I'm watching these OVAs because i thought there might be something in them about the story but I'm starting to think that I might just be watching porn
Yeah. Regular Ironman just can't trade. Hardcore Ironman is the permadeath one. I wouldn't play Hardcore, just because I'm always dying in dumb ways or lagging out or not paying attention. >>899966 I haven't really relied on anyone else directly, but being able to buy resources from the Grand Exchange is huge. Playing an Ironman really just means gathering everything yourself instead of dumping cash to claim the cheap goods harvested by bots and gold farmers
The worst part about playing an MMO is other people
agreed only reason I played FFXIV for so long was because it's so easy to ignore every single player especially as a tank or dps, just go push buttons, don't even have to communicate
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
sounds perfect
for most of the 5.0 dungeons they even added the option of having NPCs fill the roles in smaller dungeons instead of using the party finder a genius move
Do the NPCs do anything useful? How good is the AI
good enough to get you through but usually a real player will outperform them unless the player is EXTRA garbage you can give simple commands like telling them to move but otherwise they just do what they're supposed to they even respond to the boss mechanics properly
but if you use them instead of finding other players you can expect a dungeon to take like 10-15 minutes longer than it should
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
That still sounds preferable to having to interact
honestly in XIV you don't ever need to interact unless you're doing endgame content, most people you get paired with in dungeons are just trying to get through their dailies or level their class and they usually have run the dungeon enough that you don't need to clarify mechanics or strats but sometimes every once in a while you get a dumbass that spams the chat with cringy ass shit and if you're really unlucky you get someone that took the time to macro a bunch of annoying messages to their skills
Rook you should read this manga if you've got the free time it's cute. It's a shoujo about a gyaru who wants to cosplay and a boy she ropes into making all her outfits and how they're adorable dorks with each other. Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
>>900213 that show probably lends itself to live action better than most
Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking too when I saw it. All the girls are more or less hard normal in terms of character design too, so it's not like they look -that- unrealistic in live action.
Additionally the show is animated like ass aside from the once in a season scene where they blow the budget for the arc finishing attack This poor sod in particular seems to always be QUALITY whenever an action scene for him shows up.
It's got good OP and ED for the most part though I'll give it that.
finished my first disco elysium playthrough jfc what a game that ending... wow
>>900393 ill never understand "green naruto" deku is almost literally the opposite of naruto has parents, wasnt born with his destiny and all sorts of power handed to him, breaks all the bones in his own body to make his friends understand insteado // instead of trying to break all their bones to make them understand actually develops some as a character
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
le poplar shonen all same
he's green knuckles after he escaped the time prison
see this i can get behind
no wait shadow amazing I can look up time prison and get that
YouTube doesn't let you watch age restricted videos that are embedded anymore. I'm fucking pissed.
Well Not without logging in Which is what I'm irritated about.
Are you not always logged in to youtube?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
must be worried about the history tracking
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eh all the cameras outside track me so much that i don't even care about google developing a profile on me anymore there's no avoiding it why disadvantage myself if they're gonna track me either way
>>900477 Yeah that's pretty much how I feel about it for the most part. I might make things harder for them but I'm never going to outright stop them from tracking my information.
I mean I'm still a pretty reticent person online but that's more my anti-social nature rather than a paranoia of data tracking.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you carry around something other than a burner phone everyone has a profile on you too there's no escaping it if you intend to even partially participate in society anymore sign of the times
wake up in the morning feel like Garfield
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Galarfield Region
>>900475 No >>900476 Yeah basically I know it doesn't really matter that much but I want tto make them have to work to get my data. >>900486 Yeah but google still has it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you can always clear your history of things you run into you don't want
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I use gmail
Damn This CD is good >>900487 Same Really I'm just being stubborn because I'm autistic. I understand that a lot of my behavior isn't rational.
Man I just had a huge burrito. Even though it was that restaurant's medium.
i would run my own email server but i feel like the chances of my fucking up my email server vs the chances of google arbitrarily banning my gmail accounts is pretty good
>>900500 I got two kaleidos trying to get one copy of Yu
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the senpai one
lol owned
>>900522 did you see that one of the idols was designed
by pochi goya dammit answers probably yes anyway
I knew you were going to say it! Pochi is love Pochi is life I can recognize her style a mile away.
Pochi's already on good terms with Iofi and Fubuki so I wasn't terribly surprised to see her do a character design for a new girl but it's still always a delight to see her get more recognition.
pochi mommy
Pochi's onee-chans are better than her moms
umm did u see the hit anime do u love ur mom and her multi target two hit super strong attack
Her onee-chans are still better than her moms
oh ok
I look forward to the anime adaptation of Anenarumono so more people can understand the arcane charms of Chiyo.
Funnily enough Twitch subs are only 4.99 for me Though it won't tell me if that's in USD or CAD, but I assume USD So I just have to pay the standard rate it's currently converting at I bet. Sure sucks to be Australian
>>900616 It's consistently a really crazy show Always manages to keep pushing the letter further and further with the risks and gambits she needs to take.
Deshou? I need them for my doan training. The bowls are used to signal things so everything is kept on track with our meditation or our service. Of course, bells are used too. Mostly bells are used, except for in a few chants we use in our service.
>>900617 gonna start selling DIY 5G blocker kits justa bunch of metal mesh and staples to cover your house
a problem with using Mal is that you just end up trapped in a loop if you go to 'shows similar to this' they all just recommend each other the same ten or so
the first mission in xcom2 on legendary is fucking absurd I'm not even sure it can be done without losing someone, barring an inhuman amount of luck
The grocery store had some frozen mochi in a variety of flavours. I went for strawberry since that's one of the, like, staple mochi combinations But they also had salted caramel, which might be nice. I'm gonna try the strawberry today and check out the caramel later.
Also after like four or five days of having broken sound in one headphone it's working again? I mean I'm sure I'll jostle my head ever so slightly in like ten minutes and it'll cut out again but it's weird.
One Piece is going to hit its thousandth chapter first week of January It's a real crazy milestone. Amazing Oda's lived to see it happen.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn hope you didnt just jix it
i cant wait for chapter 1000
1001 it finally ends
everyone thinking no way one piece can end by 1001, wano is only in act 3 and its modeled on a 5 act structure but then luffy just fucking dies and it ends
>>900835 Another morning in this strange world. What are we going to do today?
>>900831 Honestly surprised there hasn't been a gacha that does this yet Like massively lower the odds of getting good units but have them all at risk of permadeath But then also have revival options as mega-grinds or microtransactions
>>900837 it would probably piss off the userbase a lil too much the current strat where they say "ooh you almost earned all this loot pay more to keep it!" is kinda the same thing but less emotionally taxing
Went for a coffee run and one of the houses along theb -the way had a paper bag out front with a whole bunch of bone parts in it, and a sign saying they were free treats for any dog that came past. I've definitely noticed quite a few dogs out and about along that stretch of road so I bet that little giftbag will make a few very happy dogs. Which is real sweet of them.
I've been asked to consult on a really difficult case someone I know has It's a really fascinating case
All of the diagnoses that fit most of her behavior is directly contradicted by the parts that don't fit The child is 7 years old so it really shouldn't be that complicated but it's so complex! But there isn't abuse, trauma, or anything so it's hard to explain the behavior. She acts without remorse, hurts her parents, bullies other kids, etc. But she also is a diligent student who does well on assignments and focuses well on them. I even ran some tests but I'm still pretty stumped. It's kind of exciting, I haven't been stumped on a case conceptualization in years, especially for a kid.
>>900846 Is it normal for kids that might have sociopathic tendencies to not do well in school? Or do the tests indicate it's probably not in that area in the first place
>>900850 What we usually call sociopathic tendencies are usually just authority problems (in children at least) so kids with those problems don't do well in school because they won't submit to the authority of a teacher. Kids aren't usually able to selectively choose where they'll behave and where they won't. This kid is pretty manipulative, though, more manipulative than a kid this age should be, especially without exposure to television or manipulative adults.
>>900852 I am vaguely reminded of that tweet some woman wrote about her husband reading Machiavelli's the prince to their infant child.
wtf theyre asing if u want the covid vaccine and that they might be hete this month
I believe Canada secured a limited supply of vaccines that are going out exclusively to the most at risk in the next month or so, so I could believe the US Army might have a source too.
i told them i didnt want it now they want to talk to me lol
Maybe don't IRL shitpost to your administration about topics as sensitive as a pandemic
I like that they gave the Gaijin character a Naruto band
i dunno its an emergency order so i dont gotta get it we gotta wait for 70% to get it for herd immunity we dont even got 70% doses yet so therefore why should i get it you = owned
Finally have my mic and a headphone cable that isn't constantly going on the fritz on me I'm pretty sure the sound output from my mic is way better quality than my PC's headphones out too. How nice.
sociopathic tendies
if they had the vaccine in chinken tenders id think about taking it
>>900884 All these moments of having to respond only in his head (and on Twitter) to people who don't recognize him are finally paying off. To come up with a comeback like that on the spot is pretty good.
>>900888 Tons of buggy looking stuff, PS3 looking graphics, stuff like enemies not ragdolling and just becoming totally rigid when killed I saw a video of a guy jumping inside a building and suddenly it threw him like a km away into a grassy field also saw a video of them crashing their car into a cop car and just phasing through it
forgot to close post
>>900893 Clipping problems and collision physics are really hard to get perfect. Hell they're even hard to get accurate. And for a game with the scale of Cyberpunk I can't imagine the degree of finetooth combing they'd need to do to encounter ever case situation where the physics go AWOL on them. I think there's a pretty reliable chance of the game being cleaned up and supported by CD Projekt RED for a while though. Though it also seems obvious they were pushed very heavily to get the game out now, probably as close to the new generation of Playstation and Xbox, plus in time for the holidays, as possible.
its so hot....
Well maybe you need to CHILL OUT
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>900893 heheh i hope its the good kind of bad physics
>>900920 you what >>900919 i'm sure it's just a funny coincidence that the FFXIV servers come up after the latest major patch at that exact time!
damn i wish rika would dump my body am i right fellas
>>900921 why do they call final fantasy when there's 15 or so of those bitches when is the final final fantasy coming >>900922 I'd like to see my body ragdoll down a cliff sure
>>900924 There's more than 15 of them. There's probably like 30~. Also you know the answer.
It might be apocryphal but the story as I've heard it was that the first Final Fantasy was their last-ditch effort to make a game that would turn a profit for the studio. And then it was just -that- successful that it defined them. So they stuck with the name for their similar RPGs since.
>>900924 My dad had a friend who was a Foley artist. He would set up a bunch of microphones on a hillside and roll dead pigs down the hill tto get the audio used for "dead body rolling down a hill" scenes in tv shows and movies.
>>900933 it's okay >>900932 I want to see the nostalgia critic intro as I fade
>>900934 Foley artist seems like an interesting job that sounds cool
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i finished death stranding too bad i had already spoilt the ending would have been nice but still a good time
i ordered a NUC i wanna build a custom cooling case or something and also put some 7-segment LED displays on it with the eth stake diagnostics lots of work tho i wonder how to go about doing it
they got those led displays already so that parts easy but getting it to show custom text live text thats where u come in
>>900958 NNah Fuck LED displays Get Nixie tubes Waay more nerd cred
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i could get a arduino or whatever and plug it into the USB >>900960 so overkill
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.sphere.bc.ca/test/nixies.html 9 bucks a digit plus some driver chips and shit plus the electricity
itll cost less than putting up xmas lights
>>900962 That's a good deal Also Question Why did you get a nuc instead of a raspi?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>900964 i researched on reddit and the eth staker discor and some people said that rpi4 doesn't have enough headroom for dealing with unusual network conditions
the one that people by far mentioned the most in the eth staker discord
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in 2 years if stage 1 and 1.5 actually happens i bet the ARM Mac Mini will be a great staking box
Geeze, NUCs are expensive How much RAM does yurs have? Does it need an m.2 ssd?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>900970 i know right? they really perform like actual PCs tho apparently besides the GPU situation im gettin 16GB DDR4 and yea there's an m2 im using for the current stakin PC gonna transplant that in
stake it ib in
So is the only advantage of a nuc over your current staking pc lower power requirements and size?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that sounds about right small and efficient more to the point, once i get it setup i can play cyberpunk
>>900974 You gonna get a power backup for your router and nuc?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my dad got a UPS from work yeah
So what stats are you gonna have the leds display? Like what information would be useful?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lemme think current ethereum block height might be good it's a long number tho
most recent attestation uhh the length of time / lag it took to affirm
I was reading the bad webcomic wiki earlier. Its really funny but I hate that their random article button doesn't work properly. I haven't done extensive testing but it seems like the random article doesn't change very often. Like maybe once a day?
heres the number of users connected to moe 2 me and all my bita bots
I got up to make jello but I ended up making a quesadilla with too much cheese and a big glass of lemonade. And for the past hour or so I've been sitting up on a chair because if I had laid down immediately afterwards I would've gotten really bad reflux.
quesadilla with jello
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>900992 we can't let him keep getting away with this
I would make an appointment with my doctor about my reflux but he's gone until January.
cool if u take like 10 tabs of benadryl youll fall asleep but youll sleep for a whole day about
I took some I'm gonna take some more in a little but *Bit Although reflux is caused by the lid on tge esophagus opening up and letting the stomach contents flow into your throat. Sometimes I wake up with stomach acid coming out of my nose.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok well close the lid then.... idiot...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
help i stuffed 3 cocks down my throat but my esophagus still won't close!!
>>901032 she graduated from school so guess I can't say I live in the same country anymore >>901031 in movies? can't remember the last ejaculation I heard
I had one of those dreams that I woke up from real confused but I can't remember any of it except it was set in a movie theatre with all my old school mates
>the scientists studying why gamers invert their controls >Our article asking why so many players invert their controls provoked a fierce debate that has now caught the attention of researchers into visual perception >Inspired by the ensuing debate, she and colleague Dr Jaap Munneke have begun an exploratory study looking into the science behind controller inversion. With backgrounds in vision science and cognitive neuroscience, Corbett and Munneke have employed a variety of research methods, from neuro-imaging to computational modelling to psychophysics, in their previous work. Now, with the help of seven psychology students, they will be running remote behavioural and psychophysical experiments using volunteer gamers aged between 18 and 35. tis a silly paper
but also for me the inversion is also a kind of a logic/reason thing like I press the movement button/stick left the character moves/is pushed in that direction i imagine the camera kinda working the same way
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but like when you're holding a camera, if you pull down on the back, the image you see goes up thats how i see it
yeah that I was trying to somehow get to that but couldn t perceive how to write it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea it's a question of if your brain inserts an imaginary pivot or gimbal there
anyway i wonder if your brain can hold an imaginary butt
but I almost never do invert the x-asis I think I used to when I played more console/controller games but nowadays I just invert Y
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow doushio did not like some of my code changes eek >>901101 this should work after refreshing
also come to think of it it was 01h12m32s hmm I guess that is kinda lot to type if you wanted to do it manually
but then again, it still works
Oh shit the actor for Doc Oc from Raimi's Spiderman 2 is returning for the next Marvel Spider-Man movie
>>901112 They're also likely not collapsible, a pretty standard feature for portable Bluetooth headphones, meaning they'll be notably harder to transport than the Bluetooth headphones of the already-existing competitors, who are also coincidentally much cheaper.
okay time to list a directory with a billion files in it yeah that takes a while 122k files eh
u got any extra files i can have
i downloaded valorant cuz my coworkers invited me to play it and if you exit the launcher you have to restart before you can play it again lol like restart your conputer
That's a weird installer
ya i dont like it cuz i dont like to have things running in the background cuz my computer sucks
You know what they say Foreheads are better than one
>>901183 ddos them so hard they have to come out with 5chan
>>901183 I thought of a good CS problem. Finding the complexity of picking an optimal reaction image to use as a reply to a given 4chan post/tweet/whatever.
The "main" story might end with the tomboy winning, sure. But after her confession and happily ever after each of the girls got their own storyline where they got a similar number of chapters resolving their romantic plot. So really every girl is a winner in the series!
If you had a particular girl you liked Marsh it might be good to go check out the other routes in the manga. I don't know if they'll ever get animated and they're all pretty good if you like the girl.
I'd rank the show/story as mid tier. I don't have any problems with it, but I'm not particularly invested or attached to the characters. Which is also why i didn't mind hearing about the ending.
Well I'm just trying to correct your information. I think SC tends to sensationalize things a bit. Uruka might've just won because of a technicality. Or because she was the author's favourite. The actual ending is all the girls got their fair share.
>>>/watch?v=ML9h3I5Uktw This video looks like iit wawas made by someone who was so excited about digital editing and greenscren that he had a manic episode.
hahaha they went kuhrazy with it
I'm gonna ask my bipolar film editor friend if he agrees with my opinion.
Does that band have any other good songs?
probably I'm not well versed in their discography though they're just a sort of Australiana well, at least that song is
Had this video not been pulled from MTV because of complaints this band probably would've become very successful. >>>/watch?v=IKEqGcES4Xw
Aside from the complaints by moralfags the video was very well received.
Nah, probably not that much. If you stay in front of the camera and have your face within view, it will rig it to your face. There were some times where she went out of frame so the model froze for example.
>>901368 The chatter I've seen about it assumes it was staged/sound effects She works for an adult content production company so it's not unusual for her to do shit like that as part of the roleplay
pretty sure the alpha-go strategy would absolutely crush MtG
>>901381 You should work on that then, write a paper on it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
building decks on the other hand, that would require more work
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wouldn't a TCG be hard to get a nearly perfect playing AI to work with? I mean, with chess, Go, poker, etc there are a relatively small finite number of things that can happen with magic there are what, 10k different cards? not knowing what your opponent has in their deck would make it nearly impossible to actually calculate moves wouldn't it?
good thing you could never teach a bot to play Runescape.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
The hardest game of all.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>901384 the AI would probably be trained on meta decks at least to begin with an AI that did perfect play on any arbitrary deck would be tough but an AI that played reasonably well, npt so bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also, alphago doesnt actually calculate all possible moves it uses nets to sniff out the strongest looking moves and then dives deep into those
Speaking of computational complexity of games I just remembered that I was gonna write a paper on n-dimensional variants of battleship for SIGBOVIK but then it turned out the paper I was going to use as my primary source was never accepted as the author's dissertation and I got too nervous to ask them if it was still valid or not.
well different construct similiar methods I suppose what I just mean that I don't htink any chess computer, aside from some purposefully made to be so, actually calculates every possible move and instead just concentrates on the best ones etc
'nyhow it is funny how the new stuff is still ongoing in the gaming ai stuff too bad no strategy game actually has good AI...
I'm trying to find my cache of heatsinks and fans but so far I'm only finding RAM, CPUs and graphics cards (and miscellaneous expansion cards)
Oh I found some cassette tapes and a lighter And a heatsink that's too big
Oooh A Stealth 3D 2000 Pro
I know I have some voodoo cards somewhere
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>901397 but how would you concentrate on the best moves without an intuition for what the best moves are? that's exactly what the policy neural network provides
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
NUC arrives today and im getting a passive cooling case gor it
>>901402 I don't know and even if I looked into it, I wouldn't get it but I do recall watching/listening to a long documentary about the ibm chessbot and something similiar to the neural net method being a thing they coded too
>>901413 To attach to my phone and put it screen up in a bowl of water because it overheats when writing to microSD and I need to do a full 30gb backup to my new 256gb microSD card.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
3 hours till cyberpunk damn
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>901414 i see you could also just point a fan at the sink
Oh but I also found a shit ton of concerta so thats good.
Anyways I've learned my lesson I'm never getting rid of computer parts again. The really funny thing though is that I have like 3 dozen old Pentiums and that in the time since I've gotten them I've needed their heatsinks more. Well Actually there was a heatsink with a cpu still attached so I guess I could detach it from the cpu and use it. But I already put the box away.
>>901415 I don't think I'll get it on release maybe wait a while
but i also want to go into it without knowing too much before hand d-d-d-doushio
>>901415 I'm sure it won't be long before the Internet is totally awash in content from the game I'll probably have to wait a while before I pick it up This job doesn't really permit me the time I want to really sink into a world like that.
I probably should get a new phone but I can't decide what to get.
is the vtm out yet? vtm is a paradox umbrella game anyhow and it looks so bad
>>901427 No but the female characters look hideous.
>>901423 I'm sure after they iron out all the bugs and wonk, and do something about the epilepsy controversy, it'll be a great game. The studio has consistently put out some quality releases in the past. Nothing will live up to the perpetuated hype, sure, but that doesn't mean it won't be an excellent game.
Still bit sad that you can't, even if willing, release a game that is pretty much ironed out, compared to "has to be ironed out" as it stands nowadays
then again digital release does allow damn quick and efficient day 1 and week 1 patching, but still
I simply don't believe it feasible to release a game on the scale of Cyberpunk without it needing post-release ironing. It's simply a matter of human resources. Even a big QA testing team is incomparable to the literal millions of players that will be playing the game in the upcoming weeks. With a big game like Cyberpunk it's inevitable that specific cases that cause physics glitches and other bugs will not get caught, where as an insanely big playerbase of course throws a much wider net.
That too not to mention it is very important to release your games on some big dates
but it is still a downside of the digital era, how quite much of the bug testing has been basically moved to the user base, be it for good or bad in your opinion.
I'm also a bit suspicious that RED might've been financed in part by SONY and Microsoft so that they could, y'know, actually afford to develop their game for like eight years straight. Which would definitely give them much more leverage in setting an absolute deadline for the release. But who knows, maybe Gwent really did pay the way for Cyberpunk's eternal development hell
Today in "I can't stop injuring myself while working here I " I picked up the box for a 32" screen tablet and went to grip it by the bottom so I could lift it up to my cart Only for there to be a pretty decent size splinter of wood from and pallet it was sitting on stuck in the bottom, which I promptly shoved into the palm of my hand. Thankfully it didn't go in too deep since I felt it fast and it wasn't that sharp, but it still drew blood, so on -so off I went to sanitize that hand and on goes another bandage.
speaking of lifting things, incase you hvn't perma injured your back yet, be careful
>>901435 I'm pretty well-versed on how to properly lift things! And in the end this is much easier to be careful, unlike the brewery I worked at previously, where I didn't really have the time afforded for being careful. I can usually take lifting things here slowly. But I'm also kinda short, and I often gotta lift pretty heavy things above my head, so I also have to sacrifice sensibility for the task. I'm built durable though so I haven't thrown my back yet.
>>901434 uuf did you have a fun splinter removal session afterwards, the only fun side of splinters and glass shards.
i injured my back when putting down things to be more precise that is the dangerous part imo, since you can forget to not have the full weight on your back
It wasn't a splinter in that sense, more realistically a chunk of wood in the shape of a splinter. Which also means it funnydidn't further splinter once it stabbed me.
Also For the time being It looks like I'm stuck in the shadow realm
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It looks like that 2hu video ay The one about apples
once i was in love, with a handsome charming lad he said the things that made me feel like no one ever had his wit was stunning, his posture fine and nothing in his gallant tones could ever come across as harsh but still, i had to let him down, for i was more in love with Marsh