>>1017533 I'm amazed this big dip hasn't affected the jpeg prices one way or another You'd think it would steeply go either up or down, but it's just hanging out
Yeah but that should amount to higher eth prices to keep the same dollar price one would think dollars and cents is why everyone's in this scheme, after all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
true true but there's always resistance to going up unless you're in a bull rush
ONT value is still about what it was before Or rather ONT is down with everything else, but staking it pays out in ONG, which is still at where it was And the plummeting value is having people pull out, cranking my % yield up it's at 22% now
It will make up for it already, because I expect this to be temporary If I go broke, I go broke, but the price in 3 years is what matters at all, not current prices, really
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont really understand the insane yield coins i assume they reserve a bun ch of coins to shower stakers with for X period of time
It's probably just more like there's not an enormous amount of validators, so they maybe get 50% of the total staked coins in a year And then they just hand out some % of that to the stakers That or they do what you said and they just take a few months of red numbers before pulling it back, and people leave it in there cause they already put a fair amount in, like I did I'm not gonna touch my SOL anytime soon, I may as well just leave it staked, y'know
sol is just a hedge for me i dont understand how its supposed to scale to real demand seems like they promise lots of capacity but then they have downtimes when the reality sets in
hm, I guess It's paid me $25 at current prices so far, so that's really why I'm in there It's just nice to have some stuff staked and cranking out extra money over time
might unstake my stables soon feels like if eth gets close to 2000 like how are you going lower than that
are you even getting real gains on stablecoins?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have some dai somewhere idk i have to dig to find it, i think it's in an L2 the dai is probably doin fuckall the UST in anchor protocol shoukd be doing 19% still idk if thats changed
man owns too many jpegs for him to be a good source of info, at least without showing his work between the hopium and the vested interest, he's only ever gonna say it'll go up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
true hes just some guy and maybe this is the top
the ownercount being so stable has me somewhat worried, but I also don't really know what I'm doing and am just going by intuition
>don't really know what I'm doing good news for you, you're not the only one
still, it's like Imagine being a little surprised for a microsecond, and you accidentally push a bit harder or let up the clutch a little too much and you just send it off the edge Well realistically you'd just be stuck, but still
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i think your car would bottom out
structure and precise orientation of natural languages, Ⓒ2022
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
precise orientation of natural languages? impossible
the languages themselves aren't, but the structural development they emerge from do
expressing it in english is a problem i struggle with that part a lot
should just start sending chemical signals directly to the brain to express comolex ideas
durians already do that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1017588 but those structures are likely to be specific to one mind
>>1017592 i think your experience and understanding of programming and computational science gives you a scope on languages and language structure that i dont have access to i think each of us has a different natural language we're using to speak about natural language gomen
Gonna make soup today Spinach soup Spinach soup is real good Might actually just buy in a BUNCHA packets for it, honestly, cause it's got a long shelf life and it's easy and good
I found a foobar plugin that syncs a selected playlist with a selected folder, and embeds the album art and stuff too It can even convert flac to mp3 but that's not relevant cause this is for my phone
It isn't fully automatic, so you gotta like, manually make it do the sync on your own, but that's a small price to pay Can also recommend blackplayer as a music player on your phone I paid for the premium version long long ago with survey money, and I don't really remember what benefits it gives over the free version, but it at least has everything I want from a music player
also for syncing stuff to your phone, resiliosync is great it uses torrenting technology to keep two folders in sync, even has LAN support so it goes real fuckin' fast, only really limited by your phone's read\write speed
The torrent part doesn't really matter for how I use it, but if you also have a tablet or another computer, then it matters a little cause it means either of the devices with more updated stuff can seed, basically I use it for images too, mostly my phone's wallpapers which are automatically extracted from hydrus into a folder which is then synced to my phone
samsam, is it possible to just set up a buyprice for my nft on opensea like just set it as "for 10 eth this is yours", and just leave it like that into eternity? and never have to log in again
>>1017619 yup set a fixed price only problem is it costs gas and takes a couple steps
well in that case I'm definitely at least waiting until this fucking crash settles I ain't paying 30 bucks just to list it for a price it may never pull
Really though, like 5 eth would be a good get Insane get, really, considering what we're actually talking about That's what, 10-12K right now, even with bargain bin prices That's a lot of money
And besides I gotta check up on a bunch of stuff before actually selling anything, gotta know how it shakes out with my actual income
It's really surreal though, to sit on something getting frequent, automated lowball offers in the multiple thousand dollar range That's something I would never have thought would happen in my life
The Tick is a real fun show, surprisingly I never watched much of the cartoon, and this adaptation strays very far from what I remember, but it's still really good
Which considering the source material is wild, cause it never seemed like the kind of thing you could bring to live action without it being, well, stupid But they did it, it's stupid in a good way
Damn that's still like 7.5% I'm guessing that can be circumventing by just trading offsite though? Though presumably opensea doesn't look too kindly on it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yup totally can use sudoswap to perform an atomic swap between two parties then you can even skip the 5% royalties to the coven
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
opensea isn't lookin in on it anyway, they have millions of sales and they don't actually control the tokens in the first place but they do have that biggest fish monopoly liquidity
Naruhodou Though I also guess there's some difficulties with actually arranging an off-market deal cause you need to contact each other and stuff But I mean, if and when it hits an amount I'm fine with, arrangement shouldn't be too hard, since a lot of people have their contact details listed anyway
you can always list on sudoswap and let anyone fulfill the swap what the someone's trading a witch for 1 ENS damn what a deal unfortunately it's only fillable by one wallet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sudoswap is a little riskier tho cuz people will come onto discord and try to trade with some hacked ripoff or a bad deal idk haven't had it happen to me, but certainly there is more room for error compared to OS
I'll give my options a more thorough look once the price range jumps a bit more, I guess I don't see a real reason to get rid of it yet, even if the floor is already a very sizeable chunk of money
I've learned much from this big crash, at least Always keep some stables on hand in case of discounts I guess also taking profits is a Good Idea, but until I figure out how that works for my particular situation, I can't risk doing that Just gotta ride it out
what exactly does it even mean for an NFT project to be rugpulled, anyway? I mean I get it if they kill the server with the jpegs on it, but as long as the link still goes to the correct image, isn't rugpulling a wholly vapid term to use? I guess they could dump some hoarded up nfts and crash the price, but is that... it? If that's even capable of being deemed a rugpull, isn't the whole concept of it ever having been anything else impossible, since it's an admission that they weren't actually valuable in the first place?
Like say satoshi cashed out his hidden swiss bitcoin wallet with millions of coins, and from then on bitcoins were a few cents a pop and never recovered That'd necessarily mean they were never actually worth a damn thing in the first place Which I mean, arguably they aren't, but for coins a rugpull usually involves promising the world and then dumping and deleting the website, erasing the promise of future projects and everything
Most NFTs don't have any promises of future stuff, though some do
In fact, with any coin that's worth having for reasons other than raw gambling addiction, the concept of a rugpull is nonexistent from the word go ETH can't be "rugpulled" in a meaningful sense, even if a big dumper will crash the price. The actual chain's capabilities are still there if vitalik's hit by a bus tomorrow. And similar can be argued for any NFT project, since the guys who launched it can get thanos snapped, and still nothing stops a community project that utilizes them in some way from being built, other than like, 100% of the people who bought in being there only for the promise of line going up
I'm just not sure I understand how rugpulls can meaningfully happen to something that's not inherently tied to the people developing it in the first place
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>I'm just not sure I understand how rugpulls can meaningfully happen to something that's not inherently tied to the people developing it in the first place
i think that's the key, when you mint or buy into a project you're betting on the team all these projects have roadmaps and collabs planned and VIP access and shit so it looks like a scam if you deliver 10k images and then peace out with a million dollars
do the witches have such a roadmap? I don't remember seeing any actual promises beyond "developing lore" which roughly translates to "we'll do marketing to make you, and ourselves, more money"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's something about a map they're producing the weird wilds other than that i don't know what's planned
i have another token from the Forgotten Runes that's kind of useful because it comes with sprites. presumably they're gonna write a game at some point
yeah but that falls under "lore" I don't think it really counts unless it's like, a mechanical Thing that will make having a witch more attractive VIP access to some inner circle of some sort counts, I suppose, though even that isn't REALLY inherently tied to the people who made it
I can make a discord server and only let in people who verify they own a WITCH in some way, and set up a bot to monitor their wallet address to boot them if they get rid of all WITCHes If I wanna, I mean So that part is meaningfully disconnected from the devs
A video game I'll count as tied in with the devs enough to count though Sure, anyone COULD do that, but it's the sorta thing that requires a good chunk of funding and specialized knowledge, so it's not on the same level as an "inner circle" chatroom
But I'll also make note of literally every single video game adjacent crypto project is actual horseshit both aesthetically and mechanically, with the singular appeal being blockchain integration There isn't a single one out there that isn't like that, to date
Yeah I meant in terms of "rugpull" Like if the WITCH devs just like, dump their holdings today, exit the discord, and erase all traces of their existence beyond a final ETH transaction into a monero swap, there's nothing stopping the "community" from just making their own insular discord to gmaen in and gush about how much they super like the randomly assigned jpeg they got in a fit of staving off buyer's remorse and trying to get someone on the hook so they can cash out
>>1017670 I think the main issue is really like If you're competent enough and have the vision to create a Good Video Game, you're gonna make mad bank by just making the Good Video Game, and integrating the blockchain is mostly just extra work that in large part will alienate, at least at present, a LARGE chunk of your potential market All of the video games utilizing blockchain start off with "How can we build a game around this tech and make money?" rather than "Here's a game I wanna make"
Like even if your Grand Vision is something like decentraland, there's really not a lot of reason to put the land ownership on the blockchain rather than a server you run in your basement or something, just checking what accounts have rights over what coordinates
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1017667 yeah they do suck ass it's a big opportunity
And sure, the most easy counter to "run the database on a local server" is like "but then the devs can fudge the numbers and screw people. With The Blockchain, you have REAL OWNERSHIP" But I mean In the history of gaming and ingame items, has that ever, at all, fucking happened? Cause it hasn't The worst that's happened is a rollback following an account being hacked or something, which is Good Actually, and rendered VERY difficult when put onto the Blockchain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uh huh true that's true
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
virtual land ownership is pretty silly there's like unlimited land hello it's a video game??
well i think you look at Roblox where they take the majority of the profits and i don't even know if you can get the money out of the system? maybe for a large fee
>>1017675 Certainly, that's a concern, but not one addressed to any extent by the database of who owns what being handled by a distributed network Decentraland is, at the end of the day, A Server, owned by A Corporation, who own the software you use to play There's nothing about blockchain integration that prevents them from implementing a hard "any transactions facilitated through this game, we take our cut" That's just a matter of coding it in
>>1017677 hey hey kiraran Mostly just ranting about coins
hello /moe/ what wonderful things are we up to tofay
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1017676 it's not exactly the same, when you play with data held by the game publisher they can do anything they want with it of course but if they publish a token contract, that's immutable on the chain unless they build a backdoor in it or replace it with a V2 most token contracts are immutable anyway. so then you know as a holder you can always use the direct transfer facility of the token to dodge any fees
Ah, but there's the issue The actual function of the token is not on the chain It's in the game If the game makers simply implement a system that disregard any transfer of land not done through their own system, from which they take a cut, you're still able to transfer the TOKEN, but it has absolutely no utility because that token is now dead as far as the game is concerned, and worthless. And they can do that It's a simple matter of checking who owns the token versus who last received it through the appropriate, taxed contract.
Opensea could do this too, if they really wanted to, they could just erase any NFT transfered through means other than their own contracts, if they really wanted to From their database, that is it's still on the chain, but it's no longer allowed to interact with the largest marketplace, which is the basis of its whole value Nobody wants a piece of art or access token that is, for all intents and purposes, burned
And as for decentraland in particular, they ca even double dip by doing such a thing The actual virtual land just being a check their server does, they can outright auction off the now defunct token's land, with the shtick being that when you win the auction, you choose one of your tokens to which that land is now tied in.
>>1017685 I'm partial to werthers both the little candies old people seem to conjure out of the ether, and also more importantly: The caramelized popcorn God DAMN that shit is so good
Though if we expand beyond strictly candy, probably these like, salted and possibly fried maize kernels I bought a bucket of once, and then they stopped stocking it I might fucking buy that shit online, honestly, it was so good and perfect for me
I can't stand soft snacks, I don't like liquids or fillings, and I don't like having to eat all of it at once to avoid staleness Also I like salt a lot If I could buy the salt off of pistachios by the bag, I would
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably my actual favorite is some chocolate
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i do prefer chocolate recently i tried the kinder bueno and i really like it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but i don't really eat candy... anymore? the sugar is too much for me i can only take really tiny doses
Yeah sweetness is honestly not really that great I wonder if it's age that does that, I used to love sweets And old people do tend to say stuff is too sweet for them
hmm that's strange I figured you'd have definitely gone through that common phase where you drink an extremely unhealthy amount of battery, burn and red bull
I don't even recognize the name Burn. I know Monster, Bang, and Red Bull because I have friends that drink them. But I've never even taken a sip. They've always looked too unhealthy for me to try.
>>1017705 they're not good for you, but I think you'd enjoy them they taper off after you've been drinking them for a while, but after a long break they really get the heart and system going >>1017708 Oh well then you'd probably not like them yeah It's the combination of sugar and a high dose of caffeine delivered in a short time that makes them great Kicks you into gear, gets the head racing
I don't like caffeine which I understand is a large portion of the appeal. I haven't had coffee, I don't think, since maybe 2018? When Jan made coffee for me while we were camping.
every energy drink I've tried tastes like ass with corn syrup
My resting heart rate is around 55-60 most of the time, probably because I avoid caffeine and stuff like that. I have heart problems, so I have to keep my heart in good shape!
>>1017709 Ya gotta stay away from the defaults, is all all but like 3 Monsters are ass, red bull is garbage, battery's just budget red bull Burn has a lot of variety though, they're overall pretty good, even though they did discontinue the best one Mad Croc is also real good. It's just coca cola but they cranked the caffeine
Oh I vaguely remember hearing about snow crash It's like, cyberpunk without the punk but with the dystopia or something? I might put off some time to read it someday, what I heard was good even if I remember none of it was just filed away as "good"
>>1017713 it like coined a bunch of terms i think like metaverse maybe even avatar... no wait... i think that was gibson and it is about delivering pizza also about VR a lot
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
spider-man 2 pizza delivery minigame changed my life (gave me weird beliefs about pizza that i cant escape)
>>1017718 one must wonder how anyone other than peter parker survived delivering pizzas for that establishment man's swinging through the rooftops and still running up against the clock, how is it even conceivable for normal folks to come close to making it?
had to be super careful or the pizza would get fucked up so any time i drive with pizza i get anxiety like "oh i need to take this turn slow or my pizza will explode everywhere" realistically i know that wont happen but spider-man 2 put that in my head
>>1017717 oh, is that where metaverse is from? I thought it was a different book also avatar came from a movie? I legit thought that term originated in g- No wait, practically everyone called their characters "toons" in MMOs back in the before times Which was real fucking weird, but that's how they did it back then
>>1017721 you should sue for damages "you're honor I've been forced to pay for delivery due to this trauma"
your* too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
from wikipedia
>The Metaverse, a phrase coined by Stephenson as a successor to the Internet, constitutes Stephenson's early 1990s vision of how a virtual reality–based Internet might evolve in the near future. Resembling a massively multiplayer online game (MMO), the Metaverse is populated by user-controlled avatars, as well as system daemons. Although there are public-access Metaverse terminals in Reality, using them carries a social stigma among Metaverse denizens, in part because of the poor visual representations of themselves as low-quality avatars. Status in the Metaverse is a function of two things: access to restricted environments such as the Black Sun, an exclusive Metaverse club, and technical acumen, which is often demonstrated by the sophistication of one's avatar.
>>1017725 wow it actually predicted vrchat that's what status is in vrchat Well that and your rank
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yep he predicted all this stuff back in 1992
And if you use the cheap way to access it, the quest 2, you're restricted to shitty lowpoly avatars, which carries some negligable amount of stigma More important is the "QUEST USER" in your statusbar
the other 50% of snow crash that takes place in the real world has a rather bleak outlook >The story opens in Los Angeles in the 21st century, an unspecified number of years after a worldwide economic collapse. Los Angeles is no longer part of the United States since the federal government has ceded most of its power and territory to private organizations and entrepreneurs. > Franchising, individual sovereignty, and private vehicles reign supreme. Mercenary armies compete for national defense contracts, while private security guards preserve the peace in sovereign, gated housing developments. >Much of the world's territory has been carved up into sovereign enclaves known as Franchise-Organized Quasi-National Entities (FOQNEs),[12] each run by its own big business franchise (such as "Mr. Lee's Greater Hong Kong", or the corporatized American Mafia), or various residential burbclaves (quasi-sovereign gated communities).
i wonder if any of this will ever come to fruition
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1017717 The pizza thing was from snowcrash by stephenson not gibson
you know what i've been thinking is that we might end up in a situation where the avatars are rendered server side... big imposter billboard sprites. but that would cost money for servers... hmm
>>1017740 wouldn't that require the serve to effectively render your actual screen in realtime though? >>1017743 Oh yeah I guess they could just render the avatars specifically Still seems very resource intensive though, seeing as they'd have to do it for everyone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they would have to render it from your POV and stream it to you it would be not great in VR they'd need to send two video streams if you can mask the latency (or prevent the viewer from moving too fast) it might work
>>1017745 something like that might be feasible I'd be interested in seeing it done, that's for sure >>1017747 the terror of forgetting to swap avatars before your therapist appointment and showing up as a loli in a micro bikini
There are some pretty serious financial limitations for such a service.
The biggest is platform. If we utilize VRChat or something like that, then we need to have a way to ensure people partaking in the service have access to a VR headset of some kind, which means we need to be able to provide a headset or have a phone-based platform that users can access with a cardboard headset or something.
>>1017752 If it's not in VR, you might as well do telehealth.
vrchat doesn't require VR but I can get that if the whole point is for the client to also be in VR, then you gotta figure out a way to give them access, yeah
true, though the option of a VR session could still be something you have available for those interested, without it being the only thing you do lotta people have VR sets, after all Well, not A LOT of people, but I mean in like raw numbers there's a sizeable amount of people who do
It's an idea for a service that could be provided, but basically the ultimate goal would be to create a blueprint for the service and then a platform that could be sold to other providers. It wouldn't be the only thing I do by any means, but it's something I want to start working on and getting off the ground.
Right now we're working on figuring out legal and ethical barriers.
Also, just pointing it out, any and all VR solutions for your use would kinda necessitate a VR headset You can do VR movies on a cardboard phone, but you lack interactivity Cause you don't have controllers, yknow I guess you could drop them straight in the couch or whatever, though But they'd definitely be stuck in place
I suppose technically they could use a bluetooth video game controller or something, that's doable I imagine You COULD on a very literal level use keyboard+mouse, but I highly recommend you strike that one out immediately because it is ass keyboard is fine for movement, but using a mouse to move your vision in VR is... it's awful I don't get motion sick anymore, but I tried running GTA in VR, which used kbm cause it's a mod and can't make controllers work, and I had to stop real quick cause the mouse fighting my head was about the single worst thing I've ever experienced in VR
It does seem like a pretty expensive undertaking, that's for sure
In the meantime there's nothing stopping you from using VRChat or something though, is there? Just for people who happen to have sets anyway and are interested Might be a good away to give that a spin either way to see if people even really get much out of it over a discord call, y'know?
a good idea anyway* I am dropping parts of sentences way too frequently
I don't want to roll anything out before I have a package prepared for it, even for testing. Well, not testing at this early stage. Using VR chat isn't really an option because it's not HIPAA compliant. So I'd need my own platform.
I guess if nothing else, you could PROBABLY get away with offloading the actual processing to a computer, and stream the feed to the phone or whatever device is used Phones aren't exactly equipped to render an actual 3D game two times at once for extended periods. They heat up real bad and the battery cries
I don't even know what kinda ethical problems there could be that don't already exist with telehealth Legal shit can be fucking wonky though, so there I'm just gonna assume there's probably a bunch of hindrances
Whenever you enter uncharted territory, there are always ethics questions that have to be answered. Old answers for different platforms don't always cover everything the new platform does.
Yeah, I can figure it all out. I mostly just want to get my bag but I'd like to go about this properly. If I can start getting it off the ground, I've got someone who actually i'm not sure how to say it but i've got some connections right now
Well whatever you do, just make sure you have the majority of the stonks at the end of the day and trust noone dollar signs will have the best of friends sharpening their knives
Eh, I'm not going to let myself get paranoid. As long as I get some cash out of it, I don't mind if someone else makes out with more than me. I'd probably just get enough to be chill with and then I'd give my part of the // sell my part to my partner anyway since he's actually business minded.
well sure, but once you lose control, your effort towards a better future can quickly turn into a cynical effort towards more money through awful means If you really just care about the money, then it's whatever I guess though
I don't believe any of this stuff will make the future better. It's cool if it does, but I actually don't think VR is what's best for the future, all this metaverse stuff. But that's the way the world is going now and this stuff is going to happen inevitably. So I might as well ride it, make some money, and then use that money to subsidize me being able to help people in the way I really want to.
I'd think VR therapy sessions might be a good alternative to just a webcam, at least But I dunno for sure, all I know that at least personally I have an easier time talking to people in VR than I do even in like, voicechat groups And I figure that might transfer to having an easier and more comfortable time talking to a therapist as well possibly
Probably. But I don't think I'd enjoy doing therapy like that so I don't really like it. If other people like it, that's fine, but I can leave that to people who are passionate about it.
>>1017783 I think there exists addon stuff for some headsets that do that, but I'm not certain I do know there's some sorta brainwave reader in the works that basically achieves it by reading your skull, but I'm not entirely certain if it figures out where you're looking, or if it figures out what you're looking at, technically >>1017786 Those exist, but they're SUPER expensive
There's really a bunch of pretty incredible stuff happening with VR hardware Gloves with haptic feedback and basically 1:1 tracking of your finger movements by effectively reversing the way you use your hand. Uses like, pulleys and stuff to measure how far a string is pulled and whatever Of course, TRUE immersion can never be achieved through gear, it'd have to be a brainchip, cause you can't actually make the suit fully replicate the force you're getting in game
Like imagine getting ragdolled like a gmod character and now your spine is broken while your leg is twisting in ways god never intended at speeds not observed outside a lab
oh yeah with a brainchip that's definitely something I'd like to try I thought you meant a suit
It would definitely be a lot of fun to arrange a few interesting scenarios Though I'd worry about reflex movements in response to the pain like, screwing up a muscle or something, that'd be important to avoid
You know, honestly, with the VR therapy stuff... it would mostly be aimed at "professionals" anyway A way to do therapy during your lunchbreak without leaving the office for example So haptics wouldn't make sense since you'd just be putting on a headset for a little bit
>>1017791 I wouldn't mind a suit that twists my body like a pretzel.
what i really want is a good VR piloting game with in-cockpit detail and stuff and a VR flightstick that you grab with your hands and stuff rather than just VR with controller like flight sim or project wingman
I haven't seen anything like that, but I haven't looked either in fairness
Yeah honestly that goes beyond something you'd want that's something I think you'd actually... need cause without it, you're gonna get real sick real fast when flying something that fast in VR
yeah but not because what you're seeing doesn't match what you're feeling, I'd imagine If you want that you can just hop in vrchat and use regular walking controls from the start run like 50 meters and you'll start feeling sick
That's how Into the Radius is and it's fine. I don't get sick from stuff like that. Maybe if it were an intense discrepancy like in a car or jet though.
oh right you actually have some experience with VR already >>1017802 VRChat's speed is just a bit too cranked up to be comfortable when you're not already accustomed to it ITR is more gentle with you
Cars and jets I can't speak to but a mech was surprisingly comfortable despite high speed
you can do endless mode with just your fists in blade and sorcery, that's pretty fun you can probably find a mod that makes them not use weapons, too >>1017808 a proper beat'em'up would be a lot of fun, yeah
i'm playing stalker i'm about to try Laboratory X16 again last time i didn't bring enough ammo this time i have to go deeper no game scares me like stalker does
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@bneiluj/1485250200914509831 french doctor sold x-rays as NFTs then got doxxed i can't make out the french very well but they are not happy to say the least,
this guy is very neatly and strongly putting into words stuff that i have felt and thought while i don't think one should percieve this as an affront to their perspective (which is very well is) it is best viewed as simply a different perspective and the facts and logic that feed into it in other words i'm not spreading this to offend, but simply providing a counterpoint - as this will likely incur an immediately defensive response before any actual consideration of the material is applied
note that while simply reading the title will likely invoke some (possibly correct) assumptions about the nature of my sharing this it is a two-hour video with a lot more going on than just "nft bad"
It's a good video
Yeah baby throw all NFTs into the digital ocean and burn all cryptocurrency to the ground
i love lappland
what if instead we formed them into a giant effigy in the desert and burned it like a bonfire while singing and dancing and getting high
have you ever had stinging nettle soup btw? It's real good I doubt you'd be able to find some sort of prepackaged version of it though, the kinda thing you just gotta harvest and make on your own
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1017876 No I haven't I dislike most foods so in general I dislike trying new things.
There's without question a really nasty streak on left twitter of knowing literally nothing about crypto but having very strong opinions on it all Not that I'm all that different, I just actually know a little bit because I'm interested in tech, generally speaking
well that and I suppose at present I have a bit of a vested interest in picking up more knowledge about the whole thing than otherwise I may not really buy into the whole thing as some sort of actually valuable and useful tech, but knowing what other people see as that is kind of a necessity if I don't wanna get wiped out
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wait How does the initial proof of stake currency get made if there's no currency to stake to make it in the first place?
i think it would be kind of fun to start your own proof of stake fork you could hand out tokens to random people IRL uhh they would have to run staking nodes tho guh then you do delegation... basically re inventing solana or matic or luna
yeah I've been thinking maybe I'll just dip out of it if\when the market recovers a bit if for no other reason than like when the price is high, there's always a lot of traffic, and that makes it so instability makes actually cashing out fucking impossible
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't know how Florida still surprises me but here we go again. https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/590838-house-committee-in-florida-passes-dont-say-gay-bill
granted, eth has a very similar issue, it's just not as crippling >>1017944 can they even really make it work? seems like it'd need to like, big time change how the whole thing operates? I dunno a thing though, I'm working on very imperfect understanding
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eth never goes down, it just gets too expensive to use "just"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1017945 the L2s are live i've played with them a bit they're refreshingly fast the issue is you have to bridge your funds over and back and once you're over there, there are limited things to do
>>1017946 yeah but when the cost bloats up into the hundreds, it's effectively down for everyone who isn't in so deep they barely give a goddamn about the market fluctuations anyway
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gas wars are an interesting phenomenon badly designed mints can cause a bidding frenzy for low token IDs
>>1017949 when and if someone actually lists witch 1-3 we're gonna see something like that lmao they're unique, more so than any others, and seemingly hand crafted Especially witch 1 is perfectly 1 out of 1
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think those are the high witches, the 5 devs
yeah, probably I imagine the temptation exists once the project starts climbing to just fucking list it and cash out though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah thats not the mentality those are forever keepers beyond a doubt
hm, maybe I guess when you get passive income through the trading anyway, there's not a lot of reason to cash out
they're sitting on a really hefty chunk of daily income as it is, after all If there's 5 of them taking 5% in each, that's like 2 and a half eth for each of them for the last few days, and 5 and a half the other day when shit went BIG 5% in total*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hand it down to your child lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1017956 yeah they're eating good that's some crazy volume
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 219 6/6
⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 ⬜⬜🟩⬜🟨 ⬜🟨🟨🟨⬜ ⬜🟨🟩🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Wasted two guesses because I wasn't paying close enough attention.
the hashrate for various chains isn't even going down through this Are they that confident, or were they already making actually insanely much more than cost of operation as it was?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i would hope they would be making a decent margin there's no reason to stop really unless the price of electricity goes over the reward
well yeah, but presumably the hashrate is already like, pushing up against an equilibrium It went back up again INSANELY fast after that big kazakhstan situation granted, the market didn't, but the hashrate mostly seems to be limited by there not being a lot of extra gains in adding more machines Though, it's just steadily grown through this whole thing so maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whatever proof of work is dumb
true, but hate it or tolerate it, bitcoin steers the market at present which is ass, but them's the breaks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't know what that means really
Just seems like bitcoin's price movements are tied to everything else I mean in reality it's more like they're all tied to some other variable, not bitcoin specifically, but bitcoin's the biggest, so
But the exact details are hard to make out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bitcoin is the big fish but look at that BTC-ETH chart go
Yeah I think there's probably some doubt starting to really get its roots in around whether ETH will ever actually go POS or not That's just my guess though, I'm not nearly as tied into the people side of this whole thing, I'm just on the outside
I mean I still think one of the main reasons bitcoin took off as much as it did so fast is the silk road which makes me wanna get some monero but right now I don't have casino money
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://kintsugi.themerge.dev/ i wonder how well their test is going >>1018029 good times seems like such a long time ago
I generally don't like the winter, but it is a lot easier to skid out a little on the road cause of the snow and ice, so that's one fun part of it Only ever do it when nobody's around though, don't wanna endanger anyone
I actually remember my dad telling me a story about some professional rally driver teaching a class or something about driving in the winter, and he gave them like, some general tip about how if you pull the handbrake a little bit and then lightly gas, you can regain control fairly easy and one of the students went like "no, that doesn't work, that's stupid", so after some bickering they got in the kid's car, rally driver at the wheel to demonstrate Slammed into the snow at the side of the road cause the kid's car was RWD so the handbrake just locks the actual driving force of the car
Iunno how true it is, but it is plausible
cause I'm pretty sure that does work with a FWD, locking the back wheels give them more friction than if they're spinning and all
You gotta skid out real bad for that to be necessary though, for the kind of stuff I do it's more than enough to just let off the gas to stabilize
Still a big event If the casino pays me out, I'd like to see if I can buy this little apartment I live in atm myself, but that's FAR in the future I know some people on the street have outright bought theirs
But I also wanna maybe pay off my dad's loan on his house, then they could probably manage to live there until the eventual end, which seems less doable by the year as the situation is right now, just financially speaking And then I'd inherit an actual honest to god house
Or at least half the value of it, statistically speaking, I'm pretty sure his... I guess she's still just a fiance actually, is gonna own half of it But I'd be more than happy to just be bought out of it, I don't have any particular attachment to owning a fucking house beyond the value
My mom and her husband also own their apartment, which carries a lotta value, so in like 20-25ish years I'm kinda well set, in a lot of ways And he's likely to die before she is
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1018086 Just gotta wait for one of thr crypto meme coins to pop off
It's kinda morbid to think like that I guess, but it is something that's just a reality as they get older My dad's discussed the situation with the house with me a few times over the years, too, cause like, I'm his kid and he doesn't want me to think I'm gonna get screwed out of my inheritance by him marrying and stuff
He promised my mom I'd get the house eventually too, to the best of his ability, when the two of them split up No legal paperwork involved or anything, but it was part of their agreement back then From my understanding
That's my secret, I don't have enough in that bullshit to walk away before it's already gone up by thousands of percentages It's not even worth selling it right now at +100% from when I bought in Cause that's 10 dollars
>>1018134 most accounts reposting memes don't credit, so it makes some sense The social media gameplay is amassing follows
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Dordle 6&X/7 STOMP&PSALM ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ AUDIO ⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ FORGE 🟨⬜⬜⬜🟨 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 THINS 🟩🟩🟩🟨⬜ 🟨⬜⬜🟨⬜ STOPS 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟨⬜⬜⬜🟨 STOOP 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨⬜⬜🟨🟨 STOMP ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟨🟩🟨🟩 PLASM zaratustra.itch.io/dordle Cant believe it wasn't plasm. I spent a damn long time on that last guess.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018136 Since when are people supposed to credit people for memes?
i love lappland
look man wordle is a fun little thing to do in 5 minutes once a day but whatever the hell that is was worth me getting out of bed to call it psychopathy
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018139 I thought it was funny because I came up with plasm instead of psalm.
>>1018138 It's less of a "people are supposed to do this", and more of a "people aren't crediting memes they repost, and I want more Engagement Juice, so I'm watermarking it"
>>1018151 It's not about processing power when it comes to that If you wanna train it yourself, you're gonna need to basically just scrape all of danbooru for images to train it on I have over 50K images, and even if I tagged all of them it wouldn't be enough, really
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
please oh babayyy don't go
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018153 I don't need to train it and I never said anything about processing power.
>>1018155 If you don't need to train it, why would you need anything in particular? You can just run it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018156 Yeah lemme just run this neural network that takes like a second to tag a single image on a 2080 (this is an approximation but the order of magnitude is close) on like 20,000 images
fight fight fight
>>1018157 it really doesn't take too long, I ran it, but it's also not all that great for a lot of stuff I almost wish I could undo the tagging it did
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just put the images on the system of tubes
I printed mine out and keep them stored in a underground bunker only way to be safr
hm, well if that's their numbers, then chances are they're accurate and I'm just misremembering cause it was so long ago Like I said though, I don't entirely recommend it, though if you do it from the start then it won't cause you the problems it did me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I haven't checked the website in a while I'll check right now But also its probably not like A set time per imafe *image I imagine its a function of image size >>1018166 I know you have your own tagging system or whatever
yeah pretty much It also runs into issues with less popular characters for obvious reasons >>1018169 I can and do, but there's a lot of tags that I use differently than danbooru, and also some that don't really have equivalents between the two I've basically aliased a shitload of tags onto a single tag called "trash tags" and then I made that hidden in tag lists so it doesn't show up in searches or anything (and consequently those other tags don't either) Which is an OK enough fix, but I wish I could batch delete all those tags in some easy way
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
You can't use tag aliasing and implications?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018168 >tags I use differently Well there's yiur problem *your
Possibly I COULD also just open a page of ALL images, select all, and then edit tags, manually removing all the stinky tags Only issue is that strains the database bigtime to do, at least on the version I'm on, I haven't updated in a while now >>1018174 I'm pretty sure it does, yeah But it's also not really supposed to be read by anything but the software, which has been iterated on very gradually over many years now, so the exact methods result in a database that isn't very easy to navigate by a human being
you used to be able to export and import the tag database as a more human readable text document, but that was discontinued at some point I think the method it uses to track tags changed or something, cause now I think it has a database of all tags, and each tag has a number, and then that number is assigned each image that has the tag, rather than each image being assigned the tags it has Likely makes the search function more efficient for larger databases
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018175 Is there an API? Actually I'll just check their github >>1018177 No for hydrus
yeah there's an API deepdanbooru uses it Yeah, for hydrus deepdanbooru uses it
Ah wait My next desktop probably wont run windows outside of a vm Anyways Hydrus is. missing features I want
It also used to have the option of like, hosting a search result or selection of images as a webpage you could link others to (provided you open the correct ports and stuff obviously) but that's also been discontinued
I think it always did? I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty sure it's had a linux release at least since I started using it And I got in very, very early
One of my issues with hydrus is that all the filenames are just hashes And that there are some files whose filenames are part of the experience I want the viewer to have when I post it.
that's an issue with it, yeah technically there are ways around that, but it's a bit bloaty I guess
Like you could set up an export folder for such images, and tell the export to name them after a specified subtag So you just tag them like filename:desired name, and it exports them as desired name.png
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I guess
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018188 >name them after a subtag Oh yeah That's good Solves another issue I thought of too
On linux, possibly it could do symlinks, I dunno for sure, but windows doesn't really do that I think? I've never looked into it cause I export stuff into folders in order to sync them to my phone, so it's never been even a thought
That and the autoexport feature was implemented by my request where I told the dev what I wanted to use it for, so even if possible it may never have entered into the process at all I'm not even sure if many other people use the feature in the first place
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
As the solution i thought of that I am incapable of implementing i mean
my inbox:archive ratio is like, 12-13:1 it's pretty much a lost cause But I tend to tag images as I post them, and just refresh a 3000 image limited search of my inbox, so it's slowly, slowly getting tagged I just add images faster than I tag them way faster
another negative RAT guess it really is just a cold.
ok you earwormed me hard time to listen to it a hundred times or so >>1018221 what's it like getting a rat there gotta have a good supply for all those mps
>>>/@eigenrobot/1485770439674580993 >>1018269 Without going on a rant I'll let you know that he also can't get laid at a whorehouse and sued Taylor Swift to force her to go on a date. He's a serial litigant who represents himself.
Shitty fucking image gallery app throws a null pointer exception whenever I try to rename an image. Still happens after I force stop the process and reopen the app.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nulls: not even once
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
If I recall correctly Tony Hoare said that the invention of the null pointer was his biggest regret.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018284 Is solving wordle equivalent to graph coloring?
ah goddamn it I let it get too late to sleep again Guess I'll just have to fill up on food and power through I gotta fix this damned sleep schedule, it's messing up stuff when I gotta make phonecalls
I guess maybe the severe distances make it difficult to run power above the tracks the whole way or something? I don't really know if I think that makes sense, but I don't see any other reason (besides "it costs money") to still do power by rail
It's just like, more dangerous, too, isn't it? Cause technically, anything that connects the two will get fucking grilled?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018363 Just don't walk on the train tracks then
Though I guess if the electricity is gonna be fossil anyway, then like, it kinda comes out in a wash >>1018372 The US has that kinda money to throw around tho Though I do recognize Metra is private, probably Unfortunately, we've gone that route now too, we sold it to the fucking brits \\\\ no the Swedes, actually The Swedes just also maybe own parts of the brits' rails? And "the swedes" is actually just a Swedish company, not like, Sweden, the nation state >>1018375 Fair
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018373 Metra is mostly from the suburbs into the city The rail system in the city is electric >>1018373 >the US has that kind of money to throw around Not for things other than defense
who actually owns the railways themselves in the US? Is that private too? Cause technically, we at least just sold the actual train driving part, the part that makes money
I am, justifiably, very fucking upset that we privatized the fucking trains
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018376 Uhhhh Not sure Some are public Some are private
That's so weird, to me, I'd have thought it'd all either be parceled out or all owned by the government But I guess the US has a lot of different situations than we do, too We're fairly compact, even if not densely populated We don't have these HUGE swaths of land like, specifically between people, where the railroad goes There's Dovre, which is actually literally between people and protected so nobody even can start building there (swampland a lot of it anyway) but it's not like, you know, a HUGE span of land, it's just dovre, takes like... maybe 30 minutes to drive over by car
>>1018376 >upset that we privatized no wonder the US looks like a clownworld to you not that I entirely disagree but some states have almost everything privatized
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018387 We're fucking huge I think generally commuter rail is government owned And then transport of people and goods is private
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018387 Is your cargo rail owned by the government?
I'm pretty sure the cargo ra- Man I don't even know if taht's a thing here anymore But I think it used mostly the same railways as passenger trains, and then there'd be like, an offshoot that went into factory areas and such There is one in town here, still visible and everything, but only because asphalt hasn't been laid on top of it. When I was younger I think it still had gaps between the rail itself and the asphalt surrounding it, but not anymore. They weren't big gaps anyway, just big enough for the trainwheels to fit and stuff back when it was in use I don't actually know for sure where it connects back into the main railway though, since it goes directly through the regular road as well, and that's obviously been paved over well and proper. It's only visible in like, a parking lot and some parts of the grass near a park here But it points in the direction of the railroad, like 50-100 meters away, so I'm confident it was directly connected
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018392 Also a big reason why our railways are private is that they're really old and go back to an era when our government didn't really spend much on infrastructure. Not familiar enough with the history of it but I do know that the railways bought the land from the government and it was a good source of income.
Oh yeah that's true It's just kinda surreal to me that in a way, parts of your public infrastructure is owned by like, a group of guys who could probably charge the government a tax for the privilege of getting people to work Though the trains are private too, so they'd be taking a toll from those companies I guess >>1018413 Ah Yeah, one other reason I think we don't really have cargo trains anymore, at least as far as I know anyway, is like If you look at Norway on a map, we're big, sure, but only along one axis We're very thin, and we have the coast along the entire long side, so it just doesn't make sense in the modern day for us to carry stuff by train Since realistically, there's gonna be a port not super far away no matter where you are, so we could always use a ship instead if necessary
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018408 Commuter trains are public for the most part It's transport that isn't
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018408 Also that wouldn't be a tax >>1018408 I have a fact that will blow your mind I don't know the exact details of the horribly broken Chicago public school system But I do know that for some reason it has a CEO.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh nevermind They just renamed the superimtendent position
In the US it definitely makes sense to have cargo trains though Y'all huge, and near the middle it's SUPER far to shore
Do they have dedicated rail lines for cargo? I guess if nothing else they have offshoots that go to dedicated loading stations
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018423 Uhhhh Not sure about dedicated lines on a national scale But there are definitely railways around the city that I've only ever seen cargo on. Oh speaking of cargo trains, did you hear about the train robberies in LA?
>>1018432 https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-01-20/los-angeles-rail-theft-supply-chain-crunch-limited-security What they do is break into the trains Open up boxes Discard things not worth money and take things that are worth money I saw a post on /jp/ where a guy was talking about how a (fake) fumo (super expensive Touhou plush) he ordered got destroyed in a train robbery.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Ugh Bath is cooling off already Windchill is like -19.5°C right now
>>1018436 damn that's gotta be rough I guess it's a small comfort it wasn't a Genuine fumo though, presumably it was a bit cheaper than the real article
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018453 Yeah Well The MSRP of a normal fumo isn't high but they have been getting bought up buy scalpers for years. They're like $40~ Deka fumo are msrp at like $500
Bot listed fumo counterfeits I don't know the source though. Another thing with fumo is that they're limited Aside from certain omes that get remade a lot like Reimu and Mrisa *Marisa I hate Japan's obsession with limited editions and lited stock items *limited stock Speaking of My Helltaker Lucy Nendo should be shipping soon. First time I ever waited this long for a figure. Excluding my muv luv figure that came with the Kickstarter
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1018453 What's the windchill temp where you are right now?
it's common for weather places in the US to offer a windchill temp or windchill factor or they'll just say "60 degrees F, feels like 45 degrees F" since wind makes it feel appreciably colder than whatever the actual air temp is and they have some science to figure it out or something