Heike Monogatari Muv-Luv Alternative Puraore! Pride of Orange Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru Shin no Nakama
For new stuff,
Muv-Luv anime should be pretty self-explanatory. Faithful adaptation of the VN apparently
Puraore! is cute girls doing hockey things. I don't know if it's field hockey or ice hockey, but the idea is silly enough that I kinda want to try it out
Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha is about the world's best assassin getting isekai'd into a world where he then uses his skills and modern day knowledge to become an ... even better assassin?
Shin no Nakama is the slow life isekai Bang was wondering about
i don't know anything about puraore but i'll watch it i'll watch all of em i'm hopeful for muv-luv i think there was another anime adaptation at some point but i was told by several people to stay away from it and read the VN and haven't gotten around to it i was told the other anime was bad
shin no nakama and sekai saikou are both isekai that i'm hopeful for i have to bring up that one show from last season and how thrown for a loop i was because they both have slow life and potion selling
There's been a few anime for spin-off Muv-Luv series, but they haven't actually adapted the original VN into an anime yet
I've never actually read MUV-LUV but I know the premise by its reputation I was always of the impression that it's a grim setting but the pay-off is big
Oh that's a lot of entities
they utilize the water to strike? that means japan is in a particularly unfortunate geography
I wonder if the penile BETA variety survived the series' redesigning That might be a bit too ridiculous for a series nowaday
I bet they will appear Muv luv is big they have bargaining power
Definitely possible I just know a lot of the character designs have been updated to more sane designs Like there's none of the jet engine hair flaps anymore
The design work on these BETA are really good though They explode into great ludicrious gibs
as expected of muv luv just a bunch more episosde of that
oka lets heike
this will be the best #2 of what we have okay lets start
I want to see the actual main characters I'm pretty sure a lot of those characters we saw die or barely survive got fleshed out in some of the surrounding material for the world, like some of the other things that have gotten anime adaptations in the past We'll see the actual main characters next episode I bet
This +Ultra service seems to be doing a -to be providing a lot of shows lately I wonder if if's the start of a major shift to streaming services in Japan
I like being on a plane! Your odds of being on the same plane as someone a secret paramilitary crime organization is planning on blowing up is fairly unreliable, after all
i think the chances go way way up when you're a retiring assassin that works for that organization
this one's pretty interesting i'm looking forward to more
>>989262 I don't think you necessarily have to be mean to want the Yuusha killed! More so I meant she was being playful with him Different from how miserable that goddess was with the MC of TsukiMichi, or Aqua's outright taunting and insulting of Kazama
>>989272 yeah i have a feeling they'll do something and reincarnate him weird
okay lets start
He won't be a grizzled handsome man after this anymore though Rika! >>989273 Yeah The OP also shows him as a shota so we'll probably get a bunch of his young life too
I was hoping for something exceedingly dumb and so far my wishes have been granted
oh i don't think they're actually idols that's just the OP
I'd bet the hockey league they end up joining ends up having some silly thing like "The winning team puts on a victory idol performance"
The only way this could get even better is if the actual hockey games end up with the players beating the crap out of each other on the ice Like any proper hockey game results in
Japanese strawberries apparently taste a bit different from ones you get in North America They harvest them to be sweeter, where as North American ones kind of only have a sweet spot where they're sweet, and are best eaten when they're at a balance of tart and sweet
it mostly depends on the farm you get them from though most of the ones you'll see in grocery stores are going to be the mass-market ones grown for size and weight getting strawberries in season from a farmer's market or at pick-your-own farms are often going to vary a lot more in quality but are where the best ones can be found
I've played field/street hockey and I've gone ice skating quite a bit, but I've never actualy played ice hockey
this is unrealistic because no one has fallen yet i'd expect at least a half-dozen falls by now
Maybe they've all spent time doing like freeskating I know a lot of ice rinks 'round here often do stuff like that for the community You can bring/rent skates and just spend some time skating around the ice
i just got goosebumps reliving the last time i put skates of any kind on yup yup alright alright im ok
It's been quite a while for me, but I reckon it's like a bicycle For me the fun was always taking the skates back off and the way your foot suddenly feels like it's suspended in clouds from the difference in pressure
So it's not the MC who was snakebit proper by the sport but the plain friend That's kind of cute
does remind me of love live hockey has similar music and moments too
The scheme of participating in a sport and then doing an idol performance for winning reminds me of Uma Musume Which despite the silly premise was actually a really good sports anime
I wonder if that last girl is gonna be someone who grew up in the northern States or Canada and played hockey there So she's a serious hockey nerd and wants to deck people on the ice proper I highly doubt that's the case but I think it would be a fun character quirk
>>989315 how did you go all of kumo desu ga without posting that image
Hopefully this one has a bit more of an impact than the other recent slow life isekai Though the best slow life isekai is still the witch who killed slimes for three hundred years
yeah 300 years of slimes is one of my favorites ever
>Banished from the brave man's group, I love some of these new isekai which try to translate the series into English for their title logo