Either I totally missed like a quarter of one of my toenails when I trimmed them last, or there's this one, very POINTED bit of one that has grown at abnormal rates since then. It's kind of weird either way really.
Blues cute powers > *
René !XAVIERbeiQ
>>508162 I had to get an ingrown toenail removed and the procedure left this weird point there. I'm too afraid to touch lest I create another ingrown toenail.
i'm still betting on some sappy love bullshit but i'd like to see them smash this false society too
>>508164 I get mild ingrown nails pretty much all the time, though they've never needed surgical removal. It doesn't help that I grow increasingly obsessive as I trim, trying to get as near the skin as possible when I do so, despite having noticed in the past that it only serves to make the ingrown bits more inclement. But by the time I realize this I've already trimmed down to the closest cut I can manage.
I'd probably end up trimming even in your situation though. I've been going nuts laying in bed and having the pointy bit of mine catch on every-fucking-thing.
>>508170 Genetics is a factor. Some people are just more likely to get them. I can thank my mother for having to deal with them.
Alright. Starting out my day with addressing racism on Facebook. had a little breakfast. showing up to /moe/ for addressing sexism in video games about to open up twitter to read more of both with a side of anime titty, bless Japan
>>508215 we always go out to a nice place every sunday
its only regretful because of calories
if i were getting. stesk itd be one thing but i always try a burger when i go somewhere
Tradition is no reason to not improve.
I liked eating grilled chicken burgers, they are nice and light, as well as lower in calories as long as you don't have lots of sauces
Or too much chicken. I had some really good barbequed chicken the other week and had to go back for a second sandwich because it was so tasty. I take mine plain aside from the sauce put on the chicken while grilling though.
>>508227 no it just has centaurs used as horse slaves I mean something like human riding centaur using weapons and centaur using weapons ie, centaur firing bow and human firing bow or centaur using spear and shield and human using bow or human using lance and centaur using dunno two swords whatever combination that would suit it Hell you could even build a feudal society adapted to that, with squires riding the centaur knights into battle or rather centaur knights equipping humans to battle
yo what if you had a human ridng a centaur while they use dual crossbows and the centaur uses a spear
>>508239 MM, but so rarely used in any fiction especially if you combine the feudal knight thing into it, you could have real neat world just built around that
>Equine Build: You count as one size category larger to determine your capacity to carry, push and drag. However, when climbing, each foot of movement costs you +4 extra movement instead of the normal +1 foot. You can allow a creature of Medium or smaller size to ride on your back, but you still act independently when you have a rider.
Like imagine >centaur kngihts line up to shoot mass volley with bows >enemy closes in >they switch weapons to spears and shields, squire takes the bow >they do traditional charge while squire shoots bow >once rode past, squire hands back the bow, and both shoot if they have 2 bows >or squire takes shield and defends himself and the rear of the centaur knight or who knows
>>508223 In this case I was saying more you could not choose a burger if your excuse for doing so is more or less "it's tradition".
france has trained eagles that hunt and attack terrorist drones
and terrorist drones sure most likely are a plenty
i would imagine they are i can't tell whether you were serious or sarcastic for the finns i can't tell the difference
well I guess you could easily transform even a cheap drone into a weapon if you tinker enough still just seem silly to me reminds me of those "dolphin mine clearers"
>>508271 naw I recall reading about some 10+ drone attack on russians with bombs a year or so ago after that the whole "scary terrorist drones" got coverage everywhere
and while some said it was all "state of the art tech" they looked like some radio controlled airplanes to me with stuff strapped to them
maybe the "state of the art" referred to the controlling method, dunno
i would love to have atk tactics but it would immediately go onto Lene
lene julius/lyon valter fgrima is pretty fun im just not sure where i would put speed tactics if i got it probably julius but i wish he could benefit from it
grina is an aoption especially since she’s -speed which is unfortunate but is also a reason to let her get the buff
valter has res tactic
give it to the one who needs it least Either too slow to matter or very fast that it's not that special so 24 or lower or 39 and higher
lene is 36, valter is 33 or 36 woth speed seal grima is 32 julius is 28 and lyon is laughable
my parents are cooking and i'm hungry and i wanna draw but i don't want to go to my workplace but if i don't catch the train coming soon, it'll be the end of this desire, most likely
really having to put my culinary resourcefulness to the test this week to make real meals on a frugal budget i mixed refried beans with instant mashed potatoes yesterday and spread it on wheat toast with some egg yolks it was kind of good even ramen and eggs today
>>508334 yer really gettin into the baseballs huh >>508335 fine but there's not much food to store i just moved and haven't had a solid paycheck yet to do shopping >>508337 it is pretty neat! are you watching US or Japanese baseball? Japanese baseball is way more exciting imo, a lot less glory plays and a lot more solid strategizing
Yeah I'm watching US MLB Cubs v Giants right now, from a day or something back
They didn't mention the date, but this channel uploads as they come out >>508336 Oh yeah, Japanese Baseball has different rules too, doesn't it?
>>508339 i don't think it has different rules maybe some minor ones but i'm not sure if you visit the united states ever we oughtta go to saint louis and watch a cardinals game saint louis' ballpark village is so cool
>>508338 yeah, nothin stored up couple boxes of pasta (shells, farfalle) eggs a couple tins of herring and some wheat bread that's it i gotta wait until the first to get paid
So far the only teams I've watched more than one game of is the yankees and the red sox, so it's not like I know a thing about the teams involved, tho The yankees's starting pitcher, Sabathia or however it's spelled, is cool tho, I like him
>>508343 yeah i'm already doing creative sauces and things i used ranch dressing with hummus the other day for pasta sauce it worked pretty well
"The rules are essentially those of Major League Baseball, but technical elements are slightly different: The Nippon league uses a smaller baseball, strike zone, and playing field. Five Nippon league teams have fields whose small dimensions would violate the American Official Baseball Rules.[5]
Also unlike MLB, game length is limited and tie games are allowed. In the regular season, the limit is twelve innings, while in the playoffs, there is a fifteen-inning limit (games in Major League Baseball, by comparison, continue until there is a winner)."
>>508356 i never particularly liked watching sports very much, didn't see the point but after becoming an esports broadcaster and experiencing the depth of competition and strategy in esports, idk, the next time i watched a baseball game i started really sinking into it for some reason i think i've rewired my brain a bit to appreciate stuff more
My dude's got history with drugs, but I don't think he's got any like, law involv- Oh wait yeah he does, he had to go give his DNA for that a while back
Oh damn Mookie Betts has the best hitting average in the game right now What a legend
>>508357 We get to gether and play games. like rounders
Highest slugging, too
I didn't even know there were limits to mound visits
Oh the game is from yesterday
I don't actually have ideas for anything that would actually be useful for me - to program. I don't actual do much to be honest. >>508378 That sounds like a lot of work.
Dude just bring the console No TV You can RUN the game, but that's it If you make power
I'd opt for the pen and paper if we're allowed to cheat it like that. I can entertain myself for a long time that way. Instrument is probably second-best though. By the time you get rescued you'll be a fucking maestro.
Honestly the worst part about this guy disappearing without a trace isn't the lost money, but the fact it was gonna be like, weed instead of hash like usual And I was pumped to get some green stuff for once
Actually can I bring a pot seed to the deserted island? Cause that will be FAR more entertaining for far longer than all the other options combined
I'm less concerned about entertainment and more about creating an environment I can improve in. Baseless fun in a vaccuum gets hollow fast, no matter how high you constantly are.
The pen and paper honestly seems like the small brain choice Of all the options, that's the number one easiest thing to create a Robinson Crusoe version of
I don't care about the paper I just want the fucking pen. Like you want to be persnickety about "one item"? Give me the fucking pen. You deal with having to use rudimentary writing implements for a while and you will WORSHIP having something like a pen around.
>>508385 I'd get a violin and then play sad tunes while paddling boats go by
Instruments seems like a really good choice too. Though I'd opt for something like a trumpet or another reedless brass instrument. The more metal parts and less organic ones, the longer it can optimally last.
Maybe I could use the time to finally learn how to properly sound a flute.
>>508396 With a console you might be able to rig up a radio
What's the deal with "we've updated our privacy policy" anyway? It seems to be a current joke in The Discourse
The EU passed some legalities involving data privacy and one's rights to how their data is handled by online services. If any company whatsoever wants to provide their online service in the EU, they have had to update their privacy policies to be properly transparent about what they're doing with your data.
Oh yeah I saw some news website tried to sarcastically make a version that complies, and it's actually like WAY better
>>508400 GDPR Data protection law for Europe. Which americans don't really have so their companies haven't had worry about abusing information.
>>508399 With a phone you can get radio too also call people
I want to finish writing The Sphere But alas, it exists exclusively in my head, has no plot and no message, so here I sit still with no more than 2 pages of content
>>508435 It's gone a bit back and forth, but essentially the setting is a big sphere showed up on earth, and people can go in every x years, but only one ever comes back, refuses to talk about what is inside, and has superpowers Which some or maybe most use for very selfish things
I've got this system of classifying the powers too, or had anyway, it seems to have become a different beast than it once was
The side story I have 2 pages of is one woman who got the power to relive the last few hours before she dies, so she's basically just used that to advance in the mafia I'm not sure exactly how I'm gonna make that not like, impossible to put a challenge to, but I know the conclusion of the story anyway
>>508450 You have to do it right on things you actually care about. It's okay to half-ass it otherwise.
but does ToN REALLY care about ai-chan?
>>508443 What's amazing is people giving him money to make them
Dark souls remastered was a disappointment I was hoping they would do a bit more than just bundle dsfix with the original basically. dsfix does pretty all the same
It helps that I kinda understand the sport I know the goal of football too but I just don't understand the game There's too much stuff, baseball is more simple
Uh you're on the ghost like, temple-y strcuture right? You go up to the left, then to the right and then down after you get all the way right, there's a candle next to a bridge that breaks when you walk on it Left from there is a midboss you gotta fight to open a thing, and I think that opens something so you get the lightwalking brand
If you have that, just use a torch near the light bridge under that candle
I think I beat this section though. Like that temple, I am sure I fought a boss there. I think I'll go back to it some other time (maybe)
In a few months, I'll have gotten the achievement for not playing Stanley Parable for five years
The game's hella easy if you just magebuild You can also go hella fast if you dodgejump There's plenty of sections you can outright skip with the right abuse of game mechanics
The jump dodge is an easy one, but there's one part where normally you gotta beat this BIG SHIELD MANNE, and then go down, activate something, go back up, and then go to the place above where you fought him But if you let him hit you just right, he'll just launch you up there
In fact, I believe that allows you to skip that midboss, though I'm not 100%
Just got done at the movie theater Then on the way to the train I bought candy at a grocery store because it costs less than half of the movie theater candy prices
>>508521 Is it actually against the theatre policy to smuggle it in though. Most places it isn't a problem and employees don't get paid enough to give a shit.
>>508524 here's against the law apparently. that happens when corporations own the politicians.
I don't even know the food policys here I think ice cream and alcohol is banned atleast and food that could really cause a mess hasn't prevented me from eating a big mac at a play, though
There are some theaters i kmow that let you order food from restaurants in the same building and get it delivered to you in yhe theater
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>>/watch?v=MzKET7GLLHU is this fucking ad saying we can use every portrait in the freaking series in EOX
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>508525 >against the law apparently Imagine passing an actual law against bringing your own food in
>>508535 Wait there was something I wanted to ask you about.
>>508530 no it's against smuggling food on the cinemas, apparently because it can cause a risk if the food was bad idk. there's a very strict law against preparing food on the street for example.
>>508538 Wait so there's an actual specific law against smuggling food into a cinema instead of it just being something like "a business has the right to determine what customers bring in"
>>508540 more like a general food regulation that has a clause for cinemas.
>>508548 gross as fuck I am thankful tobacco isn't allowed to be on display anywhere
We have that too. But a lot of smokers apparently don't have much regard for proper trash disposal. You'll end up seeing it if you walk around enough.
I don't really see the problem with those things on tobacco boxes, the real problem is how easy to evade specific taxes makes it good target for smuggling.
Amusingly you can't actually even buy alcohol in sweden/finland and then take the cruise boat to the other country as alcohol from the mainkland is banned on boats fucking retarded
I saw a guy in a one punch man t shirt.
one punch him
I saw a guy with a porg shirt yesterday If you're going to one punch someone for their taste in shirts make it him
>>508565 The little gerbil things from the last jedi
>>508570 I've heard it's better than what a fair number of people expected. Nothing incredible, but still more than enjoyable. I don't know if I'll see it before it's out of theatres though.
>>508572 I've heard it's Better than what people who went into it expecting to hate it were expecting But worse than what people who were expecting to love it where expecting It's probably okay
Nothing wrong with being probably okay. "Probably okay" has been the tagline to my life for most of the past five years.
>>508574 Being okay is probably okay But it's got the Star Wars brand so it either needs to be a masterpiece or it's irredeemable trash apparently
>>508570 It's boring with a Transformers-esque color palete More Chewbaca is always nice
>>508572 part of this might be cause people had their expectations so low
anyhow, star wars movie saturation...
Saturation isn't a guaranteed thing just because there's a lot of content.
>>508578 there is going to be like 2 starwars movies within a year and it doesn't include solo
>>508579 I'm sorry we're not catering to your specific interests ToN.
>>508581 That's not even remotely true. Episode IX isn't out until December next year, and the only other confirmed project is a Boba Fett movie that is only in the early writing phase.
>>508583 obiwan is there too and ryan johnson trilogy anyhow compare it to any other period of starwarsing it is way more than there ever was
>>508581 Which films? Obiwan isn't coming out in a bit and Rhians trilogy is still in planning
>>508584 Obi Wan is only in talks and isn't even confirmed. Rian's series has only been green lit and doesn't even have any premise. Either one wouldn't be out before 2020, still proving you wrong.
>>508586 star wars movie per year is a lot of star wars movies
I want to escape the house but family member screaming at each other outside is offputting.
>>508589 To who? You? I don't think there's any indication that's a common shared belief. If it's just your opinion I don't see how that's saturation, that's just your own problem.
Stars wars is just presence rich. It doesn't have lots of movies like cape movies
>>508582 No my mind is just destroyed from granblue guild wars
Try something a little more wholesome then.
>>508592 Yeah, even just with Marvel, they've been doing two movies a year. And there's even less indication that they're filling up people's interest. Sure DC's movies haven't been going well, but eh, that's DC's problem more than anything.
>>508595 I was thinking about the marvel thing, and it works quite well for them as every movie is practically a sqeuel to the other and they all build up towards some big "climax" awlays But with new star wars movies you have the standalone films that either are "well this was neat" like rogue one or "well no one really wanted this" like solo and then you have the main trilogy which in my opinion hasn't had that much overall planning on how to tell the story atleast if 8 is taken into picture.
>>508595 I don't actually know a lot about movies. I haven't seen a movie in ages that has been interesting to me.
>>508595 I think one of the reasons why Marvels able to release so many movies without it feeling too tiresome is because the standalone movies can feel really distinct from each others settings. Like you've got the stuff with Asgard, the space stuff in gotg, and then regular Earth. They can all have imagery that feels distinct from each other. I think Starwars is more vulnerable to fatigue because it's harder for Starwars to get away from the traditional starwars imagery. If it doesn't have lightsabers and xwings people accuse it of not feeling starwarsy enough, but if you keep reusing it then it can get tiresome
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
TN someone just said something I want you to confirm Is there really a word you have for staying at home drinking in your underwear
>>508605 To the best of my knowledge, Freud has no writings or ideas that aren't completely connected to his theories of psychoanalysis. Everything he wrote about that wasn't explicitly relating to psychoanalysis was just something that hadn't been overtly connected yet. Everything he wrote about, he connected to psychoanalysis.
>>508599 Also another big difference is that Star Wars have always been a big thing the original trilogy had what 2-3 year between each film and so did the prequel trilogy
but now we have star wars movie per year, and just solid 2 year difference between the main installments with already another trilogy of star wars, be it stand alone or episodes 10-12 in sights not a 20 year cap like between FA and Sith or 16 year cap between Jedi and Phantom
I think it just takes some of the epic scale and magic out of it it just becomes "oh there is a new star wars movie" compared to say when FA came out or Phantom came out OH! there is a new star wars movie!
>>508603 Antman's a pretty good example of what I'm talking about because he's a hero that most people have never heard of before and the other marvel stuff like Warhawk and the Avengers base is only in his movie for about a minute Star Wars has a big universe so it can potentially do something similar, but that's down to how Disney uses it and what risks they're willing to take
>>508607 When TFA came out it was a big event When TLJ came out it was like oh that's out cool And if XI comes out next year it'll be oh I guess t that's out now I don't think Anthology movies are a bad idea necessarily but the rate at which Star Wars movies come out diminishes that hype factor
>>508606 Yeah, that's correct. Sorry, I just didn't really have an ideal way of putting it, since the question is more -is less along the lines of what I'd in the past considered his psycho-analytical work. Are you familiar with his writings you'd figure though?
>>508609 That depends on what you consider familiar. Freud had more than 20 books and countless essays, and I haven't read the majority of them. I'm more-or-less familiar with his ideas, however.
>>508610 I've had to read Thoughts for the Times on War and Death, and Civilization and its Discontents for my Non-Fiction class this semester. Freud goes a lot into his theories on the primative man in both of them, and my professor seems to have a particular focus in his lecture/discussions on that concept . We spent a good chunk of the last lecture talking about his theory on the "original father" or something along those lines, and how primitive man must have killed this original father and felt guilt over it, which is, to abbreviate, what brought about society and codiefied laws. I've been reading Civilization and etc. today for tomorrow's lecture and it kind of touches again on similar lines, the establishing of the super-ego and how instinctual renunciation factors into that. I'm just wondering, from someone more in touch with the field of psychology, if this still holds up today in modern discourse and discussion, or if there's considerable things it doesn't explain well or fails to cover.
>>508608 Solo was like "it is out this week" when I heard about it I mean i wasn't planning to go an watch it, but still to be that surprised by how soon it was out
I haven't read much philosophy. I probably should.
>>508612 Freud's theories on the beginning of civilization isn't /// aren't even believed by modern psychoanalysts. They made sense in the 1930s when the book was published, but since then, our anthropological knowledge has shown most of it to be bunk. Freud's theories are needlessly overcomplicated and have been replaced by many much simpler theories that better explain society. His theory that society arranged itself as it is // he believed it did because it was the only way to prevent sons from killing their dads and mating with their mothers is ridiculous and doesn't even make logical sense. We know today that there are many societies that have arranged themselves in vastly different ways, and Freud's theory wouldn't explain even a fraction of them.
>>508620 Stuff about what? The origins of society?
>>508616 Yeah, even as i was reading it I was kind of questioning it in the context of, like matriarchy-based cultures or those that //continuing that would be redundant. In Civilization and etc., he talks about the inhibition of aggression being reflected back on the ego and making the super-ego. Now I think I remember back from previous psychology-related studies that his concept of the id, ego, and super-ego is -has kind of been picked apart already, is that the case?
>>508621 Society, how people behave and why they behave in certain ways. how we actually think about things and come to conclusions.
I guess it is a super broad topic, sorry I was vague
Is theories or methods of freud's still used today?
>>508622 That depends on what you mean by picked apart. If you mean examined, then yes, that is the case. If you mean picked apart in the way a vulture picks apart a carcass, then no. Neo-Freudian theory isn't completely uncommon and is a viable treatment modality in some contexts. Many people still believe in the Id, Ego, and Super-ego.
>>508623 There's no widely accepted conceptualization of any of that. If you want to understand why people behave the way they do, it will take a lot of studying, and even after a lot of studying, you'll only have an idea of why people behave as they do. If you're interested in learning about the ideas behind some of the //// If you're interested in learning about behaviorism, that is exceedingly simple. If you're interested in learning about behavior from a more philosophical orientation, you may want to read people like Kant and Schopenhauer, as well as people like Maslow and Yalom.
>>508627 society so sad forever misunderstood and alone
>>508628 Yeah, I guess I had a misconception that it wasn't a wholly valid theory. I'm just in particular curious about the Super-Ego and the development of guilt/conscience because I feel what Freud talks about in Civilization and etc. is similar ground to the primal father myth that my professor spent a lot of time on last lecture, so I'm expecting to hear a lot about it tomorrow.
>>508632 I don't consider Freudian theory to be valid past the idea of the unconscious. Some of the treatments that are based on Freud's ideas, however, are apparently effective. Freud believed that humans were nothing but big balls of sexual energy and aggression, and that because of that, we created civilization. He believed that because of that, we would destroy civilization, too. Freud was traumatized by World War I and his theories reflect that. His theory that humans are solely sexual and aggressive only makes sense in the context of his lifetime, during which people were highly sexually repressed, and there was war between the western powers. There is far too much evidence to the contrary these days.
On a side-note, I've never met a single believer in Freudian or Neo-Freudian theory that wasn't a wifebeater or a sexual creep. I'm convinced that the theory draws disgusting people to it.
>>508637 I think part of what he said sounds unbelievable but some of it is interesting. like Id, Ego and Super Ego.
most of my dietary intake today has been wasabi and soy sauce
>>508634 There was a guy in my Intro Psych class last semester who said he was one or the other. He seemed to consider himself well versed in Freudian stuff, which kind of puzzled me as to why he was now in an introductory Psych class. Didn't strike me as a wifebeater but who knows. I didn't talk to him and didn't pay much attention beyond the time he brought it up.
One of the things I think that's consistently nagged me while reading Freud is how he insinuates people are either repressing their instinctual urges or engaging in them. I can't really see that being universally the case, even if the repression or engaging in the urges can, in his ideas, be transformed into completely unrecognizeable actions. That's one of the parts that feels the most like a leap of faith to me. Can there be human actions that can't be boiled down to either repressing your instinctual urges or engaging in them?
>>508639 Are you okay, not having much to eat really sucks. I would tell you to eat well but it isn't like it is your choice to eat wasabi and soy sauce.
>>508641 the hardest part is just the passage of time, waiting until i get paid i don't have anything to help me deal with the waiting no phone, no food, no cigarettes or caffeine or alcohol just waiting blandly
>>508642 I have access to food but the same for me with no cigs, caffeine or other things I used to use to pass the time. waiting for something while lacking your usual stuff is a pain.
I'm trying to focus myself on stuff like python or walking. when I get back to england I'll have to find a flat and move my things. I probably won't have internet for a while till student funding comes in. We could do project together. it might be fun.
>>508640 A lot of the defense mechanisms described by Freudian theorists are still considered valid today and are often plainly observable once you start treating people. But yes, his ideas on human motivation are poorly thought out. Considering Freud heavily abused cocaine, it's a miracle that he was able to put out as much stuff with staying power as he did. It also explains how he published more than 20 books and so many papers.
Fire Emblem Effie. I don't have a picture of her on hand though.
Oh The shield wall girl?
yeah i'd just edit the armor in over ellie and then change the subtext to something clever but im not very clever
Effie the elephant
>>508649 That kind of helps tidy up my apprehensions I think. At the least I don't think I'll be as uncomfortable putting forth my reservations on some of his writing if it comes up tomorrow. Thanks.
A good starting point is see how it breaks when you try to use it. The breaks are often what limits it and you can kind of cut around the edges to figure out the shape of what you're looking at.
>>508665 yeah there's a lot of stuff i can't make sense of
Error codes are so obtuse Logged in as PyBot Kannagi 450328893115858944 ------ shoe barak obama Ignoring exception in on_message Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Kannagi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\discord\client.py", line 307, in _run_event yield from getattr(self, event)(*args, **kwargs) File "discordbot.py", line 82, in on_message await wiki_command(message) File "discordbot.py", line 61, in wiki_command await client.send_message(message.channel, wikiout) File "C:\Users\Kannagi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\discord\client.py", line 1152, in send_message data = yield from self.http.send_message(channel_id, content, guild_id=guild_id, tts=tts, embed=embed) File "C:\Users\Kannagi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\discord\http.py", line 200, in request raise HTTPException(r, data) discord.errors.HTTPException: BAD REQUEST (status code: 400)
>shoe works >barak obama returns error for a wikipedia summary request.
The wiki api is handles that. but some words throw errors some are fine
Oh I fixed it by just limiting the number of sentences it returns from the summary to 1. I don't even know why that worked.
Yeah I was walking to the kitchen and I was thinking I'd figure Wikipedia probably redirects "barak obama" to the proper page anyway (It does). So odds are it was probably something on your side.
Well that is 3 api I've included in this useless little bottle Fitbit, wikipedia and oh right I couldn't get twitter because no mobile signal so just two
At least the Twitter one is something you can jot down for future endeavours.
All the commands so far. >>508689 True, but I'd rather have some thing to do now. Maybe my problem is I'm not creative enough to put all this stuff to interesting use.
deadpool was pretty good big recommend
Freud uses way too many commas, geez fucking louise. Here I thought I had a tendency to amble and prolong my sentences but he goes above and beyond.
isn't it fascinating how much you can tell about a person by their punctuation tendencies
>>508693 it's scary since i do most punctuation stuff subconsciously so i'm likely super readable.
>>508693 Yeah, it's definitely neat. But when I'm trying to reading comprehend something it can really slog down my capacity to process. I'm not really great at reading this kind of stuff to begin with. I can blaze through something with narrative construction so fast, but you put textbook-style writing in front of me and my brain goes into slow-mo. I'm so fatigued just from reading this.
I don't know what someone would be able to read out of my fucked up posts. I should spend more time thinking of how to write my posts so they aren't always such clusterfucks.
>>508693 what does it mean when someone uses a grave tick instead of an apostrophe for contractions
what does it mean when someone asks a question without a question mark
>>508697 >>508698 broad and vague there's no context to decipher there it's about how a person segments their thoughts when explaining their internal reasoning something that vague doesnt have a meaningful interpretation
>>508699 My brain read that as fairly. >>508695 I get fatiguedtoo, it is hard to properly read heavy textbook style text. I think it is just how I try to decipher the meaning from something quickly but it doesn't work with things that require careful selected reading and working through rather than quickly summing up in your head.
Like some programming blogs break down things easier for me and some of them are so obtuse I have to expend so much effort to understand them. s
>>508700 dang I wanted a meme answer for my poor questions
go hit 4chan up if you want memes
>>508698 It's less effort to use a period instead of a question mark. No shift key involved.
wow sorry moon
I don't really think about punctuation, but I do think about if I over use words. Every time I see myself type "pretty, fairly" or even the word "interesting" I feel resistance. sometimes I fuck up spelling and I feel bad about typing so I avoid posting.
Punctuation in dialogue like this shouldn't be something you think about. In informal typing it doesn't really serve a -serve the same function as it does in formal writing, it tends to mimic the form of beats and pauses and other non-verbal bits of conversation.
I am going to have to write tons of essays once I get into university. I can't help thinking I'm going to fail so badly. My essay writing skills are so poor.
See if the schools you get in have essay-writing workshops. Pretty much every school I've engaged in around here offer something like that. They'll even have things like bringing your working essay in for an appointment and they'll work you through what works and what needs improvement.
>>508709 They probably do, I'm definately going to have to take them. I feel so dumb when I see how well written and how people are so good at expression their arguments and thoughts
>>508705 it's fine i'll just express all my thoughts in meme-friendly format from now on so that at least someone will pay attention to it
I didn't mean to upset you in any way, I was only dicking around on my lunch break You won't need to worry about me anymore
I was on stack exchange looking at programming questions and this was in the side https://workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/112596/how-do-i-regain-managerial-control-of-my-self-organizing-team >self organising team fires their boss >their boss doesn't want to lose his job
>>508712 what the fuck man lose lose situation here can't talk about something i'm interested in can't defend my opinion without being guilt-tripped don't be like that
wow stack exchange has the most pretentious people >>508714 I was interesting in what you saying, uh I was interested in the topic. I am pretty self concious about how my posts are viewed, I often think about why I mispell things with homophones or write so in stead of some. or just miss out entire words. it is interesting to me but I think you were probably talking about punctuation more than that sort of stuff.
I mean it, I don't know how to be anymore someone is always upset with something I post what's the point?
I don't think that is true. I read emotions in text too much but I don't think moon was very upset and // to the point it should escalate to anything confrontational. your reaction to moon saying go back 4chan wasn't what I was expecting, it was greater than I thought it should be
i'm not particularly upset, yeah it's just you're not really going to get the meme culture here
I was thinking of learning statistics like advanced stuff since the basic stuff was useful in my previous job and I enjoyed it. I might try and use some of the python stuff to learning but I'm at a very poor level of general mathematic knowledge, I get lost when things become more complex.
I also found a nice github about papers and also has a section about how to properly read papers https://github.com/papers-we-love/papers-we-love#how-to-read-a-paper
>>508698 it's not an explanation, but adding or removing question marks really changes the tone either way I think a question is pretty obvious when it's a question
Questions can also be indicated without what/who/where/when/why the "W"s. with raising intonation, with implied questioning, retorical questioning. it is pretty interesting how versatile language how is.
I tend to not get that vocal upswing that comes at the end of questions I ask except in particular situations. So I kind of like how I habitually use periods at the end of my questions because I think it demonstrates that well.
I think end up leaving comments or things online and real life intending to get someone to respond to what I said and tell me more but it is such an awkward thing. I don't actually know how effective it is, I just know that people who follow up on things and ignore certain things advance the conversation in certain ways, knowing how to converse with people is kind of interesting, people will talk about things they are interested in and usually skip around things they aren't interested in.
In Japanese, a lot of the questions don't end in か, there is an implied sense of question and loads of ways put retorical question across and also the raising intonation is quite common. Like some words can just like "I agree" but with an rising intonation it is "is that so?" and you further qualify it to express you slight disagreement / questioning of a statement.
Is that so?
I'm too tired for D&D.
sou dess car
I haaaate turning around to find a spider dangling by a thread, just hanging in mid-air. Given the wrong steps I would have walked head into it.
>>508780 i do that when i go to my backyard to smoke a lot there's a couple garden spiders that hang out around the patio and i usually don't see them until i've already walked into their web it's difficult because they take the web down in the morning and erect it again at night so it's always in a slightly different place
There insects all over this place. spiders, dragonflies, things I can't identify
North America is very buggy! They're still tiding up the code.
>>508786 It's always really uncomfortable for me. Even on top of a spider on my face the thought of having spider silk in my face is an uncomfortable thought too.
it bothers me to touch spider silk but only because it's so sticky i don't like sticky stuff the spider falling on me doesn't bother me i feel kind of bad for wrecking his web i guess it probably took a couple hours to make
I keep finding small holes in my t-shirts. Most of them are all pretty old though. They could probably be replaced.
I have mostly old t-shirts too, I don't really go out clothes shopping. I get put off buy // by the prices
There's a couple good, cheap places I can choose from that are easy access. Gap, Old Navy, among some others, are some cheaper North American shops for clothes. There's also a Uni-Qlo that opened up downtown here and they kind of make their name off cheap prices.
you can get all sorts of good stuff out of season from stein mart really cheap i imaginet here are other retailers that sale recently out of season or discontinued apparel for cheap prices elsewhere
Probably. I just keep an eye out for sales in retailers. Even in-season you'll some times see some stuff at reduces prices. I got two nice sweaters at like 25% off in September or October, just in time for it starting to get cold.
>>508917 Uni-Qlo for me is so Japanese because I've only heard it in Japanese media. I got a few cheap clothes from Target here.
Yeah, Uni-Qlo is a Japanese brand. I don't really know why they opened their Canadian flagship store here; we don't even have a relatively large Japanese population. I would have expected a flagship maybe in Vancover, where there's a tonne of Japanese immigrants. Though they got one anyway.
Apparently a lot of rich Japanese people like living in Canada. It does kind of sound like a nice place to live, since all I know about it is picturesque. And that anime set in Canda *C anada
Can't blame them, it's pretty nice up here, if you can take the cold. I'd expect most of the Japanese don't get further than British Columbia though. It's more temperate over there if you stay out of the mountains. B.C. has a lot of East Asian immigrants.
How different is Canada from the US? It feels like since you are so close to each other you kind of merge culture but you do have a large french speaking population and still have the queen as head of state.
That's a hard question to answer. Like even within the States, you're going to find the culture differs on a lot of things as you travel throughout the country. Parts of Canada will share lots of common points with States they border or are near to, but the differences are quite numerous too. I also live in Toronto, which as a particularly large city, is a fairly unique culture all to itself. I wouldn't say Toronto culture has a particularly large number of commonalities with the rest of my province, for example. Quebec is a distinct culture, but even then, you get the sort of culture-y, artsy cities -city of Montreal, the historic Quebec City, and then the French Hillbillies of rural Quebec who still vote for the the separatist party in federal elections. You head further east and you hit the Maritime Provinces, and even then you can divide those up to ones that still speak a lot of French and take a lot from French colonial culture but lay outside Quebec, and the ones that are more Scottish and Irish exodus from Britain, like Newfies and those that live on Prince Edward Island. It's all very rural out there, that or fishing industry once you hit the Atlantic coast. But they aren't really the stereotypical rural image. There's some really good folks out that way. And that's before you even head west or north of Ontario.
Yeah, the US has massively cultural differences across it from state to state. I guess that was a pretty badly formed question.
>>508949 That is super interesting, when I was younger I used to watch french canadian TV programmes and this murder mystery would come on and I'd hate the french canadian accent. It was so different from the parisian french I was used to.
Canada is a big place, I wanna visit someday.
Yeah, Canadian French is much different from Parisian French. As any proper Quebeccois would tell you, Parisian French has gone on to evolve and change with contemporary times. Where as Canadian French, isolated from most of the French-speaking world, has remained much the same since the colonial era. They'd go on to tell you it's as if the Quebeccois ar e the ones speaking PROPER Francais.
Haha, that is pretty interesting since the French people I've spoken to and in my family in france say that their french is the real french and canadian french is too masculine and unrefined. The francaphone is pretty interesting a cross the world, I sometimes forget that french was spread just a s much as english during the colonial era, spanish and Portuguese too
Yeah, like sure, French has been pretty thoroughly scrubbed from a lot of the States, but you head into Louisiana and that part of the South and there is so many bits of French culture mixed into the way of life there. And not to mention the reason Arkansas is pronounced "ar-can-saw" is because of French silent end consonants.
>>508975 i wonder if there are horsepayphones >>508973 that's a good one
the horse size phones made me laugh so hard the first time I saw them i am glad they answered the ear question though
I should head to bed! Night friendos
>>>/watch?v=GCWx5J7dF5I I think the horse that Seiun Sky, the fake lazy one, really doesn't like being put into the pre-race cage. They've tried to lead it in for like five minutes so far with no luck. It's pretty funny. Dumb horse.
>>508978 wow she really is not feeling it haha they put the blind on it and now it's just going backwards forever
Coincidentally, the horse Spe-chan is based on is in this race too.
>>508978 wow they took the mask off and it immediately went in the cage ANYTHING BUT THE DARKNESS
>towards the end just devolves into screaming SPECIAL WEEK
It was a good run of Spe's though. Started off like fourth from last and had that crazy dash in the last sprint. Good and exciting.
>>508984 i had to rewatch that last part a bunch of times before i figured out from how far behind she came ahead that's crazy! i guess the anime depiction is pretty true to her real life counterpart.
I wonder if the races in the series are depictions of races the horses have run in real life. That would be an interesting way to pay tribute
Maybe they're loosely based around real races? I feel like it would be hard to have done such a thing unless team Spica was a real team too.
Yeah, I dunno. Horseracing isn't really something I'm versed in, let alone Japanese horses. Still there's probably been a lot of horses and they've probably all raced a lot. Might be a lot of races to work from
>google doesn't even have a doodle for memorial day fucking gay cancel this shit holiday
ah, she did it again. After getting incredibly full on... god knows what, my PC has cleansed itself of about 200GB of data. that's how it fixed itself when I couldn't get it to turn on I guess
>>509029 I feel utterly hopeless! Detroit is actually really good so far. The heavy handedness that people have been mocking isn't even as heavy handed as they want you to think. They have the robot storage in the back of the bus, but robots can sit in the front and nobody cares except for the occasional racist.
>>509032 pixelman isn't as hack as people make him to be tbh nomad soul and fahrenheit were fun he just treats his games as way too big things and he is ine of thise vidya game directors who clearly wanted to direct movies but couldn't
>>509032 i happened to actually listen to a song with quite fitting lyrics for your situation "Cut off the light, take a look There's nothing beyond but pain Suffer in the deepest void The flame of hope is gone What have I done?"
age of false innocence by blin guardian, tells about galileo and his trial the whole album is fun, night at the opera, it has a song about nietzche too
>record hottest average may ever >record most heat days >record highest temperature ever in may also it hasn't rained once save for some very local pours in the whole bloody country this month
>>509033 The game play is kind of engaging, too. My only complaint about it is it overuses motion controls in stressful quick-action sequences so I end up throwing my arms around wildly.
Quick Action sequences are a boring technique I wish game devs did better.
>>509038 yeah i hated this about my move heavy rain too
>>509039 Well, this game is almost entirely investigation and QA.
taken to a gun game, eh?
It's warm and tender but very soon it will turn cold Shadows stare down from the walls Out of the mist it's coming closer now It never rains -- it pours on me So let the saints Set up the courtyard, the unpleasant cage The obvious point is I'm insane
Was I aware whom I has slain, I fear I was: The faceless The nameless The bush set on fire No one ever dared to speak "Shame on me, I don't believe The here and now Is all we're living for"
Joyful it seems but Then suddenly By one false move it's blown away Joyful it seems but Then suddenly Their voices cease it's gone away Vanished to the point of no return Vanished to the point of no return
It's literally just a history of revisions. Pretty common place in programming and software development so you can see where things changed.
Yeah revision systems are really useful, you can undo changes or see who did what changes etc. They aren't just useful for programming but also for documents, I preferred working in places where I could put out documents on something with a revision control system.
>>509049 >>509050 yeah i know, but i usually run into word pairings revision and history when context is actually revisionism