i wish they'd hurry up and legalize it here i'm not a regular user and don't intend to be, but i wouldn't mind if i could pop a gummy every few weekends or so
My only issue with my parents' weed use is the smell I'm particularly irritated that the stench is all over my dead dog's toy and my great great grandfather's siddur
i don't really like smoking weed at all it's probably edibles only for me
i love lappland
>>1016416 well if you really love gun crime or just crime in general
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016416 Gun crime I guess There's also a lot of good universities And restaurants Although Austin also has a lot of good restaurants And concerts Austin is really cool so there's no real reason for bang to move here
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
But really there's a lot of big companies Here Disregarding the pandemic there's plenty of concerts and street festivals We also have very goof museums *good And a decent (by American standards) public transit system Plenty of stuff to do
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also I know people like to meme about the gun crime but the majority of it is in areas that can be easily avoided.
Oh but also we have one of the highest sales taxes in the country And cigarettes are expensive Like $10+ a pack But you can just go over to Indiana and buy a bunch there I don't smoke but I don't think that the government should take advantage of addicted people by adding large taxes on tobacco.
Oh wait I forgot one thing that chicago absolutely does better than Austin in a way that can't really be argued against unless you are an ass Women can get abortions here easily
it takes actual hours for my heater to actually get the heat going in this damn building, man I really oughta get a fan or something to help out with that for next winter, but for now I'm just gonna live with it It's already halfway through january, so it's not like it's likely to get all that much worse from here on out
really more likely to be opensea buggin out i guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yup. https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd0f26f764bc0c74860fe6ce16eb8c782345a46a3219ea783601b58e903dc4b0b someone probably had an old listing they didn't cancel lingering on an address bot probably scooped it up instantly
oh hey they sent it back maybe they're trying to confuse the bots see if any of them follow the trend and list theirs for super low idk that doesn't even make sense as a theory
>>1016614 That's surprisingly honorable if it's not someone doing some shady market manipulation from the get go I woulda kept that shit Bought it fair and square
I mean it does make some sense If someone's a bit jumpy, check on their jpg's price on a whim, see the average price going up but suddenly, now, the floor price is in the dirt, they might try to list it for like 0.4 or something just to get out while the getting's good You only need like, one person to do that shit and you net yourself a 0.5eth profit with no effort
my washing machine stopped working properly i think i fixed it but idk if itll stick hopefully it'll do at least this one cycle sucks bc i just spent $2k to get my car fixed will have to wait until next month to get it looked it
it's fuckin 20 cent per kwh, man this year is fucking ridiculous and that's right now good thing I'm such a stingy shit and maintain a big buffer or I'd be fucked
i pay $90 on average for power 80 in winter and 100 in summer even when i lived with my mom who wasted electricity all the time in a real house it was like $150
the government's supposed to cover half of everything above like, I dunno, $0.07 or some shit, until march But it seems that hasn't been subtracted from this bill, so I'm gonna have to call tomorrow and figure out what's up with that
my dad's getting hit hard by this bullshit too though Like, I have a fairly small place, not a lot to heat up, y'know but he's got like, a fucking house sure he's got a regular oven fueled by wood as well, but still a lot of electricity expenses
this fucking stinks
last june i signed up for a "power savings program" or something where they advertised average lower prices it ranged from 6-10 cents per kwh but they advertise "average savings $20 per month" or whatever but they calculate my new price and what the old price would have been and it's been like 25-30 dollars more every month since what a scam
and they show it in this really condescending way like "You saved -$28 this month!" thanks ameren fuckfaces
it's been surprisingly mild for a while It's still cold, but the snow melted a lot the other week, and it hasn't snowed much since Had rain earlier, too I can't fucking fathom how big this bill had been if it had been genuinely fucking cold last month, thank god it's been relatively mild
i wonder what rick and morty has turned into by now there's like 2 more seasons now but i haven't heard a soul mention rick and morty ever since >>1016646 i wonder if the szechuan debacle was a reflection point where people looked inward for the first time and didn't like what they saw and started distancing themselves from it i'm almost curious enough to watch it but not quite masochistic enough
it's still fairly good, but it's fallen off a bit this last season will be remembered as either good or bad depending entirely on the next season It's still fairly good, but it's very Plot heavy
Eh, if you liked the show before, you'll probably still like the parts you've not seen yet, but they're not as good, imo And that seems to be the consensus too, though I don't really keep up with the fanbase at all
oh im sure there's elements id enjoy regardless, just the nature of improv style but it's also disappointing to do to myself
and my curiosity keeps drawing ponderances like that into my head while i'm working, but once the work day ends that curiosity subsides and i don't actually want to do whatever it was i was thinking about previously just the brain thirsting for some kinda stimulation i guess so everything sounds good
might be That and when there's more of something you've watched a season or two of, you're probably gonna have that feeling in the back of your skull like "I kinda wanna see the rest even if it is bad"
un finished video games aremthe same way
>>1016651 or even specifically because it's bad all the shit i've started in the past and decided is too dumb to watch, i still find myself wondering "how the fuck did they even finish/continue that"
>>1016658 accounts? don't you just log in with metamask there?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when you use a web3 app that interacts with tokens normally you have to approve the token first, the issue is if you leave an unlimited spending limit approved on a smart contract, and then it turns out an attacker can exploit that same contract, they could drain the token balance i don't know the technicalities in play here i think it isn't suprising to see some of these bridge websites are not bulletproof
I guess a generally good idea is to use burners for interacting with markets and exchanges like this or at least a separate wallet you only really use for that purpose Though of course, that can get expensive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah you can also adjust your approval TX to have a specific limit
none of this protects against a token contract that's programmed with a backdoor but they most they can do in that case is drain the funds but uh most tokens are stock source code redeployed with a new name and max supply, so the dangers of that is low
none of this should be a concern for selling my jpeg though, right? I don't wanna sell it and then the fucking russian customer has programmed my wallet to send him all my coins too
>>1016665 nah you're fine haha as long as you don't accidentally get your opensea man-in-the-middle'd or something
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016668 I don't know if this can be answered succinctly, but what is the point of gas? It seems like a huge pain in the ass that serves no real purpose. Or wait, is that where the Eth you get from staking comes from?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1016669 think of the ethereum blockchain as a highway if you wanna put your car on the road you gotta pay for gas the more operations you perform, the more gas is consumed and the fee you pay is (gas consumed * price of gas a t the time)
the gas is like a toll fee you pay the people looking at your transaction and going "yeah this checks out" to some degree it's also kind of a regulating mechanism so people don't spam transactions on a network that really can not fucking handle it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016670 Well, I know what it is. I want to know why it was designed that way.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1016672 it's a limiter the protocol specifies that each block can only have like what 30 million gas cumulatively in it each block comes out around every 12 or 13 seconds on average this puts an upper bound on the amount of processing power required for one Ethereum node to stay up to date
the gas isn't ACTUALLY a different coin either, is it? Like you can't buy a bunch of ether gas and keep it in your wallet, it's like saying satoshi is different from btc? it's the same thing actually, but a different name for it once you get far out in the decimals
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1016674 on ethereum the gas is paid for in ether yea and it's not a discrete token
there actually used to be something a few years ago which took advantage of a certain rule in the gas fee calculation. the rule went roughly that if you delete stuff from global storage, you get a small refund in gas
so people wrote a contract that let them store a big amount of dummy data into storage at a time when the gas price was low and then they could delete those blocks later to redeem gas savings as part of another transaction
On ONT it actually is a separate coin >>1016677 To some degree I think it was also implemented in part to actually keep the coin valuable and make it more valuable, too If it cost nothing to use the network, ETH price would definitely be a lot lower than it is now
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016673 I kind of get it. It still seems like a huge hassle though.
I still don't even understand how to figure out how much a transaction will cost honestly why isn't one transaction one gas? why does that vary
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
transaction cost = amount of gas consumed while running the TX * the gas price at the time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when you sign the transaction, you can specify three things gas limit - max amount of gas you're willing to let it burn max fee - max gas price you'll buy at (the actual gas price may be lower) priority fee - tip to the miner
yeah but I don't get how you figure out that number
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016682 >tip How American Does this mean miners aren't paid a living wage?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1016680 it's hard to do if you're not sure how much gas will be consumed when you create a transaction it runs a mini simulation of the code to figure out how much gas is probable. that or the website hard codes a reasonable gas limit in
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I still don't grok this contract stuff.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't need an explanation right nowm I just wanted to mention it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea it's not easy and i'm shit at explaining i didn't understand it until i messed around with it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
here's concretely how i might guesstimate a transaction
https://etherscan.io/gastracker#historicaldata minimum gas price yesterday was 56 gwei so any tx with at least that base fee was probably confirmed if i don't mind waiting overnight, i might set my max fee to 56
Also Eyemirror in japan carried these frames at some point but they're now sold out God I wish I could get them They're so pretty >>1016691 15200 yen Actually normal price range for more elaborate frames
I was on the snk website and they had neogeo logo ties And they were like ¥10,000 I'm not fucking paying a hundred bucks for a tie I cant feel with my hands
>>1016693 That's a fucking tie though, and you gotta be a psycho to get weeb ties frames for glasses can run you anywhere from $20 to $200ish depending on how fancy you want'em, and even higher if you want like, a Big Fashion Brand, but screw those
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016696 My french friend has one of the ones that has an anime girl printed on the inside >>1016696 Also excuse me But this is not a weeb tie The NeoGeo MVS was a revolutionary arcade platform developed in the 90's by SNK that has tons of great games on it
Oh, it's a gamer tie But yeah, I wouldn't buy a tie without getting to touch it first I mean I wouldn't buy a tie, period, but that's because I don't like ties
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016698 I fucking hate wearing ties I have one tie I like and I can't really wear it to any event I need to wear a tie to because its not fancy enough. It has Einstein on it And like Physics paraphernalia I guess
I'm probably gonna get a new frame once I get my eyes checked again, probably sometime in march And I'm prioritizing the tips behind the ears being as flat as possible cause they SUCK to wear with headphones on all the time
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Although also I fucking hate wearing glasses The only reason I need them is because my eyesight got fucked up by my adhd meds eight years ago
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm still butthurt because I had perfect vision until I went on that med and didn't realize that it caused my vision to degrade until years later. Even though it started at the same time I went on ut *it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016706 I don't think I've ever needed to wear earphones and glasses at the same time.
Oh they've got Koume themed ones too But really because it's Koume they're more just halloween themed I guess >>1016709 I have to always wear glasses cause letters get blurry af if I don't
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016710 Is it actually koume themed or just vampire song themed >>1016710 I'm nearsighted
that is a concern yeah Though I wouldn't be too miffed just to have them as a display piece, at least some of them I'd never buy them for that purpose, but if it turned out I couldn't use them, they're still nice to look at
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>Eva frames are all over ¥20,000 https://ec.eyemirror.jp/products/detail/46
they sure have a lot of runs of 2hus
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016725 I opened those in new tabs but haven't gotten to them yet
all the good 2hu glasses are sold out, at least the patchy ones look really nice
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Astolfi *Astolfo https://ec.eyemirror.jp/products/detail/177 Pasting on /moe/ on mobile is suffering
imagine, what if it goes to 10 a tenbanger that's still not retirement money, but it is "Financially I have no worries for a long time" money Can comission a sick vrchat avatar and everything
I imagine so, but I ain't selling for a long time seeing how fast it's gone up to this weird internet bullshit money, I've seen what you've done for others and I wish for you to do it to me too
oh babt a triple
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all those poor 4chan posters who spent all their free time trying to get GETs and couldn't even mint them
>s there some lag with the unique owners numbers on opensea? i just don't get why it doesn't increase despite the huge volumes that the collection has being doing daily, we minted out at like 4.6K unique and it's gone up just 100? oh no
I found a paper that gives a great explanation about why analog computers that are described as being able to compute things much faster than turing machines have other *complexities other than space and time that get in the way. However it is 250 pages long and I only know it's results because they are summarized in another paper by its author that is a much easier read. Were you just not interested in the paper?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i don't read unsolicited papers sent to me sorry!!!
There are a few clients that I give my personal number to. For this client, I gave it to her so she could reach out to me if she felt the overwhelming desire to self-harm or was thinking about suicide. Some of them we just text to schedule or reschedule appointments but again, only the clients I can trust with my number.
I also have a second number that some clients get, but the ones I really like get my personal number. Well, technically I have a third one which is my office number, but I can't access that outside of work.
In any case, I screwed up my sleep schedule once more, so I will now spend the next few hours working on my avatar I also have a thing I wanna write but I can't MAKE MYSELF do that, that has to come flowing into the skull computer from up on high But avatar editing, that's just mechanics, I just gotta see the thing I wanna do, and do it, and that's all So, now I will add bones to the ears
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1017022 Did you see that wooden Japari coin I found?
Actually, maybe going through all this hassle of learning 3D stuff is kinda meaningless I can afford to commission an avatar now Or I will be able to whenever I sell this png file
>>1017042 Ah that explains the low volume, possibly >>1017046 No ambition in general, really I used to try my best but I have stopped really caring all that much at this point
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I would get a job but because of the way the type of disability money I get I could lose that and it would also make taxes a pain. Also I would definitely spend my money on shit I don't need including food that will make me even fatter. I plan on getting off disability after I finish college.
>>1017051 mine goes by hours worked in 2 weeks, and it's real low Or at least it was, I'm gonna get some clarity on that topic later today when I meet with my councellor >>1017053 I mean, if my current situation could extend forward into perpetuity, it's technically sustainable It's not much more than that, but the wheels do go round
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1017052 FYI the NEET life isnt sustainable unless you are well off financially.
>>1017050 You're actually not wrong But learning takes so long
I guess I have learned a bunch of other things in the past and had fun doing it though It's just that initial bit that's difficult to get through, and the lack of immediate achievable goals that seem meaningful
just gotta look at the bright side Either I go broke and crypto is dead, or I get a big burlap sack with a dollar sign on it sooner or later It's a win-win
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1017071 What if it plateaus somewhere in between instead?
Then it will die Crypto only lives while in motion, once it stops being volatile it's gonna die cause the volatility is why the overwhelming majority of the money is in the game
It's like if a casino just stopped paying out the jackpot It's gonna go bankrupt cause nobody wants to play anymore
Well actually most of the money's in defi, which does rely on some stability I guess But that goes to hell in a handbasket once the people just buying and selling go back to stonks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if everyone in defi will get bored or if they'll keep inventing new wacky schemes
new schemes will continue being made so long as there's profit to be made maybe we're even gonna see an explosion soon of new exchanges coming online to try and poach the crypto.com money
I hope my friend decides to run another game with that arknight system sometime, it was a lotta fun Though I wish the medic in it had more self-hurting spells to use, cause that was by far the best part of the oneshot Running up for 2 full rounds spending my action to dash, from backline to frontline, and then sending necrotic energy through my body to heal the main fighter guy up to max while nearly killing myself was so fucking cool
I should mention that to him, I wanna go full self-harm build Don't give me spell slots, just let me slam myself in the chest with a defibrilator to extract HP and turn it into heals or damage
What made it really cool is we were all like, really low on max HP So low, in fact, the spell I used had to be modified in advance of the game cause while I was making my character I went "hey uh, so because of my max HP I literally can't use this spell. A top 25% roll would instakill me." Which meant it still hurt me A LOT when I did use it, but on the flipside it took the minotaur man from like death's door and sent him into max hp again which owned >>1017083 oh hey rika
Just watch a playthrough It's cute Malina best girl. I like her a lot even though she is an alcoholic. In reality I don't think I could maintain a romantic relationship with someone who was an alcoholic. Since I hate drinking so much.
pog I haven't been tested at all, but I also haven't had any symptoms that match, other than occasional headaches, which is kinda par for the course for me Besides I stay home all the time anyway
>>1017199 it's not even that i care about getting sick I just don't want to have to fuckin call everyone and tell 'em i have it and they should get checked like having an STD or something.
What really has me kinda messed up is chances are there will come a point where I'm the only one on here who hasn't had the damn thing yet Just like, looking at it realistically, I'm the least likely to get it if any of us are gonna not get it I stay inside all the damn time, I live in Norway where overall we've handled the virus... OK Not well, but comparably we've really done well And my area doesn't even really have many cases either, even within Norway
Of course I hope nobody ends up with it but like For the NA crowd it seems kind of like an inevitability with how things are going
i watched all that mandala catalogue stuff last night i think it was well done but it wasnt as scary as people tell me its an impressive project for an 18yo but idk how scary it was there were interesting parts but idk >>1017205 a yt analog horror series >>>/watch?v=q0EpOiu8YkI i'd probably recommend it
I still haven't gotten word about anything for the gender clinic or whatever instance they're gonna put me through yet either Annoying to not know where in the process that shit is I'll probably have to nag
went about as well as expected since the report doesn't really uphold the adhd diagnosis, or say anything in particular about holding a job being a problem, we're still at 0 effectively so for now, I'll be going to the psych and then we'll take it from there
maybe I will Just Read The VN though Sure as shit don't think I'm gonna pick up seacats again anytime soon
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Just found out that a friend of mine had been lying to me about being vaccinated for over half a year and I'd been hanging out with him about once a month the whole time.
oh well his funeral
fid he have like a fake passport or something or did you just never go anywhere together
>>1017278 I'm fucking pissed at him. Mainly because he was lying
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Okay looks like we can still go out to eat since we're not in cook county Also if not for the fact that our plans were for tomorrow i would've cancelled
Hi moes, if anyone is interested then we're having another chess tourny on tano for our circle of liveboards. Feel free to join if you like chess, there are a few people of various playing levels. https://tanoshiine.info/gamenwatch/1063224
adults should be drinking 2-3 liters of water every day
That's so much But I guess if it helps with the headaches
but that also doesn't take in the stuff you do take in that isn't part of the average setting
haeaches Headaches are very oft if there is no other cause
caused by lack of water this is why hangover results in headache too
so pasta-chan, I don't know what your meds are, but more often than not, you should take them all with 2dl of meds per intake so keep atleast that a constant
but don't trust anything said on any internet site
actually look into it and confirm it on your local medical sites
I don't really take any meds regularly at this point My sleep schedule is all messed up and I have a bad habit of overusing anything I touch so I've kinda stayed off it for a while
you live in fucking norway that offers 2-3x our wages so check their shit out
>>1017402 I might help you identifying with some that is affecting you, but I can't help you with any
none of that food is particularly strange anyway though I mean it's a bit much for one meal, but if it's a special event like christmas or new years, then that amount of variety isn't strange at all
>>1017407 ANSWER sauteed reindeer;: YES, very definitely if we can eat this, it is expensive, but I live connected to people who HUNT it so I get it yearly but it is a luxury more of regional dish, when visting northern finland karelian Pastry man anyone can make karelian pastry to be fair, tho karelian pastry wasn't made out of rice until like 19th century, but nowadays yeah it is made out of rice
Damn good pastry and stacks well with many other dishes
kalakukko OMG FISHCOCK now this is a dish, so simple. it is just making a rye "bread" having some herring, some meat and so on and mostly time but yeah any finn usually eats kalakukko atleast once a year
we have been through this bread several times through our tour of finland, but to be fair there is a very specific recepy of making bread that basically is " archipelago style rye bread"
and so we make that knda bread and move northwads and get intop the reindeer zone and reindeer is best met iwth just black pepper cloudberries and potato mash
there's kind of a tendency to use the native words for food products to make them seem more extravagant or special, when in reality it's like that's soup with potato and beef
>>1017431 >>1017433 >>1017434 >>1017435 >>1017437 i see most of it sounds good the fish in a bread sounds a little weird but im sure it's good the karelian sounds the most like something i would make and eat
what is reindeer like compared to say, beef or venison