bizarre >Bucatini is spaghetti but thicker and with a hole in it, meaning it absorbs 200 percent more sauce than its thinner, hole-free brethren, due to math. When asked via email for comment on bucatini’s allure, New York City pasta magnate Frank Prisinzano simply told me, “Lol it’s spaghetti with a hole in it. Who doesn’t like that?” In 2018, Bon Appétit deemed it the “best long pasta,” citing its powerful sauce-absorption capabilities and its general slurpiness. Bucatini Head Dan put it thusly: “There’s something about the hole. It feels more luxurious.”
i break my spaghetts in half to make it easier to cook does being long change anything
>>906323 uh i dunno what's out this season an anime movie if anything is coming out maybe ive been checked out so i dunno
hmm promare maybe? I haven't seen it but I think it came out this year
Promare was last year Her Blue Sky came out on hard copy early this year I believe And the Kimetsu no Yaiba movie should leave theatres eventually ... once it stops printing money at least
oh yeah mugen train would be cool assuming you've seen/read KnY
i think there's been a couple lupin movies in the past two years and yeah i saw kny
oh yeah did you catch dorohedoro rook
Drrr looked interesting in
>>906329 I finished reading it earlier this year but I haven't seen the anime good stuff thanks for recommending it years ago
hows about one of those then dorohedoro anime or lupin III: The First and/or Fujiko Mine (2019)
oh or mugen train if it's out it sounded like it wasn't
I think it's in theaters in japan still, probably no subs yet the fujiko movie would be cool, I liked the jigen and goemon ones a lot
yeah i did too, that was really fun maybe some others will join us for it
i saw the mugen train movie :) yeah its still in theatres
man i think i fucked up my Genshin account i got the world level way up and now I'm too weak to kill some of the bosses so i can't lvl the party to catch up
ahh god my headphones disconnected right as my genshin character was taking a hit and she let out this weird moan right as my dad was knocking on my door trying to say something to me
Not sure if anyone here is current with Chris-chan drama but he just announced that reality is merging with all fictional universes and he's been talking about this for years now. >>>/@CPU_CWCSonichu/1344006709606555648
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn i just won seven chess games in a row braggable?
poggers one might say
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my rank is still around 1000 so uh maybe i'm thinkin more clearly today
i managed to get to the big 1200 by learning the secret path to making people forfeit at low ranks which is take their queen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol poggers my rapid rating is 1200 actually but i think i haven't played that in forever so who knows now probably lower cuz im rusty
i havent touched rapid in forever i want to get into lower blitz times but im mostly playing 5+0 right now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i been playin 5+3 today
ok i got my shot theyre maiing me wait 15 minutes yawnnnn booring
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Congratulations! Welcome to the fold. Your re education seminars will commence shortly.
i am now sterile abd bill gates has me microchipped
>>906502 idk i havent made any alts this xpac at all i ignore the maw on my main and everything
>>906503 im on my 4th alt now got Demon Hunter to 60 first and that was a fuckin mistake they're actually hot garbage wtf man then DK and hunter to 60 because they're extremely broken now monk so i have a healer
>>906504 the trick to DH is that you can only play the tank spec it's the only one that matters
>>906506 the tank spec feels weak as shit to me too compared to blood DK which is basically immortal in M+ maybe its better for raiding
>>906507 fuck idk my guild's MT is a veng DH and he shits all over the prot pally
it does a ton of dps for a tank though thats for sure
>>906517 my sister wants to dps M+ and nobody else we know plays healer! i have no choice
Don't listen to PAN Jan he's just jealous he doesn't have your flexibility and ability to adapt to whatever role's neccessary
Pan is a man who knows what he wants and he wants to mash buttons and pray to RNJesus
I merely just want to get my groups filled and be able to do content fast
>>906457 Yeah but you can't have more than $2000 in the bank whenever your check comes in. Also all of the money I get goes towards my health insurance.
Stocks count against that limit and so do bonds We had to liquidate the bonds my grandparents got me and put them in a trust that can only be used for education and medical expenses, wwe also put most of my savings in there because it doesn't count against the limit
thanks judging by her condition when they picked her up, i really don't think she's going to make it this time i don't know i certainly hope it's okay
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
That's real rough. I hope it's okay too.
depends if they get her into surgery quickly i hope the hospital's not clogged up with covid patients and moving slowly and if it's okay i hope she doesn't get sick while there, which seems like something that could happen
Somehow my bagel order got messed up at some point and ended up with herb butter rather than normal butter Which isn't that bad, a bit weird since it was a cinnamon raisin bagel in the first place, but more than anything I'm just confused how it happened. I wrote out "cinnamon raisin bagel, toasted w/ butter" and I don't know how that got misinterpreted into herb butter.
dang the gym wifi blocked a site i browsed in between sets now moes like the only thing i got and no one even posts here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tryna sell some TSLA shares after hours for 694.20
is it working u dont use robin hood do you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea the sale closed after about 30 seconds
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>906608 i do use that for meme stocks i also have a real broker for more responsible things
nice my stock crashed so u know i bought some more shares
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats ur stock
some chinese car sales stock #uxin dont look at it its literally a scam pump and dump stock
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea i don't touch tickers from china
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think i got NIO puts at one point that's as close as i got
yeah they have like confirmed fake EPS reports LOL my stock >>906615 i had nio on follow lol my friend at my last unit was buying them and i looked into them i was like i dunno man...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wish i could induce amnesia without getting hakmered or a bad hangover then i could leave surprises for myself it's the future of parasocial relationships
how about u take like 500mg of diphenhydramine youll sleep for like 24 hours next thing u know u have a surprise
>you increase your free days by 50% by cutting your work days by 20%. It's not a symmetric exchange. I did the same over the summer (just by using my excess vacation days) and it was a revelation. Highly recommend
man if i ever start a company someday 4 day workweek permanently
I'd love to work somewhere that does four day workweek Not like I ever do a full five days of work in the first place
u can either get 4 day work weeks OR 5 half day work weeks (same pay) (same pay as the 4 day work week that is) what do u choose
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
4 day for me goin in for a half day is not that much better than going in for the full, for me at least
I guess I'd be happy with either I just need more time to my own agency rather than being stuck somewhere I'm unable to act on it.
>>906622 My dad's amazon warehouse job is five days a wekk. Err 4 But they're 10 hour days.
i dont really like billie eilish music sorry i guess ive only heard 2 songs by her so maybe my opinion isnt fair
and she just was played on tv for the hjimmy fallon daily show or whatever
some 4 star general and his wife saying sry u cant go home for the holidays ur part of our military family tho :) yeah fr•ck off let me leave
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably for the best to not travel right now
umm no i saw the japan corona zones whetr i was going was a 0.00 - 2.00 thats the lowest corona rating i wouldve been fine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
where would you go? tokyo?
saitama :)
i can post the map when i fet back to my room i gotta log in with my government cert to see it its probably all red now tho cuz we had like 5 cases lol
Was kind of an informal question but it looks like my seasonal contract at this job will get extended into a full-time position, which, well , isn't the most exciting for me since I'm not terribly fond of the work. But it does mean income is secure for the foreseeable future.
More than anything it makes me far less uneasy about putting down a decent amount of money on PC parts I was looking at, since I now know I can earn it back
They also really, really need hands in the warehouse at the moment and as tardy as I might be in the mornings it's probably way more economical and a safe bet to keep me on board than hire and train a new person who might not even be as competent as me anyway.
In my defense it's really hard for me to get to sleep and I often wake up in the mornings with little more than a couple hours of sleep. I don't want to be tardy and show up ten minutes late to work but I also am working with like 20% brain power at that point in the day. I try to make up for it by working hard once I'm on shift but I still get critiqued for it.
I'm not going yo *to be around for the quads (probably) but could someone make sure that the fin doesn't get them?
>>906649 Is there some kind of protocol if you're late? Do you have to ring in or something?
>>906651 HHe has to do fifty push-ups in front of his supervisor.
>>906651 Yeah we use a digital online clock-in service. If I'm late my manager can see how late I am, and since I get paid by the literal minute I work (probably more like literal fifteen minute, but I digress), if I'm late, I lose money. Which I feel is totally fine and aside from being told to not be late that's the only ... undeserved? downside there is to me being late. Like the warehouse doesn't operate at such a fine level of efficiency that me being fifteen or even twenty minutes late is really going to upset anything. I accept that if I'm late I don't get paid for the minutes I'm not there. So by the rational account, there isn't really a "problem" with me being late, it's just bad optics for me personally and my manager is kind of a neurotic person who is bothered by it.
>>906750 you're trapped out on the island or something aren't you?
Any of you ever play any of the Shantae games?
>>906752 yeah i had plans but they cancelled on me like last minute and i couldnt find anyone to bum other plans off of so ill be alone... >>906751 u can do both tho >>906753 i played shantae the half genie hero
>>906754 What'd you think? Did you play s *any of the alternate modes?
no i played riskys revenge for a very short time too
what other people do doesnt bother me im usually in the zone cause of my preworkout my gym started counting how many people come in tho and theres a limit of like 50 people wtf so if i go at a time where people decide to show up then that means i wont be able to go !!!
>>906779 wow what kind of preworkout do you use to drown out all the bull shit
not really sorry i use beyond raw lit preworkout gummy worm flavour and hmb and creatine and iw as taking l-citrilline and l-arginine but they ran out >>906789 god f*ts so bad
>>906778 There's quite a mismatch between your image and that song. >>906788 idk what you mean. It's a quality source of scientific information for top performing athletes.
I forgot today was the last day they let you take out 10k from your super nvm though I don't even think I even qualified maybe they'll let you do it again next finnancial year or who knows I might even be alive to use that stuff
>>906813 I should have taken it out and invested in crazy stock options at least I would use it
yeah thats what im gonna do in 2 years take out my entire IRA and then do a YOLO stock and either i make it big or i k*ll my are self either way a win win
yeah i dont even bother clicking links anymore cause its got like 3 pop ups USE OUR PHONE APP!!!! and nsfw u cant even look at without the phone app lol sh*t site
yeah i did another contract cuz theyd send me to japan if i did so now im in japan
oh shit based as fuck since when are you in nippon? and you're on that island I presume? forgot the name
ya okinawa been a lil over a year since september last year i had a couple missions so i havent been able to do personal travel tyet tho that and coronus
ah we couldn't have met then I left Japan in september last year surprising you're doing missions invading china?
basically im attached to the special forces unit here and i did some dumb stuff like be a dudes escort in hawaii for a month while he got a surgery which actually ended up being a 1 day surgery and we partied for a month
I didn't know you'd have to do sexwork in the army sounds sick though friend of mine joined the dutch army recently and just finished basic training he'll likely be an officer for the attilery unit
yeah i got line dont think i got kik anymore i only had kik when i used tinder i can just post it here i dont really care either way 6308354336 is the number i got a jap number too now tho im so cool
you wanna send your number on steam or something?
although titty pics are maybe dame, I'm a married man now
no way does she like anime tits too?
only the anime part
has she seen lain this will be the judging criteria for me
we didn't even watch lain I remember we fell asleep
>>906886 wow really nice six years to upload an image I hate this phone
>>906890 yeah i was gonna make fun of her if she did
im super buff now tho basically all i do is go to the gym
>>906891 your internet is probably shit mate >>906893 I gained a little weight since we last saw each other :( also can't find that number through whatsapp
do u need the +1? +1(630)8354336
u still doing science stuff last time we talked i think u were doing pharmacuticals or something
can't find shit, will try again later going for a walk soon I was doing chemical engineering, but graduated this month (master's) going to start working after the weekend
dang nice i just graduated this month too :) accounting and finance yawn boring
yeah you get your salary then u have to "apply" for army to pay for school but really its 100% to get accepted then i applied for financial aid through the school and they gave me money for it
>>906903 why aren't you using your new phone then bro >>906905 well fuck man that's nice my friend is also raking in cash gets a salary and training bonus on top of it and has basically no expenses soon I'll be cucked by rent and other shit
i was in italy last year i was gonna be all like heh check this out kiddo to u but i didnt the end >>906908 LOL
i dunno maybe send me yours i looked at the settings on whatsapp and it says thats right samurai has me added so it cant be the wrong country or something i dunno
>>906908 I have always fallen asleep watching lain >>906906 idk it's like they tried to fill it with useless features so it's slow at times might as well have got another indian/chinese no name brand phone
>>906924 I like her and the weird mascot thing >>906926 yeah he's a nice enough guy but he can be quite annoying but also I can be quite precious so who knows >>906930 what's a game nah I cbf to play
i dunno she distracts them with the bunny and i do damage easy peasy game
plus when shes walking in front of u u can see her phat pocket butt
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>906927 lol do you even play the game? you just hoard images
>>906939 The real kicker: the ping is garbage anyway even though that's the reason i picked asia it's still like 300
yeah my pings pretty bad too i thought it was just me being bad at the game but after a couple of those mona event raid things i was like uhh nope cant be me
you'll get used to it last year people were shooting fireworks and i lost my mind it's was 1am i was trying to sleep so i went outside with a loudspeaker and told them to stop
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>906950 wow now that's some REAL grumpy old man shit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>906951 it was a moment of weakness but even so... i gave in to the old
did y'all see tsukihime remake got announced again with release in summer 2021
yeah didnt see release tho lol i just seent people upset aboiut her skirt
Got invited to drinking on the store premises after work with some of the co-workers hah hah Though I only had like a shot of whisky since I've had literally nothing to eat in almost thirteen hours. It was fun. I really don't care for the job but the co-workers there are definitely the highlight. After hours like that they all gathr 'round to bitch about our manager.
What do you do for work?
Warehousing for a store that deals in audio/visual equipment, along with stuff for professional photography and printing. I'm basically just down in a basement all day opening the boxes of new product that gets delivered to the store and putting the product on shelves. It's usually not awful work, but it's not satisfying or rewarding and I really only can do it full time or not at all, so I'm doing it full-time
yeah i have sex so what
As long as the coworkers are nice it helps. Not everyone can do what they love >>907039 Virgin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
welp that's it for stonks 2020
did ya win, son?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm too scared to look at the overall numbers i lost a lot in march and over the year made a number of bad options plays but also took some steady gains
Gonna buy sme ETFs starting from my first paycheck myself Not going to fuck around with options or calls
>>907043' look at this *ujnzupsd d*ck* my ira is so strong tho lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>907044 *this is not financial advice there are some good shroom stonks in Canada too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>907045 oo yea i haven't opened an IRA or 401k or anything crazy like that i have a canadian equivalent
Wonder what I'll watch next season Heard there was another yuri show airing, but other than that no cue What are you watching /moo/
Yuru Camp is getting a season two Along with a new season of Non Non Byori It's a bit tough to know ahead of time what I'll be watching since it depends on what gets to air first and whether it's engaging enough to keep Rika and I entertained.
Tons of sequels indeed Forgot about re:zero too You only watch gay anime with rikka?
only like 2 fags watch anime with rika 1 watches like all animes and another watches a coupe
this one time i dtried to talk about a anime they were watching adnd they told me to shut up very rudely for no reason like wtf
Wow rude Ura Sekai Picnic looks yuri what do you think Maybe we can watch it with rikka
>>907074 We watch mostly anything goes Which is kinda why it depends on what airs first. There's only so much we can watch in one season so if something takes too long to start airing, we're usually too busy to pick it up.
this guy i used to work with messaged me out of the blue not sure if he's looking to REKINDDLE a LOST FRIENDSHIP or if he thinks i can do something for him
>>907088 awh nothing yet. he just sent a text asking how i am and we did actually used to be pretty close at one point. We'd go to the gym together.
I just wonder It's a bit of a CULTURAL DIFFERENCE I've noticed with people whose family are originally from India even if they've been in Australia for a long time
it's like Over there things are much more dependent on a system and network of contacts and favours Who you know makes such a massive difference
Like my dad used to work for the government, right so a few times people have asked me if I can do anything for them about visas Even though like, it's not * wasn't* his department and even if it was, doing special visa favours for a friend would be seen as massively fraudulent and grounds for termination
But over there, that's kind of how it works. You know someone in government, they can get stuff done for you