Yeah December's right around the corner though, so hopefully there's some good chances to take more time off
Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 3-6 *Heike Monogatari Isekai Shokudou Episode 6-8 *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Episode 3-6 *Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 *Mieruko-chan *Mushoku Tensei Muv-Luv Alternative Episode 7-8 Platinum End *Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru *Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Episode 6-8 *Tsuki to Laifa to Nosferatu Visual Prison Episode 4-7 *Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou
Both 86 and Saihate to Paladin are on break this week
Well upside is we get to catch up on some of the things we held on to from Wednesday >>1003814 Yeah, the smallest one She's using a bit of a different pitch for the character but you can still really hear it in her "hai"s and some other phonetics
bang from the current
mushoku! we get some amazing things i'm so excited for this episode
also apparently nene voiced one of maha's friends i had no idea until the other day in assassin
bang from the current
oh no i'm already crying
bang from the current
oh no
bang from the current
oh no oh no oh no oh no
I guess that means Zenith landed who knows where Like Ghislaine her proximity to them didn't help her land nearby
This little shit really didn't take Roxy's polite refusal of his advances very well
Hah hah He's re-doing the apartment bit
I was going to say he's been getting stuck in prisons a lot lately But it has been like a year and a half since his time in the beastkin village
bang from the current
that is not at all how i expected zanobe to look zanoba zanobe zanob
Well her mother was always kind of cunning too It was implied having a child with Paul was as much his moral weakness as it was her knowingly taking advantage of it
OH oh caps zanoba did mention he was the third prince i wasn't sure if he did or not pax was the seventh in fact the amount they managed to convey in only 20 minutes is good but i didn't expect this speed at all
although the LN isn't fully translated and seven seas is cutting a lot of stuff inexplicably, i still highly recommend a read, especially once they get up to vol 16 or 17
Mushoku is on the list of things I'm going to read when my Japanese skill is sufficient Which is still a long way off, I'd wager, for something like it But it's not like I've got a whole lot of spare time these days anyway
bang from the current
i'm not sure if it's a difference between the WN and LN or the LN and anime but in the WN, Lillia petitions rudy to take aisha before aisha asks herself it doesn't really change anything for some reason as i was watching it, i thought it might but it really didn't
Oh there's the Nene-voiced girl again The brown one
bang from the current
more nene!
Wow now they're Maha's girls
bang from the current
i'm kinda surprised Maha didn't just slit their throats then and there
We haven't seen her kill anyone yet, have we? Aside from the flash-forward bit at the start of episode one Maybe she hasn't been committed yet
Damn Tarte
Oh speaking of killing people This might be her first target
bang from the current
bang from the current
i love the CGI coach drivers in this show
It's not even that they look that bad they just look startlingly out of place with the rest of the visuals
No dude I'm pretty sure Maha is hella horny for you
took almost the whole season for it to get started it well and we still haven't even started his journey to assassinate the hero and we still haven't even met the hero
heike okay let's start
That's just how it goes with fantasy isekai Or a lot of fantasy light novels too They take like three or four volumes to just get past a prologue of sorts
for some reason i feel like i liked this show better when shigemori was alive i felt like if shigemori was alive the story could still be happy and every since then i just feel like "oh no here comes more sad"
The story was always going to be a tragedy if told from the lens of the Heike I guess as westerners we don't have a ny real insight on older Japanese history like this But I would assume the Japanese who read or watch this would know the original story it adapts As well as the historical facts that the Heike conspired to coup and while initially successful, were soundly defeated by the Genji
An amazing performance from Yuuki Aoi Being the voice of Biwa Especially the recounting segments towards the end of the show, she put so much emotional force into those lines Man
He certainly doesn't seem to have gotten better since she last saw him
bang from the current
damn i could totally go for some chocolate chip melonpan
Hm, I dunno if I would I feel like melonpan is supposed to have a light, airy texture inside, which chocolate chips wouldn't mesh very well with I love chocolate chips in stuff, and I like melonpan, but I dunno if I'd like the combination
Spirits really hate this guy, man
bang from the current
how many episodes has this show involved a bathroom
Haven't really been keeping co-
Well it's a good thing she wasn't sitting down
She really is an incredible on-the-spot liar I've seen people with worse to hide who can't work a good lie up on the spot
I thought this was going to be a comfy show but it's really been less and less comfy
By what I remember from the manga chapters I read it defintely felt more like playing the spooky stuff off as a bit But maybe that's also because it's hard for something stylized to actually scare me I did however only read a few from the start of the series and it seems like after that it did start getting a bit more serious
bang from the current
Don don doughnuts
Now she's really starting to wrap Hana up into her misunderstandings of Miko too
maybe ghosts hate haunted houses that's why none of them are there
bang from the current
hahahaha wtf miko's having way too much fun with this
I don't think we've ever seen her enjoy herself this much the whole series long Maybe she just needed a chance to let loose
Oh uh oh though
The gang's all here! And Julia's getting strangled again
Poor hired hands though They just want to scare people
bang from the current
what a weirdo
Even if the show's not as comedic as I thought it was going to be originally, they still manage to tie up all the episodes in a pretty nice way They use the horror medium to tell a whole bunch of stories It's real neat
bang from the current
it's such an incomprehensible, unpredictable show it has a lot of boring moments, some funny moments, some really powerful heartfelt moments, a bunch of fanservice it's so strange and things don't seem to happen in very much of a structured order i feel like it's occasionally genius but mostly just whack af
bang from the current
i like it though in the end
Hah hah hah Even out here in the countryside you can't escape the spooks
Oh Japan announced today they're closing borders as a concern over that new Covid strain I guess that means Comiket this year will be Nipponjin-only Assuming they don't take drastic measures and call it off less than a month before it's meant to start
bang from the current
okay sorry im back
Well that was kind of an impromtu start
>Come up with a full itinerary of things to do on your break What are the odds that she even gets around to half of them
Man I wish I lived somewhere with a national holiday I -national week-long holiday I could use to just steam right through a game
Is inviting work colleagues out for dinner because they did something for you really a thing that happens Or is this just a really poor facade of him trying to ask her out
bang from the current
Why would anyone ever want to be a capable anything
What did you do with your boring OL vacation episode Rika?
Who has a collection of just cute animal DVDs Isn't that what YouTube is for
bang from the current
oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Hair down on Igarashi is pretty cute Although it does make her look younger Which is probably a bad thing since she's already dangerous on that front
bang from the current
goddamnit anime girl runs slightly ahead and then turns to the side and bows slightly with her hands behind her back, looking back while tilting her head slightly, her hair falling behind her head i've seen it a million times before and it still gets me
It is really hard to not see Igarashi and Takeda as more man and daughter than two adults roughly around the same age
i feel like i've brought this up before how crane games randomly determine on which attempt it's even possible to be successful they're designed to, in effect, drop items except for as many times as the owner or manufacturer configures them to i read a really long technical document about the specifics a while ago it's actually a mathematical marvel the amount of work that went into it
Oh wait right the highest quality Igarashi hairstyle The loose side ponytail
>>1003948 She really put on the best for her date with him, eh
These guys are such mooks they don't even get eyes
Wow cute Hah hah hah He couldn't even handle what he just said
bang from the current
attack of the tea nerds
I wish I was also a lucky dolphin
bang from the current
mogu mogu mogu mogu
bang from the current
that was a really cute and comfy episode i've been watching and reading romance things recently and i forgot that it's kind of dangerous to do that this time of year makes me feel weird but regardless, it's still my favorite kind of media to consume so nice little heartwarming episodes like this are nice
Are you going to do a December Toradora watch
bang from the current
probably not i have so many contents to consume and so much guilty gear to play