Forwarding this to all of y'all just in case >>>/@Sinoc229/1445639261974261766 Consider changing your Twitch password and any password that might've gotten compromised by literally all your Twitch details being made public
primitivism is very inconsistent in what it defines as technology ted in particular was more of a fascist than a primitivist though he thought technology was corrupting people but believed that "primitive societies" knew the "correct" way to live because he (wrongfully) believed that those societies all functioned in a might-makes-right way, which he thought technology was taking humanity even further from
ted was apparently good at math but when it came to the social sciences, he was basically a maga chud in terms of his understanding of anthropological facts even for the time when i read his writings i was astounded by how far from reality he was when he talked about these things really a moron
also I kind of dislike the way chud is used now because now I can't say it without sounding like I'm insulting someone based on their moral/political views instead of just accusing them of being a cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yo tadai ma okaeri
>>988882 I found an isekai manga about a Red from a sentai team being sent to a fantasy world.
former nsw premier currently under icac investigation
>>988897 kek oh yeah she was dating that guy right
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah some bigshot lawyer I think some guy that looks like he is made of play dough to me
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Her boo usually goes by the name Arthur Moses SC. In another soap opera-worthy twist in the tumultuous love life of Berejiklian, Moses was her personal lawyer during the ICAC hearings into the corrupt dealings of her former boyfriend Daryl Maguire. ooh la la don't know she went after that Daryl guy I wouldn't lose my cozy job over t a guy like that ah well she'll still get her pension I suppose
Looking at some chatter about it, and the actual evidence in the article, it feels kinda shaky though At the least far too insubstantial for how declarative that article is making it out to be
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, the "scar on the forehead matching" is really the biggest piece of evidence they have.
I think the article writer is placing faith in the team because they'rea bunch of retired skilled investigators and codebreakers The bit about taking out the letters of the guy's name from one of the letters to reveal a hidden message is potentially neat, but it's hard to get excited about that without actually knowing what the message is Plus unless its provable code it's hard to put much faith in random dicking around with characters in a message. It kinda falls into the age-old look hard enough for something and eventually you'll start seeing it
Yeah, it'll be done in like half an hour I kinda got caught up playing Kenshin, so I forgot to go download it earlier Kenshi*
It's a lot of fun, at this point I've got a small fucking village going on because I figured getting some prisoner cages to powerlevel with was a good idea, but that required resources and research, so now I've got two more squad members doing manual labor, and that means I need more FOOD so I gotta farm up money, too It really expands quickly >>988920 Post-apo sandbox game, very punishing, though you're unlikely to outright die until the lategame
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>988916 is it sentai red isekai? i already read that
My main character (as far as that's a real thing in Kenshi) has become pretty strong though Using only her fists, she will nearly blow a limb out with a successful hit, though because of this she's not getting better at landing them too quickly But I can FIX that She will become the apex predator of the wasteland once this little village is up and running
I made a bit of a mistake by leveling her STR so early, so she's mad strong and athletic, meaning she throws a mean punch, and can run at like 23mph with a loaded backpack and carrying a (fallen?) teammate >>988926 Because her skill at actually connecting those hits don't level up based on damage, but frequency of landing them When each enemy only gives you two-three hits before it falls over, leveling that will be slow
well it's nighttime Was when I took the screenshot anywho Oron is a recent addition and really has nothing going for her at all She's trash at combat, she's basically just there to mine ore right now >>988934 I can kill her if I just dismiss her from the party and then attack her. There's no outright execution, but I can just leave her to bleed out But no cannibalism afaik
It was likely planned initially, but implementing it while keeping food as a thing at all would be difficult There's just too many humanoids out and about
>>988937 they could add a disease you can oy get from cannibalism just like real life well I guess you could get it other ways but do you know about kuru?
Well, you don't manually eat food in Kenshi, is one issue with that If you have food, you eat it when hungry I guess you could add a toggle setting somewhere for it, but even then, that disease is gonna have to be pretty specific or else you end up with cannibalism being an utter no-go zone for all players, or it might become too powerful because the debuffs are debilitating enough
then it's meaningless, nobody's gonna even try it Kenshi is too long of a time investment to risk fatality over something as relatively insignificant as food >>988942 Never played it properly enough to know
>>988941 do you like Dorf Fortresz? *dorf dortress FUCK
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
other than kuru you might get prions
>>988943 yeah I was thinking that I saw someone died of creutzfeldt jakobs (or however its spelled) in the obituary section of my local paper a few years ago I briefly considered the possibility of them being an actual cannibal like Shia Labeouf
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rewrite dorfs in rust
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
konnichiwa so smart director
s c
my download is complete!
>>988945 does rust have good support for parallel programming? cause if dorf fort is gonna be rewritten its gonna need to be parralelized
c++ is a big hot mess well maybe we'll have real good code-writing AI someday and it'll refactor the code and figure out its top down design and be able to add parallelism that way but until that day it's pretty much Tarn or no one
>>988967 making that might be easier than refactoring dorf fort
Am I mistaken in thinking that Fortran is safe?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you would be mistaken yes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
itd be nice if someone writes like a generic simulation engine that's open source for dorf-style games idk if an engine is really what everyone needs tho. these games have some common ground but i bet it gets wildly differentiated by really small details like how the water physics is simulated is a broad underpinning that probably touches so many different systems in DF
>>988981 jesus I'm not surprised but I guess people still do use Fortran 77 The compilers myst be really optimized by now.
this yeah 6 people have been killed in school shootings, 4 kids and 2 adults 31 people injured really makes you appreciate how relatively non-lethal gunshot wounds tend to be
im thinkin about italian veal & prosciutto tortellinis or mostacoioli mostacoioli seems pointless from the menu description like i can boil spaghet and drop a chicken on top err that's not mostacoioli that's chicken parmesan which was another option which is what i meant
fuck i dunno it's all just noodles right i can buy noodles for like 80 cents why would i need to pay someone to make it for me but it's so much more than that but my frugal mind hates it HATES it
oh they got toasted ravs
look it's not the same as a real chicken parm but those frozen chicken patties on top of some spaghetti and marinara is still gonna be tasty and that 2-dollar garlic bread that you pop in the oven for 10 minutes
right? like i dont gotta be fancy for just myself could even skimp on the marinara and just use catsup
it's okay to treat yourself and go all out every now and then but i'm not against cheap comfort food >>989049 okay now that's not okay
yeah i enjoy the nice food but im happy just to have a meal even if it's a knockof but this is all the labyrinth trap of decision-making i can't decide which one i should get so i pick them all off one by one as not being necessary
im getting a lasagna and a calzone already but i want a third dish to have for a meal later too so there's some reheatability element there that rules out the lobster raviolus
it'ss a real italian place family-owned too so im happy to support them their meatballs are fuckin bonkers good
"fettucini alfredo $10" like why i dont care about the $10 but my instincts won't let me do it it's probably great but im here thinkin ITS JUST NOODLE shut up
what does one even drink with italian food besides wine or alcs
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tomato sauce
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>989046 i know right i never voluntarily go for italian food like if someone else wants to go sure but otherwise i would rather get something that's more than noodle and sauce
that said i totally go to ramen so idk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>989053 i feel like wine is to go-to maybe you can do some carbonated water
yeah i didnt care much for italian but this italian family that owns the place is so nice and it's real good i'd rather give them my money
Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
>>988856 Not that i didn't believe it But it's still interesting to see random posts on twitter and message boards call it hours and hours before media outlets get a hold of it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or an espresso
i was thinkin like cream soda or uhhhh gaytorade
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf gatorade with a meal WHY
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my mom does that like blue gatorade with steak
to replace all the electrolytes from sweating while i eat it's a workout
>>989064 the kind im talkin about is just electrolyte water pretty much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ i still want the full version of these rick astleys
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>989064 for me gatorade is too close to like blue listerine mouthwash for me to want to combine it with a meal haha im sure its fine esp with somethin like pizza
i got used to it in the army i drink a shitload of water everyday so i do need some non-water stuff sometimes tea usually but it gets old
i gotta make sure i dont do any corn syrup fructose or shit like that though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea gotta have electrolytes for that i wonder if licking salt works too
>>989053 coca cola or like italian soda I forget the brand but they have good blood orange soda
i think i saw some anti vaxxers in the wild an old couple both with short shaggy dirty blonde hair tried to walk into this brewery without masks and were immediately turned out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>989094 neato heating up wood makes it easy to flex?
muvluv anime aired and it's good? Maybe I should actually read the VN
>>989098 its fucking long I never finished regular or alternative also i backed it for like $200 on kickstarter and had lost interest by the te it arrived *the time
I REALLY gotta fucking do something about this internet connection, goddamn I'll see about it once I pay rent and power for this month, see how much I'm up after all is said and done 10mb/s is KILLING ME, man
>>989113 It's definitely closer to like, old newgrounds porn dating games than I expected, but I wouldn't say it's bad Possibly because old newgrounds porn dating games took art from Muv Luv, I recognize the girl in the image on the wiki article at least
Or maybe she's just similar to one I remember Either way, the art is very close to that
>>989114 the art was done in like 2000~ or so although I think there's an official english release of one of the games with newer art
s c
I don't mind the art anyway, I read through... a fair amount of umineko after all, and while that did have some updated art, I think I'd still be happy with that if it was Bad Art
I'm just watching Total Eclipse now cause I wanted more There's something about combining mecha with the futility of a zombie story that just hits right
> the naughty username checking system used by Twitch
lol this shit is hard i see they're just doin the same wack-a-mole that smol site operators tend to do too
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this looks like a mess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_marijuana (VARCHAR) RETURNS BOOLEAN STABLE AS $$ SELECT replace($1,'_','') LIKE '%marijuana%' OR replace($1,'_','') LIKE '%420blazeit%' $$ LANGUAGE SQL;
hell yea
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah sql is a fuckin hot mess tbh
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oof sql
>>989122 can't what for the real Mike Hunt to sue them maybe Mike Litoris (real person by the way) will join in or even Mike Hawk
Mike Hawk was in The Room btw
>can't have dong in your username thats racist against the Vietnamese >>989131 people with funny names that would get rejected from twitch
I stretched my leg in the worst possible way when I was drifting off into my nap earlier and got the worst leg cramp I've had in memory I thought I'd developed good habits for keeping this from happening, since I know I'm prone to it, and it's been maybe years since I've had one precisely because of these well-developed habits So it came as a pretty painful shock It's still pretty sensitive and the cramped muscle has been throbbing even after I managed to loosen the cramp
There might be a lot of Kingdom Hearts news over the next day or so stuff like that trending could come from a lot of things It's the series' 20th anniversary and people are wondering if they might drop news about the next game too
>>989164 yeah I don't actually laugh much I'm told its because of my fuck i can't rember the word reduced affect which is a symptom of autism and also depression ao I have a doubly reduced affevt *affect my original theory was that I had a high tolerance for humor because my father is very funny
I don't really know much about how and why laughter/smiling occurs from a neurological perspective so I can't explain why other than it being a symptom
>>989265 I saw an interesting thread where people were arguing about how to make that awful mysql username regex thing more efficient.
oh yeah when I was thinking about it after going through the whole thing I realized that Montengran and Nigerien users can't put their countries' name in their username. This is the Scunthorpe problem all over again. Oh and I think you can't have Scunthorpe in your username either.
>>989349 you following this twitch hack stuff at all?
play any Melty Blood today?
oh that explains why i had to change some passwords today >>989355 no today i had other preoccupations but i saw a very powerful kohaku-point maids setup i need to practice
watching footage of nicktoons brawl really makes me appreciate how much care and precision has been put into all of smash's animations, visual effects and sound design
>>989363 yeah, I've heard from people who played it that "it feels wrong"
are you getting Metroid Dread on friday?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk maybe i dont really feel like its that urgent oh all of my switch docks are broken so i need a new one
>>989370 a couple of my friends are really into metroid
well i had rhe first party one but its in ny so then i got a portable third party dongle thingy with hdmi but it broke so then i got a third party dock but i put it in a backpack to take to a friend's place and it broke so then i got a third party dock but i put it in a backpack to take to a friend's place and it stopped working and here we are today ima get the OLED edition dock i guess it's got that ethernet built in
I wonder if I should've gotten ring fit and a switch instead of joining a gym
>>989376 I've been wondering if I want the OLED Switch Mine's still fine, aside from the battery having weakened naturally over time And I only relatively recently replaced my Joy-Cons So there isn't really a need to replace it and honestly a pretty solid reason to not spend more money on Switch hardware But upgrading always feels nice hah hah
although the gym I joined has a proprietary heart rate monitor and biometric software that calculates calories burned and this other thing that I can't remember how to explain so its not quite gamified but its part of the way there
>>989381 yea no need then can you even transfer the game library and saves over
>>989386 I think so Blue has a family plan Online subscription that he's been gracious to provide for a few people, myself included So I can use the cloud transfer if I had to move stuff over
Alternatively I do have an SD card for my Switch so I can move things with that, probably
>>989392 you could take out a family subscription and give him one of your accounts
I'd be down for that! But I don't think we have any family subscription services which would overlap Maybe I'll ask if there's any game(s) he wants to play
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hope the switch pro comes out next year for botw 2 idk why it'd be cool i guess it'd be funny if they had the same dual platform release that botw had
I'm 80% confident the Switch Pro is a meme at this point We'd be more likely to hear news of the next-gen successor to it than a mid-life upgrade model
i guess it could be delayed for years because of that stupid container ship who knows
I'm still mad about the graphics card shortage
I wouldn't be surprised if console development cools for a while because of the chip shortage There's too many things which want those chips and smartphones probably have a better chance of grabbing them up than consoles or graphics cards
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>989406 i have a friend who has been buying them up to mine rip maybe when eth goes proof of stake they'll stop needing so many RTX 3080:
>>989408 While crypto is definitely hogging a lot of graphics cards, the big issue is manufacturing shortage Like supply is much lower than what you'd normally expect for the product That's in part because the chips needed for them are at a manufacturing shortage too It's just an all around shortage, so things like the crypto hogging and the extreme demand for PS5s are magnifying the lack of units
I think there's also a pcb substrate shortage too.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there has got to be an easier way to send materials around the planet what if we built some really long slides
Easier? Yes Faster? Nope
>>989412 I prefer tunnels through the center of the earth.
Like even the backlog of stuff that needs to get through the Suez Canal is still probably faster than sending it the long way around the old-fashioned shipping routes of along the continental coasts
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>989414 woild be quite fast something like 15 minutes drill baby drill
>Sugiyama also engaged in activism outside of music, such as the denial of Japanese war crimes and the promotion of Japanese nationalism. I didn't know this counted as activism
I'm still watching Total Eclipse, and man, is Muv Luv like some sort of avant garde single-path dating game where also monsters eat most of them by the end?
>>989444 Muv-Luv is a trilogy of VNs which have a variety of formats that feed into each other for the full story Anything you're watching which isn't the new anime is an adaptation or original work which serves as spin-off or supporting media for the main series
huh Well, I'll be giving the VNs a read once I finish this anime, either way
>try to order deodorant in my walmart delivery order >they email me to inform me that deodorant is unavailable and no substitutions were available fuckin seriously is there a deodorant shortage now
Why would you build the base of a secret organization under a high school? that just seems like its asking for trouble
>>989460 Because it's already government property so you don't have to worry about paper trails leading a random piece of land leading back to you financially
The first one is actually legitimately good the second one is, kinda there the third one is when they start to go off the rails and by fourth it is a train derailment disaster
>>989481 isn't it funny how milla jovovich has married 2 or 3 of the directors she has worked with?
>>989479 originally they were survival horror >>989482 i think too Luc Besson really fucked up imagine losing her she's one of my favorite sexy actresses
or just accidental similiarities but many fans actually accept the 40k ripoff and think of the movie as an early prequel
humanity first discovering warp travel
>>989490 my friend's mom who doesnt like horror owns it apparently at some point she was really into that irish actor who was in it and bought a bunch of movies he was in
I'm going in as blind as watching Total Eclipse and the first episode of the new anime can make me
I know there's alien mushroom monsters and a lot of suffering just cause I lived on /a/ but I have no real knowledge beyond the absolute basics There's mechas, gore, probably porn, alien monsters, and suffering
>>989510 I am very looking forward to your reaction to extra then
unfortunately im going to the gym right now ttyl
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>989503 medically legal I think unless you're talking austria for some reason
Honestly, I'm not really that impressed so far The eurobeat renditions are hype as hell, but I think I'm just gonna do the childhood friend route and then go over to unlimited
I've only barely seen her, so I didn't get her image too well remembered >>989535 I don't know it's locked in, but I do know I've started going down it
>>989534 if you've barely seen her how do you know Sunika's route is locked in?
Sumika is kimd of dumb.
s c
I mean I'd really rather try for the kuudere honestly, but I dunno if I have locked myself out of it or not, and besides Sumika and Meiya are the canon ones from what I understand
>>989537 I actually never completed everyone's route. I have done Sumika's and Meiya's though maybe sensei's and uh someone else's do you care about spoilers for Meiya's route?
not unless it's also spoilers for the others I'm not gonna be going down that one, whether I play again or not
>>989539 it isn't She's secretly Takeru's childhood friend, she had a twin who was originally going to inherit the zaibatsu and she was sent to live with relatives who lived *err Meiya was sent away and lived near Takeru but her sister and parents died in a car accident when she was young and was forced to become the heiress and go through all sorts of difficult lessons and training to make up for the years she had a normal upbringing.
s c
besides I'm only really playing this because you said it's relevant to the following ones I'd have just skipped it otherwise
>>989541 it introduces the characters and alternative Takeru is just isekaid Extra Takeru and that's not a spoiler, it happens at the beginning >>989543 unlimited is like the first or second sequel to alternative which you unlock by getting someone's true end I think
s c
so unlimited can be skipped?
if you don't have someone else's save file you have to go through extra to get to alternative
so if I'm getting this right MC-kun is isekai'd into unlimited, and then alternative is the sequel And Extra just plays it straight, with Unlimited being the meat and potatoes of the actual story I'm here for?
>>989550 yeah you want unlimited I like regular muv luv more because I don't enjoy human suffering and loss the same way I used to although I never got far in unlimited
I'm just gonna do that, I think I'd much rather go down her route cause I like her more than the rest despite next to no interaction And besides, Unlimited is isekai so it probably doesn't matter that much
>>989558 I know basically nothing about unlimited other than the basics of the setting oh wait my friemd just said >Tell her she's not going to understand the meaning of the MC eating all the girls' food not sure what he means by that
>>>/@geekinformalik/1445627718964428809 this looks so dull and boring whats the point of all of these effects if you're not going to make something that looks lively
i'm going to the panhandle for an outdoor wedding next weekend my mom got n95s though so that's nice the groom is antivax not sure if he'll ree at people for wearing masks though
im only awake because of dad
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait what did i do
I'm not like terribly disappointed that my cousin is marrying a a Trump supporter i'm more disappointed that she stayed with him after he became antimask
yeah old bang really was a pretty bad person almost everyone he met has a reason or two to hate him and i can't really blame them for it i think after the happenings though, i can be proud of how i am now for what that's worth
I feel like the muvluv guide guys screwed me The guide said until chapter 8 you can just pick whatever you like and it's fine, so I played shogi with the oujo and now I feel like I tripped a flag and nuked the rest
>>989631 please be kind, I have autism anyways I asked because he's not someone I recognize I can recognize tilde 99% of the time, bang 80% of the time and sometimes when pan posts without his trip I can identify him
i dont post on /moe/ without my trip
>>989808 well then it was someone else telling me to kill myself