I know I do say I've got a bit of wiggle room these days for running late but I really can't do start-at-01:00-late I'm sure it's kind of a tight schedule for you too as far as sleep goes
Beastars Dr. Stone Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Hataraku Saibou Black Episode 4-5 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hortensia Saga Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Kai Byoui Ramune Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Episode 1-2 Show By Rock!! Stars!! SK8 the Infinity Episode 1-2 Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Yakusoku no Neverland Yuru Camp
For a former gymnast this pink-haired girl sure adapted to a combat role quickly I get that gymnastics makes you flexible but it doesn't train you for fighting
Yeah but this was never about restraining or incapacitating her It was giving the travelling squad enough time to make distance that tracking them wouldn't be feasible But might be that they didn't have enough time to get away.
Did he dust her down with something UV sensitive when he held her down? Yeah looks like it Useful for tracking someone like her
Kind of a blunder on her part The moment she suspected they had a communicator she should've gone to trash the actual box, not the antenna Antenna are cheap and easy to replace, albeit probably harder without being able to return to the village and its metal industries
Tsukasa's just been stockpiling people to revive when given the chance He could at least give them a bit more respect than piling them up out in the open
Senku probably would've been pretty pissed about it I mean sure lopping off hands or feet doesn't stop them from being revived, so it doesn't fly in the face of his goal of reviving everyone But it's kind of a blemish on what would otherwise be a smooth plan
Guy definitely seems to have supernatural hearing Though to be fair at least with Magma smashing that stone If you whack stone on stone hard enough it makes for a pretty loud noise And in this world there probably isn't much ambient noise around So a ringing noise like that would probably travel quite well out in the open
Might be I was wrong about this having advance release episodes and that getting two episodes of it last weekend was a special release or something That or it'll still just end two weeks earlier than everything else
She got strangled a little bit but maybe she's oaky
Nah she's totally dead
This platelet leader doesn't seem to have as good a hold over her squad as the one in normal Hataraku Probably since this one is a fair bit tetchy
Gonorrhea is the kind of STD I don't think your body can do a very good job of fighting off just by itself The person that this is the body of probably needs some external help.
>He shouldn't be having sex when his resistance is so low Yeah but when did that ever stop anyone
Everyone's in a constant state of stress and despair Just goes to show how if the people at the head of something are not performing properly, it bleeds all the way down The guy this is the body of is constantly in a state of stress and other poor health factors, and it reflects in his cells
Good thing Japan has a pretty good healthcare system But with STDs, half the problem isn't even having healthcare options for the disease accessible It's also the infected person being able to bring themselves to seek treatment STDs are the kind of thing that's humiliating to have to be open about having after all.
i don't know how to feel about Kamisama
It's about what I was prepared to experience You can't forget what happened towards the end of Charlotte, after all.
You know I was kind of expecting the gonococci to be, I dunno, maybe a bit more penile in design But I guess these teethy snake tentacles also kind of remind me of the monsters from Muv-Luv
Oh hah hah these heads Turns out they were -they did look a bit like dicks
I think it's a neat touch how the things the body takes to help with infections or other body issues are always really high-tech The pods that got delivered from the vaccinations in normal Hataraku last episode looked the same way.
I mentioned it last episode with all the violence but after a somewhat subdued first half of the show, this second half has started off with a bang I mean there was violence in the first half of the show but they kinda played it off or had it be implicit But last episode we had heads rolling and heads visibly being dented in And now we've gotten several nice long shots of Rika's guts splayed out in the open
To be fair as soon as she broke the curse the first time around she did just fuck right out of Hinamizawa and enrolled in a private school
I wonder if this is just virus-crazed Satoko saying crazy things that just happen to be correct Or if she somehow remembers Rika leaving
Well she's definitely crazy anyway, it's obvious she's terminal But is that coming from actual fact she knows or just somehow nailing a bullseye on assuming she does
Okay that also answers the other thing I was wondering It looks like she woke up in this fragment and Satoko had already opened up her insides
This has been going on for HALF THE ENTIRE EPISODE
well i'm caught up on kamisama if you guys wanna watch that uhhh saturday or sunday or whenever just msg me on discord tilders
Sunday would probably be the earliest, but there's also a lot of high-priority shows that air over the weekend
yeah don't sweat it i can kinda see why you guys haven't finished it now just know i'm on 11-12 now for whenever it gets watched
I'll be a little disappointed if the moral of this whole long plot arc is just "Rika shouldn't leave Hinamizawa" Because that kinda stings of Stockholm Syndrome
Looks like this plot arc ended up being a bit of a fanservice arc in the end Though in fairness you could take the rest of the arc as a bit of fanservice in a sense as well
Definitely But I get the feeling they'll leave us on that ominous feeling And the -real- shoe will drop next episode.
>One where I don't have to roll the dice of fate See but that's not winning or losing the game That's outright just not playing it!
Aaaaaaaahh Takano Miyoooooooo She's kind of been irrelevant this whole series So maybe it's finally time she stepped back into the limelight
If this was a "normal" fragment world, this would be a point where Takano abducts Rika and kills her to trigger the entire village going terminal But maybe things will be different since the whole deal with these new fragments has been that everything's been doing off the rails.
this episode was crazy next episode is gonna be crazy too
I wonder if Takano's been looping too Like you said when the notion of another person stuck in the loop came up earlier, she is kind of the most rational assumption for someone like that Though I still think it would have to be only in these weird new loops that it's happened, since we didn't see any hint of a looping Takano in the original Higurashi arcs.
My expectation is that Takano's either going to abduct and kill Rika during this conversation, or Rika's gonna intimidate or talk no jutsu her way into subduing Takano and this arc is going to continue to be weird. I'm still hesitant to believe Takano is remembering past fragments.
i think it's either K1 or takano but they didn't really do anything with K1 in this really important episode
okay lets start
Nah Keiichi totally doesn't remember No more than he usually does of just hints or weird dream memories
My dark horse theory when it first came up was Satoko for various reasons, and then at the top of this episode it -really- felt like that theory could be true But either she's pretending she isn't in this fragment, since Rika seems happy and uninterested in leaving Hinamizawa, or she just managed to hit a bullseye with her crazytalk earlier when she assumed Rika wants to leave Hinamizawa.
So if there really is another looper, it looks like it's the most sensible, but also kind of boring, choice of Takano.
Looks like more Rin/Nadeshiko pair action this episode
Man imagine being able to stay anywhere overnight for less than 500yen Even if it's a campsite. All you need is your own gear and it's super cheap Though probably more of a pain in the winter Japan's far enough north that the seaside is going to be COLD
The bath visit was probably more expensive than her actual campsite
Nadeshiko's onee-chan still god-tier as usual
Eel is really tasty Rin's right though it's a pricey dish
Though I definitely wasn't expecting it to be 4000yen-pricey though hah hah
Would be a lot of fun Touring Japan trying cuisine would be an absolutely amazing thing to do Maybe once my Japanese gets a bit more competent I'll think about doing something like that.
New girl seems pretty chill Wearing a toque inside is intense though I could never do something like that unless it was like colder than 5C inside
>Eating outside is the best part of camping That's probably true It's not like depriving yourself of the comforts of indoor life like good bathrooms and beds makes for a great experience But there's definitely a charm to cooking and eating outdoors
Oh I definitely know that feeling After sleeping on a pull-out couch for months I finally got to move to a proper bed last weekend And it's been an absolute blessing
I'd like a coat like Nadeshiko's I like long coats like that Maybe without the faux fur around the neck.