Bean Father 2
airplane! flying is always neat
I'm on the BART
>>982011 see any human feces yet? I hear its all over San Fransisco also what are you doing there? music festival?
second sky
no it seems not too dirty so far but I've only just left the airport austin has a lot of homeless so I'm used to that austin's only metro rail is kept extremely clean though
>>982013 >porter robinson dangerously based I'm seeing Andrew WK tonight
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dangerously baked
dangerously cheesy
Hm, my stomach's feeling a bit off Hopefully that leftover food wasn't in a bad way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow they actually got doc ock from the holy raimi trinity back? that's a nice cameo i wonder how much more of that universe they can recreate too bad it's a marvel movie i just don't go for those
>>982018 Raimi's Green Goblin is also likely to make an appearance William Dafoe has been attached to the project for a while We're also likely to not just see Tobey Maguire, but also Andrew Garfield from the other Spider-Man series, make an appearance for the movie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i forgot that other one even existed lol
I remember it, only by virtue of my tendency to pick up useless trivia But if you had asked me before No Way Home started production who Spidey was in it, I wouldn't be able to tell you And I still don't know who directed it, hah hah
i was wrong it's dirty as fuck
it makes me feel like Austin is a super clean city now this reminds me of new york that said on my walk from mission district to this area it gradually got cleaner and cleaner, especially as i went more uphill but mission was whack many odors and there was this sidewalk swap meet people with tarps spread out selling everything from kitchen appliances to toiletries to dry goods
dude had no joke a dozen Listerine bottles sounds around* his cross-legged self sitting on a blue tarp in the middle of the sidewalk like a dental summoning ritual
some dude at the station was blasting on a boom box just sitting on the concrete i didn't understand
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hahaha yup sounds like mission around the BART stations to me
i woke up every hour idk why it's so hard to sleep at the zendo
I have a hard time sleeping deeply when I'm in an unfamiliar place Although it can usually be restful sleepsleep -thanks phone- but I get woken at the slightest provocation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a real fucked up route psychological manipulation real disturbing vibes toby why
>>982058 I mean the alternate route of Undertale was you methodically slaughtering every resident of the underworld until you become the embodiment of hatred and violence and the gamefile corrupts so you can't ever attain the happy ending of the game anymore It's not like he has a history of keeping disturbing routes out of his games
aren't there 3 routes total not counting "true" versions of the routes
>>982062 Undertale has three main routes yeah, but you have to go through the neutral route before you can really get the good ending, I think Which to me means it's as good as one big route itself Genocide can be done from the get-go
clint eastwood is so old now he's 91 and he looks and sounds like it
>>982063 i see my problem I was thinking there was a Pacifist, Neutral, Genocide, True Neutral, and True Pacifist there's only one true route im just insane
>>982064 You'd think by now he'd just enjoy relaxed retirement Wonder why he keeps acting
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
clint looks and sounds really bad in this and it looks like they CGI'd his face a little? his voice doesnt even sound like clint eastwood anymore
>>982066 he also produced and directed this in addition to starring in it like what the hell clint
Well those two can be done with some less exhaustive involvement Maybe he just really likes acting And acting in his own works is the only way he can get jobs at his age
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah maybe just seems like a lot for an old man he seems really decrepit in this maybe he's playing it up as an acting thing but it's really crazy how old and broken down he looks/sounds would you guys believe me if I told you the drone is delivering coffee? at least the australian ravens are fighting for a better world. (more discussion at
I think I have an opportunity to start doing therapy outside while hiking. It sounds great, doesn't it? It would be the perfect niche for me, I love hiking, I love doing therapy, I love getting paid. What could be better?
Deshou? I'll go and work out a good 40 minute hike tomorrow that I could use. Give myself a good route for it.
I'll call it mindfulness/behavioral activation and be golden. If I dedicate maybe 8 hours a week to it, I'll make like $400 a week from hiking. Maybe I could do 12 hours a week of it, though.
>>982233 Soulful comfy camping in Japan for therapy
>>982248 ayyy Samu! I've just been very busy with life and all, didn't have much of a chance to check out doshio >i read HN too haha good to see i have company I'm not sure whether it's a blessing or a curse, but occasionally there is some very interesting stuff on HN
on another note, I've been trying to make salt crystals that I can give to a friend, they're cool and supposedly very easy to make has anyone ever tried anything like this? makes me feel like a child again (I meant anyone of you, I wish doushio had a feature to edit posts)
>>982249 oh yea the site is such a mixed bag but overall still has lots of good stuff
the comments make me angry sometimes
I shouldn't get mad at stupid people on the internet, but sometimes I do.
>>982253 I can relate, there are some very special people on hackernews lol sometimes I like to consume the more ironic variation on >>982251 any secrets to making them? I'm currently waiting on my batch
ah fuck gotta go to the gym my class is soon >>982255 you ever check out hackaday? >>982255 mot that I recall
>>982256 well, no I don't what kind of site is it? >>982258 oh nevermind I do know the site, there's some very cool projects on there >>982259 lmao definitely
I plan to ignore the fanfare and see what the results are in the morning I couldn't vote anyway on account of not being registered in my new place of residence and not having time to research my riding's candidates
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rip i had to register online to vote and then they sent me the postcard a few days later then i !!!early voted!!! which is one of the few things ive ever done early in my life
>WWe may one day be able to press a button to control our sleep. A wireless device, implanted in the arm, could be a rapid, simple way to control our body’s circadian clock — and that could radically alter how we treat sleeplessness. >Living pharmacy: The device, designed to be an implantable chip, is called a “living pharmacy” because it would make everything within the body, on demand. Using specially engineered cells, which can be triggered by an LED light, the chip would make and release a stream of molecules that control your circadian rhythm.
bruh implant this in me yesterday >This living pharmacy doesn’t actually exist yet, it’s still in early development. However,Northwestern University and DARPA have recently partnered together on a 4.5 year project to bring the blueprint to life. okay so never FUCK
Yeah four and a half years might as well be an eternity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Many drug users could have access to life-saving inhalable prescription heroin for the first time in Canada — if British Columbia’s provincial government gets on board. also this
while I was at Riot Fest I overheard someone say "Looks like DMT is back on the menu.".
Nintendo keyboard works with vita but not doushio doushio works on 3ds though I see how it is
>>982312 doushio also works on ps3 iirc nintendo keyboard?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it's a Bluetooth keyboard that came with Pokemon typing adventures not a Nintendo keyboard in the truest form >>982316 the game or the keyboard the keyboard works enough lacking some keys
>>982315 wtf oh nevrr heard of that is it any good?
>>982315 >not released in the US well I dont actually like pokemon so I shouldnt complain but I am sad I was robbed of experiencing this
IT has been trying to remote-update the workstation I use to a newer version of Slack because the one it has is too far out of date now It's been like ten minutes There's some weird very particular administrator privileges issues which is keeping it from working properly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i've been updating my windows for 300 years and have reached the MAX level of windows
IT still has had no dice I think these bottom-level employee machines are just too restricted to do things like updates That or the IT employee doesn't really know what they're doing here
Fifty minutes now hah hah I'm pretty sure this is an admin privileges thing but judging from actions IT is going through I think they think it's something that can be solved with toying with firewall and security details But the PC is also not giving them an option to enter admin details I think bar someone with admin permissions coming here, logging into the machine, and updating things, there's no way this is going to work
Never bet all unless you're already in the salt mines I'm betting like 20% at a time, most of the time I don't win a shitton, but I'm not in shambles when NL pulls a fast one
I'm still fretting about my campaign too actually I dunno if I have enough for the first game, and it's this sunday
Well, it's either this sunday or not at all, I'm not letting this be part of my brain anymore if it doesn't start this sunday
I've got a fair bit, PROBABLY no actual combat encounter for the first game though I have something if it shakes out that way, but I have no idea how to estimate how long everyone's gonna take to plow through what I've got
I'äve pretty much standardised my sessions to 3-4 now tho some will take longer, but then I will try to have us start earlier or inform them it will prolly take bit longer
tho I bet I will do insane marathon sessions again, but those will be mainly for meme memes
I've basically wasted the whole time since when I was first supposed to get the backstories because I'm at like, 0% confidence we're ever gonna actually get the game started at this point if I don't get them, I'm cancelling it at this point, my brain can't take this every fucking week
Or keep going I had only 2 sessions during late may to august and prolly would keep having only asession every odd month, if I hadn't started a side campaign that allows players to not be present
Every delay has been whatever, the player we're arranging this all for is in the hospital and stuff so their schedule is a bit fucked up and we've just had to delay it due to that a lot of the time But I can't handle going another week, and another week, and another, and another, and another, always thinking I'm the only one of like 8 people involved who gives a single goddamn about the whole thing, so I'm just gonna have to cancel it if they don't have their shit together on time this time Cause it's been over a fucking month It takes like an hour at most to write down what I've asked, and you can workshop it in your own brain literally at any time while doing anything at all that isn't mentally active
And I can't handle that, it just fucks me up So I'm not gonna, I've already pushed it because I want to get this to work
>>982485 Yeah, I think that's fair. They were lucky to find a DM and then they wasted the opportunity.
>>982486 The rest of the party can do some numbers, but Elle has Noto syndrome in that she can do like 500 damage in a single turn without breaking a sweat which really makes it hard to balance stuff. And the party has figured out how to get Elle to pump out thousands of damage.
I take 0 responsibility for this shit breaking down I've made my expectations clear, I've been patient, I've directly DMd people who have been lagging I'm not fucking doing this
NOBODY has even fucking DM'd me and gone like "hey here's a thing I want in my backstory, thoughts?" cause I'm the DM and maybe I'd be opposed or something nobody's fucking asked any question, it's like nobody fucking cares
I'm like genuinely angry, but I keep it under wraps because I don't wanna start any shit with anyone Cause I've asked so fucking little and gotten anything at all from 2 of 6 or however many are still left
>>982492 yeah there is a huge difference between consistent or atleast semi-consistent insane burst damage and say a smite or high damage spell critting
and how to balance stuff when it is just one player that can do this, but still keep encounters going on
ton tossess a health sponge boss at us and then elle gets hampered forever, what now?
>>982494 probably best to consider a threat-style system based on how much damage is being dealt by who
ie. my referred easter marathon session kinda became that, because the bard wasn't there and socrerer had already spent most of his recharge/daily aoes so an encounter that normally would have been 50% over in one chain lightning or bard's lightning song kept just going and going
sometimes shit just don't werk
>>982492 it doesn't help either that Noto was far more defensive and had far more hp than 50%+ of the party at any given time without halving his HP through Parlor it would have fucked the rest of the party if you wanted to do any meaningful damage to him ever but in my defense noto was originally designed with having JAN as my onmyoji converting my AC into Attack >>982500 >>982501 yeah pretty much exactly the more elle, or whoever really, is just raw dogging an opponent the more that opponent should focus them to stop it
>>982499 I use this say you have 3 melee fighter around the boss, the boss will msot of the time hit the one who did most damage in the previous turn or is deemed "most dangerous"
mmo this shit
>>982472 make them fight themselves like link in the water temple
the only reason I even give a fuck is I wanna do this thing, I wanna try DMing But I can't fucking take this much longer, my fuse has been cut so short I'm pretty sure I'd just pull my ethernet cable out at the slightest frustration once the game starts at this point, I just can not fucking handle this bullshit much more Cause I HAVE MADE UP BACKSTORIES already, for all of them, just so I can simulate in my brain how to handle the various plot set pieces I have prepared BECAUSE I HAVE NOTHING, I've had to just make up characters to fill in for them for those I have made up more backstory for all but one player than they themselves have
i once made a party of bandits that were essentially similarly leveled adventurers with a similar archetype spread and complete characters, personalities and backstories to act as rivals for the players
>>982509 like kirara said, I actually have built enemies themed after draining some of the party's powers, though I didn't have the one who has his own characters' stuff because of story reasons at the time.
they're not carbon copies because there are multiple of them, and I think they are threatening, but Elle is simply a monstrosity even though we've cleared her of being a 'monster' story-wise too wwww
>>982515 My only mistake was expecting a bunch of fucking adults to, in one month, manage to put together a single hour's worth of work, 90% of which they could do *while at work* if they felt like it
i mean if you want to look at it that way then so be it, but another perspective might frame things more desirably
s c
I don't accept responsibility here, I did nothing wrong
>>982516 Does cleric even have any big umph spells in the end? some anti undead or insta death spells I think, but outside of that going melee is how you deal big numbs >>982525 if you don't play the same system we do, it is a meaningless question to answer >>982526 neat but still kinda situational, considering other spell acsters do that at-will
>>982517 This is the only and first group that's left the option open, is the thing it's not like I'm gonna "find another group" I'm gonna just not do this, end of
>>982523 depends on what you mean by "big umph" but i would say yes
>>982523 they get one stupid one that does some ridiculous like 12d10 * 10 or some shit as a daily iirc
>>982524 But you want to DM, right? I bet you could put together a better group that actually puts in the work.
>>982527 I think the only system the group that spawned from ToN's group knows is 13th Age. Well, they know some FATE because I ran that for them once. Tilde knows other stuff and so do I, I think Pan has been learning 5e but hasn't played it yet.
>>982523 spear caps at 8d10 Spirits of Righteous 2d8 x 10 Encounter but also buffs lowest hp ally's AC Judgement 2d10 x 10 Daily/Recharge with Feat to all staggered enemies Sphere of Radiance 2d8 x 10 with a heal attached Then there's all the domain spells but that's too many to run through >>982531 This is the first time I've played a caster outside of the 1.0 Side Story where we didn't really do combat we just ran a shop and it was goofy
I know moe and 2 people on discord, I don't have the social circle to "put together a dnd group" that's not a thing I have the option of doing this just fell in my lap
>>982528 and I know a way too complicated for its own sake side system of Fate due tor unning a campaign on it fun one, but takes aaages to make a character
>>982530 Just ask on Twitter who would be interested? That's what I did for my upcoming Jojo campaign and I found five people, although three of them can't play until next year. So I'm running a campaign with two of them and Ton+Pan and then I'll run another one in 2022 with the other folks.
i find it most advantageous when searching for players to use 5e as a base and then homebrew all the details like 5e is just the game engine and i build everything off of it
but I'm also off the opinion that all that really matters is a DM's willingness and the players' cooperation in just bending all rules in service of a good story and roleplay
but i also dislike getting too focused on numbers and mechanics at the cost of immersion and roleplay
for this reason, my own build of 55e is usually the most conducive to a good time
>>982533 these are twitter people, and if this falls apart, which it seems like it will, I don't intend to have a fucking thing to do with anarchists for a hobby-thing ever again none of these motherfuckers can be trusted
I'm gonna run a Call of Cthulhu one-shot at some point, and I'd like to run a Lancer campaign.
I also want to run Heart: The City Beneath but I don't think I could find a group that's good enough at roleplaying for that right now from my existing people.
>>982535 Surely you have some friends that aren't in that group on twitter though
>>982547 I'm sure there are people you're on good terms with.
My two non-moe players aren't people who I've been really close with in the past, although I do like them. And I did briefly meet one of them in person, but we've mostly just been on good terms.
I don't even know these people, really Like I said, I know moe and 2 people on discord that's it the person arranging this @'d everyone in the server, and I went "I'll DM if nobody else will", and now we're here I've posted in the discord like maybe 15 times in 3 years
really I thought this much was already kinda established, but I don't like, approach people ever I don't form relationships, they happen to me or not at all and it's mostly the latter
this whole thing was, partially, an attempt to actually do that, try to become part of a friend group or something but it doesn't seem to be working
ya know how many friends I had before moe? 1 current tally? moe+that same person, plus one friend of that person and that last one isn't so much as \\\a friend as he's like, kinda stuck with me in the same discord channel
Everyone's definition of a friend is a little different I think; I'm sure there are some people who see you as a friend but you don't see it the same way
maybe i'll just develop my world for a few months and then recruit from moe and then give up and never think about DMing ever again because i just expect too much of other people by thinking they can accomplish what I expect from literal children
DFO patching as we speak that juicy guild donation is coming soon >>982599 oh no not to play
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dont do it pan dont do it
my old main FSastifur should have plenty of gold to donate
I'd just have a session for the people who have done shit and say "though shit" to everyone who didn't they can either complain or join up in later sessions down the line
not giving up is hard is all I'm not the one who arranged this the person who arranged this has gotten me jack shit how am I supposed to interpret this as anything other than my expectations being too high
>>982614 Well, sometimes these things just happen. It's not an indictment of you or anything. Expecting players to create characters is very reasonable.
On another note, your expectations might be too high for them, but if you can do the things you expect others to do, that means its possible for others to do the same. So there are people out there capable of doing it, at least.
I wish I had free time to play tabletop But it's hard for me to fit anything in during the week, my available time is pretty much all eaten up
We had one session where post it we just played UNO and me and I think it was Jan just kept stealing the wins from krr despite him being like 1 point away from winning
Yup you are being way more pateint and reasonable than I'd be in your position I'd just have after 1st or 2nd failed start just gone with the people who have done their stuff and left the rest to rot or join later
This is from a guy that used to try super hard to get raids in DFO going with friends; If they don't wanna do it, you're gonna have to find people that will do it with you that aren't them
back when my group started bar hopping first, since quite many people had issues arriving on time I suggested and people agreed, that whoever arrives late and last has to buy first round for everyone else even if it was 1 minute late
>>982634 Ye my grandad works for Neople, you never stood a chance
Oh, and another thing on gathering friends to do certain things; It's got more layers to it I had friends that wanted to play with me but i wasn't even satisfied with how eager they were to do it You'll be much more satisfied with people that are at the same level of commitment to what you want to do, and to do that, you need to find those people
>>982640 >>982645 i'll get him for this in the waifu gacha......
yeah sastifur got me into dfo raiding but wouldn't ever raid with me, he made our friend bak do it :(
>>982649 Ye you got me there, i was very demanding on the expectations Poor PAN got swept away by tons of bad circumstances like scheduling issues and lag
>>982647 Well, I don't think it's realistic that you wouldn't be able to find anyone, but why don't you start off by joining a game someone else is DMing or something?
Last time I did that I pulled out because I couldn't stop thinking everyone wanted me gone, 'member?
>>982650 And now I'm finally free of those but everyone has quit...... Also terrible drop rates I was so pumped for 95 raids with the boys but bak got like 5 fucking god damn Sky Zans he couldn't use and I couldn't even get a single Sky Slayer weapon fucking rng bullshit
Besides I'm not really interested in playing a character that much
good chunk of the world is built through interractions with your players in the end and I think it is the funniest part and brings out some of the most amusing characters to play
now i kinda want to play dfo but the thought of having to level again sounds not fun
>>982660 Sounds like you want to be an author, not really a DM. Because the majority of the role of a good DM is roleplaying. A DM has to be good at roleplay so that the players can roleplay.
yup last session one of my players just went "I wanna buy holy weed offa this priests" and this random moment lead to a world building stuff and a new character introduction and all of it would have never existed,if not for just one random decision
I will acknowledge that I'm kind of a goblin when it comes to rp-ing as half of my cast considering a lot of them have turned jaded thanks to the party!
Though honestly I could maybe get more into it if I didn't have someone who might think I'm talking to them or so at night.
I try to give folks like Rent a haughty aura since he's Rent at least. Aaron was sleazy as is expected of Aaron >>982670 your wife is someone I don't even know what to think of half the time for what their personality is like now
I can't wait to use my JUSTICE voice all the time as Kamen Rider Olympia.
>>982673 I'll break you out of your shame. I'll shame you until you feel no shame! You'll be shamefully shameless! Once again, it's up to me to power level you.
The self-fulfilling prophesy here is you saying "I'll never play a TTRPG" but it's something you do a lot You always decide things will go terribly, that everything will be bad and miserably, before anything ever happens.
It's unlikely that things just magically go wrong every single time. Sometimes it's not your fault, sure, but self-fulfilling prophesies happen because of you deciding they will. Your attitude plays a big part in how things go too.
Things go badly because I generally suck Knowing that doesn't mean I'm making it go bad by acknowledging it
That's not true I do shat I can most of the time anyway
Never playing a ttrpg will be a self fulfilling prophecy, but only because there's a fucking limit to how far I'll go
Most of the time that limit seems pretty tiny though
For something like this yeah Sure I could randomly apply to join games set up by other people without a social circle but I'm pretty sure I'd end up hating them as much as I do myself
I dunno how I'll manage it but at least I have time to actually make the setting now without having to prepare for a game that may or may not ever start
That or I just won't lmao Either way I'll be less prickly
>>982862 It's similar, but ramen is written in Japanese as ラーメン, with an extended "ah" in the ra part of the word Kamen is only a single "ka" so you pronounce the first syllable faster and not drawn out
Man i actually bought tickets to see aunty donna live
guess im getting a refund.
I'd better. don't want fuckin'.. STORE CREDIT with the theatre
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>982990 is that how marsh is so good at rs >>982992 aw that sucks an artist I like is gonna be touring here nxt year I'd love to go but my hopes are nowhere that high
I would in fact hesitate to add someone this late game but it'd be feasible When they initially came to me on it they were like "yeah she'd have like 7 hours to put a character together" and so I would say tonight would be a bad idea specifically. But I remembered that moon originally listened in once or twice a couple years ago and thought that would be doable.
works for me, I've got nothing planned anyway I put together a character already for the other thing, but I dunno if I wanna be part of it at all, anymore, really It has no backstory yet, but I've got a vague idea so I could flesh that out real fast if I decide to
I'm in a good mood with some energy, are you down for me to try and condense a couple years of campaigns into a short summary for, if nothing else, just me having fun infodumping
If you wanna, sure I could try making up a rough draft with it and we could work out the finer details over the week I'd need to know what level I should be at too tho
it's real late, but it's not like I have anything in particular to do tomorrow
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time for an infodump, huh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
working on it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Campaign 1 Within the base 13th Age setting, the icons, thirteen powerful entities within the realm, have grown restless and desire change in their own respective ways. The diabolist, one icon associated heavily with demons, travels about offering change in the form of corruption. The party is a group of adventurers in the form of Olivia Thundercaunt, a dwarf-tiefling hybrid who loves alcohol and smashing bad dudes, Aurelia, an ambiguously-gendered bard who is convinced they are an elf, Alack Inlets Berth, a dice-worshipping paladin who will roll his god's dice with reckless abandon, and Cordell Norris, a half-orc cowboy who slaughtered overseas natives under the empire's orders and has regretted it ever since.
The group traveled around aiding the various lands and their icons who were warped under the corruption of the diabolist and gaining strength along the way. Olivia's father, Lucian, who abandoned her after conception, has taken up arms with the diabolist and occasionally taunts the group. The emperor has been replaced with the horrible eldritch entity Hagunemnon. The elf queen, who is actually a super idol but no one knows the truth, has a sister (also an icon) afflicted by the corruption. These are all things that the party helps fix one way or another.
Eventually the party confronts the diabolist and Lucian within a hell hole (which is what's listed on the label). In the fight, Olivia dies (so does Cordell but he gets better). With what seems like most of the problems solved (considering they also punch out a five-headed dragon in a mech and do a weird dimensional rift to get super weapons), things are fine until the rift to hell inverts because the massive dragon guardian itself was also corrupted, and the group has to climb upwards into reverse hell to confront it. Once they do and win, they fall into regular hell and find that Olivia has become the new ruler of demons. Everyone fights and everyone also hecking dies. Aurelia becomes a ghost, Alack becom
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alack becom
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(finishing for ton since he timed out) >>983031 es his own god, Cordell actually can't die, and Olivia is respawned as demons do until their wrath actually ends up destroying all life on the planet.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aurelia was my character (: they had a skirt on and anyone who looked beneath it saw whatever they wanted to see (:
What if I didn't want to see anything
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
then you wouldnt this is the true power of aurelia
So I'm guessing this is ToN's own setting then? >>983040 Fair enough I'll cook something up once I get a feel for the party, I'd rather not be like, the 3rd cleric or something
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I took the 13a setting for campaign 1 and have since made my own twice yeah
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
setting 2 replaced setting 1 and setting 3 is an extension of setting 2
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Campaign 2 The world, destroyed by Olivia's pettyness, is revitalized by a passing creation god who [REDACTED], causing life to overflow from the resulting pool of [REDACTED]. Olivia notices, but is quickly banished. The deity, known as Jer Khauff, watches over the resulting new humanity and helps them to flourish over 1000 years.
Strange new life forms have come to exist, such as the Lichenthropes, fungus people who live to the north, Skouls, spinal parasites who impersonate their hosts, and even humanoids with animal-like traits, among other things. The heroes this time are Titania, the lichenthrope princess, ejected for being too god dang stupid; Lee O'Mahn, a space man who crashed down and contains the souls of his otherwise dead race within himself; Chaska and Ghost Voices, one of if not the last survivor(s) of a race of 9 foot tall plainsmen from the desert, and his grandpa's spirit who fights alongside him; and Soili Tuonela, a pale farmer girl with a penchant for the grotesque, who uses an unknown alchemy to raise the dead. --
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
These 4.5 people were called together by Charlotte, an ancient sorceress, to be rewarded should they defeat an unknown calamity that would destroy the world. Unfortunately, it was impossible to know in advance what the calamity would be, so the group's job was to gain strength for when it would appear. As it happens, this was only half the truth, as this was a game between Charlotte and another ancient wizard, Gandora. Charlotte was responsible for gathering up heroes with attitude, while Gandora would watch over and influence the upcoming calamity, though Gandora entered this competition with much more enthusiasm.
Unfortunately for Charlotte, the group was fairly smooth brained, and immediately betrayed her by stealing a precious axe artifact under Gandora's request (they did not know Gandora's position in the contest at this time. Also, at the same time, Ghost Voices took her underwear, but that's not important). As the group continued generally helping out, they went north to the Lichenthrope kingdom, against Titania's exile. At the Yggdrasil Tree, they were given a beef up by Gandora in preparation as they entered its core and were teleported upwards. The calamity had actually appeared as the world-eating Nidhoggr, and it had appeared early too! The group, traversing a space station, found some mechs that were actually crafted by Olivia, and used them to defeat Nidhoggr in space. --
soili mostly irrelevant
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Defeating the calamity allowed the party to be granted their wishes, to an extent, such as Titania's two personalities being cohesed into one, and a fraction of Chaska's people were revived (as many as Charlotte could manage), but the problems did not end here. Shortly after, Gandora engaged the group, Charlotte, and even the world in what he called a "Holy Grail War", in which capable summoners conjured ancient heroes to fight for an even more powerful wish-granting device than what Charlotte's magic could muster. Naturally, the party threw their hats in the ring.
Over the course of this war, they would fight multiple powerful foes, and make powerful friends. Enemies included a fallen priest who desired revenge on Jer Khauff, the reigning Empress of Jer Khauff's chosen empire, a Skoul who placed herself in a position of power for the sake of her queen. Friends included their own mysterious summoned hero, Solid Snake, and a wizard baker named Troy. --
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Along the way, the group was also called into a strange space rift and granted powerful magical artefacts to aid in their battle, but after gaining them immediately decided they could not abide Soili's wickedness any longer and slew her with an immortal killing blade.
Eventually the group reached Gandora and his servant, who he had conjured using the axe he had taken from Charlotte. In a fierce struggle, Gandora was defeated, after which the party confronted Charlotte, who requested they give her a week. After that time, they found Charlotte had dismissed her own hero as well as Gandora's and stepped out of the running. Sadly there was one more foe wielding an ancient hero: Olivia, escaped from the depths of hell.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The final confrontation began, but as it did, a colossal bone golem entered the fray and ruined everything. After its destruction, the mysterious girl who followed the group into the final battles merged with Soili, who should no longer exist, forming a specter of death for the true last battle. Nearly everyone died once again, and in fact, Olivia won and used the wish granting device to remove Titania's name from history. This, combined with her losing her smile earlier (literally), and her overwhelming desire to consume caused her to eat the wish granting device and become the monstrous Ammutseba, the Devourer of Stars. In a panic, whoever was able evacuated into the space station above Yggdrasil and fled into space.
2.5 is a side campaign I DM'd thats barely related to the other campaigns but takes place in the same universe some losers got wrapped up in a conspiracy to free the gods of the world who were trapped by eldritch machinations and along the way killed a lot of people and saved the world my character in 3.0 is obsessed with Space Japan, the location 2.5 took place in she's a space weeb who believes the katana is the most amazing sword ever created, folded over a thousand times she's also the daughter of an eldritch abomination
is the katana underpowered in 13th age?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in 13th age you're literally just like "that's a one handed sword so its a d8" lol
well if this thing is gonna be at 2am I'm gonna need snacks so I'm headed to the shop I ran outta both cheese and crackers yesterday night, so now all I've got is potato bread and butter
>>983056 unless you're chad ronin noto with d10-d12 katanas
>>983047 ton failed to mention it here but when the bone golem arrived the space man and one of the heroic spirits got in the air in front of it and stood there until it killed them
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Campaign 3 A cluster of planets, all capable of hosting life, surrounded one large cubic sun, in what was deemed a "Macro-System" for its size, shortened to "Macross". Travel between the planets is feasible enough that there is even public transit, albeit rather slow. A powerful real-estate tycoon, known as Mr. Rent, seemingly has a monopoly on all real-estate and at least a hand in all financial affairs throughout the Macross.
Our group this time meets through a shining series of coincidences. Elle, who unbeknownst to her at the time is the test tube baby of the wretched Hagunemnon and the wicked Empress Odia, has lived for millenia and, after one of her long sleeps, has awoken on the central hub of the Macross: Kolle. Sullivan, an ex-scholar of Acamoe, stumbled upon the newly woken Elle, and developed a brotherly bond towards her. Taviano, an exiled member of La Famiglia, a mafia organization with a financial loan front, happens to be around on Kolle, likely on a collections job. Matilda, daughter of the powerful sorceress Charlotte, is here strictly for fun. Sepherina, a strange, tall, heavily armored supersoldier who was lost in space and found, was here on a probationary hold until this day. They met in the square of the central hub city, hearing the religious ramblings of Sepherina, and decided to stick together. --
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Shortly after meeting, they take a job to save some kidnapped children who are slaving away in a mining town, but find out they aren't slaving but rather forced to do labor or else there won't be enough food for anyone. Rent has seemingly bought up all the mines but this one, and as the party finds out, put this job up for them so he could acquire it. In exchange, the party is given a space ship the miners had managed to repair as a last resort escape vessel, though they come to bear a grudge on the cunning Mr. Rent in the process. Elle, and her overflowing sense of justice, would not let this go unpunished.
The group would continue to cast judgement on the wicked on the desert planet of Darudune, where they slew the Architect Guildmaster Samuel Smith, who attacked them once they discovered his secret base with a device that suppressed the current pharaoh's ability to manage her own domain. Also he kidnapped her husband, Cordell, the immortal half-orc space cowboy, for similar reasons. --
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
On purgatorio, the superprison of the Macross, the group met the scientist explosives nerd Thomas O'Neil, and performed a job under him to retrieve an artifact of untold power. Shortly after, Thomas left with the group after they freed the mining boss they met earlier. They took a job to investigate shady stuff in the asteroid field, and met up with a guy who claimed to be Gandora the wizard, selling shady goods. After preventing him from being assassinated by one of three supercriminals, the real Gandora appeared, and explained that he was responsible for creating Elle as a test tube baby. However, this awakened his sense of guilt and he went soul-searching, but now wants to be a better person, so he follows Elle to atone and gain his sense of justice.
Some time after they got some vibes that told them to go to the sun, especially Sullivan, who had touched the relic and gained a voice in his noggin. They find that the sun isn't truly a fiery cube of death, but rather a space station, and head inside. As they travel through, they find all sorts of living spaces and necessities for survival, but no people. In the core, they find a great Yggdrasil Tree, though it glows a strange red, and are attacked by the three super criminals who haven't been mentioned in this summary yet. A super detective, Christine Frost, also turns out to be aligned with them, which agitates Elle's sense of justice. Finally, Mr. Rent appears after giving Gandora a thrashing and is revealed to be an ancient super deity who has watched over humanity since before the dawn of time. The party is, understandably, obliterated and, without their knowledge, kept alive in life support pods.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The group wakes up on Acamoe in new bodies without their memories and live school lives until the arrival of Matilda and strange events on campus stir them back. After the group makes friends with a strange mute student they name Myst, and Sullivan makes very good friends with the depressed Nina Commons, they enter into Benjmamint (acting principal but actually vice-principal of the school)'s brain dungeon/palace and defeat him there. Unfortunately (?), unbeknownst to Gandora who planned this, they defeat him so hard he dies. Aaron, one of the super criminals, appears by hologram and taunts the group as he pulls their life support.
The party, minus Sepherina, awake in the, as named by the party, the "Dussy", the nexus of the dead, where souls are sorted before they are sent to the appropriate afterlife. They fight their way out with the help of Charlotte's deceased husband (he's ok though) and Nyxrothania, a yare-yare da ze kind of reapery girl who agreed to this as a favor. After they leave the Dussy, they go through a training arc to regain physical form, as they lost their now deceased bodies. Elle trains with a fellow eldritch entity, Taviano trains with a super criminal who sympathizes with his desire to save his brother (who is a brainwashed other supercriminal by the way he's been looking for him all this time), and Sullivan goes to his sister on Natura and definitely doesn't run into anything weird. --
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
someone should do something about this spammer
dussy lmao
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pan and i named it the dussy (: its the DEATH PUSSY
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Next up they go back to Regend, a fantasy-like planet, where they run into two hags who are actually the adopted daughters of Rent raised by Christine (who is also Rent's adopted daughter. Additionally, Benjamint and Samuel Smith? Also adopted. Awful suspicious). After winning a debate they manage to actually avoid killing the hags. A little bit earlier though, they run into Nina Commons who has apparently been brainhacked while they were busy. See there's this fuckboy named Henry who is super strong and commands evil dogs. Wait also Aaron got hilariously stomped. I may have skipped a step, but frankly these events happen in a blur.
After the adventure on Regend where they found out Sullivan's girlfriend is brainjacked, they have to go and rescue Sepherina, who is locked in a perpetual duel against herself in a strange spacetime rift within her destroyed spaceship. They do this, and now Sepherina is a paladin. Kind of. However, Henry showed up on the way, and Elle went with him as a sort of exchange, so now they have to save Elle. --
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
When they find Elle in a shack basement, she's comatose, so they enter her brain dungeon. At this time, Elle, whose rage had grown and katana had shattered, had lost her sense of justice and defined herself as a monster. By confronting the Hagunemnon father within her own heart, and having her new sword sheathed into her brain, she found it once more. After this, however, the group decided to beeline straight towards Henry, who has begun an assault on the people of Kolle and built a castle right in the mining town the party first went to. The group has fought their way through and are about to ascend the steps without the aid of most of their friends, as Henry has managed to erect a level-based barrier, preventing powerful allies like Gandora from entering.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
levels arent even real they're just concepts
im gonna get the concept of leveling and then ton will be so fucking sorry
Today has been pretty annoying Not only did a bunch of pallets of merchandise show up that it's hard to find space in the receiving workspace to store until it can be received, but there'sa new receiver being trained, and the only person free enough to train him is the guy who was covering the newbies' position, so now I have to cover the position, which is up on the drafty loading dock where I have to work next to this old guy who I'm pretty sure has undiagnosed or unmentioned Tourette's syndrome It's stressful being in a different work environment and the particulars don't make it very enjoyable otherwise I really hope this is just like a half-day thing because I don't want to be up there full time