Hi hey hello Happy Thursday The weekend's almost on us
Back Arrow Episode 17-18 Bishounen Tanteidan Episode 3-5 Boku no Hero Academia Episode 94-95 Dragon, Ie wo Kau Episode 5-6 Fruits Basket Episode 5-6 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 3-5 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Episode 5-6 Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Shadows House Super Cub Episode 4-5 Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 4-6 Zombieland Saga Episode 5-6
I see if Bang's around in a moment, but as far as I know the only thing we've got that he'd be interested in watching is Shadows House, I think. So we can probably go mostly for things we watch tonight
The shounen recap is starting to get a bit lengthy Actually hm
Wait yeah this was where we left off last A lot of these shows that we don't watch with Bang happen infrequent enough that I'm having a hard time keeping track
The thought of mushrooms sprouting from your bare flesh is still really unpleasant though
It helps, but she is also still going around in gloves and boots even if she's completely naked elsewise So it's not like she's untrackable in the first place
B Class sure has some weird powers I guess that's why they're in B Class Their powers aren't quite versatile enough to be A Class material But they're still kind of useful in their own right.
Like this girl's power is just ... big hand She probably gets more mileage out of being a martial artist pro than actually having a strong punch I mean she's also obviously a good tactician and smart overall But her power doesn't quite have A Class quality
The series does like to ship Todoroki and Momo a bit though They're often in situations where the one compliments the other
It seems like they would struggle against someone with raw power like bakugou or deku
It's a favourable match-up for Class B right now, yeah The Class A powers in this match-up are a bit Well I guess it's less the powers and more the people The dark crow boy doesn't have the best control over his power Aoyama can't overuse his power without getting indigestion and he's generally a wimp And Invisigirl doesn't have much use beside being invisible and refracting light
Oh she took off her gloves and boots So it's not a hardset principle of hers to always keep them on
His shadow's personality is a funny contrast to him
Todoroki is another that class B group would have lost to singlehandedly
nomad okay lets start
I think he's one the hand girl might've been able to scheme a victory against His major drawback is that if he can't regulate his temperatures, he can't use his powers Normally the fact that he runs both hot and cold lets him do that But if you restrain him in a way that doesn't let him cool off or warm up, then he is limited in both how much of one power he can use, and can only really use that one power
Not that I really know what the solution would be for them Mushrooms and moving through shadows doesn't really do much in that department
>>945639 When he uses ice and fire both he's overwhelmingly strong
Sachio's still grown up to be a pretty dashing young man Though he's as sullen as Joe ever could be
good ost
Yeah I remember there were some pretty good bits from the first season too Plus the instrumental track in the OP is really nice
Might be that Coach Joe isn't out of the picture yet If Sachio is dead set on being a boxer, he obviously really needs some training and improvement But he'd also probably be rather caught dead than have Joe coach him right now
I feel like putting flame vents on your gear is probably not particularly good design Since already seems to overheat from standard use.
Also Joe's fighting gearless again I wonder if that's a commitment or if it's just for this amtch
I guess this is two stories of joe getting his butt kicked.
Joe losing in the past was kind of a foregone conclusion But maybe he learned a thing from his time with Chief And that taking the L for the greater good is some times a good thing
Though I guess Joe did get his start throwing matches, way back at the start of the first season
Some times you gotta do what's right because it's what's right Not because you're looking for forgiveness
So Sachio never told the other kids that he was the one that told Joe to get lost after Coach's death I guess that recontextualizes their opinion of Joe a bit
Well like the girl said, he did still up and vanish after being told to It does change the layout a bit, but Joe was still the one who made the decision.
It's kinda funny how both major nations in this world have been undermined politically But I think the guy trying to overthrow Rekka is being manipulated by the fat guy from the other nation Someone, probably from outside the wall, is trying to keep the world inside the wall constantly fighting Probably so they don't unite and ty -try to explore beyond the wall
The emperor's kind of become a pretty fun character after finally moving around He's a battlehungry, kinda skeevy old man
Even using the armbands in their normal function, he still can't use one for long without them shattering on his -on their own accord The emperor's power levels sure are high
Geez everyone's got their own airship now
Why is the Lutoh ship all decked out like it's Christmas
The whole thing with nations has kinda fallen apart too now everyone is just ships
Well you need a big ship to take on another big ship The events we've seen in the past have shown that the other nations have kind of always gotten steamrolled by the Granedger
Kinda makes me feel like whoever's pulling the strings of the nations in the wall-world are starting to feel a bit desperate They probably don't want Arrow and his gang beyond the wall. So much that they're risking the status quo by letting tech advance at a much more rapid pace
They're evidently not too smart about their new flying tech though They just let the big beam just hit them instead of moving in ANY OF THE THREE DIMENSIONS NOW AVAILABLE TO THEM
Could we maaaaybe do like Super Cub 4 or Slime SoL 4 instead of Nagatoro I totally didn't forget to download the episode, sorry Otherwise I'd need like seven minutes
Thaaaank you I'm ready when you are
I'll make a point of grabbing a couple episodes of Nagatoro over the weekend so this isn't a problem for the show going forward
Since I'll be moving into a new place over the next week, hopefully I'll have better Internet and I don't have to ration when I download shows anymore The Internet here is so bad that if I want to do anything with the Internet, like watch stuff or play online games, I can't really be downloading big things like shows or games And because I'm a dumbfuck scatterbrain it's easy forget to do it when I can
Being a courier is a pretty good job for someone with a bike like hers That's basically the precursor to app services like Uber Eats et al
Oil changes ever y hundred kilometres? Maybe it's just my inexperience with automobiles but that feels really short I was under the impression engine oil lasted a bit longer than that.
The old man did say the changes happen at longer and longer intervals The second at 500km and a third at 1000km Judging from my sense of distance that still feels like a short amount of time But maybe it has to do with the bike being used and out of comission for a while since its previous owner died while riding it The distance from where I'm living to my parents' place up north is like 175+ kilometres By that metric they'd only be able to make the drive to and from back like three times before changing oil And it certainly doesn't happen that fast.
I wonder why they don't use fax to transfer these documents to and from places It seems like it's just documents regarding school functions, being sent to other schools. Doesn't seem like they're in the age of email yet, but fax should've still been a long-time system in place.
We saw similar stuff to this in Yuru Camp A good raincoat or otherwise outdoors jacket is gonna be pretty pricey But you generally get your money's worth otu -out of one, if you spend a lot of time in the outdoors.
it's weird she's i nthe tracksuit but the cicadas are out aren't they a thing for when it's really hot?
Yeah I suspect it's because she figures this'll be dirty work And well, automobile maitenance usually is And she doesn't have any other clothes that are good for getting dirty
I wonder how much she got out of that job If she was getting paid through her school I could see it going either way, paying either pretty nicely or kind of poorly Plus there's the expenses she had of the new jacket, additional gas use, and maitenance But I guess for someone who doesn't have much money in the first place, any kind of income is probably a lot.
I do have a soft spot for this series Small bikes and scooters are a romance of mine and it's otherwise also pretty comfy and cute.
Yeah this looks like a talent show. I guess it makes sense for a band to do one of these.
Oh he's a brat I kind of expected as much But man he's a real brat
Hah hah Necroducer entered as well And is doing ... well His usual best
>Roku-go >Doing rakugo This has to be an intentional joke
Well he might be a brat, but he's also pretty skilled Turning a mistake like that into a recovery is definitely something that takes work
I wonder if this boy's case is the inverse of Lily's She was a boy that wanted to keep being a girl I mean I guess when you're this young your voice is kind of gonna be high and soft regardless But I could see him being a girl wanting to be a boy
Oh she turned the song into a kind of ragtime scatman take
Kid could learn a bit of honesty While being a brat is still bratty, if you're honest about it, it's not as bad It's the fact that he's two-faced that makes it