Hi hey hello Just give me a moment to get the list in order
this is my favorite part of the week right now
Beastars Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Hataraku Saibou Black Horimiya Idoly Pride Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Episode 2-3 Jujutsu Kaisen Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-3 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Episode 1-3 Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Mushoku Tensei Non Non Biyori Show By Rock!! Stars!! SK8 the Infinity Episode 1-3 Tenchi Souzou Design-bu World Trigger Yakusoku no Neverland
THey look like mid-level humans kinda what you'd expect from level 30
I still dunno how I feel about the 3D CGI in this It's not so bad for spider-chan since they can give her a lot of personality, but the other mobs are really generic and stiff And ultimately I think I'd rather they'd picked one or the other, 3D or 2D, and stuck with it.
>>912754 Well one of them got reincarnated as a baby dragon so she's still kind of got a rum hand Though being a baby dragon is better than being a spider
Oh wow their sensei got taken out well oh that was unexpected
what if this guy dies right here
It's not impossible, yeah
oh dang he got bapped
is he going to unlock hidden hero power!?
I wonder if they all were reborn-reincarnated in this world Spider-chan reincarnated at the moment of her birth, so it's not impossible the others did too But in that case they've probably been around in this world for a good fourteen or fifteen years at least
wait WHAT
Holy shit the baby dragon went HAM I guess all the monster types that got reincarnated are a special kind of crazy
That fire guy is going to end up being a problem before long I think He seems particularly grouchy
This shows is interesting but we only get little bite sized episodes it's not like the pacing is slow but it's not fast
yeah it's 20 minute episodes and it doesn't feel like the pacing is slow but when you break it down, not that much really happened time is not really progressing much
They're basically cramming two plots into each episode Since they've got to cover stuff from both Spider-chan and the other recinarnates Time-wise they generally favour Spider-chan but they still spend a lot of time with the humans
oh yeah they gotta make sure there's a cliffhanger
that was a big monster....
She sure is lucky none of the monsters are interested in cooperating with each other
that thing was only lvl 37 maybe it's like BDO levels
At least with his dad though, it's obvious his mom enjoys his touchy-feely attitude With stuff like that, it's important to make sure the target is comfortable with it!
They're still not doing normal OP stuff yet Though this is the closest we've gotten so far, with a credits roll and song
Also DAMN these are some gorgeous backdrops
It's making me miss the green and warm seasons ;_;
Pretty atypical bullies Act all "we're too cool for this" once they start losing
He really used his water magic to the fullest there
Being able to make warm water for cleaning is really the highlight of water magic
he's blow drying this is cute
lol ear wiggle
Ear wiggles!
Eh, yeah This is the kind of thing that he's got an advantage of being an adult in a boy's body His dad is being unreasonable, not listening to his side of the story
It's definitely a bit much But his dad was undeniably in the wrong there
dang.... this doesn't feel like a good moment...
Well a parent can't always make the right choice There'll always be times when they don't act like good parents
The hoodie-esque jacket she's got is hella cute
dang i wish someone would look at me like that
Maybe in your next life you'll have similar success
if i get hit by a truck, i think i'd prefer to be reborn as a medium-sized dog in an upper-middle class family they just sit around all day that sounds nice
The animation is absolutely gorgeous at times in this show That first episode was particularly stunning, but they also consistently roll it out for stuff since then too.
The meido knows!
i knew it i knew it
I was kind of under the impression Rudy was past the point where anime freely shows kiddie dicks Guess not.
I think he's actually going to get in trouble for this one
>>912820 This is definitely a reasonable time for him to get in trouble, yeah
>>912818 I get the feeling Sylph looks more androgynous than we see Especially if she's around the same age as Rudy, kids all kinda look the same body-wise around that time
Looks like he's getting a bit more physically capable too
i like this show paul is great
Paul is a good dad He's not a perfect dad, but he's a good dad.
Paul kinda realizing a bit too late he's talking his son through puberty-esque things when his son is like, seven years old tops
And that's even an optimistic estimation on my part since Roxy graduated him when he turned five years old. Since then it's been an unspecified amount of time that could be one year, could be one season So he's probably more in the range of 5.5-6 years old
i just tried to check and got way more info than i wanted he was 5 or 6
Oh the other way around yeah His son is like way more developed than eh should be at 7 tho
>>912831 Yeah this series goes on for a long time through Rudy's life I think in the most recent LNs he's a young adult He looks pretty handsome too Not as buff as his dad but he gets some of the effeminate charm of his mom
big spoiler this anime might go on for a very long time...
>>912837 Eh, while I'd like that, I doubt it will. At least they'll have to break it up There's no way they can keep up this level of quality for more than a season or two
Ready for Jujutsu
egg is tomorrow right? can we do NNB with egg? i can likely stay up later tomorrow night than tonight yayyyy arigatou
This guy is really special I'm glad they're getting along well though
This whole fantasy of his is pretty ridiculous though All it took was the right answer from Itadori and he imagined they'd known each other their entire life
Oh yeah she had the power of GUN Blue-hair's a sword user too it looks like Good choice
And then there's ... literally just a robot
I guess he made a powerful ally in muscle dude though
Muscle-dude fights kinda of similarly to Itadori He's strong enough and a good enough fighter that he doesn't really have to rely on his cursed power too much for fighting
He's just going ahead and declaring him and Itadori best friends now What a guy
I like the visuals for this ED a lot The way they make the animation and pseudo-camera work look like a shaky smartphone camera is very well done
>>912861 Muscle types are usually pretty fun Itadori's kind of a muscle type himself too Especially when they're around people that can use technical abilities and magic and whatnot
Kinda like what Black Clover was setting up before it kinda lost sight of itself
You know Neverland never really was all that great a place for kids to aspire to go to The Disney adaptation really dulled the edges on some of the darker and more grim aspects of it
Disney did that with most of their fairy tales, really
Oh the rabbit in the OP kinda bears more significance now At least if I remember correctly that's what Emma successfully hunted last episode
>>912867 Fair, but what I always remember from Peter Pan was how Peter would routinely go kill off the boys that were getting too old so that the gang would continue to "never grow old"
I wonder how long it'll be until we see Norman again There's no way he's actually gone for good
I'd like to go west some time some day Go see the redwood forests on the west coast These big-ass trees aren't redwoods, but these days they're probably the only trees you can find that are as huge as these ones I'd love to wander a forest that absolutely dwarfs me.
Oh the guy demon isn't as nice as he was making out to be He just doesn't want farmed humans, he wants to eat them free-range
At least the girl demon seems to not really agree with him though.
And he did take the time to teach Emma how to hunt and take life to survive
I don't quite think he's bad, really. Demons are just a natural predator of humans. If anything he's being ethical about his hunting practices.
Quite the spacious bunker The fact that there wasn't anyone to greet them or usher them inside makes me feel it's abandoned though Or worse, full of dead people.
Yeah, looks more like it's a safehouse rather than a settlement/home A -really- well-equipped bunker though
I doubt a piano would be still tuned to sound like that! The bunker doesn't seem like it's gone too long without inhabitants, but a piano still needs regular care to not wind up out of tune
Guess maybe they're planning on staying in the bunker long-term That might get a bit tiresome before long though They can't have too many kids running around outdoors after all, since it'll risk tipping off the demons But staying in an underground bunker for extended periods of time will probably drain on people's sanity
The designs for the second group are so out there I mean the first group is kinda out there but the second group is WAY out there
I really like Howan and Delmin from the second group But I definitely have a soft spot for Howan's shrine maiden-y inspired outfit The wolfgirl's design doesn't really feel out there though She's honestly more standard than some of the girls from Plasmagica.
>Oishii for your life
I was under the impression they were from a city that wasn't particularly small But they're running around MIDI City like a bunch of country hicks I mean Howan at least is totally a country hick But the others should be used to big cities!
I'm pretty sure this is one of Plasmagica's classic songs from the first season or second. It's been a while since I had the chance to listen to their music but something in it is ringing familiar.