I guess I dunno, something about it just makes me uncomfortable Makes me feel like she doesn't trust me to be honest about something so she's trying to find it out through the equivalent of tarot cards
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
peot // people often don't realize they're not being honest we lie to ourselves nonstop i agree that the drawing is silly though
It's just like What's she even trying to divine from a drawing of a tree I can't come up with a good answer, so my brain won't let go of it Like is she trying to trace trauma or something through it? It's annoying I don't get it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there isn't a good answer it's related to attachment style
Overwhelming feeling in head, shaking, increase heartbeat, sweating, etc Some people mistake them for a heart attack
maybe it's something else I'm dealing with then definitely not intense enough to mistake for a heart attack
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well, everyone has different ideas of what a heart attack feels like since few people have actually had them relatively
yeah but like I can imagine a heart attack feels like, painful in the heart region, or at least that'd be something that would be present if you THINK you're having a heart attack
It's probably not a panic attack without chest discomfort.
Like what I get is more like I get dizzy, mood drops like a stone, I get some sorta emotion I can't place like I'm afraid or angry but it's not really either of them, my eyes get hard to focus properly, like they just kinda blur Some paranoia-is thoughts like people are trying to hurt me emotionally But no like, pain, really
Thoughts generally get more locked in on a single thing, usually whatever caused it Hard to think
Well, even thoughts can be triggers. Almost anything can be a trigger. It's hard to know without knowing exactly what you mean, but just about anything can become a trigger in the right situation.
It's the same thing as it's always been I thought I got better but it comes back and sometimes I think it's getting worse but my memory is so fucking shit I don't even know if anything has changed
It doesn't get better and just knowing I'm like this disgusts me Cause it's gross
It's hard to know Is your psych just for gender or are you going to do like therapy?
The gender stuff isn't happening yet at all I think they just fucking ignored it at this point
The psych is for like, other stuff but we didn't get much beyond just introduction and some general questions yet I don't know if it's gonna be worthwhile but I know I'm not in a good state to try to judge stuff like that right now
I don't trust her enough to talk about this yet at least
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
If you don't trust your psych enough to talk to them about the things you want / need help with, you're kind of wasting both of your time though You'll just be stuck doing drawing exercises and
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It takes
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
to build trust most people don't trust their therapist right away
I know, but I also know SC will resist ever opening up to the psych and take every excuse to see it as a failed attempt
>>1029954 the forgotten realm set? it's ok, I think a lot of the new mechanics were underpowered the party stuff required building your entire deck around it just to be half decent and dungeon delving isn't worth it most of the time
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1029964 Yeah but it had good flavor I don't give a shit about standard I expected it to be extra terrible
I play pretty casually so standard is the easiest way there were probably some decent cards for historic or commander but overall it was weak, though you're right the flavor was good
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1029966 I pretty much do commander exclusively. I used to do limited for like every other set but I stopped cause of rona and I have really disliked a lot of the stuff recently so i haven't gone back. I am so pissed about them ruining Kamigawa.
how's it ruined? I wasn't playing last time it came around so I have no frame of reference, but as far as standard goes it feels like the best set in recent memory >>1029969 >>1029970 oh I don't give a shit about the lore tbh
The lore is fucking retarded And does not fit the tone of magic at all.
the extent of my lore knowledge is "hey it's the dude with the robo arm again cool"
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways, the story has been shit for years But doing a black border cyberpunk set goes against 29 years of magic lore. It's called Maguc the gathering, not science the convergence. We don't need scifi in my fantasy card game.
shouganai my dude shame they went a direction you don't like but that's how it is on this bitch of a earth since you play commander anyway just pick the cards you do like from it and wait for the next set I guess
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1029973 After you keep playing for a few more years I'm sure you'll learn to hate WotC at least half as much as I do.
uh huh
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Who are you anyways?
you know, it's pretty funny you say something like >>1029974 when you have no idea who I am it continues to be a mystery
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My only guess is Pan, but I'm not very sure because generally he is an asshole to me.
yeah I couldn't match Pan's bully power if I tried
these are a variety of coin charts from the past 24 hours i'm guessing that's pretty normal but what causes those similarities? my inexperienced interpretation would say it's reflective of the changes in the USD index or something else broadly applicable
i dunno but they all have the same peaks and troughs, just accentuated differently, so there's obviously something impacting all of them it's probably something totally trivial but im intensely curious
not entering the market or anything just data browsing
>>1030041 yeah btc has just been trackin the market as of late idk why and then all the other coins are heavily correlated
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
as long as eth is below 3k im interested in stackin more but i think it might go way down sub 2k possibly before it goes up again
>>1030044 ah so it's mirroring the btc flux not the usd that makes sense
or not mirroring, but uh idk if btc goes down do all the others also go down or does it mean people are moving into the others their value relative to btc would go up if btc goes down, but btc kinda guides the whole market i guess
>>1030058 most of my favorite belgians are local so i don't actually know that many others but la fin du monde and chimay uhhhh fuck i don't remember which chimay it is la fin du monde is super duper though, and i'm pretty sure widely available
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fin du monde is quebecois i used to try to drink it in college, didnt have the palate back then, enjoy it now
belgian waffles are sixk i had 6 belgian beers on sunday tho
i think karbach out of houston did a limited quintupel once but i don't think any vessels of it exist anymore
a quick google search does not yield much tbh i don't think quads and quints are like a true belgian style ale they're like an exaggerated take on it that black quad i posted though is amazing it's a super rich, lucious, almost dessert of a beer i use it when i make beef stew
they sell a version of their black quad in limited quantities from time to time, called "The Four Horsemen" and it's the black quad but casked in whiskey barrels for a few months that one is sweeter than a devil's food cake and richer than rockefeller you could honestly reduce it and drizzle it on pie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i been to belgium briefly for like three hours i gotta go back
ok ill be there tomorrow see you then
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
beef stuuu uwu
ok i pull up
>>1030054 been riding the hazy popularity train love it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
switched to a double ipa because i love punishing myself for non existent clout
its been a year since i tangoed with vomit person they hate me but it was a good learning experience
i love lappland
i operate under the assumption that basically anyone and everyone who isn't related by blood will come to hate me eventually so it's just about enjoying the good times while they're there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1030088 yeah maybe thing is you can do crazy shit like flash loans in crypto land borrow a million bucks at the start of a transaction and repay it at the ens
whats cw: cring warning?
i love lappland
>>1030091 that is a very scary thing to learn about what about collateral? what's to stop someone from just running off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
big crypto arbs are commonplace i judt think its funny to see misaka misaka wa misaka dess doin it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1030094 a transaction is like a self contained atomic thing it wouldnt be confirmed on the blockchainz unless it was valid from start to finish
i love lappland
wait so you borrow the money during the transaction and pay it back within the same transaction?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yup its wack black magic ive never interfaced with
i love lappland
so it's like if you turned ft. knox into a lego technics warehouse and everyone stis on the catwalk around it watching the robots move boxes back and forth
are you radically promiscuous and basically throwing yourself at a man with infinite scruples but also he's hornier than naota in FLCL when he's shitting an entire planet out of his cranium
Both of those deal with this, which is the card with split second I see the most. Mainly because I run it in all my EDH decks with black. But other people also run it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways Morph isn't an activated ability, its a special action so it gets around split second. And the "when cardname is turned up" thing is a triggered ability.
okay i gotta add a post for feb 23 whomst shall it be?
>>1030168 do you think theyd let you know how far we really are
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who 's they??
i love lappland
the premise for the singularity seemed a lot more plausible when i first heard it a decade ago but we're now almost halfway between when i first heard of it and when it's supposed to be and it doesn't really look like we've changed as much in the last 10 years as we did the 10 before it meaning the quadratic ain't lookin so quadratic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it seems a little more plausible to me now
im not gonna deny that is also sounds entirely like a fairy tale
i love lappland
i don't think the fundamental concept that technology will eventually reach a point where it is able to advance itself faster and faster is wrong i think the idea that humanity will eventually become techno-gods (or the forerunner to them) is almost a given, provided we don't commit minecraft as a species by then
i just don't think the timeline is so easy to pinpoint and i also think we're probably a century or two away
I dunno of any anime girls born the 23rd unfortunately
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how about Makino from One Piece
Better than nobody See no reason not to
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wait
Kasumi from DoA
maybe both
kasumi is likely more well known since makino is a background character but is kasumi really an anime girl? is there some anime girl birthday database?
Well yeah, it's not like it matters in that respect
there would likely be resistance approaching the singularity as people would want to enter it on their terms or else withhold their support of it which could suppress the curve to not look like you'd expect
i mean it's either get there entirely on one entity's own without global cooperation, and thus withholding your own developments from public view, or having a major political power struggle over it not necessarily fighting but at least lots of resistane and negotiating
but that aside im not completely sold on the idea it's a definite maybe
That and I guess we might have to accept either pantsu at the least, or a lower quality of images once the cast of strike witches roll around on the calendar Eila is one thing, same with Yoshika, but basically all the rest are tough to pull off without pantsu
I just mean, by what I've understood the concept to be, I'm not entirely sure it's something we'll see resistance to because it's just gonna happen too suddenly >>1030197 True, but I think no_panties is further than I'd like a birthday posting bot to go Maybe with the very particular exception of Erica because it's kind of her thing
>>1030186 can't post pantsu if she's not wearing any
I mean really everyone on moe is as involved as I am by commenting at all >>1030201 Yeah, I'd like it to be the kind of thing you can retweet and you won't be horny on main There's the waifu alert bot for being horny on main anyway, if that's what people want, but I just want a bot to celebrate your waifu's birthday
how do you even have the eth for that doesn't it take 32 whole eth just to participate? No wait that's something else I guess ETH2 isn't even up and running yet
Ah, well there's no real good reason to get stuff for the sake of staking then I'm still probably gonna stack some eth either way, but there are far better staking options out there ATOM gets 14.4% on exodus, and I've been thinking of getting some of that anyway Diversify a bit, so fluctuations don't scuff my portfolio too much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when i started staking a year ago the apr was like 11% that was good eatins
Still a little bit peeved I didn't sell my SOL at 200 a pop That'd be such gains But I held on thinking it might flatline at worst, then the whole fucking market stalled like a fucker I'm still up a lot, but it stings
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah mmm i should try to build some stuff
>>1030221 I just can't do it unless I'm already drunk I get a box to cook with sometimes tho
today I think I'm gonna go on a search for roasted and salted corn snacks they don't sell them anymore where I once bought like a small bucked \\ bucket of them but they must exist
they're real good snacks like peanuts with a bit of crunch >>1030269 pistachios are nice, but they don't hold as well, and you almost have to buy the by-weight sold ones if you want good ones, and they're expensive cause that price is set at whatever they have that's the most expensive by weight That and you need a trashbin or something nearby to eat them cause of the shells
they're ok I'd rather just have like cashews or pistachios but I wouldn't snub my nose at some corn nuts
you ever tried the werthers caramel popcorns? Those are super good
sun chips are aight if we're talking trash chips though I gotta go with cheetos flamin hot fries once I eat a single one I will just continue until the bag is empty >>1030268 cashews are horribly expensive here probaby doesn't help that they're environmentally shitty to farm take up way more water than they're worth but they taste so good
i love lappland
no popcorns for bang i don't like the squeak as i bite in and i especially hate the little kernel husks getting stuck between my teeth
I usually have something to snack on, but it's very often just spaghetti It's such an easy snack
>>1030275 same I hold off on buying snacks while grocery shopping even though I crave something hard while I'm at home later only time I buy snacks are after a particularly shitty day at work
i love lappland
if i had to skip a meal i'll pick up a gas station taquito before i pick up a bag of chips even then i'd prefer a gatorade and then nothing else
but my big exception is road trips or any time i'm gonna be in a car for more than an hour which actually happens quite a bit because of work so when we stop by a gas station in the morning to fill up before heading to the jobsite i'll grab a gas station taquito or a bag of spicy peanuts or those little packs of mini-donuts oh god no the mini-donuts
Oh yeah it's definitely Not Good >>1030283 I read "these" as cheese, and now I crave cheese pops which is easy to make, it just takes a lot of time It's just cheese after all
if I can just get a hold of corn nuts for a reasonable price I don't need other snacks I just snack to sate the need to eat something or other anyway, it's not really that much about the taste, though I like salt potato chips have too much taste
>>1030302 yeah at like 10am and as far as i think i remember we're just going to check on some lady's previously-installed window tint and maybe replace a window if it really needs it >>1030303 it's only a bottle of wine i would need like an entire bottle of some crazy shit to blackout
do you ever scroll down in your image folder and then click on an image and then the folder resorts itself because it had to load a little more and you almost double-click something you REALLY don't want to post on /moe/
i have images saved from over a decade ago mostly because there's no reason to get rid of them i mean there's no reason to keep them for the most part sure but i mean no reason to delete them either
>>1030333 another reason I deleted them is that I got a ssd and transfered most of my stuff over cleaned up a lot of my harddrive during that >>1030341 a solid state drive
>>1030349 my kyouko phase wasn't very long-lived but it's the only one that occured during a particularly image-hoarding period of mine the amatsukaze ones took me a bit longer to accrue and the atelier ones, and the shinka ones, and the homu ones, etc etc
>>1030348 I mean most of the boats are it's half their appeal
>>1030353 amatsukaze's outfit is one of the best imo the black straps through the barely-transparent cloth is powerful ZR and garters go a long way with me too
could have chosen a segment that was actually on stream I wanna see someone edit one of the times he pays out wrong and then like 20 seconds later he goes "...ROBBED?"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i remember watching this already i was so hyped for this to pop off i had no idea
got damn that was pretty crazy dude in small white car was being chased by the cops I was just on my break and I see the car with spiked tyres just absolutely hammering it to outrun the cops not much you can do when your tyres are gone but he was making that car go
A guy from KMFDM was in this country band. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Waco_Brothers I don't know their music but I really like John Langford's main band, The Mekons.
Man this Uber driver really went and picked the worst possible route for my homebound trip I sure love getting home at like a 133% longer trip because a driver doesn't know the city
He's also having a slightly aggravated conversation over the phone, which, man, I dunno It feels kinda rude to answer phonecalls when you're driving someone in the first place
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Better than him talking to you Forcing small talk
I don't really know I don't mind small talk some times, especially when I get some one with a good mindset and personality But I never like being forced to listen in on someone's phone conversation, even if it's a language I don't understand
saw an osprey carry a catfish back to its nest how the fuck did it catch a catfish or even see it those swim pretty deep
very spicy chicken microwave meal often time stuff is labeled as spicy but it's like, "we put some extra pepper and one jalapeno slice in there" But this was real spicy, I still taste it
i think one of my kittys might be sick she's been really lethargic and her meow is completely different
Lethargy in cats is kind of worriesome As long as she's still got her appetite and is drinking as properly as a cat can, it's probably not an emergency yet though
My cat's had a bit of a kitten cold for a week or so, she's sniffling and sneezing a bit and her meow got raspy But she still eats fine and I can say from experience that she certainly is still at full energy, so I haven't been worried
i don't dislike their stuff but i don't go out of my way to listen to it
i love lappland
in theory, i really like Angst and it's a culturally important record that influenced a lot of artists that i like but most of KMFDM's catalogue just doesn't quite hit it with me i think of them similarly to how i think of, say, Jay-Z or The Who or Judas Priest i love how they pioneered music and inspired people to further move music in different directions but i just don't really care to relisten to anything from them the stuff i'm willing to listen to more than once has to hit me just right
i like a lot of industrial stuff but the older it is, the chances of me liking it plummet also i think the industrial-flavored edm is able to explore the truest essence of industrially aspiring music or rather i think without incorporating electronic elements and sound production methods pioneered by the edm scene, you cannot reach that "truest essence" i speak of
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm not really that knowledgeable about industrial I know Ministry and KMFDM Oh wait I guess My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult I can name some other bands but those are the only ones I listen to regularly.
I mean honestly if Rushia wants to continue a Vtuber or even generic content creator career as an independant, she almost certainly still has more than enough fans for that And I'm pretty sure a certain Sochou will be happy to have an old friend to play with again too But it's too bad she's probably excommunicated from the Hololive crowd with this
oh rushia talked to korekore that's on her any tuber who is publically known to send info to korekore is knowingly risking their job also with the context it might have even been deliberately in order to have the contract terminated i didn't understand why people were saying this but i think i get it now
It's not impossible, but hard to say The wording of Cover's dismissal notice also indicated there might be a history of her doing this that they discovered because of these recent events If she's been gossiping and leaking company information to outside sources for a while, then that might add weight to the swift and sharp cut off she's been delivered But it's hard to know if she was being intentionally malicious or just a bit socially dumb
i love lappland
they could just as easily tack on that there was a history of it too, it's a really easy thing to put in there to strengthen validity i don't know factually about what else there could be but i do know that for sure sending info to korekore is something i would imagine is the easiest way to get fired imaginable next to committing violent crimes against fellow employees or something i worded that terribly i'm saying that i don't have any facts about anything other than the fact she communicated with korekore (and can be heard in one of his videos? have to double-confirm this one) that fact alone is more than enough ammo to fire a talent
Cover prefaces the reasons for her termination with "it has been apparent for some time", and while "some time" is definitely vague, it indicates at least to me more of a longer history of her doing this than just in recent weeks
The thing I try to remember is, a lot of these talents do not have great social skills. They're good at being cute or cool or sexy in the comforts of a streaming or safe environment, but many of them ended up as Vtubers because they had personal issues which made it harder for them to pursue more traditional entertainment venues Without obvious proof I would rather believe it was a moment of error on her part rather than malicious or sabatoging intent
i love lappland
the korekore stuff would have gone down about two weeks ago or more
i love lappland
also breaking NDA in that way is like
she's just really lucky she's only getting fired at least for now if they end up going for a lawsuit then she managed to swim herself up schitt's creek without a canoe even i doubt they will because PR but they're more than within rights to grab a huge bag
>>1030846 Yeah I don't think they'll pursue legal action Unless she continues to dig the hole and do more stuff like this later on Her channel and membership is being discontinued around the end of March, which is a pretty fast shut down considering Coco's continued for three months after her graduation (which I may be falsely assuming she collected her continued share of the income from) I think Cover just wants this over with
there's this old as dirt minecraft worldbuilding-focused server I found out about, and because I've become interested I'm gonna join it and become something like an ingame historian There's a wiki and stuff, but I wanna just wander around it and write stuff like people's random stories, their take on ingame events and stuff like that Like a journalist!
>>1030926 OtakMori can eat absolute shit They're remorseless in gossiping about the talents for views and construe things out of context for clickbait-y video titles and thumbnails And are the only subbing group Hololive's staff has explicitly called out for poor translation ability and that their translations are not to be taken as reasonable assumptions of things said by their talents tl;dr don't give these asshats views
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1030929 literally no Americans are getting drafted
>>1030930 how can it be? they have the Big Red text
>>1030922 level STR and use the biggest stick you find ez win
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how do you learn about like tells and where to stand you just die over and over till you figure it out?
you can bait out attacks pretty easily by walking forward and then backward also the roll has generous i-frames unless you're playing DS2 because they tied that to a stat for some dumb reason or you can get a shield with 100% physical damage reduction and learn the moveset that way you don't gotta die
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah start off
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
by just running
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and dodging to learn attacks
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1030931 Yeah I meant on the off chance world war 3 starts.
>>>/@SakuRa_Ysn/1496627989513392131?t=6k3OgGquL6Jzgxp60qpWeg&s=19 @Marsh Look at how they corrected this shot from BokuBen Top is the TV airing, bottom is the correction
what happened to all the old juiceros are they all in junkyards somewhere the actual machinery in those are massively overdesigned and probably worth more than the product
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some LADY came into the coffee shop and spent about 3 minutes trying to find the perfect vegan no-sugar order just buy a shot of espresso it won't hurt you
does it really matter for your coffee i mean i get it if you don't want meals of it clogging up your diet but dang it's coffee bones
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i get the feeling she enjoys being high maintenance also, talks real loud anyway im gonna stop now before i turn into some kind of *cel
can't wait for the new excel saga
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
next guy who came in asked for a double shot of espresso "and also can you throw a bit of cream in there" boss just order a frickin macchiato cheap skate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all the salt from NL's stream today has leaked into my neuronal holding pattern gaw damn emotions be leakin all over the place im gonna cauterize my mirror neurons
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1031005 What salt? What happened? And who is NL?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nothin nvm guh samu try to write some code challenge 2022
>>1031005 choline helps me a lot with leakage gotta remind myself to eat eggs or supplement regularly or else i spend all day at the bilge pump
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1031007 You should try doing a full implementation of the Risch algorithm.
I was setting up a Skyrim joke but got distracted by some text messages.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well I've done climbing walls a lot (mainly when I was 140lbs or less). I've gone climbing a few times since I've been 200+. When I was a kid I climbed trees a lot.
Still a bit amazing to me that Columbo's wife is actually real Before I went ahead and just watched a bunch of this, I always thought she was just a fictional person he brought up during his monologues and stuff, but he has actually called her a few times without anyone in the room to fool into thinking he was while doing something else So she's definitely real
Columbo The detective TV show When he's talking to the killer or other people in the show, he'll often bring up his wife like "You know my wife loves this sort of stuff" or whatever as a segue into whatever he's trying to mine them for information about, but she's never actually on screen or anything, so outside of a few episodes, it's easy to believe he doesn't actually have a wife at all and he's just making her up for the investigation
It's pretty unique among detective stories, possibly actually the only one of its kind, because it does follow the regular old sherlock holmes style of the detective gathering clues and then confronting the culprit, but at the start of the episode, you see the crime take place so the audience always knows who did it through the whole runtime It makes every new discovery pretty interesting because you actually know the significance of it already instead of just going "??????" until the very end
It's like death note but L is the protagonist basically Except no supernatural stuff Unless you count a few of the episodes where the tech is basically so advanced it could be from star trek, but those are rare. Generally weaker episodes though because it's harder to really suspend your disbelief when you know the tech is stupidly advanced Like a 600x800 camera feed zooming in on a small section like it's CSI, standard ENHANCE stuff, those are dumb
But thankfully, no episode has Columbo discover something off-screen like that new sherlock show stuff like fingerprints and lab analysis results and whatever are offscreen, but the audience will already know the results from seeing the crime take place anyway