i feel like they kinda took metera out of the story by having her stand in the room this whole time maybe there's just no more exposition for her to drop
>>245852 OC donut steel-chan has a grudge against Meteora. I'm sure she will get her turn.
sounds like a kinda dumb crossover
All the authors of the series that have had characters dragged into this world have been working together to make a super-crossover. So that they can do stupid beefed up power jumps to fight Altair.
i get that part what i mean is that code babylon seems like a grim setting and sudden;y crossing over with magic world and brining back to life the MC main motivation? is kinda wew
berserk x idolm@ster
>>245857 Yeah but from a practical approach it helps them get Blitz on their side.
uhhh >implying gold is only good for its appearance dumb bitch
Everyone calls her out on her clothes. Poor her.
he's holding well against 2 MCs and a rastu boss
The MC of the Persona game is really OP. I guess he has to be as the MC.
i mean the MC of every persona game is like 10x better than every party member
i'd say that mostly comes from versatility
So far they've managed to turn pretty much everyone on Altair's side except for this guy and the MC of red-hair's world. I guess he's gonna be the second-to-last boss before Altair.
they spoiled him hahaha
Wow they spoiled EVERYONE.
>who would fight to the death just to hang out that's perfectly normal
>>246008 You stil have a maiden's heart no matter how old you get.
i wondering if it's an allmight kinda thing where she thinks her public image is important imovable ozen who doesn't seem like she's strongely affected by the abyss and can deal with it well
>>246028 Wasn't the deal with ballroom that we got two episodes last week but no episodes this week?
That was from a couple weeks back. Episode four and five aired double around the thirtieth of July. Episode six actually aired normally last week despite all the shows that weirdly didn't air that week.
Oh I guess they've got the resources to do other sorts of special effects too. I don't think a crane is something they can use at their train station stage though.
She likes explosions so much she singed herself a little.
Oh and here the explosions have gotten out of hand.
Oh no
Her dad really wants to spoil her.
diomedia as a studio could probably do with working on their expressions. I noticed it in that shitty anime about the cursed village they did a couple seasons back too. But the faces are kind of underwhelming compared to the emotional context at times.
i dont like her design taht much but her persoanlity is okay
Akagi An really gets swept up in anything remotely emotional.
The red-haired girl that plays a villain dresses kind of off-style. Though I guess the blonde-haired one does too. They both feel more like they're dressed for a respectable office than casual girl's outing.
One is the group ojou and the other seems to be billed as the mature girl. It's not that surprising.
Yeah the red one is a bit of a group mom to the rest of them. Still it sticks out against the more girly clothes or casual tomboy the rest have.
thanks for anime
Yep, thanks.
oh right for the anime shift how about 1 hour later instead? floop cant make the two hour one worst case i miss a show only but i should be able to get back on time
One hour later? I may be able to do that. We will need to start on time and move at a decent rate or I'll miss a show on the end side though.
Moving stuff to later times is of little concern to me. So if there's discussion about it you don't need to take me into account. Just make sure I'm kept posted if something gets cemented.