a couple of the bigger channels that fansub vtuber clips they're often positioning the subs do the girl's chest makes some of the letters. like O or W or Y
and everyone in the comments is all >ah you're so cultured hahahaha
but if you ask me it's just kind of tasteless and crass JUVENILE
Man I want to be home Three days of being isolated up north with my family is a lot for me One of these days maybe I'll learn how to drive or ride so I don't have to be trapped Except really only driving is an option here There is way too much snow
>>1008757 I'm not familiar with their albums. ive only heard a few of their songs >>1008756 did you know that lima bean plants release a chemical when attacked by herbivorous insects that attract predator insects in order to eliminate the herbivores?
speaking of Dis I should probably get around to actually reading the divine comedy in its entiriety I have a copy of the Gustave Dore illustrated version
Really I think it's less that I'm like, "bored" and more that I've just kinda felt down overall for the last few days now, so it's hard to really have fun anyway Just kinda existing and not feeling too cheery for days
Dunno what to really do about that other than wait it out though I'm pretty sure it's because of the doc appointment I went to, or at least that's what seems to have coincided with it, but knowing why doesn't really do much y'know
But at least I'm just overall feeling down, I'm not plummeting downwards or anything, I don't think I'm about to break down or whatever
but yeah I guess that's probably accurate I dunno, I'm bad at putting words to how I'm feeling
I always feel like anything I say is an exaggeration and like people will interpret it wrong, just cause I don't do a good job at it It's mostly just like, I don't feel much other than like, tired and kinda bored, and uninterested in not being bored but still bored And pretty much always tired I've been sleeping a lot more for the last month or something
Usually it doesn't last this long without me just losing it though, but I don't even feel like that's coming this time for some reason Like I'm stuck in the mental state I usually have like, a day before I fucking panic and isolate myself and start thinking bad things for like a week It's just not coming, somehow
Then again, maybe it's just delayed
>>1008815 Not to say your problems are so simply dismissable, but malaise is a very common aspect of the season for people in the Northern Hemisphere Lack of sunlight and the end-of-year anxieties can result in a general uneasiness which makes it hard to put forth enthusiasm If you're not taking regular vitamin D supplements, this is the best time of year to do that. It won't fix emotional weariness but it can help your body not be so tired The best thing to do to combat sorta low-level depression like this is try to stick to a simple routine, maybe get outside and go for a walk when it's sunny out -- it doesn't have to be long or arduous, just imagine yourself a plant that needs some sun in your face -- and eat some stuff which is rich in vitamins and other good nutrients. Fruits, vegetables, eggs, maybe some kinds of nuts or legumes if you can find them Things like this can help with staving off that desire to hibernate through the winter
i'm a little sad because i'm probably going to part with this car in about a year or so and i doubt my next one will be as good a car as this one but mercedes doesn't make this car anymore and there isn't really anything similar on the market at the price point i can work with >>1008883 i don't really want to own this thing past the ~110k mile marker but we'll see it will probably be more financially sound to sell it and get something newer around then, like it was with my last car
this thing has a beautiful 300hp 3 liter v6 and is the exact kind of small SUV i love and it's a blast to drive, with good features there isn't really anything quite like that on the market in the 2017-2018 range i'll be looking at in a year maybe a BMW but i don't really want a BMW
>>1009048 that would be cool might be a bit hrd but the payoff would be good
The big issues I see with it is the sleeves, since the texture file has them going downwards, and also they're kind of hard to deal with for something like this because even if you fuck around to make it perfect, they move when I move my arms
Maybe only the bottom half of the hoodie could work really well, though I have a rough idea how to actually do it, too, It's just gonna be a bit of work to make it look right Cause I don't want it to just highlight the symbols from top to bottom, I want them to actually fall downwards and stuff Would need a gradient for the emission, at least, so it doesn't actually highlight anything for the rest of the hoddie Gonna have to look into this
You can use shaders to put emissions on your vrchat avatar, and they can be animated and stuff My avatar's hoodie lights up in various places based on the music, for example, though only in worlds that support it Which is most music-focused worlds, audiolink has gotten really popular
>>1009074 vga only dissapeared from computers in the past few years despite dvi having replaced it like 20~ years ago if something is used in a wide variety of products it will continue to be around for a long time
was dvi even around for that long I don't often see it in my experience
>>1009077 i was on legacy hardware during the dvi era but it was around for a bit hdmi and display port replaced it though
dvi got supplanted by hdmi and displayport quickly because they carried audio I think
my fucking steam account is worth like $600 in just inventory content but selling it is a fucking pain I don't want $600 steam store credit, I want money
>>1009110 well I guess you'll just have to deal with it or sell your account
I ain't selling the fucking account, that's for sure Maybe one day I'll put the whole fucking inventory up for sale as a package deal with a discount, though You take the whole lot or get fugged
>>1009112 so is this from like random drops? or were you really into hats at some point
The CSGO inventory at $430 or so is just about all random drops, certainly the majority of the value is that $14 of it is a single skin I actually paid for back in the day
The TF2 value is mostly items I scammed kids and nerds out of though
I was* Back when trading was new, there was a tool you could just input a ton of steam IDs into (which you could get with a console command for the people ina given server) and it spit out a list of the high value items in those inventories So I'd just message people with high value shit and go "hey do you wanna trade that hat for a force'a'nature?" and made out like a fucking bandit Got earbuds for boxing gloves once, highlight of my career Got like 8 genuine angers, all traded for garbage weapons
But the value that keeps increasing is limited edition lootboxes that can't be acquired anymore outside trading, and mine are OOOOOLD because I haven't touched trading in fucking years
i stopped playing tf2 in 2014 though my friend gave me instructions to do sometjing that he said would give me weapons and then it unlocked all the achievements that gave you weapons I was fucking pissed because I love earning achievemrnts i had thought it was a bot that would hook me up with trades or somethibg
I do miss the old day of tf2 scamming though The adrenaline rush when you hit that close trade button was really something else I didn't even really do it for value gain at some point, it was just really exciting to put in a weapon and ge t a hat
A little surprise I didn't gain more than I did though $200 is cool and everything, but it's less than I'd kinda expect I guess I must have blown some of it on a game or two at some point
For one, I must have sold my unusual, cause I don't have that anymore, and I know I did have one A vintage tyrolean with circling hearts I bet that's worth a fuckton now
>>1009103 ohisamu! life is getting slower as we approach christmas everyone is chilling out it's nice, I really needed it how's life on the Americas? >>1009104 maybe you should tell her before she does it again
>>1009105 damn man, rest in piece hopefully they made the best out of their life
>due to my immense ingame wealth at the time, I straight up gave a friend earbuds >they're first generation so they're vintage now >vintage earbuds go for somewhere in the ballpark of $2600 Just fucking kill me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stout shako 2 ref you know i probably still have my vintage earbuds or maybe i sold em idk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1009130 its nice out rn good to hear you're having a chill time
>>1009133 if you do you should try to sell them off for market value that's a lotta money to leave in a virtual backpack
speaking of steam i was in a gift exchange today and got a $10 gamestop giftcard which I will use to buy a $10 steam wallet code because I dont feel like getting something at gamestop
>>1009134 I hope you are having one as well >>1009135 maybe he liked it, although speaking from personal experience it was likely wasted time in retrospect it's strange, if you're only having fun when winning, and realistically league won't be fun except if you're winning, you're playing a game where you are (supposed to be) having fun only 50% of the time maybe this is a good reminder to everyone to live the life and be the best possible version of themselves
Wanting to win is alwaysa valid aspect of competitive game, but I think it's important to not define fun in them as only conditional on winning I think I can vouch for this pretty strong having played DotA 2 now for 10+ years You can enjoy a match you lose for the aspects you did well in, or by gauging your improvement in playing and understanding the game flow Or just by having fun and doing goofy shit I think if you're the kind of person who can only enjoy a game like League or DotA because you win in it, you shouldn't be playing games like that. It's just not a smart decision for your mental health Accepting that loss can be fun is important!
>>1009139 I definitely understand what you mean and share your sentiment, but in league during that time matches ended up very one-sided, or nothing happened, or someone invariably had to start a gigantic flamewar don't even get me started on the goofy shit, people will give you flak for everything this is mostly hyperbole because it's the only memorable thing that's stuck with me it takes a very mature person to do what you suggest and when I was younger I wasn't that mature person I would say it's also very hard to dissociate the ego and feeling of self-importance when you're trying to have a constructive mindset centered around your own improvement your advice probably applies to every competitive game ever, by the way
This isn't going to be me trying to be superior, even though I know it might sound a bit like it But I didn't/wasn't really able to get into competitive online stuff until I was like 19/20 And I dunno, maybe, maybe, the Wild West nature of the Internet at times, mixed with the competitive heat of esports, isn't really something to subject teens to Like even traditional sports programs can really fuck with a kid's ego But at least with physical sports these days if other players are hurling racial epithets or other absolutely rotten insults at you, there's sometimes a recourse to be taken In the digital world that kind of awful toxicity is just assumed normal and why the fuck is that okay
I feel I quickly forgot my original train of thought there but that's what two shots of espresso does to the brain
you bring up a very good point, these games are pretty much exploiting children at this point on the other hand, and this is just me being contrarian again, you only really see light once you know darkness maybe this is what we need to subject kids to so they can discover a better path on their own and live a better life
>>1009142 don't worry about it, if it's important it'll come back
Million dollar idea: Earrings that are also wireless ear buds
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
your earrings gonna need a little wire or something linked to a bud in their ear unless you have some way to deliver sound over cartilage
i want some bud delivered thru my ear
incline is usually lower probably like 65-75% weaker depends on what you work out though if u do a lot of overhead press and no bench then it could be stronger
they have those headphones that deliver sound through ur bones 💀 💀 💀
yeah my jap uses those
they have a military version of them too which also cancel out sounds over a cerain decibel
tonight in group a client was telling me about some mexican spirit, some ghost woman that suffocated her baby before she died and then she became a ghost and started suffocating other people's babies so i asked "why does she do that"
There's still a lot of catch-up at work for me, from me being the only one in my department all last week Plus I'm pretty sure there was no one in the department on Friday, aside from the odd hand who could spare an hour of work I'm hoping this time once the holidays are over there's not nearly as much work
i wasn't going to have work this week but then we got some last-minute contracts which is fine but it makes me a little more excited for the whole week and a half or so i'll have off after wednesday, i won't work again until the new year
it is a silly product fun for making silly unit conversions i haven't done anything serious with it
night /moe/ >>1009206 last I checked it still doesn't do non kelvin temperature multiplication properly because it thinks that two times 0°C is 0°C instead of 273~°C
The newer guy who'd been hired on for the department I work in hit the end of his probation and isn't staying on And while he could be a little annoying at times and seems to still be vaccine-hesitant (which might be why he's not staying on), I still would have rather he kept on Cause now this department is back down to a staff of three when it really needs 4-5 employees
Also talk about a lousy time of year to be out of a job
Oh the department my brother works in is also losing a guy today Which doesn't make sense because my brother is quitting at the end of the month to go back to school Which would leave that department with one full-time employee and one other part timer who's only in a few days a week max They're really at risk of running this warehouse into the ground, man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the great quittening
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1009243 its ok you dive into the black hole and get spit out somewhere else in spacetime
Most of those are them being let go! It's only my brother who's actually quiting!
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>co worker offers me a coffee >I politely decline >she insists (i bought her one the other day) >still say No Thanks >she leaves >kind of want a coffee
Why am i like this
Geez Marsh just get the dang coffee
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I mean yeah, why are you like that?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Too much anime and vidya has rotted my brain
Uber driver tonight with his mask riding down below the nose and sniffling the whole time Definitely not the most polite driver I've had
>>1009256 you should drink formaldehyde to preserve what's left
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1009257 yikes here comes the next wave our bars and nightclubs are closing tomorrow
>>1009259 I got offered free concert tickets from the radio station I volunteer at. But I'm definitely not going to a standing room only concert at a club rigjt now.
>>1009259 Quebec's shut down hard at the start of this week, and Ontario's case numbers aren't terribly far behind theirs Wouldn't be surprised if we settle back into closures too I do kind of wish I had the excuse of the pandemic has shut everything down to let me be free of work But that's probably not in the cards after the first time
>>1009295 yeah ill be here for like another hour and a half or so maybe less since I didnt make the water hot enough
I wish Yuyuko spent more time on /moe/ I rarely exchange more than a few comments with him in one day
>>1009294 how do you feel about math? math more advanced than arithmetic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i watched the french dispatch thats pretty fuckin wes anderson alright
Is that a good thing or a bad thing or a thing thing
how was it? the most recent wes anderson movie I saw was grand budapest hotel and I really liked it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty nearly incomprehensible >>1009312 GBH is the best
this movie is more the kind of thing you gotta google afterward to puzzle it together short stories lots of style and references
the only film of his ive seen is Isle of Dogs I watched it with a girl from Tokyo She said that pretty much everyone in the movie who spoke Japanese had a bad accent and made it difficult to follow.
We used to be real close as kids, which is how we're still friends now even though we've ended up as very different people with very different interests and hobbies.
But he lives in another State so we don't see each other all that often
2021 was such a fun year for me i did so many fun things i had fun almost every day and i wont stop here i'm gonna keep having fun and enjoying my life in 2022 until my life is over!
2021 was definitely a not-great year for me Working full time the whole time at a job I don't enjoy that sucks all the time I have has really left me unsatisfied and at times pretty depressed Maybe better than 2020 by virtue of not actually fucking up at things that should be easy for me and by finally having a place mostly of my own But I dunno It's hard to look back at the year with contentment and satisfaction
im looking forward to maybe going back to uni next fall
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1009509 damn im happy for ya you got that new gig and all that free time now
i guess my year was pretty good when i focus on the positives lots of bicycling and some light work here and there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my romantic life was incredibly bad this year, that's all
wow the alley is literally filled with tens of thousands of dvd cases nice
can i have one
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
In law school they advise against taking on a case of your friends
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow im now distributing these cases to 50 other people who randomly showed up in the alley come join whoa
sounds sketchy im in
>>1009530 one of my lawyer friends had the Jewish ACLU lawyer who represented the neo nazis in that lawsuit against skokie for not letting them march as a professor in lawschool
bars are gonna be closed over till next year but pubs are open
>>1009535 cool I guezz *guess I statted watching Cowboy Bebop woth ky dad tonight *started also I was talking with him about gettimg a new tv and he wants a 4k tv weve had the same crappy samsung 720p tv since like 2012 my mom doesnt want to get a new tv though >>1009537 my guess is that pubs serve more food
>>1009537 any interesting australian civil liberties cases you know of? although given your general lack of civil liberties I wouldnt be surprised if there arent any
everythings open here
i did salsa the ither day
like the drug?
im using hotter water to fill this bath than I did last night
>>1009674 I got a text really late at night the other day from my friend. he said that he learned that baja meant short and that now he thinks that mountain dew baja blast has a terrible name.
me tie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1009676 that's pretty silly as we all know, every word has only one meaning and one alone, no matter the context
>>1009680 well I looked it up and the other definitions seem pretty random to have in your drink name im pretty sure its just called that because of baja california and the flavor was taco bell exclusive for most of its existence.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
youve never had any other baja flavored drinks?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's just like tropical fruit flavor i assume it comes from probably a culture of real good cocktails in mexico
i looked up baja in terms of the country it means "lower" california
also michael stipe got mugged by mexican police in baja I heard this story from a comedian who opened for Robyn Hitchcock the comedian was also with him it was near the music festival that the guy from R.E.M. whose nake I cant remember holds there. anyways they stole the comedian's prescription ammodium so I imagine they got constipated after they took it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm pretty nervous to go to western mexico at least not without a real good latino friend
>>1009694 im nervous to go to mexico at all or really any foreign country except maybe canada
im in general an anxious person and being that far from home seems scary i'd probably be okay with it if I had left the US before but now I'm just really afraid to go to another country
oh yeah and another thing about mexico so you know montezuma's revenge the locals dont get it not because they're immune but because they don't drink that water my friebd told me "That water is for human use not human consumption.".
i find it bizarre that people are anti fluoride like thetes definitely problems with American water systems but like the anti fluoride thing is such an old conspiracy theory it always makes me think of Dr. Strangelove Fluoride is a very simple chemical its a monatomic ion how is it supposed to mind control you
>>1009735 man I'd recently begun to get over my preconceived notions about rust and now you tell me it only recently got async? I guess it really needs time before it becomes a mature language
and my wifes tryin real hard to have a kid im doing my part :)
nice legs you should work em more
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
have you considered waxing strips?
for what purpose...
Why do the strips need waxing?
whose steve jobs
I think it belongs to the guy in the back
no no no whose steve is the one who jobs
Oh Purple button-up with the red hair
sorry let me punctuate better Whose Steve jobs. his name is Whose Steve. he jobs
whose kevin bacon whose johnny cash
i work out legs 3 times a day they dont grow man i blame genetics i squat ok weight but my legs just stay small i get made fun of at work for it but i outlift ans outrun them after and then they shut up
a week not day
a was just teasin love the ring though, I'm jelly I wish all the best for you and your missus
>>1009701 my dad has told me never to drink romanian beer, as they use romanian ground water to make it as a consequence water bottles are very cheap, oh well
>>1009569 that's a really good one, thanks rei someone's really put all their artistic talent into drawing a 2hu sicp cover wish I could be this dedicated
>>1009482 s-sorry :( I've been going out with friends a lot recently and it was sort of sudden here is some more japanese goblin >>>/watch?v=2_0Uwpgtpow the dedication of 2hu fans is a curious thing
>>1009796 In Australia you'd probably qualify for bennies
Gettin free money just to exist.
Character creation almost done Watched the matrix 4 Today was nice
I should be more proactive with ky friends, I think
>>1009797 well part of the reason im broke is that i am on bennies and I lose them if I have more than $2000 in liquid assets or make a certain amount of money (not sure about the details on that one) so im not even looking for a job these days I had a great idea for a thing to sell on etsy the other day that ill probably not do because id probably make enough money to lose my benefits
oh and all my bennies go towards health insurance
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Damn 2k is a pretty low threshold
>>1009801 yeah our entire welfare system is broken in probably thousands of different ways
oh and stocks and crypto would count against it too which is why I didnt buy in for gamestop
>>1009805 (I do not condone the use of drugs) >>1009799 sounds like you are stuck in a not so nice spot any chance of getting out? I mean you probably brainstormed more about your life situation than the rest of the world combined, but maybe venting helps and you know, someone might just have that golden idea
>>1009805 stolen from https://slatestarcodex.com/2017/12/28/adderall-risks-much-more-than-you-wanted-to-know/ which is a really lucid portrayal of what adderal and adhd are I was always feeling murky when discussing ADHD, because practically every person working a modern job would self-diagnose as having attention deficits good to see (supposedly) a professional talk about this murkiness
>>1009806 im planning on going back to uni and getting an actual job with health insurance after I graduate >>1009807 in the us medical professionals are starting to be stricter about diagnosing adhd and prescribing adderal. it used to be easy to get it from a physician but now many doctors require a diagnosis of adhd from a psychiatrist or psychologist before prescribing it
>>1009809 oh I see from what I've read people who go back have a strong urge not to waste too much time I hope it'll be a nice and focused experience for you best of luck (are you going for a different major this time?) can't really comment on the adhd diagnosis, I've always been too much of a wuss to see a psychiatrist, but I imagine this prescription dilemma exists everywhere
>>1009810 you should go for it its hard to get a psych workup here because most insurance doesn't cover it I'm going back for physics
>>1009811 oh man, it sounds too bothersome to actually go and do it, but you are right, I should probably go in at least for a discussion >its hard to get a psych workup here that just sucks, but I guess it's not very unexpected good luck with physics! judging from people at my university doing the "technical physics" undergrad it sounds like a pretty hardcore field
>>1009811 but I guess going for the same major again (I think?) is not a bad idea at all
my car battery is dead but i can't do anything about it because my car's hood won't open but people gave me a ride to work today which was nice ill walk to work tomorrow but when i get home i can try to get it fixed hopefully ill have a car for christmas
although also instead you could do the math to find out how much alcohol would be in the air although to set up the problem you would have to come up with some assumptions about the geometry of the system
it would depend on the surface area of the wine's surface, if the edge of the pool is higher than the surface, whether or not its inside and if inside ehat type of ventilation you would only need to do multivariate calculus and some differential equations I have no recollection of ever doing any problems like this thougg *though
oh and also what percentage of alcohol
my guess though is that a regular outdoor pool filled with wine wouldn't kill you
>>1009838 i think so too but idk it doesnt seem like it would have the same fumes as a vat of pure liquor
>>1009841 the other thing about those types of vats is that the liquor is usually a few feet below the top of that vat and the fumes gather there because they are denser than air so thats enough to be over your head
holy shit dude how sick is the scene where he needs to fight like a million agent Smiths in the park and they all try to dog pile him and he just smashes out like pew bam and then he rips that metal pole out of the ground and just starts beating them down
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the highway scene is what we just watched truly a classic cars flippin everywhere
I was on track to finish watching all of UC Gundam (except Victory) before Christmas but now that my car broke down I don't know if it's possiblew i guess i only have CCA, Unicorn, NT, and Hathaway left so three 1.5 hour movies and 1 7-episode OVA series
the OVAs are all 1 hour long though so maybe i can do it before christmas ends? i'll probably only have time for CCA tomorrow if i'm lucky since i do have to walk an hour to work and an hour back tomorrow before going to the dealership
Was there a particular reason you were trying to watch it all before Christmas? Or just to see if you could
I just wanted to. Originally my plan was to also watch Victory but I finished ZZ today and Victory is 50 episodes so I think the only way I could finish Victory by the time Christmas ends is if I didn't sleep and also didn't get my car fixed. And Victory (and F91) take place like 40-50 years after Hathaway, and don't really have all that much to do with UC in general, so they don't make as much sense for me to obsessively watch. So I can watch those after Christmas.
After F91 and Victory Gundam, I'm going to take a break from Gundam and watch some old Super Robot shows that I haven't seen. Maybe starting with the Braves series since that's what brought Super Robot back to life. And then I'll go back and watch Mazinger and Combattler and Voltes and stuff like that.
Braves Series is 8 series with almost 50 episodes though. So maybe I'll watch Exkaiser and see how I like it and then switch to another show, and then back to Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird, and zigzag like that.
Anyway, Super Robot Wars 30 made me realize that I have a massive gap in my knowledge for Super Robot from before I was born so I need to rectify that.
>>1009860 The little blurb in the description for this is really good
>>1009845 is that the one with the weird french guy ze matrix is real enough for me bro
@Rene You like Hüsker Dü at all? im currently about halfway through listening to their entire discography
>>1009867 There's a lot of giant robot shows out there, eh Always kind of feels like an entirely different historical era culturally Like the way American television used to be saturated with the happy family sitcom genre
>>1009871 Yeah, but thanks to the comparative lack of mecha these days, almost all mecha is produced by people who are ridiculously passionate about mecha, so it's all great.
I think Imaishi is the most obvious example. Imaishi (and Trigger in general) love mecha so much that when they made Kill la Kill and Kiznaiver, they started from the point of "what would it take for us to create an anime that doesn't have mecha?" They love mecha so much that they struggle to imagine a world without giant robots. I respect that a lot.
There's also YAS who is going back and remaking an episode of Gundam 0079 that was so bad that Tomino basically tried to erase it from history.
Yeah, Doan's Island. YAS is remaking it into a movie, although it's using the Origin designs so it's hard to tell if it'll be considered canon, since Origin is not considered canon due to changing the UC timeline a little bit (a lot).
this place is trashed and roomie's family is coming for Christmas tomorrow shouganai we did move recently so surely they understand >>1010008 ya I'm not gonna be here so I don't care >>1010011 nah nbdeal
>>1010039 >pub nearby I thought you lived in like the middle of nowhere
>>1010039 theres a restaurant that I like a lot that always has terrible live music so I always ask for them to seat me in the backroom although one time when I was in the fromt room the guy (they always have just one guy playing) did some R.E.M. covers. and some other decent stuff