And now to see your love set free You will need the witch's cabin key Find the lady of the light, still raving in the night That's how you reshape destiny
jan you excited for endwalker? pld gets to summon big swords
>>983135 yoshi p took my fucking dots away again that dick head
yeah but now you can summon titan
muh dots
at least you can finally give up on scholar for good
yeah just like square enix did all those badass new abilities for all the jobs >scholar? idk lol give them a speed boost that's unique
>just give em a combat peloton I dunno lol
wait paladin gets to summons swords that's fucking pog
yeah they get a combo that continues confiteor and summons giant swords
yeah it's some gate of babylon shit
paladin main inc
it was always the best tank you can tell because it has the worst job quests to balance it out
paladin is the worst tank lol
no jan don't
yeah everything ive read is that paladin is bottom of the barrel and the only tank the community doesn't deem "acceptable"
it's so crap imagine having a shield and having less defensive abilities than other tanks and the ones you have are just straight up worse than theirs bullshit
realistically the tanks have so little difference that it barely matters
>>983150 but you can spend 50 Oath to block 100% of attacks of 2 seconds :))))))))
>>983150 living dead is hands down worse that hallowed ground, recast timer be damned
oh what's that block only removes a flat amount of damage basedo n your shield lol whooooops
>>983153 if you got bene it's not that bad but that's the only ability paladin has and the recast timer is so long it means you can't cheese some raid boss mechanics other tanks can only ability that's better than any equivalent ability another tank has WAR and GNB just have better abilities DRK at least has TBN that shit is so broken the living dead jank isn't so bad
but WAR is so boring tanks are braindead enough give me more buttons
WAR is just DRK for people with 2 brain cells instead of 3
really though i hope they buff paladin a bit their rotation is way too strict for a job that doesn't even do more damage than the other tanks and has other disadvantages like being the ONLY tank that can't realistically heal itself
looks like they're buffing sheltron at least and intervention nit using oath will be nice >>983160 doesn't gunbreaker self heal better? I haven't tried it myself
i like war :( but mainly because i like the idea of self healing constantly
>>983152 seems quite crap why not just divine shield
>>983159 intervention finally a skill i can put on my bar thank you yoshi p
>>983159 probably gunbreaker does everything better but i also dont like having 37 combos to do i just want to do my baby combo spam and instead focus on defensive jumbling
WAR has the best self healing in aoe situations but GNB has good passive self healing on single target as well
>>983161 that's called passage of arms and despite being useful most paladins forget it exists
really hoping MCH has something better to do during heat blast spam
seems like they're just going to add chainsaw and a new button for the automaton to press and call it a day
my favorite WoW tank was brewmaster because I just mashed one button while ignoring the boss and instead playing a minigame of Don't Let The Stagger Bar Turn Red
i miss the heat gauge and having my turret with me all the time it was cool having a friend ;_;
>>983167 yeah the trailer showed the usual heat blast into guass round/ricochet thing BUT MAYBE that's not all
>>983169 wait what do you mean? only recently picked up mch, could you have the turret as a pet?
>>983171 before they reworked it, rook autoturret was a permanent summon until you manually detonated it by using hypercharge you also had an aoe turret called bishop autoturret typically you would hypercharge and detonate them in your wildfire window
heat gauge was a thing that built up and you wanted to keep it around a certain level at all times without letting it max out as it would overheat your weapon, increasing damage for a bit then disabling your skills you used heat blast to reduce heat and regular combos to generate heat and gained the heated shot combo when your weapon heat was at the right level flamethrower also generated a lot of heat very fast to put you back to the proper level after wildfire combos which usually wanted you to overheat to optimize damage
well shit that sounds way more fun heat gauge now is just used to spam heat blast and build up weaponskill uses for wildfire and flamethrower is just a skill you use right before the tank decides to move all the mobs out of range for no reason
though the turrets couldn't move so you had to resummon them all the time they just kind of hovered there on their little helicopter blades
tbh i don't even know if it's worth it to even use flamethrower since autocrossbow is so strong but it sure looks cool
I mostly use it to annoy erpers in limsa
that's optimal
also good for roasting lalafel degenerates
but yeah I am real excited for Endwalker especially since it seems like they might make Zenos come to our side lol
also they finally gave Black Mage a new set of primary spells Fire V let's go
limsa aetheryte plaza (savage)
blm looks cool but I honestly hate playing with cast times it just feels wrong
well I'd say you'd love Summoner then but they seem to be reworking that entirely
some of their new spells have some long ass cast times titan mode is all instant but there was so much instant cast shit in the old summoner i basically just jumped around the arena the whole fight until mechanics happened
maybe you'll still be able to a bit they gave it a fuckin gap closer
>>983179 you know, the second time through SB I actually liked zenos more I think I hated lyse so much the first time that it spread ti everything involving ala mhigo, but as far as "might makes right" villains go he's alright
but I mean what do the scions do? kill ascians and garleans zenos is great at both of those! he just wants to be friends it's just that he has a really fucked up idea of what friends are like
no the finn has though he donates blood pretty regularlyy. actually im not sure if he does blood or plasma
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont have any plasma
i'm seeing that i can get like 1100 bucks for my first month of donating plasma if this is real i'm about to let them take itall
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what that's so much money theres no way
I donated a few times but didn't get nearly that much how often you can donate depends on you weight too so keep tgat in mind frequently donating will alao // also take a toll on your body and immune system so be prepared to possibly end up sick or just fatigued at best I wouldn't recommend doing it often unless you're really hurting for cash
i donated plasma once and they gave me 75 bux for it
you gotta like have the right protein level and good blood and stuff apparently
also when they pump the saline solution with your red blood cells back in you can feel it get to your heart and then spread to the rest of your body cool experience would recommend trying it once
Mm, which is why I said shitty machine I think the centrifuges keep the solution at about your internal temp while separating and pumping it back
if it doesn't change the outcome I don't think it's a shitty machine though seems more like the usual attempt to feel superior over something inconsequential
>>983237 its cheaper and people are saying it feels interesting then I dont think its shitty
Considering that platelet donation takes 60-90 minutes, maximum comfort is a goal that should be approached, especially when it is done through a pure volunteer force
sure sure Finland good America bad
>>983240 maybe they use those district heating things you love to brag about to warm it up
I dunno, do you want to feel weird for 60-90 minutes or normal?
yeah it was dope
like I literally said it was cool and that I'd recommend it right in the first post
>>983215 when they pumped me with demerol after my 60 mph scooter accident i felt a similar thing it was like tingly warmth flowing through my bloodstream
i guess they just really need plasma i have to start within the next 6 days and then i have 45 days after that to donate 8 times which is a lot of donating but 1100 bucks ya boy is gonna catch up on his credit card
might be in a shortage or something
>>983252 that was probably just the opioid doing its job
>>983253 good luck if you go for it but don't wear yourself out it can really take a toll and that sounds like a lot in a short span
>>983253 damn you sure youre good to donate that much? that sounds like a lot
>>983256 >>983257 the good news is that the bonus payments come after the first two donations so if i'm like 5 in and decide to chill out, i'll still have made a lot
>>983253 45 days to donate 8 times that ain't up to standard mate, usual plasma/platelet donation is once every 2 weeks
the FDA says you gotta wait 2 days after one donation, and no more than two donations every 7 days so 8 donations in 45 days is like uhhhhhhhhhhhh 1.3 donations per week? i didn't do any math that's just a guess
>>983272 no I was just thinking of an economical method of getting drunk
critical hit
>>983274 oh whenever the subject comes up my friends know me as the everclear expert i used to buy a bottle a week alongside a bottle of kraken and i have this spiel about how a screwdriver is just 7 parts orange juice and 3 parts diluted everclear so why not just buy everclear
theres also spiritus which is like polish everclear
i did this math in like 2014 so prices may have changed but everclear was like 5 cents per mL and boxed franzia was like 6 cents per mL of ethanol and smirnoff was like 17 cents per mL or something so everclear and franzia sunset blush were like the far and away most drunk for your buck
Also top economical way of getting drunk is filtered hand disinfectant
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell yeah gonna do it around 6est probably but it'll take a few hours, maybe two times?
does it come painted, or with paints?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gunpla is nice because the plastic is molded in the appropriate color so you don't have to paint them i plan on learning to paint them soon though
>>983286 my best friend is planning on getting an airbrush soon to paint some of his bot sure what he plans to do maybe add burns
kinda want to learn how to paint minis we're buying a big set for our DM so he can stop using chess pieces for encounters so maybe I'll keep a few he doesn't want to practice on
>>983288 I have a friend who has dozens of pounds of unassembled and unpainted figures he has an unopened 10lb box of just skeketons.
i wish i could paint minis but my hands are GAY
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i gotta learn to paint that shit i want to learn weathering and shit
>>983288 man i wish i could play tabletop with my buddies using chess pieces
>>983289 damn that's a lot of skeletons >>983292 next philly trip we can have a one shot or something
>>983290 I recently learned that I have some moderate dexterity deficits so it makes sense why I always found that difficult
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
another person might join my jojo ttrpg starting soon im hyped
im gonna do it webcam on so everyone can see me posing and stuff
it was from a dispensary with official packaging and everything a 3.5mg gummy was enough to get me going at a level i was okay with but this one was 5mg and i didn't feel a thing
she tried to jump on the back of the toilet earlier and fuckin fell off and was yelling about it
wil e coyote
>>983321 I read a really good Wiley Coyote comic recently.
did he eat the roadrunner?
>>983323 no but he hires an alien hitman to kill him
marvin the martian? >>983320 my roommate's cat once thought the glass door to the backyard was open and ran full speed into it left a dusty imprint of her face
>>983084 there is a real ring of truth to it, nowadays try doing a normal job, getting a house, caring for a family and such it's also a pretty ironic term, I like it
my real purpose today however is to present the newest open hardware project in town: people are coming up with very interesting things, you can ensure there is no backdoor on this thing by flashing your own processor on the FPGA I would say precursor is even preferable to the librem or pinephone, but we'll have to see about the actual performance, because FPGAs tend to be inherently less performant than their ASIC counterparts
kind of autistic but I absolutely can't STAND it when they show clips of the VAs at the end of the show recording it like shatters the illusion of the anime world
Imagine if the Internet could get so up in arms that they get Pratt kicked out of the role Probably not, since he's kept up for the most part a good public image But they did get the Sonic movie to re-do all the Sonic CGI
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want bayonetta 3 to strangle me to death with her hair
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>983614 his public image has been tanking lately so i /// so while i dont think that's realistically going to happen i'd say the chances aren't 0 pratt has been exposed as being anti-gay and stuff lately and hyperconservative which has kinda started to erode his public image
i have a problem where a client at my workplace is the child of a niche celebrity in the cooking field and i know so much insane stuff about them that i desperately want to tell people about it but i will lose my license if i do and also be fined $50,000
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to bring back /horo/ but even more ephermeral
fuck yeah kirby
Fuck yeah Brewster
can't believe chris pratt is gonna be mario i wonder how well his italian accent is
my coworker has been reading this chinese light novel thing with like 4000 chapters and since he binges on stuff i haven't been able to talk to him about pretty much anything else for a couple weeks
For real I'll only do it with three clients to start but I'll start building up my case load for it soon enough So I'll be making $50/hr to hike three hours on Tuesdays starting soon lol my power is limitless
i've been drinking a lot more tea since ton and pan were over i kept making them tea and then i got hooked on tea again i wasnt drinking it much for a while but i'm back to almost every day again
>>983800 if you drink too much you might turn into tea
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats because i have so much t
>>983800 Tea buddies! I still drink like three litres a day most days It's just nicer for me than drinking water I like the little flavour boost and I crave the caffeine
>>983803 hahaha i dont plan on letting myself get attached to caffeine at all i hate caffeine
honestly that shocked me more than that other guying saying he used to go through a bottle of everclear and kraken every week
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a bottle of // or two of booze a week is rookie numbers i was drinkin 2-3 bottles every day at my height
>>983805 I have to acknowledge that considering the volume of tea I drink, there's probably a caffeine addiction in my brain But I don't drink tea because it feels like it has an effect on me, because if anything, tea is calming and relaxing, rather than energizing, for me I just like the flavour and scent
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah same It's nice to chill with a cup or two i'm about to grab my second cup since i woke up
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think caffeine and alcohol ruined the nerves in my hands well not ruined fucked up
I got some bitter spray to prevent my cat from chewing on cables, but it seems like Lazarus actually likes the bitter spray. I tasted it myself and I have to say it's not really that bad. I wonder if I got a bad brand?
Gotta get the brand that Nintendo puts on their published Switch cartridges Third-party games don't hit nearly as hard
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyone had a look at what Project Deluge is doing?
so why the saline added to the blood dufing the process doesn't feel cold, cause is mixed in the machine basically gets warmed up into your blood's teml
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just forget it
i never forget, i have a brain unlike you
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I remembered too so uhh
caffeine addiction/withdrawal mostly just has to do with adenosine and its receptors the mental/psychological addiction is a whole other subject but physically the withdrawal symptoms are pretty simple to explain, and the end result is that basically if you have caffeine regularly for a while and then stop you'll experience bouts of tiredness that feel pretty strong until it's been long enough or you've slept enough
that said, even when i haven't had caffeine for a while, it's mentally difficult to avoid drinks that i love (coffee and tea) or abusing caffeine as a way to justify poor sleeping decisions
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
listening to some kaneyorimasaru they're pretty nice
>>983919 Sound-wise kind of reminds me of nano.RIPE but the vocals are softer and less nasally I mean I love nano.RIPE's vocalist's sound This is just good too
so i sorta slept for like 6 hours already gonna make tonight kinda weird
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did you bleed all of your bloods
nah they said my veins were too squishy and i probably needed to be better hydrated next time i come in i think i didn't eat enough in advance either i guess my veins were kinda hard to find too
So I just found out that British Seapower did the disco elysium soundtrack.
I didn't even know that "shout" as in Pay For on Behalf Of was an Australian thing.
Do other places not say that?
It took me a while after hearing it recently to process that thats what it meant so no More commonly here youd say it's [person's name]'s treat or just [person]'s treating us Theres probably all sorts of ways to say that though
I guess it's not that far of a stretch from "shout out"
Man today has been a loooooooot and it's only been two hours The guy who was training the new guy for receiving had to call in sick to look after his daughter so I'm kinda preoccupied with training him But I'm still also on standby to assist the loading dock if they get overrun with shit to do -- thankfully not a problem yet, but still There's a lot of stuff left unreceived because it's large quantity shipments and I've been trying to handle small stuff so my hands aren't tied for the other things I'm needed for
Unrelated to that, the first floor is still off limits due to renovations but the workers are now using the store elevator is now also off limits Which means if we want to get out of the basement we need to take the cargo elevator up stairs, which in addition to being slow, isn't on automatic call It's just a lot
I love drugs but I can't really do them anymore since I'm an addict
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>983967 have fun yea i tripped on sunday was the first time in a Long time tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this coffee shop is highly rated and yet this is one of the worst cortados i ever had also one of the baristas has put on the weirdest barista voice ever she sounds like a spooky cartoon ghost crossed with a foghorn
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that sounds like a demon sent to curse you with an inadequate cortado
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mental it's bustling too i feel like im takin crazy pills ere
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what can make me feel this way? amoguuuus talkin bout, amogus (amogus, amogus)
I gotta fix my lighting and find a better camera angle for next week but it was a fun stream, very comfy chatting with blue and kannagi and some twitter people
>>984006 oh me oh my hope u had some nice insights my actual trip was a mix of good and bad some fun hangouts but also my body HATED it but overall like a good way to unseat some brain crusts and get the thoughts flowin again
>>984008 duly noted, thanks for sharing, I might drop by, who knows :o >>984009 haha, sounds way too relatable acid has some crazy bodyloads sometimes, sometimes it's almost unsettling, but the setting is key I guess and if you prepare you usually end up fine it was a group experience for me, we tried 2C-B this time and it was certainly interesting I had some very insightful conversations with some of my closest friends in any case, and I'm feeling very lifted after the whole ordeal, overall it was great >>984012
I have to look up the timezones again damn, difficult for europeans like me >>984013 haha
>>984011 my stream ended 30 minutes ago or so and started 3.5 hours ago if that helps i start at the same time whenever i stream although on wednesdays sometimes i only go 1-2 hours and fridays is 2-3 saturday is usually 3 hours
>>984014 that's actually not too bad, you started at around midnight for me, sounds cool :) >>984015 it's definitely not as intense as actual acid, it has a much more euphoric touch, weird but not too noticeable visuals and a very interesting body load if I had to describe it, it was like I became more aware of my body and it adapted into the setting, if that makes sense it does get you thoughtful, but not in the acid sense, you don't really have the classic thoughtloops, which might or might not be a plus
It's important to be comfy. Chai is a comfy tea for sure. But usually I drink darjeeling or orange pekoe if I'm doing black tea, and then sometimes a citrus/cinnamon tea when I'm getting ready for bed if I want tea right before bed
>>984023 >It's important to be comfy. damn straight also, in my view tea is a very healthy habit, but I'm more on the green tea side the occasional black tea is nice, but probably not the kind I drink in the later hours
also i think if I started using discord I'd get addicted to it I have a somewhat addictive personality (not with substances unless Coca Cola™ counts) but with
this manga is really good by the way probably the best thing ive read in the past two years, definitely the best thing I've read this year.
>>984066 no I was just curious. Have you been exposed to it at all? Its a southern US style of music wait thats not what i meant to say hrrrmmm anyways I was just curious
>>984070 I never got around to beating either version of blaze blue I owned with everyone. I also hardly remember any of the plot.
blazblue story mode is like the longest VN i can think of it's kind of insane how much there is but maybe the fact that it takes a while to get through all the scenes just by way of presentation also makes it seem longer than it might actually be in terms of raw text either way anyone who can say they've actually 100%'d blazblue solo content is a fucking nutter
i love the story though it's wild and has twists _everywhere_ it's one of those really complex convoluted deepest anime lore storylines it has time travel, multiple dimensions, multiple personalities, amnesia events, family squabbles that take place over extremely long spans of time and multiple lifetimes it's whack as hell
I don't remember who akira is other than attacking with chains or something
>>984073 nah, but i've put a decent dent in it i played CT and CS as a younger lad i think i played CS against moon on 360 stupid tager player reeeeee i played CP but not the story very much, maybe a few hours i played through what i thought was a bunch of CF story only to learn i was just beginning kinda daunting
oh yeah I have a funny blaze blue edit on a beavis and butthead scene im gonna go look for it
>>984076 well post it if you find it but it's sleepytime for bang i might trade my tiguan in for a GLK350 tomorrow and if i do it's gotta be in the morning
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
blueballz cross tag was on sale at eb games but eh
>>984104 >You like Trafalger Law eh? >If you want maybe i can also split you in half
Astolfo radiates high sexual energy while also being a cute boy Always very genki and ready to take you out on a date but will also go around in a sailor uniform because he don't give a fuck Very popular Fate character amongst both men and women
>>984121 I'm trying to buy a cheaper one, this time co-signing and with a better credit score than i had last year and since my car has 4k in equity after what i still owe, I'll be able to reduce my payment a lot without sacrificing all that much
since this mercedes I'm about to get is fucking _nice_
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh you own your truck? for some reason i assumed most people used like a company owned one
>>984124 I'm making payments on it yeah we have a work truck but when i do jobs on my own i take my car well, SUV
also it's a work van i guess, not technically a truck semantics
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh thats cool though probably way nicer when you own your work vehicle
im gonna get a new car next year but ill probably just get another kia forte
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
grr cars etc
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres no public transport here and everything is too far to bike to it cant be helped
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i know imagine living in a society!!!
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
couldnt be me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Australia has lost about 30% of its koalas over the past three years, hit by drought, bushfires and developers cutting down trees
>>984132 no choice brother if i could live in electric bike utopia i would but i live in Texas sooooo
they're actually gonna pay me the full price they quoted wow
>>984136 koalas are literally smoothbrained they can't comprehend that eucalyptus leaves are food if you put them on a plate and put them in front of it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ice cawfee with milk sunshine life is good >>984139 rip i hope there are some big koala preserves
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
blueberries (:
>>984140 they burned down koalas barely have any predators, I won't say this about species often but the loss of them as a species doesn't mean much its only by luck that they've survived this long