Heyo I'm here just give me a moment to get situated
--Erai-raws Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Episode 3-5 Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-5 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 3-4 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Episode 4-5 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-5 Ochikobore Fruit Tart
Clean style too. It's a little sharper than most series.
I bet it's animated natively at a higher resolution than 720p. I think most shows still get animated somewhere around that resolution and most 1080p versions are upscales. If this is animated at 1080p or higher than even if you're watching 720p it would look much cleaner than a normal show.
Wow this is a weird way to test for contamination.
His chin and hair does remind me a good bit of Ichigo. But his literally everything else isn't very Ichigo-poi at all.
Yeah, they're love rivals they have to have showdowns
They both got the same fortune telling too. I get that it plays into that sort of running gag that they keep being on the same wavelength but in a hokey fortune telling place like that it could also just be the teller's fallback for an easy fortune.
Nice camera angle there as they were walking away.
Looks like there's politicking to be done on the magic side of the war. Royal families and all those squabbles.
yeah this show is as much a politics show as anything else
Well war is as much politicking as it is fighting. Often just -Often even more politicking than fighting.
>Of course Iska wouldn't be there You have to wonder how long it'll take before they start being genre-savvy and expecting each other to be where the other goes.
I think they'll be really cozy with each other in about 2 eps akudama okay ep 3 lets start
DORAIBU Episode three of this
The main cast is kind of imbalanced though. You've got like a super hackaa, a doctor who can even bring herself back from lethal injuries, a guy who seems so musclebrained he can surpass human limitations, a highly skilled psychopath serial killer. But then you've got a foul-mouthed guy whose claim to fame is having a cool bike and the petty criminal guy. Plus the MC. The petty criminal had a low sentence so I assume he's nothing special but it's weird that the Courier guy has such a high sentence despite just being a dude with a bike.
>That's a job only doable by someone small like me I'm sure the fact that you're also a LITERAL HACKER might help with turning off some dangerous security measures too.
These scene transitions are pretty cool. There's a lot of style to this show.
>Some of them specialize with going undercover I wonder if this is hinting one of the Akudama in their crew is a mole. Would be cool if that's the twist for the MC.
The talking robo-cat reminds me of the cat from Darker That Black. It also kinda called the shots with their cohort too.
Man I really like this futuristic-Shinto aesthetic they've got going on here. It's super cool.
Hah hah oh no He's just gonna trash the entire gate.
>>890384 I don't actually have much experience with Danganronpa aside from the one anime series prequel I watched with you and Ika. So it's basically just the designs that are reminscient for me.
She pulled off a surprisingly big-brained moment there. If she's not careful people are going to actually keep thinking she's competent.
Wow that EMP burst wasn't subtle in the slightest. So much for stealth.
Hey Akudama and Burn the Witch were pretty good! Higurashi is undeniably the highlight of the night though. Easy shoe-in too probably for highlight of the week.
My brain always needs to take a second to re-adjust that Keiichi doesn't know characters like Ooishi off the bat when the loop restarts.
It's familiarity she has with him like this too that kinda hints that she and Mion have been swapping places for a while now. Would she know what the regular Kei-chan is like if she'd only seen him around for a couple days now?
though we can kinda see her back here Shion has the tattoos on her back but we've barely been not able to see it
I think the tattoo is a bit smaller than, like, a full-on back Yakuza tattoo. It's small enough that her hair could conceal it. Or maybe it's low enough on her back that the back of the uniform hides it.
The real answer is probably that they pretend it shouldn't be there.
Oh I don't think the original anime had this scene in it. Though well it ended up being not such a cool moment for Keiichi hah hah
But with moments like that you can kinda see why Shion kinda goes yandere as her brain worms reach terminal stage.
Twins face-to-face, eh Did this happen this early in the original chapter? I don't remember.
Really though, Hinamizawa is out in the complete sticks of Japan. There's a lot of wilderness surrounding the town. Statistically it is absurdly easy for people to disappear into the wilderness and just never be found. They fall down a ravine or get lost and then after they die from exposure/starvation they just never get their body discovered.
In the last chapter when Rika was doing the Wataganashi dance/ritual, there was a moment right at the end where she swings the hoe down (to strike the futon) And then it cuts
And then it cuts straight to a shot of Takano's face.
I wonder if them sneaking into the toolshed will involve a hint of Hanyuu's presence. Since the show doesn't
Hanyuu wasn't revealed until later in the original series either
okay ochi okay lets start
It's been a long time since I watched the first Higurashi but I maybe feel like when Shion, Keiichi, and Takano were in the toolshed in this arc the first time around, there was a kind of "something is watching us" moment? Like the kind of thing that could be passed off as just them being spooked about being in an old-ass toolshed where they shouldn't be. But what was obviously Hanyuu watching them in retrospect.
Wow they couldn't even beat out a parade of kittens for interesting news. To be fair a parade of kittens is pretty high-interest news though.
It's kinda funny how unabashedly gay Pink is. Oh never mind she's getting all excited about it being a guy too. But like everyone just calls her out for flirting with girls and she's all "yeah so what" about it
Blonde is thinking more about about this love letter than the actual recipient.
She's definitely fluffy yeah I like her and Blonde. And I really liked the design of the tall purple girl from last episode. The imouto of the short purple in their group.
Pink's kind of a Pollyanna too There's not many people who could get a waterfall of fan letters from one person and not be a bit pertubed.
Blonde has a baseball shirt for pyjamas. Or I guess it might just be a plain pyjama top.
I bet those make pretty comfy sleepingwear actually they're prestty soft aren't they
Been a while since I wore one! But I bet if it gets washed regularly and not used for baseball activities it would keep soft if made from soft material.
Well her being their fifth was an unsurprising development. She's even been in the OP/ED from the get-go.
Wow Manager-chan is devious. Getting her friend drunk to get her to agree to a talent transfer. How mean!
But it sounds like it probably would've happened anyway. Since the girl also wanted to transfer.
Oh okay I was gonna say Now way she's actually E
Ew, scrap fabric swimsuits
Wasn't the busty one wearing a bikini last episode to- Yeah the short one remembered too.
Blonde's swimsuit is nice though. I like the shorts with the top.
Do you mean in the OP? Those at least are all characters we see in the OP Not all of them are regulars.
You can clearly see Manager-chan second from the right and her friend second from the left And the professional idol trio to the left of the main squad. The only unknowns are the two at either end of the line-up