holy shit that island the cryptoland guys were talking about is actually for sale, but it wasn't bought by them They've been selling plots they don't have domain over
I don't even really understand what it does Like I get that when you stake 'em you get some % of the profits but is that it, they're just monopoly tokens you hold to get paid dividends?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think its like all the other incentive tokens stake for crazy APR earn by interacting with the app recipe for getting rugged
Yeah it seems too shady for me to risk it But I might dump some coin into it if it starts looking like a contender for like, The New Opensea Always interested in those stakes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
best course of action is to sell on looksrare and then convert to eth immediately?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean sell something for the rewards* they might even payout in eth nah its gotta be the toke
the rewards are probably looks, yeah but it's gonna be such a low amount you may as well just stake those rewards and see if they compound decently over a while Worst case you lose a few dollars, you know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
true true yeah maybe its a good buy now with OS getting wrecked who knows
my main issue is I need ETH to buy it, and to get eth I gotta transfer it from binance to my wallet, and that's expensive in its own right, and then the transaction to get looks ALSO costs gas, so I'm paying like $100 for some amount of looks
it's basically gotta be a big investment for it to make any sense whatsoever, and I don't like that I guess I could buy them with something else though, but I dunno what can be traded for it with low fees
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's also a like emission schedule to check in LOOKS i think? like they have some kinda decaying payouts and whenever time gets close to a decrease the token will dump
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1028738 ywah it doesnt make sense right now unless ur a whale wait for L2 withdrawals and app support to be available to dodge the gas fees
I mean right now is the time it makes the most sense getting a hold of looks is never gonna be less payout than it is now stakewise, at least
but I'm waiting on it, I can't let myself just dump money in whenever I see something that looks tasty, I'll go broke like some weirdo without a budget going to vegas
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holding eth is always good
I do have some eth, though it's in binance cause that's where I'll eventually sell it anyway other stuff I've got in its own wallet, but eth is far too expensive to move
Honestly this is one reason crypto will likely never see mass adoption Just the whole "everything more advanced than a direct point A to point B movement is a little piece of software in its own right" thing, while cool in concept, ends up being an enormous security flaw for, well, everything that isn't a direct transfer akin to giving someone a $50 bill
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, the optics on this are pretty bad its not the first or the last rug tho crypto marches on we shall see if it ever reaches maturity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think there will have to either be a sea change in ethereum or a protcol beyond it there are not nearly enough guardrails right now at the same time, there is insane opportunity haters will say it's fake
I mean I hope it changes, in a sense, but at the same time it doesn't bode well that what is, conceptually at least, the simplest possible smart contract I can think of can be vulnerable to this sort of thing In theory, it shouldn't need to do anything more advanced than like "If I receive xETH, I send NFT to the sender, and the ETH to the lister, minus tax" That seems, to my uneducated mind, like something that should be completely rock solid and devoid of avenue for attack
>>1028758 opensea is far from simple that much is certain when it comes to software, simplicity on the surface obsfucates wacky shit underneath to preserve the illusion of simplicity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it seems like for this attack, people had to be phished by email to approve something ahead of time a sophisticated attack to be sure
yeah, I get that, too it's just that it makes me REALLY worried about anything more conceptually advanced than such a contract Like how secure can anything be trusted to be when it starts introducing even more moving parts than that, you know? I'm sure the people doing the programming are checking their work and dotting the is and everything, but like we just saw here, a slip-up can cost some users... I mean BAYC are valued at what, $120-$180K? Cause such large sums are in play, there's not really a second chance
john scalzi? not in my books when i thin of internet archive i think of jason whatshisname
I just know there's a guy who tried (and succeeded?) in screwing over internet archive cause they had some of his books or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jason scott archiver extraordinaire
I'm gonna fucking redirect knowyourmeme to in hosts I swear to god it fucking tanks firefox every time I open it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we deserve better than what the web has become
I'd imagine a website that mines cryptocoins when loaded is less bothersome than whatever the fuck knowyourmeme is doing I have no fucking idea what is wrong with that site, but opening it up and letting it sit for more than like 15 seconds locks up firefox and only killing the process seems to get me out of it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1028775 Oh yeah thatguy Uh I used to know He's a terrible author too.
I do arithmetic by kinda slamming the numbers into each other mentally and they just sorta fit and I get the answer, too It's strange, but it's how I've always done it
Like 6 and 4 go together and make a 10, they just fit together like that It's way too abstract to even draw it or anything, cause like I said I don't "see" anything, it just is that way
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It's not a super big deal to have aphantasia anyways.
I don't really know what qualifies for internal monologue, but I do have words in my brain and think about stuff in words Is it supposed to be like you narrate what you do internally? Cause I don't do that, at least
I remembered the name of the guy responsible for the internet archive lawsuit. Chuck Wendig He's a really shitty writer that did some star wars stuff and a bunch of other shitty stuff of less note.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea ive heard that name around
oh yeah that's the guy
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
One of the recent Touhou games kind of seems to be an allegory about NFTs. https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Unconnected_Marketeers
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> With this card, you will have fun buying and selling in the market and will be able to participate in future markets.
In this era when online shopping is commonplace. Will face-to-face market transactions disappear?
No, unless humans are a collection of bits, we will never be satisfied with buying and selling without the permission of the god of the market.
it could be judging by this or it could be amazon
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well The marketplace product is magical cards That are possibly unique I haven't actually played it yet.
from what I've heard it's very overtly an nft thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tohous do have some resemblance to PFP orojecta its from Feb last year tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe ZUN is ahead of the curve
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I wish he put at least half as much effort into his character art as he did into his music. His gameplay sprites are fine but the character art and dialogue sprites are funny looking. Like don't get me wrong, I like his artstyle okay but I know he can do better.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he could easily launch one of the largest collections of all time the brand is insanely massive
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1028828 He would definitely be against it on principle.
well you need an alt to really be posting anything "on main", to be fair
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My friend got permad for quoting a guy from SVU saying pedophiles should be killed. The reason given flr *for the ban was "threatening violence against a sexual orientation" ans was reviewed by a human. :^(
That and they just make a new account when they get bopped, and immediately regained their place in the sphere It's just the account that's suspended, not the person, so you can just reuse your phone number and stuff
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Honestly I don't think people should be permabanned from twitter for a single death threat.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyone posting on a forum should be required to lock up 0.01 eth first
unfortunately at present that just yields you a dead forum
Even if you get the 0.01 back, the 0.02 you paid in gas fees is lost to the ether
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on L2 pay a pittance but getting on L2 right now is expensive we'll get there
how in the world does stuff on top of ether manage to be cheaper?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Can I just pay like 1 million doge instead?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1028856 economies of scale idk its not easy to explain but transactions can be performed quickly on L2 and then some entity periodically checkpoints with L1
no layer 1 is ethereum stock layer 2 is anything thats built directly over it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
That's what I think of whenever I see L2 or L1.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1028864 Speaking of numbered layers I have a book on the OSI model within 3 feet of me right now. I should probably get rid of it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh fuck I forgot to eat dinner
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont have to work at those layers thank god
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Sockets are Layer 5
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean the end to end principle dominates anyway the session layer is useless afaik i cant even rely on keepalives in the browser gotta roll my own
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I can't rely on sockets either I get rabdom disconnects on /moe/ constantly Probably 1 every few minutes This only started after I got my new phone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well thats my fault for not implementing any kind of graceful reconnwct logic but also illustrative of how useless the OSI layers are in reality
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I blame Firefox actually
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1028872 It's uselessness is why Im probably getting rid of the book.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't mind the occasional ancient obsolete programming/computer book. But this will never be useful fkr me At least my Vax assembly book serves a purpose as DEC paraphernalia
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha paper books imagine a paper book about ethereum
even web3 apis are deprecated as soon as the shitty SEO knockoff sites get traction its really difficult to google those
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
RIP in peace DEC F
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Although actually now that I think of it Some nuclear plants still run on Vaxs I remember seeing job listings for Vax assembly programmers go "viral" at least in some parts of the internet like 5 years ago. I'd never want to be responsible for programming something like that.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds brittle and awf ul
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh holy shit Open VMS is still in development. You ever heard of VMS? It introduced a lot of features found in modern operating systems.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Several key people on the Windows NT team had worked on VMS and their previous work helped shape the operating system.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways DEC stands for Digital Equipment Corporation and they were one of IBM's biggest competitors in the mainframe market in the sixties and seventies. Unix was originally developed for a DEC PDP (I forget which model) and a lot legendary MIT projects were done on PDP 11s. DEC also made the VT100 terminal which pretty much every terminal emulator made in the past 30 years has a compatibility mode for it.
Kasen is very cute! I do not like the fact that at one pount she was the Touhou character with the highest percentage of porn/all character art on pixiv. She's second last I checked First is some really childlike one if I remember correctly. Eugh
>>1028909 I've heard that more than half of the people who read Gödel, Escher and Bach didn't understand it either. I still need to get a copy of it. My friend's dad offered to loan me his copy but its falling apart.
I've tried to read PoS, but holy shit it's hard to really understand what he's getting at and I just get fucking lost in the sauce >>1028913 I might yeah Definitely the kinda book I think you need a strategy guide for But I do wanna actually read it at some point, cause it's like, you know The Big Communist Book Capital isn't nearly as hard, but Capital is also EXTREMELY boring
>>1028916 Oh the manga one is actually pretty good I know there's an animated show from China too, but I don't trust China of all possible governments to do a trustworthy rendition of Capital
It's probably a lot like those old cartoons about capitalism the US put out during the cold war
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My friend's tankie acquaintance was refusing to look at any evidence she was given about holomordor And just denying it was real
Oh, never heard about that one, then >>1028920 They do be like that Thankfully, the tankie phenomenon seems to be primarily a "few in numbers, lots in posting" thing, there aren't really THAT many of them And they tend to stick to their own weird cult-like parties
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1028922 I have an irl friend who might be a tankie. It's never come up in discussion but my other friend who absolutely hates China said that the other guy was a tankie and that they got in debates on discord about politics.
Hm Well, going by the holodomor denial, they're probably a tankie yeah, though only knowing the other guy really hates china doesn't give me much in terms of trusting his judgment on the matter Being opposed to the Chinese government comes in many flavors, and some of them would call me a tankie just cause that's what they call all the communists
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1028925 The holodomor denialist was someone else
It's not like you're gonna miss many of them with that metric, honestly There's one here and there that doesn't deny it, but they're not super common >>1028929 Possibly in a strict sense, but I don't personally operate with super strict definitions when it comes to stuff like this You've got the deniers, the justifiers, and you've also got some strains of tank that do acknowledge it was bad, but otherwise map onto the other two very, very closely, to the point they seem to have just tactically decided to accept it's bad in order to get a foot in the door
Oh maybe people who say it was justified are also tankies.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1028928 Honestly I think communism is a failed ideology that is historically important because it influenced socialism. I'm not like.a super socialist either because I do like markets to have some freedom.
If you define communism as like, the stuff the USSR and China and other fullblown states were into, yeah, I mean I don't see myself as a communist in that sense The issue with communism is there's a whole boatload of strains of us, and a lot of us don't agree about what it is It's not a "real communism hasn't been tried" thing, it's more of a "what they were even trying to accomplish, failed or otherwise, isn't what the rest of us mean"
Same with socialism SocDems of various stripes will sometimes claim what they're up to is socialism, but everyone to their left, myself included, will tell you that's total bullshit As far as I'm concerned, socialism, communism and anarchism aren't really separable in the first place, it's more like they're different ways of describing the same 'thing' And a lot of ancoms share that view if you hold them down and make them talk straight Others don't, but a lot do
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1028932 Well here's the thing Don't say "real communism hasn't been tried" because it has been tried Everytime people tried to do it it ended up turning into a totalitarian police state.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1028932 Anarchism is absolutely separable because its by definition against the existence of any sort of government.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Okay this is heading into an argument we had several times years ago so I think we should stop now.
>>1028934 That depends what you mean by government, and for the ways anarchists do mean it, that state of affairs isn't separable from communism, because communism is also, definitionally, stateless Well, if you go by marx anyway
but yeah, it's a never ending argument, because like I said, the term doesn't have a total consensus and the lines are drawn around your own worldview It's just how it is One of those "ask 10 christians what christianity is and you'll get 11 answers"
that image wasn't even chosen intentionally there, but it ended up fitting
>>1028940 they should have put necoarc into smiling friends instead of that callback character there's GOTTA be an edit floating around somewhere with the guy edited to go "you voted, and here he is, it's [Neco-arc]!" or whatever and she just goes buranya instead of dadadedada
only an hour late out not too shabby
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1028942 I still have yet to see an episode of that show.
oh, it is a rank I thought it might be but I didn't know for sure well more specifically I thought it was like, a new recruit, like they've only just been dropped into the military
>>1029002 It was in my recommended yesterday, but I have no context when it comes to moistcritical so I didn't watch it for more than like 30 seconds
Did just watch the folding ideas video on chicken nuggets though, and went on to look into the specifics of how animals are slaughtered It's honestly more nightmarish than I thought Some animals are just like, clipped in the skull by a piston or something, knocks them out cold and dead in no time flat, but other animals are basically just rendered unconscious and then bled dry by putting a hole through their throat Wild shit Didn't realize that was a thing that was done, but apparently if you just kill a pig by puncturing its skull like that, it can make the meat shittier, so they're just gassed with co2 until they black out
Only reason I looked into it was because I wondered how it's actually done, since Jamie Oliver's argument is that the cooking process of nuggets being gross is somehow a reason not to eat them, and as I suspected, no meat production is free from abhorrently gross procedures
human access points are the weakest part of any secure system and people are fuckin lazy
pay a million and a half dollars for a cyber security revamp and updating to secure systems just to let your minimum wage employees take their laptops home with all the credentials they need to access the secure system and anyone can just grab it and use it
>>1029062 I find that even a basic pizza is pretty salty At that point I don't really think it matters what salty toppings you add to it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Your loss for gambling on the gacha
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
just $80 more and there's a chance my bow might get 14% stronger
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1029065 it is but i think there's an optimal salt level for me that's reached somewhere around pepperoni and cheese prosciutto just knocks the whole jenga tower over
I guess I also don't really like pepperoni very much, so maybe I have a bit more salt allowance there anyway
it's not even shape rotation, it's just recognizing which two are matches I didn't need to rotate anything in my head, they were both there on the screen pre-rotated didn't even need to conjure the shape in my brain box
i got 16 but that was kinda dumb you could literally spam click all the options faster than that if you wanted sometimes they're not even rotated
in one case there were two sets of matching shapes but it only accepted one pair i know the other pair was an actual pair because they were both just 2d squares
If you post a comment on youtube, and someone replies to it (say the channel owner of that video) will they get a notification if you later edit the comment
I don't think edits trigger notifications, but I've never actually seen anyone reply to me and then edit later Which I guess by itself probably means it doesn't notify you
I dunno if the channel might get notified about edits though
>>1029147 I think it's something you might need to build up over time Eila from strike witches' birthday was today, at least Can use the birthday tag on danbooru in a pinch I guess
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1029150 I might get a chocolate coronet from a Japanese bakery on Thursday.
submissions could work, for sure I can see about getting a handle registered, but it's gonna have to be a bit later, after I sleep probably I'm too tuckered out to really do anything that takes mental processing at this point
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alright well maybe ill get to it after i get home the annoyin thing abiut registwring new twitters is they almost always trip antispam and demand a phone number
I think you just need a phone number no matter what now
I don't know a damn thing about that whole affair, so really I'm just laughing at the dumbos
I have short patience for them Sitting in residential Ottawa with a train horn hooked up to your truck blasting it at all hours of the day and night isn't a protest, it's assault
What in the goddamn I do not know how the fuck, but I'm bleeding under my index fingernail? I didn't notice until now, and I don't know for how long I mean it's not BLEEDING anymore, it's coagulated
The only thing that makes sense is I maybe stabbed it with my thumbnail while picking at my toenails or something, but that was hours ago I mean, it has to be a while ago, it's dried up and everything, but how didn't I feel anything How did I not even notice before now? Am I insane? Did I lose time?
I mean it's possible, but it's deep in there I do pick at my lips a lot I think I'm kinda perpetually dehydrated or something, they're always raspy and annoying, the bottom lip anyway, top lip is fine
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1029173 Probably lip blood then The liquid blood flowed into that part of your nail and dried. Happens to me all the time during winter.
Probably that's what happened yeah
>>1029173 I had this issue for a while, only a couple things helped first get some vaseline lip therapy, only lip balm that didn't dry my lips out over time second, get a separate toothbrush and just brush your lips with it dry sounds weird but after a week or two it fixed my shit up
I can certainly give it a try, but being entirely honest, picking at my lips is kinda therapeutic too It's a habit more than anything, though I'll give it a try. If nothing else, if I don't have pieces to grab onto, I can't pick at it
any of you guys ever have this i don't know what it is but I'm about to munch
yeah it's okay but i don't like that stuff to much like chips and puffs and stuff in general don't sit right with me but those are better than the typical american ones not sure if there's a name for that class of snacks?
thailand has some of the best snacks but korean's good too i like the ones that are like dehydrated vegetables and sesame balls and those tiny dried fish those are my favorite
oh shit they're adorable they appear to be made the same way as funyuns
i love lappland
>>1029195 first crunch they're definitely better than american ones i'm not overburdened with a barrage of salt and flavoring they're definitely snackable nothing crazy 7/10 snack would snack again
i went to the H Mart today and you know i can't walk out with a box of these bad boys
i love lappland
>>1029195 i don't think i've had any thai snacks before h-mart is korean so they mostly have korean stuff and of course japanese stuff because weeb is in now there might be a section for thai stuff but it was insanely packed today so many people
i'm always afraid of fish ones because powdered shellfish get used a lot as seasoning
I desire dried fish snacks but they're absurdly expensive but they're so good
if i order it online it's stupidly expensive but if i go to the chinese farmers market in st louis it's like $3 for a huge bag substantially cheaper than american snacks of equal volume
and there's a korean bakery across the street from there that has the best steamed buns ive ever had for like $6/dozen especially the pork buns or the red bean god i miss that place
im steaming pork bratwursts and putting it in angel hair pasta with sharp cheddar angel hair is so good but i don't understand why isn't pasta all the same but just in different shapes angel hair is just "really thin spaghetti" but it's way better than spaggets
i don't sauce my pasta not red sauce at least too tangy, too zesty, detracts from the pasta itself
some garlic and herbs or white sauce, or even cheese (not sauce/creamy, just normal cheese melted into it) is all good though like if im doing mac n cheese, i don't want the kraft creamy homogenous yellow sludge i want clumps of melted cheese clumping bits together and offering contrast
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what spaghetti is basically a vector for bolognese sauce imo i dont even care about da noodle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont really pasta much tho i only go to italian food if someone invites me otherwise idc its weird cuz i do tend to enjoy the dishes
spaghetti basically needs a red sauce yeah it's its own thing but angelhair which is just thin spaghetti doesn't it's so weird
got some rice and coconut milk for one day soon too gotta figure out what to go with that
Suzuha gets so little art, but what little she does tends to be really good
i love lappland
with angelhair i usually just put a little butter and garlic and herbs de provence in a skillet and then add a little bit of pasta water and mix that into the pasta i don't usually have pecorino sitting around but if i buy pasta i might buy some too and that can be good to add as well
We will overcome it through the power of the lingua franca and audience submissions For images you can just make it scrape safebooru and filter by 1girl and score:max right?
...sometime in early december, I called the water services and told them I can't fucking read the meter, not confidently enough to give them a number anyway, and they were like "yeah don't worry about it, you do nothing we'll send someone over to get it looked at" ain't nobody showed up
>>1029227 I would like to make bang with the statue of liberty
But also yeah, the guy who actually made that music is like, a fucking genius He even used some of the restrictions of the soundchip to his advantage, from what I've learned Like sometimes it'll make a raspy noise, but it's done deliberately
the old nintendo systems really had some of the most incredible soundtracks well, even still they do, but they do kind of lack a bit of that same soul because the sound chips are so advanced now Like you can load in an mp3 nowadays, so you don't end up with these super iconic and memorable music tracks a lot of the time
Skyrim's music is used a lot for many purposes, for example, but it's like... not really that memorable, actually, it's just atmospheric and versatile
The restrictions really made them go so hard
I've watched a lot of 8-Bit Music Theory's videos which analyze certain aspects of video game soundtracks Not just from classic 8/16-bit games but all across the board But when talking those old games he often talks about the inherent restrictions of the old soundchips and how the composer would work with it to create unique tracks
>>1029275 I think it's unfair to modern OST composition to not say there's no memorable and iconic pieces Like Toby Fox has taken his time practicing with old soundcards for Mother romhacks and general musical skill to blend some great music which sounds 8/16-bit but takes modern convenience to make some great music And I can still hum the main theme of Journey even though I've only played/watched maybe five hours of that game tops Some of Zelda's most memorable tracks come from a point when they've no longer needed to rely on simple soundchips for sound Same with some of Uematsu's music for Final Fantasy
I guess it's unfair yeah Still, I feel like video game music nowadays tend to blend into each other a lot more Though, on the other hand, survivor bias There's plenty of stinky music from back in the day too
Hollow Knight is another game with phenomenal music which is firmly in the "load an mp3" category, but has powerful leitmotifs and uses the full potential of the instruments it has access to
i love lappland
i shouldn't let myself buy snacks like this i've already inhaled the chips and pocky
oh capcom is making another street fighter? that must mean the previous one is finally good and the new one will be good right around the time the next one after is announced
Weren't we up to Street Fighter 7 at this point
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I'm confused I swear Street Fighter 6 has been out for a long time now Hasn't it?
I can never really get the military ranks straight in my head I don't fucking know which is higher between a liutenant and a sargeant, but I mean once I say them both I recall it's the liutenant Lots of things are like that in my brain though Like fission, I don't know what that means But I know it's basically the opposite of fusion, and I know what that is, so I know what fission is more or less
S C knows what fission is at all times. She knows this because she knows what it isn't.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1029296 maybe youre thinkin of tekken or somethin
I guess I'm confused by both that and the fact that 5 has been re-released two times and has a bunch of character updates And that I generally give fighting games very little attention
yeah you're right on both, checked with the google machine How have I read all the muv luv available to me, but I don't know how to spell lieutenant?
The better part of lieutenant is the non-American way of saying it is "left-tenant"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
reading and writing are very different processes
i love lappland
loo ten ant and sar jant
i think lot a lot of words you don't really read the letters when you read the word, you just recognize the word instantly and associate it with the way its pronounced you kinda have to do that a good bit in english where even when you're reading letters instead of words you just automatically convert gh and ph and stuff
the abbreviation is also never gonna stick sgt is sergeant but is it ltd? ltnt?
LT! See I should fucking know this EVERY main character in Muv Luv is a Lieutenant
>>1029309 Well this is a rare occasion where the American pronunciation makes more sense The "lieu" part of lieutenant should sound like "loo" or something in that range, not "left" I'm assuming the weirder pronunciation is some British stubborness about French pronunciation, which "lieu" is more in line with
I'll just have to remember the lieu part In lieu of actually learning the word, I'll learn the one bit I can turn into a cognitohazard
i love lappland
>>1029314 why did you start with "well" i'm confused
what are all the ranks in the military anyway? I know the general is either at the top or near it, and the major is below, and then the private is at the bottom, but beyond that it's kinda wishy washy
>>1029318 Because it's just how I start a lot of sentences It doesn't mean anything but pace setting
i love lappland
the pace being set is the confusing part
i love lappland
>>1029319 in the US, all the different branches have their own ranking systems they're all extremely similar and there's a pay grade attached to the ranks and the pay grades transfer between branches but the ranks don't necessarily it's actually kind of a clusterfuck to try and describe it easily >>1029323 so.... kind of ? but it's so intensely complex how the flowchart of authority functions at a micro level that i'd be explaining exceptions for much much longer than either of us would care for >>1029325 it's kind of like or rather it's exactly like how things work at companies, just that it's more strictly written down with tons of rules people in leadership positions typically have authority over people who aren't but leaders are more directly authorized to direct their authority over the specific groups they are leading and just because your rank is higher than someone does not mean you have any authority over what they're doing the technicality is // the technicality that makes it easier to comprehend is that if you receive and order that conflicts with another order, you should follow the order that comes from the most directly-responsible-for-your-actions source
>>1029322 That seems like something that could be a problem Isn't the whole point of ranks to have a clear and easy way to know who to take orders from and possibly give orders to?
Also if someone is amping to deliberately make trouble or refuse orders, picking at the inconsistencies of lateral rank across branches is definitely a way they'll go for
There's also a sense of superiority over other branches Each branch thinks they're more competent than the others so why would they obey someone just because they're a higher rank in the other branch?
>>1029322 Basically, you don't have direct authority over everyone below you, but you do have authority over those directly below you, who in turn have authority over those directly below them?
The exhausting contradictions and flimsy construction of these military hierarchies is something Catch-22 is really good at satirizing and making fun of
i love lappland
>>1029330 that's probably one of the only simplifications one can make that doesn't have more exceptions than the rule so yeah that's mostly right
Part of me kinda wants to join the military I mean I'm way too old at this point really, and not exactly fit, but I think it's the sorta environment I'd be comfortable in
i love lappland
keep in mind, that every country has very different military cultures and structures so basically everything i say is knowledge of the US military specifically a lot of countries copy others too but keep in mind the US is a relatively new country when we're comparing military traditions and culture
They didn't even want me in the military when the serviceletters came around at 18 I didn't indicate any sort of refusal or anything, I'd have showed up ready to fuckin' go if they asked me to >>1029341 Oh we have a standing army on paper and that's about it There's not a lot of us in the first place, the primary defense here is the domestic defense force Which, from what I've heard through my dad mostly, has caches of weapons and ammunition around the country with a few individuals able to access them (and know where they are in the first place) in case shit gets real Hangover from ww2 We got kinda burned by that shit
i love lappland
i don't know about your country but the US military is a lot more selective than people make it out to be i know two people who were discharged for simply being diagnosed bipolar and it's also naturally selective in that the population within the miltary tends to have very little room for nails who won't be hammered in neatly
i love lappland
>>1029340 i think most northern european countries' defense strategies are very much about fighting on the backfoot, guerilla tactics, and strategic retreats
sweden specifically developed a tank that can go backwards as fast as it can go forwards and is very good for retreating, firing, and retreating more literally built for ambushes
yeah we don't really have the population numbers to really support like, an invasion We're in NATO though, so I mean we do send some units into hot zones I would assume, NATO being a strictly defensive alliance is kind of a joke
Northern European countries are also not in the business of using their military to push new-age imperialistic aspirations With the exception of places southeast Europe and Russia if it can even be considered Europe, pretty much any European army is a defensive one At best they operate in peacekeeping operations of the UN which may or may not have generous intentions
>>1029341 >for simply being diagnosed bipolar That's kind of a big deal. You don't want people with access to military weapons to be having manic episodes.
i love lappland
yeah but people have very different levels of symptoms as they relate to their disorder while i don't think the military is wrong to do so by any stretch, i'm emphasizing here that they don't look at it on a case-by-case basis they simply see the checkmark in the box and process it the end goal of making that statement was to illustrate that there are a lot of things that disqualify one for military service and there isn't usually room for waivers
i just got one of those really intense memory flashbacks that sends shivers down my spine wait is that normal that's normal right yeah there's euphemisms for it so it must be normal
>>1029379 Yeah I get you I have depression but I've never been suicidal I'm still unable to enlist Well even without depression I'd still not qualify but you know what I mean
guy i play tabletop with who just retired after 20 years in the army who i absolutely did not expect to drop such a bomb started talking about kaichou and the whole taiwan thing prefacing it with "so i actually watch these youtubers with virtual avatars" and i immediately thought to myself [oh you don't know]
I kinda want a cheeseburger Even if it's nine in the morning
I haven't had a good burger in maybe almost a year now A fast food one here and there But ever since I lost access to a barbecue I haven't made any for myself And even the fast food places near here are like a twenty minute walk one way There's a hole in the wall place right next door but I've been perpetually putting off trying out because I get nervous with places like that
>>1029534 Live2D is actually really cool. I wish there were a FLOSS alternative. I bet they have some of the important stuff patented though. I fucking hate software patents.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Christ those license subscriptions are expensive. Also I hate license subscriptions too. I understand why they exist but they're kind of anti consumer. I think they're okay for B2B though.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah someone's gotta write a better open source version i don't think the patents are much of an impediment, this stuff is so internet native, how do you even enforce it. especially if it were crypto native
>>1029537 how a facerig type software be crypto native how would*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@DeepLeffen/1495829791047622657 >>1029539 i mean more like the development of it would be funded in cryptoland if it were a normal software dev company then you'd have legal troubles
I've always liked the night more than the day, really I'm scared of the dark, sure, but the night is quiet and there's nobody else around if I go outside Nothing's open at night though, so of course I try to maintain a Normal Person schedule
Sure would be nice to live in one of the truly 24/7 cities of the world Where you can go out at 03:00 and get pretty much anything you'd need
>>1029549 ya It's real good >>1029551 One gas station here is open, and mcd's drivethru is 24hrs, but that's about it And gas stations are EXTREMELY overpriced Like their selection is ass, and their prices are like 300% of the grocery store
The stinger leading into the destruction of Emon which kicks off the Chroma Conclave arc was not something I was expecting In the campaign the four Ancient Dragons pretty much curbstomp Vox Machina and they have to frantically escape (I think through a treewalking from Keyleth) and they continue to get beat up for a while It also begins the big MacGuffin quest of the campaign with VM running around Exandria trying to collect Vestiges of the Divergence
Huh I mean I know they changed a few things from the campaign just because like, the medium is different I wonder if they're even gonna finish up the story with the animated show, seems like they'd have to rush it for it to not take actually forever
Considering they were teasing Vecna all throughout the Briarwood arc Or The Whispered One since they can't use the actual D&D names of things CritRole definitely has aspirations of adapting up until the final fight of the campaign But it definitely a matter of "how do we compress all this" Like the Briarwood arc, which they adapted in ten episodes, was fourteen episodes of the stream, which is like, minimun forty hours -minimum forty hours of content, probably more in the range of fifty The Chroma Conclave arc is forty-four episodes Granted there's a lot of running around and probably some unnecessary plot arcs, and combat in the game can usually be compressed to a few minutes of animation for what took an hour to fight through But I would wager to properly adapt the Chroma Conclave arc they'd need at least two seasons, and probably three
Comparatively the kind of filler arc between Chroma Conclave and Vecna, and Vecna's arc itself, could probably fit into a single season Chroma Conclave can be at times the Hueco Mundo arc of campaign one But it also does have some absolutely amazing moments in it, like the return of Ripley and the actual fights against each dragon, which in the campaign were crazy collaborative fights with guests and NPCs and just brutal combat with the dragons
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1029548 god i wish even NYC when i lived there tended to close down overnight still people around but not that much to do i would have liked to live there back in the day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
berlin, cairo are some good ones
Give me Tokyo or give me death But also give me excessive wealth because I wouldn't be able to afford living there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tokyo housing is relatively affordable i hear unless you wanna live right in the thick of it of course
I mean I would want to But I can accept that it's pretty much only if I come into insane wealth that I could Plus no matter how cheap or expensive Tokyo housing is, the real cost of living there is everything else
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tokyo isn't even 24/7 come to think of it freakin trains shut down overnight
I would consider 24/7 trains as a luxury, even for a 24/7 city There's still plenty of things in Tokyo that remain open all the time even if the trains are offline
That time when I went to Japan and was in Tokyo for the 2016/7 New Year, and the group I was with was AirBnB-ing an apartment which was like a thirty minute walk from Akihabara That was a dream briefly come true
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
compared to canada tho tokyo living ain't so bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1029561 sounds nice i do miss stayin in those hostels and such never tried an airbnb in japan tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok yea actual living costs in tokyo are pretty high housing has been flat for 20 years tho cuz they keep building housing canada pls
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I think shutting down the trains at night is weird. In Chicago i think only one or two of the train lines shut down. The rest just have fewer trains run.
>>1029564 >"I won't let you build more affordable small-scale dense residential housing in my neighbourhood! Just think of how it will wreck my property value!" Fuckin' NIMBYers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1029565 yea i think if you want to really commit to having people live carfree with public transit you gotta have overnight service at some capacity
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well There's always busses I guess.
Toronto does have some overnight service Pretty much just a skeleton line of buses I've used it before, you still end up walking most of your route But it does help, at least if you don't enjoy walking in the middle of the night like I do
tokyo and japan is so homogeneous tho i guess you can get away with enforcing it culturally or just go to da clurb and take the 5am train home duhuhu
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I bet the trains don't run at night because some law says that the train companies would have to pay their night employees more or something.
>>1029572 There's also places like net cafes or manga cafes Places you can rent out a little cubicle for a few hours where no one will bother you as long as you're not making a disturbance Probably also some 24/7 karaoke bars you could pop in to in the middle of the night too
yeah istayed overnight at a cafe once that is not comfortable also it was the eve of my birthday good times
I wonder if you could pop into a capsule hotel place at like 02:00 and get a spot The one I was staying at in Kyoto was like $25 a night That's probably not much worse than the rental fees for a cafe and you'd get a better sleep
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh it seems busses in Tokyo don't run all night either.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1029577 for sure, businesspeople do that all the time
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1029579 They also sleep in sleeping bags in their office.
Man I want to travel again Go back to Japan Pandemic travel restrictions probably aren't on track to be at agreeable levels by the summer (and my Japanese is pretty lacking) But maybe returning for winter Comiket later this year is possible
Although I still want to hit up a summer Comiket just so I can see how awful the Tokyo heat makes it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
summer in japan is great imo different strokes i wonder if there you can rent one of those traditional country homes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im bike byee
Safe riding
>>1029583 I mean I love summer and I love the heat But every time I say that to people who have been to Tokyo in the summer they insist I don't understand So it's also in part to spite all my doubters that I'd still enjoy it
oh no those are pantsu I thought they were just the shading from the thumbnail
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1029585 you dont undwrstand japan has FOUR seasons very unique!!
>>1029588 Actually it's all been foreigners who've been there in the summer who have insisted to me on how brutal it is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah fair it's hot and humid thats for sure just the way i like it
I'm not the biggest fan of humidity but I love the heat and sunlight of summer and anywhere which has that and dryness during the summer tends to be a desert, which sucks So I'll take the humidity I don't like to get the rest I do
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Do you think its better to learn hiragana or katakana first?
i love lappland
my uneducated and unecessary opinion with only a single anecdote (my own) for support probably katakana, because i have more trouble remembering them than hiragana and i suspect it's because i learned hiragana first and katakana felt like an afterthought when i did
>>1029596 Possibly Possibly But consider: It's Okayu's birthday!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
err project LRNJ* https://lrnj.com/ looks like the kanas are still free fuck da kanji >>1029600 gasp get to da twittah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill probably throw together a sqlite db and some JS this evening no promises what else not sure about the image portion yet, maybe just manual to start
Might be good to do it manually at first, yeah Though I'd definitely say it'd be a good idea to make it grab a random, highly rated safe image of the girl in question off of danbooru in the long run
I guess the bright side is I've gotten better at actually pushing it down rather than just stopping and putting it away That's taken me a very long time, a few years back I'd just stop eating instead
>>>/@swamp_land/1495851156836339718 The original poem is kinda stupid too, don't get me wrong, but damn they really managed to make it exceptionally much worse
You can usually tell if the slope in question exists at all by whether they first came for the communists or if they had to change it to something else because their whole problem is communists exist
I can't actually remember many instances of the quote being used in its original form Similarly to 1984, it seems to mostly be dragged out for asinine reasons
>>1029592 Do both Learn how to tie a katakana to the hiragana it shares phonetics pronunciation with and try as early as you can to disentangle them from the Roman alphabet way of writing them You'll get more use out of hiragana in most circumstances and it's what most stuff that's for early learners and kids defaults to
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
キミは (キミは) どんな気持ちなの? カカカタ☆カタオモイ
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
24h キミ☆ キミ☆ キミ☆ ancient text indecipherable to modern humanity
I didn't expect it, but the quality of the garlic butter in garlic bread varies quite a bit, huh? I bought one of the like, more expensive brands the other day, and it's notably much better Lot more garlic, for one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some friends and I have been playing the greatest gambling game ever conceived which is to roll #2d100 (19, 94 = 113) until someone hits 200
yesterday someone rolled a 199 we're getting there
how much you betting?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a significant portion of my limited time in this life
that cartoon is gold anyway ok time to maybe try to push past the activation energy and write something its always hard to get started with a database project dbs are annoying
>>1029654 https://hackaday.com/2022/02/21/ray-tracing-on-a-modern-ti-graphing-calculator/ Apparently the new TI-84s have color screens
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah yes Ti calculators the icon of american regulatory capture and stagnation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gonna block twitter so i can focus on my code for this ... twitter ... bot
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1029659 If they were more advanced they would do too much of the math that highschool and middle school students need to know. There are ti calculator's with computer algebra systems. They just aren't very popular because they are no allowed on standardized tests.
theres a lot written about mysql being ass online im not gonna get nerd sniped and try to barf it back out you can just google it suffice to say by default it corrupts utf8 if you dont configure it properly
wow vinesauce is live the internet really doesnt want me to focus today
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>few people could actually be able to comprehend the genius that was Nobunga's original vision for the water temple; similar to the entering of the great deku tree, the entrance was conceptualized as a big meaty and ancient foreskin left behind by the previous ruler of the Zora. It pushed the N64 to its limits with revolutionary wind physics only capable of simulated by the GPU's of today. Miyamoto vetoed it at the last second when he discovered it, like the coward he is
you've inspired me to put my phone down for the night, thank you
also, wind PHYSICS? is there even a single 64 game that had wind physics? I mean sure, you could be pushed around by wind in some games, but it's not like, I dunno, a cape would flap in the wind or something like that, right? Forget the difficulty in simulating it, you'd need way more polygons than the whole character had for it to not look stupid in the first place
OH Yeah we could probably just manually verify the submissions Have it forward them to us both and we can verify them for the bot ourselves maybe? Just make a note in the bio with a submission format to use, so when we go "yeah that's correct" it knows where to put all the information
anime girl birthday twitter bot samu's doing the actual work, I'm the Idea GIrl Which is an important part of any undertaking! Steve Jobs was an idea guy! >>1029701 fug
Hah, in the columbo episode where the murderer is a crime novel writer, they actually had her turn his iconic "One more thing" around on him Clever Funny
Oh nice, tagging the artist is a good idea too That's gonna be harder to automate like I suggested though I guess it could filter out any images without a twitter source link, technically, but it's probably at least a bit harder to do
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i havent written any image filtering anything technically i could find the author from the booru
I know that, I just don't really know how much harder it would be to go through those extra steps
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1029841 Filtering out the entirety of pixiv sourced images is a terrible idea and the tweet can still say "art by artist name" without @ing the artist.
I still think it's better to stick to images by artists who at least have a twitter account But yeah the artist page on danbooru does track those A lot of artists get a lot of their attention through those social media accounts, and I dunno how many go ahead and look up the artist elsewhere
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1029847 If you stick to artists with twitter accounts only then you'll be missing art for tons of characters from pre 2010 anime.
That is a problem, yeah Well, it should be alright to just prioritize putting their twitter @ in there if they've got one, most artists do anyway It's really up to how samu does it
Neither of them deserved anything in that range, either way Sayaka MAYBE deserved some amount of Suffering, but certainly not 45 level based on what 50 is
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Kiritsugu really shouldn't be at 80 Him deserving more than Lelouche is ridiculous.
Even Lain shouldn't be up at 50 Based on who's to her left Like I know shit wasn't easy for Lain, but putting the two of them next to each other is like, actually a little bit revolting
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1029873 Well I'm not sure how its supposed to work S Is it like Percentile?
>>1029873 Lain went through some pretty crazy psychic torture and mindfucking Suffering isn't just physical abuse after all
True Maybe it's just been too long since I watched Lain
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also for reference I've only been talking about my problems with the how much they deserved rating Not the suffering rating Also Satania definitely deserves more than Ika Musume. Satania goes out of her way to be obnoxious, Ika Musume is just ignorant of the ways of the world.
I never watched the show, but I thought she was just a "I'm going to cause problems on purpose" girl, like Sakura below her, so I figured it was accurate enough
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wait Is that Kamille at 50 From what little I know about him, he deserves more.
Honestly a little impressed to see Rosette on the chart at all Just because it's a series I've got the impression of not many people having read or watched
It's a really, really good manga Still one of my favorites, without much contest
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1029884 It was very popular in its time I know I watched the anime but I barely remember any of it.
I'm kind of a sucker for those kinds of sappy tragic endings, so that's probably part of why it's stuck with me Shows that can make me cry get a big bump in ratings from me very easily
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also Ed Elric probably deserves it a little bit more than what he's listed at on the chart He knew that human transmutation was forbidden And I think he knew about what happens to people who try it.