Thread #507175
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Hisone to Masotan Cardcaptor --Episode 17-19 Comic Girls Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Megalo Box Rokuhoudou --Episode 6-7 Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai WotaKoi Uma Musume
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yeah I got a bit caught up. Is tonight a jan night?
He was around half an hour ago. That's as much as I know.
hola watch megalo box without me as per usual i'm watching with another
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there's jan okay megalo box kakuriyo rokuhoudou watakoi
what about hinamatsuri
Yeah let's tap something out for Hinamatsuri. We'll be getting the next episode of it either tomorrow or the day after.
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oh okay i was trying to preserve comfy but that's okay too megalo box kakuriyo hinamatursi watakoi okay megalo box okay lets start!
Punch Prism
Oh yeah there could be some ramifications here.
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Looks like the mob might lend some assistance.
In their usual "I'll kill even more than you if you fail a second time" fashion.
Oh someone who works with Gear. I wonder if this could be an in for another set for Joe.
Though I'm feeling he'll be going up against the last boss without any Gear by now.
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I feel like Joe is going to need to get a gear before the end.
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I guess this guy with the AI gear is like Joe's natural enemy.
the ai cant predict gearless joe!!!
>Detects movements in the opponent's Gear Can't detect shit if someone doesn't have a Gear.
>>507204 Other way around it seems.
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Oh, that makes sense. Without the gear, that guy is just some entineer. engineer
A pretty fit one, but yeah. Wouldn't have the same kind of instincts a professional fighter would.
he's basically aimbotting
In a world where you're already augmenting physical capacity through machine, aimbotting is probably fair game.
Oji-san is putting all his chips in here.
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I guess the catch will be that this guy started practicing so he's not half bad.
Cinderalla hour arrival!
The crowd's definitely eating this up I bet. Everyone loves the underdog.
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okay kakuriyo okay lets start!
kakkate koi
Wow the stick-up-his-ass auditor has a soft side.
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Blackmailing supernatural beings is pretty ballsy.
Has him eating out of the palm of her hand.
He kind of gets a bit of an about-face turn. From being kind of possessive and dickish to all polite and gentle.
Flying rainbow whales!
is baking bread really that impressive
It's really easy to do poorly, or even mess it up completely. Bread is also not a traditional Japanese food, the art of making it probably only became commonplace after they opened the country in the ~1800s at America's "insistence". So for creatures that kind of seem stuck in a perpetual pre-industrialization world, it's probably pretty rare.
definitely bang 2018/05/25 (金) 05:27 No. 507233
baking bread is also really easy to learn but very difficult to master there are breads that exist in a world beyond
Yeah, if you follow instructions it's pretty straightforward. But if you don't know the instructions and have to do with guesswork it's gonna be more of a challenge.
last weeks hina was so goodd
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okay hinamatsuri ep 7, right? yeah I think it's 7 okiay lets start!
hinna hinna>>507236 that's the one i have
Anzu is still the goodest girl.
this show might be my favourite this season
that's high praise
whats your favourite show this seaons all of you
It's hard for me to think like that. There's a lot of shows I'm really enjoying this season though.
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Wotakoi or Megalo Box.
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megalo box, lupin, and rokuhoudou are my favorite
i think wotakoi or hinamatsuri for me
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hisone to masotan is another contender
We're finally back to Hina. It's been a while since things have focused on her.
She She's gonna want to be the all-powerful villain, huh.
hina is gonna become a delinquent
>>507253 More like the other direction. She's gonna become the dictator running the school.
>>507248 Yeah that's one I really look forward to. I can boil stuff I'm really lliking to a list of ten or so, but after that I have a hard time cutting just for the sake of finding one best or whatever.
Oh no the Yakuza are starting to dote on Hina. What terrifying political menace.
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yakuza grandpa
Of course she ignores him. Hina can't improve -improv for shit.
>Well thank goodness
She's windows TTSing a powerpoint
Hah hah hah no she's been dragged into doing Hina's work here. She really has the worst luck.
>>507262 she's the strongest
Oh no.
>Having Hina act anything out You think Mishima would have learned by now.
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Geez louise.
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Like what happened to her being an ultra-powerful alien? She's become just a lazy accident prone girl.
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>>507271 yeah she hasn't been using her powers much i wonder what kind of outlet she has
Nitta got a Nat 20 roll on persuading her to not use her powers and ever since then she's been just a weird, mundane girl.
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Oh no what hpapened to him
He was the kind of guy that does nothing but talk about his kid to a potential new girlfriend. I guess she wasn't into that.
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the dream is dead
I like how all of these characters in the ED become recognizeable as the show goes on. Like Nitta's sister has been there the whole time next to him but I only noticed she was in it this week.
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wotakoi okay lets start!
Muzukashii shi>>507280 Yes.
ep 7?
is this maplestory
It might be a thinly-veiled version. I think the manga art was even more of that bobble-head style Maple Story had.
Story Story
Naru is vicious.
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MMO episodes are always great.
Of course the cosplay person is a cash shop customer.
Hirotaka's mindset is something I can relate to. I'd still like an MMO I could enjoy though.
Hirotaka's avatar is super Maple Story-esque.
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He just one shotting it. Defeating it with no damage is easy when you can one shot it.
Kabakura does have a kind of resting bitch face.
Hirotaka is such an earnest guy.
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that looks really tasty
Yeah it does. Hah hah he's reading Yuru Yuri. What a moefag.
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he's reading yuri
Kabakura here smug as fuck that he knows the REARU Koiyanagi.
>The guy you like goes on the bottom
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>it's not like i'm mad or anything
He's so kakkoii.
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they're gathering an audience
It's the kind of problem you have to deal with when you're passionate about something.
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well it probably doesn't help they're talking loudly about boys' love
Yeah, definitely. It's not as bad, but like, even two people loudly arguing over something like punk music, or some other kind of thing you'd expect a passionate interest in, will gather interest. Hah hah talk about misunderstanding.
Jan do you want to do Uma Musume tonight or another?
we can do it tonight, i'll be working tomorrow.
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thanks for anime sleep time bye bye
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>>507306 are you on episode 8 or 9?
I think we watched episode eight last, right? Spe-chan was too occupied thinking about Suzuka that she lost her race. I haven't watched episode nine yet.
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Oh yeah, we watched 8. I'm ready with 9. Okay, let's start
All right, I'm good to go too then.
I guess she's small? None of them seem particularly huge aside from the one BIG horsegirl though.
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Wow, looks like they hear out of their horse ears.
Yeah. Now I'm trying to remember if they've shown human ears too. Because that starts to get a little weird.
Paying real close attention to this OP this time it seems like they all have really obscuring bangs, or in BIG-chan's case, some kind of headphone/earmuff set-up.
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I scrolled through the screencaps I took and can't find a single normal ear on a horsegirl. The only one that ever even has the area where their ears would be exposed is the big horse and she has a some kind of earmuff strap thing.
I wonder if she's gonna go bat for the other team before this is all done.
RIP dreams of luxury.
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who brings a motorcycle helmet to track
I mean they are running pretty fast. She's probably just seeing the pattern of how everything goes for he eyes.
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she's so hayai
Hurting yourself seriously can be pretty scary. I still can't handle jumping off high heights after taking an injury as a kid. Though that was a pretty mild injury. Everything's scarier as a kid though.
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this one's for all of the carrots
Yeah that's a weird kind of head-poker they were playing.
>Swim to that island over there
Horses aren't even all that good at swimming.
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Well they don't seem to be going too fast. Especially those two.
That's an extreme incline to be biking up.
Teio has the right idea. You gotta aim for first even when you're up against teammates. These two still need to get over their mental blocks eh.
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Trainer's getting so worked up he's gonna drop his lollipop.
Yeah you've got to have real skill to keep a lollipop in your mouth while talking, let alone shouting.
Oh no.
She found her smile again.
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They just remembered horses have no brakes.
And no brains.
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He's gonna lose his voice if he keeps shouting so much. He'll get all horse.
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These racing costumes aren't really aerodynamic.
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The least aerodynamic one got the win.
Yeah. I guess RAW POWER is still 99% of the game though.
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That cape gives you +20% movement speed.
Consolation's a bitch.
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it feels worse to get second than it does to get third!
Especially a close first and second placement. Knowing you were -that- close to victory and couldn't reach it is rough.
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I just noticed the card in the corner has their heights and their BWH numbers. Talk about some overly public private information.
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That kind of information is important for the betting! Especially bust size!
I'm sure it influences bettering in some ways for certain people.
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>>507355 Yeah you can't have all that extra weight holding you back.