Oh whoops this has been here a while I didn't expect you to be around that early!
Boku no Hero Academia Fruits Basket Episode 9-12 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 7-12 Nomad Shadows House Episode 11-12 Slime Taoshite 300-nen etc. Super Cub Episode 10-12 Tokyo Revengers Zombieland Saga
I'm really looking forward to finally getting to see the finale for Zombieland I can't believe you'd wound me such by vanishing on me on Thursday night How do you fall asleep in like five minutes after making a thread!
I was not working that hard but was very tired for some reason.
I'm guessing the hummingbird imagery is going to be really important for clearing up Mac's issues here. I guess Joe is not the wolf anymore and is a hummingbird now.
Definitely feels something like that, yeah We saw back in episode one of this season that the wolf is no longer running alongside him, after all
That said though, Chief was also the hummingbird to Joe in the first act of this season The hummingbird burns out flying alongside the Traveller, who then continues on his journey carrying the hummingbird's song in his heart
Both Mac and Joe seem to be treating this as time together rather than a contested fight.
So Mac went into this fight knowing the full extent of the danger of the endoskeleton he's using
>>956230 I think it is less a contest fight and more an exhibition match Joe might be a former champ, but he hasn't gone through the proper structure to actually challenge Mac for the title Even if he beats Mac here, it will only be a personal victory
Mac has Mac time and Joe has whatever condition is causing his body to not work under stress.
Joe's brain is probably half sponge at this point From all the blows he's taken from boxing, and then years of alcoholism and painkiller abuse I think that's what makes him just outright slip some times. Every now and then his brain remembers it should barely know how to actually operate
I guess that old wolf managed to live after all. This has been a very feel good episode. Not nearly as hot blooded as the last season's finale but a good finale.
It has a more mature, weighted feel to it I think both seasons have really embodied well the spirit Joe has in each of them He was younger in season one, and always raring for the next fight. So the hot-blooded energy of Joe shined through in the hot-blooded fights This season he's older, and cooler heads prevail Even this final admission of guilt by her kind of carries that same spirit It's not a world where everything is fine just because people are excitedly boxing each other.
I like this kinda honky-tony piano for this final endroll
Oh I only just noticed Joe finally got a haircut He's no longer rocking the glamrock hairstyle
That was good. Did not expect this to get another season, and didn't expect a second season would be a good addition but in the end they did a good job with it.
Yeah that was lovely A very sentimental, warm ending Cathartic in the way something can only be after the struggles earlier on A nice resolution to Joe's story
Yeah I think I could vouch for that There's been great shows over the years but I can't remember the last time we had so many heavy hitters in one season
Also though this year overall has been great for anime We had the second half of Higurashi Gou in January, Wonder Egg, a whole bunch of fun things And then this spring has been amazing
Plus we'll be getting more Eighty Six in the autumn season later this year
If we're lucky we'll see Chainsawman come out this year too, but I think a practical time to expect it is early in 2022
>>956243 Starts on July 1st! That's this Thursday! You best be ready!
Oh boy is this MWAM
Deku's mom has it rough Most of the time shounen protagonists don't really have normal family structures So to have a normal, loving mother for a boy who regularly throws himself into danger and gets hurt is, well She has it rough.
>>956250 We're almost at July! Only three days left in June Honestly I'm stuck between wishing July would come faster to get to Higurashi sooner And wishing July 1st would never come It's going to be painful saying goodbye to Coco
I guess being close to Endeavor puts Deku and the gang close to Hawks and close to hte bad guys.
The villains are also probably planning something big We haven't really seen a whole lot of them recently And going after and taking out Endeavor, the current top hero, would be a big thing
Yeah but he's also a weird dad now and doesn't have time for anyone who's not his boy I could also see him being a bit salty that its Deku's help that's drawn Todoroki out of his problems and not Endeavor's hard work and effort
What a strange Quirk
Hawks has a good face He's a bit on the short side, which is kind of cute But he's got a nice face
Endeavor's not a dumb person, but I think he's not quite clever enough to pick up on subtext in the way Hawks is presenting it
Endeavor is too focused to be able to think intelligently
It looks like he was able to get halfway there He knows Hawks is being weird, but can't quite make the connection Funnily enough it really does make him Todoroki's dad
More of a cut but yeah Akito doesn't really seem to want to stab her though Whenever Tohru gets close she starts flaiing Oh and now she's just outright dropped the knife
I mean we know she won't die since she's the protagonist they really drew out that death scene
It's also to kind of just compile all Tohru's emotions too Plus we know she'll be all right But Tohru doesn't know that. To her it might be that her life is flashing before her eyes
Shigure is a little disappointed his waifu isn't a knife-crazy spoiled ojou-sama anymore
well stabbing someone and throwing them off a cliff is a good note to end on at least
Speaking of to end on, I'm surprised there's still a three whole episodes left I don't entirely know what else there is to cover that would take that much time They still have to formally break the curse, and I guess they might take two whole episodes to make sure everyone gets hitched up together
This is apparently running all the way up to episode thirteen So we'll be getting one episode that cuts a bit into the new season
And speaking of things that cut into the new season I don't know if it's similar to this, but Tokyo Revengers is also running a thirteenth episode in the new season But unlike Shadows House, I don't have any confirmation on how long Tokyo Revengers is running So it might actually be more than one season long
OH yeah, there was a terrible act of brainwashing recently.
>>956301 I hope Revengers goes on awhile. I feel like if it were to end now the plot would have a lot of loose strings.
It's adapting a manga, so there's always the reasonable assumption that it's encouraging you to go read the manga But it's also one of the most popular contemporary manga in Japan right now, which is solid indicator of it getting a more enduring anime adaptation
>>956305 The fuzzy eyes and the way Emilico's seiyuu modifies her voice to make it sound colder when it's the brainwashing speaking is doing a great job of making it very eerie
Emilico and to a much lesser extent the other dolls have been our protagonists so far Now it's time for Kate to step up Though so far all she's done is read some things and now force Emilico to drink extreme amounts of water
>>956314 We saw a bit of how it works last episode Shadows are originally little sootball creatures that when introduced to children, take on the form of that child If the human is a good physical and psychological suit for the Shadow, the Shadow can eventually take over the human and merge with it, physically Which is why all the mature Shadows can shift between looking like a shadow and looking like a person
John is enjoyably blunt His first choice always seems to be violent
Out of this whole gang of Shadows, Louise seems to be the only one who is successful, in what we've seen Shadows are supposed to do She's the closest to taking over her doll The Shadow of that blonde one is the next closest I think, but even he's kind of damedame Kate and John are obviously no longer on track to do things properly, and the other girl's Shadow that dissolved last episode obviously failed
I wonder if anything remains of the original after the merge. Is Edward all shadow, or a combination of the two?
Judging from the language Louise was using with her control over Lou, I assume it's total control for the Shadow But in the process of evolving from barely sentient being to having a personality, it might be that the Shadow is affected by the personality of the doll as it's developing its own personality Since if you spend a lot of time around someone, you're going to changed by them. But in the end, I think it's the Shadow which is the personality of the body once the merge is finished
Also apparently the next couple episodes are actually anime-original material There's like a hundred chapters of the manga so I don't think it's a matter of running out of story to adapt But they might not be confident if there'll ever be another season, or it might be that the next bit in the manga wouldn't fit into two episodes All I know is from the chatter I've seen, the episodes aren't taken directly from the manga.
We all make such mistakes at one point or another in our life
He's really marched right in on the emergency task force office and demanded they restore power to a specific area so Franchouchou can put on their live
The magic keeping their bodies intact sure must be strong to ensure all that dead flesh isn't slagging off the bone in that hot water
They screwed up but their radio show gets to go on anyway
Which is good, because I really agree with what Saki was saying In times of emergency like this, having something communal, connecting, like a radio show everyone is listening to, can really work wonders for rallying people together and helping them remain positive Disasters are terrifying things, but knowing there's other people out there can help keep heart Radio might be dated, but I think it still is one of the best mediums for reminding people that there's other people out there.
You can always tell when Necroducer hasn't been around lately The girls can't do their make-up nearly as well as he can, and it always looks a bit thin around the eyes
I was also like wait where did that blood come from i rewinded to look for it but couldn't find it
I'm assuming it came out of Necroducer when he was sobbing on the ground Maybe turns out reanimating seven zombies is a kind of dangerous magic to get involved with
It seems like a late point in the series to be introducing a plot hook like htat
Kirara was saying somewhere when he watched the episode on Friday that he can't believe there wouldn't be a season three because of something they dropped in this episode Maybe that was it
That said though, MAPPA, the studio doing Zombieland, did just have a big event earlier today where they showcased a bunch of projects they're working on, like Chainsawman And I don't think there was any news about more Zombieland But it might also just be too early in the the ... Well. Okay.
That move, and producer's blood plot hook it would be too evil not to have another season after those
Yeah! Maybe they think they can get it green-lit but haven't gotten all the affairs in order yet Which is why there hasn't been news of a new season or something in the works