anime! i am responsible for a pizza that is in the oven for 9 more minutes
Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 5-9 *Gyakuten Sekai no Denchi Shoujo Isekai Shokudou Episode 9-11 *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Stone Ocean Episode 2-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen *Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. Kyoukai Senki *Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu *Mieruko-chan Muv-Luv Alternative Platinum End Shiroi Suna no Aquatope Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Episode 6-8 *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Visual Prison Episode 4-7 Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou
The doctor lady had a cute outfit as a battery girl
bangsley boy
"sexy fox-spirit"
bangsley boy
akatsuki's so chuuni he honestly should just weeb up at this point
There defintely seems to be a vibe of desire repression amongst all the characters we've met from the True Army It's one of the reasons this show kinda had some parallels with Shimoneta to me
Cute lightsaber
Geez he doesn't fuck around once he's angry
Hey Stop No Don't drill out the pillars of Big Sight
He's really spent the whole season taking like one half step forward and then immediately backpedalling on it
bangsley boy
watashi wa aidoru!
bangsley boy
the zaburn rumble and the fact that he was good at that one video game are the only nerdy things about him, aren't they?
That remain at least
bangsley boy
oh now we finally get some backstory on him
Honestly this sounds like it might not really be his dad's fault Japanese work culture is pretty awful after all And working in the TV/anime industry is horrendous I've heard stories about people working on TV sets for Japanese television who work twenty-two hours, drop to one knee for an hour-and-a-half nap, then get back up for another session
I feel like they really ought to be transparent about how dangerous the Tokimeki Engine can be
bangsley boy
well huh
What It talks!?
bangsley boy
yeah i wasn't expecting and identity reveal but it figures it would be an anime girl i mean it couldn't have been anything else, right
It could have been an alien from outer space
bangsley boy
probably not
bangsley boy
although i could see the true army being revealed to be aliens and then the leader is also an alien yeah i guess they could be an alient
It's a hard sell under the mythos of vampires finding all normal food inedible or absent of taste But I could see the vampires in this series having normal tastebuds And in that case, vampires have all the time in the world to practice their cooking
This Sonic-looking armadilo
I'm pretty sure this segment lifts shots from the ED Yeah definitely
Is it sweet or weird that he has a photo of his wife on the ceiling of his coffin
bangsley boy
they're married so it's probably sweet
He says that but John seems to really enjoy being used as a ball
big russian history being made unless they explode
Well if they parallel real history, the launch should go off without a hitch It's the landing which was a bit touch and go
I wonder what kind of altitude these early rockets attained Is he still in LEO or is he distant out enough to be in outer space "proper"
Wow he's a full-blown celebrity now
She's been out in open day before I wonder whyt -why she's so sensitive to it now
bangsley boy
she has?
Not often But I remember that scene in the city square where she had ice cream and was trying to get close to Lev And some military guy smacked her ice cream to the ground
I feel like she has been in the past pretty sure i commented on it
bangsley boy
didn't pink hair have an umbrella that she was under before she started running for lev? or am i imagining that but also she wasn't in shorts and was that a camisole? or a tank top and maybe it was cloudier but yeah that would be a hole
What I figure is she's been probably kept in that hospital room with the curtains drawn for probably weeks And as a vampire she's sensitive to daylight, and it was amplified by being in the dark for that long
This lady is a pretty intimidating figure The kind of person who really belongs in the Soviet top brass
I still really hope we're on track for the three of them to defect to the UK Although getting Lev out from under all the USSR celebrity attention might be hard
There's a really low-hanging joke here I'm not going to make
bangsley boy
no wonder he betrayed you shit
bangsley boy
she's lucky he didn't murder her, honestly
Well it's hard to tell what's the chicken or the egg in that scenario
bangsley boy
getting cheated on isn't going to turn someone who isn't shitty into a shtity person but that's a whole other discussion this lady's way way too whacko to not be the problem here
I dunno man I think that's a broad assumption you're making Not that she's not being a terrible mother here But all we have is one line from her and you're really running with it
Wow since when did Miko get a boyfriend
bangsley boy
she employed like 3 different types of psychological abuse in less than a minute
I don't know if she can get strong She can see the spooks but she doesn't seem to have any ability to interact with them Unlike Hana who can literally cook them with her radiant life energy
bangsley boy
he's definitely going to ambush her
I wonder what the spook that's haunting? protecting? him is Doesn't really look like his mother And it doesn't really have much of a cat motif so it's probably not vengeful cats
bangsley boy
I can't imagine him bringing the cat home is going to go over well
Yeah how do you explain that
Oh he's remained friends with that one kid from his childhood
Maybe that spook that's haunting him is his mom Oh yeah they're making it obvious Man
she still needed help but she used that favor for a good cause
bangsley boy
i wonder if she's going to end up learning how to exorcise stuff herself she is a miko after all
>>1007905 It was the last of her favours though! I'm interested to see what price she might have to pay for it These kinds of Japanese spirits, even the helpful ones, usually come with things they expect from you for favours
Yeah I mean she kinda just whimsically said "yes" to the offer of power anyway Tenchou's not really the kind of person who needs to go along with this scheme anyway
bangsley boy
what the hell is happening this episode
Okay I was right It was a light version of the Maou
Man this must be weird for all the random civilians in the shoutengai
The whole magic girl and demon lord dynamic in this series always reminds me of Machikado Mazoku We should be getting more of that some day I'm really looking forward to that