-- Winter 2022 Cue! Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to Futsal Boys! Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san *Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenga *Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu Orient
He was posting in the general thread about the same time you popped in so I can't imagine he doesn't know I'll ping him either way
i love lappland
i look away for five minutes and BAM anime my coworker says genius prince gets better but my coworker also likes orient so idk if its real
I could also see Orient as a case where "it gets better" Even if I don't think I'd particularly like it Magi was praised really highly for its worldbuilding and cast of characters and generally seemed well-liked So even if Orient starts off weak they might get into the swing of that too I couldn't get into Magi in the first place though so regardless I just don't think that mangaka's writing is particularly my thing
i love lappland
orient to me screams aloud from the tallest tower "i really need to make a shounen so i'm just gonna slap one together and roll with it" i don't really feel creative wealth emanating from that show
I dunno if a single episode of content is really a good basis for such a resolute conviction
is kenja no deshi still a bang show? that's the one where gandalf turns into a girl
i love lappland
yeah i said i'd give it three i'm pretty sure the one i don't like is where that childhood friend turns into a girl and it's obvious they're supposed to be romantically entagled
Fantasy Bishoujo was like the best thing from last Tuesday's new stuff
i love lappland
turns out that your childhood friend turning into a girl and showing feelings for you is actually a nightmare and a great way to ruin a friendship but real life isn't anime so i guess if people enjoy that then whatever
I think the concept of turning into a girl is a topic that the three of us will have wildly different opinions on that are all valid and affected by the circumstances of our lives
The premise gave me more of like, a Meikyuu Black Company vibe But it ended up being more of a military-political drama A -We've gotten a lot of war content in just two episodes
Very reminiscent of the Battle of Thermopylae, romanticized in the tale of the three hundred Spartans While it's highly likely the Grecian forces numbered a fair bit more than just the three hundred, Thermopylae was/is still a very narrow pass of land where a limited number of Greeks could hold the land very effectively against the larger Persian army
i love lappland
dying in a mineshaft would be so terrible i can hardly imagine a more terrible death than being in a collapsed space like that
i love lappland
oh well i guess there's waking up covered in a burning tent war sucks
Yeah Turns out there's really no not-terrible way to die I guess there's ways to placate the emotional part of it But the physical death is always going to be miserable
What a crass person
Oh boy, casual racism Looks like that was more than enough to get him actually mad though I wonder if this will make him re-evaluate his plans
I'm still curious to see what the fate of the other player characters of his friends is like Did they also get isekai'd into this world or are their characters now fantasy people
ANOTHER isekai where they're driving around in an armored vehicle in the desert why does this theme pop up so often
Well do you really want to walk around in a desert? Horses or other similar kinds of transportation aren't much better If you're capable of modernizing and getting access to proper motor vehicles, you might as well
yeah it's a pretty average isekai doesn't pay too much attention to the protagonist's change in identity I guess the author just wanted a protagonist who was literally gandalf but also a little girl
thanks for anime bang
fantasy bishoujo okay lets start
Isekai where the protagonist is a guy isekai'd into a girl's body are getting a bit more common lately I see a fair bit of chatter about one series or another that use the trope
well, kinda just seems like an incidental fact in kenja I have a feeling fantasy bishoujo is going to fetishize it more
Oh yeah, most don't seem to make a particular plot line out of it At most it's usually something they need to get over in the first dozen or so chapters and then it's fine
Because of the romance in this one I do imagine struggling with the new identity is going to be a consistent part of it
I like her shark teeth I don't know why she has them, especially since she was a very normal-looking person as a guy But they're cute
She's still refering to herself as "ore" If she ever loses that she's probably doomed
Hah hah It's a bit hard to tell what's actually there and what's supposed to be viewer-side comedy here But I guess they can see all the game-y UI stuff
Oh she's getting excited about her cuteness powers now
The translated title for the series uses "reincarnated" to describe the MCs situation but I don't know if that's entirely accurate At least in my books you need to die before you're actually reincarnated
I don't really think you need to die to be reincarnated really, do you? not to conform with the meaning of the word
re incarnated
kimsetsu okay lets start
I guess not, yeah But there's also the current prospect of the series that their quest involves him getting his male body back Which wouldn't make it a new incarnation but just a temporary body swap Reincarnation is kind of a one-way path Of course the broad scope of the series probably means reincarnation is correct, but still
I wonder why Nezuko took so well to Muzan's blood At the least it doesn't seem like he just overly imbued her with it But she's fighting on par with the Upper Moons
I really like Nezuko's explosive blood powers though That's a real cool one
She's really getting into the battoru though, gosh Probably not good for her stablity as a controllable demon
oh she may have hurt a person a little bit? or maybe she's hungry
I imagine she's always hungry, and it's the weird imprinting she did on Tanjirou which helps her stay controlled But these circumstances understandably pushed her to the point of breaking
Man imagine how fucking weird this is for all the normal people they're encountering hah hah
Oh Uzui finally shows up Good news for Tanjirou and Nezuko
Oh wow
That sounds like a pretty cute lullaby Probably sounds much better when the singer isn't struggling with a rampaging demon Ah yeah here's a better take of it
Yeah I wonder if her onii is the real Sixth Lower Moon Or if he's another one er, I meant Sixth Upper Moon But I // Yeah He also had the Upper Sixth mark on his eye So I guess he's the real one
Well compared to Uzui, a proper Hashira She was giving the rest of them a real run for their money Plus until she's properly out for the count her obi is still probably going to be a real problem
That was really good I'm excited to see how the rest of this fight goes
Oh that was a good use of playing with the silence too hah hah Breaking it right at the end really levelled up that bit
She keeps her books and stuff all nice and piled up His was kinda just splayed over the desk
>Feel free to take a surprise check on me anytime Wow Takagi, how forward
Library cards, eh I wonder when this manga is supposed to be set It's defintely kind of a timeless setting, but with library cards it feels like it's also an older setting