Adachi to Shimamura Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Golden Kamuy Ikebukuro West Gate Park Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 6-10 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-9 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Anrui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 6-10 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Maoujou de Oyasumi Ochikobore Fruit Tart Senyoku no Sigrdrifa
Oh she's got a cute style. And a certain force of personality wow.
When it's a mugging for only like 3,000yen then it's hard to imagine it was simply for the money. If anything it sounds more like an attack disguised as a mugging.
That mascot on his jacket reminds me of the bunny from the bunny and shark segments in Akudama.
Oh actually speaking of bunnies and other animals. Tiger & Bunny is getting a second season some time in ... maybe 2021. Possibly 2022. It's been a while since I saw new s so I'm a bit fuzzy.
Wasn't quite the narrative I was expecting but as somewhat expected the assault wasn't so clean and cut villainy.
She's got a cute at-home outfit too. Cute all around.
I guess you don't just come to terms with seeing the person who ruined your dream.
Well yeah, he's forced to live with a broken kneecap for the rest of his life because of a petty mugging. I can't entirely blame him for wanting to go berserk on the guy for it. With a knee like that he'll never be able to work in a restaurant like he dreams.
I guess the cultural stigma of being through juvie is just as high, if not higher, in Japan than it is/as it is in North America. You can't really be a normal human being after something like that.
Half expected the brother to just go knives out on him there anyway. Because this series hasn't shied away from people being humans and giving in to senseless vengeance.
Food truck is probably an okay resolution to the brother's busted knee at least. It's no fine restaurant, sure, but it is a way to cook food without having to haul ass across a full kitchen and restaurant.
Oh I guess she feels bad for slapping Bell She doesn't really show up a lot so you do kinda forget she's a fan.
Ais setting up a promise of a showdown between her and Bell. I wonder if he'll surpass her. I think an all-out Ais is still beyond him though, especially if he doesn't have the level buff from Haruhime.
It felt like that dog girl at first was a part of the plan to help the monsters. And the belly dancer lady and the elf were too but Bell wasn't informed about it. But the guild mam was totally an unintentional addition.
A white rabbit is a very Lili-poi monster to disguise as. She's picked up some pretty good magic though.
Oh well the masked elf will keep Ais busy for a while. I still expect she'll chase down Bell before long.
He kinda does, but at the same time he's probably safe from the real threat of the Loki Familia. It's basically just scrub adventurers chasing him around, while the pros in the Loki Familia are intentionally ignoring him, assuming he's bait.
Oh for a second I thought that was the Loki Familia's captain using the same magic. But it was just Lili again. A spell like that is probably insanely useful especially for someone like Lili who's already an accomplished scam artist.
Honestly Bell probably has, at least until Ais catches up to him, the safest job of them all. He's already an alleged monster-lover so he has a bit of wiggle room with how out in the open he acts. But the rest of Hestia Familia have to act in secrecy and the Xenos are the ones being hunted.
Ah oh no that's not good. One of Loki's elites right off the bat. At least she's one Bell could probably take in a fight.
I bet Haruhime will join up with Bell and Wiene and give Bell her level buff. But since she can only sustain it on one person it'll drop from the elf lady and give Ais the edge she needs to win and chase down Bell.
It's always adorable how absolutely tiny Asripa actually is.
I guess Sofia was informed on how beardie was in part responsible for what happened to Asripa's dad.
A parallel between the indiginous people of eastern Russia/Japan and the natives of America was a long time in the making really. They're both a people that faced/face cultural annihilation in the face of "civilization"
Sasuga Shiraishi Stops to relieve himself and he gets stuck on a broken ice floe. I guess he'll bump into Sugimoto before long.
We've ended up seeing a side of Asripa's dad we didn't really see from the flashbacks Asripa has of him. But I guess it's not an entirely strange side. He just treats people and animals with the same sense of grace. And maybe that's not so strange to cultures like the Ainu.
Well just goes to show how little Polish I really know. Anyonly -Anyone with even a smattering of the language would've known that I guess.
Hmmmmmmmm Well that's probably the code's key then. Yep! And Asripa's life just got way more hazardous.
KIIIIIIIITAAAAAAAA KOREEEEEEEE Maybe Sugimoto can rescue Asripa from the wolves that are escorting her yet.
The manga's still ongoing though. But we've finally hit the point where the map to the gold can be cracked. By all intents and purposes it's probably in the third act. I wonder how much there is left to tell.
Though on the other hand even ignoring the gold there are a LOT of plot threads still dangling in the wind in this series.
Reaaaady They took a week off this show last week so I'm a bit foggy on what happened last. Oh right they found the portal to Valhalla.
I wonder if her plane's even fit to fly. She was in no state to fly after the last episode so they might've had her plane on low-priority for repair. Especially since they were low on resources for repairs in the first place.
For a second there it sounded like some cold calculus of war. But I guess these people are stubbornly optimistic about surviving and remaining helpful. That's a good mentality to have though.
I would recommend an afternoon nap if you're stuck waking up early or not getting much sleep at night. But I guess after your first job you've got your second job to attend to.
They had some pretty nice dogfight action for that fight there though. If that's what they got for taking last week off then it was worth it.
Well Ragnarok is both something that has happened and will happen. Norse mythology is a bit tenuous on how the events of Ragnarok have/will unfold. Some parts of it base events in Ragnarok having already happened, but others establish it as more of a prophecy. Realistically that's probably more because of the mythology being an oral culture with little canonized in writing until the Christians came and started converting people. So there's different tellings of the story in different parts of the geography. But it's fun to imagine it rather as something cyclical, that has happened, will happen, and continue to happen.
The series kinda flirts with being grimdark but it's got a little bit too much strike witches flavor for that
I think it also strives to envision its people as hopeful in the face of terror and fear. To be proper grimdark you kinda need to have people give in to the inevitability of misery or cynicism. But at every serious instance they instead remain defiant in the dark situations they find themselves in. It's kind of more hopedark than grimdark.
Maybe grimhope works better? Either way it's an optimism and positive view that I really like.
Yeah, I could see that. It's a good typing! More stories need to embrace the potential of people remaining good, caring, and hopeful despite overwhelming darkness and grim circumstances.
Cute knee-socks
The Maou and his forces are so whipped at this point.
Wow and she delivered a critical strike as well.
Oh the Maou unexpectedly actually did something half-competent for once. A trap so unbelievably dumb it actually worked.
She's got a deito lined up with the Maou! How lucky
Well maybe no human could possibly imagine demons would have the gall to just wander in to a human town like this. The demons, well. They've been lax since like episode one.
What's with this lady anyway. Repeating her lines like she's an NPC
It's always such a nice series. There's like two hundred chapters of it too. They could easily make quite a few seasons of this if they had the go-ahead to.