I got a card from the sangha to congratulate me on receiving jukai and Roshi wrote "you'll make a good dharma holder" some day. I guess he really likes me.
I knocked over my glass of apple juice earlier getting it all over my desk and robe Which is a pain to clean up and meant I had to throw my robe in the washing machine In the long run that's kind of fine since it needed to get washed anyway But it means it's really cold for me right now I rely on it a lot to keep me warm when the weather's cold!
hmm i have soon gone through the whole pizza menu of my fav joint all that are left are stuff that are damn simple or the weird stuff like "salad+salad dressing+chicken+bbq sauce and something else"
>>912588 idk probably because i left without actually trying to make it right maybe she just feels rejected i don't know i didnt feel like i had a good opportunity to speak with her but maybe i did and i just dont know it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or maybe she's just like "FML work sucks my dating life sucks i have to deal with these weirdos all the time" if only she would // if it hadnt been a pandemic and we could have a normal date
You just gotta keep trying to get through to her then!! She'll probably tell you in explicit terms that she doesn't want to see you before you get to a restraining order so if she hasn't told you to fuck off yet it's probably fine! Probably
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah thanks i'm bad at this stuff its so against my normal personality but at least i want to try
Some times you just gotta eschew politeness and be tactlessly selfish Going hard showing what you want is usually a good way of getting that message across
Romance is super hard But I think everyone is just stumbling around in the dark trying to connect to other people, even if some people seem good at it Nobody ever knows what they're doing
I gotta go get groceries but I don't wanna leave the apartmennnnt I guess I could just go later at night since the temperature isn't getting any colder and the place doesn't close until 23:00
the vital difference being the incels think it's a combination of Bad Genes and women being shit While I just know I'm not someone who can, fundamentally
No, you're narrowing the scope of the definition to suit your own self-fulfilling prophecy You believe it's out of your hands, beyond your capacity >>912610 Shut up and don't interrupt me you whiny brat Everything about your attitude is literally defining it as beyond your capacity, that you're not choosing to refuse it, that you can't attain it regardless That is as "involuntary" as it fucking gets. So drop this INvoluntarily CELibate attitude
>>912605 I don't think any of us here are normies. But also >>912606 Believing you're incapable of being in a romantic relationship almost guarantees that you won't be in one.
yeah if you wanna define 100% of non-aro virgins and incels, sure I'm that Good job I guess
I mean, if you aren't interested in romantic or sexual relationships and therefore don't pursue them, you, by definition, would not be an incel because it would be voluntary. But even if you're aromantic you can still have an incel mindset.
>>912614 that's why I put the non-aro in there, tho
>>912612 I'm not talking about other people here I'm talking about you YOU have this whingy incel attitude towards romance that comes out all the time. If you were content and happy about your lot in life, it wouldn't be. But the way you express yourself is bitter or at least regretful that it's not that way. So for YOUR CASE in particular, yeah, I define your attitude as incel-y
i can't deny it's similar, but i still resent being lumped in with those people
Then be better
If I could be bette I wouldn't be whining about it
>>912634 do you have any idea how gruelling it would be to lie to one specific person for seven or eight years about my feelings about them when i would normally just ignore them if they annoyed me all the time
RIP in peaces BioWare I wonder who'll pick up the mantle
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chanSearch [iqdb](3.1 MB, 1666x999, Goat is GOAT.png)FormerRei@mobile
a girl i barely know called me and told me she was pregnant, so i was like "uhh congratulations but why are you telling me" and she got really mad and said it was mine, so i said "i have literally never had sex with you" and she started screaming at me about how i can't do this to her and stuff and then she was like "this isn't right and you know it matt turner" and i said im not matt turner and she suddenly realized she called the wrong matt
Hopefully this becomes the next big competitive esport and i can turn pro.
>>912794 I've been hovering around the 5100-5700 rank for a bit There's a pretty stiff wall forming around there it feels like
I think there's also a meta forming using that ghost girl that likes pudding Since she's got a skill that lets her turn invulnerable, which makes her a really powerful damage sponge for your frontliner A solid 80% at least of parties I go up against have her in them
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>912799 See this is why you're HARDSTUCK and im swiftly climbing up the ranks I don't conform to the meta
I haven't been either! Partially because my Miyako isn't really trained up. Also that range below like 8000 is really easy to climb through Just pick fights with people weaker than you and you almost always win
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>912809 Yeah. That's the mastermind sick strat Pick the lowest level with a party full of 1stars
There's also other options for frontline damage sponges Like that masochistic 2* girl In some ways she's even better than Miyako since while Miyako entirely nullifies damage, she can't nullify damage that's not targeting her. The masochistic girl can taunt and draw all damage to her, keeping your back lines from getting picked off
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
She's so weird as a character though Personality Makes me not want to spend resources lvling masochist girl up Even if I'd win more
read brain signals to what resolution i don't know
It wants to steal your brain signals to make cryptocurrency
you really notice the difference when the noise cancelling mics kick in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> He said BCIs will lead to gaming experiences far better than a player could get through their "meat peripherals" — as in, their eyes and ears.
"You're used to experiencing the world through eyes," Newell said, "but eyes were created by this low-cost bidder that didn't care about failure rates and RMAs, and if it got broken there was no way to repair anything effectively, which totally makes sense from an evolutionary perspective, but is not at all reflective of consumer preferences.
"So the visual experience, the visual fidelity we'll be able to create — the real world will stop being the metric that we apply to the best possible visual fidelity.
"The real world will seem flat, colourless, blurry compared to the experiences you'll be able to create in people's brains.
>but is not at all reflective of consumer preferences Uh, yeah, Gaben That's kind of how evolution works Completely independent of customer review
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is joke
In case you were wondering, a Valve-brand cybernetic limb is probably off the table for now.
"Valve is not in the business of creating virtual prosthetics for people," Newell said.
"This is what we're contributing to this particular research project, and because of that we get access to leaders in the neuroscience field who teach us a lot about the neuroscience side."
On the subject of prostheses, Newell said there are some interesting questions to answer around developing artificial limbs.
"As soon as you do that, they say, 'Oh, well can we give people a tentacle?' Our brains were never designed to have tentacles, but it turns out brains are really flexible."
Is it though? It's always a bit hard to tell with Gabe He kinda runs on his own schedule.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i read that whole paragraph as bein a joke but idk yea maybe he's 100 serious
>>912894 plug me in, chief I don't ever want to come back down.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can mine forever in Rune Art Online with stunning BRAIN-D!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> "Nobody wants to say, 'Oh, remember Bob? Remember when Bob got hacked by the Russian malware? That sucked - is he still running naked through the forests?' or whatever. So yeah, people are going to have to have a lot of confidence that these are secure systems that don't have long-term health risks."
>>912979 but why what was the market stimulus or whatever prompted it?
the stimulus was a bunch of reddit people buying it as a meme
and no I'm not kidding
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that combined with something like 100% of the available shares being loaned out to shorts
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
redditors are hoping to recreate the VW squeeze in 2008 i have no idea if that's actually possible tho https://moxreports.com/vw-infinity-squeeze/
>>912982 these meme things are getting out of control, causing too much harm need to call our local representatives and demand they take action to ban or regulate these memes before we see any more instances of financial terrorism
Governor, have you heard of pop cat?
>>912985 this is pretty crazy, didn't know about it are they actually trying to recreate this or are their antics just having similar effects?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>912988 that's a good question i don't really know it's like a hive mind there's definitely some killers in there with cold calculations and the rest are just like ping pong balls bouncing around
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one of the memes i see a lot is "you guys just wait it's gonna hit $HIGH_NUMBER this squeeze hasn't even started" but like that's wishful thinking
probably some powerusers trying to influence the memelords so they can turn a profit
i'm holding a few really bad puts in case this whole things crashes spectacularly they're thrashing all over the place
>>912990 saw one guy swearing he would hold until it was up 1000%
I don't have the heart of the smarts for that kind of trading I just throw a few extra bucks on stuff I think might grow and then check back in a few months
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea that's the way to go i'm just buyin lottery tickets on GME not shares or expensive calls just in case something wild happens
or the smarts*
i like the maths and the analysis of trading but i'll never have the money to bother with it i usually just invest in myself instead, tryin to get things done
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
start a quant firm and get people to throw money at you
i def coulda gone into quant finance but for what purpose it's a distraction from doing what i really want
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i had the know how and the balls i'd start some kinda clean energy or climate change index i think that would be the closest thing to my values cuz like yea this stock stuff is fun currently with the recovery bull market but i don't think it's a good thing for me long term and i gotta do things that are actually useful to people
im just tryna save up enough to file patents shit's expensive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oof what are you gonna patent?
i'll tell you after it's patented!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my old work files patents all the time so my name's on the application for one along with a bunch of teammates i don't like it but they said it would be used defensively only pretty sure they're full of shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well, it's a fairly unimportant patent anyway not like they would be able to shake someone out with it
i intend to market my stuff out but the problem is, if i do that now it could be adapted to a lot of parallel things so i gotta corner it off with a cluster of related patents so i can earn anything hopefully or maybe i can make anonymous patents so i can bring new knowledge to the world without letting anyone use it
but i don't really know shit about law so im having a patent lawyer help me strategize this stuff but not as a client just as a friend for now when i get things rolling we'll strike out a deal though
>>>/watch?v=AolstL1_MhE gay roobots they brought mick gordon onto work on a lot of these ep tracks fun fact >>913032 sometimes, but rarely, so you might get lucky then again there are probably better places to catch him
this BMTH track gets stuck in my head for days at a time
oh it's edited to look like the same show but still cool i guess it would be kind of hard for them to have a show together in the time since it's released maybe some day
BMTH has done some really good stuff in the last few years ever since Sempiternal they've been a really interesting band
>>913034 Oh I was just listening to this Cool lyric video I didn't actually notice that >>913036 I liked Sempiternal, one of the blokes at work recommended it me Haven't been paying super close attention to them but I like what I've heard so far
yeah i hadn't really paid attention since Sempiternal was new, but they've shifted nicely as time has gone on done some pretty cool projects some misses but more hits it's notable largely because a lot of music in that space hasn't really changed much in the last 15 years a lot of bands today even are still making the same metalcore and post-hardcore that was already old a decade ago not that i dislike that kind of music, i still love it but it's cool that bands like Code Orange and Bring Me The Horizon are pushing boundaries a little bit more incorporating electronic production more heavily, or doing cool live projects like Code Orange's virtual concert or BMTH's Royal Albert Hall show with a full orchestra
Yeah, some good shaders really make minecraft look pretty The light is like, dynamic and stuff too so it's not just x light level, it's got direction and shadows and stuff My skybase\mob farm there casts this ENORMOUS shadow across the landscape
they had waffles at the dfac today :)
That big water pool there is also an actual functional thing It's a fishing spot that counts as open water if you slap your bobber into that dirt block, which means you can get treasure there And under the surface, there's kelp growing around the edges, and that can be used for either fuel or, surprisingly, producing water source blocks, which makes soulsand elevators a lot easier to make
I'm actually just so proud of this skybase
When it began, it was just a mobspawner tower, but it's becoming a whole base
It just says "aim here" cause it's a multiplayer server I play on with my friend The sign by the edge of the water just says "don't hurt simon" Simon is the one salmon swimming around in the pond
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the bamboo is accidentally giving off big summer vibes then
They do sorta look like palms I guess
there's a lot of whatsitcalled hue? I'm not good with colours
you mean the lens flare?
like the colors they chose aren't very saturated not quite sure how to explain it
This rat is still here, the one that I think was brought in by the cats months ago Just hiding around the oven I put traps around a few hours ago and in classic rat style it stole the food from the traps without setting them off
How far in the story have they gotten so far? I'm planning on finishing rereading the novels before I watch tge anime.
Wiggly woos
>>913068 I'm expecting either next episode or the one after to have Rudy get knocked the fuck out and given a job
>>913070 Excellent Eris is best girl btw. If we ignore the fact that any romantic relationship he has with a character under the age of 18 is grooming. So arguably Roxy is the most moral choice.
did ascending the 1Star ones make them much stronger?
At level forty-nine, ascending Karyl increased her Power rating by like 300 Less abstractly, her Magic Attack stat went up by somewhere in the 150-200 range Pecorine and Kokkoro were much earlier ascensions so I can't really remember the increase in power from them But I'd say it definitely helps a lot My other 1* characters that are around the same level as them are easily hundreds less in Power rating than them
I felt kind of ripped off after I finally got all the slots full to rank up Makoto and now she's actually a little weaker since she has no equipment even though she's a higher rank
Were you refining her equipment before upgrading?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Yeah. A couple of the higher tier items
Yeah, I ran an experiment earlier today and I think the basic stats you get for ranking up start to get pretty slim in the higher ranks With no equipment refined, one character I ranked up only got like seven more points in her Power rating Which means yeah, refining equipment quickly gets better basic stats than ranking up. My Kokkoro's been sitting at the precipice of rank six for a while not but I haven't upgraded her since I don't think I've got any of the equipment pieces for that level.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>913131 mmn yeah. makes since cus the issue now is that all of her slots for the new Rank are from levels which are further than I've progressed
Guess it's time to round out your other characters then! Though really I don't think if you ranked her up that she lost that much power Maybe if you were already winning only on margins, but I'd bet that wasn't really the case.
Australia Day more like AustraliaGay amirite >>913266 >he calls the petrol gas
wtf some cthlulu shit stole my words
werks on incognito >>913267 tn brekky is australian for breakfast >>913268 they call it gas food because of the gas youll have later >>913271 fck you mummy I eat what I want
they put tge worst part of tge egg (tge yolk) to the side so I could pull it out so far not a regretful purchase besides the feeling I might explode this has been gas food reviews
are you back in lockdown Kanngers? i heard the uk was pretty bad
>>913296 yeaaah. I've basically been in lockdown all year last year and up til now. They also keep adding new "tiers" and my area keeps getting the highest tier. The UK just keeps fucking things up at the moment, and we have Brexit to deal with too, which is just a real showcase of british intelligence.
heuristic signatures in natural language systems and hemispheric communications just using moe as a notepad
well in the original the white blood cells are just badass soldiers right? i think the inverse of that is just badass woman soldier and in japan that comes with tits
sou desu ne
also this sub group they been around long?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
subsplease is just a horriblesubs replacement since HS is dead and erai-raws is absolute dogshit compared to HS
whhaaa I don't remember erai being that bad maybe I dont pay enough attention
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they were doing well when they did a few shows but now that they're doing everything they have tons of annoying shit like, 10 different languages in one episode? it's so annoying sometimes the timing is pretty off too and they consistently release 2 or 3 versions of the same shows always v0 this and v0 that and they're consistently three or four days later than subsplease
makes sense that is the case for all their flaws at least hs were good at pushing stuff out
I guess its a step up from living on lead at the last place
It is a shame that a bunch of subgroups in the early days disbanded because they basically were all the same people mostly. subgroups need more people! >>913309 Microphage has my vote!
I've thought about doing subs but the subtitle timing and such is such a pain. >>913328 Powerful kanji master! Learning kanji is fun, everyone at university dislikes learning kanji or turns up and slowly reads stuff until the teacher helps them along.
>>913337 not quite, it's just that every time i forget the reading of it except for right now for some reason? i've been struggling with that for like two days every time wanikani asks me it i always put start mixing it up with 上げる because my brain is literal garbage
>>913338 you can get there! ive not really used wanikani much, i have p. much all the old downloads for their resources. DJT guide has a lot of useful stuff surprisingly
In two and a half hours of so the weather went from kind of overcast to dumping like four or five centimetres of snow out I guess winter finally caught up here
It snowed like properly for a week or two here. still get s freezing though
I had to go move a bunch of really old, heavy furniture. We shorted these landlords on a lease so we're trying to help them get the place ready for next tenants and I went over with my boss to move stuff. Ahh, but it was way heavier than I expected. And it's hot out today too! My arms are killin me, I'm not used to heavy lifting!!
>>913362 Let us build muscles together! My weakling arms have been put to the test lately. I'm gonna end up with hench arms
god damnit left side of my forelocks? start to form an emo hair look
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fucking gamestop
Can't stop the GameStop
the ride continues?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bizarrely yes the moon mission continues upward and to the right probably gonna falter around 150 and die for a while
and all becaus people are just buying/selling it stocks be crazy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well because people shorted it, really
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
never bet against gamers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay well i got in around 80 and im gettin out around 145 good enough for me
nice profit
how are actually stonk... can't be bothered to look up the right word, taxes for that kinda income in USA?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's short term gains so in the US it's treated as normal income
here income is strictly divided between working income and other stuff stonks etc have a.. variying tax brackets I think you can earn like 4000 a year or something with 0 taxes after that it is like 15?% and then jumps up to 20 something and caps at 32 I think
I overdressed for my walk to the convenience store and now I'm really sweaty. Even my head is sweaty despite the fact that I didn't wear my hood. I'm so good at sweating, but I don't like being sweaty.
>>913407 for a moment I thought that you meant that you overdressed like you wore a suit and tie
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gettin dapper fo the conbini
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>not wearing fine clothes to the super
>>913409 I'm pretty sure I don't fit in my suit anymore. Or my dress shirts. I've gained a lot of wweight during covid. In other news, a bunch of the magic cards I ordered have arrived.
just loose weight?
Yeah cause that's so easy.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just maintain a consistent caloric deficit for a year and probably on and off indefinitely after that 4Head
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some guy just flew a drone way high above me above my head hmm
Funny thing happened tonight So after work it's pretty normal for a bunch of us to gather right outside the front steps of the store while we wait for Ubers to show up and generally just shoot some shit and unwind after the workday Now of course being outside we're not perfectly adhering to social distancing standards or always wearing our masks. But we're outside and we work for eight hours a day indoors in close proximity to each other who gives a fuck
Shortly before we were ready to wrap up for the night we all notice this one stranger just standing outside our little circle of conversation out there on the sidewalk. Thinking he wants to get past (he'd been standing there a good thirty or forty seconds though), we part the circle to let him past, and he gives the most saccharinely fake "oh THANK you for properly social distancing", which promptly sets one of the guys off and starts chewing the stranger out for being a dick. The stranger kept trying to take the moral high ground trying to lecture us on ignoring social distancing protocols, which kept getting more and more of a rise out of the guy who was already pissed off at him. Eventually the stranger took out his phone and started recording or taking photos, at which point our assistant manager who was out there with us tried to step in and defuse it a bit, but by that point the stranger was threatening to send the photos or video to the company and that he'd take the guy who'd gotten angry down. Like full on "you're going DOWN" kind of cheesy threats. Eventually he had his fill or whatever and stalked off, but we kinda just kept taking the piss out of him for a while after he left. Guy really was a character.
>>913417 bye karen so much righteous fury shalt stab back at thee >>913419 they're nice but not always kind
The guy who was getting pissed at him called him a Darren, a male Karen Which I'd never heard before and works great for it I'm totally taking notes on that.
ive got hugs for u if u were born in the 80s the 80s
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice try FBI I'm seventeen
Also it snowed like five centimetres today And I've got hearty Japanese take-out of fried chicken and rice It'll be a good evening
>>913436 I'm everything, anything, and nothing. Simultaneously.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm a taco :)
Reject humanity Return to tako
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm the jalapeno in your marg
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
throw your dirty shoes in my washing machine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what do i say to ghost girl should i show up with a flower a bottle of wine should i send a letter aaaa
what did she think of you showing up at work
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well if i had likw taken her out or at least asked maybe good? maybe reject? but instead i felt weird and got out of there it's a weird situation but i shoulda pushed thru anyway now she's either sad or mad or probably both
Just say "sorry we didn't really get to talk the other day! i hope you're doin good let's meet up some time" or something If you felt awkward about it she probably did too so it's good to make sure she knows you weren't purposefully like neglecting her or anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no i see someone wearing a clown mask
>>913446 good advice thanks yea but do i say that in person or do i toss it into her black hole of online communications
If you text it to her, do you think she'll respond? If she's bad at responding to online communications it's probably better to say it in person
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like at this point the way our online comms works is i send her some kind of direct message and then she posts poetry or i see her IRL and then she posts poetry