Took me a bit to realize the two guys in the OP are the detective guys Probably because they're in their casual wear while the girls are in uniform
Are police dogs really that much a hassle to follow
i love lappland
in some strange way an old lady with good hunches might actually be kinda helpful maybe she knows the old guy
Or in other ways Hunches are often just hard to explain rationalities you've come up with An old lady with good hunches might just have a lot of life wisdom that helps her make good predictions
Hah hah hah The cops are trying to be helpful so they can't deal with all these petty crimes
lol it's kinda lame i would've thought it was gonna be so much cooler his lifelong dream
i love lappland
oh i didn't know shochu was made from sweet potatoes now i want a carton like thatone
It can be made from a variety of liquor-making produce, sweet potatoes being a pretty common and popular one I've had sweet potato shochu before, it's actually really nice Probably one of the better straight liquors I've ever had
It's the trim and I think his sword's hilt is an imitation of Kirito's too There's no way it's not supposed to be a reference
Yeah the real problem isn't just that she's now cute But that everyone sees her as an unparalled beauty That's a dangerous charm to have It's practically a curse
Their magic Japanese apartment personal space is funny It seems to follow them around too, so they get all the conveniences of a modern Japanese apartment while they adventure around in this fantasy world
Oh the elves worship the bunny goddess who got them in this mess
What if there's no actual Maou and this whole thing is just the bunny goddess vying for religious popularity by using the two of them to go beat up the other gods of this world
Hah hah wow She went from haughty to tomboy in one fell rock
Yeah Jinguuji has some real problems The fact that he can get charmed to immobility at any time that Tachibana is in a compromising situation is a bit of a weakness to his otherwise superman status
Oh they almost got to a somewhat deep moment there Too bad the alcohol got in the way
Wow now she's stealing their food And eating her own guardian deity!
I did kind of expect the dead-raising priest guy and his companion to be long-term journeying buddies with the main gang in this show But I guess they went their separate ways last episode Unless it's the kind of show where the plot only ever picks up whenever they happen to run into each other
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1019326 I was waiting for that to be mentioned. I fucking loved that scene in the manga.
Yeah I mean this barrier sounds like a scam in the first place But it is a bit weird that three of these guys are demons The other demons we see in the series all have excessively elf-y ears, but all four of these guys have human ears
There's a lot of stuff in this series from Chinese / East-Asian spirituality and religion I think it's because the overall story is supposed to be an interpretation of the Chinese Myth of Son Goku and his Journey to the West That's where these things like the Founding Scriptures and stuff comes from But there's also a lot of other weird things I can't quite pin
any item that gets split up like that is gonna get put back together by somebody in an anime
You can tell the original material for this is a fair bit older than most contemporary things because of how so many people just casually smoke Although smoking is still pretty common as a part of being a mature adult or whatever in Japan I think it's also pretty evidential in anime that it's become decoupled a fair bit from being cool and stylish
Unsurprisingly, the priest who set up this so-called barrier is cooperating with the demons
Ah This is getting pretty ugly
Wow he took that trap door pretty well
Their whole gang are kind of monsters in their own right The three demons are strong fighters but the human priest is still a one-man army himself
Kind of weird that all the townspeople just let them leave But I guess if Sanzo went and killed the entire demon tribe outside their gates, there isn't really a reason to play the pretense of capturing them and sending them as sacrifices to the demons
I get it's probably pretty fun to show off, but maybe ask permission first before you dump a giant monster's head out into the middle of a guild hall
Wow he's going to make them fight a demon It's one thing to kill a bestial monster But the demons are a sentient species akin to humans That's a lot to ask of someone
Yeah that skin-fitting top is fairly Archer-poi On top of the white hair
The MC has a real bone to pick with demons I'm pretty sure he said he tried his best to exterminate them in his past life too I mean they definitely seem consistently evil and violent but he still really doesn't like them
Oh the other two aren't even going to kill the other demon I'm a little let down
The first one he fought in episode one he outright bisected, so he's not averse to killing them It's a bit less clear in this circumstance though I think they're dead
Hah hah She's awfully pragmatic about a royal reward
I had a feeling he knew the dragon but I have a feeling she won't be happy to see him
If she picked a fight with him in his past life, she might try to take advantage of his new youth to try and beat him properly I guess she's still intimidated by him though
Yeah that's what I was figuring too Especially with a voice like that And that it's pretty normal for dragons to transform into cute girls
They're even giving an excuse for why the world is much different from what he expected
The power levels in his party are kind of all over the place For all his mutterings about not having enough magic he's still kind of ridiculous And now he's got a country-destroying dragon under his command And besides that, he's got ... two entirely normal human girls
Yeah, I think most of these characters aren't in the EN version of the game yet the EN cast hasn't been expanded much
I know there's a new girl coming in soon for the first year anniversary Although I haven't played in a while I still follow the EN version on Twitter, so I've been kept up to date with the updates
Yuni might be in at this point? Her name sounds familiar at least
Aoi seems mostly unfazed by this development
This Chier girl is voiced by Cocoa's seiyuu I believe And I think Yuni is Chino
Pecorine is pretty good at these kinds of empath moments She's kind of the heart of the party
Aoi's Mai Furendusu are great The bits in her character stories in the game where she's riffing between them and Yuuki were fun to read
Knowing some of the weirdness that goes on in the mobage's plot, Yuni's pretty on point that there's some weirdness with other realities and falsehoods in this world I guess that's why the academic society quashed her thesis on it
It's good to know despite a couple years inbetween and being on a second season, they can still put out such fun episodes Also this continues to be a really nice ED Great for closing the night comfily
I've got a pretty busy weekend ahead of me I'm adopting a cat tomorrow afternoon so that's probably going to take up a lot of my free time, making sure it's happy and comfortable here Still I'm really looking forward to it