I convinced my coworker, who is going to quit with me, that we should do the bare minimum because we've got new jobs we're moving to and if we get fired, we can just get that sweet unemployment until our new jobs start. She was down for it and I didn't expect her to be this down for it but she just spent 20 minutes straight going off on Miniboss.
Pretty much, yeah. I really didn't expect this coworker to do something like that, though. Even if one of us get fired, it won't really matter at all, but I was talking more like, just chilling and not dealing with all the bullshit extra work people are trying to put on us. But she just went all out! It's like when you roll charisma so good that your target goes way too hard.
>>945134 Getting fired in this instance is fine. Because she's being asked to do things she's not trained for, qualified for, or being paid for, and she's refusing to do those things. It's not so bad to get fired for refusing to do something unethical.
no need to get fired not actually have a next job in line and get that "got fired" into your resume or whatever, since those can sometimes stick even if by word of mouth from employer to employer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's great pushing back against unreasonable demands i can't stand aggressive managers
The coworker broke down and was sobbing during it because how frustrated she is, and then Miniboss just went in her office and started laughing and joking around about other stuff. What a bitch!! The straw that broke the camel's back was that Miniboss tried to humiliate my coworker in front of a client by withholding information from her and then being like "Well, coworker doesn't know what she's doing, so I'll answer instead"
Also, coworker got a dog three weeks ago. She lives at the sober house as the manager of the houses, and she had permission to do so. Yesterday, Newboss forced her to bring the dog back to the humane society.
Doesn't even strike me as dog hating, feels a lot like it's the new boss exercising power for the sake of being powerful to me And the dog is just collateral in the power play Dick bag
She's the bad kind of conniving. She doesn't enjoy scheming, she doesn't have schemes with a purpose. She's scheming because she's a coward. She doesn't understand the joy of a good scheme.
i can respect a scheme with no purpose but a scheme out of cowardice, that's just shameful, i retract
yeah no respect for cowardice now me? i scheme all over the place but i do it in public. im not sneakin around, all the pieces are there for everyone to see because a good scheme needs to be one where you can look back and say "aah how did i not see this"
I was in this telehealth session and the client got a phone call so he just muted himself and started talking on the phone. In the middle of session. You're paying for this buddy, so you can do what you want, but like, I can also do what I want. So I just left
power move
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol nice
wow VB paid 999 gwei per gas to send that SHIB ohh that's right they donated 50% of the supply to him didnt they how tf is india supposed to liquidate that much SHIB
He sent them fucking MEME COINS as a donation? That's honestly kinda scummy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
noo he got the meme coins for free
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when they created SHIB they sent 50% of the supply to uniswap too and they claim they burned the keys how do you prove that you don't have a private key anymore tho
I mean I guess, but it's also gonna be worth anywhere between 15 cents total to who fucking knows how much, and just putting it on a market or using it at all costs like, a ton right now
I guess it's not like he stole money from them or anything though Worst case they can just not use it
Just saw two bare feet sticking out of a passenger window wtf
>>945161 thats a good question i wonder if there is a way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what my old employer would d is probably get a bunch of third party people tgether with your crypto engineers Walk down to the Apple store together and buy a new macbook Go into a metal tent and perform the key generation ceremony with checksummed software that has been vetted Make the keys d the ting burn the keys and burn the MacBook
I don't think there's any way you could, unless you have the person you sent it to confirm they generated the address themselves Like, no matter what you could just jot the private key down on a piece of paper
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did the Shib people do this? I press X to doubt
Oh, I doubt they did anything like that They probably just emailed him the key or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Of course there Is the issue of what if the apple store employee colluded with an engineer it gets tough that way but i bet they mitigate it by buying a ton of computers ahead of time and securing them smewhere
People have really been panicking about this downswing My only regret is I didn't have the foresight to sell some off and rebuy on the low end this time
I wanna believe eth still has some left in the tank, but I don't think there's a ton more Probably cooling for å few days though
Though, I know nothing, I'm just going on instinct
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he said he is looking at other cryptos that use <1% of the energy eth to tha fuckin moon
i doubt btc is gonna be able to get to proof of stake anytime soon if ever
Besides, was btc even on a bull run atm? Btc has been kinda scary to even think about buying for at peast a month now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
btc went on a crazy bull run this year
Yeah, I just meant like, now Honestly I kinda hope eth chills for å day so I can move it over to binance without having a fucking panic attack as I jump the hoops of avoiding the huge fees
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hopefully gas prices will chill out yea if vitalik successfully destroys SHIB idk so much froth and the hard fork is coming in july
I can't help but have a good time laughing at the people who put a ton of money into shib losing their minds and saying he did something wrong honestly You're the nerds who bought a trash coin you all knew some guy sat on 50% of
What exactly is the hard fork anyway? Is eth splitting into two?
Oh, it's basically just an upgrade of some kind, I guess That makes sense
I gotta make plays so I can get more eth Sitting on it and just watching number go up is very cool and good, but seeing the number go up faster would be cooler and good er
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's the london upgrade that includes the EIP 1559 fee change big money salviaaaa
Also the system is gonna start burning off eth isn't it? Eventually
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea EIP 1559 will start burning a portion of the fee that doesn't automatically mean the currency will be deflationary tho, miners will still be printing new ETH idk what the balance will be, i don't think anyone knows until we get there
Sure, but it'll at the least slow down inflation, for what that's worth
i get to the store but once i start looking at groceries and try to initiate "shopping" it all falls apart just get nauseous and each shopping tasks pushes me to breakdown i can order online but im not even sure what i need because that whole process is a minefield i'm avoiding fug
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm sorry, that sounds awful. avoidance is a strong feeling and it's important that you do feel it
>>945224 what's the difference in mining eth versus anything else is it an arbitrary choice or is the mining itself designed differently the proof of work doesn't change that much does it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>945226 it does change a lot! that's a big distinguisher between coins bitcoin is dominated by the specialized ASIC chips eth has changed their proof of work algo to fight against specialized chips, to prefer GPU mining however the GPU mining won't last... proof of stake is coming;
dogecoin uses scrypt as their proof of work which is bottlenecked by RAM rather than CPU power
>>945228 not with a GPU no unless you already have one i don't think it would be worth the investment and the GPUs are already impossible to get
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that said if you could mine ETH and just hodl it instead of immediately selling it that might be worth but then you're spending $$$ on electricity
maybe i can find a GPU that doesn't disappear after im done using it though hate when that happens
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
don't take my word for it tho the numbers are out there and i'm just guessing idk what the current hashrate is >>945231 yeah but it is quite hard on the GPU to mine continuously
can't i just do the calculations myself
i mean instead of the gpu my brain is free and ready to prove some work just need an adapter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're gonna need a good coolant
instead of cooling why not just route all that generated heat into a bunch of stirling engines and recycle that energy payin so much for electricity then just waste all the precipitate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bruh did you just invent perpetual mining machine
no because the energy needed to perform the calculations would increase if it wasn't cooled properly and this would just be scraping off the surplus heat compared to ambient temperature i guess the coolant is necessary afterall
im just getting some italian food from a local family restaurant delivered not dealin with that nonsense tonight a little wasteful with the money but for now it's fine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a small price must be paid for self care as long as it does not avalance
but you can do it with UTXO based currencies like bitcoin or dogecoin you would need to know which miner private keys are located in iran tho and then only transact with untained utxos from that source
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should find some young dev in iran and go 50-50 on HalalCoin
Yeah, seemingly it's a result of Elon saying he doesn't like bitcoin anymore because of the carbon footprint So naturally the rational actors in the free marketplace did the only logical thing and panicked like fucking crazy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow coinbase pro is fuxxored rn
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he's been pumpin bitcoin all year and now he goes bearish seems reasonable to have a dip good... goood...
> Uber transfered its intellectual property through a $16 billion “loan” from one of its subsidiaries in Singapore that in turn owns one of Uber’s Dutch shell companies, a manuever that grants the company a $1 billion tax break every year for the next 20 years, the researchers found. infinite money cheat codes are everywhere if you're big enough
Oh yeah, becoming a weird fish skeleton is easily in my top 10 most annoying things that happen
>>945269 TThat's not a fish skeleton, thats a (probably) complete human nervous system.
Oooh Well damn, those are also very annoying
I'm not entirely sure how they got it. The only way I can think of would be by plasticizing a cadaver and then painstakingly removing everything that isn't a nerve.
Maybe it's not real, just made to look real?
Oh Jesus it's late, I really need to sleep or tomorrow is gonna be weird
It looks like dried tissue to me. Also Here's a more complete nervous system. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/7u1l72/this_is_an_intact_human_nervous_system_that_was/
the owner apparently came around yesterday and cleaned the tank filter and now the pressure is fucking amazing at least compared to what it used to be it's strange that when someone came around to replace the pump they didn't replace the filter or at least clean it
some day i'm going to try showing my grandchild or grandniece or nephew Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp A Butterfly it's going to be like 2059 and they're not going to understand and i'm gonna sip my whiskey and be like "yeah, i figured. worth a shot"
>>945313 i just got a haircut the other day though faded the sides down to a 1 just above the ears
So you have like, a giga mullet?
>>945316 nah the back is cut too the long hair ends like and inch and a half behind where the parietal meets the frontal maybe more like two inches somewhere around there
(completely by coincidence) my hair was kinda like this in 2017, but i have brown hair and it's slightly less curly still really curly now it's just that but ever so slightly higher up in the back and grown out since then i've chopped an inch or two off the ends like twice so it's about 3.5 years of length, but with an undercut, i believe is what it's called
that guy is slushii he's a dj who makes pretty whatever records but his live shows are insane
Today at work the supervisor asked to speak to all the women idk what about. I think something to do with the bathroom and because the office is like 3/4 women, it was just me and a few other guys sitting at our desks and then in the Microsoft team groups chat thing that we're all in I was like
>I've never felt more excluded in my life :(
and then a few people laughed, but other people were coming over to check whether I was actually ok.
and I'm like ...Yeah, mate. I'm fine. I'm not really upset.
>>945508 yeah I think it was exactly something like that.
women tend to trash out the office bathrooms for some reason really bad
>>945507 wow I mean on one hand that's very nice of them to come check on you But on the other, obviously you're not gonna be upset about not being brought for what's presumably like, the boss telling them stop fucking up the bathrooms or something
>>945509 >the boss telling them more like the administration carefully pleading with them and being super nice you can't tell anyone to do anything anymore, and if you try they'll just fuck it up more out of spite they have literally no way of knowing -who- fucks up the bathroom, and when it comes to pettiness in the office place, someone will surely want to scorn everyone if they can do it without getting found out
Man office politics in the US are so strange Granted I don't have much experience with offices, but the few I've been at, everyone's gotten along well They've all been small though
small offices do better the big ones where they portion everyone out into teams with supervisors for each section and try to gamify everything, mandatory after-work gatherings and so forth, where people are all expendable call centers for instance
i used to do custodial work at a call center i got to be there during the night hours while it was empty those people were something else
Oh, god yeah that sounds like it'd create a lot of tension I geuss there's also something to be said about the larger a place is, the more ladders on the hierarchy, too, so it's not just "us" and "the boss", it's "us" "the managers" and "the boss", and then other shit starts forming too And less formal hierarchies might start forming I guess
>>945514 >the managers yes, but then the administration tries to divide you laterally against each other instead of upwards so your supervisor is your "team leader" and they try to get the team to feel proud of their productivity and have big whiteboards and do holiday decorating and try to make everything into an "us vs them" competition with the other teams that's what i mean by gamify
some retarded HR person thinks they understand human motivation and just making them compete with each other for a $15 gift card or for casual fridays is the makings for a gratifying work life for their employees
it's even more dehumanizing imo id rather it be work and just work rather than them trying to break through to me and my needs and emotions and goals i can micromanage myself just tell me what work needs to be done, i'll do it, and if i mingle with people it's because i want to and i care about them not because of some commercialized success formula
but yeah the women's bathroom there was trashed out in the most vile ways imaginable
Oh yeah, a call center I applied for gamified shit like that Well, it was more like the customer support line for the biggest cellphone provider in the country, but they still had this weekly competition of getting people to accept more garbage for their subscription What weirds me out is the actual literal call center where we just sold people garbage I worked at, we were all cooperating and stuff, no competition beyond "well, someone's gonna get more sales and earn more as a direct result", but nobody lost anything by someone else doing well Which seems like it's just a better way to... do anything. At least in a strict profitability sense, having your workers cooperate with each other seems like the best move. But maybe they'll get other ideas if you make them realize they can accomplish a lot by banding together.
>>945515 I've actually never been to a company with an HR department, not one I'm aware of anyway But my work has never been the kind that would have one, I guess I've worked at like, factories and a building supplies warehouse, so they don't really need HR I guess
HR people are the most convoluted (s)cum of the earth things in existence
I kinda miss my factory job honestly It paid well, and had a lot of breaks built in Which were not counted as break time, they were actally work time as far as pay went. We weren't on break, technically speaking.
factory jobs have better worker cohesion just by virtue of not being a call center people have actual real, natural goals in the workplace and just want to get the job done
when I worked UPS it was kind of like that, high labor so people were in better moods and would help each other out i wouldn't mind masonry or laying cement or carpentry for that matter, i love the smell of wood and sawdust but i can't handle heavy labor anymore. not for that long at once
Actually, thinking about it, the place with the most workplace tension I've worked at was actually that factory "job" I had to begin with where we were just like, screwing pipe connectors together But that was probably because like, we were all there as """job training""", we weren't actually paid for our work exactly, we had to work to get our unemployment benefits and such So we were all very unmotivated Overall everyone got along, but there were a few people backtalking others there >>945523 Oh yeah, Norway's pretty good Granted, I was only able to survive on what I got because I lived with my dad, and I've only been able to pay rent on my own for the last like, 2 months
im envious the quality of life on unemployment benefits there is better than the quality of life i've ever had from working it kinda seems obvious now why scandinavia has the most successful dota pros they are able to play at home without suffering like here and mainland europe
That's part of it, but another big part is also that scandinavia as a whole adopted internet access and stuff really early and we kinda got rid of metered connections... before I was old enough to know it happened We HAD dialup when I was really little, but we swapped to ADSL I think before I turned 10, and I don't think that was metered at all So online gaming has just kinda been part of everyone my age's life, or at least those from like, families with at least one parent interested in computers and with... a job, really My dad's not exactly wealthy, but he still got us a computer very early on He worked at a software company his buddy founded though, so he may have gotten some spare parts from there He's actually got stonks from that company, but it's not publicly traded, so they're effectively worthless
my dad taught me how computers work and how to put them together when i was like 4 he only let me do the children's learning games on them but of course by 8 or so i was using the internet and playing Age of Empires on MSN Gaming Zone and all variety of stuff, learning things i thought interesting instead of school i was making angelfire pages in html for anime and trying to learn PHP because one DBZ site i was a fan of said they needed a dev who knew PHP i didn't know what that meant but i applied anyway and was awkward as fuck making blogposts to the site directly and editing the HTML with whatever i thought was a cool idea then they emailed me like what are you doing i dunno im 9
fun times and interacting with russians oh boy i bet i got into more trouble than i ever realized i thought it was just some fun crypto discussions for fun but looking back it was definitely some black hat shit that i wandered into
I think so But actually, you might not, I don't know if you can claim benefits if you're married to someone who's employed, and showing the ability to provide for someone is often a requirement for international marriages here, from what I understand Though that might apply specifically to like, developing nations, I dunno
You might still be able to get disability though, that's not technically unemployment. If you 'just move' though, you should be able to? Hm
I vaguely remember there being some talk about restricting the ability for people from thailand and stuff to marry into Norway, actually Like, because they often end up abused and stuff by the weirdo they married
This market dip is really interfering with my plans to move over to Binance Nothing's at all stable, nothing I can get on bitstamp anyway, so I either wait, accept the risk of large losses, or eat the 0.02 ETH cost which amounts to like almost a third of my ETH to transfer
https://stlouis.craigslist.org/sys/d/saint-louis-asus-rog-gaming-desktop-rtx/7320492434.html there's a good deal here but i'm almost certain this dude just stripped out the 3080 and is trying to resell it if it's there i'd love to get it but i have no way of knowing until after it's too late and the prebuilt casing sucks cock
1400 isn't bad at all since it has an RTX 3080, that's for sure You can demand to check the insides before giving him any money though, I guess Like, it's an RTX 3080, so it's not unreasonable to make sure it's actually there. It's like, 3/4ths of the price he's asking, after all
maybe i just get a 3090 and start mining i feel like im being led astray with the profitability calculators and my expectations though if it's as profitable as advertised, why isn't everybody on the planet getting a 3090 on installed payments, mining with it, and letting it pay for itself plus $400 a month for free
is it the maintenance? does mining just trash it out so fast that it's not worth? >>945536 i mean in a pool the reported and projected gains are pretty consistent
Yeah I don't really think there's much gain for a single person in mining. It might pay off in a mining pool or something Personally, and I'm not exactly an expert, I'd rather just put the money for the GPU into something like Solana and stake that. Depends how quickly you need the profits though
Also while it may be profitable over enough time, you still need to cover the actual cost of operation until that first coin hits, which could be a long time >>945537 Ya I mean for just one person
In a pool it seems like it'd be fine
you don't need the coin to hit in a mining pool you're getting paid for your computational distribution
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there arent enough 3090s for everyone to get one and mine with it in fact the reason there arent enough is because everyone bought them all for mining
Sure, but some cancers are worse than others. And crypto currency is probably among the worst an individual can take part in. It's an absurdly disgusting practice that is ravaging the world. I struggle to respect anyone involved in crypto, be it mining or trading. It all just disgusts me so much.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
That's just my opinion, of course. It doesn't mean I'm right.
I mean, you are literally correct It's not exactly with a clean conscience I have put even as little as I have into this shit I just kinda figure on the other hand that whether I do or not isn't gonna affect it either way
My past few mornings have been punctuated by shrill yappings of a neighbour's dog I dunno if it's just someone's in the tower going into a bit of a spring heat, or if the new person that moved into the unit next to mine doesn't have the best control over theirs, but I suspect it's the latter Either it makes me more relieved I'll be hopefully out of there in like ten days' time
Hi hi rei
>>945546 there's a dog daycare across the street from me, they yap all day long and the people downstairs have a beagle beagles are the noisiest pieces of shit ever invented it gets a bit much sometimes
the beagle used to bark all day long nonstop while they were gone to work but now they've been taking it to the doggie daycare every day ($12 for a whole day, actually a pretty good deal) so now i listen to the same beagle yap across the street
they also can board rabbits if i need them to but i think they'd get scared from all the barks
I'm hoping the fact that the place I'll be moving into will be a brand new place, will mean the dog population won't start off as numerous It's also in a not as dog-friendly part of the city. 'round here there's a lot of green open space and easy entrance down into the valley, which is rife with nature walking paths I'll be moving into a less residential, more car-city part of the city, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's less dogs around
We're getting a new dog next year, but its some lame designer meme breed instead lf *of a cool breed like another miniature dachshund. Some stupid poodle mix. I hate poodles.
The ethernet connection my computer at work uses you access the servers the warehouse software is on blinked out not long after I arrived at work Lasted long enough for me to clock in and get in the seat, and hasn't been working since I don't know if the WiFi networks I have available can get into the software either Can't really do my job if I can't get in Someone from IT has been troubleshooting it for the past half hour or so but still no dice
For a trial where I want neither side to come out on top and also there are some fairly legitimate concerns about digital marketplaces being debated and ruled upon I don't know if these kinds of court transcripts bring me glee or frustration Probably both.
>>945550 speaking of memebreeda check this chihuahua
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Apple Attorney iPhone Weight
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
grrr smol dogs give me medium size doge
Remove dog give me cat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
booked my baccsheen appointo two weeks
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
The walk-in clinic near my workplace apparently were only doing it up 'til yesterday, so I'm out of luck there I'll wait until I've moved into my new place to look for an appointment Since I'd rather go for the nearest place there and hopefully get an appointment on a weekend
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my old roomie wants to go visit miami and invited me but i dont think i can go yet not till i get my driver's
If I'm to join Kirara for an Ayahuasca venture I'll probably need a vaccine to travel Plus I think my family is missing seeing me I don't really know why, we lived in familial proximity with eachother for the better most of twenty seven years I think we deserve some time not having to see eachother
>tfw you don't use Twitter because life is better without all that garbage in your brain but everybody on moe posts it anyway so it doesn't even matter
man. im actually really disappointed in getting denied that financing i really wanted that rowing machine although normally it probably wouldn't bother me this much if i didn't already feel like a tree that got hollowed out by lightning
politically, my views have changed quite a bit as i have aged but since i was 12 years old and capable of seeking information on my own, there is one political view that has never changed for me israel is a fucking menace
>>945713 This was the first. But still Yeah. Pretty amazing.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
But also just bad luck that it was a real account She could have given a wrong number and just bounce back to the sender as invalid but instead it actually got deposited in a real account somewhere.
She might be able to get it back talking to the bank. But no guarantees if she doesn't that would suuuuuuuck It's like 70+ hours
Pain in the ass for the random account owner too I assume they weren't watching it too closely, otherwise they would've been puzzled by the random income But maybe they're also the kind of person to go "hey, free money" and not make a point of looking into it But now that it's been discovered they probably have to be notified and run through the situation.
>>945726 It's after 4:39 *4:30 AM I'm listening to my sleep playlist Also I know burning down the house pretty wll. I've listened to it do much i got sick of it.
>>945729 being associated with hazy is a fate worse than death
>>945729 I wish you wouldn't make awful puns. But neither of us are genies.
Oh shit I just remembered the genie from ATHF He's *His name is Gene E and he can only turn other people into little genies and make people invisible. The people he turns into genies can alsp oy do those two things.
https://aqua-teen-hunger-force.fandom.com/wiki/Gene_E._(episode) I highly recommended this TV show. I'd say its the best western animated comedy. Nothing else I've ever seen is in the same league.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>945738 fuckin kidds, man don' t know the classics.
i think I remember seeing it on abc when I was at home sick some very stereotypical 90s aussie genie grants wishes to British? kids
>>945600 israel is again commiting war crimes and slaughtering civilians en masse that's not an opinion it's a well ddocumented fact israel is a genocidal apartheid state buddy
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
white phosphorus man come on don't be so sensitive about criticism of a fascist leaning state and be more sensitive about children being murdered
That dog's going off again A bit later than the last couple days, but still here I don't even know what's getting it agitated I think it's hearing other unit doors open and people moving in the halls and going off on that? Still would be pretty poor control of the dog from the owner
>>945744 would be nice if he visited a bit more and for longer periods iunno can't make people hang around
>>945751 gun back of his head "go post on moe" i disagree with that statement
I think I'm gonna have to start scheduling my Uber rides in the morning, rather than just booking them when I'm getting ready to leave This is like the third time this week I've had a driver with a 10+ minute arrival time, which really fucks with my arrival time at work Normally it would only take like three or four minutes for them to get to my pick-up location, which is what both Uber and I take into account But when they take this long just to pick me up, I'm stuck coming in at way later than what is tolerable at any standard I'm already not great at getting to work on time so I start to get really pissed when things kind of out of my control make me look worse than I already am
defenitely worst when taxi/etc or public transit, things beyond your control, are the reason for being late.
asshole cat releases live mouse in the house starts fight with other cat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had a dream where i was derpin around this like... dream area i've been to before. there's a hostel and there's like a pub area anyway i went to this seafood restaurant eventually once i was done with the usual hostel logicistics shit and also some brief fort building and the seafood restaurant was dingy and had some tanks with god knows what in em but that's not the point point is the restaurant had a track that went outside and up, and i rode it for on some kind of rainbow road like experience to a giant network of rope bridges suspended like a mile above a giant forest in the middle of tokyo that was pretty cool then i spent the last 15 subjective minutes of the bridge lying on the floor of a rope bridge being paralyzed with a fear of falling and also my shit kept falling out of my arms and i had to reach for it while some guy with a camera watched me suffer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
good morning it's good to be alive and at sea level
I'll have to take your word for it But good morning Samu
"This is the way" is a call and response phrase of the Mandalorian people in Star Wars, who the guy in shiny chrome armor is a part of That's literally the whole reference I guess the people use it to affirm inevitability and correct answer amongst their society, but I don't think the ad designers were thinking that deeply into it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf that's been a disney reference the whole time??
I mean no, obviously But the ad is clearly riffing off Star Wars
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the whole time it's been being said on twitter the same with the wandavision line grr
Oh, hah hah Sorry I thought you were being facetious, my bad Yeah it got popularized by The Mandalorian most recently
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
That said it does also kind of overlap with that "Do you know da wey" quip from a couple years before, said by the Ethiopian guys running around VRchat programs in stumpy Knuckles the Echidna models But I'm pretty sure "This is the way" is Star Wars in origin
The scam calls I get keep getting more and more interesting Today, one of them connected to my virtualbox with teamviewer and wanted me to sign up on coinbase Which I don't really understand the reasoning for, but I assume it's like, a keylogger thing or something probably
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how sketch what reason did they want for you to sign up
To "show me what they were offering" Which wouldn't be too sketchy if she didn't introduce herself in an obvious Indian accent as "Rachel Smith", audibly had her superior behind her guiding the interaction, and connected via teamviewer to the computer Did not mention she worked for Coinbase either, and wanted me to sign into my binance account at the beginning Which I could not because "my gf's phone has my 2FA on it, and she's not here"
everywhere i go, everyone is just crowding outside staring at, pointing at, filming the sky trying to catch the angels
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>945787 Naah It's a great opportunity Amazing investment your chance to get in on the ground floor
I had a dream about amogus even though I ve never played and now I have the amogus musical in my head
I am going to say "There's an Among Us musical?" but I want to make it perfectly clear that this is an astonishment and not an encouragement to link the source.
btw random question randomly watched the bar/10 questions scene from Inglorious Basterds yesterday and it brough to mind How do people hold fingers when showing amounts
for example the movie's one which fingers you hold up when showing 2? *3
2 is prolly quite universal, index and middle but 3 prolly changes I fall to thumb to middle
Depends If I'm counting up I've adopted the Japanese way of counting, starting with the pinky and moving thumbwards If I'm just holding up a number I'll usually hold my thumb down if the number's between one and four If for whatever reason I'm already holding up my pointer and middle finger for two and need to count up to three, I'll use my thumb
Speaking of holding fingers I don't do it that much, but in the past sometimes in conversations, when it came to say pointing out possibilities, like options and then downing ones that weren't viable, i'd basically hold up a hand with the fingers for options lifted, starting always from thumb however, either due to rng or whatever bias of my own I'd mostly always present just 3 options
and i'd always have the "best option" or something as the third so while making the whole speech, i'd start with say 3 fingers up and end up giving the figner to whoever I was talking with
I only realised this after having prolly done this for 6 years at that point
amusingly enough, no one ever - even thep eople at the spot when I discovered my little gaffe - noticed it either.
>>945828 yeah i know right i keep thinking about reading it but then i remember it gets a chapter once every 15 months and then i dont do it
>15 months it hasn't gotten a chapter since 2018 lol
>>945830 At least they got off the boat in Berserk
SSpeaking of which, I haven't read it since they were still on the bboat. >>945833 I've heard that he has severe hand/wrist/whatever injuries and that's why its taking so long.
>>945831 im just convinced togashi is dead at this point
Honestly I think he just doesn't care anymore Most of the recent chapters have been pretty shitty as manga chapters He just fills up the panels with like paragraphs of text and barely draws any actual visual stuff for it
He should just write the rest of the series as a novel and he'd probably enjoy it just as much
yeah I think you're right he's probably just living the easy life with his wife's sailor moon money >>945832 funny enough, they're on a boat now in HxH
>>945835 I've also heard that he has a really good contract with shueisha and that he jst does te bare minimum in order to keep his end and make tons of money.
he probably realized centering the story around primarily kurapika wasn't a very good idea
>>945835 Well also despite new chapters coming out at a sluggish rate Hunter X Hunter still sells stupidly well for a series that is all but dead in the water Between him and Naoko's income from their manga, they probably don't have to work another day in their life.
oda is something special, dude just keeps going no matter what >>945838 can't say I blame him since I'd probably do the same, but it's a shame the story will probably never be finished especially after dropping the whole dark continent bomb
not only does he keep going, but for the past like 20 years he's been saying "yeah, one piece is gonna end in 5 more years"
Oda actually loves drawing manga I think Togashi still likes telling stories, but he just doesn't enjoy all the work that goes into drawing manga. Maybe it's in part because his wrist is fucking broke as shit
Too bad Oda got that Nami cosplayer pregnant. Should've strapped his shit.
togashi just leaves me with so many questions with the switch of the story focus like is it possible gon COULD get his nen back if he trained? is alluka something out of the dark continent? or rather the wish granting thing inside is it possible that bungee gum has more than just the properties of both rubber and gum? was cheetu truly the greatest nen user ever to be born?
The other thing about Hunter x Hunter is I never really got why people love it so much Like it's really fun, I'm not saying it's a bad shounen, I'd even say it's a really good one, especially in its heyday But I don't understand why people compliment the Nen power system so much, it acts like it's a rigid system for categorizing powers but then there's always special cases that throw it out so that Togashi doesn't have to be limited by the rigidity it instils. And there isn't anything about the story arcs that are particularly narratively deep. Thought out, usually, and stick their landings. But that's nothing special, I'd say accomplishing that is the first step to being a good story.
cheetu got owned by the smoke guy tho
>>945850 no its called bungee gum because it's named after hisoka's favorite candy as a child >>945852 cheetu took it easy on him, if he came at him for real with that SICK crossbow, he'd have had it
I think rei has only experienced it through O MY RUBBER NEN since that was memed so hard
>>945854 YYeah basically I mean I read the first few volumes llillike 15+ years ago. But yeah, aside from that that's all I know. Oh and that ant catgirl looking person is a dude.
>>945851 personally, as it almost always is for me, it's characterization gon being this almost 'normal' shounen child protag at first until you slowly learn that he has no, or at least ignores any, concept of right and wrong killua having the edgyboi background but being almost the most normal and well adjusted of the crew leorio
>>945853 >using a weapon slower than your own legs foolish
>>945855 pitou? I always thought they had no gender
pitou is technically a dude because the colony has only a single queen but also technically genderless because as evidenced by the scorpion ant, any of them could BECOME the queen
>>945856 Leorio's a cool motherfucker I'll give you that But I also don't think his character is particularly complex or high-level writing He's just a super endearing and cheerable guy Again, these are things I feel are basic levels of good writing, nothing to praise as "the best shounen" or anything like that.
And while Gon doesn't really distinguish between good and evil, there's like no real value to that It's the whole Goku thing They don't care about good they just wanna fight, or in Gon's department adventure and find his dad. They don't do anything good with the material once it's established, so whatever solid characterization Togashi might've worked with is just kind of a waste of material.
pretty sure that was as meme too my dude
>>945851 the nen system is so fuckin flawed, the existence of special class just invalidates all the other classes I just treat
treat them like stands instead, each nen ability has its own rules also most of the story does kinda suck, but the chimera ant arc was actually factually fucking great shame it required a narrator talking for five straight minutes each episode to get there but it was still worth going through all those episodes just for that arc
>>945861 i mean i wouldn't call hxh the best shounen, but it's generally leagues better for it's characters and what it's doing with them how much care it puts into the cast of even effectively side characters is great the phantom troupe being the greatest example of that though post gon's story the phantom troupe aren't really side characters anymore >>945866 there's different categories of hunters that you generally fall into like ging is a Ruins Hunter that dude with the arrow nen power was a Mystical Beast Hunter Kite was just some kind of Animal Hunter in genreal I think >>945861 i disagree with the goku one, goku definitely angles toward good the anime does a generally poor job of showcasing it, and super throws his and everyone else's charactrers completely out the window, but goku has the best interests of earth in mind and he's also generally less just "want fight" and more "want improve"
I always wondered what the fuck a hunter actually is, it's so poorly defined at first it seems like they're supposed to be actual treasure hunters looking for shit but ultimately it just boils down to hunters are the COOL GUYS who have COOL POWERS it's so shallow
>>945865 Man I dunno, I can't say I feel they do characters in Hunter X Hunter better on average than most good shounen. They have fleshed out personalities, but there's plenty of shounen that do that pretty well And aside from a few exceptions, there isn't really much nuance to them aside from being fleshed out. There's definitely good characterization but it's nothing that really impresses me. Which is kind of my overall impression of HxH Definitely good but nothing that impresses me.
>>945864 Honestly aside from the election arc, I think Togashi blew himself out on the Chimera Ant arc That was the height of his passion for the series and like burning out his main character for its finale, he kinda burnt himself out too The election arc was him experimenting with a different feel with more of a political game angle and it helped him revive his interest a bit But everything besides that has been "Here's all my cliffnotes for the plot compiled in paragraphs contained in comic panels"
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Holy shit man $55au for a quick hair trim. Like just a few minutes And i didn't really think i could query it because It's already cut Can't take it back But man I feel robbed
>>945856 wait wait wait leorio is alright but he's barely a character he goes from >I wanna be a doctor then disappears for 110 episodes and becomes >I wanna be a doctor AND I can punch people from really far away
>>945869 what do you mean he goes from "i wanna be a doctor" to "hey kids i learned ONE principle of nen, am i cool or what? wait what do you mean there's at least 3 more" to "i am now a doctor AND i can punch people from really far away" did you forget he shows up in yorknew city he's pretty important there
yes I did because as endearing as he is he's barely there at all most of the time also wasn't yorknew one of the earliest arcs? like right after the exam? I watched this shit like seven years ago
exam > zoldyck mansion > heaven's arena > yorknew yorknew goes into greed island, greed island goes into chimera ant so yorknew is one of the later ones in terms of listing, though it takes place in the middle of the anime at least the middle of the 2011
>>945869 That's kinda what I'm saying yeah Like he's a cool guy and likeable But there isn't really all that much to his characterization It's not hard to shape simple character traits into a fun person and give them a kinda-sexy body to walk around in
>>945868 You got ripped off. Did it come with a neck or shoulder massage?
>>945868 go back in, pull your pants down, and tell them they missed a spot down there
>>945872 Having only read the manga, honestly, anything that's before the Chimera Ant arc is old as fuck Ironically with all the hiatus, the Chimera Ant arc is also pretty old by this point now But since the boat arc moves at a glacial pace, the Chimera Ant arc is chronologically recent even if in real time it's so old.
>>945872 I dunno if I'd call the mansion a whole arc, but even then // if you would it's definitely the shortest like the exam took a while, arena was kinda short, yorknew is what I'd call the midway point greed island was kinda short but felt long because it was frankly pretty boring and chimera ant was like half the runtime of the anime, with the election feeling like an extended epilogue leorio barely shows up man
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>945874 I think it was like a flat price thing. $30 for a hair cut and $25 for a shave And so even tho it was a tiny job the same rate applies
But yeah. I FEEL ripped off. >>945875 Yeah i prefer to style and wax those ones myself
>>945879 greed island may be boring, but that fucking dodgeball game versus razor, tho
>>945878 yeah i was gonna say, at this point even the dark continent expedition arc is "old"
>>945880 You paid $25 for a shave? Did they at least use a straight razor?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Things are expensive here bro High Labor costs >>945886 This was like the second time in my life i paid for a shave I have another job interview coming up.
My friend got some new vr games and we're tentatively ggogoigoing to try them out tomorrow. He got the spice and wolf "games" and uh What's that dumb rails shooter where all the girls are in love with you? It's banned in New Zealand.
>hey Cristal (like the champagne) what did you think about endless eight?
>so anyway, then she erased herself from existence, funniest shit ive ever seen
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Heybaby why don't we head back to the private room and I'll show you MY endless eight
>>945912 sounds like galgun, the best shooter ever made
>>945916 Yeah I'm gonna play it in vr. Also he's gonna be pissed about the spice and wolf stuff, cause he doesn't know Japanese. Like I probably know enough to get through the menus and another guy we're hanging out wth knows it better tan me.
Oh Double Peace https://www.destructoid.com/stories/gal-gun-double-peace-has-been-banned-in-new-zealand-413632.phtml >>945918 You guys aren't much better. Oh in other news eBay is banning the sale of porn and nude stuff in general unless uts "tasteful" Oh but Playboy, Playgirl and penthouse are still allowed to be sold.
I ended up asleep eventually think I slept for like 4 hours or something
Too late now to take my meds, too Which is fine, I've been meaning to do a day off them just to like, simmer down I guess It's hard to eat and stuff when I take them And they last so fucking long
good morning i woke up and immediately played this move and then crushed the poor guy with an aggressive queen attack what bloodthirst came over me last night i was playing scared and confused
the grandmaster has awoken within
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and then played another game aggressively and lost quite rapidly
I don't, but didn't it do like 5x or something at that time? Whether it's good for the crypto sphere or whatever isn't really something I'm too worried about, anyway, I just wanna get some money outta it
>>945954 What happens to ETH when it switches to PoS? does that make it go up or down
how long until we have cryptos exclusive to consoles like a sony only crypto
Is something said about someone in a defamatory way on video libel or slander?
depends if its endorsed by a media institution like ny times as part of their news media its libel if its an individuals video self published its slander
A friend of mine has recently become a lawyer and moved down to Melbourne he says the lawyer world is pretty crazy and Melbourne is a lot more affordable since covid hit
maybe I should go down and visit him my parents are going in june and I wasn't really considering going because of work commitments but then I remembered he lives there
>>946014 sorry to keep bombarding you with these q's but do you got an idea for projection of eth by the end of this year i hear a lot of people saying a lot of things and i don't know who they are or why they matter i rember you worked with an eth company though and know about it at least plus you're holding
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hey moon! uhh diving // divining the future eh i don't know. i know that lots of people throw out numbers to pump up the coin but absolutely no one actually knows whats gonna happen to it eth has good features on the roadmap but i don't know if they will deliver this year or not, and i don't know if those features will mean price goes up i'm just holding for long term by the end of the year i don't know. eth used to be stuck at $300 for what felt like forever, it could very well be pegged at its current price until then
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do think that cuz of NFTs and the Defi stuff happening that ETH will continue to be popular and so at least remain around current levels i would hope of course if the whole crypto market does its cyclical crash thing it could easily go down
okay thanks i wanna take a gritty look at some of the algos being used for mining would you know of some good technical resources there's too much crypto-hype clutter to dig through to find meaningful conversations organically or through search engines listicles and boomer guides to crypto
idk i will find it on my own eventually but i dont know what im looking for yet
yeah I'm also long term holding playing games is risky but most assets have only appreciated in the long run but I'm not as well versed in the tech side of crypto i just see patterns and public opinion
>>946019 not like the encryption or sha256 or basic stuff, i mean the algorithms used to operate the equipment to do calcs i get that it's different for every coin and every gpu/asic/etc used but that whole sphere is where i want to bury my nose in study for a while it's both broad and deep
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the current algo is Ethash?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
keccak is a cool hashing algo
would there be like a timeline of progression evolution of crypto algos so to speak
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm sure you could piece one together i don't know if there is a formal resource for that probably wikipedia has some of it bitcoin wiki has some of it idk i do find it hard to easily find historical records for crypto stuff
yeah there sure are a lot of things ok thanks
i don't own any by the way dont plan on buying any, but i logistically could start mining i don't think it's a great idea though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
proof of stake is itself an interesting design to read up on, and hopefully the future you could read the og Casper the Finality Gadget paper i think the design has evolved quite a bit since
im applying for some business loans i need to try to make somethin happen so i can afford to survive without leaving the house much dunno what yet i'll try but im sure there's a spot for me somewhere
Shit my folks are making a somewhat surprise visit in today I've got four hours to make this place look like it hasn't really been cleaned much in ... a lot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\