She's also discovered the windows in my bedroom overlooking the street Seems to like looking out over the view
It's also where I found her this morning after I collapsed from exhaustion and she wasn't in the hideyhole I'd set up for her Although it's pretty cold up there against the window so I hope she moves if she gets too cold
The woman my dad worked with whose nickname was Psycho Skank died.
sounds like a metal gear erotic fanfic
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
According to his other coworker who had been hanging out with her a few months ago they had been been talking about mortality and she said "I don't think I'll live long""why do you say that?" "I just know" Cause of death is currently unknown.
I have been told that there is an owl that likes to sit in the tree outside my window and hoot late at night. Hopefully he comes by tonight.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Allegedly one of the senior researchers on the moderna vaccine is a furry. >>>/@Account9112001/1487610868732993540 This is missing some additional context I think.
>>>/@JoshJDee/1487421032751325185 fun fact, every payment system in the us accepts a memo field cuz some criminals are dumb enough to write "drugs" in it
the nft marketplace is currently being powered by anime girls at least from my vantage point there are so many freakin waifu simp collections now, that gacha money is rollin in
Well, TDA complete They don't even resolve the story! It's supposedly gonna be resolved in an upcoming episode, it now being 8 years after the previous was released
the day after I've been reading muv-luv again Shirogane finally made an appearance, too, but not much of an appearance A few lines, mostly just relegated to a mysterious, hyper-competent eishi now
Which is kinda strange, cause I mean sure he was pretty competent at the start of Alternative, but he wasn't like, divine
Now I'm kinda out of muvluv I want to read though I mean I guess there's the one prequel about Marimo's time before Ultimate, but I dunno I guess I'll end up reading it sooner or later though
wait holy shit they're really gonna be rekindling the whole series, it seems alternative's getting a sequel, too Somehow even though that doesn't makea whole lot of sense, since Alternative was kinda wrapped up
I mean sure, it's not like the global politics are gonna be settled and fine overnight or anything, but the BETA should be gone
gonna go to bed early today too, I think it's not like it's a big deal, but surprisingly I ended up feeling a bit uneasy towards the end of all that reading, and usually this shit can get outta control if I don't just try to sleep it off or something
didn't really expect it to bother me at all, and in some ways it's not like it really does, I just have this overall sorta unbalanced feeling, on and off such is life
that might work i was thinking something graph-y like detections from ligo observatory or seismic activity but it doesn't have to be just need to figure out how to make that work hmm
i bet the NSA has some shit that's not necessarily locked under confidentiality some innocuous shit wonder if i could find something from them
>>1019859 it's a pretty cool fantasy opera 10/10 lore
i love lappland
i would know, i've read it twice and spent every sunday for a decade studying it as well as every morning for two years, for about an hour before school started
What a terrible fate
i love lappland
at least i got all that organized religion out of my system already
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019884 Did you read the part where Jesus neets the dragon? *meets
Making an MIT licensed version of the GNU coreutils is cringe.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't think that every program anyone ever makes should be GPL but for stuff like this it should be. The MIT license lets corporations make money off of the programmers' hard work and not have to give anything back when they use it in their proprietary stuff. I imagine this will be used in some proprietary BSD based OS.
>>1019912 Wait >21 BDs *bds >49 ba For what purpose? Is it literally because its so big that the architect made sure there was a bathroom within a short distance of every room in the house?
today my clinic is getting inspected and i was in charge of getting it up to standard i hope it does ok
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm sure its good it's still good it's still good! it's just a little airborne!
test is this just a gay version if the secret
yeahh ahh stop test ok were back
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
those bored apes have hidden neo nazi references stupid apes must die
I've seen some really funny edits. Also he's been hiding amongus stuff in like Every comic for a while according to my friend
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this just seems like a lot of "they're censoring muh freedum" shit
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Basically Anything poignant Actually I don't know if he's ever said anything poignant I don't really go out of my way to read tgem I just see them reposted
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one man's poignant is another man's tired i guess
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019920 Okay so yeah I've heard people say that But I never really believed it Isn't the guy who made them Jewish?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Which is kind of bad for other reasons. Mainly that NFTs are kimd of a scam and it looks bad for the rest of us.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow assuming the rich must be jewish i see
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't think he's jewish look at the writeup on >All the co-founders are anonymous, we don't know their true identities, one of their handles is Gargamel, a character from the Smurfs who is acknowledged as an antisemetic depiction of a Jewish person, also a common term used on 4chan to discuss Jews. Since I've brought this up, he has gone through the effort to try to hide it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway the logo is the most obvious smoking gun here 18 teeth and all
>>1019925 are those pos or pow I haven't looked closely at them
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019935 I never knew gargamel was supposed to be an antisemitic caricature
>>1019975 The other day my grandfather was asking me about quantum computers and I started explaining what an algorithm was and eventually got into time complexity and the importo of good algorithms. I also kind of explained the fundamental differences between regular and quantum computers and also (without going into the details) why quantum computers can theoretically break RSA in a much much shorter time than on a regular computer.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I really don't like some of the hype about quantum computing because a lot of people think that they're just completely better in every single way and will replace regular computers.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
While also not knowing what a qbit is.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok yea i dont' think they're very practical maybe one day someone will figure it out but it doesnt seem like anytime soon people been talkin about quantum computing for decades
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Honestly I think we'll get really good optical computing first.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Although I don't mean like O(1) sorting a la Rainbow Sort But like Digital computing with photonics interconnected
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I really wish I had the attention span to read that 250~ page paper about generalized computational complexities. Next time I see a paper about an analog computer with theoretical massive speed ups I want to send it to the author.
Abstract >>1020020 I have no idea but I remember seeing a paper a while back about some photonics thing that could solve like a 20 variable differential equation or something.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020020 I have a friend who is working on a master's degree in something close to that, should I ask him flr a quick rundown tomorrow?
This is intey *interesting I'm not into rhythm games though. Ah wait Except for Rhyyhm Heaven Rhythm Heaven fucking rocks
you ever get one of those extremely intense flashbacks, immediately remembering a moment in more detail than memories usually have enough to get goosebumps
i love lappland
i just had a very powerful memory of what was a very good moment but time has soured it, warped it and experiencing it now sends shivers down my spine regret and shock and disgust flooded me for a moment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sometimes i remember things and make a funny face for a micro instant micro expressions baybee
i love lappland
>>1020130 i definitely cringe really hard every now and then, when i remember doing something dumb or awful fortunately that kind of thing only really happens when i'm alone social situations keep my brain busy enough that i don't have time to think about the past like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yup same same it's a human thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's nice growing older and gaining the perspective to see how little those moments meant to anyone else to adjust my own reaction and watch those memories slowly fade in starvation
i love lappland
a lot of time travel fantasies involve helping oneself with the time travel but if i went back to most of the periods of my life that i would want to it would be for the sole and express purpose of beating the everliving shit out of myself i'd fuckin jump me with a baseball bat and just fuck that loser up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
beat some sense into yourself
i love lappland
"don't forget to floss, fuckup" as i kick my own teeth in
>>1020169 In general or with Parsee? Cause kind of Mostly anime girls in sexy santa outfits Although on Christmas and valentine's day people post art of parsee murdering couples on dates because she is so jealous.
Can we sue HBO or whoever the fuck it is for causing us emotional damage by naming their new show Euphoria and springing the public's adoration of it on us without letting us know?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020191 What the fuck are you talking about? And yes you can sue, but it would be thrown out.
i love lappland
you can sue for anything whether or not it's worth doing is a whole other matter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i remember tryna watch an episode of it in 2019 and by remember i mean i don't remember at all because i was probably baked out of my mind
this is doushio dot com slash moe we don't have any set topic but all have similar interests so we just talk about those! we all congregate in these general type threads because we found that was easiest
Ah I see mhm mhm Interesting so its kinda like a live chat but as an imageboaird
where the fuck can you even reliably get a hold of VNs? I managed to get a hold of muvluv TDA from nyaa, but it doesn't have most of the other muvluvs there's so much muvluv left to read I want the codex too, but I might have to buy that
vndb usually has links to the official pages of translated versions by whatever subgroups which usually has ddl links or instructions on their xdcc bots on rizon
Guess I'll have to learn how to do all that stuff a lot of muv luv isn't translated though from what I can gather, so it's not like I could read them anyway
it's not hard if i can do it you certainly can torrents for VNs are notoriously bad though unless it's a very fresh release
vndb will at least give you information on what translations are available, along with the relevant links
月 looks like TDA has english translations there's only a few that don't
Yeah I finished reading TDA yesterday
oh shit ufotable is making mahoutsukai no yoru that's great news it still never is stuck in translation hell like it has been for almost a decade though
Yeah, it might be nice if the adaptation prompts the fan translations to speed up That or official translations get released to help bring international interest into it But considering how Type-MOON were reluctant to discuss localization plans for the Tsukihime remake, the latter is probably a moonshot
it seems more likely that the anime will relieve the existing pressure on translating the novel and create an excuse for it to never get done not that it was getting done anyway even with that pressure
"the anime exists so we don't need the novel" i get the idea that an anime might bring new interest to the franchise but im not sure what kind of followthrough there is for people wanting to read the novel after a quality-production anime exists
for me and the other people who've been waiting nearly a decade, the anime just feels like "ok good enough i can finally put this torture behind me" i really don't understand why it froze in the first place but i just want closure at this point
It probably also helps that ufotable has a very good track record of understanding Nasu's vision for a narrative and translating that into an animated medium Easier to be satisfied with that than some other studio taking their crack at it
it's fine just bug me about it and i'll figure something out i desperately need to change the image processing setup anyway
Anno what's this song imas fans
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Remember the old /moe/ Where you could upload video files
Those were the days...
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020263 I thought you didn't like it when I bug you about improving doushio? Even when I bug you about reasonable things amd not stupid shit only I would use.
Are you guys on twatter? sicne you benen posting twitter links
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
twitter? me? never i certainly don't spend four hours a day doomscrolling or anything
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa your @ Sir. Right now
Why doomscrool wheen you could have fun on twatter always and forever.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pls doxx thanks
ill give you my @ if you post yors Promised
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm just like an anno
But youre a namefag :C
ilike this ´realtie imagebpard thoingiy its like chatr but fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea we used to have fun back in the old days now we just up playin with our worm
Like lil pet worms?`Fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah like 2/3 worms with flying
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what brought you to our humble board anno?
iwas doing research on relatime imgboards n pressed on a bunch of links most of them were dead but this one worked n seems active so ithot iwould stick around
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see i see well welcoem this is the og realtime posting board we're pretty slow now and we don't align with usual imageboard culture very much but we still here doin our thing
hmmmm Well a fact about my life...... I love posting.... I post almost daily..... It gives me great Joy to Post around even though Most people dont Care But that s okay I do it for me :) Having fun online
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Posting is a way of life and its free you know what else is free rotating a cow in your mind
Have you considered rotating Your Mind in your Mind??? Also very fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whoaaa duuude thats waytoodank
Crasy right Its so fun how you can do that when youre Smart and High IQ
>>1020265 remember when marsh was a little bitcg :o
:o was he really
O marsh is the jannie here right Haiiii marsh... marshie marsh...... morshhiiee maursh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
marsh is a mod here
Marsh is such an awesome Name for a little girl.. .. . .Love her already. Marsh I'm in love with the Idea of you...
after 12 years of coasting on google's free plan they're gonna try to have me pay for the gmail user accounts on this domain bah
That's how they get ya With the dependency-building twelve-year-con
Rei !p8eYCadcMo This is neat.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow sounds ambitious not entirely sure what they're doing from the readme but sounds like a reimplementation from scratch?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1020364 truly it is they work on long timescales now that gmail can't be avoided
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill probably just set up free email forwarding i doubt anyone but me uses their modmail
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> A man who said Captain Sir Tom Moore should “burn auld fella buuuuurn”, the day after the 100-year-old fundraising hero died, has been found guilty of sending a “grossly offensive” tweet. the UK is not OK
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Just paid for anime for the first time in a very long time. One bluray is a gift, the other is a thing that will likely have bad subs but I mainly bought it because there are as far as I know no publicly available bluray rips of it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow paying for anime i havent done that since 2010 at least besides movie tickets
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020371 I've never been able to find bd rips of Zetsubou Sensei so i may as well buy the official English release. I plan on watching it side by side with the fan subbed version at some point. It is my favorite comedy anime. Also it's only $52 Thank God for that big discount on rightstuf.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It comes with a 200 page book explaining all the jokes too.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
200 page joke ruiner sasuga
>>1020374 More like primer SZS is extremely dense with cultural references, not just to other anime, games, and manga, but also Japanese-specific cultural commentary
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020374 I'm actually a bit surprised that you haven't seen it. I highly recommend it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh there are bd rips available Oh well It's still my favorite comedy anime so whatever
>>1020393 the idea of dating spamton is disturbing he is a broken spam bot thing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Just date the sexy fish girl instead.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I can't remember her name. I barely know Undertale stuff.
i love lappland
>>1020404 i'm just not really that big on idol-related stuff idolmaster has really good character designs pretty often but it's not enough to tempt me usually
i did enjoy watching the first idolmaster anime and this song specifically i really really really like i used to have the lyrics memorized but that was near a decade ago or was it over?
i cannot sit through the first imas cg had a decent anime though
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I only ever watched Puchim@s
i love lappland
>>1020425 i watched it airing it was one of the first few dozen shows i watched so anime was really new to me then i sat through stuff i'd never sit through now and remember stuff fondly that i'd hate now like The World God Only Knows
>>1020419 gianni seems to like spamton quite a bit or one of those other va guys >>1020429 bruh.vineboom.wav
i really didn't like FLCL when i watched it, that was one of the first things i watched maybe i'd like it more i think a lot of the metaphor and themes were lost on me but also maybe not
i really liked guilty crown when that aired and thought for years that my liking it was misplaced because it probably wasn't actually that good which was wrong that show is great lol
>>1020437 gof // i was so obsessed with FLCL for like a year or teo
not liking flcl is just weird
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its totes not for everyone and i also think it has to catch you in a certain time window but it is good
i love lappland
i thought the points it was making were kinda crass and was presenting information that // presenting a perspective that should be kinda obvious but as if it was novel the animation was pretty good but what was being shown on screen just wasn't something i was interested in the pace of the dialogue kinda bothered me too >>1020455 i thought Eva was super cool, i think it has some of the coolest animation and what's shown on screen is really really good from an editing and visual standpoint, Eva is a 10/10 show i think the plot is kinda fuckin stupid, that Anno is for the most part a hack, and while it's way more elegant than FLCL about making its points, the points it tries to make are ultimately in a similar positiong - things that socially functioning people should maybe not consider to be novel or groundbreaking but rather pretty obvious themes about how people deal with interpersonal relationships but maybe i'm just being a dick about that part
i really like both of them but i feel like for different reasons i think gunbuster was more interesting from a plot standpoint but diebuster was a visual masterpiece diebuster was my favorite anime for a long time, mostly because it's visually one of the most wonderful things i've ever seen
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I fucking miss Gainax
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Although I guess we have trigger.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
PSG S2 never :v(
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020459 Have you seen Abenobashi Shoten? It's from the same era. Its a much less famous Gainax anime.
i love lappland
same era as gunbuster you mean? i can look into it but i don't generally like older anime very often gunbuster is probably an exception to a rule
>>1020484 inside I don't even know, probably like 5-10 C outside is -8
I ain't got a temp gauge inside, never saw a reason for it indoor temperature is kinda like, I don't need to know It's either comfy, too hot, or too cold
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Huh It's above 0°C right now Hasn't been this warm in weeks.
actually, my phone says it's -13 outside hard to know, I don't have an actual device for it or anything
maybe I'll get one today >>1020488 exact opposite here hasn't been this cold since december
are you guys familiar with programs like obsidian? like notetaking programs with backlinking/markdown and automation n stuff
Oh yeah, I have Joplin installed for back when I was gonna do a dnd thing I think it's similar
like your own personal wiki
Yea seems like hte same thing Yea exactly ive read thjat its a really useful tool to basicaly map out your mind with everyhting you know, daily notes n stuff also task stuf
It's useful for that kinda thing if you stick with it yeah
I don't though
Im trying find a way to use those kind of tools for creative works, like capturing ideas brainstorming and everyhting, it seems ineffecient to jus open the program and start typing so like im trying to find Methods
I think probably the best idea is to just open it and start typing, and whenever you write something you've got Thoughts on, you make a separate document for that, and link it
iwish iwas autistic enough to to that kinda shit i am straight up Retarded that s my problem
sorry for doublepost but like every night i go to bed feeling like everything ive gathered from the day is jus gonna disappear and i start from 0 the next day, like mental progress doesnt get captured and i wanna capture the ideas and build up on the mental state instead of just starting all over again
sory for triplepost i probably dont make sense its late and I am Frustrated its been months without progress its tilting me bad
it's less of a bug exactly just unintended interaction between windows allowing you to drag and drop images and moe allowing you to drag and drop to make a post
i don't really get why it started happening last year was it last year/ did all the browser standards people get together and change the drag and drop API?
it's that when you click on someone's image to expand it if you don't release mouse1 fast enough and your mouse moves at all you'll inadvertently drag and drop the image that was posted and depending on certain factors, it might go past dupe detector and post the thumbnail like i demonstrated here>>1020589
do you use chrome? it won't work for an image tha's already been drag n drop reposted either >>1020599 it could be browser specific, idk i use chrome so
>>1020628 I generally prefer antisocial media. But /moe/ is nice And steam is useful
i love lappland
there's nothing inherently wrong with social media tools are tools the fact that most social media outlets are plagued with the problems that drive people like you and me away from them are not problems that are inherent to the concept of social media it's the way our economy, political climate, and social landscape have warped them that has produced the monsters that they are today i'm not saying it wasn't inevtiable because it definitely was but i guess i felt some implication that social media is bad inherently which just isn't really the case discord is a really good example of how social media can be extremely useful
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020634 Discord looks f un but my autistic ass refuses to use it because of their bullshot ToS.
Twitter's pretty easy to curate to be specifically what you want to see I use it for very specific things and generally don't have to interface with the political and economic or cultural wars waged on it
i have a twitter so i can look for cute anime images but i generally don't want to have an account that can be easily linked to me and don't really consider the way i use it to be "using twitter" for me it's just an image hosting site with extra sets
>>1020652 I pretty much just get hit by it when I post art or something that has low res and then find a hi res version of it a few minutes later and try to post it. Or when I waifu.2x something
accelerator, kuroko, frenda in that order oh and that one guy who pulls his punches i liked that guy
Um excuse me shinobu best
Kuroko's obviously great too
Gunha's best because his power is literally "I am so confident I can do anything because I believe in myself" And he makes it into the seven Level 5's by being so
>>1020670 being able to compute a lot doesn't make you smart, just look at bitcoin farms >>1020671 man I haven't even watched anything other than railgun and index s1
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020665 I like Misaka Worst Not sure if she shows up in the anime I never saw s3
>>1020671 I dunno I checked two wikis and they both call him an esper never seen any of the source material
>>1020672 You're either being annoyingly stupid or deliberately obtuse Obviously we're talking about his computational ability here, which "dumb as rocks" is still going to apply Like Touma, while being played up as kind of dumb, actually presents some pretty competent computational ability and academic knowledge for a high school student Gunha is literally just all GUTS and confidence and zero INT
Okay so Gemstones are people who are naturally born with their abilities The esper program and magic were both created to mimic the abilities of people with gemstones The reason espers cannot use magic is because magic was explicitly designed to injure gemstones if they tried to u se it.
>>1020682 Espers are artificial gemstones Read the books
>>1020684 Honestly I think it would be a fair split between CHA and WIS Gunha seems pretty perceptive even if he doesn't process what he's perceiving Although with the confidence yeah that's definitely Charisma eh I'm just saying he's a stupid motherfucker is all
>>1020734 I hadn't actually heard it until earlier this afternoon when it came on the Spotify shuffle driving home. and I was all like.. >Damn. now this is a TUNE.
>>1020736 The Hololive main channel recently put out a medley of a hundred of their talents' original songs >>>/watch?v=BTeMv4jydEw Mixed by IOSYS too On one hand, it's kind of like "Man, they've already amalgamated over a hundred original songs But on the other hand there's like five or six songs in it from Suisei and Watame each Both of which have more than one full-length album release of original songs Calli also represents like three or four songs too
I mean there's like 40-something of them at this point, right maybe more
100 is only a couple of originals each.
Forty-three active talents across all three branches I don't think the latest JP gen, HoloX, have any original songs though And then you have talents like Amelia, Noel, and Choco who aren't the best singers Although both Noel and Choco have at least one original song In addition to performing in unit performances
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1020741 Ame is improving a lot too. She did pretty well with her parts in the Ochame Kinou cover.
Yeah she's been a lot of fun to see how much someone can improve at singing with just dedicated practice Plus her karaoke streams are masterpieces in A+ content I'd still put her in the "improving" category like Noel, Choco, and Coco before she graduated and I don't think has done a whole lot of singing since then
Hell let's put Luna in that box too she's cute but kind of stiff
>>1020750 Her karaoke streams and live performances are what makes it more noticable, although she's definitely gotten much better since I first saw something of hers which isn't produced Noel's the same way, you listen to her hamster song and it sounds like any perfectly cute anisong It's because when you're recording a recorded release, you can do takes and get feedback from the recording staff on what you need to improve for the next take, plus there's the mixing and editing they can do before the release is published Choco's background is gaming and ASMR, the latter of which she's exceedingly good at Terrifyingly good at It's different from most of the talents who were singing or had idol aspirations before joining Hololive
If anything it's too their credit That they have a lot of other good selling points if they can get accepted into an ""idol"" company without being able to sing
Coco literally applied for a normal office job for Cover before they took a look at her streaming activities and asked if she wanted to be a talent instead Hololive knows how to choose them
>>1020759 I'd believe it. Peoples' body temperature goes up as they get h0rny. The heat kills off any infection
>>1020749 Because talking with you is an absolute waste of my time. You're not funny, you're not enjoyable to converse with, your posts are generally just nothing but inane complaining which often ring astoundingly insensitive, or sound like someone who skimmed a Wikipedia page on something and then tries to act like they know what they're talking about. You have what feels like zero self-awareness to what you sound like and it's incredibly aggravating to even just see, let alone respond to. There's no one deciding factor in this, instead like Fortunato in The Cask of Amontillado, your petty annoyances just accumulated to a point where one day I was sick of having to recognize your continued participation on /moe/; frankly I would prefer if you left and never came back, but I will not deliberately chase someone away who is in /moe/'s overall good graces, so since then I have made a decided effort to ignore your posts and not interact with you. I gave myself the one condition that if you ever actually asked, I would tell you why, so, here. And I get you're autistic so much of this easy to lay at the foot of that, but there's also plenty of autistic people who are not as banally annoying to be in the presence of, so it's a poor-ass reason for why you are the way you are. In fact before deciding to ignore you I feel I gave you a fairly generous amount of patience for your annoyances, and between myself and others I feel you have been explained to why you are so annoying to listen to severaltimes, at which point now it feels like you are incapable of internalizing that and improving. Also no, I will not recap what it is which makes you unbearable, I've typed this out beforehand because this isn't an opening up again, this isn't a communication; this is an explanation, so that you know why. I've already lost any interest in any sort of dialogue with you. Feel free to act however you want going forward, I will not change how I interact with you.
It's really not that bad I pretty much only follow Vtubers and some artists and I only ever get recommended content from those spheres If you make a concentrated effort to not search up things which would annoy you, there's a pretty good chance they won't find their way into your feed
why not just put a nuke inside a grappler class corpse and send it? muv luv dumb the lasers have not and presumably will not ever fire on one of their own, living or dead
Shit my phone is scuffed Bottom right of the screen has this sorta blooming miscoloring
No idea where it came from
I'd assume its water damage, but that doesn't make sense for where it is
Might need to get a new phone I guess Right now it doesn't matter, but if it starts spreading my phones gonna be unusable
my old phone had a bunch of discoloration due to me accidentally dripping hot wax on the screen but i got used to it and it lasted me another 3-4 years afterwards
It seems like it's expanding but also covers way more of the screen than I thought This sucks
I knew I'd forget my earbuds if I put the case in to charge this morning I knew I would But it was also dead anyway so it had to charge or be useless Just one of those days, I guess
It's supposed to be mildly nice this afternoon Maybe I'll go for a walk instead of my original plans to stay cooped up inside to make up for the lack of enrichment
well I mean I was already at the mall when I typed >>1020789 and it isn't improving, so I basically either had to get a new one now, or hope it doesn't crap out on me before they open tomorrow
It just nice to utilize something jntened for one reasone, for an other. I.e. doimg back up w/ a thumb stick in that port.
I mean I guess the brunt of the transfer was done by the smart switch app anyway though, it's just fine tuning stuff that isn't exactly a data transfer thing, more like doing settings over again
>>1020817 an a52s it was gonna be an s21 or something, but turns out the great deal I was offered required me to change my service provider, and I ain't doing that shit cause the deal I've got on that right now is extremely good I've got a lifetime guaranteed 10GB a month for like 20 bucks and that's not something you're gonna get otherwise
It's nice so far, but I'm not as excited as I was the last time I got a new phone cause like It's just a new phone, it's not a big upgrade in terms of how I use it
ton lives on in our hearts and also at his workplace which he will never leave he has become a spectre haunting the phone lines there answering calls for an eternity
line's going up again probably gonna pull out my SOL once it hits an acceptable level again, go for some higher yield staking looksrare has absolutely fucking insane yields, so I kinda wanna try to just chuck some shit in there until the good days are over for it
Main worry though is whether I'll be able to pull my coins back if the website like, disappears I don't wanna dump like a grand in there and then they just fucking piss off with all my coins
well, even if I dump 500 bucks in it, in 2 months I'll have doubled at that rate worst case, I lose 500 bucks >>1020879 the line can ONLY go up and they pay out in eth, too, most of it anyway, so those gains are gonna be worth more when pulled out, probably
I was thinking of cashing in the NFT to dump into it, but I'm still thinking that'll go higher than it is so I don't wanna But if SOL hits 200 again I'm fucking out, putting half in ONT and half in risky high yield staking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's free money! can't go wrong!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my parents lost like 100 bux in the QuadrigaCX rug pull years ago i actually used them too, but i didn't leave anything sitting in the exchange
now it turns out one of the founders of Quadriga was behind Wonderland and i got rugged by that for maybe 500 bux
oh yeah I don't like leaving anything valuable in exchanges I've got some ETH and my shibe in binance, but that's only because actually extracting the ETH is literally not worth it, because the round trip to and from my wallet will cost... all the ETH I have there if they just steal it, I will have lost no more or less than if I kept it myself and then transferred it back when I wanna sell it lmao
I really should be cleaning my room today However I am at the point where I really need to deal with all my old clothes And it just seems like such a pain in the ass.
pick up one shirt and put it in the trash boom you're on your way
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020894 I was planning on donating stuff to goodwill ...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was planning on maaybe thinking about later i could work up the willpower to organize allll my shirts and then take them to the goodwill any second now
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also I can't decide which to get rid of
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020896 My mom goes to goodwill on a regular basis to donate stuff we get rid of.
I fucking knew it Aaaaaaaahhhhghfdsds Recently the store's purchasing or whoever have had the genius idea to have all Epson shipments for all the branch stores and this one, arrive in this warehouse first before being transferred out to the branch stores Epson shipments usually consist of some combination of ink cartridges, paper boxes and rolls, and printers Not only has this drastically increased the frequency and size of their shipments, but there's
>>1020906 also been an uptick in big shipments from other vendors recently too which has made things ... exhausting, to say the least That's all to say, boxes of the Epson stuff have seemed to be missing from the big shipments. There's always the reasonable chance it was a packing error on their part, but with the mess here I've been consistently worried that thoses boxes have actually arrived and then in trying to Tetris things around to make space as big shipment after big shipment came in, the odd box ended up on the wrong pallet and forgotten about And just today, buried at the bottom of a pallet of just odds and ends of smaller shipments, I found a box which has been missing for a week I fucking knew it
⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ 🟨🟨🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 I had a similar stroke of luck with my second guess At that point it was pretty much just rationalizing the yellow letters into what was the most likely answer
somehow it's better now, in that you can actually see shit it's still busted, obviously, but it doesn't seem like any more pixels are gonna actually die
I guess if nothing else I can use it for something or other Dunno what yet though But I'm sure there's a usecase for a phone without a sim card with a busted screen
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020917 Not exactly a year, b ut about that yeah.
Also I'm pretty sure that dumbass anti-vaxx highway protest has fucked with shipping logistics and has thrown an arrival schedule for some dense shipments off schedule So that'll be another headache down the road I bet
Ah, the nowblue pixels are continuing to die will the whole screen die? this remains to be seen but there are dots around the top of the screen that are definitely dying
oh no i didnt practice at all and the chess tourney starts today welp sandbagging accomplished now i can pretend i am not crying when i lose
Congratulations you checkmated yourself
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020954 Oh shit, it's today? I didn't sign up because I knew I would do poorly.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think it starts today i cant remember the link
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1020957 Yeah it does. You have like 3 hours until maria gets off work. Although if he's working from home he could probably play during work hours. I know he goofs lff *off a lot.
>>1021016 I really like Del Toro's stuff. I need to see more of his movies though.
>>1021010 The thing that's always funny to me about Disney returning to their animated classics for these reimagingings is It's a post-Kingdom Hearts world Like Jiminy Cricket isn't just the moral compass for the curious and naive Pinocchio He's also the fucking tutorial in most of the Kingdom Hearts games I can't look at these classic characters the same way anymore
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is the worst thing i've ever heard
apparently they're all doing this because it just entered public domain and Disney is doing to sort of renewe the copyrights on the Disney version of it fucking disney
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021023 Pinocchio has been public domain in the US since 1940.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
The novel I mean.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
1940 is when the disney movie came out
>>1021023 Well colour me surprised And by that I mean don't colour me anything that totally tracks with Disney and their draconian tendency to hoard their things I wonder if they'll try something similar when the Winnie the Pooh copyrights start to dry out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they absolutely will
wait i thought it became public domain this year
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1021029 The original characters and stories did Not the Disney original characters.
>>1021029 Disney's copyright might extend a fair bit yet They did come out with a new Thousand-Acre Wood movie a few years back And there was the live-action movie about I think an adult Christopher Robin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the way i understand it copyright can't be renewed anyway this is all a legal fiction on disney's part
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but they'll try and point at their shitty remakes idk i'm not a lawyer
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Is the Disney Pinocchio just going to be a CGI version of the 1940 one? I know the Netflix one is a stop motion musical set in Fascist Italy so I'm really looking forward to it. I know literally nothing about the Lionsgate one.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh god The Lionsgate one has Pauly Shore in it. And apparently its made by Russians?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
HOLY SHIT HE'S PLAYING PINOCCHIO! And Tom Kenny is Gepetto. I guess thats cool. But Pauly Shore is a fucking joke.