oh yeah that shit is fucking crazy when I used to go to rangers games near me I couldn't even see the ball when they were throwing fastballs at like 110MPH i can't imagine what it must be like for those fuckers unfortunate enough to get beaned
EVERYONE involved is such a fucking athlete, it's crazy
I think I'd have fun playing baseball, but like, diamonds literally don't exist in this country as far as I know, certainly nothing in my area Pitching looks like my kind of fun
basketball and baseball are really fun to play i've never really liked either kind of football that much though football is too intense and teamwork oriented
baseball takes really quick reflexes in any position except pitching which just needs godlike technique and knowledge of the enemy team's batting style
Pitching looks the most fun I wanna learn to throw these different balls
It seems like something I could really get into cause it's gotta be rewarding immediately for me, and pitching certainly seems to be You get a strike, immediate good feeling, ya know?
Also I now finally understand what exactly the Scout means when he's shouting "I'm batting a thousand" I always knew what it meant, but not what it referred to exactly
the scout and soldier had my favorite voice lines >is any... is anyone even paying attention to me? cracked me up every time >>506940 the reflex to know where the ball is going to be as soon as it leaves the pitcher's hand, basically since there's only a certain area it can really go without being a ball or just hitting you it makes it a little easier but it still amazes me that the pros can hit something so fast I can't even tell it happened they probably know how to read the pitch somewhat before it comes out from all the training and amphetamines they promise they don't do as well
Baseball batters are increadible. Such a tiny target at such high speeds. The feeling of the ball connecting with the bat must be amazing
>>507017 But the catcher's giving the umpire the ball and then he gets a new one to throw to the pitcher It's not saving even a single second, it's costing time if anything
Oh right I forgot about that. I dunno, maybe it's to make sure nothing shady's happened. Some guy swapping out balls in a slight of hand.
I guess maybe they want the ball to be the same for every throw too Like no wear or anything from sliding across the ground at like 90mph
Yeah. Also they're probably gonna keep a stock of balls anyway since the odd one flies into the crowd, and they're not getting it back from that.
The actual process of making baseballs is interesting They have a treatment process to make them softer Iirc it involves coating them in a special mud and letting them sit for a bit
I bet if you just bring a ball with you, you could get someone who scored a homerun to sign it for you if you say it's that ball
Yeah but you wouldn't be able to get a certificate of authenticity. If you bring them a ball they'll sign it anyways. The people who grab the homerun ball get caught on camera.
Yeah but if there's just a ball hanging in the air, you can slam that however hard you want to and there's no way that bat's snapping longwise I don't see it
Though, I should be considering the time aspect, too These bats hit a LOT of really hard balls, REAL HARD
So hard the ball goes 400+ feet
The ball bends the bat and it snaps back iirc Plus with the way the collision works most of the energy from the bat ends up going into the ball
do ya think a lot of these batters in like, the red sox or the yankees could do homeruns consistently if the ball just got launched up to the strike zone from the plate? So the peak is like, dead center
Probably. They've got state of the art pitching machines in their training facilities I'd wager, that can probably level a ball at a batter with high precision. You train at something like that daily and eventually you've got the motions down to an art.
Like forget whether it WAS intentional It physically couldn't have been It isn't possible, the lawsuit is nonsense
They file horseshit lawsuits all the time Our civil system is broken so they get away with it
Naan bread is super tasty when you warm it up properly. I always get a piece when I'm having curry but I end up eating it kind of first before I really get into the actual meal.
>>507072 I don't understand why, is all It doesn't surprise me they're able to
They get a lot of suits thrown out though
Maybe there's some connection between the leadership and law firms, so they just do any legal action their donors will accept as arguably valid
Disappointed the umpires don't shout "sssssssssAAFE" like in cartoons
I wonder if the players keep track of which of the base umpires tend to make miscalls in the runner's favor
>>507076 Lol no They just come up with ideas of who to sue and then do it Most of em get thrown out But like If you throw enough darts at a wall with a dartboard you'll eventually hit it
I'm amazed at how incredible everyone in the major leagues is Obviously that's why they're there, but it's still like, a lot of skill on display
I hadn't looked at the schedule in depth but considering both I and my next-door coworker were both off, it doesn't bode well.
Plus without someone to talk to I'll get bored.
Also the nurse sitting next to me is gone tomorrow too.
And on top of all that, since everything will be closed through the weekend and Memorial Day, everyone's going to be doing last minute nonsense to try and get their meds and what not and it's probably going to not happen.
When you hit the ball, there are two outcomes: it's immediately caught and you're out, or it's picked up and thrown to another player guarding a base. Generally, the player is at first base by the time the ball reaches first base, or the player fails to reach first base by the time the ball does by a large margin. It's just not very common for there to be a situation where throwing the ball to //// where sliding into first base is helpful. The only time sliding into a base is particularly helpful is when you're running to the home plate. Because home is farther from the outfield than all of the rest of the bases, the timing is different, and sometimes it can be advantageous to slide in. Usually, you wouldn't slide in unless you were stealing a base, though, in which case timing is very tense and every millisecond counts.
can't get over the fact actual cops actually bludgeoned a kid in a chilean school.
>>507102 You dive to get there faster. For other bases, you do actually have to stop though, so it's quicker to dive in that context.
You're allowed to run through first, so players typically don't dive to first. In fact, I've never seen that happen. First is special because you have to drop the bat before you run for it, and you don't have the luxury of leading off from the plate while you're batting.
It's bad form to throw the bat too, in the little leagues I briefly played n in I would have lost my hit for doing that. Dunno about the bigger leagues but I imagine you have to drop the bat in a decent fashion there too.
is the rest of Girls Frontline that good or is it just the fashion >>507115 I talk shit about mobage a lot but this art is so good that I might actually give this one a shot
Each combat map is comprised of 5-20 nodes. One node is your command base and one node is the enemy's command base. You have to capture the enemy's base to win the map while navigating through enemies and capturing nodes on the map. You get bonuses for capturing all of the nodes, and you can capture nodes through encirclement by having teams on both sides of a node. By surrounding an enemy base, for example, you can circumvent the need to fight the enemy that's guarding their base. There's also a lot of strategy in team building. Each type of unit, handgun, SMG, assault rifle, machine gun, rifle, and shotgun, buff different types of units and different areas on the grid which you arrange your units. It can be challenging to build a team that maximizes the capabilities of different units you have, and there's a lot of different team compositions you can build and work with. Generally, any unit in the game can be made strong enough to keep up with the gameplay, so there's nothing that forces you to try to get the strongest units, and new units are constructed through in-game materials like in Kancolle, so there isn't anything that tries to force you into spending money.
Right now, the English version is incomplete. They still have to add in shotguns and some other modes that are in the Chinese version.
>>507158 Work really hard all day until you're really tired, and then come home and lay around like a corpse because you have no energy.
definitely bang
>>507155 a constant stream of witty little jokes, tiny little details that make the scenes funnier and kind of surreal there's also the actual jokes, which pique my desire for crude humor that doesn't go overboard on the offensiveness too much i action scenes are really fun and flow well i've always been a fan of deadpool's brand of humor too, and the movie does a decent job of doing all the movie obligations like having a plot and character development and stuff
>>507160 i agree with pretty much all of this but i want to add that the soundtrack was excellently selected and fit the scenes really well great movie pretty much everyone in the theater was laughing at almost every joke
1) tn doesn't condense unto water 2) tn can be touche 3)tn doesn't g'fog your glasses 4)tn has no problems with 3 5)tn never accidentally leaked millions of account details
>>507459 I have no plans so I said yes I don't know what we're doing. Ah, it's warm today. It's a nice day and all my clothes are still winter-ish or work-ish.
>>507457 https://www.geoguessr.com in one of these 5 locations
i believe that all men are guilty of the good they did not do but i also believe that if you give too much of yourself away, youll have nothing left what im getting at is that somebody i know is probably going to kill themself and im tired of keeping them alive, and i dont know if i should feel bad or not
If you're worrying about whether you're going to feel bad or not, you're probably going to feel bad regardless if it happens. I don't think feeling bad about failure should delegitimize the effort you've put into the struggle up to that point.
This isn't really my area of expertise, and I don't know your situation nor am I looking for the story, but perhaps reach out to other people that could support them, or look into the assistance of a civil service in your locality. You shouldn't have to be responsible for another grown adult's upkeep all on your own.
It's possible to get them involuntarily committed. Although it's up to you I know a lot of people who've had that done. You could also try to convince them to be committed voluntarily. If they get on a path to recovery because of it then it would be worth it
wish i could afford to go to ASCO this year it's gonna be a super exciting year
Is that the Clinical Oncology that comes up when I Google it or is it something else?
yeah it'll be on june 1st this year >>507517 hullo how are you
Alice, do you like They Might Giants?
>>507518 i have heard things from them but "like" implies knowing a bunch of their songs right? i'd like to heard things if you want to share. but i should go to bed soon.
A bit. More it's hard to focus when there's all that space for things to rattle about.
much more thorough data points to process if what you're focusing on is the things rattling about though i guess you're more externally focused than me any focus i have on the external is just a precipitate of my internal focus
You're getting a bit too Mcluhan for me. It's just harder for me to not get distracted from trying to write or do something that doesn't give me instant gratification like games do if my senses aren't in that sweet spot of being both stimulated and not actually paying attention to the stimulation. White noise is good for that.
i used to be really addicted to oscilatting white/brown noise on that one website i'd have it on behind me while studying to regulate my mood and do a whole bunch of stuff, and it was so refreshing and motivating without being stimulating i'm not sure what changed since then, but now i stop even paying attentio // attention to external noise, music or white noise or ambient sounds my mind is so self-involved that all that stuff just completely filters out unless i'm in a stimulated state and playing a game with music
i've really changed a lot i spend so much time exploring my own mind that i'm almost insensitive to the rest of the world, even though i can function within it alright
working all day and all night this shit is krillin me
Sounds like you're in a bit of a piccolo.
I'm just saiyan these shifts are breaking my dragon balls
>>507529 don't cell yourself short. you can do barter than that
okay, ginyu stop with the puns now please
>>507527 I flip-flap hard between being stuck in my own head and being aware of the world around me. My autopilot's usually keeps me out of trouble. It's a bit more dangerous in a busy city than in the comfort of my own house though. The other week I was really mulling over something and walked into the same compartment of a revolving door a woman was already in. Or well half in, before I realized my error and backed out.
>>507538 i think in jap his name is like "bata" anyway though so close enough
>>507533 i still interact with the world, but functionally it just seems like probing for storage and organized archiving and processing even the most external experience s i have are still driven by that internal framework i finally got things kind of making sense in my thoughtspace and every chance to explore it in a new environment and measure it is a very motivating opportunity
>>507540 That's all getting a bit dense again for me. I like taking snippets of the world around me, like seeing how people talk, the things they say, how they look, the narratives and set pieces they have around them. It's all a lot of fun.
Hah hah, I don't really know Python, but that name sounds pretty self-explanatory. It's an interesting project to experiment around in I'd bet.
Fitbit api is pretty interesting. It is neat to play around with api. You can use python for so much. and it easy to use
Heard something making fussy noises outside my window. Hope the raccoons aren't being a nuisance.
>>507598 i started making a VN in ren'py with some minigames in python but i lost the patience at the time and now that i have patience, i dont have the time
Man I remember fiddling with Ren'Py way back. Me and a friend had half a mind to make a VN. One of those lines of "what ifs" that didn't ever happen.
>>507629 I did that once It stopped because we had no artist
>>507603 i doubt you'll read this since it's a late ass reply but python is a great and easy language to learn and use you can do a lot of really useful things with it and it doesn't take too long to learn at all and theres tons of useful libraries like matlib and matplotlib that can make complicated calculation and graphing easy and fun highly recommend for anybody curious how programs and programming languages work
hm maybe i'll check it out heavy rain and beyond two souls were just horrid in my opinion though i don't think i have a lot of respect for what he thinks makes a good game
"How can I approach racism as a topic to criticize, while also making sure it's justified within my story?" Good job desu
And of course the racism displayed is like, so far you're either pro robot or like, a raving lunatic who wants to destroy all the machines because that's your character
>>507642 I feel like David Cage is, unironically, the hack that people need. >>507643 downplays it. He's not so much blunt as he is an incredible BLUDGEON He understands metaphors but doesn't understand subtlety and what comes out is this outrageously direct call to a thing. But all of his interviews concerning sending a message were denials of such so it leaves you wondering "Well, why the fuck did you write such a thing?" >I don't feel like the kind of person who can send a message about things t. man who writes rape and racism into his works
So you have the depth of work that equates to saying "Racism is like... racism." coming from a person who doesn't really know what to say or even have anything to say It's like one of those shitposts that you make right before following up with "RLY MAKES U THINK :thinking:
>>507659 I like the touch where the cop saddled with investigating robo crimes is also like, an open, unashamed bigot who wants to destroy every single robot on the planet
>>507659 Do ya think maybe his 'message' isn't a message in the sense that it's a call to action, but rather just his vision of the future as society is today? Or is that too much faith given to a man who can't go 4 scenes without a bathroom scene?
I'm genuinely hyped for the robo liberation plotline to end in the white man's fear of "If we cease our oppression of them, they'll oppress US!" This is what I'm here for
>>507662 I don't think he has a vision. If anything, he just wanted to make a showcase of stories without any real desire to say "This is what we should push for."
that's what I get from seeing the game + combining his interview responses to it. He just wants to make cool shit and since heavy topics sell pitches, he runs with them. Good ol' "Gotta hear both sides" capitalist centrism.
>>507670 I think this would in general be a good policy but if I had robots around and one gained sentience, I'd dumb them all in garbage bin, recycle and invent new slave labour maybe good old organic slaves
I think that portrait & the farmer class might be returning in EOX. If nothing else, a special version of that portrait is going to be DLC. >>507682 Yes, that hassle, exactly.
it is a store specialising in fine clothing so I doubt they have that I'll prolly buy a shirt or maybe a hat if they sell any or maybe some pants if they have something for 30€
They've started making .gifs now, huh. Stepping up their game
they've done them periodically for a while with like flashing christmas lights and stuff
There's a poutine festival going on downtown this weekend. I kind of want to go, but spending money for the round trip fare just to spend money on food is kind of ehhhh to me.
Velvet is pretty dang good. I thought she was just going to be boring angst but then you realize she's kind of the straight man of your party of weirdos. And that's saying something considering she's hellbent on revenge.
She has good dynamics with the rest of the party, partly because they're all such good characters. Berseria's party is really good.
René !XAVIERbeiQ
are there any tales game your currently playing
René !XAVIERbeiQ
Not at the moment, I've never played a Tales game. That character piqued my interest for some reason.
Velvet is cute
René !XAVIERbeiQ
Also you'd probably like that artist if you don't follow them already.
>>507723 Yeah. Just a bunch of smaller stores set up booths in a square downtown. Plenty of places experiment with poutine, there's some really tasty alternatives like pulled pork poutine, or butter chicken poutine. Or you could just top a normal serving with various toppings and see how that works out for you.
how about tomato gravy poutine
Or deep fried poutine
>>507734 I don't think I've seen it before but that might be good. Cheese, tomato, and potato is already a number of things that all work well with each other.
Squid poutine
>>507736 tomato gravy is really good what kind of gravy does it normally use, like meat gravy?
Yeah, usually just a standard beef stock gravy. I've seen some places do a mushroom gravy too.
i've got like three dollars in my account i was gonna hit rev up and try to get like 30 bucks before the cutoff today so i get paid on monday but i'm so tired did 14-ish hours yesterday i don't think i can make it til the first to get paid though
>>507746 Oh thanks, hah hah. I'd already pulled it up when you asked about it. This looks like a pretty neat channel to binge a bit on.
>>507747 A little bit, but I was unaware it was a thing.
>>507747 Related https://thehardtimes.net/culture/nardwuar-surprises-canadian-musician-original-recording-funeral/
René !XAVIERbeiQ
He's really good, it's fun to watch him interact with the guests and see the kind of stuff he manages to dig. I kind of like when he clashes with people too. The Henry Rollins interview are probably my favourite because he clashes with but ends up taking a liking to him at the same time.
>>507748 it's a really cozy channel i often bring it up in bed on my laptop when i'm awake but don't feel like getting up yet rouse my appetite a bit and my motivation to enjoy cooking
>>507746 this reminds me how back when I was kid most bottles read "tomato ketchup"
>>507759 I kind of get it and admire her enthusiasm
>>507759 Those are some real westaboo tastes of Hata's. I didn't know the guy who directed The Day After Tomorrow also did Eight Legged Freaks.
>>507759 I have seen surprisingly many emmerich movies
>>507762 eight legged was a fucking blast to watch it had that good "tongue in cheek" feeling from start to finish
It's the one with mutant giant spiders right.
yeah and one thing I remember about it, is how the main male lead shaves clean in the first act and then has like 2-3 day old stub by the final act it just bothered, me cause the movie takes place during one night basically so no way he had that big stub by then
Some people sprout facial hair at RIDICULOUS speeds though.
Sorry for trollin y'all on sunday. I almost thought words on the screen didn't matter.
I'm going to try and learn how to use twitter api and python
You've got anything you've got a hankering to try and make?
Not really, I am little bored so I decide to see what I could do. Looking at this right now https://python-twitter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html
Maybe I can make something that'll let me know about certain tweets or something
I could probably do a lot more with fitbit api data but I don't have a lot of ideas.
Anything that lets you pull posted images? Might help for artwork collectors.
>>507798 That might be interesting, I'll give it a try.
Thanks for the idea!
You're welcome. I just think of Blue and his pixiv script and I imagine there's always a demand for this sort of thing on any image-posting platform.
Also Twitter images save really stupidly I think. You save them manually and they have a ".large" suffix added on that makes them unrecognizeable at first.
>>507801 I have to edit it again since pixiv has changed its illustration pages ...Speaking of which, I can probably just make the script download from the bottom area. Which would be better
Yeah, I was being my blacked out drunken dumbass self, posted too much random lyrics and other shit, trolled his meme that he made, etc. It was kinda fucked that night, wish I didn't come here when I'm intoxicated to shit. But you can't prevent this shit, you can only learn from them.
My neighbours are playing pop songs on the stero out on their patio. This is dreadful. I don't want to close my window but I don't want to have to endure this either.
i'm gonna sit around and try to avoid suicidal thoughts and alcohol cravings because memorial day is fish's birthday and she's in a foreign country with terrible pneumonia and there's no communication whatsoever she could be dead and i wouldn't know
I can't access twitter api, I don't have a mobile phone number attached to my account and I have no signal in this area to recieve a verification SMS. what a shame
René !XAVIERbeiQ
Twitter is so stupid about that. Alternatively, Twitter is so stupid by itself.
It'd be nice if they let me verify a different way but they don't I have to have signal to verify which means walking a few miles to get signal.
Somebody I knew in high school pinged my brother on facebook looking to get in contact with me. I don't recognize the name but they're doing it for two good friends of mine from back then. I discontinued mine years ago, so I'm a little unclear on what to do. Just give them my phone number? Email? Social things stump me some times.
>>507838 email can't hurt. you could even use a throwaway
>>507839 I'm not paranoid! Just anxious. People haven't historically reached out to find me, so I'm not really familiar with the things that come next.
I doubt it's anything sinister. They probably just want to know what happened to you after high school. Just give them your email. Be receptive and friendly.
>>507856 It was very american/mexican. it had cars with jesus on them and fucking glitter everywhere. I brought a lemonade from a lemonade stand with kids selling 50c lemonade. It felt like being a snoopy comic, where the kids selling lemonade
I've seen a bunch of those before but only one or two are actually from things I've read. Also I feel like I just learned way too much about you from that image.
Well that was a thoroughly cathartic and nostalgic phone conversation. It's kind of heartwarming to know people you haven't seen in like six years still think about you.
if only
Sorry. I'm a bit on that aftermath high of doing something you're really anxious about and then it pays off well.
It sucks that I can't access the twitter api. I guess I will find something else to do
>>507884 I think a bunch about old school friends, they are busy living their lives now, I've haven't heard from any of them since school, I don't use facebook so they have no way of finding me anyway.
>>507906 >>507907 I would link something that I get the same kind of feel from but apparently it's not on youtube or fucking anywhere on the visible net just listen to Beehatch - Beehatch (self titled album) I See Your Light Dying is one of my favorite songs of all time
I decided to mess around with imgur api. but it annoying can't tell between an album or single image
So it can't download specific images from an album or something like that?
I can get image urls with the extension and can get album ids. e.g. https://i.imgur.com/eUBCsA1.jpg and https://imgur.com/a/oy6bTwi
I am searching with a term and trying to download the results but it gives a mix of albums and image urls since people upload single image albums
I don't understand what the get_album_images(album_id) Is supposed to do.
It just gives this output which I think is pointing to memory?
Yeah those look like pointers. I'm not really well-versed in programming languages, and Python less than general though, so I'm not certain what I'm looking at either.
I think get_album_images(album_id) just throws the image url into memory or something. There is no real api documentation that makes much sense for me
I think I know what it is now, the Get_Album thing is an array, so when I print() it displays all that. I just need to iterate through the arry array to get the urls
The new music from The Pillows for the new FLCL is pretty good.
I'm feeling it it almost gives me more hope for S2/S3, but I'll remain skeptical
New The Pillows music is honestly merit enough for its existence.
Man they really stripped so much of the meat of UVERworld's Hero Academia OP for the OP cut. Like never mind the so-so editing there's a whole bunch of style in there that didn't even get into the televised song.
wow you're right I just got past the minute mark and this isn't what I expected at all it's not bad
what the fuck this saxophone holy shit this is good
I know ehn. Eh, I don't think it quite lives up to their Bleach OP or their Ao no Exorcist OP but it's pretty good in of itself.
hm i bought these cake in a mug mixes and they're not half bad honestly it was fun watching the cake rise up out of the mug too
My imouto tried one of those from scratch with ingredients on hand today and it kind of underperformed. I didn't get a look at her recipe but I think it didn't look very right from the internal appearance of the cake. It also didn't rise up out of the mug, but that might've been because she used one of our huge soup bowl mugs.
Those cake in mug things are weird. I had one age ago and it just ended up being a brownie in a mug
I mean ingredient-wise, that's pretty much what you're making. A brownie that's mostly on the cake-side rather than tack-y side.
>>508120 >fucking up a cake in a mug >>508121p it was basically a brownie in a mug but kind of fluffy tasted like cafeteria cake or something not bad though
She probably bit off more than she can chew! Doesn't cook much, and by much I mean all she can really do is make bacon and eggs in a pan.
they'll do in a pinch if you really want cake quickly but I don't really like them enough to make them
>bit off more than she can chew >making a brownie in a cup This is real? its like pour mixture in a cup and microwave it.
>>508125 I've always been a little curious about them. I love brownies but the standard way of making them tends to get them a bit on the hard, chewy side. Which still, isn't bad, but I would totally dig one that leans fluffier.
>>508126 Well like I said, she was using a recipe and basic ingredients rather than a packaged mixture. I think she probably goofed up a particular though. Brownies in a cup is still kind of baking, and baking is always extremely meticulous.
Brioche is great bun material for stuff like hamburgers. Or chicken sandwiches. >>508137 I mean that's pretty much what any fast food place is doing. I think they tone the sweetness down a touch when they're using it for buns though.
i've never tried pretzel buns for homemade burgers every place i've been to that's had one was kind of mediocre though the bun was too hard
I would mind having a corndog
The burger I made earlier today used up the last of my pretzel buns. Really it was kind of bland and I'd have rather used one of the brioche buns. But the pretzel ones had kicked around way long and that last one was probably going stale.