anime i didnt realize what time it was it's so late already
I cahn't believe you'd do this Rika You've kept me waiting!
*86 - Eighty Six Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 6-9 Isekai Shokudou Episode 11-12 Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Stone Ocean Episode 2-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen *Mieruko-chan *Mushoku Tensei Muv-Luv Alternative Epsiode 9-11 Platinum End *Saihate no Paladin *Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi Shiroi Suna no Aquatope Episode 23-24 Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Episode 6-8 *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Visual Prison Episode 5-7 *Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou
i'm excited for tonight~
it's the final episode of mushoku i think i might cry it's very possible
it's also the final episode of jahy and mieruko? i also have the last two episodes of blue period downloaded
Jahy definitely, Mieruko probably I think 86 will still have at least one episode after this, but I can't be certain because it's release schedule has been weird Senpai still has another episode too
People with no eyebrows always kind of mess with me a bit At least this guy has a pretty pronounced browline so the expressions aren't lost
i miss lena
I was definitely hoping to see more of Punished Lena this season Instead the Republic fell while the Eighty Six kids were remembering what it was like to be human again and now everyone is dead
this OP is so beautiful
I was listening to a bit of Amazarashi lately I think I was hunting a good song from Tokyo Ghoul and ended up listening to some of their stuff on Spotify
Kurena here trying to be the shoujo heroine and save their friendship Even though it was never really in peril
Yeah It sounds like his mental stability took a pretty heavy blow when he almost died at his brother's hands And he's kept from being absolutely hollow by believing another monster to take down is enough It kinda feels like that's run its course by now though
Oh that's quite the final shot to end on
When they first mentioned an enemy unit in their territory, I felt like they were teasing that there's still some people left in the Republic Which I think is now completely absorbed into Legion territory But it was just that Shin and his squad are pursuing the Morpho, which we already knew
you guys watched to the end right was i just behind a little bit maybe i paused when i started crying i can't remember
i hope we don't have to wait too long for more adaptation seeing it happen on-screen is so exciting and the imagery makes the emotional parts a lot more powerful
there was a LOT of stuff in there that would be better with more context but oh well
If all the saltiness were to disappear from the world, we must simply create more saltiness
Bishop Bagel
Oh Were people just not calling him a paladin yet because he hadn't been recognized as one He kinda serves all the duties of one so I figured people would acknowledge it
Finally a cute girl who's not dead or an entirely different race
"hai" "yes, father"
That feels like the kind of logic of someone who would rather hoard his power and blessing rather than be benevolent with it But maybe he has evidential proof that free use of blessing does eventually result in priests losing their blessing
he seems like he's not a good guy maye that's just me judging the book by its cover
He does kinda paint a conflicting picture At face value he does seem like the quintessential greedy priest But he is patient with Will, and if he's right about casual use of godly blessing detracting from the god's santicity, then I could see his more callous attitude being reasonable
At least he's got the excuse that his loyalties always lay first towards Gracefeel So it's kind of hard to wrangle him into some kind of kingdom poltiics or force him to break with his principles
Oh Up until they gave the next episode title I was feeling like that was the end of the series
Reaaaady I've been really enjoying this series Maybe I should go pick the manga back up
She's tenancious Or at least dedicated to her son
If this guy wasn't hopped up on hospital painkillers he'd probably be much more confused than he currently is
I wonder if he'll be able to make better attachments with other people now that he's not possessed by his mother's spook anymore It's a bit hard to tell where his psychological trauma ends and the spiritual effects of possession begin
Maybe it wasn't a diety at all and she was scammed?
That would be a fun twist I think it's a proper diety though Even if it's a horrifying monster A lot of the Japanese supernatural, even the ones that provide benevolent help or at least help for a cost, can be pretty spooky
Look at that boy, just happy to be in the trash
Julia seems to spend a lot of time in headlocks Lucky girl
Seems like Sensei still doesn't have the ability to connect with people all too well But he did get Hana's name on the second try
I don't know if I could bring myself to eat a bun shaped like a butt
hmmm yeah that ending didn't really make me feel much the show was pretty good though definitely better than i expected
Jahy-sama is undefeatable!
I'd really like to see more Mieruko-chan But that's probably something I'll have to read It looks like it was a webcomic though so maybe it's something I can file into the "Japanese practice" folder
The not-Maou is a fair bit more expressive than her onee-chan
Sauvra just wanted someone to give her attention and kindness
lol what
I don't know if this is a particularly common thing for shoutengai festivals
what in the hell is going on samba
Aaaahhhh I miss summer
i don't summer sucks winter gang winter gang winter gang
Winter sucks It's dark and cold and full of snow
really autumn is the best season >>1009032 well you live in the cold dark place live in the sunny fun place
It's the sunny fun place here during summer! Which is why I miss summer! We get like 15-16 hours of daylight in the heart of summer and it's the best I'd much rather just spend my life in eternal summer