >>52997 that's your body from the intro level you found your old wrecked body and the sword you had back at the factory you can go there like right away too, it's neat
>>53001 I haven't played much either, I'm barely out of that little starting area but I rode a boar I want to find a fishing spot and got robot fishing
I haven't found any fish yet either I'm gonna play some more today after I run out of stamina in FE:H
I'm probably going to start again soon it seems like there's a lot of weapons, and switching between weapon sets is so fluid I'm excited to get enough money to have four weapons I can mess around with
Everything is so fluid. The entire thing feels like endless cinematics. Everything transitions so smoothly. I'm still kind of bad at the bullethell portions though, haha.
I bought that really big sword, beastslayer or whatever. It's fun to have a set with two swords I have it as the light attack and the smallsword virtuous contact as my heavy and it's so cool to dual wield them in some attacks.
I used the two big swords, beastslayer and contract(?) together and just mirrored their sets around it was kinda fun just swinging heavy shit around and having both heavy and light movesets available for both oh I think the big one is treaty
>>53008 you might wanna buy that one shield pod program so you don't get shot
I will after I upgrade my pod if that lets me have two programs. Right now, I'm using GATE OF BABYLON and I'm too obsessed with how cool it is to change.
>>53009 >>53009 Yeah big one is treaty and the small one is contact or contract or something
I got the *teleports behind you* pod program so I could be super edgy
I got a cool chip that restores 10% of hp every time you kill an enemy I think that'll probably help with my bullethell issues too The game is really interesting which isn't something I say about too many games
Haruhi does the same, granted, but she sorta does act like a dictator anyway so
Which reminds me Apparently Joey Salads (possibly his real name?) went to a Trump thing with a full getup like an armband, brown pants, the works MAGA hat Swastika on said armband And got chewed out by the Trump supporters in question
But it's Joey Salads, those were likely hired actors
>>53039 Circumstances aside, red is generally a very intense colour and does a very good job of standing out in an environment. It just follows the same logic that fire fighting vehicles use.
>>53043 Yeah, I just I dunno man, I think it'd be prudent to go with a different color for a few decades, you know?
This show is touching on a lot of things despite its initial appearance It's neat
for the kings for the lands for the mountains for the green valley's where dragons fly for the glory and power to win the black lord I will search for the emerald sword
Hmm the "for the glory and the power to win the black lord" somehow sounds different when you start thinking about it >Emerald Sword the VN, Win the Black Lord
Mayve // Maybe this is a sign that my consciousness has already been uploaded tot // to the internet and I haven't realized it when they finally do upload me, I'm just gonna be like "I like information. That's great information" all the time and they're gonna be like oh no it didn't work
>suddenly rreminded of dmc3 health item thingies those were a pain in the ass you had to perform at the end a max level combo, with just one of your weapons and with some of the weapons, it was near impossible to get the max combo rank
and when you think about it casshern already is almost video game ready the story wouldn't need that much changing or shit, especially if you did it like a nier game or action/hns rpg
>multiple endings with no changing storyline or anything how to annoy completeists
It's probably like Way of The Samurai You don't know you changed the story until you play one more time
Oh, it actually forces you to travel manually
quick travel pls
tsch doesn't even give you the option to purge the unclean
try killing the machines and if it works and you don't want it then reload
What's throwing me off is how there are so many dead other players
And they're dead in the dumbest spots
Someone died here That means you can fight the tank
And the game's story acknowledges it Neato
These guys you seemingly have to fight though
The controls seem real wonky at times
welp that may have solved my usb tethering problems permanently
really you just can solve anything when you are slightly drunk and motivated enough
They're taking some damage but you're undeleveled by half
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
The last chapter of this just came out. Its a very good manga, I recommend it.
of our flag
WEll it seems to work this pdanet+ or whatever but itseems to have some speed and multiconnection issues, but if it can keep up the connection without constantly needing reattaching and rebooting the phone... I'm sold
>>53159 I thought they'd be the same size but I guess Shinmyoumaru is much larger. >>53158 The egg is the default avatar on twitter and the people who usually sport them are the ones who don't take the time to customize their profile before shooting off their opinions. This is generally done by people who se main goal is either harassment or just shouting at people. Commonly, it'd be something like an MRA
nah aren't the inchlings like finger height? shimo is bigger
That is like "anyone can pay off their student debts, I could because myu family's net worth is 100 million"
Lol why don't you just use your dad's media presense to sell stuff to make money? If I can do it, anyone can t. Ivanka Trump
this isn't even a series of coincidences that ended up paying off It's just some faggot being GIVEN A HOUSE and then talking down to other people for not getting out of debt when it's so easy
And an auctioned house, so they prolly got it quite cheap and also they had grandparents living int he area that have the space to house a married couple, while they rent out their FREE condo
"Why didn't you just kill the demons? If I can do it, anyone can!" t. Guts to Casca after he wakes up
"Why didn't you just create your own universe? If I can do it, anyone can!" God
Also am I the only one watching Nier now?
Why didn't you make your own glass dildo? If i can do it, anyone can
>try to explain something to someone >they think i'm being condescending because it sounds like i'm explaining it to a 10 year old >this is actually the extent that i understand what i'm talking about and i'm the dumb one
Also these earbuds I bought? They're marketed as "sports" whatevers, right And they're fine to use for walking, but if I started jogging with them, I think they'd make me throw the fuck up
they hold my ear canals open or something I can hear myself breathe every sound I make by touching the ground, the pushback from walking at all, I feel it >>53196 They don't go far in
Oh weird I don't know much about Alaskan tribes I mostlyknow about plains tribes and southern tribes
I wouldn't be surprised it it's down here too i'm just working with alaska right now so that's my sample point
it kind of makes sense though, since tang never spoils and is incredibly cheap and reservation water is usually garbo
the thing is, a lot of them don't realize it's not juice and it's not healthy tang advertises having vitamin C so people think it's healthy it's just orange koolaid though
It's so cold outside. As soon as I got back in my hands started feeling like they were burning. The actual standing temperature isn't even all that cold but it is so fucking windy out there. It was blowing hard enough to actually whistle in the pines. That never fucking happens.
>compares strategical pulling back to napoleon and hannibal >doesn't mention actual ww1 german strategical pull back in the western front to >1. shorten the lines 2. bolster their defenses 3. prepare a front that would decimate anyone attacking them kinda disappointed since this ACTUALLY happened in ww1 and the author didn't compare it to that.
I forget if I took my medication or not I had the bottle in my hand, set it down to pour a glass of milk, and drank my milk but i don't remember if i took the pill or not >>53225 how would i notice
>>53224 I dunno I havn't been on permanent or long meds should just get one of those "old people med cases" which has the prescriptions and stuff boxed into day and times
>>53224 I do this with my vitamin D. I try to take it every day--especially during the winter, but there will be times that I'm sitting at my desk, glance over at the bottle, and think "did I really have one of those with my juice earlier?"
>>53228 Yeah it's probably a lot less severe for me, hah hah. Hah.
I just don't like to waste them!
well there's no harm in taking a second vitamin D pill if i did take it already and i had another one i'm gonna not be having a fun time
>take a second vitamin D pill >get sunburnt wha
But this is a good reminder that I haven't actually had one today.
One, I'm not a basement dweller, and two, while I may not eat exceptionally healthy, I don't eat particularly unhealthy either. But there just is not a lot of sun to go around during the heart of winter.
Hmm how big is youjo senki in japan? I mean, nut is a new studio and it does show at times, but still feels like there is LOT of money in that project. Even the amount of high list male VAs is astounding and I think the VA for tanya isn't that cheape ither.
The anime BDs were at the top of the pre-order lists for a period of time earlier on. They're still selling pretty well too.
When I was in Japan, the novels were being really showcased in a lot of stores too, but that may have also been because the anime was just starting too.
>>53219 they moved on to milk and these natives are losing their shit i guess a lot of natives are lactose intolerant but man i didn't expect this
hmm 13€ in "finnish bookstore" so prolly 9€ if I sign in and use my membership bonuses
Man that takes me back >be in high school >spend about 90% of my money (work, gift, allowance, etc) on books >one time am buying school books at a store >the casheer had been bit indifferent so far >swipes my membership card >looks at my data >suddenly all super polite What the fuck did the monitor show her I still wonder to this day
noo don't strap mages on it strap magic bombs on it
I also stopped by a microbrewery that's nearby my house for the first time. They have a lot of varieties of beers they make, but I got two half-litre bottles to try out. A stout and a Baltic porter--not that I really know my beer varieties anyway.
I am a microbrewery though temporarily closed for busines
what even is a baltic porter... porter is pretty much the same everywhere sure every distillery and country use their own variations but it is a porter
>not that I really know my beer varieties anyway. Your guess would be absolutely as good as mine.
baltic style porter would be more precise this is like "baltic lager" no that is just lager made how baltic people do it
and moreover what is the baltic referred here? every baltic sea country or the baltic trio?
and "baltic sea" fucking noobs it is "EAST SEA"
>not that I really know my beer varieties anyway.
>The Baltic Sea (German: Ostsee; Polish: Morze Bałtyckie, Bałtyk; Russian: Балтийское море; Danish: Østersøen; Swedish: Östersjön; Lithuanian: Baltijos jūra; Latvian: Baltijas jūra; Estonian: Läänemeri; Finnish: Itämeri) "west sea" Estonia please but so.. the english decided to name it baltic because slavics called it that and not what germans or nordics called it...
That actually makes a bit sense, since England did more trade with Novgorod and later Russia than the baltic countries though England was >conquered by denmark and ruled by vikings for a hundred or so years >dealt with lots of baltic traders, in the form of hanseatic union I don't get it
And why baltic the baltic region has the LEAST coastline after russia note I count german and poland as "german region" since it was that untill post ww1 In terms of coastline it should be "Swedish sea" and also in terms of who dominated it the most or Danish sea, for that matter
Actually calling it Hansa or Hansea or something would also make sense
or maybe I am getting it wrong and it was baltic sea and the baltic region is named after the sea? actually that makesm ore sense
>The name Baltic Sea became dominant only after 1600. Usage of Baltic and similar terms to denote the region east of the sea started only in 19th century.
Also amusingly we call it "east sea" as finns eventhough it is west, southwest and south of us damn swedes
>eating sauerkraut and wurst and drinking wine with it ... why? no one would do that
i would i love krautwurst
have you actually tried wine+sausage of anykind? sausage is a beer food
I haven't had the above case, but I've definitely done sausage in pasta with cheese and had a glass of wine
I've had cause sausage is like 0,8€ a 4x pack during summer here >>53267 it just doesn't work sausage, especially the german wursts just don't work with wine or most liquors votka works with them, but what doesn't votka work with?
but sausages in general, due to their greasiness work best with beer beer is the drink for that kind of food and sausage is the perfect snack for drinking beer
and sauerkraut well that goes well with almost any alcohol, but wine and wine based products not really
i'm not very picky to be honest i like sausage, i like wine i'll be enjoying them regardless of whether there's better pairings sometimes i just make due
Yeah I'd enjoy them too but like separately >eat sauer-wurst, drink some water, drink wine but in the animu above, a general was drinking wine WITH, with no taste-washer present, saurekraut+sausage
well hold up are we talking white or red wine
yeah i'm fine with that i'd just wash the sausage down with wine >>53274 im not very picky
Oh yeah you have the same idea 💡 you know how much she has been on a level that she was going through a bad thing about her to get a little more money 💰 and stuff that was really nice 👍 said that he has no doubt the most common things to say but that he has been very very fun with this kind game though as I mentioned the other game it would have not even made a game or any more interesting stuff like the other stuff but it's still a very bad idea 💡 app is really fun but it doesn't even look 👀 and the character character and I was like that the character was not the character of that app but the character of that game would probably go on a bit too soon to make the character a mistake and that was not the same because he has been very bad to be that one ☝️ of a man with that kind and I don't have to be able to play it again