She's got a strong sense of justice With how tough the societal crackdown on even considering the existence of psychics is, acting on even a relatively easy to conceal power like precog is pretty risky
I wonder if it was really the psychic brothers Or if these two cop brothers are being manipuated -manipulated to see them They sure are hinging a lot of the reasoning here behind stories the lady could just be entirely making up Since the cop brothers don't really remember their parents
i think maybe it was but different timelines are involved? or it could be psychic meddling yeah
hat time are we at i accidentally pressed the scroll bad bar okay thanks
14:20 14:25 14:30
What kind of power could just disintegrate the entire earth I guess it could be a powered up version of either of the older brothers Since the main uses of their powers seem telekinesis and the breaking of things
Almost a three-point landing ther There even Smooth
this is pretty intense
This lady has a different impression of the psychic world than the old man who raised the psychic brothers I mean I kinda doubted he had the right idea about it saying it was an idylic world But I also doubt it's as bad an existence as this lady is setting it up as
I think it just got left behind Although the show did kind of keep it vague what just happened They usually go back and cover these details in the next episode though, when they leave off on fuzzy cliffhangers like this
Kinda sounds like they're just protecting their territory I wouldn't be surprised if as non-human creatures, the elves are getting treated a bit meanly by the human population of this world The humans don't seem to have a lot of love for inhuman species
Another cute spidergirl Although there isn't really a single trace of spider left in her Which is probably why
Liddy the Lizard
The orc males always sound amusing They're sweet guys though
oh yeah my coworker told me about this kinda wacky
It's a very Zen thing To be able to clear your mind so absolutely you disassociate from existence
With how the humans were acting about the flower field I feel like my previous guess about the humans wasn't too far from the mark Although it also seems like the elves have zero interest with sharing any of the flowers so even the MC wanting a few of them might not fly by the elves
POWER LICH why did we see a power lich
>Hidden oni village Are they supposed to be oni not elves
Yeah the OP seems to imply she'll go from the rough cut down to short she's got right now to a cute bob The long hair is still best but the bob doesn't look bad
Guess Fena'll serve as the ship's doctor as a practical role
Hah hah hah I like how she doesn't take any shit from him trying to be surly about keeping her safe That's a very Japanese trope that gets kind of tiresome after a while The guy acting like a dick because he's "concerned about her safety" and then the girl gets all diminutive because of it
>If Fena can't handle a bow, a gun will be easier for her I mean there's definitely complexities to a gun but as far as firing goes, you can fire a gun accurately with less training than a bow
No one wants to be responsible for teaching her how to fight A kind of understandable mentality
Shitan's got some gorgeous hair though I'm envious
I'd bet To be fair she was excessively hovering over Fena though An instructor ought to know it's dangerous to be that close to a gun in the hands of the untrained
teaching someone to shoot usually involves getting pretty close though like the scene where shitan helped her fire an arrow in one of the early episodes it can often be just like that when someone is firing their first shots
Well this lady is German/10
Makes me chuckle every time I hear it
An outfit like this lady's would probably be pretty unrealistic for the time period Like not just culturally, the cut and dye of her pants is very modern
Never played it! Those older NIS games were before my time to try out Playstation games
Honestly I kind of really like plots like this Chasing weird artifacts across the world, discovering weird conspiracies and historical discrepancies It's just a lot of fun for me
it's cool that they're like doing things and stuff the next steps aren't part of some formula or template or predictable pattern it's just events leading to events leading to events that lead to events
oh i see
naruhodo naruhodo souka souka soudana
We got another Gilles de Rais on our hands
hopefully he doesn't go around massacre-ing innocents too but i wouldn't put it past this guy
With her attempts to balk the corporate culture of Japan to acquire better working conditions I was thinking she wasn't being very Order-aligned But if she's micromanaged every employee in the company's schedule then she's very Order-aligned
Shooting the shit in funny animal costumes seems fun but it's probably hot
They do a great job of making you feel absolutely nothing but contempt for the bunny man
>>976719 Yeah I bet it would be sweltering Especially on a TV set like that Those studio lights get hot
The static faces of the animal suits make it great too
I like the bearboy a lot though Like I joke about relating to Uramichi but that's mostly just I can understand his despair But I can get the way bearboy isn't resigned to his adult fate
Poor Uramichi Even a healthy kid gets pretty heavy Although he keeps fit so he shouldn't really have that much trouble picking a kid up
Well kids are heavy and it's taht kinda squirmy weight
He's actually giving them some good life advice here for once Even if it's still tinged with his usual cynicism, he's basically telling them kids and adults aren't really all much different And that adults still have their own struggles It's kind of a heavy thing to tell kids but I think it's a nice thing for them to understand from a young age
Iketeru's absolute airheadedness is charming in its own right Plus it helps that he's hot
Their usual show is "Together With Maman" But this live event is "Together With Papan" All the actors have names like Uramichi-oniisan though So who are Maman and Papan supposed to be