and by this song i mean me, slapping my desk and jamming out like a fucking sperg and none of you internet nerds can stop me
damn what crashed eth i hadn't paid attention to that stuff
i love lappland
i think tech stocks have been suffering a bit too if i had to guess, the world returning back to normal-ish combined with holiday spending and the current job market/situation could kind of explain some of these fluctuations but also i think a lot of big money is pulling out of crypto and/or shuffling their particular spreads around
that said it looks to me like just another cycle i don't think anyone holding should consider this a sign to get out
the sign to get out would be if /when the govt realizes they should clamp down on crypto because its in the best interest of any government to do so but that's a whole other topic
>>1018601 ah whatever I've got a pretty decent income coming in now what else is there to spend it on
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018603 Yeah I'm just teasing you at this point. But you could spend that money on anime figures or other merchandise. Or invest in crypto/stock/whatever.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'll give you an intervention when you start spending $120 aud a day.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018603 What non weeb hobbies do you have? Aside from traveling/hiking/mountain climbing/working out?
I must have eaten something bad yesterday, cause my stomach is not agreeing with me at all But I dunno what it could even be I didn't eat anything even a little bit spoiled or anything yesterday And it's not like I'm allergic to any of it or something
i love lappland
could be STRESS or it could be something you ate weeks ago a lot of foodborne illnesses can take more than a week to effect my stomach disagrees with me seemingly at random so i barely try to assign a cause to it anymore
usually every minute i stay awake past some nebulous "time when i should go to sleep like a functional adult" feels a lot worse than just a waste and staying up too late is probably the easiest way available to me to ruin my life
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018645 I need to savor staying up late while I'm still a NEET I only have like 7 months left.
i love lappland
i typically only stay awake late these days in order to align my schedule with others since a lot of people i interact with on the internet stay up later than i otherwise would like for instance right now i'm up for anime but staying up late pointlessly tends to put me in a loop of oversleeping and sleep deprivation and then depression
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Although also I guess I did stay up until 22 *2am and get up at 8am everyday in college
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I have a great deal of trouble getting up in the morning but being able to walk to tge cafeteria and get bacon and eggs everyday motivated me pretty well
i love lappland
free bacon and eggs?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018650 Paid for as part of a meal plan More importantly Bacon and eggs that I didn't have to make
i love lappland
oh yeah one of those well if it's already paid for then yeah free breakfast is a good motivation
your body actually adjusts it's internal clock to wake up around breakfast time if you eat breakfast at a regular hour something something circadian rhythm something something caveman eats leftover hunt when he wakes up
i love lappland
this is assuming you also sleep at a regular hour of course irregular bedtimes kinda run a mess on your internal clock
i attribute most of the happiness associated with my current job (as opposed to previous jobs) with having a pretty regular sleep schedule that shit will literally change your life
>>1018695 It's a really good manga that ended like a decade ago. I don't know if I ever finished it but I remember liking it a lot. Blue is a huge fan of tge mangaka.
>>1018700 Do you read manga much or are yiu more of an anime guy?
i love lappland
i like anime more than manga in general, and i like reading the most but i have this weird mental block where i won't let myself start reading things when i say reading i mean like books or LNs whenever i do start reading something, i kinda get obsessive and don't stop reading it until it's done - to the extent that i try to read during times when i really need to be a functioning adult
i love lappland
that is, right until i get near the end where a fear of finishing it kicks in and i'm scared for it to end
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm planning on reading some crappy lns in the bath tonight.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
And then I'll read some good ones on the flight to Montana on Thursday.
i guess i have family in wyoming that i've learned of only recently which to me is in a similar realm as montana - states with population densities that are so low they're hard to accurately picture mentally
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018711 My grandfather's girlfriend lives there so they spend like half the year there.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Montana is really fun I had a great time at yellow stone.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I went to a great museum too. They had a very impressive dinosaur collection. A lot of dinosaur fossils are found in Montana.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It's also good for skiing but I'm in pretty bad shape these days so I'm not up for trying it. My dad is going to ski for a few days though.
>>1018782 Do you read sousei no frieren? Or whatever its called
I dont recognize that name so no
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018784 It's good It's about an elf mage retracing the journey she went on to defeat the demon king after all of her party members die of old age
>>1018786 It's really good, its not super sad. She makes new friends.
>>1018786 it's not really some chapters are a little melancholic but overall the series has a very positive vibe to it also it's got cute girls sometimes
>>1018796 Who actually pays for their Harvard tuition? I thought their endowment was supposed to be so big that had they had to give away a shit ton of money every year to avoid losing their not for profit status?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably international students
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> The portal is torn open! 5555 citizens of Tokyo are exposed to demonic energy, twisting them into succubus-like entities with over 150 unique traits that live on the Ethereum network. Great power and utility will be seized by the holders of these demons, that is, if they deem you worthy. finally a project addressing real world needs
ostensibly it should save me effort maintaining linux services but im reading accounts of people and the results are mixed lots of frustration and ill documented configuration language one must learn
let others be the mistake-makers and leech off their guinea piggery
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like everything could be so much simpler if only we could agree on a common serialization format the common scripting language should be wasm i want to see simple tools that allow constructing bigger systems glued together with wasm and linux containera
Oh shit I'm actually wearing my Metallica t-shirt right now. Didn't think about it until a fter I posted it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
In other news I downloaded like 30 light novels to read on my Montana trip. I am looking forward to sitting in the hottub and reading for like two hours.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't actually expect to read all of these on the trip though, I just wanted a large selection in case I get bored.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1018814 That's not a very pleasant mental image.
>song is called "8 minutes and 19 seconds" >it isn't 8 minutes and 19 seconds
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1018814 you putting a lenovo laptop in a giant freezer bag?
I got my adoption application for a cat approved today Gonna pick it up Friday afternoon I'm really happy about it I've missed having a cat for company
jess eh she's got a bit of an RBF in that photo lookin forward to learning more about her catsonality
I'll be brainstorming a new name for her over the next day or two Because cats having people names is a kind of weird thing for me And it's not like cats are particularly attached to names anyway At the very least I've never had a cat which responded to its name as a name
>>1018827 I think it's more an anxious face, especially with how her tail is curled around her It sounds like she might be a bit cautious around new people, and according to the lady I set my pick-up with, she doesn't like being carried or held but likes being a lap cat So there's some slight personal space stuff there My previous cat (who is still quite alive but not in the city anymore) was the same way, so it's a kind of circumstance I'm pretty comfortable with anyway
I decided to take a break when I was like halfway through packing. I have to bring my giant boots and they take up a ton of space in this small suitcase.
Honestly a lot of the time I would too. But part of that is because I usually obsess over getting all the routes so it takes a lot lf time and energy to do them all
the cat is just chilling on my lower back like a living heat pack actually feels kinda good >>1019017 that's actually a good idea I should get something proper
my dog my cat like dog was doing the same, take a garbage bag, fold a towel after soaking it a ringing it. The micro wave it for 3 mins when warm warp a towel around it. Bang, heat pad ;)
>>>/watch?v=fyXUfFNsp8U dunno what this is but I will post regardless >>1019041 ngl I revisited that album and I like it now never used to but all these years later I change my mind
youtuber here let me show you the little bell toggle that controls notifications YouTube nerfed subs or something so people never get their stuff seen so YouTubers will often add that to their list of "like, comment, sub etc."
They hated MTV and specifically made this music video to fuck with them and expected it to only get shown once. It ended up being really popular. >>>/watch?v=fl9KQ1Mub6Q
>>1019084 The Replacements are great Oh Well The video is just a video of a guy listening to the record while smoking And at the end the record starts skipping and he kicks over the speaker. I think the guy is their manager or something >>1019087 It was on Rolling Stone's list of the greatest 100 music videos of all time.
oh you're right that's pretty funny
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My dad actually saw this band break up live on stage at lollapalooza in the early 90's.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
They Might Be Giants actually has a song about them.
Also the song does sound like its skipping at the end but it actually isn't. The singer is just repeating his lines like it is.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
This song has some references to wacky things that happened on their tiurs *tours Like them leaving NYC without one of their band members because he got lost. >>>/watch?v=WQDD-6l2kkQ
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I have a book about the history of some bands and it has a section on them. Don't think i finished it though.
Oh and a song by the Replacements i lile a lot was inspired by a crush Paul westerburg had on a girl from Let's Active, a band I also like a lot. If I recall correctly Mitch Easter from Let's Active was R.E.M.'s manager
tmbg I can't remember what else I've heard besides the mitm theme song lol >>1019105 have fun
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Gotta turn my phone on airplane mode soon™
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019104 Particle Man, Istanbul (not Constantinople), Birdhouse in Your Soul Ana Ng Why does the sun shine? (The sun is a mass of incandescent gas) Uhhhh Those are probably their most famous somgs I could be forgetting one Their music videos from the eighties and early 90's are great.
ive actually avoided the morning starts mostly either because of rostering or because of someone's incompetence well the latter is a bit harsh just usual shit goes wrong and suddenly I'm working afternoons
>>1019162 >opensea saves the image and hosts it on their server this bit isn't even true opensea actually just points to the image link provided by the nft in the first place
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Landed in Denver
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019163 Too late Next time say why we shouldn't open it It's funny t hough
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
That guy will definitely get in trouble with opensea for that though.
What I wonder though, is whether it's able to somehow get your wallet address too when you load it Cause if it doesn't do that, the "exploit" found is literally just "turns out you can host the image on a server you control rather than photobucket" Which isn't much of an exploit
>>1019167 i listened to Tim and Let it be bretty gud
There's this reallylarge shipment that's supposed to be arriving in this warehouse totalling twenty-two pallets of merchandise to receive Now in even a totally isolated situation, it would be beyond a nightmare for receiving to have to take in all those pallets and hold them while we get the actual items received So my manager scheduled a staggered arrival of the pallets broken into sets of four and five, the first four of which was supposed to arrive today Supposed to I think the shipping company are being dicks again and ignoring the schedule, so at this point who knows how many of these twenty-two pallets are going to just show up
The lady at the bank assessing my finances was like "how much a year do you spend on clothes and cosmetics" Then I told her. And she was like "the system won't let me put in a number that low. We might have to round up."
>>1019230 Well how much was it? And what did she round up too?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
*Round up to. In other news I have to get up at 7:15 if I want someone else to make breakfast for me. However I'm in a time zone an hour behind my usual one, so that sounds easy. But I was awake for like 30 hours and that nessed up my sleep schedule.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I wish this house had a bigger tv. Normally I don't care about that but the tv here is too small for my grandfather's girlfriend to see subtitles on so we can't watch foreign film together because of that. :v(
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019231 They're investigating him to see how good of a loan he qualifies for.
i probably spend less than $200 a year on clothes and less than $100 on cosmetics if you include things like shampoo and conditioner in cosmetics
if you add in contact lenses though, i guess it jumps like 100 bucks from just sthose
>>1019273 most of my clothes spending is on replacing things like underwear and undershirts my job is physical and sweaty and i wear rugged work jeans, which have a tendency to absolutely demolish my underwear and then i buy a new pair of shoes every few years, so i averaged that out and included it in my guessing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I think i spent like $80 on clothes this year
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019272 All that money was on graphic t-shirts. I need to get rid of stuff that doesn't fit me.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I have way too much old clothes.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also since I'm NEET my parents buy me most of my clothes. Not that I get new stuff that often.
i love lappland
i go through my clothes and throw out old stuff like every year or two it's been a while, since before covid, so i should probably do that
I remember reading a japanese criticism of what most men consider fashionable and what women think about that and I remember wearing an entire outfit from uniqlo was made fun of.
The shower in the bathroom attached to my room has a chair in it. I'm seriously considering getting in the shower and just sitting down and reading manga.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1019299 they're comfy i think they're infused with spandex and they're my size
Actually We may have had this jeans conversation before.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I guess that means we are also getting increasingly efficient at it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1019304 enough for daily wear sure i blew out the knees on one of my pairs and kept wearing it like some kinda punk
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I was reading a math book earlier And in the introduction it mentions that they wanted to make it as accesible as possible. And then in the prerequisites quickly introduced a bunch of things which I was able to comprehend with some difficulty. And then they brought up measure and Lebesgue integrals amd I dropped it I never really understood measure properly I sort of gwt it And I am aware of some properties of the lebesgue integral. But not enough to get through a textbook that expects familiarity with them in the first 5 pages.
i love lappland
they might open a uniqlo in houston they were gonna do it earlier but then covid if they do maybe i'll ride on over to check it out
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Someday maybe I'll understand them.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways the book was on fractional calculus. Which is about taking the αth derivative or intehral of a function where α is not an integer. You can also have it be non real complex Or even have it be another function. Interesting stuff I wish I had te math background to understand it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see i haven't touched calc in a long time
i am trying to get more comfortable with the elliptic curves but i need to spend some real effort to practice and familiarize
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019318 I know calc 1 very well, calc 22 I was never great at *calc 2 Calc 3 I remember fubini's theorem, clairaut's theorem Uh The thing where you take the line integral around the vector field Some coordinate transfkrm stuff Calc 2 I remember some stuff about series I was terrible at memorizing integrals though Like all that inverse trig stuff
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019318 So like what kind of stuff with them? I assume you're focusing on discrete stuff
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Elliptic curves are number theory and I don't really have a good foundation in that I've definitely read some books that cover some stuff from it And I do find it interesting But I have barely any useful abstract algenra knowledge and that atuff is essential to number theory I do have a book on it but I always got distracted and never got very far in kt.
I like some of UNIQLO's stuff They have nice shirts and I bought some button-up cardigans at one of their Japanese locations when I was there a while back
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1019324 just crypto public private key ECDSA very discrete, almost too discrete secp256k1 is bae
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019332 Schneider's book might cover that. *Schneier's
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I am currently sitting in a chair in the shower. Very comfy.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
The bag my phone is in is fogging up.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like a moist mess
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I turned the overhead fan on.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Hopefully the hottub will be more conducive to sitting down and reading
imagine downloading procreate and using your artistic talent to produce a collection with total liquidity currently i guess 17,000 eth? less cuz they're not all minted. well, total liquidity is WAY less than that. market cap is gonna be up there once they're all minted
anyway you could do that and assemble millions of dollars overnight, all you need is to have been drawing anime for $50 commissions for the last decade
>>1019405 yea i figure this project is a good bet so i picked one up with some of the proceeds on that witch now i'm waiting for it to be revealed
i actually would have had a free whitelist spot if only i had been in the right discord i don't want to sit in discord all day looking for whitelists tho fuck that but the uwucrew i have appartently would have given me a spotr
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Fucking twitter won't let me scroll down past a certain point without giving a login prompt that can't be cancelled
samu how do people go about programming a GPU to perform work with their own algorithms is there a special programming language for that kind of thing i mean on the software end i guess, not like building a breadbox computational circuit which actually sounds like the easier task
>>>/watch?v=d5l4_Yj-sew >>1019430 you're in luck ive been lookin at this stuff recently i think most of the higher level ML stuff happens in pytorch or tensorflow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk what the state of the art is tho and on the flip side if you wanna program specific stuff low level then it seems OpenCL is kinda out of date at this point, though still usable. the ideal lowlevel would be Vulkan
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or if you have nvidia then you have the option of cuda which is probably great and well supported but proprietary
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ a bit of technical discussion here i want to try out rust-gpu at a certain point see how much silly shit i can coax my AMD gpu into
thanks! lookin forward to start simulatin
yeah i'm seeing cuda pop up a lot in the papers im looking at meaning there's probably lots of accessible reference resouces
I spent five minutes or so swapping out the first letter only for the end product to unrecognisable then realised it was a completely everyday word like an idiot
but I suppose if you're mindlessly shuffling letters of course you're not going to recognise the end result
managed to bust up the front of my car a bit the other day it's nothing major, just a small crack in the plastic right in front of the wheel sun was in my eyes, someone was walking right around the corner, didn't manage to brake hard enough, slid into the snow Not fast or nothing, but it's fucking plastic so it got a bit busted up
annoying stuff, but mechanically no damage, at least
really it's a good thing there was so much snow or I might have ended up with the front wheel in the ditch, and the edge coulda scraped the underside of my car, and that'd be bad
>>1019458 Nice Sakura I actually just saw that same one on /jp/ earlier.
Muv-Luv will never stop being slightly funny in having the ditzy teacher from Takeru's Extra life be like, one of the most distinguished and badass people in what remains of humanity
Muvluv the day after Takes place after unlimited, in the doomed timeline Alternative V left behind So it's sorta canon sorta not But I've felt a craving for more after the anime both ended s1 in a stinky place and also was overall stinky
I wish they'd at least have just animated unlimited first, maybe give the tail end of extra like 3-4 episodes at the start of it for setup
Granted, having read alternative, the really really big questions of muv luv are already answered, but TDA has managed to both introduce a new cast of enjoyable characters and some new mysteries to learn about
Well, they can't really replace the original cast, but still
TDA00 is super short, but it's just like, a teaser sorta, there to set things up for 01-03 I might even read the prequel VN about Mario's time as a pilot after this >>1019488 The anime is overall bad at its job The first episode is cool though, even though it's entirely original content Or well, I mean, entirely is a stretch It happens before unlimited begins But it is a very important event, I just dunno if its actually portrayed in any of the VNs
But muvluv isn't for everyone, I guess
Though my main gripe with the entire series is i think the h stuff could be removed entirely and it would be for the best Not that there's a whole lot of it to begin with, but some of it is just uncomfortable and unnecessary, and some of it is uh, well not really uncomfortable to me but it's the kinda thing that makes it hard to recommend it knowing that part is gonna come up i guess My sensitivity to this sorta thing is kinda reverse from normal i guess
i only watched 2 episodes of the new anime i dont think it was really my thing
Total Eclipse or whatever it's called is honestly a more fun muv luv anime than what we got, and it doesn't even have a single shared character with the mainline VNs Shit I don't even know if it's based on any of the VNs I don't even know if it's compatible with the lore But it was a lotta fun
the cost of health insurance is still substantially higher than the cost would be for my actual healthcare but despite that i still have to pay for nearly all of my healthcare out of pocket anyway which i can't afford to do because of health insurance and it doesn't cover any dentistry at all, it's so fucked up
hope i never get a tooth infection or i'll have to self-surgery again
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019494 What kind of surgery did you do on yourself?
Cat adoption went well! Now we just have to survive the ride home
i demand pics of cat many pics are you gonna name her or are you gonna keep the name they gave her
I'll take photos once we're home and situated!
I think I'll try to name The name she has, Jess, isn't a bad cat name as is But people names for cats is a bit weird to me I'll have to see Plus her microchip might be registered under her current name so I'll probably have to remember it anyway
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019496 Nice Congratulations on getting the cat!
>>1019514 it's getting easy to work from home you could manage pretty easily having 4 people working part-time remotely to cover bills and then using the rest of their work week on whatever side projects even better if they're all reasonable adults who can cook and not blow money pointlessly, or garden and do other supplemental hobbies i mean you could forego a job altogether and be fully self-subsistent for that matter
>>1019523 can't expect much more from instant noodles
these noodles have taught me that i can in fact expect more from instant noodles i wanted to try something new i guess but these are my old standby when it comes to meals for a dollar
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019528 I'll try it My favorite instant noodles are Nongshim Udon.
i love lappland
i always chop up a bunch of cabbage and throw in a fried egg too it's pretty spicy, which is my favorite part the spicy flavorful broth
they also have this one, which is good nongshim has the best instant stuff i feel of course these are like a dollar per packet as opposed to maruchan and nissin being like 30 cents but i only eat ramen a few times a month and the difference between saving 9 dollars and saving 9.70 is not really that big assuming a 10 dollar food pickup, which might be a conservative guess
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019530 I usually add two bpiled eggs. And sometimes lima beans.
>>1019544 I'm okay She's not in the best mood in a new place so I'm trying to give her some alone time Got a box for her to hide in and the neccessary stuff to be a cat in my closet
muv-luv the day after I actually thought the main cast would show up but they haven't yet I guess since Ultimate had several endings, none of which are strictly canon I think, there's no easy way to continue with the same characters
mud love
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It's fucking hot What the hell is the heat set to Anyways I found the vent and shut it And opened the window a little bit
man I am getting so much mileage out of this blanket I got from my dad for christmas It's cold as shit in the morning now, cause I turn off the heat when I go to bed, can't afford to run it through the night with these prices, but wrapping myself in this with a small opening for my hand to use the computer really helps out a lot My bedroom's also cold as all hell, heater keeping it at like 10C just so it's not actually freezing, so I usually use this blanket as an extra cover Maybe I should see if I can get a bigger one, I'm a little bit taller than this blanket is long, so I can't cover myself entirely without curling up like a cat really keeps the heat in well
>>1019669 you are THE silly billy mcwilly. you live in a house on a hilly, where it is quite chilly. your voice is trilly. you work in a mill as a milly. you are silly
early to bed again probably a good thing I'm starting to just be tired as it gets late again though gotta start listening to that and actually just going to bed instead of pushing through like I often do, I always end up kinda shaking off the tiredness and then I can't sleep too well
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell yeah sleep hygiene is great
I'm not really great in general when it comes to taking care of myself, health-wise sleep's always been a major issue though
trying to figure out how to bid for government procurement there's a local small businesses program in the state to prioritize sourcing from local small businesses for service procurement when possible might be nice to get some cushy government contracts
i never really realized this whole procurement process worked this way, i just assumed government employees did whatever gv needed it's kinda cool extremely inefficient but kinda cool
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was today years old when i learned that in 1985 the philadelphia police department bombed a city block via helicopter what the fuck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The 1985 MOVE bombing refers to the May 13, 1985, incident in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, when the Philadelphia Police Department bombed a residential home occupied by the militant MOVE Organization. The Philadelphia Fire Department let the subsequent fire burn out of control following a standoff and firefight. 11 people died, one adult and one child survived. A lawsuit in federal court found that the city used excessive force and violated constitutional rights against unreasonable search and seizure.[1] Sixty-one homes were burned to the ground over two city blocks.
The firefighter who rescued the only child survivor was harassed by his peers for it. Although the situation regarding rescue was complicated MOVE had been hoarding ammunition and the fire spread to where they kept the ammo and caused to the rounds to go off The police thought it was gunfire and forbade the firefighters from going in.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
In other news I watched Ghost in the shell with my "cousin" and she liked it a lot. We were going to watch Seven Samurai as well but did not have enough time. I had forgotten it was like 3.5~ hours long.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1019714 yea the firefighters were told to sit there and watch it burn