Probably Idoly Pride Or Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Tenchi Souzou Design-bu is kind of in that corner but I remember you didn't find it particularly suitable to ending on
bangbang you guys have had kami-sama unfinished for a while did it go sour?
or were you waiting for bang dearest to catch up
Neither really There's just a lot of stuff to watch, and usually there's other things to fill its vibe niche
Yeah, she is kinda like her big hairbands like that look nice, but only work on anime
I'd kinda expect the doll to have programming to refer to "users" as -sama But it just uses no honorifics
This girl's backstory is probably an embodiment of the exploitative idol industry though If you surround a kid with shiny things and luxuries it's probably pretty easy to lead them along to doing problematic things for a little girl to be doing Like showing your topless body to photographers at like age thirteen.
I think it would probably be a lot to go to every performance of a stage run And it's not like individual performances are thaaaat different Aside from actual mistakes in the plays.
That Eins dude getting a duke appointment and then deciding on his own to form his own government is kind of sleazy But it also does look like he might be playing something with Shiroe
tone was very different between episodes 1 and 2 im wondering what they mean to do with this show
It'll probably keep toeing the line of girls being girls and action This setting is fairly post-apocalyptic so it's inevitable that there's gonna be an undercurrent of survival drama too.
What's been surprising to me is there hasn't been much focus put on the various equipment pieces the girls use. This is a mobage adaptation so I expected they'd highlight the equipment
I guess it being mobage explains the weird tone shifts too
The MC is really incompetent hah hah I mean she did only just start doing stuff like this maybe a couple days ago And this is probably like her second actual fight But still.
It's a sensible analysis too Missile silos are probably weak spots in an armored shell like that giant robot If you can reliably hit a small hole like that
She's a tummy on top of being new. dummy usually girls from another world are super good at this kinda thing.
This guy wants to be an armored boy But that job's only for girls in this world!
>>911788 The gist I've been getting is the other girls are all also people that have been isekai'd into this world too So that does check out, for the most part It's just the MC is particularly dame dame
That's it for him a mook can't get a wound like that and survive
He kinda wanted to die anyway
Their commander though kinda acts unnecessarily cold about stuff like that though Like she could've explained his death in a somewhat more empathetic and understandable way to the other girls
Really this series is a cautionary tale in the dangers of outsourcing If you want a job done well, you've got to do it yourself!
>I guess the insect department will be full of insects
Looks like this pink girl handles some of the more macabre animals Things like poisonous frogs are a fairly strange creature
And this parasite she's describing is positively horrifying It reminds me of that fungi that gets into insects' brains and zombifies them to get them to climb to high points, where the fungi sprouts from their bodies to spread its spores
TWO (2) penises
There really are some outright absurd animals out there in the natural world though
Yeah when she started talking about the offspring eating its mother's poop and eating only a single kind of poisonous plant I figured she was talking about koalas.
That was the other thing I was wondering if they'd arrive at As far as unicorn-y animals go, the narwhal is probably the closest in existence to that kind of fantasy horn
idoly pride yeah we'll have to see what they plan to do with this one okay lets start
This one had a pretty big hook in the first episode I hope the ghost idol doesn't get overshadowed too much by the living ones She was pretty cute
Oh it's the ghost's imouto
The MC doesn't do a very good job keeping being haunted by a ghost very well He probably comes off kind of weird to other people, reacting to something that's not actually there.
The imouto is really a bit too stubborn about following in her sister's footsteps She's probably going to be a bit of a bitch to the other girls at first Since they'd be getting in her way of being a solo artist.
>>911827 Yeah that's a really weird thing to happen to someone
Sounds like that other new idol is more the spirit of her onee-chan than she is They both kinda just got snakebit by the idea of being an idol and jumped in the deep end Where the imouto's been trying to follow her footsteps for years.
He's become a pretty respectable manager Though I guess it's been like four or five years since he started That's enough time to get decently skilled at anything if you try hard
I wonder how many aspiring idol managers there are out there
I guess there could be quite a few Especially with all the IM@S games out there I could see kids growing up playing games like that getting a bug for being an idol manager.
Poor guy got thrown out of his own house to live in a shed