Thread #298276
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「M O G R A」 Koi- 2017/10/07 (土) 14:08 No. 298276
good job blue now beta is dead forever
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>>298281 how are you what is it doing my friend
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happy mogragiving>>298285 >>298281 wow, hey,hello
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Hey guys.
>>298283 good thank you
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>>298285 I don't believe it could it really be>>298286 nice same whatcha up to
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>>298290 it's me!
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>>298291 omg>MFD
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>>298292 that meme is not even dank
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>>298294 It's the traditional MFD meme!
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are you being mean to me
Wow heya
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nothing has changed
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the soul of memes
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like teas in the rain
>>298288 this cat is high level sexual
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>>298300 everything has changed
I am away from my computer so I cant get sloven and party to mogra
get slavic
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is mogra happening now>>298306 how2mogra
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>>298305 oh no my mografren are you outside>>298307 I think mogra's on twitch now I just use one of the audio streams though
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>>298307 you gotsta mogra on da twitch
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who /girtbysea/ here?
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>>298310 g'day mate
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g'day indeed
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cute kurisu btw
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are you guys still anime
>>298315 I guess we finally figured out who touched Heavy's gun
>>298315 i watch popular anime movies like Your Name, that's it.
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>>298317 did you watch the netflix death note LIVE ACTION series>>298316 haha
>>298319 nah, is it good?
ah yes nitro carwash my favorite mof character
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>>298320 it's good if you watch it with some friends while you're high
>>298308 out and about. should be home!
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That's a waste of a high
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It's not a waste if you're having fun.
You could be having more fun though, if you're gonna get high anyway
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You can ALWAYS be having more fun.
Fair point
No fun allowed!
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having fun isn't hard
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I wanna drop acid again and either play something really colorful or watch TTGL or Redline Probably Redline
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I want to try peyote
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I would have HAD another tab to drop, too, but the guy had miscalculated the amount he got, so he gave me some extra weed instead More than the cost, so I'm not mad or nothing, but man Bit miffed, still
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No way am I doing it on discord with dutchfriend again though He's alright, but man he did not seem to give a shit I was tripping balls I'm not interested in geoguesser SOBER goddamn
you ever just think about how cute a couple bernie and corbyn would be
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>chireoden is an underground abandoned walmart
my granblue crew is playing azur lane now...
well azur lane looks pretty good
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>>298341 you're on your phone? are you out and about
>>298343 yes, Hopefully getting home soon. Are you free to do stuff later?
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i should be, though not yet it's very early still here at least mid afternoon, so late evening for you it'd have to be
>>298345 Okay that is fine. Gives me time to get home
>>298340 love this because it makes me want to die in a special way
lol they really cancelled it
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but it's true
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>>298349 What if the whole thing was a spooky halloween joke gone too far
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gonna buy some Halloween masks this year
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>>298355 get some candy you dweev dweeb
masks are good praxis
>>298356 Kirara already got BLUUUUUUE candy
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I think I have an old halloween mask around here somewhere
im gonna get a trump mask and a skeleton mask at least
two very spooky masks
get a hilldog mask for extra spook
trump mask is for if i ever turn to a life of crime
Shit what was that movie where everyone wore a different president's face as a mask? Bank robbers
>>298364 oh. point break it had keane reeves in it right
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It's an option in GTA and Payday, too, but I seem to remember a movie
point break
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Maybe? I'm not even sure I've watched that, but it could be?
no, it was point break
>>298365 yeah and patrick swayze
>>298370 oh right It has been awhile!
we should watch it together on /moe/ someday
That would be fun. a moe movie day!
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Hell yeah And Reservoir Dogs, too
four years after talking about it /moe/ still never watched Surf Nazis Must Die
watch zombie strippers or the room
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>zebras aren't vegetarians, are they NorthernLion studied biology
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ive taken the approach that, if i'm gonna have to be around my family (relatively around, at least, and visiting often) that I may as well still be doing what i'd be doing anyway so i've been taking my laptop over and having my mom watch david butler's physics series on youtube i didn't think she'd like it but she got real excited about learning about quarks and bosons for three hours i guess that's an improvement
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>>298378 >zizek of course
it iz pure ideology
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My pure ideology is justice, it's just not defined by the state
>>298379 that's pretty cool
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>>298384 every time she smokes she starts talking about like "what if cancer is aliens from a different universe? i mean, how do we know what it is?" and all sorts of weird trippy shit that i can see her inspiration or like what if god is in the atoms or what if galaxies and atoms are the same thing but just on a really big scale she's actually been picking things up and piecing it together really well for not having any formal education past like 6th grade though i mean the field equations are a little beyond her but conceptually she was able to grasp how the higgs field works and why photons don't have mass and electrons do i'm pretty proud of her
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>>298385 >Marx, but also Harris
>>298386 who's the one in the middle bottom is that alain botton? i have facial amnesia so i can't tell even if i pull them both up
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I'm not even sure Don't recognize top left either
Looks like him, yeah
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ya it's him according to the google machine
i could only tell by the stupid bald head and patchy hair but even then there's like millions who have that so i dunno
I'm real bad at faces, too
i can only remember faces ive seen before the heat stroke i can still recognize those faces but new faces just don't get stored into my memory which i'm fine with faces are boring
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first animal one they've done in a couple weeks i think
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I fucking love the NLSS>having lunch is probably one of the few things Hitler didn't do wrong
NLSS? uh national league... non lethal super saiyans aw damn i was hoping to get a few more guesses first
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Northernlion Live Super Show
negro ladies selling socks
north lybian strike squad
Naturally lewd syrian spooks
wow kannagi that's pretty derogatory next level shitposting squad
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eliminate \\ no wait this sentence would sound very bad out of the context
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>>298402 I'll derogatory your face
>>298403 you were about to say eliminate the spooks weren't you
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>>298405 ye
wow, that tweet
>>298407 put it on a minions template and post it on facebook
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 17:02 No. 298411
Truly I have become Ohio.
>>298412 what if a group of internet influencers tied minions to extremist opinions and it became nationally symbolic for it like pepe was for pol
I think it was the onion or clickhole that posted an infinity jest minion quote once a while ago
>>298413 haha fuck
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>>298404 WOW
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>>298415 maybe i'll give joan a ring and see if her collaboratives want to take on that task
>>298416 Hello blewd. How are you today!
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Was helping my friend with custom mtg stuff Now I'm going to ... I don't know
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>>298419 Look at pictures of cute cats and cats playing pianos
blue i want you to appreciate the new name of Murasa being Debbie Drowner
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hello hello
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>>298423 hello hello
a very good capybara
>>298422 Why are you doing this
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 17:21 No. 298428
>>298419 Like custom cards? Or custom art for existing cards?
>>298427 I am loving it so much
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>>298423 Yaho.
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So are we all having a good Saturday?
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It's alright! I'm playing dress up or something What're you up to
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I took pictures of an owl I saw when I was out and about
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>>298432 I just sat back down from chasing a fly. What kind of dress up are you playing?
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I didn't take a lot of pictures. It was super busy.
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>>298434 Whatever I'm told to put on is what I'm wearing. I'm wearing a suit right now.>>298433 >>298435 Very nice!
>>298428 custom cards not doing art I think he's doing some Custome Commander thing. which sounds fun
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Last one!
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>>298436 Just following orders, huh>>298433 An owl let you take pictures of it?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 17:35 No. 298442
>>298437 Heh Nice Any custom keywords or effects?
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>>298441 It was on a perch as part of an owl conservation thing. a van on the side with leaflets and such telling people to donate for to protect and look after owls.
ah yes roaring ronda
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It was actually the first time I've been so close to an owl though!>>298447 The owl was pretty calm! I was not that close it was on a very narrow street and in front were loads of people with their phones out getting really close to the poor owl. It was super annoying to try and take a picture and someones head popping in and pushing people around.
>>298442 Nah, it's basic stuff. He was making an RWB walker and a UW walker.
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I guess the owl was used to cameras and stuff. He seems raelly good with cameras that you were able to take such a good picture, though!
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>>298441 Basically. She's picking out the next outfit right now.
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>>298448 Sounds fun!
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>>298449 We had to turn the AC down because she wanted me to wear sweaters earlier so the additional costs are not fun
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Yeah but dress up is still fun, isn't it?
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I don't know if I'd call it fun but it's not like I hate it or anything.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 17:46 No. 298453
>>298446 Planeswalkers are the worst
>"1337 haxor: Beryl the Wicked
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>>298452 You can dress her up once she's done, too. Fair is fair!
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>>298455 Well, she doesn't really have much to dress up in. I have a more diverse wardrobe than her, believe it or not!
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You'd think a rich girl would have a lot of clothes.
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>>298457 Well, she lost most of her clothes last year when that hurricane flooded her home on the island. And she isn't really into clothes so she just has day-to-day stuff here, some swimsuits and wetsuits, and one dress.
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She should rebuild! Anyway, what did you think of net-juu? I liked it.
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saw this on the TL and before I opened it thought it was from HxH
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>>298459 I agree, but she doesn't want to. It's not fitting for someone of her standing to have such a small wardrobe! She needs some pretty dresses! I liked it a lot!
>>298433 wow it's so close
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>>298461 Yeah, someone with disposable income should have lots of nice clothes. I thought it was good, I hope it turns into a nice romance. Which character were you guys saying was a Rika?
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>>298463 Well, maybe you can convince her to buy some nice clothes. I hope so too. Obviously, we were talking about the gay elf. No, you're the NEET, obviously. The elite NEET.
>>298462 They have such pretty eyes
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Reminds me of the eyes on the frog I saw
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>>298464 She did do exactly what I do in afternoons when she came home from work. I want to be an elite NEET. I think of it as early retirement, though! That gay elf is totally a girl too, though. Her speech patterns are more feminine than they are gay.
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>>298467 Everyone had a pretty obvious gender.
I wanna be elite neet too. lemme win the lottery and live a life of supreme neetdom
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>>298468 hmm, the onii-san elf is an obvious girl, but I'm not sure who the other girl is. In the part where they showed the real life versions of everybody, there were two other girls. I think either the guild leader or the fat guy are the other girl. lol
>>298470 I think fat guy.
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That guy who plays the pink girl has a super cute character though. It's one of those characters when you're playing MMOs that makes you go wow, that person is super cute. He's a pretty high spec guy in real life too.>>298472 There's also a little cat girl thing that she could be. I guess that's likely too. I forgot about the cat girl thing for a minute. It may be a cat boy. I can't tell.
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>>298473 The guy is definitely the best girl.
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if i ever want to host a game show I've got just the suit jacket for it
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>>298474 He really is super cute! The design is almost too sugary, but her personality manages to make it work.
Today is the Szechuan sauce event My friend went to a mcdonalds and after 20m they're already out of chicken tenders
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>>298477 Secuhara event?
>>298480 free secuhara at McDonald's
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>>298480 This is the part where I question how cultured you are. Or it would be
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Wow, just because I've never attended a secuhara event?
>>298482 is a rick and morty meme really a matter of being cultured
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>>298484 They didn't invent it.>>298483 Would you like to participate in one?
>>298485 I'm aware but the only reason anyone cares is because it was a Rick and Morty meme
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Oh, this is a rick and morty thing? I don't know anything about rick and morty. It's a cartoon kinda in the same vein as family guy, isn't it?>>298485 That depends on who is doing the secuhara!
>>298487 Rick and Morty is much more woke humor than stuff like family guy
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>>298486 But the meme isn't the point. Confusing Szechuan with secuhara is.
oh she didn't actually confuse them come on blue haha
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I can still question it.
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In any case>>298487 I'll definitely invite you to Secuhara events that I hear about
lol I'd have to drive an hour minimum to get the sauce
2017/10/07 (土) 18:35 No. 298495
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the sauce? s
read the last few posts if you want context for a post
>>298477 >>298495
Just sauce.
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Things really are best when other people have just that little sliver of doubt that you might just be serious, right?
2017/10/07 (土) 18:36 No. 298500
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So they really did bring it back or just limited tme to cash in on the meme?
>>298500 >limited time Today
2017/10/07 (土) 18:36 No. 298502
is it even good?>>298501 genius
i doubt any of us have ever had or ever will have the sauce
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i don't particularly care for it. I just find it really funny because he showed me a photo of people in a line at a McDonalds that is so long that it reaches out of the building
2017/10/07 (土) 18:38 No. 298505
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I bet it is just "Okay" like any other fast food joint sauce
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What is special about the sauce? Is it just a meme, like the McRib?
It's just a meme. The end of the first episode of the current season has Rick going on and on about how he did a whole bunch of shit for the Szechuan sauce and how it mattered more to him than Morty's family.
2017/10/07 (土) 18:38 No. 298508
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>>298507 And people are standing in line over some random reference? Where is Sugoi to call people sheep with me?
It's a meme. People really like memes. Not to mention that memes also mean money. I won't be surprised if people just end up selling it.
2017/10/07 (土) 18:40 No. 298511
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>>298509 basically meeple
>>298509 rick and morty fanbase has become a pretty elitist and toxic one so toxic that the creators of the show started calling the fanbase toxic
2017/10/07 (土) 18:41 No. 298513
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"hey i am watching a smart show while you watch this carbo"
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>>298512 I was withholding judgment on the fans since I don't like judging fans like that, but I guess maybe what they say is true!
2017/10/07 (土) 18:42 No. 298515
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Is weird how fanbases almost always turn quite toxic
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It's not that weird. Quite often it's a reflection of the people itself rather than the content. But I'd almost say // definitely say that the show itself is the kind that would create this sort of group.
Search [iqdb] (321 KB, 1470x2370, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1280x720, [Commie] Log Horizon - 22 [DEB(…).png )
oh shit, and it's NYCC. I can only imagine how the McDonalds by the Javitz Center OH WAIT, IT'S CLOSED DOWN
2017/10/07 (土) 18:44 No. 298519
Search [iqdb] (823 KB, 1287x1110, 236fe4d996afbc6eeeda4a152d2c1829.jpg )
>>298517 as expected
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 477x717, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
A large portion of the fanbase started being really misogynistic because a woman was involved in writing an episode that wasn't particularly well received and the creators of the show bragged that they had women playing a big role in writing the season 3 scripts. So some of the fans went off the fucking wall and started harassing the female writers for "ruining the show".
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1000x660, Screenshot-2017-10-7 Rick's IQ(…).png )
I googled "rick and morty IQ" and this is the stuff you get.
2017/10/07 (土) 18:49 No. 298522
god I have a horrible hangover
well stop
2017/10/07 (土) 18:53 No. 298524
Search [iqdb] (232 KB, 826x551, 33895ab2f3fe5ca88f02be431b48d77f.png )
4 [HorribleSubs] Mahoutsukai no Yome - 01 [720p].mkv
2017/10/07 (土) 18:57 No. 298526
why not 1080?
2017/10/07 (土) 18:57 No. 298528
oh yeah japan doesn't air anything in full hd
2017/10/07 (土) 18:57 No. 298529
Search [iqdb] (233 KB, 600x723, 97889a97b94bf2d1e91d213ed38255af.jpg )
but are horrisubs tv recordings or crunchy rips
rips so the 180p ones are upscales
CrunchyRoll or other streaming program rips.>>298530 Not all of them. Mastering anime in higher resolutions is beginning to become a thing, making some 1080p scales native.
2017/10/07 (土) 18:58 No. 298532
Search [iqdb] (3.9 MB, 2500x2500, 45295891.png )
crunchy doesn't do fullhd either?
i think like 20% of shows on CR are in 1080p at most
2017/10/07 (土) 19:00 No. 298534
Search [iqdb] (363 KB, 669x800, 45578416.jpg )
annodomini 2017 and we are livng the tenth mont called eight month of that year and streaming sites can't into full hd and that was a gunshot
the three main guys in SideM are so good they're my favorite guys in the iM@S franchise by far
2017/10/07 (土) 19:00 No. 298536
wonder what was shot
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 399x733, b7ee4189511e1bf4d79c2f11481458(…).jpg )
>>298517 Is this real or is it just pasta?
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
>>298537 Both, now.
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 600x600, 17e07605ed7184f1bb3459d337f69c(…).png )
>>298538 Well I guess the important question would be whether it was real before it was pasta.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:02 No. 298539
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>a run away plausibly pet pine marten entered a bar and started nesting there sausage us
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
>>298540 Basically.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:03 No. 298542
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omg rika look at producer
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 600x743, 1403709470267.jpg )
Wow, did he quit his job and become a hillbilly?
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
That's the SideM producer!
Search [iqdb] (373 KB, 1543x2180, 1403710039787.jpg )
Oh, so he has that male idol flare.
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
Are you watching SideM?
Search [iqdb] (551 KB, 700x900, 1377892349398.png )
nah I don't really like male idols.
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
It has the same fujo flavor as Free. The characters are really good. The writing will be really good, because the last iM@S serieses were really good. You should give it a try.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:09 No. 298550
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how old is imas as a franchise?
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 600x839, DLRxw8zUQAAR1is.jpg )
I believe just about 13 years.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:10 No. 298552
Search [iqdb] (422 KB, 700x748, caa9899d153218debd005c6f55f92e9c.jpg )
wow you could watch laputa in mandarin china>>298551 quite old and still going strong
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 538x700, DLYFXFOU8AAqrwg.png )
iM@S gets stronger by the day! Just like me, iM@TS.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:11 No. 298554
Search [iqdb] (9.2 MB, 684x643, --cirno-daiyousei-and-hinanawi(…).gif )
what other idol franchises were there aikatsu and love live but they are newer, i think?=
Search [iqdb] (287 KB, 526x750, 1403708117896.jpg )
>>298549 I'll try it if it ends up being good. I don't like super perfect pretty boys. They need to have an edge to them!
Search [iqdb] (409 KB, 768x1024, 65206290_p0.jpg )
>>298555 They aren't super perfect pretty boys. Almost all of them have an edge. It's not a show about fun loving idols, it's a show about the hardships people go through in trying to become idols.>>298545 One of these guys is a doctor and another is a lawyer. The doctor is really tsundere and kind of chuuni, while the lawyer is obsessed with JUSTICE. They're really good characters.>>298554 The only things that became capable of competing with iM@S are LL and Aikatsu, but they're all owned by the same people, so
2017/10/07 (土) 19:12 No. 298557
who would actually want to be in idol industry, though? is their pay even good
2017/10/07 (土) 19:14 No. 298558
Search [iqdb] (352 KB, 1920x1038, [Coalgirls]_Laputa_Castle_in_t(…).jpg )
laputa is genius and all that but i'd catually want to see a story about these air living people or like in nausica i'd like to see a story about the final war
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
doctor idol is so good
2017/10/07 (土) 19:17 No. 298560
a tabacco would fit that pic
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:17 No. 298561
Back from stuff I got four DVDs for $1 each Well three DVDs and one box set. I got ATHF season 1 Pingu First Blood And some shitty anime
2017/10/07 (土) 19:17 No. 298562
what movies?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:18 No. 298563
I think the anime is called "Virgin Fleet"
2017/10/07 (土) 19:18 No. 298564
>>298561 first rambo is the only one I enjoyed well I never finished any of the rest
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:18 No. 298565
>>298564 The others aren't very good I watched a little bit of the second one It was really bad but kind of funny
2017/10/07 (土) 19:19 No. 298566
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1024x576, [FFF] Hoozuki no Reitetsu OAD (…).jpg )
When it comes to mindless action flicks I only pretty much do schwarzenegger
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:19 No. 298567
>>298566 Probably a good idea
2017/10/07 (土) 19:19 No. 298568
he has some real bad ones, but because of his fame he usually ensdu p in good movies or the team he gathers up is made of good amount of talent my favourite is maybe that turboman movie I don't know its english name
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:20 No. 298569
Man Aqua Teen is so damn funny I'm really glad I got the first season for a dollar
2017/10/07 (土) 19:20 No. 298570
or that where he is a movie character and kid transports into the movie that one is really good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:20 No. 298571
>>298570 The Last Action Hero I still need to see that
2017/10/07 (土) 19:20 No. 298572
Search [iqdb] (712 KB, 1874x2549, f84eaeaa601aa66985406d009c5437f0.jpg )
it is a really good arnold movie it has lot of arnold stuff lot of good action and actually an interesting story overall and some good drama even
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:21 No. 298573
>>298572 My friend showed me one of the scenes The part with the movie villain in the "real world" Where he's like "I just shot a man"
2017/10/07 (土) 19:21 No. 298574
2017/10/07 (土) 19:22 No. 298575
Search [iqdb] (389 KB, 803x897, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).jpg )
PRedator is also one of my favourites just movie made out of pure testosterone
2017/10/07 (土) 19:22 No. 298576
I have seen conan once but it must have been maybe 15 years ago or something
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:23 No. 298577
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:24 No. 298578
>>298576 Have you seen Diehard?
2017/10/07 (土) 19:24 No. 298579
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 752x1000, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).jpg )
Actually no I have been meaning to see the first one for ages but just never got into it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:24 No. 298580
>>298579 I'd recommend it, it really influenced pop culture because people reference it so much. Even in other movies, people will be like "it's like you think you're bruce willis in diehard" But before diehard/ in Diehard they just compare him to john wayne cowboy characters. Also Alan Rickman is a great villain.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:26 No. 298581
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 645x634, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).png )
Man i have seen atleast half of the movies in that vid, but I don't remember when prolly cause I watched them at my friends place in middle school mostly
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:27 No. 298582
You ever see The Fifth Element?
2017/10/07 (土) 19:27 No. 298583
who hasn't seen multipass?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:28 No. 298584
I wish people made more sci films like it.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:28 No. 298585
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 600x620, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).jpg )
the first movie where that whatshername actress married the director
2017/10/07 (土) 19:29 No. 298586
come tot hink of it I should see the last (two, three?) resident evils
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:29 No. 298587
The most recent one had two really bad accidents during production.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:29 No. 298588
last I saw had them go to some base where they had cloned bunch of people and lot of the cast from the 1st movie came back
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:30 No. 298589
They almost canceled production because of it.>>298588 Ha
2017/10/07 (土) 19:30 No. 298590
Search [iqdb] (573 KB, 800x773, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).png )
I mean they are all bad but the first two I say were somewhat decent for video game movies but then they just started going weird just like the series if you think about it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:30 No. 298591
>>298590 Yeah, definitely Also I almost bought Doom, but decided against it.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:31 No. 298592
game series
2017/10/07 (土) 19:31 No. 298593
>>298591 the doom movie is imo quite fun I mean it is bad but in the good way
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:31 No. 298594
>>298593 Huh, I'll get it next time then. Ah fuck I just remembered I forgot to grab Chronicles if Riddick *of Riddick
2017/10/07 (土) 19:31 No. 298595
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 1200x1679, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).png )
Used to watch a lot of movies had a rental store right next to me so got a lot of movies from there to watch>>298594 chronicles is good, but it could have been better pitch black is action scifi masterpiece
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:32 No. 298596
>>298595 Definitely I haven't seen either of them in a really long time though.
Search [iqdb] (182 KB, 820x1024, 1377892617670.jpg )
>>298556 Maybe I'll check it out. I'll admit I based my opinion on it entirely on thinking about what idolmaster would be like if they were all boys.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:32 No. 298598
I should watch the third riddick at some point been jus pushing watching it back
2017/10/07 (土) 19:33 No. 298599
>>298596 wanna watch them someday?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:33 No. 298600
>>298599 probably
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
>>298597 Well, the previous iM@S series have been drama and about the hardships faced by people trying to become idols, too. That's what iM@S is about. It's about hardship. It's not a fun cutesy idol franchise. I really think you should at least give it three episodes. Have you seen the original iM@S series? Part of the drama in that was that a male idol group called Jupiter had a production company president that was rigging things against the main idols of the series, and Jupiter found out and got pissed and quit that production company. It's a really dramatic series! And super well written.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:33 No. 298602
Anyways I was buying movies cause my friend is doing a thing today where we all bring three or four movies and then they get put in a box, the box is shaken and then two get pulled out blind
2017/10/07 (土) 19:33 No. 298603
Search [iqdb] (463 KB, 670x904, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).png )
Man I remember dat good movie and sauna night we held instead of karaoke cause plasn fell out we watched what moon, army of darkness and some other movie the army of darkness was really fun to watch, especially with the indian guy who randomly popped up
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:34 No. 298604
>>298603 Honestly I've seen Army of Darkness two or three times but I never saw Evil Dead in it entiriety
2017/10/07 (土) 19:34 No. 298605
Search [iqdb] (618 KB, 900x900, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).png )
But Moon is one of the best scifi movies imo especially in terms of make up, since you really don't notice that the two "MCs" are actually played by two different actors
2017/10/07 (土) 19:35 No. 298606
>>298604 I've seen evil dead few times and army of darkness twice but ed2 never
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:35 No. 298607
You ever see Bubbahotep? Or My Name is Bruce?
2017/10/07 (土) 19:36 No. 298608
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:36 No. 298609
They're okay, I think both were about an hour long.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:36 No. 298610
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 2046x2344, e69731eebac9e518f770d5a2cb9a2218.png )
Watching moon was made even funier that I had seen it before but the people I was watching it hadn't
2017/10/07 (土) 19:38 No. 298611
Search [iqdb] (518 KB, 900x1109, f3f26f4bb491a77ba7b6e195273bbe66.jpg )
I wonderwill they still make more paranormal activity movies those are so bad they are good
Search [iqdb] (678 KB, 1328x1421, 39937742.jpg )
>>298601 I have. Even though the girls suffer a bit, they're all super cute flashy types!
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 960x800, Kaoru_Limit.png )
>>298612 Well, there are going to be flashy types. That's just natural! But they're not all flashy.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:42 No. 298615
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1447x2047, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).png )
Most amusingly different movie I have seen this year was Tucker and Dale vs Evil definitely
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
>>298612 Oh, did you watch Dies Irae?
There was enough more desireable stuff last night to fit a full night of shows in.
Search [iqdb] (231 KB, 400x592, ff52bf9751346ff5cbe465915028db8b.png )
>>298616 You said it was bad, and there were other good things to watch. So no!
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
Yeah, it was awful. What did you think of Shuumatsu?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:47 No. 298620
>>298615 I never got around to seeing that. I ought to
2017/10/07 (土) 19:47 No. 298621
Search [iqdb] (587 KB, 762x762, Tenko - rock on.jpg )
new kino was a positive surprise it wasn't bad
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:48 No. 298622
>>298621 It's by a decent studio Same studio that did Carnival Phantasm
2017/10/07 (土) 19:48 No. 298623
but the style is still bit off though then again original kino was also done in "modern for its time" chacater designs just like this one is
2017/10/07 (土) 19:48 No. 298624
but they use cgi in some shots which is bit off putting for me same in shoujoapo
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 19:48 No. 298625
>>298624 Dropped
2017/10/07 (土) 19:49 No. 298626
Search [iqdb] (4.0 MB, 3000x1957, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).jpg )
but most issue in the shoujoapo 1st ep I had was use of music timing and style didn't imo match the series
2017/10/07 (土) 19:50 No. 298627
like take the moment where they fight over the food why did they add that "dramatic" music there just have it in silence that would have been much better
i thought it was fine
2017/10/07 (土) 19:52 No. 298629
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just nitpicking really
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Konohana Kitan (…).jpg )
>>298619 Comfy, although this was my face when she held up her friend for the candy bar! I hope it stays comfy.
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 671x1000, DLilmHPVYAE681R.jpg )
>>298630 It should stay comfy.
2017/10/07 (土) 19:56 No. 298632
>>298630 it does
Stealing that candy bar was a dick move tho
2017/10/07 (土) 20:05 No. 298634
ssausage yuu
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 500x706, DLjUiYmV4AAftQL.jpg )
They had a bunch of ration boxes so it's fine.
2017/10/07 (土) 20:08 No. 298637
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kemono fall
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Code Realize - (…).jpg )
love to see arsene lupin hanging out with dr frankenstein
2017/10/07 (土) 20:09 No. 298639
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 800x1256, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).jpg )
lol wut seems kinda fujo show btw mats have you seen empire of the dead?
2017/10/07 (土) 20:10 No. 298640
or was it corpses
2017/10/07 (土) 20:11 No. 298641
empire of corpses yeah
Search [iqdb] (247 KB, 534x544, gnbr.JPG )
the two shows that I want to watch are up
2017/10/07 (土) 20:11 No. 298643
Search [iqdb] (432 KB, 780x970, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).png )
And I bet you won't watch them
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
>>298642 Two of the three. You're watching Edgemaster Bang, aren't you?>>298641 Yeah, I've seen it
2017/10/07 (土) 20:12 No. 298645
oh right that got anime
2017/10/07 (土) 20:12 No. 298646
Search [iqdb] (677 KB, 1200x737, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).png )
>>298644 would be fun to get an anime based in that universe
Search [iqdb] (409 KB, 550x590, d8ea51e9d49a10353a9edd42084b900c.png )
>>298644 I mean... i guess I could It starts out so depressing though...
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 756x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
>>298647 But that's okay because we know there will be good times ahead. Even if you have no tears.>>298646 Might be cool.
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Code Realize - (…).jpg )
i guess her breasts are sewn together or something
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] URAHARA - 01 [7(…).jpg )
My internet is having problems today ro some reason.>>298649 I was just thinking that image was weird. Having crystals and stuff on your boobs must suck.
>>298649 It's magic
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 09 [(…).jpg )
>>298651 It's some kind of science, actually!>>298650 Yeah, it'd probably be uncomfortable.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Code Realize - (…).jpg )
no context
2017/10/07 (土) 20:27 No. 298654
Search [iqdb] (424 KB, 762x775, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).png )
what was that air ship anime big air ships fighting each other in the air and I think everyone lived in the air anyhow
2017/10/07 (土) 20:29 No. 298656
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>>298655 sugoi especially doing it at that small scale
Search [iqdb] (688 KB, 3824x3152, DKprnvEVYAEnddo.jpg )
It really is amazing.
2017/10/07 (土) 20:33 No. 298658
Search [iqdb] (331 KB, 700x700, __chen_hinanawi_tenshi_inubash(…).jpg )
I 'd get one
2017/10/07 (土) 20:34 No. 298659
though I'd like a different pose
I have salmiak liquorice
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 295x75, chrome_2017-10-07_21-39-27.png )
>>298657 I went to play LA Noire and I come back to discover I got the POWERFUL RETWEET
2017/10/07 (土) 20:40 No. 298662
>>298660 salmiakki is nice
Search [iqdb] (409 KB, 768x1024, 65206290_p0.jpg )
>>298661 Wow, a Vikky retweet. That's impressive stuff.
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 512x515, DFqs6ezXcAAoVol-orig.jpg )
Right? very potent account
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1000x1000, DK4_XPGVAAAQKG6.jpg )
I think it's Deepcomrade's credit though They retweeted it first, and then Vikky right afterwards
>>298662 It is pretty nice. it has an addictive taste
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 538x700, DLYFXFOU8AAqrwg.png )
2017/10/07 (土) 20:43 No. 298668
Search [iqdb] (419 KB, 1447x2048, __hinanawi_tenshi_and_nagae_ik(…).jpg )
reminded me that I had apotechary's salmiakki in my drawer that is potent stuff
2017/10/07 (土) 20:44 No. 298669
but bloody, I was going to make salmiakki liquor out of shitty vodka, but i drank it yesterday lol
>>298667 Yeah. On top of their back-to-back OPs for Ballroom. They've been getting a lot of anison work lately.
Kekkai sensen was pretty fun. It'll be nice to watch it again
2017/10/07 (土) 20:45 No. 298672
i'll marathon it when it finishes
2017/10/07 (土) 20:47 No. 298673
Search [iqdb] (244 KB, 1920x1038, [Coalgirls]_Laputa_Castle_in_t(…).jpg )
I wonder could you make a flying machine like this
>>298673 if the watch the earliest planes being made and attempted flights you know that the bird and bee wings planes failed miserably
2017/10/07 (土) 20:48 No. 298675
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 640x480, [Yabai]_Third_Touhou_M-1_Grand(…).jpg )
Yup but say you had material that could pull it off oh well it is practically rocketscience to think about it
2017/10/07 (土) 20:51 No. 298676
but whatsoever ghibli machinery designs or rather miyazakai machinery designs are always so neat
neat, daoko collaborated for the music in kekkai sensen this time
or the ED is DAOKO I guess
2017/10/07 (土) 21:06 No. 298679
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 640x480, [Yabai]_Third_Touhou_M-1_Grand(…).jpg )
I should get a barometer they are cool as decorations
Have you taken any more pictures with your macro lens Kirara?
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Shoujo Shuumatsu R(…).jpg )
think I'm gonna head to bed tired dizzy when I stand up for too long, as I've been basically all week I fuckin' hate my left ear
2017/10/07 (土) 21:11 No. 298682
hmm? you got an ear infection?
>>298681 night
dunno something's wrong with it Been really frequent this week>>298685 have an appointment on tuesday
2017/10/07 (土) 21:11 No. 298685
>>298684 ' should go check it up it could just be stuffy from wax
Search [iqdb] (3.6 MB, 3000x2000, DSC_1331.jpg )
Go out painting maybe you'll be really good with painting!
2017/10/07 (土) 21:12 No. 298687
my brother had something like thato nce they drained his ear of wax and my stepfather did it quite of when he still dived, since divers get blocked ears very often
Search [iqdb] (999 KB, 2220x3106, DLTm8vHU8AA-Xbs.jpg )
>>298680 Only two. It's been raining so badly the past week.
2017/10/07 (土) 21:12 No. 298689
>>298686 intentional or accidental?
>>298689 The picture? or the van goth reference? I purposely put the depth of field like that for the picture to get the words showing.
2017/10/07 (土) 21:13 No. 298691
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 1280x720, [m.3.3.w] Kyou no Asuka Show 0(…).jpg )
that is bloody cool looking no the focus
>>298687 I don't think it's wax seems related to my hearrate heartrate*
>>298692 Do you hear your heart beat in your ears?
2017/10/07 (土) 21:13 No. 298694
Search [iqdb] (408 KB, 700x700, __catchouli_hinanawi_tenshi_an(…).jpg )
>>298690 convert to blackand white and print it out as A2 or A1 sized poster
no but I hear my breath super loud, and it's more frequent when my heartrate's up
>>298688 Try and get some rainy pictures that would be super atmospheric! I wanna have a rainy day with early morning sunlight!>>298697 Well I hope you get better weather! so I can see more of your pictures! my camera buddy!
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>>298696 I can't. When I say raining, I mean, it's like, sideways rain.
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>sideways rain Florida is a magical place
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>>298696 I have a photo outing planned on Monday.>>298700 Yeah. And another storm that has a 40% chance of becoming a hurricane.
2017/10/07 (土) 21:15 No. 298700
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isn'ät there another hurrican hitting usa again?
2017/10/07 (土) 21:16 No. 298701
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>>298699 going for record I see
my mistake 70% chance now
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The other side of the six'pence with a very young queen.
2017/10/07 (土) 21:16 No. 298704
Search [iqdb] (166 KB, 950x920, __hinanawi_tenshi_and_nagae_ik(…).jpg )
she has been ruling forever
gonna be weird when she dies
2017/10/07 (土) 21:16 No. 298706
what, longest ruling monarch EVER now
She has been the longest ruling monarch for a while now TN.>>298705 It will be super weird! I will have a hard time adjusting to a king.
>>298705 >implying She's gonna live forever
2017/10/07 (土) 21:17 No. 298709
>>298707 hmm I thought she surpassed victoria just a few years back
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 897x736, 152016_5day_cone_no_line_and_wind[1].png )
blue is going to get to experience Nate
2017/10/07 (土) 21:17 No. 298711
>>298708 reminds me of eddie izzard skit
2017/10/07 (土) 21:18 No. 298712
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>>298707 Yeah and won't the nextk ing already be ancient as fuck? Or do they skip few people to give the crown to a younger heir?
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>>298710 Lucky blue!>>298712 Prince Charles is the next in line but he could abdicate in favour of his son Prince William.
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>>298710 It will just be rain though!
2017/10/07 (土) 21:19 No. 298715
>>298713 gotta join the yougn hip monarch club of europe
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>>298714 Rain in his heart!
Search [iqdb] (261 KB, 850x660, 1469344410004.jpg )
Wow blue is so poetic. rain in his heart.
2017/10/07 (土) 21:21 No. 298718
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didin¨t nausica have these things too?
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>>298717 We'll see how poetic he is when he experiences a fairly bad rainstorm!
>>298710 That doesn't look like me experiencing it at all. lmao @ NYS
>>298718 Yes, basically.>>298722 It looks pretty far above to me?
Search [iqdb] (447 KB, 1536x2048, DLIQjDxVYAcQLyi.jpg )
>>298720 Aren't you like just below the bottom line? That means it could still hit you!
the entirety of NYC is below the line it's going to hit... THE BRONX
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 1200x1714, DLNBU1rVAAAwKVU.jpg )
>>298723 Well, that's just the current cone. If it moves downward within that cone at all, you'll be in the new cone.
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No, see, here's how it's going to go. It's going to go upwards and reach the lakes And then get more momentum from the lakes and hook east and THEN it'll be a hurricane
Oh never mind I thought NYC was somewhere completely different.>>298725 Now you have enabled sod's law and it is gonna completely hone in on you as a cat 5 hurricane.
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>>298725 Oh no!
apparently people at McDonald's across the country are fighting over the sauce
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dash is going to high five the hurricane and then i'll get to high five dash by transitive property
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>>298728 Just beacuse it's a meme?
>indirect high five
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 700x910, 978b1a37c7f70809333300d37d5b70(…).jpg )
i told you that memes are money right
Search [iqdb] (280 KB, 1356x1769, DLCV9elVAAAdQYJ.jpg )
>>298730 People REALLY want that sauce.
2017/10/07 (土) 21:27 No. 298734
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>>298731 so romantic
2017/10/07 (土) 21:27 No. 298735
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>>298733 How many people do you think have re-enacted parts of the scen while lining up and stuff for it?
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wow what dumbasses.
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>>298735 probably one or two
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>>298737 bout to download all of S3 and make an AMV
2017/10/07 (土) 21:28 No. 298740
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Also man it must suck fo the employees at sezchuan locations
>>298737 That rap was horrible!
>>298741 it was a masterpiece
Search [iqdb] (488 KB, 795x658, DLJVTsoUEAAJBtW.png )
Honestly, it's not even just about the sauce at this point. If you're still trying to get it, you've probably been on a line. And you know what waiting on a line does to an American.
>>298739 go for it
2017/10/07 (土) 21:30 No. 298745
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>>298743 you lot are bad at queuing?
>bad We fight.
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>>298743 You people line up? I thought you just reenacted riots while shopping?
>>298746 >>298746 >>298746
2017/10/07 (土) 21:30 No. 298749
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we just turn into a "weirdball" though for some reason finns love queuing especially for buckets
Search [iqdb] (922 KB, 751x1050, 柊蒼恋|新刊委託中 - 長波ちゃんと (65244321) .png )
Turning into a weird ball isn't acceptable at a restaurant because it makes ordering disorderly. There are lines. There are lines even when this kind of thing doesn't happen. balling up wouldn't be allowed by the staff
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
I don't really get it. References are the worst kind of meme too. If you're going to line up for a meme, line up for a good meme.
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>turning into a weird ball I am glad we British queue properly. and don't agree at all with that black friday nonsense. They tried bring that over here. and it completely failed.
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>>298751 You don't get it because you're not a normie. This is NPC behavior.
massive fuel explosion in Accra, Ghana many people reported killed, unknown how many
Once you've been in line for an hour, you gotta see it through to the end or you've wasted an hour
2017/10/07 (土) 21:32 No. 298756
>>298750 you can't stop the weirdball it is stronger than the army
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 507x533, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
Normies sure are weird.
Normies are beyound weird. they belong to a different species. they cannot be defined but since they are the majority they are considered "normal" when in fact they are fucked up.
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Normies are normal. That's the problem.
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You should understand single-day limited edition supply demand shenanigans even if you're not a normie. All you gotta know is that people like a thing, and they want a thing that came from it.>>298762 People have done it for worse things.
2017/10/07 (土) 21:33 No. 298761
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 839x840, 21041293_1504110009635267_8386(…).jpg )
I wonder has whoa done anything like this
>>298760 For some goddamn sauce? These people should know that begging for sauce is bad taste. They should look for what they want themselves instead of being spoonfed!
2017/10/07 (土) 21:34 No. 298763
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would you invade a country fi these guys were defending it?
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Maybe they'd know how to get the sauce if they lurked more.
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>>298764 Yeaaah
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1000x1035, ワイテイ - 495年の波紋 (65198299) .png )
Someone check if it's on ebay already
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
And the sauce isn't even that good?
2017/10/07 (土) 21:35 No. 298768
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I doubt
Search [iqdb] (450 KB, 1000x1360, :D - 無題 (60192690) 3ページ.png )
>>298767 none of us have even had it so you're not going to get an answer from us
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doesn't seem like anyone is selling it yet
John "The Only Number I Know Is One" Numbers is back at the Nintendo Championships
>>298770 this kinda shit is so pervasive and obnoxious to me it's normies ruining everything like general but tbh season three just asked for it
>>>/watch?v=5co3GsQeQjs oh shit there's a studio release of mans not hot
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Get some of that secuhara sauce
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Why exactly are you searching with euro currancy Kirara?
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I don't know. I just googled ebay secuhara sauce.>>298777 I've got some of that. I've heard it's pretty good, but I've never tried it myself.
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1764x2508, 生醤油うどん - 版権らくがき (65162928) 5ページ.jpg )
>>298777 This is a post.
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>>298778 sorry about that i didn't mean to dip things took two hours to get settled anyway
>>298779 HOW LEWD>>298777 LEWWWWD>>298780 LEWWWWWD>>298781 It's okay! You gotta do what you gotta do! we can continue some time! I just gotta remember 1:06. We should watch again tomorrow!>>298784 You by your very nature are lewd!>>298783 LEWDAIDORU
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>>298782 I'm offended that you'd make such an accusation.
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>>298782 I didn't say anything lewd! This was all Rika's design.
blue, kekkai sensen was amazing DAOKO ED and USG OP
Search [iqdb] (464 KB, 1539x2048, DKvb6zZV4AAdoZq.jpg )
listen man i dont even need to be told i finished downloading it and I'm abotu to watch it>>298782 At least I'm not going to Secuhara parties
also they did the entire background in hip hop like the background lore
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>>298782 Wow. You're being really mean to me.
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>>298786 But everywhere you go is a Secuhara party?!>>298788 Well I'll admit you said you never tried secuhara yourself but that you heard it was good. It // you can't be as lewd as Rika then!
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>>298782 i basically left about that "wake up!" part you were talking about that you really liked around 30 minutes i saw bits of the remainder but kept getting pulled away by animals and stuff
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>>298790 We can reset it about then! You should definately watch those scenes! if you are free tomorrow!>>298793 NAFJASFkjfg My mind is the opposite of sharp!
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>>298784 Wow, what an accusation!
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>>298791 Definitely* i'm only being a spelling nazi because i know you already know this! gotta keep your mind sharp
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>>298792 I only speak the truth! >>298777 I submit the evidence before all to see that, you posted something terribly lewd.
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>>298789 That's right. I'm just relaying information I've heard. I'm not lewd at all.
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The ad-hoc court of Kannagi, submits that Kirara is not-lewd at all and was only caught in the range of the lewdiness of Blue and Rika.
>>298791 you're mistaking a dull mind for a lazy one i know you know it because you've used it right before you told me to do this, you know! help you shake off the rust
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>>298796 Her face is a little scary.>>298801 It is alright! my honourable aidoru friend!
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>>298797 Thank you, Your Grace!
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>>298794 I didn't do anything lewd!>>298795 Last time accusations were made, I defended you!
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That's true, I guess I owe you. It's true that Rika didn't do anything lewd! She was just saying that people wanted the secuhara sauce. She was just relaying information like me!
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Unununu, I guess I can recind the claim of lewdness for Rika since you have raised your defense of her!
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1502x1669, shihou@秋例大祭き46a - こいしのひ (62899808) .jpg )
That's only because you haven't seen Rika considering going to secuhara events!
>>298803 you can participate in lewd culture without being part of it
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Blue, brings new evidence to the court but I dismiss it on the ground that blue is too lewd to submit evidence.
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Rika would never go to a secuhara event!>>298806 hmmmmm
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She totally would. See here >>298487
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Yeah, I'd need to know a lot about who is doing the secuhara before I went to something like that.
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>>298808 too soon to use that as a shitpost?
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I think Rika would only let someone she loves secuhara her.>>298811 No, I just didn't have a witty response.
Search [iqdb] (172 KB, 1600x1200, 1469588142189.jpg )
>only someone she loves secuhara her How pure! How unlewd! I apologise for accusing your Rika!
2017/10/07 (土) 21:53 No. 298814
Search [iqdb] (632 KB, 724x1023, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
cover yourself in secuhara sauce
>>298812 witty responses are overrated anyway the best is to engage it seriously and annoy the person
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 553x587, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
>>298813 Wow, my Rika, huh? I don't think I ever consented to that!
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Now now! I corrected myself in tiny text! Read the small print!>>298816
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1280x720, OBEY2.jpg )
I'm everybody's Rika!
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1000x971, :D - 無題 (60192690) 12ページ.png )
>>298821 what's wrong with yuu
Search [iqdb] (433 KB, 900x1050, 1469372123388.jpg )
Everyone is a little Rika in their hearts.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 559x689, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
2017/10/07 (土) 21:57 No. 298825
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>>298823 gross
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I heard that there is a dastardly duo trying to figure out my weaknesses.
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>>298823 >Rika in our hearts >moes with heart problems really makes you :thinking:
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That's right. If you cross me, I'll tell the little Rika in your heart to make a mess of things.
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 321x473, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
>>298828 Tell the Rika in my heart to stop destryoing my health.
Search [iqdb] (297 KB, 2000x1434, 1469539452686.jpg )
Wow I now fear the authoritarian Rika who has deathly control over my life!
Search [iqdb] (5.3 MB, 2150x3035, 87f722362784414742ae0ff3aaf86b(…).jpg )
Nothing but respect for MY Rika
>>298831 >>298831 >>298831
2017/10/07 (土) 22:01 No. 298833
>>298831 what about someone else's rika?
Search [iqdb] (484 KB, 800x800, 9fa2b4f81927215c78b8909f2248b4(…).jpg )
more like riNAHHHHHH
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>Was going to say 'you can't spell nipah without NAH' but then
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>>298829 The Rika in your heart is just especially clumsy.
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>>298836 I hope you'll take responsibility for your clumsiness.
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 700x910, 978b1a37c7f70809333300d37d5b70(…).jpg )
>having the clumsy rika what a short straw
Search [iqdb] (446 KB, 1280x720, 1476902367359.jpg )
>>298837 Sure, I will.
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Code Realize - (…).jpg )
>>298839 Great! So you'll replace it, right?
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] URAHARA - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>>298840 Your heart? I don't have a spare.
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
>>298841 Then give me yours. Kyun!
2017/10/07 (土) 22:06 No. 298843
Search [iqdb] (631 KB, 1100x1200, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
wow I got like 3kg of onions
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 835x982, 260bdd67239e23661fad6d8d9be282(…).jpg )
>>298843 how sad
2017/10/07 (土) 22:07 No. 298845
>>298844 why= onions are masterfood
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>>298842 I need mine!
>>298838 to be fair thats the most accurate rika to have
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
>>298847 I bet you have a vampire henchman or something. Give me their heart.
2017/10/07 (土) 22:10 No. 298851
>>298850 so that is what diabetes looks like
Search [iqdb] (150 KB, 809x717, bokura34.jpg )
>>298849 A henchman who is a vampire, or a vampire's henchman?
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
>>298852 A henchman who is a vampire. Give me a vampire's heart.
2017/10/07 (土) 22:11 No. 298854
it doesn't beat so what would you do with it?
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
I'll get powers from eating it.
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 681x660, bokura31.jpg )
>>298853 Then you'll have to be my henchman instead.
2017/10/07 (土) 22:11 No. 298857
>>298855 it has worms
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
Nah.>>298856 Hmm, really? You're not really taking responsibility for it if you make me work for you after you give me the heart.
>>298851 I am actually a super precure fan.
>>298850 >>>/watch?v=-9x9kQ3zT2w
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>>298858 That's just how these things go, though.
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>>298861 I guess I could do it part time.
2017/10/07 (土) 22:13 No. 298863
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hozuki no Reite(…).jpg )
>>298860 Precure is a lot of fun. especially with Kamen rider and /a/.
>>298864 I only saw ten episodes or so of Princess, but the fight scenes in that show are legit It's nice to see where all Toeis money went
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
pic of blue
>>298866 I love that I have been reading the manga in raw for ages and it now has a magazine // has an anime. and is being translated. It feels weird like it suddenly came into the light. when before it was unsignificant and unknown.
We're going to have steak for dinner but my brother's not really good with our barbeque, hah hah. So now they're practically carbonized on the outside and not cooked all the way through. We've got time until the rest of the dinner's finished cooking to save them though.
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
Lewd legs and saggy sock!
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, bokura82.jpg )
>>298862 Is there such a thing as a part time minion?
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me>>298871 Well, sure, why not?
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kannagi check out these lemon lime tarts aren't they cute
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/07 (土) 22:19 No. 298874
5 winks per second the pinnacle of human performance
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>>298874 WINK
two centipedes per second
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/07 (土) 22:19 No. 298877
>>298875 HAYAI!
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>>298877 Don't you dare underestimate me, senpai!
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/07 (土) 22:20 No. 298879
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
2017/10/07 (土) 22:23 No. 298881
>>298880 is ti good?
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
It feels a lot like Working. I like it.
>>298873 They look pretty sweet but tarts are lewd!
how are tarts lewd?
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
I would also like to know.
i bet this is a britishism where a tart is what you call a man who // oh yeah that's basically where i was going
>>298884 A tart is a slut
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 884x677, bokura81.jpg )
>>298872 I think a minion is a full time job. It's a lifestyle.
>>298886 Totally, I am sort of curious where you are going with that.>>298890 It is a little weird but it basically slang. well it is slang
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 351x711, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>>298887 That's weird.
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>>298888 >>298888 Well, I obviously can't have the kind of lifestyle that's dedicated to serving you, but I need that vampire heart.
>>298885 Reminds me of the MC of that Boku x Inu SS show.
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 1280x720, 1387909712092.jpg )
That show was fun. That was one of the alternative Yamadas I guess Blend S yamada will be added to the list I think I have all the Yamadas image somewhere
2017/10/07 (土) 22:28 No. 298894
twisted hug.gif
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 480x270, 1393280464913.gif )
How adorable.
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>>298891 You have to serve if you get the heart!
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>>298897 Surely you can make an exception and let me do it part time.
2017/10/07 (土) 22:33 No. 298899
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nice hoozuki s2 is as good as s1
Search [iqdb] (2.7 MB, 5000x5000, 1382988180763.jpg )
I haven't seen this in a while.
2017/10/07 (土) 22:35 No. 298901
>>298900 >density scale
>>298900 i laugh every time
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 996x3871, 1359748197671.jpg )
I thought I had one that was just yamadas and was bit more complete all I can find is this and this>>298900
2017/10/07 (土) 22:38 No. 298904
>sound only kuroko
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 683x701, [Anime-Koi]_GJ-bu_-_08_[h264-7(…).jpg )
>>298898 With something like vampire servant, the duties are kinda defined by the job title, you know?
>>298904 That is the narrator in KMB
narrator Kuroko was great
>>298906 wasn't it Ookami or something?
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>>298905 I'm in a committed relationship, you know. I can't become a woman's servant.
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>>298903 Trap Yamada isn't a trap anymore. I wonder what that makes that Yamada.
>>298908 She is in Ookami too, I love Satomi Arai's voice.
>>298911 Yeah, but the Mukashi~ Mukashi~ was Ookami. I remember that.
2017/10/07 (土) 22:40 No. 298913
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Ookami-san_to_Shic(…).jpg )
Ookami is just a fanfic kuroko propped up that is why she narrates it
>>298912 Oh yeah. That is right. You are totally right. I was thinking the of the ASA and that in KMB
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>>298909 Maybe you should reconsider the vampire servant heart thing then!
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>>298915 I feel like that's a little unfair! I only need the vampire heart because you messed up my heart in the first place, so I should be able to get it for free!
2017/10/07 (土) 22:41 No. 298917
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Ookami-san_to_Shic(…).jpg )
they should make more of yuriseijin
2017/10/07 (土) 22:43 No. 298918
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>>298916 It's in the nature of a vampire servant to serve, though! It can't be helped!
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>>298919 Just because I have the heart of a vampire servant doesn't mean I have to be a servant too!
2017/10/07 (土) 22:47 No. 298921
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>>298920 IT's a vampire servant's nature, though.
2017/10/07 (土) 22:50 No. 298923
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>>298922 But I'm not a vampire servant so it won't be my nature.
Kirara would be a vampire AIDORU So Kirara will make everyone's heartos go KYUN
2017/10/07 (土) 22:51 No. 298926
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THen he will join the vampire cafe circles
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>>298925 Haaaaa~n
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>>298924 You'd jave a servant's heart.
2017/10/07 (土) 22:54 No. 298929
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jaded servant's heart
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] The iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
>>298928 I'd have my heart still, it'd just be fixed and I'd have powers. I'd eat the vampire heart, not get a transplant!
2017/10/07 (土) 22:55 No. 298931
but vampire hearts have worm
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, [Commie]_Love_Lab_-_03_[5D42F8(…).jpg )
>>298930 You can get the pluses without some of the minuses!
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>>298932 It's fine, right? So I don't have to be a servant.
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I meant to say can't. Typing is tough sometimes!
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>>298934 Oh, well, it's probably fine. I will shatter the chains of fate and forge my own path!
>>298927 I really like that idolm@ster song.
Search [iqdb] (853 KB, 950x1273, CQIna6NVEAAOgqc.png )
>>298936 I wish the Cinderella Girls like Ranko would cover it.
2017/10/07 (土) 22:58 No. 298938
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If I wrote some articles, would any of you want to read them? This is a hypothetical ignore what subject it's on or whether you'd read it as a friend just on the general, without any specific topic in mind, would an article written by me seem like something you'd be motivated to read because you think there'd be something worthwhile in it
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
I think I'd have to read on of your articles first to see how they read for me. if I was looking for reading something to pass the time or if I was reading something to learn something. I dunno. I read a lot of things! but it would definately be interesting considering it is coming from you!
>>>/watch?v=WnH0Kvl3thk best ha~n
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>>298942 I was hoping it would be takane and you did it. Nice job!
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>>298940 Is Blend pretty good?
>>298939 yeah I dunno if I'd understand it though
Search [iqdb] (848 KB, 800x1030, CS5Iq-LUwAEPJUd.png )
>>298944 It was pretty amazing. I'd say it's as good as Working!!.>>298943 Koishichatta no yo ojousama
>>298944 I have been enjoying the manga for a while now! I like it.
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would you rather read something like: 1. Functional anxiety, harnessing it for productivity 2. The ten-minute fragmentation: a comprehensive guide to fucking yourself 3. Dynamic systems interfacing, applications for the present and future 4. Fintech startups and how the traditional banking system is failing
>>298939 I wouldn't promise to read from any possible concept, but I think the things you'd write about wouldn't apply to that. Though I wouldn't really know if I could bring anything constructive by reading.
I like Chihaya and Takane for I LIKE HAMABAGA
>>298948 2
>>298949 what's helping me is having an anchor to know what is even so uninteresting that my friends wouldn't read it
>>298948 number 4 and 2
Search [iqdb] (497 KB, 686x1214, CZaxbbhUsAAzhcu - すけべヱ - 深夜に突然(…).png )
patto matte gatto yatte chuuto sutte haaa~n
>>>/watch?v=pEbEl3vIbSg PAATO PAATO
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i think i can probably do the work for any of those articles in about a thousand-word format with proper research and a good perspective in about one week but i can make a lot of money in a week by doing normal work i wish i could have a week off so i could do that once a month and build slowly
paato paato
2017/10/07 (土) 23:07 No. 298959
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boat boat
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I get to play with a super computer soon.
>>298957 doing this in video format might actually be a little faster to write a script for if someone was there for a voiceover and someone was there for video editing those two tasks might take up about 22 hours and 30-ish hours for a script if i could make a video that netted 52 hours * 15 dollars an hour per week that would probably be worth it but that's 780 dollars a week and that's hard to do on youtube plus blogging
>>298961 Play Idolm@ster on it.>>298960 I really wanna play this game. I really need to get around to buy it since I have a PS3 but I don't have a dedicated sceen for it. I also wanna get P5 really wanna get p5 for ps3
2017/10/07 (土) 23:12 No. 298964
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>>298961 ask it what do you get when you multiply six by nine
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>>298963 Get PSVR and the iM@S game for it. I have to run some statistical analyses on the supercomputer.
Is PSVR a completely separate console?>>298967 PS4 is pricey! >>298965 Calculate the lottery tickets on the fly and send me the codes! *on the side
>>298966 It's PS4 with a VR headset
2017/10/07 (土) 23:13 No. 298968
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>>298965 I wonder has anyon well of course they have, but how oft people do something silly with supercomputers like play some game on super high settings or something equally funny
2017/10/07 (土) 23:14 No. 298969
though does a supercomputer have any graphical procssing in the end? doesn't really need it
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 900x1200, im6239233.jpg )
>>298966 I would if I could!
>>298969 Depends on the system and how it set up. some super computers are simply a huge array of systems running in parrallel, others are purpose built like the IBM supercomputers. My mom uses a specially built CRAY supercomputer.
2017/10/07 (土) 23:15 No. 298972
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Yeah come to think of it there is a "supercomputer" that is what 100 ps3s running conjoined
2017/10/07 (土) 23:15 No. 298973
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Speaking of super computers, man server rooms are cold many technisians get "server room flue" when they stay too long
>>298970 Gotta be sneaky with your floppy disk and get those numbers to fund a lifestyle of wild moe money and anime!
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 459x914, DBskwrCXkAAa8EN.jpg )
I'll steal the supercomputer, sell it on the black market, and use the money to travel the world and have fun.
2017/10/07 (土) 23:16 No. 298976
>>298975 that would net millions most likely
Search [iqdb] (388 KB, 899x907, question16.jpg )
Why'd you go and get a supercomputer when you could have just asked me?
2017/10/07 (土) 23:17 No. 298978
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the real reason kirara is accessing a supercomputer, is cause he has a system update incoming, though
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Thats a better idea! Steal Rika and sell her on the black market! Use the funds for the fun and world trip
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 800x1129, CZbWGdYUkAAu3Mc - 吉輪 智 - おもちゃの(…).jpg )
>>298977 Oh, can you run some statistical analyses for me?
It is a shame this doesn't have subs. It would be fun to watch Furuhata with moe>>>/watch?v=Ia0wDbz-Td0 He is like a Japanese Colombo. actually I think I have mentioned this before!
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1300x2000, 1504678055856.png )
>>298980 Yeah, no problem. Just tell me the stuff and I'll do it in my head.
2017/10/07 (土) 23:18 No. 298983
>>298981 nani sore?
>>298982 Can you calculate the lottery numbers for me! I wanna live the NEET life.
2017/10/07 (土) 23:19 No. 298985
>>298984 what do you mean calculate the chances of you winning?
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 158x216, images(3).png )
>>298982 would you read any of these articles based solely on their headers and that i wrote them -- specifically that you know that i wrote them but with the assumption that you aren't an acquaintance or know me, just knowing what you know about me>>298948
>>298985 The exact numbers!
2017/10/07 (土) 23:20 No. 298988
Search [iqdb] (197 KB, 600x920, a814feacda826b42f23054efa6c90a36.jpg )
That would be predicting the future
You just need to be super smart to predict the future! I have high hopes for Rika!
2017/10/07 (土) 23:20 No. 298990
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 850x601, 1412361016708.jpg )
how do they run the numbers there though we have this weird ball machine
2017/10/07 (土) 23:21 No. 298991
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 1024x576, [FFF] Hoozuki no Reitetsu OAD (…).jpg )
2017/10/07 (土) 23:21 No. 298993
Search [iqdb] (491 KB, 600x680, ac1ab81ed912ead282565acaef397ae8.jpg )
watch hoozuki tonski
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 495x384, 53117976_p15.jpg )
>>298982 Great! It'd take about three weeks on a normal computer, so that'd be a big help.
2017/10/07 (土) 23:23 No. 298995
Search [iqdb] (568 KB, 1920x1200, 1411296057010.jpg )
Holy fuck speaking of calculating, I once blew up a PSU by doing SETI and other calculating stuff for organisations never again
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2017/10/07 (土) 23:25 No. 298997
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imagine all the trips you could produce with a super computer
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>>298994 I can do it in about half an hour.
Search [iqdb] (327 KB, 630x833, 52815018 - KB - にゃー!にゃー!.png )
>>298998 Great! I'll send you the data. Can you access it if it's a .sps file?
2017/10/07 (土) 23:26 No. 299000
Search [iqdb] (172 KB, 719x800, c00b21b471a753032444235d868621f5.jpg )
but really was I the only one on moo that watched and now watches hoozuki?
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 1200x928, 1428748243040.jpg )
>>298986 One and two, yes. Three, no, because it looks like it would be over my head. Four, no, because I don't know what Fintech startups are and I don't really care about how traditional banking is failing because I know that it isn't going anywhere.
fintech is financial tech it's okay though that feedback is helpful! thank you i don't think anything i'd be writing is over your head but i'm trying to figure out good messaging and a good voice just for reasons like that
>>298948 1 might be interesting. the others pretty interesting too, I've been reading some random newspapers on the trains to work the financial could be an interesting read too
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 193x200, __noel_vermillion_byronyu2___b(…).jpg )
>>299001 you're right that it's not going anywhere, but the only ones who will stay are the ones who start adapting to modern technologies and the services they provide for their customers because if they don't, fintech startups who do provide things like de-centralized distributed ledgers through blockchains through a simple app or API for other banks who are willing to accomodate their customers will make them so useless they can't compete it's really a call to banks to start doing what they should be doing but are too stubborn to know they need to because their board members are old white male fogeys
Search [iqdb] (3.9 MB, 2143x1336, 64758461_p0.png )
>>299003 what columns do you read? what are they about? i wonder if i could be a newspaper columnist; that sounds fun
Search [iqdb] (22 KB, 470x264, 1291363860780.jpg )
Everything except sport. You get pretty bored and the free newspapers are pretty smallish. The metro is the newspaper It is a lot of opinion pieces basically
ive been ghostwriting since i was 16 i bet i could do that job i wonder how much freedom i'd have i applied to a lot of writing jobs when i was 18 but none of them took me which i wasn't surprised about but i've had almost a decade more experience since then
2017/10/07 (土) 23:41 No. 299009
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Rai(…).jpg )
metro is only good for the sudokus and cartoons
2017/10/07 (土) 23:42 No. 299010
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Rai(…).jpg )
you could earn a pretty penny by just browsing the city for happenings and taking pics of them metro pays 20-100€ here for pics to use in articles
>assigned to watch the sloths at a zoo what kind of punishment
2017/10/07 (土) 23:44 No. 299012
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Rai(…).jpg )
a sloth would be a cute pet
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 546x540, DBxT52FUIAAEtxT.jpg )
>Character named Gin >CR calls them Silver
Search [iqdb] (14 KB, 190x266, images (1).jpg )
it'd be pretty fun to run a blog about systems interfacing since literally it's tied to everybody and most of my network is market researchers who love looking at data in new ways
2017/10/07 (土) 23:46 No. 299015
>>299013 why
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2017/10/07 (土) 23:47 No. 299017
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Rai(…).jpg )
then why don't they translate all names? don't practically all japanese names mean something
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 429x719, 4137ebbf32dc15a7c74e2eaf72e824b2.png )
Hello yes this is ton
>>299018 That is a lot of weight!>>299017 Because that is retarded.
2017/10/07 (土) 23:48 No. 299020
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Rai(…).jpg )
>>299019 indeed, you don't want to pack a lot of weight when going ice fishing the ice can never be stronk enough
>>299019 wow kannagi I am very sensitive and that hurt my feelings
2017/10/07 (土) 23:48 No. 299022
>>299019 well translating gin to silver is retarded so why not just go all the way MAX RETARDED
Search [iqdb] (622 KB, 900x983, Nazuna.png )
>>299021 Exercise more!
2017/10/07 (土) 23:49 No. 299024
retard to max so it becomes art
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I kinda want to go out and do something. Maybe I'll take a trip to the shop just to get out of the house for half an hour.
>>299026 Take your camera out on your stroll. see what you snap! who knows a rare squirrel might appear!>>299028 use the flash! I caught a frog in the darkness with the flash!
Search [iqdb] (314 KB, 900x850, 51259596_p8.jpg )
>>299027 It's completely dark out!
Search [iqdb] (369 KB, 2149x2459, C7wrF3dU8AAUPE7.jpg )
>>299027 Well, I can't walk to the shop anyway.
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This was in the complete dark. I blinded the frog wit h the flash though and myself when I recovered from the light I couldn't see the frog anymore
2017/10/07 (土) 23:56 No. 299031
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1024x576, [FFF] Hoozuki no Reitetsu OAD (…).jpg )
a cat
Search [iqdb] (623 KB, 1022x618, 1465626892150.png )
>>299029 Did your legs break?
>>299030 a rare rook
Search [iqdb] (442 KB, 2149x3035, C4xOghoVcAAxYsG.jpg )
>>299032 No, the shop is 5 miles away.
2017/10/07 (土) 23:57 No. 299035
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Rai(…).jpg )
Wow yo uhave even longer distances than me atleast you have a car
>>299023 I-I was joking
Search [iqdb] (1018 KB, 630x1000, 58574836_p0.jpg )
>>299035 That's just how Florida is. You can't get around in Florida without a car.>>299036 I'm not!
2017/10/07 (土) 23:58 No. 299038
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Rai(…).jpg )
I am at the edge of "can survive without a car" territory atm. in terms of finland well it wouldn't be a problem if kesko hadn't run down the local store here fucking cartel monopoly bulshitters
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>>299034 Oh, that is kind of a long walk.
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>>299039 Yeah, it is. I don't mind walking 10 miles, but I can't walk 5 miles with grocery bags. Especially if I get anything cold.
2017/10/08 (日) 00:00 No. 299042
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Rai(…).jpg )
the problem is the 5miles with grocery especially anything that spoils even with a bicycle it would be risky with your temperatures
Search [iqdb] (5.5 MB, 3600x2400, DSC_1213.jpg )
There is no bus service. oh right it is late oh well!
2017/10/08 (日) 00:01 No. 299044
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Rai(…).jpg )
Do people use bicycles in the states for commuting and groceries that much?
Search [iqdb] (631 KB, 1000x1648, 57983571_p0.jpg )
>>299042 Yeah, it's 34C outside right now, even though it's 20:00.
>>299044 in some areas yes
2017/10/08 (日) 00:01 No. 299047
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_R(…).jpg )
>>299045 I'd evaporate
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>>299047 Yeah, it's pretty rough. Way not good for groceries.
2017/10/08 (日) 00:02 No. 299049
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_R(…).jpg )
though if you bought something that is hot, it would keep warm quite well
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 998x992, DJHkV2FVAAA5r9o.jpg )
Yeah, maybe.
2017/10/08 (日) 00:03 No. 299051
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_R(…).jpg )
I might buy a car if I can afford and decide to settle here for longer but I do like cycling, but... there are times and the fuck wll I do during winter?
2017/10/08 (日) 00:04 No. 299052
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [UTW-Mazui]_Toaru_Kagaku_no_Ra(…).jpg )
I could get winter tires, but still it is a steep hill most of the way downhill there uphill back cyclign there when it is slippery would be dangerous, no matter what kind of wheels you get well some wheels would work, but those won't fit into my bicycle
>>299051 die
Search [iqdb] (5.4 MB, 3796x2405, DSC_1241.jpg )
I used to walk around 5 miles to get shopping but I hardly buy any shopping anymore. I just grab a few things instead of a big shop. when I worked at a charity shop I walk ages away everyday.
2017/10/08 (日) 00:05 No. 299055
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 800x800, EslaT7LakattuKoivu-2-800x800.jpg )
I GOT IT THIS I will get one of these
>>299055 damn this dude's clearly a straight baller
>luck doesnt affect loot in Oblivion WHAT?!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 00:06 No. 299058
I'm watching Pingu with my friend s They're being faggots and didn't wanna watch Cyber City or GitS or First Blood or Samurai Fiction or Blade Runner
2017/10/08 (日) 00:06 No. 299059
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1024x576, [FFF] Hoozuki no Reitetsu OAD (…).jpg )
zashiki warashi
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 600x899, DJ_1nQmUIAAqZKr.jpg )
>>299057 Why would it? That kind of mechanic is pretty rare.
thats the one main job of a luck stat make nice things happen it does a lot of other nice things sure but like drop rates are implicit at this point
Search [iqdb] (628 KB, 736x948, DJ_sjYHUQAAkjDw.png )
>>299061 No, luck is related to skills and crits. Drop rates aren't luck because they use leveled lists.
2017/10/08 (日) 00:08 No. 299063
main job of luck is those sweet CRITS
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/08 (日) 00:08 No. 299064
>>299061 Shouldn't it increase crit rate?
Search [iqdb] (278 KB, 748x1047, c769c180a47eee72d3cd0bc4c4b7d705.jpg )
>>299060 That's a cute picture.
>>299062 but that's dumb it should use both
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 775x989, DJGMC0bUMAAmiKf.jpg )
>>299065 Arigato!>>299066 You're dumb. It doesn't need to modify loot.
2017/10/08 (日) 00:09 No. 299068
luck gives sweet crits and morale gives 2 turns
Search [iqdb] (214 KB, 1190x1567, 1507241957217.jpg )
Luck does something but no one knows what.
In some games luck does increase the chance of nicer drops.
>>299067 am i okay to mix kratom and alcohol
>>299063 Crits are why LUK is the best stat
I have been asleep for a thousand years
Search [iqdb] (4.6 MB, 4415x1852, DSC_0090.jpg )
I wanna retake this with the macro lens just to see how much more I show how it looks like little gems on the ground.
2017/10/08 (日) 00:18 No. 299075
>>299074 wow morning dew that would be an awesome pic if the sun hit it at right angle
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 706x1000, DFnbkBgUwAAj9cs.jpg )
>>299071 Yeah, but from what I understand, it gives the kratom a horrid comedown.
>>299076 i guess i won't then i've only taken the kratom that one day still
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 700x1100, DH6GKL2UwAAECAW.jpg )
What about the omelette?
i was joking because that sounded terrible i was also going to take a picture of me mixing it into whiskey for you but i would have just poured that out haha
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 1098x1316, DKFv_CUVoAAtUl3.jpg )
Oh, haha. Yeah, it does sound terrible.
well i did have some one morning but it was like a quarter teaspoon in yogurt then went out for omelettes i think that's what put it in my mind but tbh ive had valerian root stronger than that dose
i bet it'd be good in cinammon rolls though to be honest like cinammon by itself tastes worse than that bake it into shit and it'd be great the effect would be really weak but i've always liked microdosing
2017/10/08 (日) 00:23 No. 299083
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_R(…).jpg )
oh wow nausica was 2hours longer than i remembered
Search [iqdb] (9 KB, 210x240, images.jpg )
what about 5. Automation of channel clearing 6. Construction of linguistic objects or 7. How to treat and prepare/dye mohair wigs
2017/10/08 (日) 00:30 No. 299085
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_R(…).jpg )
i'd read 6 and 7
i like 6
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 225x350, 223755.jpg )
looks like i might have to make three separate blogs the crafting blog could wait unless i'm reopening my etsy shop, then i'd need that maybe i could get by with two though too much specialization is too niche too
>>299084 I wouldn't get any of those
2017/10/08 (日) 00:37 No. 299089
Search [iqdb] (276 KB, 1920x1038, [Coalgirls]_Nausicaa_of_the_Va(…).jpg )
definitely same as in laputa I wonder could you patch up a theory that connects them both well not really much to it just say laputa is the past of nausica and blam
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meow meow
2017/10/08 (日) 00:39 No. 299091
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1024x576, [FFF] Hoozuki no Reitetsu OAD (…).jpg )
you a cat
2017/10/08 (日) 00:59 No. 299092
welp I may have just poured spoiled cream into my soup guess I will find out tomorrow
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2017/10/08 (日) 01:08 No. 299095
>>299094 there was a cafe chain called eromanga here once
>>299095 does eromanga mean something in finnish?
2017/10/08 (日) 01:08 No. 299097
Why was it called eromanga then
2017/10/08 (日) 01:08 No. 299099
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 600x546, 1495926964087.jpg )
fourth day of boil water notice lol
Boil what? her. notice lol
i'm sorry i dont know why i do this
2017/10/08 (日) 01:27 No. 299105
Search [iqdb] (168 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_R(…).jpg )
>>299102 Some water quality though it might be that the groundwater, if you use it as a source, got fucked by the rains that happens quite oft afterall
@Rika, Tilde, ToN is it possible that we could have our game this week tomorrow night?
because i just lost power and my wifi won't last more than an hour on battery
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 737x718, ichigo32 (3).jpg )
Yeah, that's fine. Is something going on? oh yes that makes sense yes
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Can't be helped!
>>299106 No problem at all.
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 700x596, 38700382_p1.jpg )
Great! Hopefully that's fine for ToN, too.
>sauce being sold for hundreds of dollars
turning parody into reality
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 01:57 No. 299114
ebay auctions are fake news
did you get the sauce sam
oh ok
is that okay ton?
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 158x216, images(3).png )
oh, i know you you're the goddess of purification you're because of such a week i had thank you
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 2591x3624, 1507244801613.jpg )
Nope, it's just me!
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 02:16 No. 299122
let me purify you with my cleansing fire hudda huh
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>>299121 are you here to save me
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 750x1046, blue rose.jpg )
I'll save everybody!
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 02:22 No. 299125
don't lie to me
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Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/08 (日) 02:39 No. 299131
it's a Pose-Off!
where's your pose sam
>Walk up to very obvious monster in game >It doesn't rush up to me, instead saunters slowly and casually to meet me >Oh huh, maybe this is some kind of "they're not just monsters because they look monstrous" thing And then it proceeds to bash me into game over in two blows.
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Looks like a happy robot.>>299133 What game?
Metro 2033. I've had both games sitting in my library for ages and I wanted something a little horror-y to play.
oh, that's such a good game
Search [iqdb] (605 KB, 700x1200, 1502927771422.png )
Yeah, good choice. The Metro games are great.
>>299135 He just wants to say harro
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Hi, hows the no power life?
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I feel so powerless!
I've got the powah!
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>>299142 I heard you got spooked earlier!
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>>299146 Oh, did you hear that?
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>>299147 Yeah, I think I heard you squeal in terror from here!
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>>299148 I didn't squeal. That's slander!
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this sounds like fun give deets
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 695x711, ak7.jpg )
>>299149 Really? I heard you squealed like a girl!
gkve beets
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 450x641, 43880675_p4.jpg )
>>299151 I'm being told by a reliable source that you did not hear that!
Give sheets
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my power is back and stuff now which is nice
oh shit time for cthulu
My internet exploded a little bit there.>>299153 She's pulling your leg!
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 900x1200, 54628273_p14.png )
>>299157 Wow, you're accusing her of lying to me about not lying to you! err lying to me about lying to you or something You know what I mean.>>299156 Get ready!
>>299159 → >>299159 → >>299159 →
>>299163 → I post where I please
Wow theres lots to watch tonight Like at least 7 shows