Thread #299159
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/moe/ is posting in my threads and nothing else
Or else?
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My internet went out in the middle of me causing trouble. how sad! I think it's still kinda bad though.
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>>299162 It's punishment for being naughty and lying.>>299161 Or else.
>>299163 I was going to give fish a lesson in messing with you! oh I'm still having issues. I was having bad
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I was having problems earlier too!
>>299166 → Hello anno
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>>299164 Well, I'll get her back for spooking me. I thought something bad happened to her!
She needs lots of good practice on how to get you!
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I'm too strong.
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oh shit what the fuck is that /moe/!?
/moe/ machine broke
>12.4 KB/s
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>>299175 Fucked up that you won't be a /// able to get all the anime.
wow theres like 7 shows towatch
haha 7 there are 11
there's only 1 game to play though (destiny 2)
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it's my destiny to never play
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okay I think I'm back.
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welcome back rika
anime >>299188 →
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Yes I will view any Shigure that anyone has for me.
you will spoiler the one i want to post
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don't post lewd
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>>299214 Why is Madoka so smug?
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be careful!
don't worry, i'm a guardian
i've been saving up my calories like a good boy now i can have ice cream i'm so ex ited
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wow, what // how lucky of you>>299215 Wouldn't you be if you were a goddess?MEZAMETA KOKORO WA HASHIRISASHIT
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Guardians stop the heroes from abusing my temple lasers OK thanks
>>299274 cute rin nerd
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alright im up
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>>299271 She's not in her god outfit though I'd be pretty smug if I was a magical girl though I'd wish for an infinite supply of smug
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this is me right now this is how excited i am
>>299306 why are you excited
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>>299306 You look like your signal is breaking up.
>>299306 boop
one of the pizzas delivered to my store last night had no pepperoni on it and another one had twice as much pepperoni as usual how the fuck does this happen
did their pepperoni machine skip a beat or some shit
Maybe they made up one pizza as a plain, realized their error, and tried to double up on the next one as apology.
they would've just put the pepperoni on the finished plain and popped it in the oven real quick
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>>299309 because i'm about to eat some I C E C R E A M
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It's taking you a long time to get that ice cream.
>>299333 Holy SHIT that's great Today I had two ice creams it was awesome Bang what ice cream are you getting
>>299337 i haven't finished this mission yet it's a long mission
>>299338 it has chocolate cookie bits and chocolate chip cookie dough and i always add peanut butter to my ice cream
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>>299347 >i always add peanutbutter to my ice cream I've neverheard of anyone doing that before I've seen stuff like maple syrup added But never peanut butter
I ended up getting the canon ending in Metro 2033. It's a little disorientating and kind of depressing since apparently I'd watched someone do a let's play of this game in the past, and I -and as I was playing, faint memories of what happens in the "good" ending came back to me. Apparently I'm the kind of person that doesn't act in a way that gets you that ending, hah hah.
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If I recall correctly, it's the kind of thing where you won't get the good ending unless you follow a guide or know the game quite well. It's not just about making good choices, you have to hit lots of those insight points in the game.
I'm pretty sure the person I watched got it playing it blind, but yeah, it's the kind of thing where you need to be really weird or super-aware of what you're doing. I also played the Redux version which changes a bit of the game on top of updating the graphics to a more modern engine. It was still a really good story.
i played a lot of Metro: Last Light recently pretty fun game 2033 is also very good
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I'm an extreme moralfag so I made all the good choices and I still got the canon ending. To get the good end on the first playthrough you'd have to really comb over every inch of the game looking for those insight points.
Though really I probably deserved it. I remember in the first time you go above ground, there's a point where you can explore a building and find a mutant hound and pups. I just shot the mother mutant even though it wasn't going after me because I wasn't sure if it was lethal or not. And then died shortly after because my gunshots brought a whole pack of them on me. So on the second time through I just ignored them, but that would have been a negative moral point against me if it had kept.
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I played the original version. I believe that the redux version makes it a bit more like last light. In the original version, ammo is extremely extremely scarce. Which means that I only shot things if they were actively attacking me and I couldn't run away. I spent a large portion of the game just running away from the bad guys because I didn't want to spend bullets and didn't really have bullets to spare.
Yeah, they replace a few of the mechanics with stuff from Last Light.>>299361 They do however, give you the option to play with ammo quantity and similar mechanics from the original game. I believe I took that route because the Redux "Spartan" version felt easier to me. And to a point I will take the harder route because that makes things more rewarding. Though I didn't really have any ammo issues during the game until I hit the Library and I was chucking ten or twelve shotgun shots into each Librarian that crossed my path.
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Yeah, I only killed a few of the big monsters in the library. I ran away from most of them.
I killed every. Last. One. Until I found the point where they were all sleeping and I figured that's as good as dead. I just got really pissed after that first one where it fooled me into thinking it wasn't going to clobber me -- and then promptly did. I mentioned it earlier. Though after doing some post-game research, that was apparently a mechanic with them. If you stare them down, eye-to-eye, long enough, they run off.
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>>299364 I didn't know about the staring them down mechanic either. I just ran from them and only killed them if I had to.
I run from nothing! I either shoot it or solve the problem!
Conveniently those two problems are usually solved hand-in-hand.
Rika are you still around?
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yep, still here!
Would you be fine with doing anime at 01:00 tomorrow just do it doesn't overlap with the game? Just a one-time thing to avoid time conflict.
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Yes, but only because I have Monday off. I'm fine with it if Ika is.
Yeah, I know. I wouldn't have asked if you didn't have a holiday. I already ran it by Ika and he's good for it.
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oh no it's 3:21 i just barely finished this mission too it was the final one, so it was really long
i didn't get to have my ice cream ;_;
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alright well i have work so i better get to bed! goodnight /moe/, i had a comfy night
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bye bang
>>299377 im stealing this
>>299376 Night
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What's in the bottom of the Abyss? I think they'll find one piece
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>>299382 It turns out the trip to the bottom was one giant job interview
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the artifacts are welfare
>>299382 I find it funny that this is actually a plot point in games like Etrian Odyssey If they solve the mystery then everyone leaves the town
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I meant for the author, really
>>299386 I wonder how he can stretch this out then Maybe there's a hidden extra level Or they dig out the other side of the Abyss
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We got to the bottom but SHOCKU the ground gave way to ANOTHER ABYSSU!?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 08:52 No. 299389
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I have returned
>>299388 >there's a portal leading to a second abyss >there's secret abysses all over the planet!
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>>299389 Cats being able to have depression is like One of the worst things I've learned in my life
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 08:54 No. 299393
>>299392 I actually just thought of something worse to tell you about but its pretty bad so I'm not gonna mention it. I was trying to think of something about that bad but also good for a really makes you think joke but I failed.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 08:55 No. 299394
Also my parents want me to enroll in an iop for anxiety and I'm kind of irritated about it. Mainly because my anxiety is my third or fourth biggest problem and they're acting like it will be incredibly helpful.
What's an iop?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 08:58 No. 299396
>>299395 Intensive outpatient program I'd be going in for something like 4 to 5 hours a day five days a week for something between 4 and 10 weeks.
You'll have no free time, basically?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 08:59 No. 299398
>>299397 Nah, I'll still have plenty of free time, basically all I have is free time.
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Oh, you're unemployed or something? Gomen
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 09:00 No. 299400
>>299399 Yee Living the NEET life I had an intern ship for three days in July though. They asked me to leave before the beginning of the fourth day though. I don't really feel like talking about that anymore though.
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>>299400 That sucks What'd you be doing at this iop thing? Group therapy?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 09:04 No. 299402
>>299401 Probably I won't deny that I'd get anything out of it. But in terms of therapy for the issues I have right now (and have had for a while) I'm at the point of diminishing returns. Also I never liked group therapy in the first place. I did it on and off for several years so I already know I dislike it.
I don't think I'd be good with group therapy either, honestly Seems like a lot of pressure
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 09:07 No. 299404
>>299403 That's not the reason I don't like it. I don't really have that issue. For some people group therapy is very helpful.
>>299400 >they asked me to leave >not going to talk about it you're really blueballin me here dude
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 09:08 No. 299406
>>299405 I talked about it plenty three months ago, check the archive.
>>299406 i don't have the free time to do that kind of thing. rather, i don't want to do it with the free time I do have.
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>>299404 I had issues just talking one on one with my psych so I just figure a group would be way worse for me Figured maybe you had a similar problem with it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 09:10 No. 299409
>>299408 In your case I'm sure you *it would be hard for you But that doesn't mean it's ineffective or "bad". I think if you were able to bring yourself to do it that it could be very helpful for you in the long run.
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my dad went to a ptsd group thing after an outburst near the beginning of this year and it seems to have improved his mental health to me i don't know how effective an anxiety help group can really be i'm just imagining a sign hanging above a doorway to an empty room filled with chairs that says "social anxiety anonymous"
>>299409 Maybe I don't really know what they're about, to be honest I've never gone to one of those things, but I think I'd be very out of place
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 09:12 No. 299412
>>299410 It's not a "help group", its iop so its really focused or whatever. My dad was in one for addiction recovery after he got out of rehab for alcoholism and they're a bit different than regular therapy/support grouos or whatever.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 09:14 No. 299413
>>299411 That's probably what about half the people there would think about themselves.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 09:15 No. 299414
>>299410 Also aside from anxiety not being my primary issue my anxiety is predominantly not social. I don't really get much social anxiety aside from certain specific things I can't think of off the top of my head. Although I do sort of get tired of social interactions after a certain amount of time.
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I have this problem where I get really anxious in social situations when someone draws a gun.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 09:19 No. 299416
>>299415 Wowme2
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>>299415 just remember to ask yourself "what's the worst that could happen?" when you're in that kind of situation and you'll be alright
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The worst that could happen is someone that isn't me might die as a result.
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no reason to be anxious then, haha
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I joke but it's kinda annoying because it applies to my own anxiety, even though I'm aware nothing actually bad is realistically going to happen
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>>299419 I don't want people to suffer for no reason. It would upset a handful of people very much if I was shot and killed.
>>299415 Yeah I get nervous around artists too I think they tend to be judgemental people
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I mean if rationally understanding nothing bad will actually happen, I'd be the least anxious person on the planet, man
>If I was totally free of all the elements that make someone anxious, I would be the least anxious person on the planet So would anyone else.
I lost a part there I mean if rationally understanding nothing bad will actually happen was enough to get rid of the anxiety, etc.
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my head skips around a lot
Yeah, I get that. But it's not like its a case situation completely particular to you. Take anyone and they'd end up the same.
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Yeah I mean it goes for just about everyone I guess
If I wasn't so fucking broke I'd be rich
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Yeah but outside people like Paris Hilton and Milo, broke people are very rarely ever met with "have you tried having money?"
There's plenty of ways to say that without being so direct.
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That's true, yeah It's less direct, I guess is really the difference when it comes down to it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 09:56 No. 299433
Fuck Its 5am I'm going to bed Oyasumi
>>299433 Goodnight
>>299436 Good morning
real steel is on televison for like the xth time
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I never saw that movie Was it good
Eh, it's alright Story of a kid and his roboboxer Did you ever see Big Hero 6?
Fuck I have so many things I should be doing. I really need to tidy up my room too
>>299441 No. I hear it was good though.>>299442 How messy is your room? My trick is having a huge wardrobe to shove clutter into
>>299443 Pretty messy! I will need to get off my butt and actually do some cleaning
or under your bed
>>299445 This works too The worst part is dusting
Rhythm Heaven drove me nuts
Rhythm games are pretty fun I look forward to the full version of Nitorinc The demo is pretty fun, if only a little limited
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I do enjoy rhythm game but I am incredibly bad at them.
It takes a fair bit of practice for me. the really hard ones are almost impossible for me unless I invest a lot of time in them
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I remember I used to play tap tap a bit in school. Those games are good because I don't have to focus on what buttons to press. Still I do like the challenge of coordinating my fingers.
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Like I have an iso of Project Diva lying around on one of my PSPs waiting to be played.
I have that too. I play it occasionally. as well as P3 on my psp.>PSPs You have more than one? I am among the rich
I've almost finished P3P I was sorta disappointed when I realised I was in the final month with so many social links left unfinished I don't want the journey to end
>>299454 These are original PSPs after they dropped in price quite a bit. I still don't know if I'll buy a vita yet.
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saber cat
>>299456 I might get one after it becomes easy to hack and run emulators on Goodnight /moe/
>>299458 Yeah, maybe, Night
>>299456 I have one fat one and one slim one but because I dropped my first one and got a new one. it only took one drop to ruin my fat psp. which sucks>>299458 Nighty I wanna get a vita some day
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windows 10 by default brings up your full name and your email address on bootup when you log in it's so obnoxious and the only way to stop it from doing that is registry editing which isn't hard but how is that in any way secure there's a privacy option to make it where it doesn't show "personal information" on bootup, but all it does it take away your email address and there's no way for me to change the name or to use just my first name or anything i can make local accounts to sign in to but the main shit is still there
>>299462 moist
2017/10/08 (日) 12:16 No. 299465
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Hmm no mention of anything happening here in police reports I guess that gunshot was just some random guy deciding to do latenight shooting
2017/10/08 (日) 12:19 No. 299466
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>plague in magacasgar THE END HAS COME
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it all comes tumbling down
2017/10/08 (日) 12:19 No. 299468
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Though in my experience starting from magagascar never resulted in victory
>>299462 that's crazy
the menprovement initiative at tinder said it'd be out in october and it is here's the continuation of that video now>>>/watch?v=s3WwQkItiUM and they've rolled out a bunch of short advertisements that youtube is only targeting to women
>>>/watch?v=E5F-fMVMVgk here's one such advertisement
2017/10/08 (日) 12:40 No. 299472
>>299470 >>299471 the fuck...
>>299470 >>299471 cringe
2017/10/08 (日) 12:42 No. 299474
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Imagine if you ran a "womanprovement" ad like that
>>>/watch?v=0q_EYLCRAbQ i really wish we could do a satire of this with women a girl is like "i can't do that i have to be responsible this weekend" and then zap her with an electrostatic impulse that we call the bitch enhancer and then she decides she wants to be a slut instead
This is horrible.
how dare you not want to dance you are a BAD MAN
>>299470 tips peak cap
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>>299477 girl: sorry i don't want to go dancing i need to do my workout at the gym men: ZAP girl: you know what i'll just fuck away all the calories free blowjobs for everyone on the dance floor
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>>>/watch?v=R5TOKOXN01Y the cringiest part isn't even the concept or extremity since that's intentional to serve as the platform for humor it's being over the top for humor's sake but the humor in it falls so so flat
>>299480 you look so fertile
>>299481 thank you
>>299480 that thumbnail is too small show respect to yukari
2017/10/08 (日) 12:56 No. 299484
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first she needs to earn that respect
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i'm gonna go hang out in orlando today
im gonna go hang out with my boy JESUS
2017/10/08 (日) 12:57 No. 299487
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>>299485 have fun, why orlando though?
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that's where all the stuff to do is
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I'm gonna get off my butt soon and probably get some stuff done and then go out and take some pictures. It is pretty late. I really should have got off my butt way earlier
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Ain't it only 2:00? That's not too late!
this is amazing
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>>299490 It is super late! I usually leave around 7-10am!
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>>299491 I like it
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>>299492 This is an opportunity to see some new things then!
>>299491 that's really coool
2017/10/08 (日) 13:09 No. 299496
>>299491 cool
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I got like 8 followers from one shitpost and a threat against nazis on twitter last night and they keep rolling in feeling accomplished
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bye bye now
bye my friend
the ducks looked worried
2017/10/08 (日) 13:40 No. 299505
the geese were angry
tryna shoot and this fucking army dick won't stop talking to us
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this lady keeps pointing her firearm in our direction when she turns towards her husband too
2017/10/08 (日) 15:46 No. 299509
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>>299508 too bad it isn't the army you get body tackled for doing that
she is scaring the shit out of me every time she turns around
2017/10/08 (日) 15:47 No. 299511
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well hope for the best
she just tossed her loaded gun on the floor and said it was broken she's going to kill us
2017/10/08 (日) 15:50 No. 299513
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HOW d o they let people like that hold guns...
im about to report her if her husband doesn't get her in line in the next minute
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meanwhile this dude
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 16:07 No. 299516
>>299515 noice
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 16:07 No. 299517
Also I am ohio Probably going the fuck back to sleep though
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fish's shots with p320
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 16:21 No. 299519
>>299518 Did you do this yet?
>>299518 are you having a good time? *you both
i dont own a p320, we're using a friend's guns >>299520 yeah we're going to go get lunch now
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 16:22 No. 299522
>>299521 Ah, what's it chambered in by the way?
>>299521 yo sae we are getting burgers
>>299522 .45>>299523 same probably
2017/10/08 (日) 16:30 No. 299526
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_R(…).jpg )
>>299518 would be quite dead person
was shooting a p22 too it was real comfy
>>299525 coolio its like we're doing our double date
>>299528 are you deito with pan?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 16:38 No. 299530
Going back bed Yasumi
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>>299529 i wish i may have made a mistake
2017/10/08 (日) 16:39 No. 299532
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Doesn't look very apetising
its pretty good
>>299531 witth your mom?
>>299534 yeah
2017/10/08 (日) 16:43 No. 299536
>double date with your mom
>>299536 >>299536 >>299536
it was a joke gosh GOSH YOU GUYS
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my glasses are broken. the screw won't go back in. it turns and turns but it doesn't hold onto anything. I need a string
2017/10/08 (日) 16:48 No. 299540
i-i-it was o-only a j-joke guys
>>299539 what the heck is with all your stuff breaking
Rachel Heartway has to beat up all the monsters while balancing school and border patrol. What a good girl
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>>299539 My old pair is broken in that way. I put them together with a paperclip.
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you said you have a newer pair for when you go outside I think?
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Yes, I do. I use my busted pair around the house.
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My burger was good.
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What kind of burger did you have?
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häm bäga medium
2017/10/08 (日) 17:32 No. 299550
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in termso f finnish pronounciation words like that bäga with äö followed by normal vowel are bit nasty to say
2017/10/08 (日) 17:33 No. 299551
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same for y at times for example in spoken language olympialaiset - olympics is always pronounced olumpialaiset the jump from o to y is just tossed away as it is awkward to do in flowing conversation
2017/10/08 (日) 17:35 No. 299552
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amusingly, IQ is bloody hard to pronounce spontaneously correctly in finnish the abbreviation is ÄO which is a weird thing to pronounce
2017/10/08 (日) 17:36 No. 299553
so you can even find people wit presumably high iq mispronouncing it äö in live tv even
idek what those vowels sound like haha
2017/10/08 (日) 17:40 No. 299555
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Deed Teaching unique pronounciations to people who have never even heard of them is the biggest issue always in languages and learning I myself have had huge problems with some slavic stuff especially something that was called "back-I" it was marked something like *b*i italics? anyhow with bI and was pronounced something between y and i
2017/10/08 (日) 17:43 No. 299556
and amusingly, the context it existed in was a "nbi" a NI so I was being drilled how to say NI and no one could keep a straight face because of the obvious monty python references
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you localized IQ?
2017/10/08 (日) 17:44 No. 299558
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we localize anything that is how language and translations work
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 18:02 No. 299559
>>299549 medium huh just like your son
>>299559 medium, medium rare are only acceptable ways
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 18:18 No. 299561
>>299560 I like my burgers med-well usually, sorry. Steak medium though
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WE DONT WANT NO SKINNY BITCHES SKINNY BITCHES get out there now it's out of my head
2017/10/08 (日) 18:24 No. 299563
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we don't need no education
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 18:26 No. 299564
>>299562 uhhhh ok?
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2017/10/08 (日) 18:29 No. 299566
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i'm going to enjoy this when it comes out if it gets scanned
2017/10/08 (日) 18:43 No. 299568
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_R(…).jpg )
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 18:45 No. 299569
>>299568 Flandre>>299560 Yet again you have good tastes! Medium rare is my pick!
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I can't wait to be drowning in money so I can buy cute things like this
2017/10/08 (日) 18:48 No. 299572
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>>299569 Is a fun place to invade
>>299571 teach me how to drown in money too
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Sure. I'll show you back at the condolance.
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>>299574 You are never gonna stop teasing me about that! baaaka
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 18:51 No. 299576
Katie Mindreader is pretty cute tbqh fam
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>>299575 The condolance is such a cool name though! I want to live in one.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 18:53 No. 299578
>"What's Kokoro's name" ToN thought to himself Fonda Feels Oh fuck me
When you are rich you should have a condo and name it Condolance
a street psychic tried to scam me
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 18:54 No. 299581
>>299580 did he read your mind Jesus christ This is real. How the fuck this get approved
>>299581 offered me free tarot reading and then told me my future was in danger but she knows how to fix it for some $$>>299582 pretty fucked up
I am pretty sure they knew it would be controversial and did it because it would direct attention them
dove has a history of doing stuff like this
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 18:56 No. 299586
>>299583 how much $$$$$$? like 100?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 18:56 No. 299587
what if it was someone who could counteract your stand
>>299585 All the more reason that it is likely to have been done on purpose!
>>299587 ridiculous! >>299586 like $1000 but they would have accepted an installment plan!>>299588 they're actually just racist their products call white skin "normal skin"
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 18:57 No. 299590
>>299589 dude what they should have just asked for a smaller amount that's way more likely to get you bucks
>>299590 yeah man not the best scam i guess i look like i can afford it though
2017/10/08 (日) 18:58 No. 299592
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>>299582 again? I think they believe controversy increases sales
anyway the psychic said i was going to be betrayed by someone and that i need to change my course and also change my [foreign word] energy >>299594 there are psychics everywhere here
2017/10/08 (日) 19:00 No. 299594
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Why are there psychics in this day and age anyhow?
2017/10/08 (日) 19:00 No. 299595
also moreover, tarot cards are just older versions of basic playing cards... who the fuck up cooked this mystical mumbojumbo unto them?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 19:00 No. 299596
>>299593 yeah this is all about the rpg campaign dude. You're going to be betrayed by [REDACTED] and you need to stop being an idol for a bit again and change your spiritia energy
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>>299582 people don't learn
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>>299593 You should have asked them "Is it Rika? Is Rika going to betray me" and see what how she responds.>>299599 You haven't met Rika in person yet, so you never know!
she said i haven't met the person that will betray me yet lol
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 19:02 No. 299600
>>299599 oh well then screw that that doesn't work for the campaign at all
i guess it's just a social link i haven't started yet
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>go to get laundry out of the washer >it isn't done >because it never started >because I didn't close the lid
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Heya Rika! >>299602 What a bwaka
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/08 (日) 19:03 No. 299604
>>299602 good jobbu
see? rika could never betray me just look at her it's gotta be a social link i don't have yet
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That's how the Rika of the heart works, huh
i guess it'll probably be a detective or something and then my persona arc will start
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>>299607 What if the psychic was talking about themselves in a roundabout way.
>>299608 oh shit the psychic was top tier never betray you tier in p5 though hmm
needless to say i gave the psychic $1000 to fix my future
2017/10/08 (日) 19:06 No. 299611
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>>299593 Give them money and they will betray you by feeding you a load of bull prophesy fulfilled they weren't even lying
>>299611 well the thing was that if i don't pay them I'll get betrayed
2017/10/08 (日) 19:07 No. 299613
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So a random street psychic has the power to change fate man the guy has some guts
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Being a psychic must be pretty easy. It's really easy to guess that any given person will be betrayed at some point.
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Apparently I'll be betrayed and it'll DOOM me My future is bleak!>>299613 Yeah she was offering some kind of ritual or something
You will have great success but only if you unlock the key to your success first. Please buy these herbs and a golden future awaits you yes this looks like a piece of ordinary grass but its is embued with chakra.
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It'll probably be fine as long as I max out my social links. I'm probably at 7 for most of them, higher for some. I guess I still have one more to get though. Doesn't that make it obvious? I'll know who the bad guy is as soon as I get the link.
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Well, it was really obvious in persona 5 as well.
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I don't think the writers would make it so obvious in my life, though.
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>>299618 fish wants me to show you her target
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>>299619 No one on the team noticed even though it was really obvious. Maybe it's harder when you're on ground level.>>299620 She shot it a lot! Are the holes on the cardboard also shots she took?
2017/10/08 (日) 19:13 No. 299622
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>>299619 doubletwist it is the most obvious one, cause everyone thinks iti s a red herring
2017/10/08 (日) 19:14 No. 299623
I mean that ish ow they did it in Scream and it worked quite well
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>>299621 Yeah, the cardboard is also her shots.>>299622 hmm I dunno. Introducing the villain last is kind of dumb too though.
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hmm I don't think the villain was really introduced last. He was just the last social link, right?
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here's mine >>299625 No, he was like an eael social link early The villain would be introduced last in my life if i haven't met them yet
2017/10/08 (日) 19:17 No. 299627
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no grouping with either of you
I haven't shot since 2015 so it can't be helped
2017/10/08 (日) 19:17 No. 299629
Well I doubt I'd do any better never used a handgun and last time I used a rifle was 6 years ago
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As long as you draw blood, it'll go down eventually
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why does the target have to be
>>299631 fucking agreed
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This is the kind of guy that likes them that way with his creepy aas shirt
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>cole slaw wrestling what kind of lewd shit ...
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>cole slaw wrestling An interesting concept.
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this lady kept pointing her gun at us when she tur ned to talk to her husband and at one point she threw her loaded gun on the ground and shouted "it's broken" the employees at the range had to deal with her because she was so dangerous
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>>299637 People like this is why heavy gun regulation is a legit thing people want
Wait is that a fucking five seven?
>>299637 Wtf
>>299639 i believe so
>>299637 ive never had these problems at a gun range and i go a lot
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Dude five sevens are cool I want a five seven
>>299643 five sevens are retarded
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Whaaat? Are they? I thought they were cool guns
>>299642 florida is florida >>299645 why do you think they're cool
>A riot is the language of the unheard, you say, as you refer to the demand for schezuan sauce
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I dunno really, I got the impression they were decent guns from... uh, snippets from /k/ I think, now that I think about it
I am SLAIN this afternoon, /moe/ Murdered
>>299647 the fuck this is getting obnoxious i wish season 3 never came out
>>299648 splinter cell double agent made them really good they're memes though they're trash for home defense
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This is violence.
>>299650 people were fighting everywhere over it
I guess ill just stay content only having seen through season 2
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>>299652 Oh sure, once it's about a fucking joke subject, MLK was hardcore, but when it comes to shit that fucking matters he was just a guy who did speeches and walked a little
>>299654 s3 is the best season but the fans have become incredibly toxic
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>>299655 Worse than the KKK, is the McDonalds, who is content with leaving us with BBQ or Sweet and Sour sauce
>>299657 >>299657 >>299657
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Protests against racism in the past which issues were addressed were good Protests now that I can't look in retrospect are bad because I'm uncomfortable
spectacle ee e even*
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okay, I'm going to find something a lot more positive than twitter right now
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 19:31 No. 299663
I am returned
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 19:31 No. 299664
>>299662 Protons are positive
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>>299662 like how cute i am
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>>299662 didya watch neo yokio yet?
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All that sauce stuff is weird. Those people need to get jobs.
>>299669 They're making prime investments they won't need jobs
>>299669 ? ? ?
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>>299669 yeah what blue said
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If they have time to stand around McDonalds all day obsessing over meme sauce, they must not be working!
>>299656 fans more toxic than ever bc s3 its also the worst season for that reason its treason increasin
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It was a S A T U R D A Y
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Look I don't agree with their particular choice of passtime activity, but are you suggesting we live to work?
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>>299676 Do you live for secuhara sauce, instead?>>299675 Then they should be home resting!
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Rika is just meming on you guys.
>>299678 Reality is memes
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Rika speaks the truth though!
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what the hell is in a japaribun and why can herbiovores and carnivores both seemingly eat the same ones without issues?
friends are probably omnivores
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Hm, that makes sense Maybe they're \\\ No they're definitely omnivores, at least some of them, so probably all of them Owls don't generally eat vegetables, after all
2017/10/08 (日) 19:41 No. 299685
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they have been turned into humans with animal features and humans are omnivores
2017/10/08 (日) 19:42 No. 299686
>>299684 or curry
2017/10/08 (日) 19:42 No. 299687
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especially with most "spicy" things being spicy to just mammals the spice stuff in them is ment to be attractive to birds or not at all tasty to them, so that the birds eating on them would carry the seeds further than any nonflying lanblobber can>>299688 housecat is also a hyper carnivore
Well no, but housecats generally don't eat bulls either, that's not really a digestive problem, it's just their inability to get their hands on it
Yeah but good luck finding a housecat capable of felling a bull
2017/10/08 (日) 19:43 No. 299690
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It doesn't need to it has this thing called owned who tosses it bullmeat
2017/10/08 (日) 19:44 No. 299691
2017/10/08 (日) 19:44 No. 299692
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a housecat generally in modern times doesn't eat its "natural food" as they don't need to hunt
i have fed my cat ostrich meat they loved it
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I should'a expected this so I'm gonna just do wht I intended and go to bed
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Cats are scavengers a lot of the time so they eat whatever.
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oh shit yes my sick leave is until and including tuesday long-ass weekend
2017/10/08 (日) 19:46 No. 299697
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not housecats, though those are one of the best predators in the world
>>299694 night
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 19:47 No. 299699
>>299694 Yasumi
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I want to towkr in this kind of cafe. wow I butchered the word work
2017/10/08 (日) 19:52 No. 299702
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as the sadist?
>>299701 why do you want to twerk in this kind of cafe
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Rika would be the imouto.
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That's right, I have huge imouto appeal.
2017/10/08 (日) 20:05 No. 299706
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but aren't you an oneesan?
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You're not supposed to use your real personality. You have to use your appeals. Rika is onee-chan, but she has imouto appeal which is way more marketable.
i think oneesan is way better
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Yeah, one of the themes is that their characters are all somewhat contrary to their true personalities.
>>299708 Oneesans are lovely, imoutos are brats
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 20:16 No. 299711
>>299710 My oneesan is kind of a brat.
2017/10/08 (日) 20:16 No. 299712
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>>299711 "I can't believe my oneesan is kind of a brat"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 20:17 No. 299713
>>299712 I can believe it! Dattebayo!
2017/10/08 (日) 20:17 No. 299714
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>>299713 that is the s2
>>299711 Clearly she's an imouto at heart
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>>299708 Yeah, I think so, too. But imouto is more appealing to people in general.
>>299716 You shouldn't betray your own good taste for money and marketability!
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Rika doesn't have to appeal to herself. She can appeal to the people and be the imouto without betraying her tastes.
2017/10/08 (日) 20:21 No. 299719
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capitalism ho
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Imoutos are definitely in higher demand. It's just how it is.
2017/10/08 (日) 20:22 No. 299721
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damn incesters
being an oneesan has a higher skill ceiling though and is super high market value if done right
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>>299720 That's right. People like what they like!
You'll never be the trailblazing trend setter like that
2017/10/08 (日) 20:24 No. 299725
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BHut then again if you just toss imoutos at people, you compete in the big popular mainstream market why not target the smaller groups with less competitors for their pockets?
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Rika's imouto appeal is probably really high. She'd beat the competition pretty easily, I think.
2017/10/08 (日) 20:26 No. 299727
Search [iqdb] (260 KB, 1200x1200, 1413848615034.jpg )
People still go for shittier products and services, because of branding and marketing if the competition just advertises andwhantot better, it doesn't matter if you have the ultimate imouto you still might lose
Search [iqdb] (46 KB, 292x517, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
There's more to it than being the best! As long as you can make people smile, you're winning.
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>>299726 i guess i havent noticed it id happily swap her for either of my onees though she woulda been way better
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>>299730 that's a very bushy tail
>>299731 thanks
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A nut in his mouth!
2017/10/08 (日) 20:32 No. 299734
>>299730 getting fat for winter
>>299732 What amazing balance you have
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>>299727 It's a matter of prefence. It's not your place to tell people whether they prefer imoutos or onee-chans.
>>299730 A beautiful picture.
>>299737 Thanks, that was just casually walking down the path to find some squirrels and this guy is just sitting there in the tree as I am on my way to the place to find them. we both stare at each for ages and I'm slowly reaching for my camera bag, and unzipping it and unclasping it and everything while keep eye contact with the screen and moving super slowly. It was pretty amusing thinking back on it. I just didn't expect a squirrel to be sitting on a tree near a path near my house of all places!
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I didn't get many good pictures those are the few ones unblurry or not with fucked exposure
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 20:37 No. 299743
>>299727 That's why Windows is so successful.
2017/10/08 (日) 20:37 No. 299744
Search [iqdb] (612 KB, 1200x1680, 1414316115267.jpg )
is that blue skies I see in the pics?
>>299738 you should see the ones here i can stand in grabbing reach and they dont move theyre assholes though
2017/10/08 (日) 20:37 No. 299746
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>>299743 also involves outright "do it just for us and we pay you"
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>>299745 Oh that would be neat. the ones here run off quite quickly. I love moss in the sunlight, it has really lovely greens
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im going to take a lot of photos tomorrow with my macro lens and some bird pics too maybe alligators
>>299749 maybe youll be lucky amd find those bords that clean the meat from the gators mouth
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>>299749 I look forward to seeing your pictures! It'll be super neat to see what you take!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 20:41 No. 299752
>>299750 Those are crocodiles and its occurs in the Nile.
there are nile crocs here now
Search [iqdb] (5.4 MB, 3600x2400, DSC_1519.jpg )
I haven't see a crocdile up close they are all in zoos here.
>>299752 this is my fist and it occurs on your face
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 20:42 No. 299756
>>299753 What the fuck
>>299756 someone released a bunch of them into the Everglades lol
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 20:42 No. 299758
>>299757 What a piece of shit
>>299754 google st louis zoo its a free zoo and its gigantic
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 20:43 No. 299760
Although I am excited about the feral capybara population in northern Florida.
2017/10/08 (日) 20:43 No. 299761
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>>299758 Gotta have some DIVERSITY
i hope capybaras spread to central florida
>>299757 probably the irs internal-organ reposession service
2017/10/08 (日) 20:44 No. 299764
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>>299762 that would be fun I wonder could they survive here
>>299763 them and their damn lighthouses
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 20:45 No. 299766
>>299765 Heh
>>299765 fbi federal bank of inteztines
2017/10/08 (日) 20:45 No. 299769
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shouldn't it be "reserve"
yo dog put the inteztinez in da bag or i putta bullet in ya skull
2017/10/08 (日) 20:46 No. 299771
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Imagine if the intestines are pills ya just eat and then they go into place and replace your old ones and then you evict the old ones as goop
cia confiscating innards always
Kirara Did you have to download the jp voices for p5 or were they built in>>299774 guess im playing in english for a few days no
yeah you have to
>>299773 gross
just don't play tbh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 20:47 No. 299777
>>299776 >>299776 >>299776 >>299776 >>299776
>playing in English Don't do this
>>299778 says the one who checked out after i said not to
I thought P5s dub was okay
>>299780 okay vs amazing isn't even a choice
>>299779 You suggested it for cringe. I had to see how cringe it really was. I regret the decision! It was terribly cringe
i said dont
>>299782 was it the rick and morty ones ugj
No? I gotta google that now
like ive linked you clannad fandub before but im saying no please listen
don't do it ton
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 245x250, psycho community.gif )
wow what happened in here a clannad fandub?
>>299791 that was a long time ago im a different person now
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:01 No. 299793
i watched blade runner yay
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 21:03 No. 299794
Oh yeah, thanks who ever posted the Kemono Friends Rhythm Heaven thing earlier.
>>299793 everyone says it's so good
>>299793 did you like it
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:04 No. 299797
yeah it was a nice experience it's been a long time since i've seen a movie like that
im gonna see it on Tuesday i think can't wait
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:05 No. 299799
i don't wanna spoil anything about the movie i watched it at a Drafthouse theater so i had two beers and popcorn during the running time bathroom breaks: zero (0)
>>299794 It is pretty fun.
2017/10/08 (日) 21:09 No. 299801
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>>299799 beer served in movie theatres i am so jellyfish
>>299801 Is that not a thing over where you are?
2017/10/08 (日) 21:10 No. 299803
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no alcohol in theatres
Why? Over here depending on your theatre you can order pretty much any drink you like. They have bars for the theatres.
2017/10/08 (日) 21:11 No. 299805
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To save up on cleaning expenses and to avoid having to drag drunk finns out of the theatre
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:12 No. 299806
the idea of people getting rowdy drunk in the drafthouse is to me a non-starter
2017/10/08 (日) 21:12 No. 299807
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welcome to finland you serve alcohol you have drunk finns
gonna play this shit dubbed for a few days and you cant stop me
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Time to level Black Knight. I may pair him up with Charlotte.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:18 No. 299810
is ryan gosling actually good looking or really plain i can't decide
2017/10/08 (日) 21:19 No. 299811
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1920x1080, Riri (4).jpg )
does your heart go doki doki on sight of him?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:20 No. 299812
heart? are you talking about my black abyss?
2017/10/08 (日) 21:20 No. 299813
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yeah your kokoro
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:20 No. 299814
my abyss does not go 'doki doki'
2017/10/08 (日) 21:20 No. 299815
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then does it go "samu samu"
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:20 No. 299816
2017/10/08 (日) 21:20 No. 299817
so does it go yami yami on sight ofh im`?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:21 No. 299818
i feel nothing when looking at ryan gosling
2017/10/08 (日) 21:21 No. 299819
then I guess he is plain
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:21 No. 299820
are you calling me a homo
2017/10/08 (日) 21:22 No. 299821
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Well why else would you ask >>299810
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:22 No. 299822
i am curious about his status as prized boyfriend material
2017/10/08 (日) 21:23 No. 299823
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Well from quuick googling of him he doesn't look particularly outstanding
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 21:27 No. 299824
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:28 No. 299825
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>>299810 i am a big fan of him i think he's good
Wow thanks gamestop like 20% off a preowned coupon for my birthday and like preowned p5 is only 38, 35 with my pro card I just got it for $30
thats 30 dollars i can waste on like other stuff
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:30 No. 299830
get down give me 20
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:30 No. 299831
there's a rationalist meetup in this coffee shop i can hear them talking about utility and instrumentalism they're huddled around ipads and laptops doing a group reading
2017/10/08 (日) 21:31 No. 299832
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how cringy do they look?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 21:32 No. 299833
>>299825 Goddammit That shouldn't be that funny.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:33 No. 299834
>>299832 they're pretty normal looking
2017/10/08 (日) 21:33 No. 299835
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no fedora or anything+
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 21:33 No. 299836
>>299833 i want to steal that line
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Mondays need to go and stay go.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 22:09 No. 299839
>>299837 do you have any thoughts on >>299810 ?
2017/10/08 (日) 22:09 No. 299840
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>>299838 nuke the moon and we might have to rename it
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 22:12 No. 299841
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>>299839 I would say he's attractive, yes.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 22:15 No. 299843
>>299842 nice pastels
>>299810 i thibnk hes pretty good think* id say cilian murphy in peaky blinders is about two notches higher though but rg is still lik an 8.5 like
nothing like Christmas in October
2017/10/08 (日) 22:27 No. 299846
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Already xmas decorations or ads?
Poor halloween getting skipped out on
2017/10/08 (日) 22:34 No. 299848
and thnksgiving
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2017/10/08 (日) 22:35 No. 299850
>>299849 gross
They have all the halloween sweets out right now.
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>>299852 oh noooooooo
oh no
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Deito episode completo.
>>299855 dang that was a nice long one huh
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Day-long deitos are essential!
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I probably said no to that sort of thing too many times. I'll take that experience with me.
Especially since that sounds pretty fun to me, at least now
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I had a lot of fun. We went shooting, got lunch, walked around, met the psychic, hung out at a cafe, walked around more, went bowling, and then had dinner.
if you had burgers for lunch what was dinner
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
Chicken. It was really good. I ate a lot of calories today, but that's okay since it was a deito day.
you walked a lot too plis youre a tiny boy
2017/10/08 (日) 22:51 No. 299864
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>>299855 so in terms of seasonl anime this was a 6 or 7 or 6,5 ova episode to give a breather for the viewers
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Yeah, I guess today was the relaxing episode. A nice little slice of life.>>299863 I did walk a lot. I'm going to run tonight too.
2017/10/08 (日) 22:52 No. 299866
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next episode the next arc begins enjoy depending on your genre it might just be nothing or DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
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This sort of starts an arc because Fish is going to be learning to shoot on the weekends now. I guess it could be a montage or something.
sounds fun
This is her training arc
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this arc's antagonist
2017/10/08 (日) 23:03 No. 299871
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>>299870 They will make her much more villainy in the actual adaption
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>>299871 yeah, probably. she wasn't really that menacing today.
2017/10/08 (日) 23:04 No. 299873
>>299872 0 dimensional chess WOW he has gone beyond dimensions he now plays nothing chess
>articles fdor you >4chan meme about dimensional chess wow, you have some shitpost news there
>use a paperclip rika this is the dorkiest fucking fix I have ever seen in my life
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 23:16 No. 299876
>>299875 what two objects do you need to clip together
>>299874 Sasuga CNN
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>>299875 got_myself_a_paperclip_bkitny.jpg
>>299878 wow
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Please Beat Me Up And Take My Non-Existent Lunch Money Because Clearly I Have None
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 23:19 No. 299882
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Blue I found a manga you might like.
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 23:19 No. 299884
>>299878 Are those your glasses? Nice fix
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 23:20 No. 299885
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 23:20 No. 299886
put a little camera on it DIY snapchat specs
>>299881 >>299882 >>299883 I feel attacked
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 364x579, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
>>299875 >>299878 Well you interpreted my advice in a very strange and literal fashion. Use a smaller paperclip, and twist it out of form. Wrap the extra around the little ear bar thingy. So it's not just a a paperclip slitting in your glasses like that...
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 541x600, Rika - Tilt.jpg )
Already attempting I gotta anyway it's far too loose
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 23:21 No. 299890
>>299888 I was actually about to suggest that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 23:22 No. 299891
Another thing you could use are staples, just bend them in and around it, you could probably get two or three in there and it would no longer be loose. Plus that woukd be a bit more discreet. *would
2017/10/08 (日) 23:22 No. 299892
>>299878 steel wire heard of it? even ordinary string could tie up that well enough though
...I'm about to start a fashion statement.
2017/10/08 (日) 23:24 No. 299894
Search [iqdb] (564 KB, 381x786, 1420401675345.png )
or since you have that paperclip you could just get clippers and cut it smaller and then bend the small metal pieces so they keep it together
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Girlish_Number_(…).jpg )
IT actually doesn't look too bad once you get the paperclip wrapped around the frame properly.
2017/10/08 (日) 23:25 No. 299896
why wrap if you can cut it into much more managable piece?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 23:25 No. 299897
she says with a smug anime face
I'm trying to figure out a cool way to bend this in.
2017/10/08 (日) 23:26 No. 299899
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 1920x1080, Riri (3).jpg )
and welp you could just use string to keep it together
Maybe I can do the Ushiromiya family crest thing
If you do you have to read it
I don't have enough slack for it. hm
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 236x228, 1929.png )
You are gonna end up poking yourself in the eyeball with your fancy paperclip
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 23:28 No. 299904
>>299894 It's easier to bend the paper clips before trimming them. The added length makes them easier to manipulate.
I've already done it with my glasses
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 225x215, 1947.png )
what a bwaka
2017/10/08 (日) 23:29 No. 299907
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>>299904 I'd just use tripwire to do it since I have maybe 20 metres of it anyhow
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 23:29 No. 299908
>>299907 Do that then. I've done a lot of shit with paper clips over the years so I know just a bit about what is and is not easy.
2017/10/08 (日) 23:29 No. 299909
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don't need to
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Break the other leg and balance it on your nose.
>>299903 DON'T DO IT
2017/10/08 (日) 23:30 No. 299912
>>299910 my previous glasses ended up being this had to tie a string around them to keep them from falling
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 23:33 No. 299913
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I can see again.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 23:43 No. 299915
>>299914 Omedetou
Search [iqdb] (277 KB, 1447x2046, DLnmxulUQAA9mVa.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 23:58 No. 299917
>>299916 What's she using those pliers for?
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She's making sure her loved ones never leave her.
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Preparing to eat is always such a trial. I've been trying to find something that works as a dipping bowl but we're not really well-equipped for that sort of thing. And one of the best contenders has been pre-occupied by my imouto to store...Nutella, I think. Though I'm not sure what the qualities of keeping Nutella out in the open-air for a long period of time are.
2017/10/09 (月) 00:11 No. 299921
>>299920 spoils quick especially ifn ot in fridge
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 00:13 No. 299922
>>299920 You could use a mug or a small glass Ah, a dipping bowl for one person or more than one person? Also your sister should not be storing nutella in anything other than the container it came in .
>>299921 Airtight is fine, really. We keep it and stuff like it (peanut butter) in a cupboard since they're both substances that are a pain and a half to use when frozen hard.>>299922 I just fished a small bowl out of the dishwasher and cleaned it.
2017/10/09 (月) 00:16 No. 299924
Search [iqdb] (3.5 MB, 3855x5867, 1473353960886.jpg )
it is ment to be stored in room temperature, yes but not in contact with air open air means whatever is in the air can get into it and nutella is perfect breeding ground for any fungi, bacteria or whatever is in the air not to mention it will accelerate the spoiling of the fats in the mixture
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 00:17 No. 299925
>>299923 Sounds like a plan
Well my imouto has some kind of addiction to Nutella so it's not like a jar of it ever lasts long in our house.
2017/10/09 (月) 00:18 No. 299927
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1920x1080, cpt Drink.jpg )
well why not keep it in thej ar with the lid
>>299918 Kirara are you free right now?
>>299927 I don't know! Hence why I was bewildered enough by seeing a good tablespoon or two of it just sitting in a dipping cup on her desk.
2017/10/09 (月) 00:19 No. 299930
Search [iqdb] (776 KB, 850x1200, 1473650111484.jpg )
your imout is gonna turn into a ball
You'd think, but she eats almost nothing. She's also still a teenager so she's got that on her side.
2017/10/09 (月) 00:20 No. 299932
>>299999 faggot do a flip>>300000 #8ball (Would you kindly?) eat a dick
>>299928 i can be if there's something important
>>299933 it's not super urgent or anything, but I would like to talk to you on steam
>>299934 alright im on
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
Now that I've eaten, it's time to get C O M F Y
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/09 (月) 00:27 No. 299937
live life in the intermittent fast lane
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] URAHARA - 01 [7(…).jpg )
Use the fast lane to get home from work fast so you can take it easy.
go fast to go slow
2017/10/09 (月) 00:31 No. 299940
Search [iqdb] (252 KB, 1920x1080, a54a443e280a0a6d1f84111b8880a649.jpg )
on autobahns don't take the fast lane half heartedly
2 fast u furious
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/09 (月) 00:45 No. 299942
3 3ast
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/09 (月) 00:57 No. 299943
Search [iqdb] (406 KB, 1536x2048, DLdGPoiVwAUHCf8.jpg-large.jpeg )
blade runner 2049 spoilers
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/09 (月) 01:03 No. 299944
there is quite a bit of nudity in the film 2 lewd
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 01:04 No. 299945
>>299944 See >>299946
There's quite a lot of nudity in real life.
Though there is a bit of a false comparison when pittnig -pitting a sci-fi movie up against real life.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/09 (月) 01:04 No. 299948
not in my christian america
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 01:05 No. 299949
>>299948 Everyone is naked under their clothes.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/09 (月) 01:05 No. 299950
yeah i.e. everyone wearing clothes is not naked
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 01:05 No. 299951
>>299950 If there are (disregarding string theory) four spatial dimensions, entities on *occupying all four of them would still see those people as naked though.
>>299950 They're naked. Except for a few clothes.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/09 (月) 01:07 No. 299953
i didn't know rei was a contortionist
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 01:07 No. 299954
>>299953 I'm actually decently flexible, not as much as when I actually exercised though.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:07 No. 299955
Search [iqdb] (748 KB, 1000x1000, 1472420861233.jpg )
All people are actually SKELETONS UNDER THEIR SKIN
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 01:08 No. 299956
>>299955 That reminds me of a story I heard the other day Well, I knew the story already cause I was there Anyways at D&D 6 years ago my friend's character got grappled by a monster that if you get grappled by it your skeleton tears itself out and animates and attacks your allies.
I don't have a proper skeleton under my skin; I'm lacking a proper spine.
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:10 No. 299959
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 288x219, 1.jpg )
You guys are quite fast into making new threads. Has anyone ever heard/read Agony in Pink? Beautiful story.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 01:11 No. 299960
Search [iqdb] (552 KB, 1060x1426, Screenshot_20171008-201140.jpg )
>>299959 Lol
>>299955 we're all brains piloting biomecha
2017/10/09 (月) 01:12 No. 299962
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 600x806, 1472701399278.jpg )
>>299961 We are all AI piloting brains piloting biomecha
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 01:14 No. 299963
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 1044x463, Screenshot_20171008-201351.jpg )
>>299959 When it comes to shitty erotic fanfiction, this is the only thing I ever remember.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 01:15 No. 299964
Years ago at a party one of my friends was drunk and started reading that out loud. I think he also read the "no John you are the demons" thing too.
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1200x675, IMG_20171007_120058.jpg )
seasons change but they don't ask why
2017/10/09 (月) 01:17 No. 299966
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Cause I declare so
>>299965 fish in a sea bird in a tree if moths had eyes what would they see
2017/10/09 (月) 01:20 No. 299968
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, Hakaze (8).jpg )
btw they say "like shooting fish in a barrel" but you still wouldn't really hit them that well
>>299967 moths have eyes you fucking MONG
2017/10/09 (月) 01:20 No. 299970
unless they really mean a barrel full of fish no water just 100% fish
>>299969 i meant ears
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171008-212201.png )
damn it all
2017/10/09 (月) 01:23 No. 299973
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 1920x1080, koreandrink (15).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 01:28 No. 299974
>>299970 That's what I usually imagine.
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 460x718, 1507425699131.jpg )
>>299972 >he can't tell the difference between salsa and gravy i'm not coming to your house for thanksgiving
2017/10/09 (月) 01:28 No. 299976
>>299974 but at that point they are dead and in salt
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 01:28 No. 299977
>>299976 There could be like six in a barrel with nothing else that are still alibe because someone put them there to shoot after arguing wit their friends about how easy it is to shoot fish in a barrel.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:29 No. 299978
>>299977 are there live cows in groundmeat packets?
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>>299975 What if Fish cooks?
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>>299979 Is she going to put salsa on the mashed potatoes?
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>>299980 Would you like her to?
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:35 No. 299982
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 314x238, expectating the worst.jpg )
>>299963 Agony in pink isn't shitty though. It's very detailed in every aspect. It is the kind of story that either gives you Nightmares or an Erection. Depending on what kind of person you are, of course.
>>299980 would you rather have gravy on a steak and cheese quesadilla actually that doesn't sound too bad yeah the salsa on potatoes is prolly worse>>299982 please don't discuss h-doujins or erotic fanfictions on /moe/
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:37 No. 299984
Search [iqdb] (29 KB, 174x269, mazui.jpg )
>>299983 Why not? Just because of the rules? Don't be st00pid. Way to turn a fun place into a unfunplace is to bring out rules in the middle of playtime.>>299985 Im, so have a good night. Im gonna ride my motorcycle and eat a superb food. While you just sit here and masturbate to each other.
Search [iqdb] (277 KB, 1447x2046, DLnmxulUQAA9mVa.jpg )
It's just not something we do here. If you don't like rules, you're welcome to leave.
>>299984 it's hurtful and impolite to the posters here to do so without any regard of whether they want that kind of stuff brought here
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 459x914, DBskwrCXkAAa8EN.jpg )
>>299984 Bye bye.
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:39 No. 299988
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>>299986 People are free to talk to if they want to. No? That's kind r00d. U're probly just some hillary democrat skunk.
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 900x1200, im6239233.jpg )
>>299988 You're not welcome on this website. I tried to give you another chance, but you're clearly not a good fit for our community.
>>299988 our community has its own comfort zones you're being rude
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:40 No. 299991
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 161x162, is it okay.jpg )
>>299989 And who are you again? I bet you're not even one of the admins here. You're just some slave worker hired to ban people whenever you're told to. <- probably not even that
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 671x1000, DLilmHPVYAE681R.jpg )
>>299991 I'm someone that can speak for the entire community on this. You're not welcome here. Nobody here will ever accept you. You should leave.
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:42 No. 299993
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 185x295, doushio.jpg )
>>299990 No, im not. Only socialist skunks don't like porn. Because it "Objectifies" women. You're just an st00pid ass of a person.>>299992 I'd rather be alone than being with people like you.
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>>299993 go fetishize about being raped and tortured somewhere else
Search [iqdb] (688 KB, 3824x3152, DKprnvEVYAEnddo.jpg )
>>299993 Great! Our interests align. Go be alone/ This is the last reply you're getting from me.
Search [iqdb] (977 KB, 1252x892, f9e5302fb9e091e1b0afd8aacaf3f3(…).jpg )
I don't feel like doing anything tonight.
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:43 No. 299997
Search [iqdb] (25 KB, 180x239, hoe.jpg )
>>299994 Hur mur socialism has no women objectifying porn Derp Go back to your potry, will you?
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Wow, I look away for two seconds and look at what is happening in here.
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I'm taking both
2017/10/09 (月) 01:45 No. 300001
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>>299999 >>300000 refresh and enjoy
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Sure feels good to be a 100% worksafe socialist Doesn't it, me? That's right me.
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i'm about as capitalist as it gets haha i don't even know where that came from
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:48 No. 300004
Search [iqdb] (19 KB, 179x257, ....jpg )
>>300003 Oh really, why did you support hillary? She is a socialist scum.
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:49 No. 300005
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 139x181, explanations_easy.jpg )
Anyways, im going out on to ride my motorcycle and find new frontiers. To ride where no one has rode before. To boudly go and find new foods. I'll be back later when the Jew kids go to sleep.
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>>300004 I really think you should think about your objectives when making posts like these. I'm sure there are more interesting places to stir shit.
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 262x269, 1503597342038.jpg )
i'm a romanian dressmaker why would i support anyone in the US
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:50 No. 300008
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 188x377, angery.jpg )
>>300006 Im not going to discuss about shit with you; Because I know you're probly trying to get me banned from this place. So yeah. Cry a river.
Yuu ## Moderator 2017/10/09 (月) 01:51 No. 300010
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, 1507420155157.jpg )
Actually, I'm trying to avoid the situation in which I have to ban you because I hate doing work. I don't think that coming around here talking about rape fiction or starting arguments about people is really appropriate, and I think it's behavior in which you know is inappropriate. So do me a favor and save me some work and cut it out. I didn't do anything to you, so show me some kindness and don't do anything to make my leisure time any more difficult.
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:51 No. 300012
Oh the Purple Card. It's been a while.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:51 No. 300014
Search [iqdb] (275 KB, 707x1000, 1426458005257.png )
Should just stick to the general policy ignore all gehs
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I dunno. pressing the button is like the least amount of work I have ever experienced in my life It's like, the opposite of work. anti-work non-work play
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:52 No. 300016
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 193x270, tasting.jpg )
>>300010 Because you're a slave, you can't ban me without an actual reason. And Im not giving you that tonight.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:52 No. 300017
>>300015 where's my flip?
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1000x701, DLnQeHzU8AAcllh.jpg )
>>300010 Please!>>300013 Always a treat.>>300014 Agreed.
Yuu ## Moderator 2017/10/09 (月) 01:53 No. 300019
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>>300016 Oh, do you care to test that?
cthulhu >>300011 →
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 305x305, I don't think you comprehend t(…).jpg )
>>299999 cool digits my man
2017/10/09 (月) 01:55 No. 300023
>>300021 good
2017/10/09 (月) 01:55 No. 300024
Search [iqdb] (22 KB, 400x400, 1436820384951.jpg )
>>300022 he got doublesniped fell into my trap
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no this is a person who fell into a trap
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 01:56 No. 300026
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 252x296, irok.jpg )
>>300019 Well, player, If I did, Then I'd be Disrespecting the mod and that would give you a reason. Of course I won't. :3
>>300024 he did a pretty sick flip tho
2017/10/09 (月) 01:57 No. 300030
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 438x387, 1416146890534.jpg )
is shame that no one will ever get that joke do a flip faggot
i think most people get the joke
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 358x250, sweet.PNG )
I'll show you a flip
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
2017/10/09 (月) 02:00 No. 300037
Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 135x275, love_and_acceptance.jpg )
Well, gotta go, but i'll be back; Tell kori I love him
2017/10/09 (月) 02:01 No. 300038
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 543x600, 1416235204788.jpg )
>>300034 nah am not referring to the "imma jump, do a flip"
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>>300037 Remember what I told you about objectives for if and when your ban expires.
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Rika-chan~ otsukaresamadeshita and >>300020
I've got these two mugs I was trying to fill up with hot water to rinse out, and if you lined them up side-by-side they both managed to catch the water stream out of the tap. But the way they sit in the sink is, the moment you let go of them, they end up spaced out that they barely catch any water in them at all. Something something catching two hares and get neither.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 02:11 No. 300050
I did not know you could do this with .svg
>>300050 Amazing.
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 514x553, rika22.jpg )
My defense list is full of dead black knights and horse lyns. It's such a lovely sight.
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 1000x1000, CXKKtEjUoAIVd95.jpg )
sounds nice
you didn't have to give up
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 02:14 No. 300060
Gonna try going to bed. Will probably be back in three to four hours. Yasumi
2017/10/09 (月) 02:15 No. 300062
how hard can it be to lay down on a bed? or is your bed moving or high high up
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/09 (月) 02:15 No. 300065
>>300062 It's moves very fast It's even accelerating
2017/10/09 (月) 02:16 No. 300067
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>>300065 mine spins like billion km/h
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 596x811, 1503853777602.jpg )
>>300056 >>300057 Yeah, don't give up! Call tehc support and explain the problem. I think even if I was locked out I'd just make a new account. You can make a new one and reroll until you get that really really good Azura that's on a banner now.
Search [iqdb] (361 KB, 708x1000, cf950e1c19c688c8eaaeb56bb96c6cae.jpg )
I considered rerolling If I did, I'd go for Neph but I don't really wanna I do have to get the app again to make a direct inquiry though
2017/10/09 (月) 02:20 No. 300079
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>>300075 I think rolling around in syrup and melting ice cream and whatnot would actually be quite disgusting
Search [iqdb] (3.0 MB, 426x240, 1386705187035.gif )
rerolling means not having all my super cool people that I've spent many feathers on
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 480x500, 1406707651532.jpg )
>>300075 Rerolling for Neph would be an undertaking, but not impossible. But yes, please reclaim your account!
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 755x944, DLd1HcNUEAEX8__.jpg )
It'll be bad for me if you stop playing, so go reclaim your account.
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 151x261, My tulpa can't comprehend this at all.PNG )
so much mobage responsibility
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 426x394, disappointedshimasu.png )
I should go make a Nintendo Account
yeah, you should baka
(that was the first thing i did)
its so hot i cant sleep i got so much work to do tomorrow too
>>300103 truly the worst of nights
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1000x701, DLnQeHzU8AAcllh.jpg )
heat is the worst
2017/10/09 (月) 02:41 No. 300118
Search [iqdb] (615 KB, 1024x906, 1435837364042.png )
a pleasant 8c here
>>300118 I'm jealous Hopefully it'll rain again
2017/10/09 (月) 02:42 No. 300121
Search [iqdb] (29 KB, 647x312, firefox_2017-10-09_05-42-05.png )
>3rd week of no sunlight are we pushing for a new record?
it's 33c here at 22:40
2017/10/09 (月) 02:42 No. 300126
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, Drink (1).jpg )
My sympathies hmm I wonder what year it was 50 days of no sunlight and from october to february a total of 1 week of sunlight
>>300125 what the fuck isn't it meant to be autumn? >>300126 >50 days of no sunlight It's probably bad for farming and stuff, but that sounds wonderful
2017/10/09 (月) 02:43 No. 300130
Search [iqdb] (24 KB, 350x350, 1438000081580.jpg )
>>300127 well when it is winter nothing grows and that is why it happened days so short, the overcast just stacked right we had beautiful nights and moons but no daytime without overcast
>>300127 yeah it's bad
It's 18C here right now, which is a liiiittle warm for October nights, but only a little. It probably feels a bit colder than it actually is too.
15c could be worse by Springs standards. >>300130 Moonlight is the best. I wish every moon was a full moon.
2017/10/09 (月) 02:44 No. 300136
Search [iqdb] (3.1 MB, 1970x3115, 1418730661670.jpg )
I wishi t would turn freezing one night soon then i could harvest rowanberries with natural fermentation happening in them
2017/10/09 (月) 02:45 No. 300137
>>300135 I don't
>>300137 why
2017/10/09 (月) 02:45 No. 300140
Search [iqdb] (239 KB, 1200x1341, 1418820979338.jpg )
full moon seems to already kill my ability to sleep to have it every night...
Is it that bright? I've never thought that it was too bright to sleep >>300142 Why?
2017/10/09 (月) 02:46 No. 300142
Search [iqdb] (663 KB, 1200x1697, 1419067694805.jpg )
No I just don't sleep during full moon
2017/10/09 (月) 02:46 No. 300144
>>300141 luncay? *lunacy? some people just react to the lunar cycle
The full moon is awakening you to your true power Who could sleep through that?
2017/10/09 (月) 02:47 No. 300147
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 543x600, 1416235204788.jpg )
dnno really it just fucks up my sleep cycle always well not always if full moon happens during day then nothing really changes
2017/10/09 (月) 02:49 No. 300151
Search [iqdb] (393 KB, 353x500, 1416859820019.gif )
Oh shit 1 month untill 100years
100 years of what?
2017/10/09 (月) 02:50 No. 300153
Search [iqdb] (193 KB, 1200x800, sugurialley.jpg )
Are you gonna have a parade or something
2017/10/09 (月) 02:51 No. 300156
I dunno there will be a lot of stuff most likely oh wait 2 months hahaha it is only october now
Like having two christmas days
2017/10/09 (月) 02:55 No. 300160
Search [iqdb] (573 KB, 1100x672, 1406461371169.jpg )
Maybe we will get a present from the yellow enemy to the east 100 days of glory part 2
Search [iqdb] (467 KB, 836x1132, takimoto hifumi.jpg )
how are my sexy moes doing this beautiful evening?
I'll let them answer for themselves.
2017/10/09 (月) 02:58 No. 300169
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 1024x843, 1408259330638.jpg )
Oh right it was 105 days
>>300161 I was gonna do an assignment And then I DIDN'T DO IT How are you doing Bang
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 513x786, 1503206004663.jpg )
>>300172 uh oh why not?
i'm doing great i'm having a good night
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 1280x720, pizzahut.jpg )
>>300174 Well I got distracted by things Why was it a good night? >>300178 I'll kill Bang to make my comment correct
2017/10/09 (月) 03:00 No. 300178
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 512x658, 1411331156657.jpg )
having implying still happening
>>300176 Well the good part is just starting! Now I'm at home, playing video games and posting on /moe/ my natural habitat it's nice to be comfy and today is sunday so I got home at 10 instead of 11
2017/10/09 (月) 03:03 No. 300182
kurzgesagt one of the many functionally beautiful german words
Search [iqdb] (688 KB, 3824x3152, DKprnvEVYAEnddo.jpg )
a real human bean
I'm the realest human bean there is
2017/10/09 (月) 03:24 No. 300221
Search [iqdb] (277 KB, 1920x1080, 1412292934670.jpg )
beware or some lewder moos gonna lick your human beans
And a real hiro
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2017/10/09 (月) 03:47 No. 300282
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1024x576, [FFF] Hoozuki no Reitetsu OAD (…).jpg )
well this hugh man bean is going to go do hugh man bean stuff ciao
>>300282 A reel hero
>>300282 cya ciao
Search [iqdb] (169 KB, 1280x1764, DLnvkjSVwAYmj0t[1].jpg )
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>>300328 → >>300328 →