*Blue Period Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 3-6 *Gyakuten Sekai no Denchi Shoujo Isekai Shokudou Episode 6-8 *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Episode 3-6 *Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. Kyoukai Senki *Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 Muv-Luv Alternative Episode 7-8 Platinum End Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Episode 6-8 *Tsuki to Laifa to Nosferatu Visual Prison Episode 4-7 Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou
Netflix is so weirdly inconsistent with this show Surely as a professional media provider it isn't hard to sub a show and put it out consistently week to week I mean fansubbers used to do it all the time
>I'm more worried about his mental health than his composition Sounds like a true artist
Physiological reactions to stress must be pretty terrifying Especially since stress can some times be nebulous and vague So you might get the physical reaction before realizing you're hella stressed out and start freaking out more because you're as far as you know spontaneously sprouting hives
I don't think so Yeah There's no inherent incompatibility between being selfish and being adaptable
Yeah But it's hard to know what your kid will look like grown up when you're giving them a name Although his name is probably Koizumi or something and his friends just call him Koi-chan
All of Yatora's friends are pretty nice hooligans This was the one that first realized what Yatora was trying to convey with that blue painting he did earlier on in the series So I've liked him since that
The frantic and stressed vibes in his art prep school seem a lot of fun to be around
Yotasuke tries so hard to dislike people But Yatora is one of those guys that gets past your barriers and it's hard to dislike him
everything wasn't terrible last episode so maybe everything will be terrible this episode
Wow what's wrong with loving hamburgers
bang from the current
well you don't wanna look like bang do you
I can do that while still loving hamburgers! It's all about moderation!
bang from the current
well some could argue that you don't really love hamburgers then
bang from the current
there's been a couple points in this show where instead of russian, they just wrote something in english and used a cyrillic-looking font
Yeah I've noticed those too It's kind of a funny bit of laziness But this isn't actually the USSR anyway so maybe their language is special
For someone who was supposed to be done with his duties of monitoring Irina, he sure seems to have plenty of opportunities to talk and hang out with her
this looks like it could be pretty fun i guess they're having fun too
Skydiving is one of those things which I dunno if I could ever do My brain kinda locks up as soon as I go into freefall I guess they usually have a pretty good safety program in place , especially for first timers, so make sure your parachute is deployed Maybe I just need to do it a few times to unlock my brain
bang from the current
i would love to skydive
I get they're in a highly compettive program and sure, her dying would drastically improve Lev's chances But man Why do some people just always ignore the compassionate arguement for saving people's lives
bang from the current
wow she really did a 180
To be fair Lev's done a lot of skydiving training with Irina He's probably better than the average candidate in this department
bang from the current
wow she's even sorry to irina i guess this near-death experience really made her think good because she was an insufferable bitch
Hah hah >Where is she now?
Wow Surely that's not the USSR Oh I guess it was Or well it was a rogue agent The actual instituition wouldn't bother with such a roundabout method of disposing of her
this is a good show it's quietly one of the best of the season
I'm glad you like it! I was really excited when I saw it was getting an anime because it has some great material in the earlier parts I read The animation studio has pulled out all the stops for making it look really nice too It's great
10,000yen is a pretty frugal budget for a quality outfit
Najimi please
I mean I don't disagree but I thought this was for a casual outfit
For all his muttering Tadano actually picked a great casual outfit Oh wow actually Najimi's earnest submission was high-quality too Sasuga
Pretending to sleep so no one talks to you is a good strategy
I think everyone has somethig that keeps them up thinking at night
bang from the current
i used to oh no i'm thinking about it now maybe i do again
The only time I don't have something which keeps me up at night is when I'm too dead-tired to think
bang from the current
i sleep pretty soundly these days my life is pretty boring, not a lot of drama all my big mistakes are behind me for now i'm sure i'll make others eventually but who knows maybe not
Najimi is pretty straightforwardly ADHD Class and studying is always rough for people like that
Who just walks around with a Jenga set in their backpack
>Hasn't gone out since summer vacation started Living the dream
bang from the current
"how to ask a friend to go out" an intricate and complicated flowchart i can kinda relate to that i remember when i used to think a lot about things like that nowadays it's just a text "u wanna do __ on the __th?
jahy we're getting close to the end here, aren't we >>1004315 it's been listed as having 20 from the start not that it's always accurate but also this show had a weird airing schedule
Jahy-sama! >>1004314 Show's probably two-cour, so it ought to run up to twenty-four episodes, I think Ah okay
bang from the current
bang from the current
se i kat tsu
Maybe the Makai realm didn't have a rigorous capitalistic economy and that's why Druj did so poorly there and Jahy-sama does so poorly in Japan
so far druj has looked pretty normal sized i think but wait wasn't kyoko kinda short? hmmm
Might've just been some inconsistency But Kyoko had like a forehead on Jahy-sama and a whole head on Druj
bang from the current
druj you are whack
She's just extremely creative It's good to have a positive mindset!
Hah hah hah Kyoko's line there had big "Ma'm this is a Wendy's" vibes
bang from the current
>no matter how much sleep i get i'm still tired ah yes my life
That's why I just don't bother with getting that much sleep!
Uh oh Stores like this are a danger to Jahy-sama and her poor financial control
I listened to an interesting podcast the other day which talked about how outside of extremely poor conditions, most mattresses/futons have pretty much no objective improvement over your sleep quality Bar your personal comfort preferences, which don't really actually improve how well you sleep and rather improve your mental state going towards falling asleep, one mattress is as good as another for sleeping on
That's kind of what it feels like, eh But that glittery ghost is clearly the Maou
bang from the current
wait huh does the maou actually hate the demon realm
Maybe she doesn't want to be trapped there Maybe there's like a good Maou and the maou Maou or something It does kind of feel like whoever gave Kyoko her powers and this spirit just now are probably the same person Kind of a mystery