>>1004395 idk not really or rather, it would be good on the right character. but I don't have any of the characters it would work well with. so it's a BITTERSWEET roll
>>1004420 Hell yeah, living my best life I work like 15 hours a week and 10 of those hours are spent hiking lol >>1004419 he looks fun he was my favorite character in the guilty gear story happy chaos is so fun
>>1004419 it looks so messy in the lower right corner though is it kancolle or why does she have a submarine on her head >>1004421 that's remarkably more heatlhy than other jobs too very cool that something like it exists
I'm going to become the healthiest person in the universe! No, I already am! It exists because I created it. I'm going to start getting paid to use Discord soon too lol And then I'll start getting paid to watch anime
>>1004423 a friend of mine is looking to start going into psychology after he stuck around in his unfulfilling consultant position at a bank, he figured he would do something he actually wants to do is your creation patented or can I give him inspiration for his future lol I wonder about the getting paid to watch anime part though, that sounds like there wouldn't be that many clients, but who knows...
Intellectual property is a fuck. It belongs to everyone!
>>1004424 Anime will be a programmatic thing, where I'll watch some anime with some kids in our IOP program. I can do anything I want to as long as I can make it therapeutic. And I can make anything therapeutic.
>>1004425 wau lovely I happen to share the same opinion very cool ideas it's seems crazy at first, but just being human together with someone can be therapeutic I guess although you're more in a position to do therapeutic anime watching professionally (tm)
I just want to have fun and enjoy my life. That's all! So I want everyone else to be like that, too. That's why I do things that are therapeutic and fun with clients. Of course, therapy is often very much not fun (for clients) but that's okay. You gotta fit some fun in at the end of the session if you can.
>>1004428 Ohayou! >>1004427 it's an enlightening view of yours, truly I can imagine that some people are in very despairful positions when they're at the point where they actively seek out therapy
https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7nnbm/wiarton-willie-canada-famous-groundhog-death-coverup >>1004438 not sure I'm bad at picking favorites used to be Tenryu can I pick an Abyssal?
>>1004447 wow, that is pretty crazy one would have to benchmark more with various types of images, but it looks pretty legit so basically, it's combining different methods, that's pretty genius I have to say >>1004453 you know my guess why all the bigshoot formats aren't so competitive here is because all the money is on lossy compression, which has a lot more research and consortium money in it it seems like because as I understand, all the lossy compression formats use spectral analysis, which is not applicable for lossless compression very fascinating though, good share
>>1004452 he said he wanted to do a similar thing with lossy images
>>1004453 on the topic of lossless image formats https://tools.suckless.org/farbfeld/
>>1004453 it's interesting, because I wonder how easy it is to make something similarly performant (in terms of compressed %) to all the spectral analysis formats although there is definitely progress to be made in terms of making the format accessible and performant >>1004456 it's kind of old I think, just an interesting idea, different goals >>1004457 you could reduce the color space and make a more toon-shader-y image xd yeah I'm not the type of guy for this kind of problem
>>1004454 unless that's new I've probably read that before
>>1004455 well the two simplest methods I can think of are nearest neighbor sampling and single value decomposition.
>>1004455 iirc the suckless lossless formats suck because of their massive filesizes
I'm thinking about emailing the guy to suggest single value decomposition but its not simple its just comparatively simple
>>1004458 that would make sense, compression always has to be a top consideration for something like this >>1004459 I'm sure he would appreciate the idea, you could go for it if you learn anything interesting do tell :o >>1004461 oh so you have already dabbled in this, that would make sense
>>1004460 it will take some digging for me to find my notes and code examples though
>>1004460 yeah, for a college assignment in my computational science class the problem is that svd would require an entire linear algebra subsystem installed like BLAS or ATLAS
>>1004462 yeah, not sure what the requirements are for a matrix to be able to do SVD (or do it efficiently), but I'm sure it consists of somewhat complicated matrix operations >>1004463 very nice, not using the proprietary solution >>1004465 ohhh that makes sense, I see >>1004466 kek yeah that was what I kind of tried to imply, it's not straightforward (or doesn't look it at least)
>>1004464 well its 3 matrices one for red one for green and one for blue
and like its probably more than O(n2 ) goddamn it I hate our superscript code
>>1004464 its relatively straight forward I covered it in a very low level linear algebra class
>>1004467 I wish our linalg was better than it ended up being did you only cover theory or go more in depth w.r.t. algorithms?
>>1004468 we didn't cover numerical algorithms we did theory and basic applications
>>1004468 svd is sort of related to this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_product
>>1004470 okay I see, pretty interesting we didn't cover that >>1004473 okay so what you mean is to store the matrix in terms of constituents that by applying the outer product yields the matrix that makes a lot of sense actually >>1004474 life is never that easy
>>1004471 its not really that usual *useful Like not immediately useful in the context of what you need to learn
>>1004471 but like if you imagine a nxn matrix if you reduced it to the product of an 1xn and an nx1 you could store it that way and it would take up less space
>>1004471 yeah but you can't decompose every square matrix into an outer product but svd is kind of similar
so i've been digging through my textbook collection and pulling out stuff I want to review/learn before going back to school next fall. and I think I'm going to bite the bullet and finally actually learn some abstract algebra. I'm planning on reviewing chem, calculus 1-3, diffeq, linear algebra, calculus based physics and some programming And then rigorously going over some textbooks on geometric algebra, real analysis, complex analysis, geometric algebra, abstract algebra and discrete math not neccesarily in that order. although first I need to clean my damn desk so I have room for my laptop, an open textbook and a notebook
sounds fun right?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's nice call me when you've actually done it
>>1004489 well my new adhd meds work pretty well so I think I have a decent chance of doing some of it
I don't even talk to randos in online games. Even in Halo, I turn off voice chat so I can't hear anyone talking. That's one of the reasons I don't like MMOs
Yeah, Death Stranding was really good. I mostly play single player or co-op games. Halo Infinite is the only pvp game I've ever played and enjoyed enough to want to continue playing.
I'm not against talking with people in video games, but it's something my brain's just not wired to do Like I never go "Oh there's something I want/am curious about, I should ask someone about it" It doesn't even enter consideration There's some online multiplayer games I do enjoy, but my social preferences in them is to be bothered as little as possible, better yet not at all
koru koru kour as you can see, the words just appear it relies on js people here use trips, like all of them lol you can get banned for what you write you can't delete anything past a certain point see. this is the trip user he posts here all the time there's some drawbacks to this format like conversations don't make sense in retrospect
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we be using all the words tonight
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
check out my
>>1004521 >trip user? I don't see anything that looks like a tripcode in the past 100 posrs
>>1004529 >don't be pedantic lmao this nigga doesn't know the difference between a *trip*fag and a *name*fag oh fuck I forgot that makes italics not work thanks Sam
do you guys need a halo player >>1004522 it would appear you have some misunderstandings or misconceptions about the nature of this place i would suggest maybe reconsidering your perspective
>>1004539 ya I think I set your nickname to bang because it kept changing might be free tomorrow or thurs >>1004540 yes, you may now pass judgement
bang from the current
yeah sometimes i go on name changing sprees
Hello. I would just like to say that I have a very strong desire to eat thick spaghetti. I , additionally, have a very strong desire to watch someone, preferebaly male, squish large tomatoes with their bare hands and mush them into a paste. I then would like to watch them insert the vegetables one by one and create a delicious sauce. After the sauce is made, we would eat the spaghetti, plain and simple.
bang from the current
5e is the most fun way to play for the most people imo
>>1004545 well thoysands of years ago, D&D wasn't designed for or marketed to "most people" although as each new edition comes out the hold outs of the previous edition become grognards
>>1004545 I'm having fun with it but also I'm very casually into dnd haven't tried other systems in an actual tabletop setting, just experienced them through stuff like baldur's gate or planescape which were both pretty limited
bang from the current
i think more roleplay and DM flexibility = good and more numbers and hard-coded rules = bad 5e can be easily skeletonized and reformatted for other settings as well, and easily easily being the part i'm going to mention 4 times easily
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my jojo game is great all of my players got their shit smashed in by a magpie they lost three fights to it
>>1004551 most DMs will pick and choose rules i fiorgot exactly where I read this, but it was in some old dmg but there werpe a bunch of guidelines for dns *dms well rules and rule 0 is what the DM says goes
bang from the current
my 5e games always end up including a few things from 3.5e or even pathfinder the best way to play tabletop is the way you and your friends enjoy
grognards is a funny word >>1004552 tell jan to fight better and also that I said hi
he cant do it on tuesday only wed/thur and we have ton's game on wed and im not available on thur im gonna get him in on the sequel campaign
>>1004555 allegedly grognard is french for old soldier who complains a lot
probably too busy with ffxiv raids on tuesdays
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he be workin
Feel the power of my neck you trounce you completely as your sauropods shrivel and shrink from neck degradation and deprecation. You're now left with a pile of shitnecks only good for hating themselves and wallowing in their own pity, with you to take care of them for all
this isn't some random chan board, it's just formatted similarly to one this is mostly just a place where regulars have comfy chats and post images we love welcoming new people because it's more fun to have more people to chat with but there's certain brands of personality that just don't mesh well here
>>1004565 well are you gonna jerk it too or what? don't gotta be ashamed of your dick, on account of it being such a good size an all
i'm not really religious but i don't think you have to be to appreciate this track
>>1004573 ill check it out later i'm in the bathroom watching videos or listening to music while in the bathroom feels weird to me
bang from the current
finding out you're talking to someone who is in the bathroom feels weird to me so talking to someone while you're in the bathroom should probably feel weird to you too, i think
>>1004575 nah, communication via text doesn't feel weird
bang from the current
well yeah, if you don't know it's fine you could just said like "yeah in a sec" we didn't need to be aware of the rest >>1004578 its ok i forgive u
im buying a $0.79 ASCII roguelike on steam and I was thinking I might also try playing it on GNU/Linux apparently it works in Wine and I found this post by the dev on reddit
steam says nothing abput a gnu/linux versiln *version playing ASCII games on Windows feels weird to me Nethack looks completely wrong
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow it's the famoose loli lover 69 i can't hbeeb it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna showerpost ill fukken do it
>>1004583 do it I spend like two hours bathposting every day
also heres the game https://store.steampowered.com/app/328760/
anyone get anything in the steam sale? i got a $0.49 racing game, that roguelike I mentioned earlier and Bennet Foddy's getting over it which after playing for about a minute I determined I would likely injure my wrist unless playing with a cushioned mousepad at avdeck so I quit
my friend got himself a vr set too, so tomorrow I'm gonna show him around vrchat and stuff could probably see if we can get blade and sorcery to run multiplayer, too
>>1004664 neither do I none of those stores seem real to me
>>1004666 haol satan *hail anyways i went and read some more of her posts I guess she's saying that they are boarded up because of the crime rate, and that the crime rate is because of progressive policies which isn't entirely wrong its definitely a component oh and also that because of crime and homeless people less tourists will come (true) which will result in businesses making less money which will result in the city making less from taxes and everything getting worse from that the crime rate and homeless problem is because of the lack of affordable housing and also police generally not arresting homeless people for crime there oh also I forgot to mention employees of businesses losing their jobs and becoming homeless san francisco absolutely needs affordable housing but there's a lot of money being made in unaffordable housing so there's a twisted incentive to not build it
oh and the progressive policies I was referencing are the police being soft on crime committed by the homeless the homeless problem would still be there under a conservative government that part is just greex *greed
there's probably some errr there's definitely more to the issues there
oh no my bath is losing its heat faster than I expected
i used to play DCSS on my ubuntu laptop that i ran off a flash drive the OS, i mean i can't remember if i was playing the web version or the install version though which is why i can't remember if there's a linux version of DCSS or if i just played off the web client
>>1004714 I'm reasonably certain that there is a GNU/Linux version. although I had thought that you were a Crunchbang guy
yeah theres a gnu/linux version
this bath is cold I think I'll get out early tonight
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
endure it
>>1004727 normally I would but the problem is that I got into the bath about an hour later than usual
>>1004720 i tried crunchbang for a little while and it was honestly awful around that time i was posting as ! as in the namefield was just an exclamation point so samu called me bang since you asked earlier
i say crunchbang was awful but i guess it was fine but i ended up running ubuntu off a flash drive for a while and that worked better for the hardware i had it was one of those dell inspiron e1505's >>1004741 the reason i stopped using crunchbang was because the HD in that laptop died (along with my Legend of the Dragoon save ;_;) and it was super easy to install ubuntu on a flash drive in fact i think i already had the drive sitting around but didn't have a use for it until that HDD died i had been messing around with linux because that was my only laptop at the time well only computer at the time, and it was too dated to run windows at that point it was already a 6 or 7 year old laptop then
>>1004738 any reason why you ran it off usb instead of instaoling it?
>>1004738 my dragon warrior (quest) 3 save is probably gone im assuming that a gbc game save battery made in 2000 would be dead by now but maybe I should check
yeah it was my second attempt at beating Legend of Dragoon first time i was a kid and got to disc 2 and then on that HDD using PSXe i got to disc 4 and then on my friend's ps3 when it got released on PSN i got to disc 4 again, pretty close to then end and then i moved out from his place and never got to finish rip
>>1004745 well i'll only buy a gbc game dumper if the save is still thete
inb4 the battery dies while I'm waiting for it to ship
i think the farthest I ever got in a multidisc jrpg was disc 3 of FFIX
okay im gonna go shower bbl
acrually wait i need to wait for the bath to drain first
I am slowly, very slowly, approaching the necessary knowledge to edit an avatar from vrchat It's not strictly allowed, but it doesn't seem to be enforced
using unity, really All I wanna really do is resize it and edit a texture, really I really like this one Rusk avatar where her whole hoodie pulses according to the music using audiolink, but the model is very, very tiny, so talking to anyone while using it is kind of a pain And I wanna see if I can slap a trans flag on the sleeve
If there was an avatar that was that out there, I'd just use that, other than those two parts it's all I want already
It's a slow process to figure out, but I've got time to kill I don't gotta be done this week or anything, even, I can just puzzle at this for a long time and eventually it'll be what I want
Man I don't want to go into work tomorrow I really just want to be free of it all I want to have the time to explore my creative urges and try to remember what it was like to be passionate about creating things Even though I'm pretty certain even if I didn't have to work I'd just go back to burning away all my free time just playing video games and tickling my vapid curiousity As I've done pretty much the entire past decade, as I still do to this day But this life of exhausting myself and far too much of my time earning money that serves no purpose beyond keeping me alive is absolutely wrecking my mental health At least when I was a parasitic NEET I felt kind of okay about myself What good is living like this
I don't know about the differences in the codebases so I can't help you there. I just know /moe/ has been stable for a long time, although Sam does do updates to it still periodically.
>>1004849 is that the right github? what's the admin's handle
>>1004847 attempted a mass shooting he only shot one person because he was a fucking loser
You said "he only shot one person because he was a loser" which implies he wouldn't have been a loser if he shot more. I don't pay attention to those cesspool dwellers so I just said what I've heard, which is that he was a mass shooter, and why I prefaced the statement with "I think".
>>1004857 well, I guess you're right maybe good point
>>1004846 why do you people keep coming here and asking about meguca?
>>1004859 I mean, doushio was a very early fork of meguca and afaik the only current instance of any of its versions online. Is there another board that's running a current version of meguca?
>>1004860 >doushio was an early fork of meguca you got that backwards anyways Ive heard rumors that Lat set up a new board but dont know much else although also meguca was almost completely rewritten in Go or something and the github I think might still be updated
>>1004860 Doushio is the first liveboard. The other ones used Doushio code for their own stuff and made it their own. But Sam's was the first liveboard, which predated meguca by at least three or four years.
I just found out that only the reference implementation BLAS was writfen in Fortran. None of the optimized ones people actually use are. Its all C / C++ and or assembly. I feel like my life is a lie.
Well I guess that would make it easier for me to write my own Level 1 and 2 implementations since I know C better than Fortran.
oh LAPACK is implemented in Fortran. My crisis of faith is over.
no it's not, because the girl in the anime isn't unperceivable because there's a house around her, she's not fucking visible when next to you
And she's not unperceivable because she's invisible either You literally haven't watched the show and you're talking like you know more about it than me you dumbass
but she's obviously not visible if she can't be seen
Again, I am not visible to anyone right now, but I am not invisible
>>1005016 I haven't seen it either, but what if the outfit makes it so people avert their gaze
well whatever, I assume there's some sorta reason you're saying it like, it just seems stupid
>>1005018 >it just seems stupid that describes a lot of things in anime
well you're not wrong about that
not sure if this is stupid or just weird but the kanji for rainbow is made of the radicals for craft (as in to build/make) and bug.
>>1005018 It's because being invisible implies a different matter of things She's not invisible, she can perceive herself and the whole plot kicks off because the MC sees her wandering around town in the bunny girl suit she wears when no one can see her Her body isn't refracting light or magically changing to some material which is entirely transparent People just can't see her
Because if you're feeling absolutely despondent over feeling completely isolated in a world where no one seems to be able to see you any more Maybe you'd think wearing something absurd would somehow fix the situation Or just after giving up entirely you do something ridiculous as a scream into the void of despair
bang from the current
i definitely held off on this show for a while because from the outside looking in, it's definitely a show with bunny girl in the title and a girl wearing a bunny suit in the promotional material but it's definitely, absolutely, sincerely not what one would assume from that
yeah i mean at a glance it seems like a horny show
bang from the current
it's definitely not
bang from the current
i cried three time
bang from the current
4 if you count the two times in the same couple minutes but i count that as one big cry
other than it what's the first anime you can think of you've cried at
bang from the current
clannad instantly
i was new to anime back then too so it hit extra hard
your lie in april
i've cried from watching and reading mushoku but maybe that's weird
violet evergarden
oh man i bawled my fucking eyes out at the end of K-ON
Koe no Katachi got me hard
ano hana got me too
hanasaku iroha got me
i think there's probably a good number more am i that easy
that fucking far back huh
you seen voices from a distant star?
of a distant star, I messed it up
the first anime i cried at kanon 2006 when she first said uguu on the wheelchair i knew it was over for me
bang from the current
whoakun i feel like the only part of your body capable of emitting fluids is your penis
Poor Woah Doomed to die at a young age because he can't emit sweat
no i had to spit in a cup when i reentered japan therefore ur proven wrong
bang from the current
solid spit
bang from the current
hanasaku iroha was so fucking good goddamn good memoreis
When PA Works hits a home run with their anime originals, they go hard Shirobako was fantastic too And Shiroi Suna has been great
bang from the current
hanasaku iroha was anime original? oh shit i had no idea wait deja vu maybe i've had this conversation before and forgot
Most, if not all PA Works anime are anime originals I think there might be a few exceptions, but they're consistently a studio which puts out anime-original works Shirobako, Hanasaku Iroha, Sakura Quest, Tari Tari, and a whole bunch of others
oh I had deja vu like an hour or two ago, too, due to some guy in vrchat talking about fucking I don't even know, the music was really loud But whatever it was, deja vu hit it can't be a coincidence
bang from the current
oh no they did charlotte and one day i became a god and angel beats jun maeda please don't hold them hostage
bang from the current
>>1005049 deja vu is actually the quick recalibartion of your consciousness as you swap timelines you aren't your former self this is the wrong universe you must find the next loop
I cried at EoE my first watch, end of Lain, end of gunbuster, end of diebuster uhhhhhhhh haibame renme maybe angel beats and around the time I had a nervous breakdown I cried after reading a summary of voices from a distant star
>>1005051 They also did Glasslip, which while Maeda Jun had nothing to do with, was also ... not great A lot of their weaker shows are pretty bad, and then there's a few okay ones like Sakura Quest and Tari Tari But when they do something excellent it tends to be really good
>>1005052 if the universe has seen fit to slot me into a different timeline, I'm more than content to stay let that bitch I swapped out with figure it out, it's her problem now
f oh well, I'm gonna take one step towards making it better today setting up a doc appointment in like, 20 minutes, thought the phones opened at 8 but it's 8:45 for some stupid reason I left the virtual club before it was over just to make sure I got in line early and then the damn lines don't even open for another 45 minutes, bullshit
anyway, gonna get that report from the neuropsych and I'm gonna give getting HRT another try
thanks, pretty sure I'll need it cause it's a fucking crapshoot judging by previous experience probably just gonna end up telling them either they get me on hrt legally or I'm just gonna go online for it and figure out the dosages and shit by trial and error on my own time fucked around with this for long enough, now
night /moe/
night night
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1004929 why do you get bothered by large wrapping lines of text but also post large obstructive text
at least it's the 16th and not the 17th 17th would be annoying
And not like two hundred bucks for an appointment
>>1005088 yeah it's more like $20-30 for an appointment, and a yearly roof of like $250 or some such
>>1005033 monster, i think that i can remember at least in large part because the music was so fucking emotional
>>1005091 it's possible. there was a blackout period where i dont remember anything but jan was telling me that i did stuff with you and him and noy and eku and other people but i don't remember it probably though i was always pretty obsessed with the show i started watching it very shortly after beginning on my antidepressants as a teenager and everything felt so intense and emotional and i could pay attention to things magical time but made me very obsessive over those things too
>>1005090 antidepressants did that for you? do they work similarly to adhd meds or something? cause that sounds very similar
SNRI, yes, not SSRI wellbutrin i started them at 16 and it really changed my life a lot i went back on them and off of them various times since them and i'm off them right now ever since 2019 when healthcare dropped me through the fucking cracks and i've been completely unmedicated since
>>1005092 they work on norepinephrine, so they are very "stimulating" without being stimulants i think strattera works on a similar concept but i never tried it
>>1005094 yeah but reuptake of norepinephrine instead of seratonin wellbutrin gave me a LOT more energy. i felt better on them than i ever did using adderall or stimulants, and completely nullifies any urge to smoke as well but the emotions can get overwhelming from it sometimes
>>1005094 finances and healthcare access after i moved to michigan i couldn't get to my old doctor i tried getting a new one there but they really fucking dropped the ball and i still get angry thinking about it so ive opted to just ignore it and go unmedicated because focusing on it is too much for me i'm certain i could sue for malpractice to the hospital but it's not worth the fucking stress
you doing ok though, in general? don't really get to talk to you much lately
i mean, i dont know my soul and my self are doing fine but my life is in fucking shambles i wish i could get hold of wellbutrin but im never going to a doctor again i wonder if there's any on the black market
I'd be surprised if you can't get a hold of it through alternate means, yeah obviously more expensive though >>1005099 hm, well I guess you know your situation better than I do American healthcare confuses me, mostly
not more expensive than trying to go to a doctor
i need to figure out what im gonna do though find a roommate or something im not eager or able to move, and don't have anywhere to move this stuff to i just want to stay here. im so tired of moving. had to uproot my life every year and re-start for the last decade and i don't want to. not this time, and not at this time
I can relate, even though my situation has always been fairly stable I have this apartment for 3 years, but I still feel like it's temporary Like I just don't feel like it's home, or ever gonna be
I moved into this condo unit back at the end of May and it still doesn't really feel like it's "my" place Mostly because there's just not really any time to live in it. Between work and sleep, there's really only a few hours of the day I can consciously appreciate it it. Not to mention it's still pretty unfurnished. I'm picking clothes out of some bags and a laundry hamper because I don't have a dresser, and I don't have counter space for kitchen appliances or enough cupboard space, or shelves to put things on So I've just got cardboard boxes of books and stuff laying around The most recent addition is a lounge chair I got a few weeks back so I finally have somewhere I can sit that's not my desk chair and a place I can stretch out that's not my bed, but that was still like five months after I moved in here
There's just no time to go furniture hunting so I'm half stuck feeling more like it's a nice hotel unit rather than an apartment I should be living in. It's more a place to eat and sleep rather than live. It's kind of tough for me personally to have a personal space that doesn't feel like my personal space
i have a couch and a small coffee table, my desk and my computer, and that's honestly all my furniture unless you count my bed I mean I have my chair too I guess And it's probably gonna be like that until I move out
yeah, that's how it seems to be with most people I mean I don't care so much about whether any of this feels like it's "mine" in any real sense, personally, my only concern is the permanency of it all I don't decorate my living environment for any reason other than to satisfy people who comment on the barren walls and stuff
>>1005103 move here i have a 2 bedroom and nobody else
I don't think I can keep claiming... I guess it's not technically unemployment, but somewhere between it and "something else", if I move to the US though
I'd like some shelving and bookshelves and maybe a plant or two and a counter I could put things like a rice cooker and my air fryer on and another cupboard I could use for pantry goods And a fucking dresser so I could properly organize my clothes and have a place to put them away neatly instead of pulling things out of the drying machine when I need them Maybe a beanbag chair or a small couch/loveseat/chair so if I do have guests they have a comfortable place to sit But where am I supposed to find the time to get all these things, or how, when I can't drive or own a car in the first place
I just can't understand how people find time to live when they're working full-time It takes far better time management skills than I possess
I do kinda want some more storage space, though, yeah
i joined a discord for Badger DAO a few days ago out of random curiosity hopped on today and multiple users have been hacked and had their life savings withdrawn good thing i didn't deposit anything jeez i like how some users are like "no big deal the treasury is healthy we'll get thru this" bruh no one is gonna ever trust this project again
> One user had around 900 bitcoin ($50.8 million) worth of tokens stolen in a single transaction. imagine having 900 btc and saying to yourself "this sin't enough i gotta wrap this into ethereum and deposit it into a smart contract written by internet strangers so i can earn interest on it" rich people are not ok
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1005123 vroided up give that girl huuuge muscles
A new day with many posibilitys. H a have a pleasant day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thanks anno i hope you have a good one too im gonna try and seize a possibility or two
this model bullshit is fucking hard But I am determined I'm gonna get it working in 2 weeks I just gotta get it working, add some customization options, slap an audiolink in there, and I won't need other avatars
well I mean sooner or later I'll probably drop some money on a professional to make me like, that but better But in terms of appearance I'm very satisfied as long as I can get this into vrchat without fucking it up
And if I can then add some customization options and an audiolink, I don't need the other avatars I've favorited anymore >>1005133 Because learning to model is honestly just way more work than I think I'm capable of putting down I mean I might fuck around with it at some point, but I think it's gonna end up with me throwing some money at a modeler who already knows what they're doing
Like I can just cut back on cigs for a month and I should be able to just outright buy something that looks really good Might need two months, depending on stuff, I guess Like I really want the audiolink
I am pretty uncomfortable with this morning's Uber ride Like partially physically uncomfortable, because this dork clearly has an aftermarket engine installed in his Honda Civic which does not suit morning traffic well and is constantly jolting me forward whenever he accelerates But also fucking nervous because he's playing like he's some kind of badass street racer cutting around traffic while also picking up his phone and fiddling with it while driving and steering the wheel Not a very comfortable way to start my morning
>>1005138 if i lost een // even a thousand dollars i probably wouldn't be able to afford to continue living but they drop millions and just 'shrug life goes on' pretty bullshit give me that million dollars then you cumbags
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its just damage control tons of people in that discord must be invested in the token so they're like "it's fine we'll walk it off no worries"
i am getting a gig doing "mindfulness exercises" in a discord server soon or something for an NFT server i can't wait to see shit like this as i try not to laugh while running them through a guided meditation for fifty dollars
>>1005158 what would need to be done to prevent that, or alternatively automate recovery?
Today in "Man I Didn't Know I Could Be Pushed To Be Sick Of X Music" I am fucking sick of listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers I don't even particularly dislike them but apparently anything sucks if I'm stuck hearing it on end amongst all the other noise going on in this warehouse
their desert section is lacking though it should have fairy cake or wait whats it called white bread with margarine and sprinkles the classic australian desert
I gotta try to coax someone on my friend list into joining me for the sharpnel event I'll go alone if I gotta but it'd be fun to have someone to banter with as well, y'know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hardrave from da underground
it's gonna be fun all 3 of the DJs have apparently either made or comissioned replicas of themselves for avatars instead of their usual anime girl avatars, too lmao
I don't even know if I'd put it beyond them to have done it themselves
If you think you have the ability to really sit down and get good at it, there's definitely money to be made with it Even after I manage to get my own set up and everything, chances are at some time down the road I'm gonna be dropping some money on someone to make like, a better one than what I get by converting from vroid and messing with stuff I dunno anything about
are you saying you can turn me into an anime girl?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, marsh. i'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't need an avatar you will be the anime girl
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think that the avatars as they currently exist are like pretty old tech bones and skinning is great and fast but like does weird shit to anatomy someone needs to invent character modeling that involves modelling the muscles to some extent especially for facial expressions
The primary difference is attention to detail, the basic rigging and stuff there's like, automated scripts for and shit anyway Like the vroid ones look really good for such an easy and painfree, and FREE process, but they are a bit like, sharp, and the customization is admittedly somewhat limited and a little bit janky in places You can of course go hard if you decide to make your own models and textures to put in there, and people have made some really really good looking ones in vroid that way
Enough learning for tonight I have a decent idea how I'm gonna accomplish what I want with this avatar now, I just gotta get some sleep and then sit down and do it tomorrow Likely gonna be a decent amount of stuff that takes some doing, but hey
>>1005401 can you ask one of your jaoanese friends why 虹 contains the kanji for bug and craft. *Japanese ask them if its because they think bugs make rainbows.
i dont know what that is it makes me thing of cow poop so i dont wnat to google it
A layer of seasoned and cooked ground meat, usually beef, or historically lamb/sheep meat A layer of mashed potatoes Optionally mix in some root veggies or corn if you want Stick in the oven so the flavours get to melt and the potatoes get a bit crisp on the top
oh ok i think i know what that is i just didnt know the name
if I ever git gud at Japanese I should make a twitter account full of questions about kanji etymology like that
I prefer these to sheperd's pie. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasty
bang from the current
pasties are great and i love them but what do they need to be better than shepard's pie for
In that case I'll stake my clain -claim on chicken pot pie Shepherd's pie is good but man I would still go for a chicken pot pie over it any day
bang from the current
yeah chicken pot pie for sure
bang from the current
i suggested the three that i did cause they can be made pretty easily without a ton of time and have beef and they cover enough of a meal that you only need a single side dish really
i really like pastys but i don't think of them as a dinner food they're like something you make so you can eat them for breakfast or lunch later
what is this emotion sometimes its stronger than other times it's almost like getting to the end of the bottle i post the cute anime images to make me feel better but every now and then i don't feel better...
idk man the regular clothes are good but i like seeing more outfits
saving so you can buy hu tao in retirement when you have more free time to play genshin
bang from the current
if i saved my primos until retirement i'd surely have more primos than i could ever need but i don't think genshin will be running in 150 years when my robot corpse is finally retired into the bin
>>1005539 It was the only time I've ever been in love I thought it was the Real Deal but then she lured me out into the Wildy and all her friends piled on and killed me for my items
so last night I came up with the brilliant idea of attempting to write my own BLAS its much simpler than my old idea of trying to write a CAS (mainly because numerical linear algebra doesn't require much abstract algebra) I think I might be able to do most of the level 1 routines its not an easy project but I was reading some source code of BLAS stuff and was able to follow it better than I expected and I also was able to understand some stuff about cache optimizing this kind of thing
i guess i should start thinking about sleeping short day at work tomorrow and then the weekend but on monday i gotta drive two hours away to do 4 doors and then drive back woof
never tried cache optimizing either but that's where you well you know how it works
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cache optimization is a broad topic
What about a bread topic
>>1005568 I stopped myself from saying "that's a great way to improve performance" because you already know anyways after reading some literature on speeding up numerical routines I've determined that it would be important to try it
spotify wrapped this year created a weird semi-playlist that i can't edit and stuck an 8 second video greeting from dua lipa in the middle of it so dumb i had to copy all the songs out into another freshly created playlist to get rid of it
Now all I gotta do is hook up audiolink, edit some textures I don't think this would work with full body, but full body is far away anyway for me
Another day, another replaying of Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Don't be
Oh now it's Stairway To Heaven I guess it's going to be dad rock all afternoon
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
wow they got all the jams
Funny thing though, my dad's actually not that big a fan of this kind of music There's bands in there he likes, or the odd song But by far he's more a new wave and other alt rock genres fan The Moody Blues, some Depeche Mode and Duran Duran I guess that's more alternative music broadly Wailing or crooning rock was never his thing
ah you know i just do it for fun. who cares about the numbers
>>1005597 Assuming Boxing Day is also a thing Down Under, Blue microphones usually go on sale during periods like that The Blue Yeti or Snowball is a pretty solid mic if you're looking at the very start for microphones that don't suck ass
Not surprising at all but it reinforces what you'd already expect The video with the anime girl in the thumbnail did better than one that didn't.
>>1005603 True. But a Blue Yeti is probably more upmarket than I was intending to go.
Well, Snowball is the cheaper option of the two I think Ton uses one and he only sounds kinda like a nerd through it
Seriously though, they can go on pretty deep sales for holidays I think I got my Blue Yeti at like 50% off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive got a audiotechnica condenser mic hooked up to a Scarlett 2i2 audio interface works p good except the part where discord voice never freakin works
I bought one of those yesterday! Both of them even They're products carried through the store I work for so I was able to get the Scarlett 2i2 and an ATH2020 set that comes with mic, boom, and cable for like, somewhere between 25-30% off
I got an email today that the hololive Watame birthday mug I ordered months and months ago only just arrived at the warehouse today
Are they shipping to Australia yet? I have Coco and Ina goods sitting in their warehouse but they can't ship them out because Japan's EMS mail service has suspended parcel transportation to Canada and still haven't lifted it
I actually have some previous goods I ordered in January that have been sitting in their warehouse for like seven or eight months that haven't been able to ship either At this point unless something really appeals to me I'm holding off buying anything else until after they announce parcel shipping resumed