Hisone to Masotan --Episode 6-8 Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 17-21 Comic Girls Devils Line Cooking with Emiya Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Nil Admirari no Tenbin Shokugeki no Souma
Uma Musume
hi im going to sleep early cause tired watch anything i shall catch up
Let's do FLCL and Cooking with Emiya. Gimme a sec to go find FLCL.
Oh I might be mistaken, and this is a dub of it. They have a release that calls itself an English dub, and a second release that does not. I was under the presumption that the one that does not would be Japanese audio, but that might not be the case. How annoying.
The version I found out has weird subs, but it's JP.
So there's two new FLCL series coming out. The one I was talking about above is the first one, apparently the subs aren't due out until November. But Adult Swim ran the first episode of the second series for April Fool's earlier this year. I guess your file was probably uploaded around that time?
Unless you were able to find subs for FLCL Progressive, in which, gimme.
Oh wait, no, yeah, that's season three, so that would be FLCL Alternative. FLCL Progressive is the second season. The one you've got is the one that aired back for April Fool's. We could watch that, but we're not likely to get the rest of the season until they've ran through season two.
I hope this isn't too confusing but I get the feeling it is.
There should be six episodes to each season. I don't know the release schedule for it in Japan though, or if it's even releasing for television. The new FLCL project is heavily funded for by Adult Swim so I guess they had first dibs on the airing or whatever. That's probably where 95% of the interest is anyway.
>>512153 I can't remember ever actually using Legendary Pokemon like Moltres because it always felt a bit like cheating or something. And also because they always show up late in the game and I've already bonded with the first six Pokemon I caught and never brought myself to switch out for the whole game.
sakuready >>512155 i guess i figured my bird was stronger than the pokemon when i caught it so it wasn't worth using i was like a little kid though so i didn't really think about stat growth or anything logical the pigeot was the first pokemon i ever got so i put him in the #1 spot and pikachu got the #2 spot and it never changed
When I was younger I'd only ever use my starter Pokemon. So it would be crazy beefy but all my other ones would be like level twenty. They were pretty much just HM slaves and turn wasters so I could revive my starter if it fainted. It usually meant I'd get swept by friends who trained their Pokemon more beefy. More evenly.
This is a really fancy sweet.
>Worries about Sakura spacing out like she was off somewhere else >Later on does the exact same thing