Thread #299188
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a n i m e
I forgot today was delayed anime day so i was waiting for like an hour
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Well, my internet wasn't working anyway. The game was pushed back a night though so we could have started.
kekkai sensen love live ballroom houseki no kuni blend S two car mahoutsukai no yome altair
Not interested in this Code Realize show?
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We can do that too. I just didn't notice it in the ocean of shows we have.
All right, just making sure.
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okay so the list This is a lot of stuff to have to pick from. love live something one of you guys wants ballroom blend S how does that sound?
Let's fill that with Kekkai Sensen then.
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okay I'm ready to start when you guys are.
All my stuff's downloaded, so I'm good to go.
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okay love live okay let's start!
Rabu raibu
what trime
Fourth wall jokes. 1:40 1:45 1:50
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They didn't accomplish a lot in their first season. Time seems to have passed though.
If they only got through one term of school in one season they could even push this group of girls into three seasons worth if they really wanted to.
How convenient.
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The third years didn't waste any time making drama.
did i miss kekkai sensen
just kidding
wow meanie
>>299220 We'll be doing it in about five minutes from now.
im callin the cops
>>299225 ok dont start without me i have to talk to the cops
>encoded into 60fps using motion interpolation wat
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I guess saving the gaijin will be a big plot point this season.
Everyone's so fucking gay.
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kekkai okay let's start!
bed bath & beyond
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no matter what they do they can't top the last season's OP
Those two little dolls by the cassette player were the girls from Trigun.
Hah hah hah. I was thinking they were making Zapp play Spiderman and then they out and said it.
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best girl appeared already!
>>299239 femto?
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>i'm planning to binge watch all of BBC Earth i love this motherfucker
Hah hah hah. That spam of overly-long special moves.
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THERE'S best girl
Oh no.
this engrish is something else
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It's not a bad OP but like I said they just can't possibly top the first OP.
Oh right Kirara was talking about how they rapped the whole premise to the series.
Leo what are you doing.
i feel you leo
Mr. No-body is quite relaxed at being nothing more than a talking head.
Oh no. RIP X-Station.
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Yeah, it seemed really obvious that it was going to get trashed. I didn't expect his whole apartment to explode though.
I dint finish s1 i think
Now they all think he's dead.
Oh nevermind it's just Zapp.
Does Libra really pay so poorly that Leo needs to work two jobs. SONIKKU
holy shit what
Wow what a nice jacket.
Hot damn that's one hell of a bike.
>When you're playing Snakes & Ladders and you land on that one snake right near the end of the game that takes you back to the start of the board
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all the way back to the starting line
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This ED seems like it will be good though.
I heard a bit of the guy that sung the Space Dandy OP in that ED.
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I wonder if this means we'll be seeing her again.>>299277 He seems like he's pretty talented.
She was an anime-original for the anime-original plot of the previous season, so it would be a little weird. I'd be really excited to see her back though. Leo deserves to not have his heart torn up so much.
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Yeah, she was kinda shoehorned in. That's why I'm surprised to see her again now.
whats next
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that was good thanks jan ballroom is next okay lets start
Oh they're talking about how Chinatsu was likely the male lead in her previous dance career.
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I thought it might be something like that. It seems like there would be more girls than guys at all ages for this sort of thing.
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I like this new girl best of all. She's going to be a great partner for him.
Cafe Poosu
Chance encounter.
hah hah hah. This is some real underhand feminine venom.
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hmm This new girl has a voice that's really familiar. I feel like oh yeah that's it It's the same voice as that girl from hmm what was that show the one with keikaku doori guy yeah She's making the same voice as that girl in Sagrada.
Yuuki Aoi I figure. Madoka from Madoka, Kino from Kino, you're thinking Sagrada.
She's got really good range but all her characters kind of have the same neutral voice.
cat fight
Wow how embarassing.
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Chinatsu seems to be the kind of person who leads a tough life.
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I wonder if Protagonist-kun will be able to find his groove.
It seems like they've still got to work out their issues with each other and themselves before they can find any kind of groove.
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Yeah, seems like they have a long way to go. She's not a very good match for protagonist-kun.
The skill level was so low they passed anyway.
Hah hah hah oh no. Now they're both going to be trying to do their own thing.
show her who is the leader
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I thought she would be like a starry eyed newcomer, but she's just kinda weird in the end. Looks like Protagonist-kun is going to use his special power.
Well she's a veteran of the scene, so she's got certain expectations. And probably doesn't expect anything of Tatara because he's a newcomer. Or didn't expect anything.
Oh that man, at least, is the new rival for Tatara in the OP. I guess there's some poetry for the rivalry being between Sengoku's protege and this woman's students.
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They can't win even with his super power.
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I guess he realizes next episode that he actually needs to lead. okay blend S okay lets start!
blENDS looks good
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This is supposed to be pretty comfy.
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Wow, a handsome man. That never happens in a cute girls doing cute things show.
the designs are top notch
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This seems really good so far.
I was expecting a cute girls show already better than expected
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I get a Working! vibe so far.
suki dess
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I guess that handsome guy is a weirdo.
You guess?
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Seems like she's good at it.
Oh she was able to smile properly there.
I heard mahoutsukai was good
I have high expectations for it. The original work is a really lovely manga.
Oh geez.
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dekkai imouto
Well that's an eyecatch.
That was a good use of her pent up emotions for her role.
How traditional.
The gamer girl is kind of big. Like even her head feels a bit larger than the other two's.
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oh, DDR. I can't play that at all.
lots of working vibes off this show
Yeah. A little more of character trope exaggeration than Working! but that's kind of the point of the series.
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
It seems like what you would get if you moved working over a few notches into cute girls territory. Maybe working mixed with Gochiusa. It was good though, I liked it a lot.