im slowly takin apart the linux partition on my PC probably going to completely nuke the Windows partition with no regrats maybe copy some steam games to the other drive idk my windows is getting flaky and weird and my linux is squeezed into an awkward spot at the end of thr drive so im movin it somewhere else sigh, computer maintenance my macbook just keeps workin
It Just Werkz
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ivermectin wonderland
Constructing my own world out of the default dnd package is gonna be more work than I expected though What the fuck is a drow
so we can figure out what's going on with these guerrila furries
Would you rather have guerrila furries or gorilla furries
>>975643 Fun fact about drow, they are dark skinned because their creator (Gary Gygax probably) thought that animals that lived underunderground would evolve to have dark skin. While in fact it is the opposite in real life.
He's moved pu in the world from pushing pencils then That's good
>>>/watch?v=s2WhbTyvLYU Actually I just found out that it was covered by two of my favorite bands. The other one being Bauhaus (one of the first goth bands).
wow OW adding yet another italy-inspired map bliz pls
did they rename mccree yet?
>>975690 I'd like to go back to school maybe in the winter semester, and before that it might be good to see if I can see someone about an ADD diagnosis Even if it's not to the degree of having stimulants prescribed, at least knowing where I fall might be useful when talking with professors and staff about help.
>>975700 Academic accomodations are really important if you have a learning disability, I hope you can get the help you need.
>>975702 I'd just be returning to my English major I was put into a temporary withdrawl state at the end of the Winter 2020 semester because I'm awful at school Earliest I could've returned was the Summer semester earlier this year but since we were/are still in the throes of pandemic I didn't really want to Plus it's nice to have some money saved up. I considered returning for this Autumn semester but I dunno if I'm confident enough yet to go back Because I was put into the withdrawl last time I'm basically on my last strike here. If I fail another semester the school kicks me out for good
Gotta start actually worldbuilding now So far I've just sorta built up a main thread for the party to loosly follow, pushing all the stuff like "what kinda city is this?" and "who are these deities" off for later But later has arrived
Nope Might work on that once I have a few locations fleshed out a bit I want the world to generally make sense, so I feel it makes the most sense to figure out why the towns and cities are where they are and why they're either wealthy or poor, and then plot them down on a map afterwards That way I can get a decent spread of locations before I start making a map, which might not even really come up depending on how people decide to move around in the world
I guess I should also figure out roughly what sorta levels and classes important NPCs are, just in case the party ends up stumbling their way into fighting them Probably not necessary for shopkeepers and whatever, but someone who's the head of a magical academy should probably be like, known to me when it comes to what they're capable of in a combat situation
Keep in mind when designing encounters around humanoid-based creatures, or at least ones that would take player classes and you could draw up character sheets for, action economy is extremely important Your level sixteen archmage might seem scary on paper, but if it's just him and a couple mooks, he won't last long even against a party of like four or five level ten player characters
Most monstrous enemies usually have something to compensate for being fewer in number, or just come out in higher numbers if they don't, and "boss" type monsters usually have things like legendary actions and resistances to let them be far scarier
There's a pretty solid reason a lot of the enemies in tabletop game reference books tend to be monsters
Hm, that's something I didn't consider much yeah At least in cities and stuff though, the main issue with just fighting some high level respected member will be like, becoming a wanted criminal for the rest of the campaign basically But for cave delving and such, it's probably good to ramp up the amount of enemies for fights that are supposed to be hard
A wanted criminal might've bought an illegal pet that's a scary monster who has no business being in the city, or stumbled upon a tome he stole which is forcing him to raise the city's dead
I'm going for a bit of an undead Vibe for this whole thing, so monsters fit in nicely >>975847 ooh, that's a good way to introduce the players to something like a thieves guild, as well as a dangerous encounter unto itself This guy they've been tracking could be a smuggler, trafficking either really dangerous or endangered monsters for rich clients to keep as pets And then they can decide if they bring him in, or maybe they join in for a lucrative paycheck and quests from the underbelly of society
The other thing is, action economy can also swing the other way, with even a variety of mook monsters in high quantity overwhelming the party because they have way more opportunities to deal in damage than the party does It's the kind of thing which isn't so apparent just from drawing up encounters on paper since it depends on all the factors composing both the encounter side and the party make up and player playstyle
It's good to keep in mind that if an encounter feels too easy, and your enemy make up are something which could conceivably call for reinforcements, maybe have a few extra baddies show up to balance the fight But it's harder to make a hard encounter easier without fudging some rolls or making your enemies make bad choices.
s c
For those situations, leaving the opportunity to simply run away open helps a bit though, I imagine
It's not like the party has to take every fight they're presented with, sometimes it might be best to turn around and run, and maybe come back with a plan
Definitely gonna keep it in mind though They're starting at level 3, so initial encounters have to be relatively easy, anyway But this has given me a decent idea of how to get the plot moving a bit now
Also, because it might be good to hear it early, as a DM it's not a sin to fudge a roll here or there There's a few good reasons in a physical setting, the DM is the one who gets a nice pretty screen to hide his rolls behind There should be an implicit trust between the players and the DM that the DM isn't here necessary to be honest, but to make the game the most fun they can for the players And sometimes that means looking broadly at the scope of the situation and understanding if the players need a win or a little leeway, or alternatively a little bit of the heat cranked up.
This one can be really hard to do well, but it's akin to the saying "if you do it right they won't notice at all". And if you're uncertain if it's the right situation for it, you can always just fall back on the hard truth of how the dice fall
s c
Fudge it when it makes sense for the story, basically You don't have to, but you can
Well not just the Story, but also the enjoyment of the players An encounter you put together ends up not quite being adequately designed for your players and has been dragging on? Well maybe that last landed hit on your boss mob that would've brought it down to 5HP actually was the killing blow And it falling spooks its mobs out of their frenzy and they scamper back into their hideyholes You can't really manipulate player hit rolls because AC is a fixed number but when it comes to damage calculation on your end or rolling for saves against player spells/abilities, you can definitely say you just rolled shitty or play loose with subtraction As a DM you have quite a bit of plausible deniability
If you want a good resource for DM-ing, Matt Colville has channel by his name on YouTube with a playlist called "Running the Game" where he goes into a lot of lecture format topics about being a DM He's a game designer and worldbuilder, on top of being a long-time tabletop fan with a lot of experience DM-ing so he's got a lot of good, grounded advice for running a game
Me and the other guy who work receiving were told on Friday that at some point this week we'd be receiving five pallets of stuff The buyer who gave us the heads up didn't know when, just that they might be showing up any time this week
So of course they show up 10:15 Monday morning
This isn't a big warehouse and it's an even smaller receiving area Five pallets take up a lot of the allocated space it has here On top of that there's still another five pallets from a different vendor which still has like two pallets left to handle, plus there's some items from the ten pallets that came two Fridays ago that are sitting here in receiving because there isn't space for them in the actual warehouse Which should give an indication as to the kind of space there is for all this stuff which just arrived
I enjoy the alertness and energy and not sleeping through the last few hours of my shift that gettinga coffee grants me but man it sucks to have all this drive and need for stimulation Because I'm getting absolutely nothing here which fulfills that need and more than anything it makes me want to be back home where I can be pursuing my interests and enriching myself instead of being stuck in this swamp of a dull job Works sucks
>>975893 yes, I was taken aback relistening to it and felt the urge to share, but primarily I wanted to test the live post/real time feature if you have some good post-rock feel free to shoot it my way
>>975897 don't know them :o I guess I will check them out
>>975898 full name is Godspeed You! Black Emperor or GY!BE
>>975899 nice, thank you, I'm too much of a 2hu nerd to know non doujin music artists who produce obscure tunes
>>975900 i gotta go check my music library to find which albums i rec the hardest brb F#A# Infinity (I own this on vinyl) Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven theyre both really good
>>975901 post-rock songs are always so long, is gonna take some time to check em out, but I will certainly do so >>975903 oh wow, pretty sure I heard of toe at some point
>>975911 you don't have to, but it would make my life easier
>>975912 makes sense, I guess I'll be a 2hu incarnate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>975908 great album >>975911 it's 50-50 we have a small community so it is fairly easy to pick out Annos
>>975914 yeah I'll give toe a really good listen now that I found it again >>975901 giving Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven a listen right now and I'm so enveloped, how can melancholic songs be this great
also, someone in the comments posted: When I was 15, my friend and I were tripping. I was lying on the floor in the dark, looking up at his stereo. This was mid 90’s so he had this big ass receiver with a ton of lights blinking and making the overall atmosphere both calming and nerve racking at the same time. We were stereotypical teens on acid, listening to Pink Floyd and talking about how amazing life is. At one point I said how emotional I was getting from the music and my friend said “man, music IS a drug”. That’s always stuck with me. Unfortunately he took his life in 2000. Listening to this, on Monday, August 31st 2020, I’m thinking about that night, and you. RIP Kit.
rest in piece
Doesn't help that there's like literally three of us at this point
>>975916 yeah true, real EU hours >>975917 my listening queue is steadily growing..
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
buffer overflow (hacker voice) i'm in
When I was leaving my apartment for work this morning one of my neighbour's doors had their keys in the lock I probably should've knocked to see if they were awake/around to take them, but my social anxiety got the better of me
>>975919 present time, present day >>975920 how does one forget their keys after they lock if they plan to go away, you probably should've knocked >>975922 thank you friend
also, it's weird how I can reference posts in the future, this is some advanced shit
>>975921 It was still pretty early in the morning, my working theory is they forgot the keys there last night after getting home and were still inside asleep If the keys are still there this evening I'll check to see if there's a reason for it
>>975930 ... Or they just had a busy night, or were distracted by a phone call, or were juggling groceries There are plenty of mundane explanations here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol one of the posts in the Eva 3.0+1.0 thread is still orange despite being archived wtf >>970455 →
>>975937 I'm betting the material for the eyes let some light through not sure how well that would work though
it is moments like these where I wish my image library was more organized, much harder to find an image in a realtime setting how do you guys do it, I literally don't know how to keep this many organized
>>975939 i have some stuff organized, the touhou stuff I just posted was from my 4chan folder thiugh
>>975940 my 4chan folder is just a mess >>975942 I did, but it's too bothersome without some automatic tagging, there was an interesting neural net project that tries to solve that by learning the tags on danbooru but it's hard to use, especially on linux with a non nvidya graphics card
>>975939 I just simply remember where everything I want is kept If I don't remember, it's not important to me
>>975944 I refuse to give nvidya money >>975945 lol, interesting strategy, on the topic of steins;gate, I was on a con the last three days cosplaying kurisu because the show is just too good >>975948 I see, probably those TPU things google started making with some other vendors adopting that >>975949 I guess maybe I should try after all, I was really just too lazy
>>975947 there are cards just for neural networks that out perform graphics cards i forgot the name of the one I found though
I ran deep danbooru on my computer, and it wasn't even taxing, it just took a bit of time
>>975947 google doesnt sell tpus i mean yes these are tensor processing units in the literal sense but not the google ones
It just uses python anyway, and the hydrus api, I don't think being on Linux matters Maybe a lack of an nvidia card does tho, I dunno. I have an nvidia
you can actually get free TPUs from google real easy free TPU usage* that is just apply for a research project, i did it
>>975951 it does, because most things use an advanced library nvidya only offers on their platform, there is openCL by the khronos group but that doesn't have as much of an adoption rate and amd just doesn't compete in this space >>975952 lol, crazy
Hm Well, worst case scenario it doesn't work
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
course you'll need to be able to upload ur code to the TPU that's not totally trivial uhh i should really do someone with those credits lol
>>975955 oh, so you actually mean their cloud offerings dunno, it's just weird to work these AI project things
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah if i wasn't so ADHD i could make something cool
oh and there is the coral ai accelerator but its like 8 bit int operations only >>975953 plenty of nn stuff uses non nvidia stuff deep danbooru uses tensor flow which is not nvidia only >>975960 youre supposed to quantize the model still dumb though i couldbt fibd that cheap neural network card, sorry.
>>975959 that's kind of cool, but I think without float operations you can't get very far, I'm almost sure neural net stuff uses float operations a lot yeah tensor flow has some support for openCL, but it is not feature complete last I checked no worries friend, maybe I'll just try to see if it works
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>975863 sean is so stupid >I think it's disgusting. I think it should be reversed lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think you can get away with low precision on neural nets probably better cuz you're not wasting all that energy on calculating 20 decimal points of precision you really need the floats for graphics and simulations
I've lived out of this apartment for three months now and half the time I come in I keep reaching for a lightswitch next to the door which isn't there I don't know where this habit comes from
>>975962 I guess that makes sense, I'm not invested enough to know that kind of detail though
on another note, it's funny how comfy it is to just pseudo-irc with strangers on here while listening to some nice music
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're lucky it's not completely dead rn but yea its comf we talk about the same stuff all the time life is pretty monotonous in quarantine i suppose gotta get // make a change
>>975965 I see, well, too many people at the same time would just make it chaotic on the other hand try to get into a different environment, that really helps to shake up old habits >>975967 honestly, it is kind of hard to find even hear of this place, I found it while looking at
You'd be surprised, in this board's heyday it was much more active than this You kinda just get used to the flow of conversation, like any kind of active social environment
>>975966 why is there a paper on this particular breed of board lmao
>>975970 yeah lmao, it's kind of edgy I was trying to look into some interesting imageboards because I've been considering trying out go by making some kind of imageboard but it might be too much of an effort after all, I don't really plan to host this kind of thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>We envision a Web 3.0 patchwork of thriving micro-communities, networked by webrings but independent in hosting, built fundamentally on the principles of anonymity and transiency --- diametrically opposed to Web 2.0's centralized, identity-based social networks. sorry bud web3 is already taken by crypto
Well when crypto burns through the world's electrical grid maybe we can get to Web 4.0
>>975971 meguka is probably not too hard to set up but this software is pretty crusty
yum crust
Days since Samu vaguely indicated his interest in rewriting Doushio's codebase : XX days
>>975972 crypto would be more of a thing if the feds weren't trying to resist the idea of anonymous payments so hard, can't even get monero on most places without an ID or knowing someone >>975973 supposedly there are some coins that don't require burning through so much energy >>975974 I was desperately searching for a chen but there is none in my folder ~w~ thank you for your service >>975975 yeah lol best bet is probably setting up some existing software
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
someone used "meguca-like" on a textboard thw other day heh if only they knew
ah wajt thought of a great idea for a new crypto currency to make coins you have to geberate lobg sequences of random numbers and they have to pass randomness tests
>>975983 yeah me neither, I'm not too sure but proof of stake supposedly reduces the energy consumption >>975987 a friend of mine had to send his ID to someone in romania to get his monero kek
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bought some monero on a canadian exchange heh heh >>975983 yea eth im running a staking node myself hopefully in a year it'll be eco friendly
>>975986 >sending your ID to Romania for what purpose?
>>975988 places where you can buy coins that don't require some sort of identification get shut down by the feds or something, it's ubiquitous somehow >>975990 oh sorry, it was just a picture still probably not the best idea
>>975989 no i mean why would you physically need to send your idea for verifucation?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have toyed with the idea of /moe/ on Layer2 ethereum but it'd still cost money to post even if it wasn't astronomically expensive seems like a massive barrier to entry
ok heres the plan buy adderall with bitcoin get enough focus to crack the wallet buy more adderall with monero rewrite moe in web3 with MOE token become rich buy massive vault full of adderall
i have no idea probably not a huge amount but i did buy them back in like 2015 or so soo maybe a nice amount
>>976004 monero is surprisingly stable compared to other coins, probably because it is actually being used in drug markets so probably not that much profit go for it still ~w~
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I just call it forced saving
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
actually no it would have been at least 2017 2015 would mean a small fortune might be in there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god only knows i might have to comb thru all my old notebooks i was pretty paranoid tho i wouldn't have just written the password down in plaintext so it's probably completely ripperoni
>The station building is surmounted by a bust of Vladimir Lenin facing Moscow. As of 2007, it is almost entirely buried by snow, with little more than the bust visible.[7] Following a proposal by Russia to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, the buried building and emergent bust, along with a plaque commemorating the conquest of the Pole of Inaccessibility by Soviet Antarctic explorers in 1958, has been designated a Historic Site or Monument
normally i feel like the "take your meds, schizo" meme is overplayed and i don't exactly want to be so dismissive of someone with actual mental health issues but to put it in an easily-understandable colloquiallism, you're kind of a drag dude
>>976252 it's a thousand times more energetic than i expected from kanata who usually does tons of cool songs >>976254 work is fine but im actually just conveniently awake >>976258 heck yeah she is I watched her roll for rice shower yesterday morning and got my fill of gorilla noises
Yeah but it's an original song so she can have it tailored to her personality And Kanata's personality is hardly chill She's a vibrating ball of angelic energy
Night /moe/
kanata losing kaichou ;_;
They literally live together she didn't really lose her
goodbye forever kaichou.....
hopefully the next world won't end so suddenly and horrifically for you....
Well I made it thirty minutes here today before the "I wish I was back home doing other things" mood set in It's always when I can't be self-productive that I'm in my most productive spirits
Diamond Is Not Crash had some real banging OPs I look forward to what we'll get for Stone Ocean
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had a weird dream there was an industrial "accident" involving a shrink ray and a guy getting a big flask of orange potion crashed over him this guy was a veteran of the field, imagine turning yourself into a tiny godzilla then getting whacked by some junior technician also there was this manic furry girl all in the dorms anyway weird dream i read like five random condolence emails coming in from the live feed and then woke up
i really gotta stop sleepin in HRRGGH life off rails is suboptimla
On the flipside I barely get enough sleep and it messes with the rest of my life I slept from like 07:30-14:30 on Sunday, woke up and went to get groceries, and then came back home and slept again until around 23:30 I don't get to do a whole lot but sleep on the weekends and it kinda wears on me
Man I'm all for No Boys Allowed in my moe idol anime
and when they're at school you can kind of suspend disbelief it makes sense. In a way. If it's an all-girls school. and that's why there's never any male characters
but when there's a random collection of people on the street..
I think I was talking about this last season too. about it being like a futuristic dystopian world where half the population is dead. That still stands
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>976293 expect the worst or nothing and you never get let down
>>976292 Yeah but it uses up all the free time I have to myself that I could put towards things I enjoy This kind of living is just plain unfulfilling for me
>>976294 Saki is the same way Weird fantasy world where almost no men exist and all the girls are hella gay for each other Seems like a nice existence
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ugh tryna do a crossword for the first time in forever i hate all these boomer music references and baseball names
FML that took me an hour and i had to cheat on several baseball terms and country singers also a random italian word the italian word is fine tho i should know some of these historic landmarks but idgaf about legendary sluggers
>>976325 Going to Pitchfork next Saturday. Then Riot Fest the Friday and Saturday after that. I'm so glad I didn't buy Sunday tickets from a scalper cause Nine Inch Nails cancelled and was replaced by Slipknot.
>>976329 TThThe ppupucpicture was at you, not the post content. Oh but in case you didn't know CChChiCChicago is on the shore of one of the great lakes.
I kinda want to scrub my memory of that weekend I marathoned all three previous Rebuild movies in one night and then went to sleep and woke up to watching Thrice Upon A Time with everyone So I could do it all again
>>976506 If you want a really good 3D CGI show to watch you should watch Houseki no Kuni Although it's a good deal more heavy then your usual CGDCT fare
naw not yet I'll pick it up again sooner or later I managed to get through a whole season, so getting back into it will be easier just since I know where I left off and I spent a lot of time getting there But I'm spending a fair amount of time just trying to figure out how I'm gonna do this dnd stuff now, too
I gotta at least have enough that it seems like whatever the party decides to explore, I've already got that covered, even if I end up making stuff up on the fly So for my pantheon, I'm sorta waiting for the cleric to send me their character so I can feed them an appropriate deity, beyond like, a few I'm OK leaving it open
>delivery window opens at 8 >smoko time is 8:08 after that delivery >gotta have lunch and then the next delivery is nextdoor just from where I delivered what even is this run
don't see it as efficient to sit on a lunch break and then deliver next door when I could've nailed two in a row and the took my break
if she wasn't voiced by sawashiro miyuki i might not care as much, but she is and it's glorious also her character design is ome some* of the best in the game
all one yearns for is a
>>976526 I looked it up The tripcode function is not surjective. Theres a small amount oof cchchcharacters tththathat tripcodes can end with.
Wait tripcodes are 10 characters You could just have it start with assman Although good luck ffinding a 6 character phrase with a cpu tripcode generator What program are you using anyways? I recommend meriken's tripcode engine
this scammer is channeling professor farnsworth these guys are slightly getting on my nerves because I actually do have a package coming
>>976608 I had a package that was supposed to arrive in August that never came.
might still come who knows
>>976620 oh it had better come this was ordered directly from wizards of the coast in the spring it err my friend who ordered something from the same promotion never got his stuff either so I know its not just me.
i forgot that i stabbed my hand almost a fourth of an inch deep yesterday until just now when the scab came off
yeah with one of these i let the corner of it into the side of my palm it didn't bleed for very long and didn't really hurt after but it definitely went pretty far in but it's a pretty thin razor edge so i guess it didn't really damage that much flesh
imagine being white in this position and deciding "hmm yes i will eat one more pawn"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ur king is NAKED rook is on the seventh rank you better wake up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder what happened to that nice anno from the orher day
sorry bang im still not home
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf new york flooding again that city just gets beat up over and over
New York City's sinking and I don't wanna SWIM
>>976743 There's a hurricane in the Atlantic right now which is on track to completely sink the Bermudas, and if its trajectory doesn't change it'll be barreling pretty close towards NYC too Hopefully the ocean climate closer to the coast will change its route in some way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sink the bermudas? that doesnt sound good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
feels like the world is ending again god damn fuck exxon mobile
what the fuck am i gonna do with this life in this broken civilization can we make a change can i become who i want to become what the fuck is even happening in the crypto markets in the environment will this internet age really just keep keepin on in its explosive growth
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
AI keeps getting better is the singularity near?
Do you even know who it is you want to become
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>976755 clearly not i just know i want to change do something its not at all clear what that process is
Yeah Yeah I definitely get that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
concretely there are steps i need to take but i am a little suck stuck in a rut we shall see if i can break the cycle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it means getting out and staying away from home for a bit i rhink
you wanna start a business or maybe stead a country home
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want to get my own place up in canada somewhere im a coty // city boy tho i wouldnt thrive in the country
i wish i had the option to not have my own place i'd have saved so much money over the past decade
>The U.S. Trustee Program, a division of the Justice Department that serves as a bankruptcy watchdog, also announced that it would seek a stay of Judge Drain's ruling pending the resolution of appeals. bases *based
there's no limit that I know of per se but it's a part of culture and has for a quite while to move to new threads after an amount of posts I've been told it became a tradition to cut off a thread after 700 or so posts because a certain mod would have trouble loading that many posts on their shit phone well that was a while ago or so the legend goes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>977139 hiiii nice party kirby im appropriating it