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Cue! Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to Futsal Boys! *Hakozume Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san *Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja *Koroshi Ai *Leadale no Daichi nite Princess Connect! Re-Dive Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja *Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu *Tokyo 24-ku
Sorry I was absent last night I went for an evening nap and my phone ended up nestled between pillows rather than somewhere in the open So I slept through all alarms and didn't wake up until seven hours or so had passed Which I guess indicates I was more exhausted than I thought I was It's been a really stressful and tiring two weeks, in a few ways
Well kinda We got a name, a mask, and a modded voice
Oh, twelve casulties eh I guess it's a pretty reasonable number considering the circumstances But we really only explicitly saw one
i love lappland
I really like this extended bit in the OP where the camera's circling around a character and it's continually changing who the character is It's a cool stylistic thing
i love lappland
imagine being addicted to the D
Can't be me
i love lappland
the way they animated that was really cool that was sick
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my mans just did a roundhouse kickflip
Through a window, into an actual person That's a crime in many ways, even if the target is a suspected drug dealer
I too enjoy being the kind of person who doesn't come out once I've shut myself in
Oh yeah, Kozue She's probably in a fucked up state right now
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kozue going out especially after what happened i hope she's not doing drugs because of the pain
We haven't gotten to know Kozue very well so it's a bit hard to tell if she's just a sharp person in the first place or if this is 100% the guilt and pain of her dad's death
You know when that guy dropped down like that I kinda expected him to be dead at first
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yeah same
Honestly, highly addictive and makes the users unpredictable and violent I know there's a synthetic drug that has pretty similar symptoms hah hah I'm blanking on the name though It was getting popular in Florida a few years back I think
Oh well this is quite the contemporary criticism of modern data handling
Oh. Awwww She was looking for this art because Red's been commemorating her dad in it That's really kind of sweet
Also a relief that she's not doing drugs to cope with her grief
I don't know if I can entirely agree with the idea that a place that's basically a slumtown deserves to exist because it's seedy and gives "murky waters" to those who need it to thrive in Of course handing the land over to a developer to turn into a casino is probably worse But I think it's better to work to improve the area as a place to live than have it be a shantytown
I know there's a real life phenomenom with visual illusions like that Can't remember what it's called though
This one's a sneaky set up Oh it looks like Red knows it Yeah it's obviously his friend
The way it was presented, obviously you stop the terrorist and save the ship But when you have a personal relationship with the terrorist, just letting him die doesn't really work
i love lappland
i see
On the other hand, so far the whole point of these missions have been for RGB to find a third option which is better than either of the two choices presented So it's almost asking them to save Kunai along with the people he plans to blow up
this part was super cool where they had big guy kicking down the door in the background and then throwing the punch and then in the forefront is a seperate angle of druggie getting punched
Yeah there's some really cool cinematic stuff going on in this show The director's having a lot of fun with transitions and shots
That poor lady who was in the back of her car As far as we know she was just a civilian caught up in someone else's awfulness
This show really likes its extended recaps at the top of an episode
Maybe she isn't a morning person But considering her circumstances it could just be a lingering concussion from the car crash
I'd say he's correct about something not being right about him But this seems to be a mafia family or some other shady organization So I dunno if it really matters if something's off
I wonder if he went on to butcher the rest of that organization Although just their mentor would be more than enough to explain why Hou wants him dead I guess
he might be kind of annoying and also he kills a lot of people and is not overall a very admirable person BUT it seems to me like chateau was probably going to die to some other target considering how much skill she's shown so far and if she hadn't missed him at the beginning of episode 1, and had instead collected the bounty on him maybe she wouldn't actually be better off than she will be with him around also she's clearly not alright at this point she's got like big issues she needs to work through
Worse off than already pretty rough doesn't make already pretty rough good though
>>1018899 Kind of, yeah Your big BUT is implicit that this is a net positive When to me it's just all a sucky situation
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net positive implies that there's a zero somewhere so from depending on where one side sees the zero, a level that might seem positive can seem like a negative to a different perspective so i don't think framing it as a net positive or negative is a useful simplification
i'm simply saying that he might be kind of annoying and also he kills a lot of people and is not overall a very admirable person BUT it seems to me like chateau was probably going to die to some other target considering how much skill she's shown so far and if she hadn't missed him at the beginning of episode 1, and had instead collected the bounty on him maybe she wouldn't actually be better off than she will be with him around also she's clearly not alright at this point she's got like big issues she needs to work through
You can't really trust roleplayers with serious stuff They're all degenerates after all
>>1018901 Yeah it's that "wouldn't actually be better off" which I don't agree with I don't think this is an improvement beyond a shorter lifespan Er improvement beyond a longer lifespan you get the gist
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okay well you don't have to agree with my speculation, that's fine but what you said was "Worse off than already pretty rough doesn't make already pretty rough good though
which when you break it down is insinuating that i said her situation is good, and with the "though" added at the end you're confirming that it's supposed to stand in opposition to what i'm saying i never said her situation is good, i said it was rough in the first place then i speculated that maybe ryong-ha isn't going to be all bad for her
Okay to satiate your hairsplitting tendencies, I will rephrase it Worse off than already pretty rough does not improve on the miserableness of the original situation
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isn't that kind of just a blank tautology though if the supposition is that she's worse off because of ryong-ha, i can see it like that but otherwise what you're saying isn't really anything
Aside from predicting the narrative arc of the series, I think overall, aside from having possibly lived longer, Ryong-ha has been a miserable situation for her It's certainly not an improvement and so far is likely worse off unless she would have been already killed by Hou for getting in the way of his revenge Which again is only a worsening on account of a shorter lifespan, which might not even be a negative in her opinion Because you're right that she's pretty messed up and I at least wouldn't be surprised if she has half a death wish
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well it's pretty obvious that she's been not only inconvenienced and strongarmed heavily by him so far and more importantly, hou never would've even gone after her if it wasn't for ryong-ha, at least not at this juncture for the reason he did so he's directly endangered her in that way what i was mostly attempting to comment on without it sounding like too much of a meta-narrative sort of perspective was that in the last scene we just watched we're finally starting to see reasons why ryong-ha might actually be able to help chateau dealing with the rough emotional issues that we didn't even know she was having until just now like until that last scene, there wasn't really any reason to see ryong-ha as anything but a problem now it's like a very different dynamic is about to take over
oh is he going to have her die on him after making the big money
It's kind of a Mirror of Erised situation Maybe a bit more wholesome
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saying thanks instead of sorry has come up super often recently i even heard someone talking about it while i was at work
As long as you account for it properly, it's really just good advice for both parties Most people don't really want to hear an apology except when they're expecting an apology And it usually feels good to be thanked For the thanker, I think it helps build a better mentality too, making you feel better for relying on people than feeling like you inconvenienced them
ueda reina also voices ganyu maybe i can get marsh to watch this
I have a feeling Oh nevermind it was wrong I thought he was going to fuck with her and send her some highly inappropriate clothing under the pretense of it being cultural
What if she wants to marry him and have him help make her empress So she can step aside and let him rule instead of herself Ninym does keep saying the two of them are two peas in a pod
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wow damn that's kind of a big deal huh
Yeah It was kind of just a sweet moment last episode But as she elaborated, it's actually a pretty heavy romantic guesture to call someone your heart
I wonder if there's a spin-off or interlude volume where they show what kind of antics they got up to at the academy It feels like something already pretty thought out
The sub timing for this episode is a bit fast It's been throwing me off a little bit
He really shot himself in the foot here Had to be too nice and give her an in for getting him to help her overtake an imperial succession
I wonder if high elves and dwarves mature in drastically different ways That is to say, could a gruff full-bearded dwarf actually be in a parent-child relationship with a high elf that looks like her
The youngest one seems to be mother's favourite
Assuming her children have taken on a bit of personality from now being real people as opposed to NPCs she wrote It feels like dwarves are kind of the usual level-headed way they are a lot of fantasy And elves are kind of high strung and prone to excitement Which is a contrast from the calm elegance you get in Tolkien-inspired elves
>>1018953 It's a pretty useful bit of magic, especially in a world like this with few developed highways and other road infrastructure Rather than having to travel half a day to find the next bridge or fording spot, you can just go straight through the water
Oh I was wondering if she'd get a rude awakening along this trip That this isn't just binary code and video game spectacle Even if she's still pretty much a demi-god, there are real people who are going to hurt in this world now
Although on the other hand she delivered an endgame level spell there Just to delete a mook of a bandit