Thread #507541
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Nanatsu no Taizai Beatless Cardcaptor --Episode 17-19 Comic Girls Full Metal Panic! Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Hinamatsuri Rokuhoudou --Episode 6-7 Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
Jan mentioned he was working tonight last night, so it might be a good idea to work off of that assumption.
i might have to go midway lets watch
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okay let's see here well I guess it's tough since Ika is early and Jan may show up later? let's nanatsu beatless rokuhouodu tadakun
I don't know his hours, so no clue.
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Save Nanatsu for later? Or until another night? I really want to watch it, but I also want to save it for Jan.
Well unless you shuffle the usual Saturday arrangement up, the earliest we'd be watching it if we don't watch it tonight is Sunday.
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oh that's true Yeah I guess we should watch it while we can. Nanatsu! okay lets start!
Nananana nananana
>Gets plagued by ghosts >Just beats them all up
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Well I thought King was on the level of Meloidas and Ban, but marbe not. maybe not, too
I think he's got more short-term oomph but doesn't have their endurance.
He sure is happy to get friend-zoned.
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haha what
Something tells me Gowther getting back his emotions would be a Very Bad Thing.
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I wonder if Gowther will be the secret final boss.
RIP Camelot. Arthur wasn't there to defend it.
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So he gets cocky when he gets swole, too?
Yeah, he really embraces the concept of Pride. He was the same way when we first saw him get HUGE.
yeah he talks differently too
Man Escanor didn't even really need a power-up and he still got one.
Gowther got pretty pissed when his glasses got snatched,
Oh I didn't see that coming. I wonder if they're really down for the count. That would put Escanor's Commandment count up to four.
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I hope so. It would be weird if this tournament arc was put to such an abrupt end though.
I figure at the least we need to get more Fairy exposition out of the first Fairy King or whatever it was before they're gone for good. King needs to get his closure as to why a Fairy King is batting for the Demon clan.
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That's true, and we don't really know anything about the other guy. okay beatless okay lets start
Kind of robo-zombies again.
Oh no she's going after the Cloud.
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They really like that robo-zombie thing.
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He might be right, Lacia may be super dangerous.
All the Red Boxes are super dangerous though. He's kind of hypocritical, using one while chewing out Endou for siding with Lacia.
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>>507582 Well he still sees her as just a waifu.
Robo Spider-Girl.
One thing people in the show don't clue in about is Endou's as much her husbando as she's his robo-waifu.
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's her goal just to make the world so people and robots can date. But I could be wrong.
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Looks like her keikaku is shaping up.
The fact that she wasn't conceding anything about that guy's accusations to her makes me figure he's not entirely spot on. Though it also looks like she didn't expect Arato to believe her after all that.
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I'm sure it will be okay okay rokuhoudou yes episode 6 Iks said he might have to go in the middle, I wonder if he had to go without saying anything to us. oh theres ika okay lets go
Episode six, mind it. It would have been nice if he could have dropped a quick "i gotta go" or something.
Whoops.>>507593 On that note, if you gotta go early, make sure to say something!
Spoken like a true cat.
A shopping district without a place to eat seems like a pretty depressing place.
Rokuhoudou: Za Origin
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tatakun ikaaaaaaa okay lets start!
Reaaaady. Ika please my tea is cooling off I want to get to the OP to retrieve it.
Oh they're in September now. The finale will probably be on or around Christmas, eh.
For a dour guy he's pretty positive.
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gotta love the hot springs episode
It's got ping pong, what's not to like. They didn't even really spare any time for fanservice too, really.
Charles is a pretty decent guy. Carting them out all the way here though he's not taking photos.
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Night time episodes are so hard to see They should have taken a brighter flashlight
Supura camerman
What kind of sleep talking is that. How does no one wake up from it.
A starry sky reflected in a calm lake is one of those really amazing things.
shes doki-ing so hard right now
He said all the right words to unlock her haato.
Not that it was particularly locked up to begin with.
I feel bad for Charles he's a good guy but he's not the MC
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thanks for anime sorry for bein sluggish tonight i am insanely sleepy
Then go the fuck to sleep. Hairy goo to you
thank you goodnight rikaa
>>507625 do you wtch it somehwere?