i haven't had a lot of dreams recently but the ones i did have were pretty surreal
regular bang
in one i was in this ramshackle kind of house out in some kind of woods or forest and there were like creeks and ponds running through the rooms and i kept going from room to room so many times, this house must have had dozens of rooms like an infinite labyrinth house come to think of it i never saw the outside so i don't know how i knew it was in a forest but i did because dream
I'm also thankful that despite the constant spread and invasion of North American culture, Thanksgiving is one thing which still hasn't really caught on.
after all, woolies already has their fuckin Trees and tinsel up no time for turkeys
Thanksgiving also doesn't really work outside of North America Although of all places, Australia and New Zealand are probably some of the closer runners up The whole event is based on a myth of gracious First Peoples and dumbass colonizers I mean the dumbass colonizers is at least accurate but the rest is a construct It would be like Peru celebrating Guy Fawkes Day
That said as a turkey afficianado I will gladly take any excuse to consume big bird breasts
thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday it always happens within a week of my birthday the food is usually a centerpiece of the celebration and i sure do love food autumn is my favorite time of year in terms of weather and foliage at my new work, we tend to not have a lot of work around this time of year and while i do like working and wish we were busier, i can't say that i don't enjoy the free time but most importantly i think that what thanksgiving is about, at least for me, is why it's my favorite it's important to remember our past and the mistakes we've made so we can learn from them, and the history of thanksgiving and how we've treated it as a culture plays a big part in that and more important than that is being grateful for what we have, even when it feels like what we're missing is so great or that we don't have enough it's still important to remember that at least we have what we do, and to appreciate it it sounds cheesy or corny maybe, it did to me for a while when my life was a mess but i wish i had the optimism i have now back then i think i could've got to this point a lot faster if i had
relevant to you guys, since i've just been rambling like some old codger i'm thankful for /moe/, for a decade of shitposts and cute anime girls with drama and feuds here and there for flavor and spice
I'm thankfull for one tg in partics, the soul mates parents made a table. It was a great, all traditional meal. Cran sauce, a bird, gravy boat the 9's. Everytime I cook with sage, I think about the stuffing. 0h and, learning soul anon was very talented at playing piano! Blew my mind!!!
>>1003078 I would like too paint an anime canvas w/ sponge, water color w/ layered oil on top. Probs been done before, this one reminds me of that. All pastel looking.
furries tend to be the most wholesome group you can run across in video games, is all of any internet dwelling demographic, they're gonna be the most open to newcomers and the most friendly overall
no one is innocent furries aren't always the last toxic presence in fact three rain furries ended up the reason* furries ended up being so hard by early internet users was incessant posting of furry porn in places is want wanted it wasn't wanted* swype actin up
I ran into this guy who had a robocat avatar with an actual, functioning HUD that he let everyone else clone, too That shit was neat It's got your FPS, an oscillator for your mic, your current expression, a compass, and a timer for how long you've been in the current lobby
well yeah I think there is that unfortunate nazifur community and various other factions of politics
regular bang
yeah and i want to make it clear that i don't really have any problems with furries i've hung out with a few at a few points and generally it can be said that their communities are at least welcoming i just don't like the idea of generalizing them (or anyone) as being saints or wondering why certain groups get hate or conflict in their direction in the same way i don't like generalizing anyone as being evil or wondering why people support them there's always reasons both ways
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just like to laugh at those libertarian youtube avatars furries/scalies
>>1003099 The problem with how welcoming they are is that they tend to not want to kick problematic people out of their communites. pedophiles and animal abusers stay in these communities because of this there was that big leak a few years ago from a secret chat group where people shared pictures and videos of animal abuse and some of the people who were in it are still respected in the community such as kero the wolf grooming and exploiting children is also common in the furry community
i just think assuming groups of people are one way or the other is difficult except australians they're all easy lays with no class
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
regular bang
this thanksgiving im thankful for australians
>>1003104 in general they are too inclusive and are perverts that's about it
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuck this tgif tgis this week sick of black friday texts >>1003102 you a longtime member of the community? when did you realise was it when fantastic mr fox came out
i think you kinda have to judge individuals on an individual basis is what i was really getting at i'm not going to hate someone because they're a furry there has to be a lot of solid reasons you also have to judge individual parts of a "community" furries aren't some giant conglomerate one group of friends who are furries might not have anything in common with another group except that they're furries
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1003114 we get all sorts of texts here political virus scams
>>1003115 I know furries who are fine. commumites can have problems it doesn't mean every furry is bad
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
actually I
well maybe furry that is fine wulf did technically groom Rukusu
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
musta signed one waiver for a shop and get the lot
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1003119 I was never comfortable with that relationship maybe don't bring it up here
>>1003128 I don't cook with wine, but if I did it would be with red wine or cooking sake.
regular bang
i don't cook with wine all the time but there's some things that just aren't the same without it stews and pot roasts without red wine, i can't imagine making one white wine goes really nicely in pasta sauces, pan sauces when deglazing, and goes hand-in-hand with some vinegar and soy sauce in place of mirin when you want a little less sweetness
a lot of japanese and chinese cooking use mirin or other rice wines a ton of japanese cooking uses mirin, soy sauce, and rice vinegar together those are wines that are usually nigh undrinkable on their own >>1003138 i can't see the fit meme without a bottle of kikkoman aji-mirin appearing in my head
>>1003137 I can't see the word mirin and not think of the /fit/ meme.
I don't think my dad would drink mirin but I don't want to risk it.
regular bang
i suspect it would go down easier than mouthwash but maybe not as easily as rubbing alcohol that doesn't have bitterants in it i think it's only 8%, and tends to come in pretty small bottles but if it's that bad then maybe don't risk it
regular bang
that said if you buy one of the bottles with mostly chinese or japanese characters on it, then you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who knows that it's alcoholic
>>1003141 its probably not that bad but I just don't want to risk it >>1003142 I don't really cook that much so I don't need it
You can smell the alcohol on mirin once you get a whiff though
regular bang
ah beer is really good for cooking certain things one of my favorites is sausage and potatoes with beer
when i make certain slow-cooker meals i'll use a can of beer and a packet of boullion instead of chicken broth
>>1003145 i've had beer can chicken and uh maybe beer battered fried something
regular bang
recently i made a pot roast recipe i got from some u.k. youtuber and he used a pint of newcastle brown ale instead of red wine so i tried that with a local brown ale and it was amazing i might be using that instead of red wine from now on
>>1003147 my best friend made a mountain dew code red brisket once we got a lot of replies on /ck/
no it was overseasoned and I forgot to tell him not to add chili powder so I wasn't able to eat much of it im gonna go look for the edit someome made on /ck/
it's not impossible that i would like it if i listened to it but it's not something i would go out of my way to listen to i like a few beastie boys tracks but i don't think they offer the kind of thing i look for
>>1003158 okay its very sample heavy which I really like oh one of the songs has a really good music video i think it was animated with oil paintings instead of cels
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1003136 that's the comedian behind the character dame edna err Barry Humphries quite well known with gen x and boomer Australians
regular bang
>>1003160 well a quick google search has me hesitant to watch anything i see but if you have a suggestion i might try it
even if you don't like the song, this animation is great >>>/watch?v=MEVfHmjKOrM if I recall correctly it was animated by Klasky Csupo or whatever they're called >>1003163 okay >>1003164 you seen this before?
regular bang
i'm watching saekano right now it's kinda shit but also i kinda want to keep watching it
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry Barry Humphries is the comedians name Les Patterson and Dame Edna are his characters not having a good one with words today
i meant to ask rei that but the question is open to anyone >>1003166 will check it out on that premise alone later
>>1003167 never heard of that comedian, ill look into him tomorrow i'm on a rap kick right now so ive been listening to the same six albums over and over
can't think of anything you wouldn't have heard off the top of my head you heard dj screws stuff although that's more like chop and slowed/ plunderphonics
>>1003171 oh I'm generally pretty ignorant about rap except for like albums that charted high >>1003171 never heard of him
oh and that song is sort kf about these guys https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadrach,_Meshach,_and_Abednego
christ I wish we had textwrapping like at least on mobile
>>1003182 the music video is beautiful it used paintings instead of cels and much of it is rotoscoped
regular bang
oh no straight edge bang has a little too much wine and then listens to some shitty hip hop track from like a decade ago and all the sudden he wishes he had lean or some gummies
oh yeah it's thursday night huh i wonder if rika's busy again
My impression last night was she'd be here tonight, but maybe I misread it or things change If she's not here by :40 and we'll --I'll make a thread and we'll get started without her
regular bang
more than an impression, i feel like she said she'd definitely be here but yeah things change
>>1003188 i'd be fine with not watching tonight the only thing we watch on thursdays that i'd want to not fall behind in is kyoukai senki ofc im fine with watching too although probably not all 5 shows if we dont have rika since i'm pretty tired
the leader got busted for molesting a bumch of children so many that the prosecution didn't even charge him for all of them because they thought the jury wouldn't believe it was possible for someone to molest that many children
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the killers are apparently playing in our area wonder if the tickets are gone
the cult compound in georgia had a pyramid too mf doom would go there for holidays or something
regular bang
if i could get a liyue electro and an inazuma electro that's what i'd get otherwise electro and pyro
idk if you have klee or yanfei but when you combine raiden's E with either of them you get splosions
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I got a c4 yanfei
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
bang from the current
i can't remember if my yanners is c3 or c4 she's probably me best main dps besides ayaka i guess my raiden could potentially be a better main dps but i think she's better supporting one instead i usually run Ayaka/Xingqiu/Diona/Mona for one team and Yanfei/Raiden/Xiangling/Noelle for the other the first one being about keeping them permafrozen and combining mona's and ayaka's ult for BIG DMG and the other just being yanfei doing damage and raiden ulting every time it's off cooldown and then switching once it's over
oh yeah the new banners have bennet on them maybe i should roll just cause i don't have bennet
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Pfft. That's not a waifu
bang from the current
yeah but it feels bad not having all the 4stars
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1003450 spooky glitch la nina so be hittin different here
I fell asleep in vrchat with some girl, or at least I think it was a girl, I met 2-3 hours before I've never, ever, in my whole life, fallen asleep as quickly as that
I was sleeping My headset seems to have fallen off and vrchat crashed at some point in the night, though Guess I should make a note of making sure there's something soft for it to fall on if that were to happen again
well, some point in the morning, but either way I didn't go to sleep until like 6am, after all
still pretty hungover though I wouldn't have been able to talk to so many people and have so much fun if I'd been sober, but I think I went a bit overboard
I think at one point we watched like, the LoL anime or something? Arcadia? I wasn't able to follow it at all, and I don't even think it was cause I was drunk
thats an error i see a bunch of times in the logs idk why Stream mapping: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> png (native)) must be the video thumbnailer barfing on something
yeah fun tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok i fixed one bug maybe it'll help improve the error message next time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
welp i tried to upload and it crashed the whole db
I managed to get though the first of the pack of pens I bought eight months ago I think I was expecting one pen to last more than a year so it's a bit surprising
AND because the boss isn't around, people are coming to me asking me all these really technical questions and im like.. M8 I can't be giving you advice about this I barely know what the fuck is going on
Gotta brush up on your bullshitting Say it with authority and make them kneel!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1003555 we wander the desert now in search of an absent god
>>1003600 i decided to just start bunny girl senpai first and while the resolution to the first arc was extremely cathartic the rising action was beyond anxiety-inducing i felt like i was going to break
Bunny Girl-senpai is great Make sure you watch the movie too after the season
Kind of a cute gimmick, providing you're not shooting them right at the cat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
send me one stat i got a frisky cat
>We are never alone. And by this statement, I do not intend to argue for existence of some supernatural entities, aliens or God. We are never alone because we all share our bodies with trillions of symbiotic microorganisms that perform various physiological functions crucial for our health. .... and these trillions of organisms, are they in the room with us right now?
Being able to take selfies in vrchat is really neat Didn't know you could do tat that*
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aw that's cute
I kinda wanna edit it a little bit, but I can't figure out how to even get the model (without paying for it) There are ripper mods out there, but they're not exactly ToS
bang from the current
>>1003637 holy shit that's a fuckin pt cruiser too lol
I remain unable to figure out how to edit the avatar, HOWEVER, I have accomplished one thing: I was able to rip the assets I just don't know how to use those in unity
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
rip the assets ;__;
hey rei
bang from the current
i accidentally got pepper in my nose that was awful
I guess I'll look up a tutorial tomorrow and see if I can't figure it out I don't even really wanna change that much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
blender 3d is great and it's not that tough to learn takes a bit of doing for sure but great stuff also, having Blender skills is like really valuable these days i feel like
i just sent messaged this girl who just quit from my work, she said she would like to "catch up some time" if i'm "ever free" which god i literally only opened with "hey i hear you don't work with us anymore" so i'm hoping she's actually interested in me, cuz i just now replied and said i'm asking her on a date, and the BITCH in me wants her to say no because i'm scared of actually having to go and try to be charming and possibly crashing and burning for the entirety of a date
reply right now
cellular bang
i mean if you crash and burn you can drink it off later just fuckin go for it man you only have the night to lose
i mean if yoy crash and burn you dont work with her anymore so u wont see her
she said yes and also that she had a crush on me since the first time we met at work its a go
:0 congrats bro just bee urself :) play super smash bros melee with her
>>1003943 ah I've never soldered SMD components I've desoldered them though when I was in highschool I took one of those hot air guns for stripping paint and used it to remove almost everything from a ps2 motherboard.
Listening to people talk fantasy sports not knowing any of the major players in the leagues sounds to me like listening in on people talking Pokémon team composition or gacha character meta
bang from the current
>>1003972 >>1003973 there was nothing for him to guess i was just seeing if he'd rise from the grave to respond
gonna keep the stock case this time i will miss the fanless operation but not willing to risk it until i better understand how to take care of a fanless machinr
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also the last one i got was an i5 this will be much nicer
I kinda wanna put together a set of slimevr trackers, but it seems like the parts are a bit hard to come by They're relatively cheap to build, though, if you can get your hands on the actual parts
I found some 10~ year old concerta while cleaning.
from a cursory check, the likely worst thing that could happen is it just stops being as effective concerta's all slow release though, so chances are it won't have gotten too messed up, even though 10 years is LONG, man
halo is kinda fun considering it's free, it's pretty decent a lot of people were complaining about the battle pass but the cosmetics aren't that cool so who cares just play for free
>>1004052 They're PC compatible, in general, I think
Also I made a friend? I think? Sober?
I mean I got a little bit of vodka and cola in me but only after we'd already hung out a while Listening to music and stuff And then we played minigolf
she's real fun! I'm really awkward but she was real understanding so we talked a lot
she seemed pretty intimidating at first, but this other guy she was hanging out with kinda started talking to me, but after an hour or so he went to bed, so we were left basically alone after the DJ in the club instance had logged off I mean people generally seem intimidating to me, but women in particular I guess, maybe
I put on an old playlist a few hours ago. Then a minute ago I realized the *that Nebraska by Bruce Springstein started playing and I thought "What sort of mood could I possibly have been in that I wanted to listen to that".
I didn't even realize vrchat was like, advanced enough to do minigolf But it worked really well I did really poorly, but it was still a lotta fun
I feel like every time I talk to someone on there, I learn it can do something else Like the avatar with the clothes that pulse to the music, I learned that cause I talked to another person who had that avatar, and it happened to be Rusk, and all my avatars are Rusk
>>1004075 I mean the guy who initially talked to me isn't a furry, but his avatar absolutely was a furry, so that tracks yeah >>1004077 yaya I thought you knew
no i dont know anything about moe anymore i barely even load it
>>1004082 Fair, well now you know >>1004083 I left moe for a long time, and only came back uh, maybe a year or so ago, I dunno Chronology isn't my strong suit >>1004086 I got a quest 2, but I run it through ALVR to use my PC over wifi It's pretty damn good as long as you don't try to use the actual quest 2 to run shit, cause it's like 2 cell phones taped to a pair of glasses in terms of performance
also covid has seriously fucked with my sense of time
which vr set do u gor got while i was in airborne school some dudes were playing that white one the ovulus i think
but yeah I was gone for a while cause people got a bit too Rowdy:tm: over here, and that still gives me panic attacks, so I didn't feel comfortable coming back until relatively recently it's been OK since then, only been once that I can remember vaguely since I came back
I think I vaguely recall you mentioning that but I have no recollection of like big fights or anything in a long time
has nothing to do with fighting I just break down and get suicidal when people I'm somewhat close to get too explicit about their sexual relationships and experiences So I avoid it when possible
me personally? i just like cute anime girls, or cags as i like to call them
I haven't been able to trust anyone offline, at all, enough to even tell them anything more deep than "sometimes in the past I've thought about suicide" Even though reality is I've tried once and plan it about once a month or something
Just can't bring myself to say it I don't trust human beings in real
Most of the time it just stops at "I feel depressed, it comes and goes in waves", and that's it my family doesn't even know, at least from my own mouth, that I've got any sort of mental issues beyond just having adhd, either
which new hololive is ur fav u got the purple one the red one with the mask
>>1004094 I don't like any of the ones I've seen other than ina, gura and I guess rat well, of the english ones If I spoke japan, I'd probably watch more Okayu clips and stuff
>>1004093 I can't think of a good response to that.
Eh, I'm like 50% drunk or something, don't worry about it I'm not like, feeling down or anything right now, I haven't for a few days really, though I crash sometimes right when I go to bed and before I fall asleep
Right now I'm feeling really good
>>1004097 That level of suicidal ideation worries me. And I wish I could help you or at least direct you to help.
OH WHOA Are those things in >>1004116 real? The little cup you put the coins in? Are those real?
ya they sont like handing money directly theyll look at you funny u put ur card or ur cash in that and they take it then theyll hand ur receipt and change back
cause they pixk up the thing and move it to the cash part of their register a lot of stores have automatic counters tho too like you pur your own cash in and it counts it fast or a lot of hover technology with phones for their point cards
if you wanna pay with coins, you HAVE TO use that godforsaken devilmachine, and it won't always accept your coin, so you gotta try again that might not seem that bad, but you gotta realize Old people... LOVE cash They will pay with cash if they are at all able
>>1004133 its for people who get the meridian response who also fetishize it
I don't even know what the fuck that means
>>1004135 ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response its a tingling feeling you get from certain stimuli i've definitely experienced it at some point in my life but not from any of the types of shit on youtube
>>1004163 I went to work until now and then I'll go to work in eleven hours rest of the day was just cleaning and stuff
>>1004166 I also did some cleaning. my room is still a mess but I picked up a lot of paper and recycled it I also found two bottles of concerta from 2012.
I think I'd make a terrible maid. I have ocd compulsions to clean some things but not others and I can often manage them but sometimes when vacuuming/mopping/scrubbing I get really into it and do it over and over until its super clean and also injure my hand/wrist/elbow
my ocd isn't as bad as it used to be though
this is cool https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dggy5/new-zealand-legalises-drug-checking-world-fir
How do you know if you talked too much and ended up just being annoying?
Only really when told so Otherwise you just gotta assume it's your paranoid-ass brain talking Or that's how I handle it myself
>>1004208 I don't, but I have autism so that makes it difficult.
For a more useful response, it helps to not get so wrapped up in your own head and put the attention towards the other person People generally >>1004217 hey motherfucker let me finish People generally trail off or become more unresponsive if they're losing interest in what you're saying, providing they're not already tired At the same time though, providing what you're talking about is interesting or amusing to them, most people are usually content to let other people talk It's only really particularly argumentative or extroverted people who feel miffed about another person dominating the conversation
They seemed interested, and they were asking questions and stuff but I still feel like maybe I overstepped something and like, took over somehow
I just worry I like attention too much Maybe
Or maybe it's just my brain going downwards after too much Good Feelings in so short a time span I don't really know if I'm really able to handle and cope with anyone actually liking to interact with me
Cause to me I'm not worth that
And I'm not used to it So it kinda feels like I've got a maximum of good I'm allowed to feel before I have to pay it back