@Samu https://github.com/ruslang02/atomos https://tabby.sh/ kimochi warui also dont click that second link if you're on mobile it is a gnu/linux instance in a vm written in wasm with their electron based terminal running in it
if a third thread means that we aren't posting in three threads, i see no issue if a third thread means that we ARE posting in three threads then remember that you're letting tilde win
>>1007463 i'm not sure maybe? feels like a weird thing to do but answering why is a lot harder than i'd expect i definitely think cats are better animals than say, goats but we drink goat milk but goats have hooves and horns and cows have hooves and horns and we drink cow milk the fact that we drink cow milk is probably what's weird yeah i'd probably try cat's milk
yo speaking of shiny friends isn't fubuki still looking for shiny magikarp? she's been at it for an uncomfortable amount of time i hope she doesn't break
That's literally what we're referencing hah hah "Akai naa" has kinda become her cry of despair from literal weeks of trying to get a shiny Magikarp
bangsley boy
oh yeah i wonder what the total time spent is at now
I tuned in for a part of her stream yesterday and she had 38,000 viewers while happily chatting about MCU and other nerd shit She's still in a pretty good mood despite everything Her channel has just become a temporary zatsudan channel
sounds like watching meguka video where cute girl suffers for hours on end
It's not really suffering, just repetitive grinding Fishing up Magikarp after Magikarp as a catch and release
I remember when axolotls got introduced to Minecraft a bunch of talents grinded out breeding set ups trying to get the super rare blue axolotl I think the spawn rate for it was better than shiny Pokémon but also required much more work to gather the fish to breed the axolotls and then sift through the spawns
>>1007697 It's also brought heaps and heaps of viewers into the stream so she's probably making a heap of money
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
imagine grinding for a rare thingy and its not even on the blockchain!!
>>1007701 Honestly it's Fubuki, she is likely already well in a financially comfortable spot Even if she doesn't ever track in the superchat rankings she consistently gets really high viewership numbers and gets a lot of sponsorship and promotional stuff
>>1007703 Well yeah it's not going to make or break her career just a nice little BONUS as a bit of a consolation for going so dry on the magikarp
Something I noticed last night was she's actually overtaken Korone in sub counts after Korone overtook her right before one million If Korone's current break continues on Fubuki might be the first JP talent to a -to two million subs
>>1007713 the incident itself yeah but the trial itself is a set of pretty interesting legal questions
and the prosecution is going with some really weird strategy
im just doing transcripts on it for the 9 days it's been going on so far but since it's one of the televised trials now it's more accessible to people but i don't think anyone spends the time watching them really
once more I embroil myself in a DnD game this time as a player though
bangsley boy
i douse my dagger with the red potion, filling the grooves carved for this singular purpose with the magical healing liquid i begin slicing into the count's arms, healing his wounds as i lacerate his flesh "so, markov, where is this orb-pondering sorcerer?" (i'd like to roll to intimidate the count)
some guy on the internet in my 30 seconds google search said that in some of the forgotten realms books, potions are, at times, applied directly to a wound but also if a DM said that the above scenario wouldn't fly because the potions have to be drank i probably wouldn't have been in his game in the first place fluff and RP are the strongest reasons to be playing a PNP RPG in the first place otherwise why wouldn't i just _______ the above phrase would first be some RPG video game, but could be filled with basically anything else
i plsyed a bit of the original at some point *played
bangsley boy
>>1007837 there was a text-based RPG inside of the first call of duty blackops that i actually ended up playing quite a bit of
bangsley boy
yeah it was zork yeah that was fun
bangsley boy
>>1007840 i don't think it's going to be exactly like the first two it's made by the people who made Divinity: Original Sin i think it's probably going to play a lot like D:OS2 but with even more complexity somehow
a groupd of friends i know has been playing the early access which only has the first act of the game in it right now and they've so far managed to get a few dozens of hours of enjoyment out of just that together, across multiple playthroughs they say it's worth the full price tag for even just what's out right now but i'd rather wait until i can play the whole thing through
bangsley boy
ideally i'd find one or two people who would agree to a night or two a week for playing through the game but i'll probably end up just playing it alone unless the co-op has some sort of drop-in and drop-out functionality but i don't think that would work
Such an exhausting day The guy I work the most with, his daughter's teacher either tested Covid positive or had a Covid scare so he's not come in for two days now as he waits for a Covid test from either the teacher or his daughter In the meanwhile some pretty exhausting quantities of stuff has been coming in and I've basically been stuck doing the job of three people by myself There's been a bit of help from other people but mostly it's just me, which means tiresome work that doesn't seem to outpace the amount of stuff building up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
woof that sound tiring indeed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im spending all my code time just like comparing various JS frameworks and starting test projects this sux why can't i just get next.js but with rollup
But will you be able to tell if I did actually panicsell or not?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't know maybe i will maybe i won't?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i would love to have the productivity benefits of these new frameworks but also i'm terrified of having to like troubleshoot some weird hipster framework probably going to end up just using the industry standard argh
>>1008060 people are saying the noise is bad or the cats is uncomfortable when if that were the case the cat would've just moved or would not be sitting still like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
true that
I think the cat's on alert but not particularly uneasy Its body language doesn't exactly indicate it's comfortable, it definitely feels a bit tense But it also doesn't book it when the guy brushes its leg as he moves past So yeah I think the cat's fine being there but it's also not taking all this stimuli sitting down
that cat is in the middle of an ether binge I can tell from the ears and having binged ether several times
though like most things, I'm not sure if actually selling it is in my best interest atm I'm pretty sure I could get in trouble if I don't report that as income then, and if I do, I don't get my actual income as a result, so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
don't sell it those are crap floor offers wait a couple years
Also yeah, I guess my main worry is I don't see any particular reason this'll be worth anything down the line I don't even understand why it's worth anything now
What if in a couple years no one cares about NFTs because the Internet has moved on to the next big fad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well, do what you will i think that there are gonna be a lot of losers but this project in particular i like
well, like I said, I think actually selling it now would actively be a bad thing for my finances, so I'll hold onto it either way Maybe in a while it'll be sellable for like, half an eth or something, kinda would have to take that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you could always post it for sale for 0.5 eth i don't know if the eth you have will cover the gas cost tho
what, like I'll just have shit dropped into my wallet because I have one of these things?
I mean that seems like a gambit worth just holding it for
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah some nfts are like that they take a snapshot and airdrop a new token it's one way to bootstrap a token, or incentivize people to buy nfts
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they have promised nothing on that front tho idk i have this other one where they airdropped invites to a different collection but i missed the snapshot date by one day bah stupid casino oh but then some other random community members made a third-party airdrop shit's weird it's funny anyone can just summon tokens out of the ether
Well I don't have the money to deal with stuff like that really, but at least for the moment there's no reason not to just sit on this I can't even find their discord
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
here's the page for your witch https://www.cryptocoven.xyz/witches/3774
Get witch or die trying
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can see how people get into this stuff it's like a really slow slot machine that makes you join twenty different discords and waste a lot of money on gas... hrgh... those days are ending hopefully
really I'm mostly amazed you have the money to be into this stuff like this, honestly shit's expensive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have a bunch of eth accumulated from 2017 but yea it's kind of a waste of money im just hoping one of these will pop off a couple of them have but it's all on paper ofc
One of these weekends I really need to refit my PC with that better harddrive I got I'm tired of getting literal bytes/sec of disk speed when it's been spinning too long
But Boxing Day sales are also coming up soon Maybe I can just be excessively lazy and make a whole new PC instead
yeah it's not real until you sell
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you found the discord right? it's top right on the page
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway i have some plans crypto wise not to produce NFTs but maybe to do something stupid with the moe token like a nipah button
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably something slightly more elaborate than a button that makes a number go up we'll see
I'm still waiting for the details of the dnd game, but I think I have a rough idea of what kinda character I wanna play I wanna make a kinda character that talks tough shit, but once that leads to anything, she's a cowardly shit It's not a social-focused game, but still that seems like it could be fun
Man AM talk radio is garbage My Uber driver has it on and it's just been like half an hour of opionated bitching about yesterday's news >Finest talk radio If this is the finest then man the entire industry is in a dreadful state
Another day, another only me in the receiving section of the warehouse But this time now things have been backed up unreceived long enough that accounting and retail people are starting to ask where things are More stress, yay
i hate lima beans they don't have much of a taste and the texture is the worst gritty and reminds me of like little paste chunks i'd rather eat broccoli or roasted brussels sprouts if i'm looking for a vitamin-dense veg
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ligma beans broccoli gets a bad wrap but it's good
I didn't know lima beans were vitamin dense
bangsley boy
it's the main reason they gained popularity, i thought but they also release trace amounts of some compound that metabolizes into cyanide, produced from chewing it isn't enough to hurt you unless you eat a lot of lima beans often but over time it can potentially cause problems you'd have to REALLY be eating a lot of lima beans though
>>1008269 according to wikipedia they have some poison in them that is common in beans and also gets destroyed when the beans are cooked
Im listening to Steve Biko (Stir It Up) repeatedly. I imagine I'll get sick of this album eventually.
was at the doc, got the wheels turning on the whole hormone thing, got my neuropsych report no indication of ADHD to speak of as far as the tests administered there go though the form my dad filled out about me as a kid was apparently fucking dead on for ADHD, so who the fuck knows
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
many people no longer have ADHD as they get older the brain normalizes although many have it forever
well either way my brain's definitely like, fucked I mean I guess based on the results of the tests done, my brain's actually kinda fucking great, only left hand coordination going as low as average But like, the ability to keep shit in RAM and and whatever aren't exactly what my issues are, to begin with
apparently there's some indication of ptsd and uh, bpd? I can't find it again skimming it, but I'm pretty sure it says somewhere in here there's some indication of that apparently I've already been diagnosed with some form of OCD, too, which I didn't fucking know Like, previous to this, and this neuropsych confirms that's probably right
being referred to a psychologist in any case, and they're being sent this fucking report too, so I guess I'll figure it out it's hard to talk to psychologists though
cause I dunno what the fuck wrong with my brain maybe it's just been depression the whole time
I think "depression the whole time" is probably a more common ailment than most people figure
I mean my medical journals from when I was like... fuckin' 5 or something have "shows sign of depression" in them I might actually have been dealing with depression for longer than I actually have memories
well, not medical journals exactly, I guess they're technically called something else since they're like, psychological or whatever
Samu reporting stuff on phone using at least Brave is extremely scuffed, the right side of the 3x3 image capt Cha is hidden offscreen and can't be accessed without going into settings and requesting desktop version of moe
Weird I only ever get the checkmark captcha verification
>>1008411 filtered and opted out from them because someone kept spamming pointlessly
Ahhhhhhhh Finally this long, miserable week is over
My brother put his two weeks notice in today too He's looking to finish his college program come the new year so his last day is the last workday of the year Lucky guy
>>1008530 we were talking about anime girls also whenever I see you post an MM! screenshot I remember the author died before finishing the series. and then remember that the author of ZnT also died before finishing his series.
>>1008437 no but by coincidence i decided to check in by the way those people are going to rip your life apart without a second thought and the only one who cared enough to warn you about it was me and i don't evenk know you just a word of advice
my educated guess on your situatioon from hundreds of anecdotes including myself is that you're suppressing/ignoring/downplaying past childhood abuse which leads to mental health problems and cascades into a bunch of different other things
like 5 year olds with depression is not normal that's not something that just happens i guess you can listen to endless people who will implicitly put the blame on you and tell you something's wrong with your brain and give you whatever cocktail of drugs that will slowly lobotomize you overtime
i am a very patient person and all i try to do is help out of genuine sympathy but i say things that slightly go out of the rigidly controlled acceptable opinions of this website and i get banned so i guess you can ignore my advice
>>1008536 I mean I am going to get that ptsd thing looked into I've got a decent amount of stuff on the docket when it comes to mental health and shit now, so I'm just gonna have to see what shakes loose
>>1008556 if you are going through all of this and getting diagnosed with ptsd and other things like bpd or ocd then something's clearly up with you so don't misinterpret what i'm saying into like that i don't care or think there's anything wrong with you
i'm just saying i've been through the EXAXT same things you're describing and i know what these people do and the outcomes it leads to, i will talk to you about this for hours in detail if necessary
to be clear, only the ocd is an actual diagnosis well, that and uh, dysthymia, which I guess is just depression by another name
i've been diagnosed with all the same shit since i was like 10 just be aware these diagnoses they come up with are socially determined basically just by glancing at the dsm-v and saying hmm it seems you have x y and/or z the level of "science" in deciding this stuff is laughable at best, it isn't like diagnosing you with cancer or something that can be concretely determined through an actual physical test, if yo u go to multiple shrinks they will give you multiple diagnoses that don't really fit with one another (unless they've received documents showing what previous ones have given you, in which case they'll try to conform to that)
at best all of these things are indicators that something in your life at some point went seriously wrong early on and needs addressing
well that particular bit I'm pretty sure I know what is, for what that's worth
but yeah, I know mental healthcare isn't exactly a well-liked field
>>1008561 all i'm saying is if you feel unwell mentally on a deep level there's a very good reason for it and don't let people bully you into thinking it's your fault or your brain sucks or something
that's basically what i allowed myself to believe for myself for years and it almost got me onto antipyschotics and then i don't know what would've become of me, and i feel better now than a few years ago not being on anything though i still deal with ocd type stuff
being truly loved by someone is what heals mental wounds
I don't need to be bullied into blaming myself for it anyway
i don't mean romantically necessarily i just mean a friend
>>1008563 that's a great start, i let people who abused me bully me into thinking it was my fault for years and nearly killed myself as a result
and every psychiatrist i saw was basically complacent in this, i guess because it's socially convenient, no one wants to rock the boat, even if it means the victim has to suffer more
I appreciate the concern though, but at least to start with I'm just gonna see where it goes with a psychologist The OCD part at least to me seems like it's gotta be some sorta misunderstanding though I didn't even know I had the diagnosis, I don't know where it comes from
>>1008567 fair enough, i'm here if you want to talk more about anything
well i got diagnosed with adhd in like an hour by a psychiatrist just going through a checklist and i think it was a load of crap, i don't have any issues with attention, ironically i do genuinely have what could be called ocd but i ended up diangosing myself with it because doctors would just diagnose me with anxiety or depression instead, not that those things didn't fit me but it was very unspecific, i've known people who have been diagnosed with everything under the sun and prescribed everything in the books and they just keep end up coming back to the psych ward year after year, it's not a good life
though i'm posting here on tor since i'm banned so i dunno how long i can be here for lol
i just can't stand seeing people be abused in some fashion or another and nobody cares
well, as of right now I'm not being abused or anything I guess mental health wise, you could probably say the system's failed me, but I think you'd have to also say I kinda failed myself as far as that goes I guess once I actually get started with transitioning and shit this is probably gonna change though
>>1008570 don't say things like you failed yourself, it's internalized self-hatred, i have it too
every single person i've ever met who was a mental wreck was beaten/sexually abused/verbally abused/abandoned when they were a child, it isn't a coinciddence
It's just true, that's all I have just sorta avoided dealing with all of this bullshit for like, a real long time
Not talking to a psych again has been, you know, a choice Not properly talking to the one I did talk to years ago was a choice, too
you are nice and you deserve to love yourself and not put yourself down
im at what my japs friend said is the best bar in roppongi its in roppongi hills i like people watching ther es lots of single girls here looking for men!!!