>>300493 What if you notice he's your brother after you become friends? >>300499 fuck, he was right
see guys, i told you rika was
>>300493 What if he befriends you, betrays you, and he only tells you that in his dying breathes after you've defeated him!
>>300502 Yeah this is very tragic. Learning he's family only after you've killed him. Then maybewe could show the rest of your family sobbing over it. Except even better, as he dies he tells you that it was nothing personal, and that under different circumstances, you two could have been great brothers and friends.
>>300502 And you call him by his original name as you lie bleeding on the ground He's touched so! The emotions move him to kill himself too! A great tragedy!
>>300503 never say never >>300504 In the middle of the fight Kiraras brother mentions Martha. And the two have such a great laugh over it that they become best friends andnothing tragic happens. What a twist!
>>300509 What if Kirara looks exactly like his half brother, and he has to convince you that he's the real Kirara Oh wait you mad ethis joke and I missed it Fuck I look like such a FOOL
>shoot your brother i think >I'm actually shooting the wall >cops get called >we all go to fucking jail >have to spend a night in jail with your long lost brother who betrayed you and me while i'm tripping
Sure, that sounds fun. I used to snowboard with family but not having friends made it get a little old after a while. Snowboarding is kind of exhuasting since you're dragging a board around with one foot for about twenty-thirty minutes to go down a five-ten minute slope.
>>300563 No, I've seen snow. It snows maybe one day to two weeks a year here, depending. Whether or not it will stick for long or be gone by the morning is another story, though.
It only got cold and wet enough for snow to pile up more than an inch once in my life.
Upper state New York has some decent hills. I used to go south of the border to a place there every winter with my family. There's some -really- good hills out in British Columbia in the Rockies though. One place I went let you go up all the way to the peak of the mountain. It took so long and so much work to get up there but the actual scenery and atmosphere that high up was AMAZING.
>>>/watch?v=lhc_bXGvmp0 >>300610 This guy trial and error's his way to recreating a near-perfect at-home recreation of the sauce. If they're so obsessed over the sauce they should just make it up themselves. The video even instructs on how to make good recreations of McDonald's infamous chicken nuggets.
i've always thought it's funny that a minority of obsessed teenage fans posting on the internet is always more than enough for people to deem the entirety of a fanbase as anything
You realize it literally just takes like a thousand or so for each McDonald's, right? Even that's an overestimate And even then most of them probably don't have problems, it's maybe like, 10-15 McDonald's locations probably
Anyway it has less to do with the show and more to do with consumerism in general The need to have the thing despite it not mattering anymore in a week at most
there were two mcdonalds in austin that did the thing i think a) rick and morty is popular b) the people in the age group who watch it are on the internet constantly c) people on the internet constantly love to post about it and d) corporations love to tune into that shit
all combines to eventually create where we are now which is where a reference to something people want a corporation to bring back for the hell of it led to just that i think it's pretty cool, considering something like this would've been impossible a decade ago it would've never have even been in anyone's mind
Of course it wouldn't have been on anyone's mind Because nobody wanted it before Rick mentioned it
And in like a month nobody will give a shit anymore, it'll just be remembered as that time McDonald's did a sauce thing because of a TV show, just like every single other promotional thing
>>300661 if a cartoon in the early 2000's name-dropped a sauce from a promotion years previous, even a rather popular one, this probably would not have happened
>>300675 I'm pretty sure south park has done all sorts of references to bullshit just like this without causing much of a fuss. Just shows how corporations are infesting pop culture more.
I bet they'll do an episode where they call everyone dumb for getting so hyped up about a sauce
>>300675 Yeah, the demographics were seen very differently and people didn't have as public ways to discuss stuff, so it'd fly under the radar
>>300683 hasn't pop culture always been pretty corporate?
>>300675 It seems like family guy did this sort of thing a lot, didn't it?
Simpsons did it as well the parody at least
>>300679 It's not about the sauce It's about buying the sauce from McDonald's during the promotional window
it's literally about the meme
also fun fact: I was at a McDonalds about 6 months ago in the drive-thru, and asked the guy to throw in whatever his favorite sauces were with the chicken nuggets I was sent to retrieve and he said "nah man, they took szechuan sauce away years ago" this was the first time i'd ever heard of it, but i don't know if 6 months ago predates the rick and morty reference i don't really know much about the show except that i watched like 7 episodes the otehr day and it's actually not too shabby
It predates it The show that is The show is older
>>300695 rick and morty has undercover marketers in every mcdonalds going back for years the plan goes deeper than you could think
Unless it actually was episode one of the newest s- Naw even then
1 April 2017 S3 Ep1
wow literally 6 months ago memory like a fucking elephant
and i can't remember if i ate breakfast today
What I don't get is why they don't just have szechuan sauce and charge for it
>>300714 Yuu I really like this italian good image
>>300695 I mean if it was beloved enough by someone to throw it into a script joke it doesn't surprise me that some other people really dug the sauce. There's always people that like stuff before it gets big because of some silly viral thing.
i'm so happy right now i always thought "i wish life could be so simple" but never did i realize it really can be all you need is a bowl of ice cream, some peanut butter, and a good spoon
wow i think i might be really good at this game those were my first two matches
i found destiny 2 to be a sad way to kiss $60 goodbye i bought the same game twice just fuck me bungie
i make more than enough money to cover my needs now i've learned how to live frugally thanks to being so poor for so long now that i have not-even-close-to-median-income-but-still-above-poverty-line i just buy whatever i want so like i'll probably just buy the game again on PC
i have little to spend my money on now too since my dad makes good money as an electrician after losing his last job
I didn't really find the first one very engaging either, so I don't know why I bought this one it's more of the same shit but it looks really nice now at least
i never messed with the first one i bought this one because it's pretty mostly but i've ended up having a pretty good time with ti it's basically MMO Halo and i love Halo
alright well it's time for this bangaroo to get along
i finally sorted my anime screencaps after months of neglect feel so accomplished i'm going places in life
I need to clean up my PC's files and folders at some point. There's a lot of stuff that needs to be sorted, archived, and deleted. It'll happen some day.
>>300880 I keep my pictures sorted chronologically and my anime images sorted into folders by series and those folders in folders by year!
Wow you're already super methodical. I've got a folder for my MPC screencaps and those save under the anime name and episode already so I don't have to worry about categorizing further. Pretty much everything else is a mess of images though. I've got some folders for stuff I pull from specific places but it's far from thorough.
>>300884 this process takes some effort so I always procrastinate for a long time before finally doing it instead of just doing it as I go like a sensible person!
If you can get Heat Signature for cheap, and enjoy Hotline Miami much, you should check it out I'm kinda bored of it now, only play short bursts, but it's a decent game if that is your jam, I think
Though I didn't like Hotline Miami much, so I dunno
it means i can get the picture i want at the right time at least!
I'm really good at remembering where I left things last though, so it's rare I struggle finding something. And I have a really bad sense for long-term time, so there's no way I'd remember what month or suchwhat I saved/made something in unless the time I saved it in was particularly relevant.
>>300889 Oh yeah, this is wholly when it's something I left somewhere. Once other people start interfering with my storage/memory process things all go to pieces.
I forget where things are a lot if people don't keep them in the same place all the time! I'm like a cat or something!
>>>/watch?v=0VECSnz1a_4 This guy throws a whole lot of anisong into a single played set on piano. There's a bunch of stuff, from series both old and new.
Oh the lewd girl from that Imouto show is Ika Musume's seiyuu. Squid's waifu sure has evolved over the years.
I've had people throw fits because they couldn't get two free slurpees on free slurpee day and other crap like that and I think that shit is hilarious every time People are crazy out there man
It's a minset thing, I think If it's something you have to deal with, it's probably gonna grate on you after a while, especially during these sorta events
If you're able to just sorta disconnect from the situation and observe the idiocy on display though, it's probably funny He's making an idiot of himself, after all
I wanna shoot Oooo Oooo Oooohhhh The Whole Day Down
>>300905 You fend off the evil things that go bump in the night by flipping them the bird. Because nothing says "fuck your shit" to supernatural horrors like giving them the middle finger.
That's pretty cool
If I remember correctly it's also a VR game. So it's probably a lot more unnerving to play instead of just seeing.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
that'd be creepy in VR not being able to see more than two meters ahead
>>300921 Is it mixed gender boxing? When I was 7 I dreamed of being a boxer. Now I have no idea why. Have fun though. The glorious passion that can only be found in the ring is pure as can be
Exactly. I fight FOR HONOUR.
The fact that there are cute girls in sports bras and little shorts around is irrelevant.
R v Willams - [1923] >The defendant was a singing coach. He told one of his pupils that he was performing an act to open her air passages to improve her singing. In fact he was having sexual intercourse with her.
>>300950 Yeah sure I guess, but everything that is wouldn't be the way it is I mean there's way bigger things to call that fucker out for though, as you said the result would be very similar anyway because single men don't make history
most importantly people don't credit him with America they credit him with genocide
>>300959 Yeah, much like how some Italian Americans cling to it because they want a relevant hero too. I'm just saying that people still hold onto it as credit for him finding America... even though I think he only landed on the West Indies. It's been too long since I cared about this.
i found it last night and was gonna post it but the tone here got actually hateful for some reason so i felt it inappropriate still dk what that was about hope it's done with
>>300986 the guy that was from brazil and going on about jews and socialists and whatever don't even know where he pulled it from all i said was please don't discuss h-content on /moe/ lol
yeah i thought so they've been doing this for a year they've showed up three times first time, they talked shit about Saku's death and said religion makes people kill themselves
Oh the guy Samu was talking with
>>300973 persona 5 you have to consent to understanding the game being fictional
>>300990 Hahah That's the only game I can think of that does that A ton inform you "THIS IS FICTIONAL, THERE AREN'T ACTUALLY ZOMBIES" or whatever, but they don't need explicit "I understand" from the player
I think we'll be getting a Catalonia independence declaration today or tomorrow. I hope it gets translated into English.
>>301047 That would be nice. I don't really know much about the situation but I hope their independence goes well.
So my friend was saying the other day that if Catalonia was going to become independent that he would just call it Aragon. But I just checked Wikipedia a few minutes ago and they're different regions. It's just that historically Catalonia was controlled by Aragon.
Yeah, Catalonia has always been Catalonia. They see themselves as the Catalan people. It'd be a little disrespectful to call it Aragon. >>301050 HAHA WHAT
>>301051 Well, my friend was just mistaken about the modern borders of the territory. If the modern borders of Catalonia also included Aragon it would be better to call it Aragon.
oh caps
It would bbe nice if Aragon the sstate recognized Catalonia's independence. Or if they also seceded and formed some kind of union with them.
My plans for rewatching Redline may come sooner than expected Yatta
Also the only books I own that I know are by a Catalonian I misworded that Anyways I have two books bye a Catalonian who is also Jewish. *by a Catalonian
Starting FEH lets you still choose brave heroes and gives you a hero fest with... essentially all the characters I want in those colors Normal Ike, Ninian, Genny, and Julia
>>301125 Very small but like 10 yo >>301127 idek it's my dad's cat she's so photogenic! she was straight up posing for me before >>301128 You don't need to worry about me!
>>301138 It is just a tree cover lake area, it would be nicer if there were less people but families all their noisy children come around all the time. It is too crowded.
well sometimes, I went quite late instead o in the boring. uh *in the morning
>>301143 I think probably a lot of people are feeling that way about trump though!
>>301145 No. Idk what his deal is. he's being really racist too
Is it really out of the ordinary from his usual behaviour? it can be really weird when people do things that so at odds with how they usually act and speka. *speak
Maybe he's developed some sort of brain issue? They can cause real big shifts in attitudes and stuff, right?
Well before that he could have picked up some influence from somewhere, if your stepmom is doing it as well she might have be influenced the same way or just got influence by his attitude I don't really know your dads personality but people getting angry about politics or stuff like that can make some pretty extreme claims and threats unless of course he is saying things that are way out of the line or with real unhealthy passion
> One day a Catholic priest goes to a barber for a haircut. After the haircut, he asks the barber how much he owes. The barber says, "For a man of the cloth, the haircut is free!" The priest thinks "What a nice man!" The next day the barber finds a case of wine outside his shop. Then, a minister comes in for a haircut. Again, the barber tells him that the haircut is free. The minister thinks "What a nice man!" The next day, the barber find a box of chocolates outside his shop. Then, a rabbi comes in for a haircut. Again, the barber gives the haircut on-the-house. The rabbi thinks "what a nice man!" The next day, the barber finds a long line of rabbi's outside his shop!
racist jokes are pretty bad Some jokes can still be fun though, even if somewhat based on racism
Mostly because they're mocking or poking at racists Like in the discord, before work on Monday or something, we were talking about that species of bankers in harry potter that looks eerily similar to a certain charicature, and we were like "the next book's gonna be 'Harry Potter and the Jewish Gold' or something" I thought that was funny
Fine, but I do have jokes that are about Jews that don't happen to be "racist".
>There once was a powerful emperor who needed a new chief Samurai. So he put up posters throughout the land saying he was searching for a new chief Samurai. But after 2 months, only 3 Samurai applied for the job, a Japanese, a Chinese, and Morris. So he interviewed all three. The emperor first asked the Japanese to demonstrate why he should be his chief Samurai. The Japanese opened a little silver box and out flew a little fly. Whoosh went his sword and the fly dropped dead in two pieces. The emperor was impressed. The emperor then asked the Chinese to demonstrate why he should be his chief Samurai. The Chinese opened a small pearl box and out flew a smaller fly. Whoosh, whoosh went his sword and the fly dropped dead in four pieces. The emperor was very impressed. Then the emperor asked Morris to demonstrate why he should be his chief Samurai. Morris opened a small gold box and out flew a wasp. Whoooooossshhh, whoooooossshhh, whooooooossshhh, whoooooossshhh, whoooooossshhh went Morris's sword, but the wasp was still alive and buzzing around the emperor. The emperor was very disappointed and asked Morris, "After all your sword play, why is the wasp not dead?" Morris replied, "A circumcision is never intended to kill."
>>301185 Figures slavers would be less demonized than genociders
>>301183 Churches fought over his body parts to enshrine as relics.
>>301186 New York's place names are pretty cool sounding. I hear things like Upper east side and all the numbered streets. It sounds like it belongs in movies.
communism is never having to work and nothing else
Wednesday is the true worst day. Because you're only halfway through the week. On monday you're still rested from the weekend. On Friday you're looking forward to the weekend. But on wednesday you're already tired and still have like two and a half days left
>>301209 It means no worries for the rest of your days Comunamatata
>>301205 That's fine, its just an important fact that many people either do not know or "conveniently" forget.
>>301226 No, I don't understand the concept All rational arguments can do is help you figure out what is gonna get you to what you value They can't trump it, they can only lead you to it, it's nonsensical
There's plenty of personal values that aren't born of rational arguments. And plenty that are.
Like what's the rational argument for "people should be able to eat"? There's no fucking rational argument for values
>>301236 Wowme2 Wikipedia's source referenced in the citation http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/ism/slavery/africa/capture_sale.aspx
>>301240 We have too much in common! now even our genders are a blur
>>301242 i actually identify as agender and have for a while!
>>301241 i have books at home which describe the Europeans hunting for slaves and taking them in battle as the majority of slave captures
>>301243 I never said that Europeans didn't do that, but that sounds dubious. I'll do some more research, if you have the time post pictures of the book pages later.
>>301269 wow cishet genocide can't come soon enough
I have never taken a jung test thing before. It feels like it entirely bullshit. Is there any test that is worth anything at all with out a psychologist?
>>301277 there are a lot of great tests that don't need a psych like the BDI-II or the BAI.
>>301271 I don't think it's even that. You can be traditionally feminine and still pretty assertive. You would just communicate in a female tone.
>>301279 Yeah but the test was made with stereotypes in mind >This test measures your personality on the basis of gender roles and the cultural conceptions of gender. >>301278 Can I do that in a online test thing and get something actually useful out of it?
>>301279 traditional gender roles say that women are submissive that is changing now but these tests are like that
>>301280 yeah but the bdi tests severity of depression and bai is severity of anxiety
>Sacred Seal Forge >Upgrade your seals >create new ones oh boy
>Have to clear chapter 13 and an extra mission well, I guess I won't be seeing the Forge for quite some time
>>301281 I did the BDI one I am not sure how much I trust this. the questions felt pretty limited to be honest. >moderately depressed. That isn't particulr useful either!
>>301281 YEah but even when traditional gender roles were the roles of the day, women weren't all super submissive wallflowers! Mothers are very feminine but they're also often assertive.
>>301288 That is pretty true, women looked after the finances in most households and would keep the man on the leash about his spending. and in Japan, the oldest women in the family was generally the most powerful member of the family and decided the marriages and events of the family.
There is way too much effort involved in restarting FE Heroes I'll just wait for the news of my account and see what happens
>>301287 It would be cool to read what you have wrote though. >>301292 Totally, they would actually be the real power behind the scenes. Keeping all the family affairs and problems under control. making sure loans were paid and the important people got the right gifts and patronage etc
>>301302 I am pretty fast and I have lots of tricks! I'll hide and you'll never follow my tracks. Never underestimate someone skilled at avoiding being near human beings!
can't even do rerolls while I wait lame time for other games
gwt the new madoka mobage
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41549533 >men cannot help but aim wow >>301318 I signed up for the presign up thing for that I still haven't claimed my homura
you know when i was in school i thought that latex was the coolest thing ever now i'm just like eh it's fine but it's also a big mess and a dead end long term lot of people use it to make spiffy looking papers but a lot of those papers are also BS
Don't let me get to her. She'll watch the series BACKWARDS
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>301412 yeah but in my line of work why would i need math formulas math notation sucks unless you're actually doing math
>>301415 You don't really need it, unless you come up with a brilliant algorithm fpr something and need to prove that its fast. I need it in my line of study though.
drama at the local 7-11 yo cops were called threats were made faces hit the pavement fucking CSI: 7-11
why are you calling cops on children
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>301416 yeah not gonna happen anyway complexity analysis is 90% bullshit to begin with beyond the basics you want fast you write cache-aware, environment-aware code
>>301419 Well, complexity analysis is still important in computational linear algebra and other numerical crap.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>301422 it used to be not really anymore everything's already pushed to the limit complexity wise and the 'improvements' in complexity are a dumb game at this point
who knows maybe someone will crack it doubt it
>>301423 My guess is that the next big thing will be more research into different computer architectures. There's a lot of room for that now that moore's law is dead.
hopefully there are other types of analysis that are alive and well for algorithms but 'classic' complexity analysis is dead to me like the CW algorithm which is theoretically faster than the strassen algo... but only if you had a trillion row matrix
>>301423 This post rreminds me a bit of the thing Planck's physics professor told him about physics
>>301428 That applies to a lot though, different algorithms are faster on different sized data. Cause of the constants or whatever. I'm just hoping we get another breakthrough like the FFT in my lifetime.
>>301430 yeah so in practice, complexity theory gives me 0 useful input on which algo to use whereas the 'constants or whatever' are the part that i have to actually think about that's why i say "it's dead to me" like the spectrum of things that complexity analysis can tell me in any given situation is incredibly narrow
i mean besides the point of like "hashes are fast!" which i already take as mostly a given so
and even then 'hashes are fast' is not necessarily true but CT won't tell you that either
>>301432 There's often stuff about it in the literature. One of the fastest sorting algorithms developed in the past 30 years is one that changes between two different ones depending on the data set size.
Anyways I barely know complexity analysis so I'm not quite sick of it yet. But looking at the o(n) without considering the Err looking at the complexity without considering the constants is unwise in of itself.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
the thing that i find kind of annoying about CT is people get degrees in this stuff and like where are the results maybe you build a ridiculous contrived situation on top of a ridiculous contrived existing situation and make a nice looking paper and defend it but it's totally disconnected from anything anyone would use
>>301435 Oh wait There's still tons of room in the field of complexity analysis for quantum algorithms. Quantum algorithms is still a pretty young field.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
but hey that's academia
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
quantum algos we have no idea if they'll ever be useful but if they are i hope they use a better framework than freaking CT to analyse them you can't handwave qubits every qubit is precious
>>301438 I think people tacked stuff on to make it work Otherwise we wouldn't have that proof of Shor's algorithm can factor integers in polynomial time.
anyway use elliptic curves, problem solved no one is going to make thousands of stable qubits in our next at least idk 30 years if ever idk quantum computing seems like a dead end to me so impractical some whiz kid will come up with some good usage for it one day maybe i'm sure if i live to be 300 i'll eat those words