Well if we have Jan about we can watch some Cardcaptors maybe. That's starting to pile on. Do you know if he meant an hour late as in around 01:00, or an hour from when he mentioned it.
Hisone to Masotan --Episode 6-7 Amanchu! Hero Academia Cardcaptor --Episode 17-20 Comic Girls FranXX Devils Line Full Metal Panic! Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Hinamatsuri Persona 5 Rokuhoudou Gun Gale Online
okie doke >>507924 what's that supposed to mean I don't understand >>507925 >all these (You)s kyaaa don't look >>507922 tilde could text me if he wasn't in a better place i tried to give him my number a bunch of times but it // his phone can't do international
and i'm never really on steam so the only people that can contact me are rook/rin/imats/maria pretty much >>507925 she's dead it's over anime is cancelled forever thanks trump
I wonder if he will ever be getting too old for this shit
This is a bit of a motley crew. Deku, Iida, and Todoroki is kind of normal I guess but Momo and - Oh SHIT Iida. And harddude haven't had much spotlight yet.
he tried his hardest to tell them not to do stupid shit but they just gonna do it anyway so he's in
He's a true buddy. Sticks with them even when he knows it's dangerous.
>Watchman We better hope we don't get that cynical.
Momo's tracker's pretty complex. This must've been something she -really- studied up on to make. I mean it's a good tool to have so it makes sense but that must've been a lot of work.
yeah she just memorized how a GPS tracker works and put it together from memory I guess >>508003 being able to summon a tracking bug and tracker instantly is a really strong power by itself
If I've read her power correctly before she needs to comprehend even the basic parts of what she's creating to make it properly. So she knows the make-up of computer chips and all those fiddly bits. Pretty complex.
Is this stealth? also images are broken i guess i'll fix it
Well they really just have to look like not who they are. There's enough people that they'll blend in, but they're all public images with all the press attention U.A. has gotten recently.
They do a good thing with the audio coming out of those giant screens. It sounds all dampened and low-quality
They've been slowing the pace down a bunch for this episode and the last. Though I guess I read all the manga chapters for this arc in a huge binge where I got too excited to flip through them slowly. Maybe this is about proper.
Eh, they had a decent gamble there. Bakugou looks pretty egotistical from the outside. I mean he's still egotistical on the inside I guess but he's resolved himself to be a hero all the same. They couldn't know that though.
In its defense even the manga for this arc basically starts rapidly ascending to intense climaxes week after week and doesn't stop until they pretty much hit Event Horizon. We'll be there Soon™ though, promise.
Flanks I've seen the PV for this episode so I think I've got a good idea of what the meat of it will be. >>508040 The AirBnB I stayed at in Tokyo had a one-machine-does-all one. Though it didn't dry entirely, just got things from wet to damp. I thought that was a neat concept.
Man they're really covering all the bases here. Why humanity is so borked in present time, why there's desert terrain everywhere, why they've got plantations.
>>508054 They nuked the shit out of everything trying to combat the klaxosaur threat
I mean maybe a bunch of it's from that, but they mentioned earlier that a bunch of the world had just been going desert from probably just magma mining.
I don't think his backstory really forgives his excitement for suffering in the name of science. It's neat to see him get fleshed out all like this though.
>>508069 they're all humans the adults are just immortal and sterile and the parasites are clones
I think the series kind of implies the immortal humans have kind of left behind being human, even if sure, genetically they are. And the kids are not entirely human because they're cloned.
>>508071 It seems like the immortal caregivers at least can learn to have emotions if exposed to parasites with normal levels of emotion so the other immortal humans could probably learn how to have emotions again but APE's drugs and society are keeping them from developing any kind of desire I guess
Seems like it's about time for shit to start hitting the fan.
olkay amanchu
where is ika
okay lets start
is this episode 8?
they've transitioned from themes of relationships to humanity but not a lot of action has gone on in the second cour i think >>508075 zero two is part human
what would happen if you put a weird lizard klaxo dna with a normal human
maybe the klaxosaurs were humans who decided to just live near the magma instead of drill into it and formed a perfect society >>508075 maybe the klaxosaurs were living eternally with magma they produced and the stupid surface nerds drilled into their reserves
>>508072 They seem like they're really toying with the idea of "being human/not human, but...". The immortals are human, but not really. The kids are not human, but not really. Zero-Two is not human, but does it really matter? The Klaxosaurs seem kind of like proto-humans or something that have super-augmented themselves before going underground.
And we still don't know what's up with the humanoid bodies inside their cores.
>>508074 I'm still convinced the Klaxosaurs are distinctly inhuman. The way Dr. FranXX talked about their dwelling underground kind of insinuated it was old.
ammmm m
>>508074 Yeah, it definitely echoes of "digging too deep". Considering the Klaxes are on the record of being attracted to magma drilling, something about that is definitely pissing them off.