i missed yesterday, didn't i? i fell asleep at 9 pm
I'm kind of amazed that you're actually uncertain of whether you missed last night But yeah, we didn't see hair nor hide of you So don't worry, you didn't sleepwalk your way through anime either
Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 6-11 *Gyakuten Sekai no Denchi Shoujo Isekai Shokudou Episode 11-12 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Stone Ocean Episode 2-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen Kyoukai Senki *Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Muv-Luv Alternative Epsiode 9-11 Platinum End *Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi Shiroi Suna no Aquatope Episode 23-24 Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Episode 6-8 *Takt Op. Destiny *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Visual Prison Episode 5-7 Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou
It just registered that yesterday was a weekday and that i slept through anime i fell asleep at 9 and just woke up and went to work everything is weird cause of the holidays
>>1009304 Yeah I hear that I spent the weekend in holiday time and coming back to work after that was hard Almost slept in the first day back Technically would've if traffic wasn't way lighter now that kids are out of school for the break
sleep is always good it's no big deal cause we're gonna run out of anime before the next season is in full swing, i think
I would say not really But I'll drink a cocktail or mixed drink with it in it
i have one (1) friend i can talk to about whiskey because the other one who i could potentially talk to about it i can't talk about it because he'll start drinking and that's no good
I don't really like most hard liquor straight I'll do shots in a social scenario but if I want something to sip at, I'd rather have plum wine or a simple mixed drink
I wonder how red Takt will be by the end of it Does he unlock a special ending if he 100% completes a red run
Guy ended up pretty broken from a lifetime of fighting the monsters, eh
He's looking really beat up Like half is body is red, a shock of white hair
Wow, lucky guy
>unconscious 4/10
For a second there I thought they were both dead
i was thinking this show was 7.5 to even 8.5 material deffo 5 or less
Aw Anna cut her hair
she looks so much worse with short hair and i'm a short hair kind of guy
i liked this show a lot up until they got to new york and then i liked it way way less i held off making judgements because i thought maybe i was just being nitpicky or something as i often am but i don't really like this ending i feel like i have problems with almost every part of it
good concept but kinda bad delivery but typical of these shows that are super long ongoing series with a 12 episode adaptation
>>1009345 oh in that case it doesn't really have an excuse for being so convoluted then
okay lets start
It's not an adaptation! It's an original work
yeah actually i thought there was like way more setup or backstory or something i actually thought they realized they weren't getting another season and tried to cram like 4 more volumes of an LN into the show on the back half it started out so strong but then got whack like i said, i still liked it until they got to new york but this ending yeesh
I'm really hoping Lev and Irina can escape the not-USSR Maybe they'll do a thing where only she and Anya can escape though
i really want to hope for something like lev and laika eloping but i'm not feeling too optimistic about it
The way most people say Lev's full name in one breath has it end up sounding like Leffleps It's all I can hear
damn the big guy is tearing up
These kind of words from his dad could get him killed just for saying them
Yeah This is paramount to suicide in the USSR-style rule of their country Plus since the space program staff have likely censored or erased everything related to Irina's spaceflight, it's pretty easy for them to just deny it He's doing a lot for something of no real gain
That was more than a headbutt That was a human artilery shot
Well now they're all criminals At least they're criminals together
Anya in a headlock but still absolutely ecstatic
It's hard to tell if it's a spin or some actual secret plot I mean my money's on spin, but still
oh wow they're using this to take out the delivery crew
oh i see that sequence of events makes a little more sense now those guys going to collect irina who found the guard dead were going to take her to the ceremony? or were they delivery crew? i thought i figured something out but then i raised another question
what a strange way to move to the end card
yeah i really liked this show there were a couple hiccups here and there but overall, pretty nice >>1009365 yeah for sure
I think they strung a few things together to close out the TV series Since the light novels are still ongoing That montage with all the humans and vampires happily in space was probably an anime-original bit
With Lev and Irina gunning for the moon now, I wonder if the UK/US equivalent in their world steps more into the focus in the next part of the story Since after all, it was the US who made it to the moon
this show really takes a liberal interpretation of transformation powers
I think their goldfish is voiced by Wakamoto Norio Only kinda sounds like him though, so it's hard to tell
i feel like norio's voice is a little not deeper but like bigger but it could be him
I just can't think of any other seiyuu I know which can do that Wakamoto husk Which is what I was detecting in that goldfish You're right that it doesn't quite match, but it's the closest I can think of And it would totally be on par for this show to have a legendary seiyuu like him voice an absolute bit role like the goldfish Wakamoto would find it hilarious too I bet
it wasn't what i expected from a gay vampire show okay gyakuten okay lets start
>>1009408 the goldfish's name is draus, right? i think it's shou hayami he did tohsaka in fate/zero and a lot of other stuff >>1009412 oh yeah damn who was the goldfish
they only called him draus a couple times, i guess they always called him jii-san or dad
Draus was Draluc's granddad You can really hear the Tohsaka in him
Oh they've got a bit of an OP edit At least I don't remember all these details in the original Like all these mecha sound effects
They're gonna set Big Sight up to be a bomb and drop it on Akiba Which is pretty vicious As expected of a Japan which never lost its imperialistic dreams
She's doing the Gunbuster pose!
I don't know if this kind of launch mechanism counts as a roller coaster
oh no they overran their budget i guess or they're saving it for next episode but they misplaced a small cut and also had to do some still-framing and reusing
and then this is after he catches the revolver in the previous one, he hadn't caught the revolver yet, so i was kinda confused it looks like it past QA, and it's kind of a big one for that to happen on i feel bad cause this probably ruined a few people's workdays
Some times their boss has that stiff laugh of someone who's one bad day away from burning their entire office building to the ground
Poor gramps
winter fishing trip huh i like the winter and i like the water but i don't like to mix them
Ice fishing is pretty normal up in cottage country here On the lake my family used to cottage on you'd see their fishing huts dot the ice during the winter Although if I was to follow the river they live on now to a lake I'd imagine I'd see some too
that huge gruff man is pinching that scarred gruff man's cheeks