Hi hey hello I hope you had a nice weekend It's hard to want to do anything but stay holed up inside here now that it's started to get consistently cold.
Adachi to Shimamura Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Bloom Jujutsu Kaisen Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 6-10 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-9 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Anrui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 6-10 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha-hen Majo no Tabitabi Munou na Nana Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Tonikaku Kawaii
>Long-running horror parody movie series Geez I wonder what they're referencing.
He's being distinctly impolite with how he's asking that guy to move his foot. Not that he should be being polite with him but, well, it's the kind of attitude bullies like that wouldn't abide.
Ah I was thinking about that kind of thing recently too. Personally I think indifference is more the absence of fondness. It's also the absence of hate though.
To be clear this is kind of a natural extension about their talk about a little wordplay. When he says "people don't have hearts" he's using "kokoro", which for the Japanese generally refers more to the metaphysical heart, not physical one. And he's making it distinct from the soul (tamashi).
Now we're finally back to the end of last week's episode. The potential confrontation between Itadori and this bullied kid.
Power scales! If you're a shounen you gotta have 'em
Oh no the big boss is squaring off against the glasses guy. That doesn't bode well for glasses.
I guess it's easy to forget this one is a monster/spirit like the other curses he hangs out with. Since he takes after humans since he's a curse born of human mentality, like he said last episode.
so this week they owned me this is from book 5 apparently.
Just skipped past all of book four?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I am hopeful that they'll go the heck back I haven't read 4 either obviously but there's some things I wanna seeeeee
I'll get to read book 4 in january at least.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh and in spite I tried to look up translations hilariously they seemt o end at chapter // book 4 chapters 1 and 2 respectively. So that did me very little good.
They'll probably pick some big final chapter from one of the books for the show's ending. There's only two or three episodes left of this show after all!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
book 3 qualifies for that and that's why I'm hopeful.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
book 3's final chapter is 20% of the book
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's a very "oh of course these two know each other" feeling
It feels like her "meet in the middle"s are kind of abstract though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Speakingo of meet in the middle in a way, Nike feels like you mish mashed Fran and Elaina's personalities, which really just makes sense I guess?
She's got her daughter's sense for money
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
As does Fran if episode 1 is anything to go by
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
antiskill for witches
Nothing like some practical lessons to get your students to work together. And let you kick back and do nothing while they learn
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wait isn't a sword that can cut an infinite number of times just a sword?
All swords are finite in uses! The blade dulls or gets chipped, and needs to be sharpened and cleaned periodically! A truly infinite blade would absolutely be magical.
If they're going to dispose of you, doesn't it make sense to fight.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
nah that's not galaxy brained enough
Eh I dunno. They're obvious a lot that want to make public displays of witches. It's not like they're just gonna off them in the shadows unless it's not worth it to keep them alive.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
thanks for the tips mom
Wow now that's a kick
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
muscle wizard
Look at this Matrix shit
Yeah I had a feeling. Like I figured here >>900732 they knew the gang wouldn't kill them immediately. So they get abducted, get taken to where the gang's all bundled up, and beat them up in one smooth pow. But of course they both came to the same conclusion because sisters so it was a cakewalk.
The second manga volume for elaina hits my house tuesday. Apparently volume 3 just came out in japan so I don't think it got very far at all.
Lastly to finish up my witchery for this sunday, there's technically a pre-requisite chapter we haven't touched for book 3's ending too. It could be skipped but I feel it'd be hard to cram all of it into one episode. If it doesn't get in I'll have to tell you about it. >>900747 That'd be hard!
Why don't you get to learning Japanese so you can read the LNs as they come out in Japan
>>900746 It would be more worth it than some of your other hobbies!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Are you talkin' smack about my gachas again?!
Chiya as president and Cocoa as First Lady sure would be a power couple.
>>900749 Well just imagine you could also play all your gatcha as they come out on Japanese servers instead of being like a year behind.
Oh that student council president wears tights with shorts That's high-level.
Syaro's seiyuu basically has to do nothing to go from kid voice to current age voice. She sounds exactly the same despite probably being like a decade apart hah hah
He seems to have a bone to pick with the people behind dumping all the teen Talented on the island. I'm wondering if they're gonna manage to make a tentative alliance or keep fighting. I think at this point she could really use someone on the island who is an ally in some manner or other. He doesn't quite fit as an ally, or even as an "enemy of an enemy is my friend", but maybe in some sense they have a common goal.
She's making some good points. He could've transformed into her to learn what her Talent really is -- or rather that she doesn't have one. Or just kill her and use the necromancer's powers to get all the answers he wants out of her. But he's not, which must mean something.
>You may not be the only murderer on this island Yeah, because you've ADMITTED TO IT TOO
But I get what he's saying. He's indicating she's not the only person, besides him, who's got the capacity to kill. And once the stress of there obviously being someone out there trying to kill students gets to some of these arrogrant pricks, they'll start getting violent as well.
Nana is becoming too reliant on Michiru, not even for utility of power, but emotional support. Even if she pretends it's only for purpose.
Well my PC just entirely froze up there. Could I get the time?
He's got a bone to pick with whoever's putting Talented on this island, I think. Since he doesn't seem to regret killing off all his fellow students from his exposition monologue.
She sure has a history with games of strategy No wonder she's so cunning.
Their being a shapeshifter on the island really messes around with his sleuthing.
Nana's backstory is honestly pretty fucked up It's no surprise she's such a damaged person. And it was so easy to brainwash her into being a Talented murderer.
That's a really brutal murder that's not her style. She couldn't cause that much damage.
Well it's just like the shapeshifter said. Once it becomes clear there's someone out to get the students, the psychopaths are going to come out of the woodwork.
I mean I probably don't need nearly that much space but the style and view is nice.
Personally I'm looking forward to being able to live somewhere brand-new though. Pretty much everywhere I've lived has been decades old at the least. Even this condo unit, despite being entirely retrofitted fairly recently, is still an old hotel building. You can really tell from the hallways.
Thanks to Nasa they probably have the most technologically-advanced old-fashioned bathhouse in Japan.
They're married so he needs to show a little initiative.
thanks for anime!
I think from my snooping, they actually might've gone all the way already in the manga. But I suspect they could've shuffled things around to hang a bit moment like that on the season finale. Big moment even.