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100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Boku no Hero Academia Hamefura Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 8-9 *Kaizoku Oujo Magia Record Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 7-8 Sonny Boy Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Uramichi Oniisan Episode 8-9
Yeah If he shows up and wants to watch we could just slot Kaizoku anywhere But it seems more practical to do his shows tomorrow when there's more of them
Most of the proper nouns in this world are completely fantasy So it definitely kinda of sticks out when there's a name like "New Eden"
I wonder why the people of this world can just instantly recognize the party as Heroes They do look weird but that's not really an indication of heroic
Most of the heroes' missions so far seem to have been something along the lines of "visit a place in the middle of nowhere" though
The extreme time skipping makes things even more disjoined disjointed
I imagine this isn't a very rewarding profession
Well it's a good thing they're rewarded by getting to keep their lives then
I think this is another first, someone who's good at being deceptive opposing them Previously their enemies have been either clear enemies of their friends, like the humans they fought against with the knight lady, or monsters This old man is playing into their assumption that they should be liked as heroes and is deceiving them pretty casually because of that
The quality's gone down animation-wise It wasn't really like crazy good last season but it had its moments
These old photos probably look pretty similar to old Japanese news accounts of societal protests from like the 70s and 80s Oh wait there's a Destro and a Re-Destro I just assumed this widow's peak guy was the same as Destro But I guess he's his son
This hero with the silly chin, he's showed up before Although as a hero it's weird to see him working with a villain organization
The villain stuff doesnt have the feel good vibe the hero side does i was really enjoying the redemption arc
In the manga I believe this stretch of the manga happened before the winter internship with Endeavour It's a bit weird that they shuffled things around
I think the League at least needs a solid power-up though They're kind of just mooks despite Shigaraki being set up as All For One's successor
>Soldiers that are willing to become bombs themselves That feels pretty dark for a shounen Even if her Quirk blurb said her bombs aren't very deadly, I'm pretty sure most people can't survive becoming a bomb themselves
I guess Toga's thing is she's just naturally crazy I wonder if since she was born with her Quirk, if she instinctively wants to drink blood or something That might be enough to mess with your brain from a young age enough to become crazy
nope that's new it was a crappy quirk till recently
the league of villains is really struggling
To be fair they're up against people who've been training to be meta-human rights terrorists The League is kind of just a bunch of young adult punks fighting a bunch of trained soldiers Some of them have pretty strong powers like Dabi and Shigaraki but the rest of them aren't as powerful
There's a few "older" mahou shoujo in this cast Like this white-haired girl I guess being college-aged means she can drink Not that I think drinking on the job of being a mahou shoujo is a good idea
I would imagine the reason Kyubey and the other Incubators don't really care about this whole Magius thing is they know no matter what they do, it won't be enough to stop Walpurgisnacht This is a timeline before Homura stopped being Moemura so we know it ends in some kind of Bad End A bunch of mahou shoujo flailing about like this is probably just them dancing about in the Buddha's hand to the Incubators
Although that said the mystery of the baby Kyubey still persists
They're really building up to a big climax and we're only five episodes in Is this stuff with the artificial Witch going to continue through the whole season
Reeling in Walpurgisnacht never turns out good for anyone
Sounds like Rimuru's about to get a whole undead battalion too Seems like she was being thorough about freeing him and the undead from what bound them to this land though The last of Clayman's Fingers who even thought to disobey him got dead'd The fact that he could openly help Shuna makes it seem like she broke Clayman's strings
im glad we got to see some of the meeting I was curious about it
The other star of this meeting seems to intend to be fashionably late No sign of Clayman yet And yeah, he's Oh well yeah Milim's also Maou Both her and Clayman get a seat at the round table